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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 2, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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>> ainsley: it is 8:00 here on the east coast. it is friday, february 2, groundhog day. >> lawrence: somebody's happy. >> ainsley: five migrants involved in the attack on the new york police officers could be on their way to california? where is law and order? we'll ask dana perino and paul mauro. >> lawrence: one member of the squad blames racism, not thefts, for a walgreens closure.
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>> when walgreens leaves the neighborhood, it disrupts an entire neighborhood. this is racial and economic discrimination. >> brian: no one happier thanes janice dean about this year's groundhog prediction. >> an early spring is on the way. >> ainsley: prediction. >> brian: final hour of "fox and friends" starts now and remember, mornings are better with friends. stay within yourself. >> lawrence: fox news alert. growing number of new york democrats are on board with deporting migrants who walked free after attacking two nypd officers last weekend.
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>> brian: one problem, after flipping off reporters and us, some of them are on the run. >> ainsley: madeline rivera joins us now. sorry madeline. rivera riviera. >> good morning. madi if it is easier. kathy hochul suggested the migrants accused of attacking nypd officers should be deported. seven people were arrested for this assault on two nypd officers over the weekend. only one being held on cash bail. another suspect was not prosecuted by the attorney's office said they do not have sufficient evidence he was involved in the fight. one man seen here giving cameras the middle finger.
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prosecutors did not request cash bail because they need to know each suspect's role. daniel penny's lawyer is slamming the decision, from what i understand they have minimal or no ties to new york city. anyone willing to resist arrest does not have respect for the system and les likely to return to court. sources say nypd is investigating if suspects used fake names to get tickets and board a bus heading west. the court says they are not aware of the suspects whereabouts, but they are are to return to court on their scheduled date and they are looking for more suspects.
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>> brian: why wouldn't you want to go to california if you are an illegal immigrant, you get housing assistance, cash payout, free healthcare. >> ainsley: cash payout, i want that? >> brian: they have big hearts and small brains. >> ainsley: they don't pay for healthcare? how much do you pay for healthcare? thousands. >> lawrence: over 60% of americans live paycheck to paycheck, just getting by and you are giving money to people whose first act was breaking the law coming into the country. no exclusion, they don't give you services. >> ainsley: that is how they treat you after you work hard to pay for them. >> brian: former u.s. marshal says this about the guy flipping all of us off. >> this guy coming out and
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flipping off the camera, he's flipping off all of america saying yes, we're here, we did that. we fought a police officer, we'll do it again. what embolden them more is being released with no bail. now look like they are on their way to california. this is something i've been talking about for a long time on fox. we'll have a lot of immigrants coming over here that are hard-core criminals. if everies american is not angry when they see this, there is something wrong with our country. >> brian: yesterday eric adams in worst time you can imagine signed emergency hotel contracts so immigrants can get three square meals a day, many of which they toss in the garbage,
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their beds made and laundry done. biggest deal with geriatric resources, a company thats specializes in helping elderly will now help illegal immigrants. for $54 million, goodbye old people, hello people who don't belong. >> ainsley: guess who transported them to california? a church affiliated group that helps migrants leave new york city. we all go to church. they teach you to love other people and have a heart for them. they also teach you to abide by the law. they are here illegally. >> brian: catholic charities making a lot of money. >> lawrence: ngos. >> brian: they get them supplies
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and turn them into schools. i don't know what language they speak, but the ngos get money. >> ainsley: i understand if they have a little baby without a mom, take care of that baby, find them good care. >> brian: take care and send them back. >> ainsley: cussing out photographers. >> brian: take care of the kid and send them back. if they stay, the rest come. >> lawrence: we've been traveling the country and talking about poverty and broken education system and healthcare. people want government officials to fix those issues, they are not, they are focusing on illegals. one mom has had it. she said, i have four boys that can't go to the center anymore, they are prioritizing migrants. we want to help them, what about
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us that need help here? i'm a mother. i have four children, they need help, somewhere to go, something to do. >> lawrence: what is consequence of this, where will those kids go now? >> probably to the streets, where most of them are already at. when we look for help, it seem like the state and governor push us away. they want to turn our children into animals. they want our children to be bad and f up. we want better for our community. this is going to be a [bleep] show and it is going to be crazy. >> lawrence: that is true. that building used to be a rec center with basketball and sports and a way to keep the kids off the street. she said we had a place and now you have a facility you shut down and put migrants there in
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the middle of the night. >> ainsley: and her kids are out on the streets. >> brian: in massachusetts, if you have a room in your house, can you imagine that? t-shirt guy with the laker shirt, we'll put up in the garage, get money from the state and we'll have many gang members here. >> ainsley: this is crazy town in our country. you have congresswoman presley saying this walgreen closed down in her district and saying they are closing because they are racist. no walgreens says there is so much theft we are losing money and have to close. listen to what she says. when a walgreens leaves a neighborhood, they disrupt the community and take formula, diapers, asthma inhalers,
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life-saving medication and jobs. these closures are not arbitrary, they are life-threatening acts of racial and economic discrimination. shame on you walgreens. walgreens is multi billion dollar corporation that needs to put their money where their mouth is. >> lawrence: what an awful thing to say. same representative that advocated for defund the police. the law enforcement said okay, we'll not show up to calls where people are stealing in stores. stores say we tried to keep open, but we are not making profit anymore. >> ainsley: walgreens is not a charity, it is a business. >> brian: insurance and other things. they allow people to shoplift and you have people blaming their own people.
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she is blaming walgreens for leaving where they can't get security and same time you are looking at a situation you have security situation and same time it comes to sunny hostin on "the view," she says this whole country is racist and she sees it everyday, this is just another example of that. you can't have it both ways. >> lawrence: while she's on "the view." pick one train of thought. either you can make it in this country and have a successful life, her husband is a doctor, she has a successful family on a prominent show. choose a train of thought, either the country is racist and you can't make it or you did make it and other people can make it. sure, some crazy people have racism in the heart, that is not the bulk of the country.
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democrats will shoot themselves in the foot. residents are outraged with what is happening at the border and people are living paycheck to paycheck of all races. >> brian: joe biden is blaming supermarkets for high prices. >> lawrence: the governor allowed this to happen in our state. >> ainsley: presley needs to be more concerned what is happening in rocksbury, shutting down the community center where little boys and little girls go to pay for migrant kids and they kick those kids out of the migrant center. >> lawrence: she should be there protesting in front of that center.
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>> ainsley: new reports revealing traces of hard drugs were detected in their systems. >> lawrence: todd piro has the latest. >> todd: we are learning traces of cocaine and fentanyl found in the system of the chiefs fans. sources with direct knowledge tell tmz, other substances may surface. pathologist michael bodin says mixing the two drugs could cause a deadly reaction. >> fentanyl is stronger with cocaine. fentanyl is a downer and makes you go to sleep and cocaine is an upper and mixing together make it worse.
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most fentanyl deaths combine other drugs with them. >> todd: family members have a copy of the report, but not confirmed what it says. in a video, host of that party, jordan willis was spotted in cuffs and shortly after checked himself into rehab. he is currently not facing charges and police insist the deaths are not being investigated as homicides still. back to you. >> ainsley: thank you, todd, we are back with breaking stories this morning. several people dead after small-engine plane, single-engine plane crashed into a mobile home park in clearwater, florida. it exploded into a massive fire ball and spread to three houses. >> here comes this plane going at a 45-degree angle and boom. >> it is surreal, you don't realize what you were watching.
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>> ainsley: faa says the pilot reported engine failure right before the crash. no word on how many people died in that. in idaho, remember this guy, bri -- bryan kohberger his lawyer is asking for a change of venue saying an impartial jury cannot be found. owing to the extensive inflammatory publicity allegations made about mr. kohberger to the public by media that will be inadmissible at his trial. small size of the community and severity of the charges mr. kohberger faces. bryan kohberger is facing four counts of murder. to frightening footage of armed robbers attacking and beating a
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man for his watch inside a los angeles beauty parlor on tuesday. the thieves were seen pistol whipping the victim. they were following the victim before he ran into the beauty salon. one suspect getting arrested the following day and the other is still on the loose. we are all wearing the color red today for national heart association wear red for women movement. we at fox support bringing awareness to cardiovascular disease in women. it is the number one cause of death in women. learn about the cause at, those are the headlines. >> brian: 16 after the hour, you saw him last hour and heard good news, groundhog day, here is the result. >> what this weather did not
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provide is a shadow or reason to hide. glad tideings on this groundhog day and early spring is on the way. >> lawrence: phil did not see his shadow and predicted an early spring. >> ainsley: janice dean joins us live from gobbler's knob. >> janice: we have tens of thousands of people here at 3:00 a.m. and he makes his prediction and gone, off to get mimosas, which i'm jealous of. phil has only predicted early spring 21 times. something interesting, phil predicted early spring in three
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of the consecutive election years, so in 2020, 2016 and 2024, what does that mean? i will let you decide that. i've been taking a poll with revellers here, most are excited about the early spring. i wish we had more winter in the northeast. for the most part, people were excited. this is 138th year and it is rare phil predicts early spring, we'll take that. i'm excited to go to the ho hogs-piitality area. everyone has to come do groundhog's day. it is amazing and impressive.
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there were fireworks and hogs, it was amazing. ainsley, bring hayden, kids will remember for the rest of their lives. >> ainsley: she did ask me, your friend pam made the hats, hayden did call me and said she wants me to drop one off for her at school. tell her thank you, really sweet of her. >> janice: of course. pam merkin made the hats with loves and gives to her friends and people of grimportance. lawrence, you looked ashgsz maze amazing in your hat. >> lawrence: thanks, love. >> ainsley: she was excited.
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>> brian: she is pumped up. a lot more show left, high-stakes immigration bill could be released today and handed over to the senate. senator cramer says he is open to supporting it. >> ainsley: and big news in the big apple, today the tech company reveals new vision, vision pro eyeglasses. kurt the cyber guy has a live report outside a store next.
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>> brian: today president biden will be at the dignified transfer for the service members involved in the attack last weekend. he promises a multi-tiered reaction. here to react is congressman cramer. your thoughts about the three soldiers coming home. my feeling is it makes it harder knowing this was preventable. >> that is the greatest
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frustration. just the week before, i was visiting a family in south da dakota. these attacks have gone with minor responses. i just had breakfast at the pentagon with chief brown. the swiftness of response is the -- so they could respond quickly as well as lethally in way that sends a message to deter our enemy. weakness is of coursalating this war and battle rather than strength we have seen over years and decades with iran. >> brian: they are responsible -- iran says i dare
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you to hit us, we'll hit you back again and the houthi rebels had 46th attack blowup a destroyer yesterday. we need a strategy and secretary of defense that has it together. your comment? >> you are right on all fronts. one thing that frustrates me, our secretary of defense, who has been awol and does not community well, if he does, works for a commander-in-chief who is worse and harder to understand and i think is weak and projects weakness too often. >> brian: we'll get this compromised bill. a few facts and i know you are tight with senator lankford, we don't know all details, 61 billion for military and ukraine
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aid in exchange for 14 million for israel and 13 billion for border enforcement. in turn, they will reform asylum, stay in your own country unless you can prove you are under threat. reform the parole system, no amnesty. we don't know what they decided on t653 million. what do you know about this? >> everything you just shared are facts that have been reported by the people negotiating this. i, like you and everybody else, am anxious to see the text of the bill. something complicated as immigration law, one part of the law references another and
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reflected in words themselves. we are anxious to see the text and what i worry is that chuck schumer will rush to a vote, rush for closure. that will blowup any confidence in the process itself. i think it is important to see the text first, read the text and pick it apart and judge it. in regard to ukraine funding this is almost as controversial as border funding. i think we ought to strip -- humanitarian aid and other things need to be supported by the neighborhood and europe and we need to help ukrainians do a nobel thing and that is be -- putin. >> brian: help them fight.
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the eu did approve from funds. for those who say ukraine couldn't prevail? s didn't the soviet union leave in humiliation? >> look at what is already happening. most people thought ukraine would lose within a few days, that is why our weak president was slow to roll out assistance he did roll out. they could have ended this war early in the first year rather than the way we are dribbling them out and we have still not given them the f-16s to have air dominance. >> brian: any discretion the president has gets everyone worried, no one trusts his judgement. thank you, look forward to your result, you are open to reading
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the bill. >> imagine that. thanks. >> brian: be speed readers, two days to read it. coming up, a father killed in a carjacking, migrants pummelling police and broken immigration system, where is law and order? we will ask dana perino and paul mauro next. buy a tablo and you can watch the top networks and more for free. - switching to tablo has really been a money saver. - with tablo, i can record something on my phone.
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(woman) what if all i do for my type 2 diabetes isn't enough? or what if... (vo) once-weekly mounjaro could help. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar and can help you eat less food. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, vision changes, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis and gallbladder problems.
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taking mounjaro with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. tell your doctor if you're nursing, pregnant, or plan to be. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can cause dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. (woman) i can do diabetes differently with mounjaro. (vo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro. >> brian: fox news alert. take a look, the faa confirming three people sadly are dead after a small plane crashed into a mobile home park in clearwater, florida overnight. the single-engine aircraft slammed into this home. the pilot and two people on the ground were killed.
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president biden will be in attendance for the dignified transfer of the servicemembers ki killed -- >> we continue to pray for them. whatever is decided, i trust it will be a good decision that keeps everyone in the safest position public. >> brian: new report pentagon is planning series of strikes against iranian-backed targets. will one target be iran? over to ainsley and lawrence. land a violent crime spree led to the death of alberta vaseques. his father sharing this heart-breaking message.
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>> their dad was murdered and they will no longer see him again. i think this country, i don't think this is just a d.c. issue, this country is not many places you can feel safe in america. >> lawrence: so true. group of migrants beating up two nypd cops. another example of communities being overwhelmed. i saw in chicago, denver and boston this week. where is safety in america? without law and order, how can we succeed as a country? >> ainsley: joining us is dana perino and along with retired nypd inspector paul mauro. dana, this is a big issue you have been reporting on for years now. what we have seen this week with this dad dying in d.c. and what happened in time square. you have them beating up the cop
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and they get out on no bail and flip off the reporters, which is flipping off all of america. how do we feel safe anymore? >> dana: think about d.c., another case this week, a father of three and former trump administration official, carjacking, shot in the back of the head. he's on life support. it is affecting everyone. another dad in d.c., a foster-care dad, his 15 year old he's taking care of gets busted in a carjacking incident and they arrest him and let him go and the dad says, i need more help. there is a march by the biden administration, they want you to believe crime is down. you had presley, from massachusetts, saying walgreens is racist because they are
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pulling out of boston, not talking about quality of life. paul mauro knows about details and i felt that was a m metapho for what is happening. >> lawrence: paul, talk about the numbers, dana is right, biden says the numbers are coming down. they do the same with the economy. reality is more different. what is difference between numbers and what people see day-to-day in the country? >> paul: they are comparing to the covid numbers, comparing new york crime to 2019, we are up 33% in seven felonies. we have seen the stories of
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shoplifters going into smash-and-grabs and employees told to do nothing. a lot of stores do not even report the crime, they have insurance risk and trouble getting security guards. there is incentive to let it go and dump it on the insurance company. the idea crime is going down is irrefutable in blue cities, certainly in new york, and i live here. they are playing with the numbers and statistics and cherrypicking numbers and put overlay of migrant influx. imagine that attack was not on film and understand under new how many stops law in new york, those cops were attacked and required to do in trip liicate the approach they did to the
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officers. it is not perfect. lawyers pull the comra, do comparison and go at the lawsuits. it is way to sand in the eyes of the nypd. >> ainsley: we have 275 days until the election, like 276, how will this affect the election? >> dana: i wish we could bottle up the feelings we have now and play them back because a lot happens between then and now. economy could get better and maybe they do get a handle on the border. one thing that will happen, when you have quality of life crime, if you don't have prosecutors willing to prosecute crime and say these five migrants who escaped never get caught, that is what we'll be talking about;
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correct? >> lawrence: they will not show up for their court date or asylum case. >> paul: why did they let them go? >> ainsley: they said they are obligated to turn. you think they will show up? >> paul: they knew we would never see them again. >> lawrence: dana, you have a big show coming up. >> dana: we do, talking about response to iran and michael waltz on that and border talks and guy named lawrence jones. >> ainsley: who is that? >> dana: i enjoy your reporting and fact you went to denver, chicago and boston to bring the story to the viewers is incredible. and how awesome you are. >> ainsley: the lady he interviewed in the one area where they closed down the rec center and her kids are on the street. they put immigrants in there
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instead, that is presley's district and she is more concerned about walgreens. it's a business trying fo make money. big news in big apple, today tech company reveals vision pro eyeglasses. kurt is outside the store. labor >> lawrence: tom brady's former personal chef will be here to show us how to make tom brady's favorite dish. get help with j.p morgan personal advisors. hey, david! ready to get started? work with advisors who create a plan with you, and help you find the right investments. so great getting to know you, let's take a look at your new investment plan. ok, great! this should have you moving in the right direction. thanks jen. get ongoing advice; and manage your investments
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with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. >> ainsley: this morning apple releasing the long-awaited vision pro headset. >> lawrence: it is on the market afterbeing under development for years. >> brian: are you a believer? is this big and huge? >> spatial computing. it is revolutionary. good to see you. brian, the skeptic, $3500 is the starting price and there were lines this morning. first customers shook the hand
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of the ceo tim cook and it has been jam-packed ever since. when you put on the vision pro, you notice something different. it is not vr headset, this is aug.mented reality. it is putting when i say high resolution, most extraordinary resolution you have ever put into your face. at first it is disorienting, then you get used to it and take it off, everything around you like your ipad or computer or tv feels like yesterday. i spoke with a guy who has been at every apple launch, goes by name jaws, is here, he said something interesting that is right on.
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as if apple reached into the future and pulled technology into today. here is what i recommend. 3500 is awfully steep. what i recommend is this is definitely the future. apple is behind it. spatial computer is it. book an appointment to do a free demo. nothing i can say on tv can explain why people are grabbing this. how it does long-term? we'll keep an eye on that one and review it. >> brian: one day we'll be walking down the street with these on? you can walk down the street and do it? >> you know the next thing is the world wearing these and bumping into one another. >> ainsley: wear your mask on your face and goggles on your head. how many are in stock? was there a long line overnight?
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>> the line, graham was the first customer, he is from dubai. someone walked in and bought it and walked out. some people pre-ordered. $3500 a lot of money. seven years in the making. interested to see what is happening down the road. >> brian: thanks, kurt, fantastic. trying to eat like the goat. tom brady's personal chef's recipe for healthy ice cream. is this true? ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) emergen-c crystals.
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>> brian: you ever wonder what the pros eat. this was tom brady's personal chef. >> we want to know what tom and gisele eat. he makes one of tom brady's healthy treats. avocado chocolate ice cream. you have your own store. you met tom after you transformed your life, right? >> exactly. i was traditional high-end chef. he wanted how i was living.
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i knew traditional food and i transitioned to a plant forward diet. >> brian: how does it play into this? >> looking at whole foods. with the books i wrote with him and other people looking at whole foods and starting there. leaving out things like white sugar and glut onand starches and conventional dairy. raw milk is fine. let's take a look at the secret ingredient young thai coconut. >> ainsley: where can you buy it? >> whack it hard. crack that open. see that delicious coconut water on the inside? >> wow. i didn't know if it was that fill. >> you get the meat. it makes the ice cream creamy
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and delicious. >> ainsley: where do you buy that? >> inside the coconut or on law. raw cocoa powder. blend this up. avocado and cashews dates. a little bit of coconut water and blend it up. >> let's do it. >> it's not on. >> toppings, toasted coconut. >> now i can play for the patriot? they need a quarterback. >> so good. >> if you want to be like the coat goat -- >> bill: good morning, everybody. easy come, easy go now


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