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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 5, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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>> carley: what do you think about this, joe, a presidency in peril. that's not something you want to hear on sunday morning if you are the biden administration. >> joe: not at all. that poll is one more reason why joe biden can't just avoid interviews and press conferences anymore like okay is everything. the fact is a that is he trailing independence by 20 points says it all. he ain't coming close to being reelected that will cost him in steroids that matter and we are talking about georgia,aries, nevada, wisconsin, pennsylvania. is he trailing in all those swing states according to a bloomberg poll by decisive margins. unless things change on the ground, this is a president that may be a one term president and first one-term president on the democratic side since jimmy carter. >> swing states are the ones that really matter. joe, thank you so much for joining us. have a great day. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> brian: i just checked my watch it's 6:00 a.m. on the east
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coast. it is monday, february 5th. which means we are working today and this is "fox & friends." >> steve: it is, indeed. we start this "fox & friends" with a fox news alert. the border bill finally released in the senate. and the lead negotiator, james lankford from the great state of oklahoma is defending it from colleagues who are saying nope, it's dead on arrival. >> there's a perception that this allows 5,000 people in a day to be able to come in. that is absolutely not what it is. >> steve: a lot of misinformation out there. senator lankford going to join us exclusively on "fox & friends" to explain it all. >> and california facing its first ever hurricane force wind warning. parts of los angeles and san diego are under a state of emergency. >> and it's the performance that sparked a standing ovation at the grammies. watch tracy chapman's return to the stage to sing fast car with mr. luke colmes. >> brian: "fox & friends" starts
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right now remember your morning is better because you chose to be with friends. roll the animation. ♪ ♪ >> ainsley: right into that fox news alert. the text of the newest spending proposal from the senate has finally been made public. >> steve: kind of hard to read like that. so let's take a look at some of the key border provisions it mandates a shutdown if the daily average of encounters hits 5,000. it ends the biden administration's use of catch and release and creates a new border emergency authority where the president can just shut her down. >> brian: all right. $118 billion in spending. also includes 60 billion-plus to support ukraine. 14 billion for assistance to israel. >> ainsley: senate majority leader schumer says a vote could come as soon as 48 hours from now. but g.o.p. lawmakers are arguing otherwise.
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we have team coverage. we have madeline rivera in washington but first go to laurence, is he at the big board and going to break down the bill for us. hey, lawrence. >> good morning, family. if you were looking at the phone before the grammy awards you got the fox news alert that the text was going to be released. go into some of the five things that are in the bill. concessions from both the democrats and republicans. first, you go to no amnesty for anyone already here. apparently this was a big deal for the democrats. they wanted amnesty, especially when it came down to some of those dreamers, but that is not in the bill. then, you got the 50,000 new visas per year for five years. republicans did not want to give in on this. but democrats, it was a big issue for them. 50,000. that will total to 250,000 in that five-year period. then you got the $650 million to build the wall. never did i think you'll see a democrat support that but apparently because of this piper
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compromise, they're going to support that and then this is a big take away as well. the increase ice funds up to $50,000. the point of contention, if you remember there t. was some backk and forth, we had some leaks going on. they said this was not in the bill, but apparently it is. >> the shutdown authority after 5,000 encounters a day. apparently after you get that 35,000 a week. but apparently, when there is 5,000 people that have crossed the border, there is an automatic shutdown. we are going to be breaking it down all morning. first go to madeline rivera, and she will join us with reaction from washington. hey, madeline. >> hey, lawrence, this bill has a tough road to see the least. bipartisan negotiators says the package regains control of the border by cracking down on the use of asylum and raising the screening standard it. closes loophole in parole and ends catch and release a provision that notably, effectively shuts down the border if the daily average for
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migrant encounters reaches 5,000 over a seven day period. a lot of republicans are hung up on this. senator james lankford insists this does not mean 5,000 migrants are allowed to entry the country before this authority kicks in. listen. [no audio] >> all right. so, a little summary of what senator james lankford says: he says the final element on this border authority most misunderstood assumption. allows 5,000 people a day to come in. that is absolutely not what it is. senate majority leader schumer looking to package on the bill this week. bottom line, listen to what he says here. >> well, the bottom line is, that everyone who looks at our bill says that it will greatly reduce the flow of illegal immigrants into this country. and that -- and it's done in a
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fair way. >> the bill expected to cost about $118 billion. also unlock $60 billion to support ukraine and $14 billion in security assistance for israel. president biden says he strongly supports the legislation. butting appears to be riddled with obstacles. speaker mike johnson said i have seen enough. this bill is even worse than we expected and won't come close to ending the border catastrophe the president has created. as a lead negotiator proclaimed under this negotiation the border never closes. if this bill reaches the house it, will be dead on arrival. coming up in the next hour. senator lankford will be on "fox & friends" to talk more about this bill and what it means and what it doesn't. device, back to you. >> steve: indeed, madeline, thank you very much and we will discuss that coming in up a couple of minutes a big fox news alert for the other side of the country, 37 million people on the east coast are at risk of
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seeing life-threatening flooding today. >> ainsley: at least 8 counties are under a state of emergency with wind gusts expected to reach up to 92 mile-per-hour, and even bad weather expected as the week goes on. >> all right. this is going to be fascinating to see how everyone is going to be able to handle this flooding. obviously, it's been a state known for its drought, last two years a ton of wet weather. they have not found an effective way to hold on to that water. right now, it's about survival, teaming your property and keeping yourself safe. we're going to check on a little bit later on to find out the details. talk to people as the sun comes up. >> 97% of the state's population put under this flood warning? >> this is some crazy weather out there. we have been talking about the pineapple express and how it's going to be rolling through there essentially they are going to wind up there in portions of california with something like a year or two worth of rain in some spots in just a matter of
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hours. and so you have got the combination of the winds and the rain, the weather is crazy. and just look right there. california is not used to really breezy conditions, really windy conditions, he a certainly have had it over the last couple of hours. >> obviously praying for the folks experiencing this flooding. i'm hoping that some of this brian help with the wildfires nepg california and hopefully it helps some of that. >> one thing california does, i don't know how states do, this when things get catastrophic level, they will roll out their prisoners and they let them do the sand bags, they let them work the roads. you will see them on the sight, a lot of them just want to get out to begin with. >> at first i thought you meant they open the gates and open the doors and let out the prisoners. >> brian: no. that would be news. >> ainsley: wouldn't surprise me in california though. >> brian: you never know. alvin bragg go out there. >> steve: guys in the orange jump suits got to get back in
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the truck when we are done. carley joins us with news from overseas. >> carley: certainly do, guys. houthi rebels are vowing to meet escalation with escalation after u.s. and coalition forces struck down houthi targets in yemen. the united states announced more strikes overnight as the houthis prepare to launch new attacks in the red sea. trey yingst will join us with a live report on the latest tensions in just a few minutes. and new overnight. phoenix fire department battling a large plays near a construction company storage facility. as many as 100 firefighters respond to the scene. fires got the blaze under control earlier this morning. earlier this morning, rather, has been sure it didn't spread to a nearby church. and patrick mahomes senior arrested for driving while intoxicated. this is the third time busted under the influence. his arrest coming 8 days before his son patrick that hoax j.
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leads the chiefs in the s&p. mahomes jr. will be on the field af think championship. according to a new nbc poll former president trump leads bind on the economy by a whopping 22%. the very same poll shows even more showered for trrch when it comes to the border, 57% say they trust trump to scour the border. only 27% trust biden. nikki haley will appear on the ballot in the nevada primary. former president trump will compete in the state's caucus on thursday. only the state's caucuses determine who will gain its 26 delegates. and federal reserve chair jerome powell says there probably be less interest rate quds than the market expects this year as he says the economy is growing. >> with the economy strong like that. we feel like we can approach the question of when to begin to
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reduce interest rates tearfully. >> powell says the fed wants to see inflation move to 2% after the bureau of lake statistics revealed 2023 ended with inflation up 3.4%. and the grammys wrapping up last night with some memorable moments. notably a debut performance joni mitchell after recovering from a brain aneurysm ♪ both sides ♪ from up and down ♪ still, somehow, it's cloudy ♪ that i recall. >> ainsley: and singer celine deion surprised everyone by presenting the album of the year award to taylor swift who made history winning the award for the fourth time. now let's go to ainsley for one of the biggest headlines of the night. hi, ainsley. >> ainsley: hi, carley. i'm going to get a nap today.
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i think i went to bed at midnight. it was a long show but worth watching. it was a huge moment. my favorite moment of the night luke colmes and tracy chapman performing a duet of fast car. take a listen. ♪ i had a feeling that i belong ♪ i had a feeling i would be someone ♪ be someone ♪ be someone. >> ainsley: that is so exciting she has complimented him on reinvigorating the song. she hasn't appeared with him. last night we were all shocked. she looks fantastic. such a great moment for the yeams last night. colmes explaining why chapman's 1998 meant so much to him. >> the idea to do fast car, i had been playing that song since i could play guitar. i went into the studio to record my most recent record, clean-up is get old. what if we did this cover of fast car just because i want to do it. tracy has obviously written one of the les songs for a few
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generations. >> the cover of the song went platinum last year but met with some zero. a "the washington post" entertainment reporter claimed the song's success was, quote: clouded by the fact that as a black queer woman chapman would have almost zero chance of that achievement herself in country music. but chapman pushed back on the criticism telling the billboard, quote: i never expected to find myself on the country charts but i'm honored to be there i'm happy for luke and his success and grateful that new fans have found and embraced fast car. last night mark chapman's first performance in years as fast car returns to the top of country charts. did you all watch last night? >> steve: beautiful surprise. >> steve: what was great while she was singing it along with luke. go to the audience taylor swift is standing up and she is singing it. go another cut away oprah was singing it. it was great.
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>> ainsley: great to see celine deion at the end she looked fantastic. miley cyrus thanking everybody. did not thank her father. i noticed that. >> steve: he has an achy breaky heart then. >> ainsley: taylor swift got a lot of awards and she won the album of the year very last award celine presented to her. >> lawrence: one thing i appreciated about the award it wasn't political at all. >> ainsley: jay-z said needs t. needs to be equal and fair. if you win song, song, song, you should probably win an album. >> steve: he said it bay beyonce should have won what taylor swift. >> brian: should worry about talking about your spouse at award shows after what we saw the last time. we know what it ended up with. there was one artist that showed up, montana i think is her last name with the big yellow ribbon around her dress for the hostages. so i think that was just about it. but, could understand, senate
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bill. crazy is yesterday was really the first time you could comment on the bill because it was not released. even lawmakers outside cinema, murphy, the white house representative and lankford commenting on this on stuff they just were picking up from brews and some conversation, nothing was really done until last night. so it was release the 280 pages are pure border security and then you have the other things like the ukraine aid, veaferl aid and taiwan aid. a couple of things here. before we get into deday of it. i think we just can't put the down three that took part in it. they actually tried to get something done. everyone gave. in there is nobody evil in it, if you don't like it, that's great. if you love it, that's fine. no one is going to like all of it. because it is a truly compromise bill. the question is on an election year, is it dead on arrival or is it because of the substance of it is it dead on arrival.
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>> steve: speaker of the house has already said it's dead on arrival it. hasn't gotten to the house yet. donald trump said he is opposed to it. here's the thing. we have waited jennings for this kind of stuff. and with the note of fentanyl coming into the country every day killing people. don't we make -- don't we want to make it harder to get in. you know, as lawrence detailed it. ends catch and release as we now know it, you g.e.d. event for asylum within ninth days. you don't have to wait years. they have a title 42 style authority lets the president to stop all people from coming into the country. one of the things i really like is we hear there aren't enough judges to judge the asylum claim. now, that authority would be given to customs officers who would hear you say okay. do you have a criminal background? could have you stopped in another country? and they will be able to essentially do it pretty much on the spot.
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>> lawrence: that's a point of contention. this is immigration law. why why you turn this authorities authority over to immigration officers. >> if it's cut and dried. the real point of contention. they are not lawyers. so they can't make determination. that's why there is a lot of push back on it. other push back go to page 212 about that 5,000 people being able to be admitted into the country before the emergency is triggered. criminals citizen cinema, also members of the senate said that not exist in the bill. and lo and behold the bill comes out and it's there. also, it gives biden authority to turn emergency declaration off if he wants. to say has that for 90 days. again, going back and forth on what is actually in the bill. i just wish they would have released the text earlier than this. >> brian: it wasn't done. >> ainsley: 60 billion for ukraine, 14 billion for israel. 20 billion for the border. a lot of money going to ukraine. 60 billion.
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but 20 billion for our border. james lankford, who is the republican from oklahoma who will be on our show. he says the most misunderstood portion is the border emergency authority. listen to this. >> the final element on this is the border emergency authority. this is the most misunderstood portion of the buyer bill. there is a perception that this allows 5,000 people in a day to be able to come in. that is absolutely not what it is. when the border is being overrun. everyone is deported. you can still have an orderly request for asylum at a port of entry. but everyone else that crosses does not ghetto apply for asylum and has a very rapid turn around to make sure we regain orderly control of the border. the border stays closed where everyone is turned around until the numbers drop 25%. even if you come here and claim is legitimate you don't woman. in you theta issue, that's the
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issue. the problem is as lawrence pointed out the president can go you know what? i'm going to waive the 5,000 cap. so putting in -- anything that has the president's discretion loses republican support. but the whole thing was nonstop give and take. what's interesting is stays shutdown until they get the number to a point where they feel they could only it up again. bit that mexico or wherever you are. the other thing that bothers a lot of people goes to ngos, catholic charities and others making a ton. when they come, in get all their accommodations. get their shelter and jets. land in there and go to schools. this is where the democrats won unaccompanied minorities. nobody has an answer. whether you have 7-year-old come to the border they stay and for the republicans saying as they got to go back. so, democrats, weren't budging on that. that's where republicans gave in on this bill. >> lawrence: 2.3 billion ngos.
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big interview with lankford coming up on the show. >> brian: we all do. >> on his list that he released on his twitter of the 5,000, it appeared like on his, it said per week 5,000. but in the actual text, it said per day. so. >> they would have shut down every day last month. >> governor abbott said sometimes they were seeing 5,000 people crossing illegally in shelby park. 5,000 just in that one little area. now that the governor of the state is taking control of that area. there is an average of only three people crossing there illegally. and continue to put up razor wire already done 100 miles. not going to listen to the federal government or the biden administration. is he going to take control he says constitutionally he is able to do that. >> steve: ultimately this could be a short conversation because schumer is going to try to have a slcloture vote. stick a fork in it it's not
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done. >> brian: what is wrong with giving people more than three days to read it. give them more than three days to read it. >> steve: right. right. lawrence's point about rather than having judges having officers do it. that's one of the complaints of democrats. progressive democrats, progressive democrats. they want everybody, including people in the country illegally to have. >> brian: i want tom homan to decide. >> steve: coming up. houthis have issued furious response response in the middle east. trey yingst is live in tel aviv. former acting chris miller to react on thats cox. >> ainsley: pilot crashing unscathed. >> brian: professor caught holding a machete to neck. reportedly fired after anti-israeli rants. that's next. that's our logo. ♪
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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100 strikes carried out against iran within a backed groups over the weekend. >> the u.s. forcing shooting down another antiship missile in the red sea, you know where that is coming from.
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trey yingst in the red sea. trey? >> overnight the united states announced new strikes against houthi targets in yemen as the group prepared to launch fresh attacks in the red sea. new video released by u.s. central command does show the uss gravely, the uss carney and uss dwight d. eisenhower supporting those strikes. the u.s. response on sunday followed a larker campaign on saturday that hit 36 different iran eye linked cartel in yemen. schutt rebels have released a statement threatening more attacks with a spokesperson saying the aggression won't go unanswered and that escalation will be met with escalation. u.s. forces remain on high alert across the region. are bracing for a possible response to those strikes and the targeting of iran-backed positions in iraq and syria on friday. on "fox news sunday," national security council spokesman john kirby said this about the situation. >> you saw on friday night was just the first round there will be additional response actions
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taken by the administration against the irgc and these groups that they are backing. >> over the weekend, national security adviser jake sullivan said the united states is not ruling out strikes within iranian territory. right now though there are no diplomatic solutions on the table across the region to end the rising tension in the middle east. brian? >> all right, tray, and, of course, those hostages on everybody's mind. trey crings, thank you so much. here with reaction former acting defense secretary chris miller. great to see you, mr. secretary. your reaction to the strikes. i haven't seen much video. i have been looking on the al jazeera sites. what do you know about the 85 on saturday you and now up to 100. and this is rule ever lovely what we are seeing here. roughly the locations of the michigans harassing our forces. gaza, ca kata'ib and will houthi rebels law abiding whatever they can to shut down the red sea.
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this is what we are up against, certainly, what have we done to diminish them? >> hey, brian, thanks for having me. i got to kick thissening off. feel like up in the army o dark 30 to go to training. instead intellectual training at "fox & friends." glad to be here. i got to tell you i watched grammies last night like you did. i don't know how you keep so bright and cheery and mentally engaged. back to the houthis. holy cow. what's going on with this? steams like they are giving us the middle finger, we keep telling our punches. you know, we are not really getting the impact we want. if you saw it yesterday, you saw it on your lead-in. they are still lobbing missiles at us and shooting drones and sending missiles our way and what are we doing? we are trying to shoot them down. they are sending, brian, you know these missiles and she's drones, they're like a couple hundred thousand a piece. we are shooting million dollars missiles to defend ourself. something is not right out
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there, brian. >> brian: u.s. carries out airstrikes more than will 5 startle. roughly the regions, on the separate side we were trying to blow up the houthi rebels and anments, some have described what they're and what they have like fighting fog. a lot of cheap drones do a lot of the damage. years to diminish them. makes you wonder how long are we going to wait before we go to the demand and control that all of these issue ins are all coming, financed and programmed from these guys and we took any attack on them off the table. is that smart? >> brian, don't need to be a strategic expert. you just hit it. this all goes back to tehran and all goes back to the ayatollah. he is not getting the message. let's be clear. the thing that the ayatollah and the regime fears most is internal instability there are a lot of people in iran that just want to be free. i think instead of launching air attacks and all, we should also be putting some cyber and
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information separations into tehran. that will get the message to the ayatollah. i think a lot of these attacks houthis and iranian supported terrorists in iraq are conducting against us will almost disappear overnight. >> u.k. is helping us out. they say other juror containian pilots they had some fighter jets, f-16s helping us out. is that important? >> i think it's always better to go to war whether you have allies. great to see deig jordanians. this is important. we got to follow up because we are not getting the attention. we are not getting on the back off the iranians the way we need. to say we got to keep at this, brian. >> brian: just so you know, joe biden evidently this has come out privately ripping netanyahu, calling him a bad f'ing guy if our two allies and our two
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leaders hate each other this much. that's not going to help. >> i don't know how you kind of square that circle, brian. you brought it up. we got some inconsistencies out there. this is an opportunity to reset the region and we are doing it piecemeal. >> brian: got it. secretary miller, thanks so much. we will see how this unfolds. >> thanks, thanks to you and the team. >> carley: crash land in the mississippi river. the small plane flipped over on the river causing the pilot to get out on the wing. thankfully he avoided injury and waited to be rescued by a nearby voter. professor caught on video hoping the machete to the neck of "new york post" report was fired. she said she was fired from cooper college in manhattan for making anti-israel comments. >> the spokesperson for the college telling fox news digital, quote: we don't provide comment on personnel
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matters. and president biden will not sit down for that traditional pre-super bowl sunday interview for a second year in a row, he says it's to, goat, give americans a break from politics. a spokesperson for the white house says we hope viewers enjoy watching what they tuned in for, the game and those are your headlines, guys, over to you. >> steve: he will probably be at a taylor swift watch party. >> ainsley: you don't want to focus on politics and football. it's been a tradition. >> lawrence: weren't they supposed to restore norm and tradition? i guess not. >> nobody is under oath in politics. >> meanwhile, guys no one is under oath i will tell you the whole state sunday water. a fox weather alert. first ever hurricane wind warnings issued for central california. adam is tracking it. >> plus, new york set to charge the migrants who assaulted nypd
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officers tomorrow as the search continues for other suspects. >> brian: got to find them first and give them a $5,000 credit card. >> exactly. the border bill text is out and facing an uphill battle. >> steve: mr. griff general since is here in the studio to explain what is in and out. and griff is next. >> brian: put it into barometer' >> lawrence: pretty heavy l seek. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her. because these friends have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪ ) with the push of a button,
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♪ >> steve: we got a fox weather alert for the west coast. tens of millions of californians are at risk for severe flooding. it's only expected to get worse. let's check in with meteorologist adam klotz for our fox weather forecast. adam. here in new york. it's quiet. not the same case on the west coast. >> adam: not at all a little chilly out here this morning. big story remains across portions of california as a page weather event is currently underway. atmospheric weather bringing
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streams of rain over california. over the weekend. we saw nearly 10 inches of rain. so the ground already saturated. more heavy rain is on the way. particularly there across portions of southern california, los angeles county and some of those areas around it. a flash flood warning is currently in effect and across this region, this is that stream of moisture, you see it throughout the entire day today. rounds and rounds of rain lingering overnight. still some spotty showers into your tuesday it. does begin to slow down a little bit by then. but, throughout the day today. expect a whole lot more rain. how much are we talking? fairly widespread across those areas of southern california. near 3 to 5 inches. this part of the country gets maybe 2 inches a month of rain. not prepared for something like this. you ratherly see an extreme flat flood threat but we do have that around los angeles here for today. those are your weather headlines for now. i will be tossing it back inside to you. >> all right, adam. thank you very much. keep us post you had. meanwhile 24 minutes better the top of the hour on this monday
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morning. for lack of a better word. long awaited border is security bill came out already facing political heated backlash. republicans outraged over a mandatory shutdown of the border if the daily average of illegal crossing tops 5,000 a day over 7 day period. but, it, as our next guest pois out. we're already way above that with nearly a million border encounters incident is october 1st. almost 8,000 day. fox news correspondent griff jenkins spent years covering the border firsthand. is he live in our studio. >> here she is. all 370 pages here. now, steve, border officials late last night and today, multiple stowers all tell me the same thing. they say that this bill, particularly that 5,000 trigger sends a message around the world that says hey, come on over. we're letting in 4,900 and 99 a day. and that is the wrong message to send. because the pull factor brought
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this crisis and by the way that's coming from the guys and gals in the prenches. not members -- with all due respect to senator lankford, the many people appreciate their efforts, but at the end of the day, there is nothing in this bill that suggests that they can enforce with new mechanisms that are untried the ability to turn back. and the other challenges that this bill would usurp the fundamental law, title 8 title code 1835 which makes it illegal to cross in the first place. >> steve: that's where we are. given the fact that we have been operating with this particular bill for a very long time. and now they are trying to come up with something it. will be interesting to see if democrats can get to the magic number of 60. because there are a number of republicans in the senate who want it. including senator lankford. you were talking a little bit about him. here is he last night talking a little bit about how the cartels could actually be involved. listen to this. >> the cartels are not one
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homageness group there multiple competing cartels that they actually kill each other on a day-to-day basis. the sense that the cartels are this business operation that they can dial the numbers up and down with that kind of he will gantz just is not true. the numbers right now are 7,000. in december it was 10,000. so, even if they dialed it down to 4,000 and said we are going to just stay under that number. that would be a dramatic drop. >> griff: as if that's okay. that would be dramatic drop. you said there is where we are. but the border patrol officials that are in this crisis say why didn't we stop at some point and say we are going to stop releasing these migrants? none of them that i witnessed are qualifying for the trebled fear threat. they are going to make the credible fear threat tougher. they are not enforcing it. lack of enforcement. policy of catch and release. nothing about remain in mexico. by the way, again with all due
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respect from senator lankford he does not know what he is talking about, steve, he hasn't been down there. do you remember the color-coded bracelets four dignity numbers that i showed you for the last two years. you bet they can meter. they would absolutely meter because this is the biggest cash cow they have got going right now. and the idea that all of the sudden we are giving some authority that we're going to turn people back and send them into mexico. we are shutting the border down and turning them around. do you think mexico glg to be okay with this dumping 4,999 a day back across the border? juarez and matamoros and tijuana? no. they're not gonna. here the irony. the only reason why the numbers are down now because we asked mexico to enforce their laws on their books while we continue to not enforce ours by stopping illegal crossings by people who have no right. can you still go right now to a port of entry and claim credible
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fear in a port of entry. but the fact that we wouldn't allow a single person in this legislation to illegally cross is preposterous and that's the message i'm getting from the border agents. and i will leave you with this. at the end of the day, this crisis has really changed how the u.s. government approaches illegal crossings. and to allow anything short of remain in mexico, they say is not going to solve it. and that's not in this 370 pages. >> steve: let's see what the senate does if they get to 60 away we go. you have a brand new show on fox nation. it's called the drug lord's hippos. who knew that pablo escobar in mugshot loved hippos get get we use canned to the sea the narco. now battling hippo. he had 4 when he was killed in '93, they said they will die. they have been multiplying. now there is thousands. they have invasive species
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that's me doing steve irwin stuff here trying not to be get eaten by hippo. they couldn't corral them because they are 3-ton beasts that run 40 miles per hour. >> steve: who had any idea. check it out on fox nation. >> thanks, steve. >> steve: coming up on this monday, new york city will present charges to new york city tomorrow for migrants accused of beating up the cops here in new york city. a former new york city detective says conviction should be a no-brainer. ♪ and occasionally, your right foot gets a little heavy. the lexus es didn't begin in a studio — it began with you. ♪
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♪ >> brian: i'm glad you are up and with us on this monday. let me tell you what is in store for the channel and our show. 4:00 today, pretty significant, behind closed doors going to be impeachment meeting. will they bring impeachment of mayorkas up for an actual vote? it's unclear if republicans have a vote. they need to have everyone, ken buck is one of the republicans who have said i'm not going to impeach mayorkas. if anyone joins him there are going to have trouble there. what about joe biden going to be in nevada there is a primary this week. donald trump is are not on the ballot for republicans. is he going to do the caucus on thursday. joe biden can't be happy about the turnout in south carolina over the weekend. on saturday, and this is going to be an impactful meeting, secretary tony blink going to be meeting with the prisoners and talking about mutual defense
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pack, so if they're attacked back them up and exchange possibly for recognizing israel. of course get some peace in gaza but at what price. that's a quick look what going to be happening. go over to lawrence for a big interview. >> lawrence: big day. thanks, brian. alvin bragg says the city will present charges to the grand jury tomorrow against illegal migrants accused of attacking pair of nypd officers in times square last week. bragg vowing to hold those responsible accountable despite not yet identifying all the suspects. here with reaction, we tired nypd detective dr. oscar odom. doc, thanks so much for joining the program. >> thanks for having me. >> when you look at the video and see the aftermath of them flipping off the press. how are day-to-day cops that are on the beat reacting to this? >> it's a big outrage. you know, we go out there every day and put our lives on the line this make sure that the public is safe. then here it is you have something on video and police
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are being assaulted you say exactly what am i doing? and if i can't get any justice, what do you expect to happen for the public? it's unbelievable to see it's actually on camera and then you are not going to do anything about it. >> lawrence: you know, doc, when you look at this, you have your human reaction. we can't forget about the politics of this and how it impacts. so there is a new nbc poll talking about securing the border. 57% side with trump on it. and only 22% side with biden. and then when it documents dealing with crime. which is where this goes to. 50% of americans say trump is best off dealing with crime. and only 29% with biden. i know we are in new york. but how is this going to impact the election even here in new york state? >> oh, it's definitely going to impact the election. people are concerned about w. public safety. regardless of your party affiliation. everybody wants to be safe. that's what this country is about. being safe. and if we can't have safety, and we get a chance to see it on the camera and then we are torn apart and we see that police
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officers, are being attacked. what does that say for the average citizen? how can you go on with your day o. day life expect to make money. you know the economy, your family? public safety is a big issue. if there is no public safety, there is nothing else. we can't do anything. >> lawrence: some of the big cats that i have been talking about as well as the border patrol are concerned with the criminal element and illegal migrants and even linking up with some of the gangs here in the states. >> yes. and one of the things that surprised me about this investigation is that how do you let people go where have you no documents on them? you don't know about their gang affiliation, you don't know about their prior criminal history and then you just let them go back out there again to do something? this is outrage. >> yeah. and the fact is some reports are saying that they have fled to california. how is it just going to get them back? we will see. a lot of folks saying they should have just denied them bail. dr. odom, thanks so much. all right, brian, over to you. >> brian: thanks so much. let me tell what you is happening in sports it.
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is the news of the day. the kansas city chiefs ends, 49ers touching down in las vegas last night ahead of super bowl lviii. you see some of that vintage video of them getting off their private jets. this as 49ers quarterback brock purdy first super bowl ever and first appearance in 2020 when they lost to the chiefs. they have not forgotten that day. and the chiefs are looking to become the first back-to-back super bowl winners in 20 years. what about a guy that used to be in the super bowl almost every year. bill belichick thanking patriots fans emotional goodbye. full paged a in the "boston globe." nowhere in america are sports fans as passionate in new england and for 24 years i was pleased to feel your passion and power this is the is unclear where belichick will end up. he interviewed with the falcons and with washington but didn't get either head coaching job. another thing i would add to that sports report is the world cup final will be at metlife. that will be a lot of fun. hopefully ted will get in for free.
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still to come on our show. the senate's bipartisan all right bill faces an uphill battle. senator james lankford is the lead g.o.p. negotiator on the bill. he joins "fox & friends" for an exclusive interview. don't move. ♪ there's something going around the gordon home. good thing gertrude found delsym. now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together. >> woman: why did we choose safelite? we were loading our suv when... crack! safelite came right to us, and we could see exactly when they'd arrive with a replacement we could trust. that's service the way we want it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ >> steve: good morning, everybody. exactly # 1 de 31 degrees. this is "fox & friends."


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