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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 9, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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i'm shocked i just saw jeffrey toobin back on the air at cnn? i thought he got the shaft a while ago. and there he is. the fact that they are defending joe biden's mental state when 76% of the american people by nbc news' polls' own standard doesn't think he has fitness to be president let alone five years from now when he would be president if he got elected. >> todd: suspects super bowl weekend. keep it clean in last 15 seconds. >> joey: san francisco 49ers. i'm rooting for brock because carley is rooting for brock and she is biased in that sense. >> todd: have a great day. >> carley: have great day, everybody. >> steve: 6:00, friday, februarg weekend, welcome to "fox & friends." >> ainsley: lots of news this
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morning. >> steve: you think so? starting with president biden mixing up the names of world leaders again on the heels of the scathing special counsel report essentially went tout say i'm okay and then he said this. >> the president of mexico, ceci did not want to open up the gate to allow humanitarian material to get in. >> steve: he is not the president of mexico e is the president of egypt. joe says he knows exactly what he is doing despite what he just did. >> brian: at least he didn't say mubarak. >> brian: trump wins nevada and virgin islands. >> ainsley: bahamas beach resort two kentucky moms say they were assaulted. the hotel says the surveillance footage isn't adding up. >> lawrence: "fox & friends" starts right now and, remember, mornings are better with friends. >> and on this friday morning, we start with a fox news alert. the special counsel investigating president biden's
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classified documents case is not going to seek charges against the president and that's partially because, according to robert hur, joe biden appears to be, quote: well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory. >> ainsley: but the details are especially concerning. the report claims biden, quote: did not remember when he was vice president and that he did not remember even within several years when his son bo died. >> brian: the special counsel's decision not to bring charges comes despite his actions posing a, quote, significant national security risk the president spent last night lashing out at the press over repeated questions related to the probe. why wouldn't you be getting tough questions about the probe? >> brian: i'm surprised number one that he came back out and spoke last night. i thought it might be a sit-down with a chance to collect his thoughts he came out fired up. i think he realized the first line not to be criminally prosecuted was really the only
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good news for him in that report. >> steve: yesterday was absolutely the worst day of joe biden's presidency. you know, the decision not to file should have been a legal exoneration, instead it turned out essentially to be political disaster with the conclusion that joe biden simply -- i mean if they say joe biden is too old to be prosecuted, then he is too old to be president of the united states. and that is why it was brian to your point, it was like i was talking to my white house correspondent last night. >> hey, there is going to be a press conference 7:45 diplomatic receiving room essentially where the president goes into and out of the helicopter and i asked him what it was about and they said nobody knows obviously online supreme speculate is he going to step aside say it's a sham? what's he going to do? >> carley: running for another
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four years. >> steve: he shot himself in the foot. he looked terrible. i wondered this morning whatever genius come up with the idea a&e hey, after he has made a string of mistakes have him go out and do a press conference late at night when he is exhaust you had wonder if that person is still working at the white house. >> sympathetic well meaning elderly man with a poor memory. sharyl attkisson note to self if ever i am caught doing something illegal i will appear confused and forgetful and also well-meaning. i will have my attorney swear i meant no harm and pinky promise they conducted a thorough search and turned over all the evidence against me. >> steve: who said that? >> ainsley: sharyl attkisson. >> lawrence: i don't think this is something we should celebrate as a country. as a republican, you are upset, if you are a democrat you are upset. upset with the press for concealing this information from the american public. everyone has seen this for a long time we president for the
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country. if i'm the 1 families afghanistan withdrawal. if i'm the 13 from the 1718 engineering company, i'm mad as hell. because you have a president that doesn't have it all and you have a staff that's running the white house, and you're questioning every decision that he is making right now. and the press concealed this information, suddenly it wasn't just peter doocy last night that was asking questions. the same people that concealed this information from the american public, they hid him in the basement had some questions for the president. watch. >> peter: president biden, something the special counsel said in his report is that one of the reasons you were not charged is because in his description you are a well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory. >> i'm well meaning, and i'm an elderly man and i know what the hell i'm doing i'm president and i put this country back on his feet. i don't need his recommendation.
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>> peter: how well is your memory. >> my memory is so bad i let you speak. >> mr. president for months we have asked about your age you would respond with the words watch me. then the american people have been watching and they have expressed concerns about your age. >> that is your judgment. that is your judgment. that is not the judgment of the press. >> they expressed concerns about your mental acuity. they say you are too old. mr. president, in december, you told me that you believe there are many other democrats who could defeat donald trump. so why doesn't it have to be you now? what is your answer to that question? >> because i'm the most qualified person in country to be president of the united states and finish the job i started. >> brian: that's what he is going to be running on. the american people before this report came out by robert hur where he sat he says for two separate sessions for hours. >> lawrence: three hours. >> brian: if october 7th happens and you have a robert hur meeting, say, mr. hur, not today. i have a country to run and a world war to avoid. i can't sit down with you and talk about 40 years ago because
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i can't remember it anyway number one. number two is i have a world crisis on i had hands. i'm sure he would have understood. after all this whole thing took nine months. the american people actually have answered already. when asked, an nbc study, are you concerned about the president's mental acuity? 76% say they have major or moderate. the nbc polling 50% democrats saying they are concerned about his ability to do the job. and whether he is thinking straight. >> ainsley: that's more than 75% of our country. that's democrats and republicans. that's independents and when you hear all these gaffes, when he confuses presidents, the president of mexico and the president of egypt. >> lawrence: just last night. >> ainsley: doesn't seem like something you could confuse. >> steve: couldn't come at a worse time. >> ainsley: prrmings of other countries. president of france who had died almost 30 years before, calling
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macron the wrong name. it's just constant every day in the media. >> brian: because he is coming out and speaking regularly but he is not giving interviews, is this why they turned down the super bowl interview? that they knew that robert hur -- >> lawrence: the question also is, bri, what is the staff doing? all these same people went after donald trump's staff and said who going to do the right thing for the country? don't wait until after the administration is over to write a book. we deserve to know what is actually happening in the white house right now especially after you have here is the department of justice that ruled this, that said that the president is incompetent to take trial. >> steve: one thing the white house staff and his campaign can't change is his age. and what we have seen where he is talking -- i says i talked to a couple of dead guys and then he confuses the presidents again last night. this raises the ultimate question, and that is after america saw that guy, who got really angry at our white house correspondent and the others as
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welling, people are looking at that guy and they are saying that guy who doesn't remember stuff, according to his own department of justice, that guy is not running the country. so here's the question. who is running the united states of america? do you think that guy is? i don't think so. i think that he is surrounded by a staff who is doing all the stuff. and he shows up. he coughs, he yells at some reporters. who -- that's what the white house needs to come out and say today. you know what? he has been a great figure head but is he not running the country. >> ainsley: not really age, were you going to say the same thing? >> lawrence: i agree with you. we cannot fall into the trap of just saying it's age. >> steve: no. >> lawrence: donald trump in three years behind him. they are close. they are are going through the same thing. >> ainsley: their mental aexecute totally different. >> steve: it's not about the age. >> lawrence: everywhere sees it. >> steve: that guy that we're watching appears to be shot. >> brian: the other thing that is important, too.
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if i read this report of my work of hundreds of pages and over the course of my 40 year career had so little respect for classified documents. did you see some of this stuff? he was vice president years he didn't remember. he had personal classified information regarding human beings behind enemy lines in pakistan and afghanistan labeled compensation challenge in and fragile that were just let out in boxes. >> lawrence: then he said it didn't matter because it didn't have the big top secret with the red what does that mean? >> steve: what does that mean? >> ainsley: robert hur said there was evidence that suggested he knew he couldn't take classified documents to his house. when questioned about donald trump doing that biden said how could anyone be that irresponsible like he had forgotten he did the same thing. >> steve: americans today are saying hey, appears to be a double standard. >> brian: never thought he would get caught. i think he thought he would never get caught. >> ainsley: see the pictures of the boxes.
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one box was so dissheffield and broken they had to take all of the material out and put it in a new box. and it looks like, look, it looks like your parent's garage, right? all their junk, all their stuff. >> brian: he blames his staff. at the end of it he said i didn't do a good job. i should have looked over everything my staff took. >> lawrence: people concealing all this information. >> steve: for four years. >> lawrence: trying to keep the country on track you still blame them. >> steve: we will be talking about this all morning long because we know you are, too. in the meantime we mentioned this peripherally to the race to the white house. former president donald trump winning the republican caucuses in nevada. he earned 2 # of the state's delegation. >> ainsley: he is now one step closer to officially becoming the republican nominee now. >> lawrence: alicia acuna live in las vegas with the latest on this. hey, alicia. >> hi, good morning, lawrence, good morning to all of you. from a legal and a political perspective, former president trump had a pretty good day yesterday. coming in at nearly 100 percent of the vote against long shot
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candidate ryan binkley in the nevada caucus competing here in nevada's caucuses. >> if we win this state, we easily win the election of november. we have to win the election. >> while trump is hugely popular with republicans in the silver state he campaigned in las vegas last month to urge voters to make a big show of support on caucus night. he told them to ignore the state primary, which was held on tuesday; however, his supporters had other ideas. with trump not on the primary ballot, supporters came in and voted for none of these candidates' option. the purpose, in effect, to deny nikki haley a symbolic win because she was in the primary. haley lost to none of these candidates can't option by more than 30 points. haley said she was never focused on nevada and spending her energy on south carolina and super tuesday. >> we were told months ago that this was a sham, the g.o.p.
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chair, he is under indictment. he worked with trump. they created these caucuses. >> now, last night's win for former president trump followed oral arguments at the u.s. supreme court, case of colorado attempting to keep trump off its primary ballot. throughout the entirety of the session. all nine justices expressed skepticism and doubt over the state's argument including the liberal wing, questioning whether colorado even had the authority to decide the presidency for the rest of the nation. a decision on that is expected relatively soon considering colorado is a super tuesday state, which is march 5th as you know. back to you. >> brian: thanks so much. i thought one of the most significant thing is the president's reaction afterwards. he was kind of measured afterwards. >> ainsley: he was happy. >> brian: 2020 election had come out differently, wow. so it shows 90% of his post
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comments campaigning a very disciplined approach to winning back the white house except for the eruption in new hampshire, this has been a different president. >> did you all notice when he came out to say this is a beautiful process what the supreme court did? democracy, beautiful. gave rit adjective. when he said that he had an opportunity to talk about the polls. i used that opportunity to say i'm still number one. i'm still number one in all the polls. >> steve: i listened to the whole argument before the supreme court yesterday and it was fascinating and the attorneys were all fantastic. the justices, all of them, on both sides of the political aisle asked really interesting questions. i wouldn't be surprised if it turns out the vote is 9-0. in trump's favor. >> lawrence: you found part of the process to be embarrassing. >> steve: which part? >> lawrence: gorsuch torched his former clerk. he didn't seem prepared for any of the legal arguments, not just from the liberal justices, from the conservatives. it's rare that you see
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controversial. pretty much most of the cases in the supreme court is 9-0. >> steve: talking about the person who argued on behalf of colorado? >> lawrence: correct. evidence seemed ill prepared for any of the questions. and gorsuch continued to say, look, you are dodging the question that i'm asking you right now. ketanji brown jackson said the same thing. when you have both the conservative and liberal judges agreeing on the issue of can you just give me the law here? can you give me precedence for this. >> ainsley: i learned a lot about the law listening to. this they were talking about how the con distribution, the 1st amendment should keep the president off the ballot in colorado. the supreme court justice said if you read the constitution. it says it is to keep officers off the ballot. the president is not an officer. >> steve: he is not listed that's the important part. >> ainsley: this dates back to the 1800s when they were trying to get officers, former confederates off the ballot.
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legally, that was written in not a way to say that a president couldn't be on the ballot. >> brian: between that and the first case being the alvin bragg case probably in the spring, the president has a chance to get on a legal roll despite the ominous decision likely coming down. >> lawrence: a legal roll, i have not heard it before. >> brian: can you use at this lost it now because i technically have patented it. >> lawrence: give you credit first time and then after claim it as mine. >> brian: no financially reward me. >> ainsley: janice talked about the weather it's warmer we could get some snow. >> brian: i have to know how to dress. >> ainsley: tornadoes touching down in the midwest in the middle of winter. national weather service confirming a twister hit evansston, wisconsin. >> brian: first time on record that a tornado moved through the state in the month of february. this tornado season typically starts in april. [tornado siren]
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holy [bleep] [siren continues ♪ >> holy [bleep] >> steve: that was in wisconsin. wink spotted a tornado a hundred miles south of chicago as well. check in about senior meteorologist janice dean for fox weather forecast. janice, we have had some crazy weather over the last couple weeks. >> janice: it's been very mild. we have set record highs across the northern plains, the upper midwest and even the northeast heading into the weekend. can you see the severe storm reports. we did forecast an area of concern yesterday. and those tornadoes reports as well for wisconsin and illinois. so there's the live radar. the cold air by the way is, you know being kicked off because of that storm system that brought the tornadoes. see that cold air pull southward. there is the live radar. we are watching the snow across the interior west and the rockies, and then we are going to see the potential for some
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rain, for the mississippi river valley and the south. and that's going to be the beginnings of our nor'easter as we get into monday and tuesday. so here's our winter storm set-not only for the northeast. i know we are talking about the northeast but see southern snow as well as this cold air gets pulled southward with this area of low pressure that's starting to develop. going to be cold enough for snow, texas, oklahoma, up towards kansas. some of these big cities here. the confidence is increasing for significant winter weather. and this low is going to come on up towards the northeast everyone is talking about this. we potentially could see a valentine's day snow storm from d.c. up towards portland, maine. these are the two reliable forecast models. if you were watching yesterday, the euro is kind of going eh, don't believe it's going to happen in terms of snow. so they flipped. the euro is now saying yeah blockbuster storm for new york city the gfs is saying a mixture between the two. the bottom line is, stay tuned
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we will keep you up to date and potential for blockbuster storm for valentine's day. >> ainsley: euro, euro we want the snow. >> janice: that rhymed, i like that. >> ainsley: how should brian dress? >> janice: oh my gosh. well, that's a loaded question. >> brian: make sure it's tight and shows my shapely figure. >> lawrence: oh, wow. >> janice: exactly what i was going to recommend. >> steve: indeed. 6:18 now in new york city and carley joins us with a fox news alert. car carp i certainly do, guys. we have a fox news alert to get to. a manhunt is underway in tennessee this morning after a suspect shot and killed a deputy and wounded a second officer during a traffic stop the blount county sheriff's department mourning the loss of deputy greg mccone. a female deputy who returned fire after being hit in the leg is expected to recover. warrants have been issued for the suspect. police are offering $10,000 reward for any information leading to this man's arrest.
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>> carley: looking for a suspect to opened fire on a officer on times square. three men attempting to rob a sporting good's store when a guard tried to stop them. one of them fired a weapon hitting a woman in the leg. police made one arrest but the gunman got away after firing two more shots at police officers did not return fire since the area is always packed with people. and a state of emergency has been declared in iceland after a massive volcanic eruption damaged hot water pipes. this has impacted thousands of people in the country. officials say it could take several days to repair the damage. thousands of people have been forced to leave their homes die to recent eruptions this is still going on as the lava flows downwards. all eyes on next tuesday's election to replace former new york congressman george santos, a race that could impact the balance of power in the house. republican mazi philip is
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fighting to keep the g.o.p. seat. she faces former democrat congressman tom suozzi who held the seat before santos. last night the two candidates battled it out over the border during the debate watch this. >> the border crisis again is out of control. i came to this country legally. i believe in the american dream. i want people to come to this country legally. what biden did they totally opened the border. millions make their way. we don't know if they're pearlless. >> carley: pilip will be joining us next hour to discuss the race. jetblue airplane diverted. unexpected stop due to a bomb threat. video shows police surrounding the plane. the scene is still under investigation. another big story here. two jetblue planes collided at boston international airport this morning. the faa says both planes were
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entering a de-icing pad when they clipped their wings. thankfully no one was hurt. and the wife of 49ers star justin juice check is launching her first licensed nfl gear ahead of the super bowl. kristin juice check's work went viral after taylor swift and britney mahomes spotted wearing her creations. the vest is listed at over $12,000. all proceeds from sales are going to the died from breast cancer.
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>> steve: thank you, carley. you are watching us live. another people who don't get up for another 20, 30, 0 minutes something like that. set your dvr so you can record "fox & friends" every morning run 6 to 9:00 a.m. you can watch it. >> ainsley: so easy. you go to guide on remote and then push that button, the round one in the middle, it pops up and says you want to record the series, you want to record every day, whatever. scroll down and pick what you want. i record every morning now. >> steve: fantastic, when when you go home you will know what you said. >> ainsley: i do not go home and watch again usually. if there is something on the show i want to go back to see. >> steve: absolutely. you miss a little, you miss a lot. straight ahead, coming up, body cam footage released from horrifying attack on the coming times square by the migrants. now we see the cops' point of view. look that. >> brian: shocking story. mutant wolves living in the chernobyl exclusion zone have developed a new super power.
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>> ainsley: president biden lashing out at that scathing report. steve. >> lawrence: harold ford jr. reacts to that next. ♪
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>> steve: almost 6:30 in the east. headlines for this friday morning. we start in the middle east.
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new overnight the u.s. military carrying out seven self-defense strikes in the country of yemen. centcom says they hit four houthi unmanned vessels and several mobile antiship missiles prepared to launch in the red sea. and the pentagon revealing that strikes from the first wave on retaliatory strikes on iranian linked targets killed 40 militants in the country of iraq and syria. now to a shocking finding. apparently wolves living within the chernobyl exclusion zone over in russia have developed a new super power. turns out the animals have developed a cancer resilient genome after years of exposure to radiation from the 86 nuclear melt down in ukraine. scientists finding that the wolves immune systems have mutated and researchers hope the mutations can ultimately be used to help people fighting cancer.
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and who knows maybe that would help. brian, time for more news. >> brian: let's dig into this. fox news alert. a defiant president biden came out last night pushing back on reporters during last night's surprise address, mini press conference following the bombshell special counsel report that took aim at, quote: his diminished faculties. >> in his description, you are a well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory. >> i'm well-meaning and i'm an elderly man and i know what the hell i'm doing. i am put president and i put this country back on its feet. >> brian: moments later another gaffe as president biden confuses mexico and egypt while talking about the situation in gaza. >> as you know, initially the president of mexico, cece did sisi didnot want to open up theo allow humanitarian material to get in. >> brian: wow. let's bring in former tennessee
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congressman, co-host of "the five" harold ford jr. great to see i. >> good morning. >> brian: your reaction to the presser and the report? >> harold: first off peter doocy did a great job last night. i thought his reaction on some of our evening shows when he said in the room it didn't come across as the exchange as tough as it was. and i thought his reporting efforts was great, too. the president's loss is fast fall. on both sides republican and democrat. president biden last night, i think even in that interview, in the press conference there, demonstrated to a lot of americans what mr. hur wrote in that piece. i think if you take a step back in the special counsel report, the notion that the president biden willfully retained these documents. the second piece of this the questions will come around whether or not president trump, who also is facing challenges here, did he -- should he be charged the same way or should he be being investigated the same way?
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i think an obstruction of justice charge with president trump may be more appropriate than if you willfully retain the documents. >> brian: tell that to jack smith he won't hear of it. >> harold: these questions now are going to come more to the fore. i don't mean to duck anything that you are asking this morning. this was a tough night for the president. and i think many in the democratic party, which is my party, are going to have serious questions going forward about what this means. this last night will be the closing ad in a campaign against president biden as we get to november. the question is are democrats willing to go forward between now and november with candidate that many in the country may not think is up to the job for four more years. >> brian: because it went from washington insiders say and anchors and hosts say to a robert hur report reveals. and here's some of the damning part of this. it opens up saying no criminal charges really because he is too old. he did not remember when he was
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vice president. forget in the first day of the interview when his term ended and beginning the second day of the interview when his term began. he did not remember within years when his son bo died. he came out and got personally offended by that what he is trying to say is i can't even conduct this interview about the intention when he can't remember how this stuff got to where it got. >> harold: the implication is clear. mr. hur, whom i don't know, this is an era when you appointed special counsels years ago when you appointed a special counsel not from the president's party to give it more credibility. and in this instance here, again, to trot the president out last night to refute the notion that he is not of diminished capacity and does not have diminished faculties, i'm not sure they succeeded last night. >> brian: how surprised would you be if he is the candidate come the democratic national convention? >> well, put it this way. i will answer it this way. if you asked me that question two or three days ago, the answer was it's very unlikely
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that any other person could be the nominee. i think after last night, i think that question becomes one that has to be answered more forthrightly and more thoughtfully. and as of right now, i think democrats are going to have to grapple with this over the next several weeks and few months. and there are few elders in the party that can, perhaps, have this conversation and we will see if they do. >> brian: you on "the five" tonight? >> harold: this is early for me. >> brian: that's another reason to watch. i appreciate it. you are entitled to another cup of coffee in the green room. just press the button. meanwhile, come up on this show. body cam footage released. d.a. released the tape of the attack on the officers on times square. retired police inspector paul mauro joins us next. ♪
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concerned. spring break is around the corner. i'm going to listen to this entire report. >> this is really concerning, ainsley. two americans say they were on excursion in the bahamas on cacarnival cruise when they were attacked by two uniformed staffers. they offered them drinks they believe were laced with drugs. less than two sips into the something was terribly wrong i came to in the process of my rape. they received toxicology tests once they arrived back to the ship which did show several drugs in their systems but very little alcohol. the women say the attack was caught on security footage but the resort is denying their version of events saying, quote upon further review the allegations made on site and subsequent social media posts and news conflict with what the time stamped surveillance video. the employees in question were still fired because of the footage, quote: indicates that at a minimum they violated our zero tolerance policy.
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guys? >> steve: brooke, thank you very much. >> thanks, steve. >> steve: alvin bragg in the news a lot. he just released this stunning new body cam footage in that brutal beat down of a couple of cops on times square. seven of them have been indicted on felony charges. attorney and retired new york city police inspector paul mauro joins us live in the studio. good morning to you, paul. >> good morning. >> steve: when you see the body cam video. it was one day to see the exterior shot where it was fuzzy and you didn't see it. this stuff is so graphic those cops, it's amazing that alvin bragg had that body cam video and still let those guys walk originally it? >> is amazing. you have to think about it. if you look at the body cam footage. can you see a number of the perpetrators' faces quite clearly. so this idea that well, we needed a lot more time to ascertain who exactly the perpetrators were, et cetera. doesn't really hold water. that's number one.
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number two, if the investigation evidence was so fuzzy. how did you charge them to begin with? >> steve: right. >> you didn't have probable cause then to charge them. but they did charge them. so that the idea that, well, we don't have enough to hold them but we did have enough to charge them. that is legally inconsistent. >> steve: paul, you know what this is about, that video that, surveillance video hit the news. it was on the cover of "the new york post." suddenly people are talking about it. the governor said, this was a bad idea to release them. his hands were tied. he had to appear to be doing something. >> yeah, he is peddling now. he comes out. the seven indictments doesn't really do much for the case. you already had them arrested. it's good. don't get me wrong. here's the real issue now. he has an option because he has got these indictments to advance the case. what does that mean? they have return dates, okay? you let them out on o.r. they have to come back now to court. because you got the indictments, can you move those dates up. right now those dates are in march. one in s. february and the other is in march.
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can you now say to the judge your honor, these guys are dangerous they are flight risk sitting on seven indictments get him here forthwith and then the d.a. can say this time we want bail. let's see if he does it. >> steve: they think as many as 14 people could be involved in this beat down. let's see if they have any leads on that. you know, we talk a lot about this being a sanctuary city, paul. and what people sometimes think that means is, you know, go to new york and they are are going to take care of you. they are going to feed you and stuff like that. essentially the corner stone of sanctuary city status is we will not cooperate with the feds. >> that's right. >> steve: in this case the feds are ice and border patrol and stuff like that. that is the problem. >> that's codified in law. sometimes it's an executive order. in the case of the state, andrew cuomo put it in by executive order. that means kathy hochul could undo it by executive order. i don't see any movement despite all her lip service. here in the city it's law through the city council.
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go to city council and get. under law you can't cooperate with ice. >> steve: the streets of new york, right through that window back there, are more dangerous now than i have seen in a very long time i go way back here. a lot of it is with the migrants when it comes to street crime. and we saw that video, a lady, you know, got dragged into a parking meter because somebody was trying to take her bag or her phone or something like that. now, apparently the migrants have formed essentially little mobs of organized crime. and the streets are not safe. >> let's face facts. the majority of the migrants are not criminals. we all know that and nobody is saying that on the other hand, what seems to be very clear here is that maduro emptied his prisons. what we have here now, at the least. is a cadre of venezuela prison gangs who t maduro has visited upon us. why wouldn't they. phil mickelson did the same
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thing boat lift. scarface. he took a page -- venezuelans and cubans very tight. they share intel. he item at thissed out his prison. we have bad hombres as donald trump likes to say. it's not everybody. but it's getting to the point it's undeniable. here's the rub. here's the rub even if we say we are going to deport them into ice custody maduro is not taking them back. they are here on a oneway ticket. >> steve: thank you for that history lesson. >> good to be here. >> steve: coming up on this friday, a young chef died from a fungal infection that attacked his lungs. it all started with him feeling like he had the flu law need to know about his case coming up on "fox & friends."
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>> ainsley: 29-year-old chef from michigan died this weekend after battling a rare fungal infection that his family says literally ate holes in his lungs. now health departments are warning this infection is becoming more common and death rates are growing. fox news medical contributor dr. nicole saphier joins me now to tell us more about this scary disease. good morning, dr. saphier. >> good morning, ainsley. >> ainsley: i know it's found in wood. it's found in soil. it's found in leaves. how do we avoid this? >> well, ainsley fungs that
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causes blastomycosis which is trackly what he died from. while endemic fungus always there midwest and as we go to the eastern seaboard. you may have heard about his toe buckingham palace moses. other fungi that are endemic blasblast myosis. outdoors and in these environments have increase risk of being exposed to these fungal spores. the good news is, ainsley very rare to have a very severe outcome from. this in fact, less than half of people who are exposed to the fungal spores will actually get infected. usually it starts with very mild illness, of course, a flu like illness, very general. but when you aren't getting better, that is when you certainly want to start seeking medical attention because there are treatments for these fungal infections. unfortunately in this gentleman's case, they have -- the infection got way too out of
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control it. destroyed his lungs and ultimately they could not eradicate the fungs from his lungs. >> ainsley: minnesota saw increase of these deaths in 2021, 82 cases, 2 #% of those died. the year before, 9% died. so, it is increasing. >> ainsley, i actually want to say something to that so that is a big estimate. first of all, we don't actually know the number of cases it's not necessarily report being all throughout the country. only about five states report these cases. minnesota, michigan being some of them. however, we don't really know if there really was an increase, fatal rate or maybe they just weren't reporting cases. that was during the covid pandemic. people were a little bit busy during that time. and other people weren't necessarily going out being exposed. so it's really hard to say so, but, at the end of the day, you know, we all have to, you know, as we have warmer temperatures,
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when you see severe weather, such as these storms, there is a risk of being exposed to fungal infections. that's why you have to stay in touch with your doctors. >> ainsley: dr. saphier these are the symptoms. chills, fever, chest pain. he said he thought he had the flu. he goes to the hospital. his parents eventually had to pull him off of life support after five weeks in the hospital. when you go to the hospital with these symptoms. is it easy for your doctor to be able to determine you have this? >> i would love to say it's easy, ainsley, absolutely not. these are very generalized symptoms. of course we want to rule out the common players, flu, covid and others. you cannot forget fungal infections. sometimes do check for the fungal infections last. again, fungal infections are out there. canada and blast my office. prudent patients even recognize it could be a fungus and we have to be treating for those as
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well. >> ainsley: only 29 years old a chef. he had his whole life in front of him. his family set up a go fund me page. dr. saphier, thank you for weighing in on this. >> thank you. >> ainsley: hand it over to brian. >> brian: the nfl putting a bow on auto regular 2023 season. the nfl honors the award show took place for the first time ever in las vegas. baltimore ravens quarterback lamar jackson taking home the mvp award after leading his squad to the top seed in the afc. jackson's second mvp win he got the award in 2019. i'm sure he would rather be in the super bowl. pittsburgh steelers cameron heyward named the walter payton man of the year for tremendous work on the field. off the field helping the community. austin, quarterback cj stroud winner of the year linebacker will anderson gaining award for devin rookie of the year. the league also announcing his 2024 hall of fame class it includes dwight freedy the
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colts. devin hester. julius. patrick willis along with the legend from the bears. the best defense ever in the 1980s, remember? >> a colorful and key part of arguably the best defense in history, represented by his wife misty, steve mcmichael. [cheers and applause] >> brian: wow, the chicago legend steve mcmichael receiving the hall of fame nod. his wife came to the stage to represent the bears great. he is battling als. giants rookie tommy devito taking home the celebration. i didn't know he had one of these. celebration of the year award for his signature italian hand gesture. not bad for i'm half italian and i accept on his behalf. san francisco 2 points favorites to avenge their last super bowl loss. still ahead on this show.
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just a quick note. john harbaugh will be on our weekend show. still ahead, biden bashing, lashing out at reporters last night including our very own peter doocy. this story at the top of the hour. >> your memory and can you continue as president? >> my memory is so bad i let you speak. ♪ (♪) a perfect king's hawaiian slider. tastes good too! king's hawaiian slider sunday... the only way to sunday!
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