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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 15, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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♪ >> brian: all right. it's 7:00 on the east coast
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which we are located. in it's february 15th. this is "fox & friends." now to this alert. question: is russia planning to put nukes in space? some house lawmakers set to be briefed on the hill today. hopefully they will tell us. congressman jim jordan will join us. >> ainsley: another alert. one person is dead. more than 20 others injured, including children, that shooting at the kansas city chiefs super bowl parade. tmz video capturing the moment gunfire erupted. [gunfire] >> ainsley: we will be talking to fans who helped take down the suspect straight ahead. >> steve: plus, as the crime crisis sweeps america lawrence is in washington, d.c. and spoke with a father who lost his son to a senseless carjacking. >> it seems like it's mainly kids, like a younger generation has no regard for human life.
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>> steve: gave up the car and they still killed his son. hour two of "fox & friends" for this thursday starts right now. ♪ >> steve: and we're going to start with a fox news alert. white house national security adviser jake sullivan, the guy screen right, is heading to capitol hill today to brief top house lawmakers on what is being referred to as a serious threat relating to russia. >> brian: all right. sources reveal moscow wants to deploy a nuclear weapon in space. that could potentially destroy u.s. military satellites. >> ainsley: peter doocy is live at the white house to explain it all to us. hey, peter. >> peter: there is an official in the "the washington post" now describing this as a new russian space threat capability. and there is real worry in this town about what they might be planning to do to u.s. satellites, possibly with nuclear weapons. >> this administration has gone
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further are and in more creative, more strategic ways dealt with the declassification of intelligence in the national interest of the united states than any administration in history. so, you definitely are not going to find an unwillingness to do that when it's in our national security interest to do so. >> peter: the house intel chair mike turner is calling on president biden to declassify all information relating to this threat so that congress, the administration, and our allies can openly discuss the actions necessary to respond to this threat. it's possible this information was collected using fisa section 702, which the house was going to vote to reauthorize this week with amendments until speaker johnson pulled ited from the floor yesterday. if that is what is happening. it would also violate a 1967 nuclear treaty covering nukes in space. so, speaker johnson is saying about this russia issue fake a deep breath. >> i want to assure the american
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people there is no need for public alarm. we are going to work together to address this matter as we do all sensitive matters that are classified. >> peter: this is going to be a real test for president biden to prove to allies that just because a special counsel says he has issues with his memory, he does not have issues with his judgment. back to you. >> steve: so, peter, speaker johnson was going to bring up 702 today in the house, and now they say they are going to bring it up at some other point. mike turner yesterday, it sounds like he was trying to make the case to his colleagues. and, by the way, we should point out on the republican side it would be a tough push to get this across the finish line at this point. but he is -- turner is trying to convince his colleagues hey look at what russia is trying to do in space and we got this information from 702, which he wants reauthorized. >> peter: and it seemed like they are trying to exclude
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politics from this at the white house. but it did seem like jake sullivan, the national security adviser was a little bit frustrated that turner would go public about a threat, period, the day before sullivan is going to go to capitol hill for a prearranged meeting that it seems like is about this. he wouldn't give us an answer one way or the other. but it sounds like it's about this. but, turner had some urgency. there was that vote. it seems like the two things would be related, yeah. >> steve: maybe. >> ainsley: right now, who is able to read those reports since they are so classified? >> peter: turner let everybody in the house -- they had a vote within the intel committee so that anybody who is an elected house member can go look at information about the threat. we don't know how much information about the threat there is. but, considering how quickly stuff started to leak out about this, after the full house got to see it, it would seem that it's just kind of a general description as opposed to showing us, okay, this was our
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source. this is how we got the information, this is exactly what we think is going to happen. >> steve: okay, peter, thank you very much. >> brian: what is pretty amazing is this all came out yesterday. no one says it's false. no one says it's not a legitimate fear. they worry about the timing. since when russia beating us in space in anything. these people can't keep tanks going. watcher what they are doing in kyiv and what they haven't been able to pull off in ukraine. wait asecond, they are ahead of news space? nicholas shae lawn joined us earlier. he is the officer in space force. he used to be at the space force. he focused in high tech. software this is what he said about the threat, which is not new to him, watch u.s. has this program called sentinel what is supposed to be replaces 1917 icbm ground missiles that program is now slipping with two years' delays and 35 billion over budget that's compounded by
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the fact that the air force chief information officer has been pushing very recently, you know, selected about 11 months ago to push this anti-innovation culture and preventing technologies to help guardians to inknow vavment. >> brian: did you say the air force? whoa, whoa. you say the air force is stopping innovation? >> only one banning aji supposed to be empowering the velocity 6 airmen and guardians to move at the pace. without technology we can't compete. >> steve: russia has experimented with nukes in space going back to 2021 they tested antisatellite weapons. they launched a missile from earth that destroyed a soviet era satellite. so, what they are talking about doing they have been practicing.
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>> ainsley: all right. well, the gang of four will meet with jake sullivan today because they have sent a letter to the white house saying we need this meeting, we want to find out more information. some are pressing for it to be declassified. so as soon as that meeting is over we will probably hear more information about what this means for our family. >> brian: a lot of tension behind the scenes and i got it personalities that's true. one thing pretty consistent for the last three and a half years. this administration dottles. they are never ahead of the curve. they're always just reacting. this is flat out frustration for a guy that really is considered one of the smartest guys on capitol hill. congressman turner. and said are you going to do anything about this? remember jake sullivan guy told us two weeks before the october 7th attack by hamas everything has never been so quiet in the middle east. that's the brain trust involved. >> ainsley: this is a fox news alert. three people in custody this morning after the deadly shooting at the kansas city chiefs super bowl celebration. one person is dead and at least 21 others are injured, including nine children. patrick mahomes posting on x
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after the incident, quote: praying for kansas city. >> brian: yep. and we are now learning the woman killed was a local dj. mother of two. friends describe her as a chiefs' super fan. three others remain in critical condition. hospital officials providing update on the minors. >> the ages of the pediatric patients we treated were 6 to 15. >> how were the children that you saw? what was their, you know, i guess, disposition like after going fly something like that? >> fear. the one word i would just use to describe what we saw how they felt when they came to us was fear. >> the children who were shot, how many of them critical injuries? >> all of them will recover and i wo wouldn't say that any of tm are critical at this point. >> steve: all critical. one of the men they believed the gunman moments before the police arrived and found a weapon
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nearby. two people who helped with that takedown will join us about 45 minutes from right now. of course, this happened on the west side of union station in kansas city. lawrence is joining us from the east side of union stations behind you in the district of columbia where crime is on everybody's mind. those streets are not safe, lawrence. >> lawrence: this street is not safe. st. louis, missouri is not safe. baltimore, new york, i mean, you can pretty much pick every major city in this country and none of them are safe. and guys if you really want to get to the bottom of it, the criminals aren't afraid. they are not afraid. >> steve: no consequence. >> lawrence: so brazen. running the streets. letting our kids run the street. they are coming in at whatever time they want to at night. when they're not at home, a lot of these kids have their ar-15s, ars. they are out there committing
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acts of terror in the sense of terrorizing their community. carjackings, robberies, and murders. and it's happening -- and we mourn with our family and our audience that is in kansas city. but this is happening every single day in communities that are close to us, guys. >> ainsley: you know there were so many people at that parade, and if you are a fan, you are taking your kids there. this is all outdoors. you are not going through metal detectors. so you just assume that no one is going to do this. but, now it just -- crime is taking over every city. now as a parent you of to think about this before did you go out in public. you north even safe at kansas city chiefs super bowl parade thank fli somebody jumped on one of the suspects and took him down. he said one guy was hollering saying stop him, catch him. so we did that he said it's just a reaction. >> we didn't hesitate. we saw his weapon either fall out of his hand or the sleeve of his coat, he said.
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we held him down it seemed like forever but it was really about 30 seconds, about. a cop showed up and another showed up and he said they pretty much took over from there and handcuffed the guy. he had a two and a half hour drive back to his house with these three daughters so he took off. that's where our reporters went to his house and able to interview him. >> brian: think about this though. it could have been worse not for the people struggling i understand that but in terms of numbers. you have the parade that took place that wanted ha. then you have the rally took place. it happened. when the rally broke up and the team was already on the bus going back to the stawd stayed jump is when the shooting happened. everyone looking forward, if you are an evil-minded assailant, that's when you could do the maximum amount of dang. at least there was some disbursement or else it could have been much worse. right away the president weighs in and says it's time to pass meaningful gun control without knowing any of the facts at all and kansas city is somebody you can carry a gun openly except for certain areas. >> steve: the question becomes because there are so many,
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lawrence, some guns on the streets of america, it's like okay. did the person or persons go to that event with the intent of they are going to try to kill people? or did something happen? when things broke up and maybe people were drinking. we don't know the circumstances yet. and things got out of hand. i was reading in the paper this morning that apparently they are looking to see whether or not one or all of the shooters, if more than one, had a beef with somebody in the crowd. so, more dots need to be connected. >> brian: all right. meanwhile, carley shimkus is. >> lawrence: you know, steve. >> brian: i'm sorry, lawrence, go ahead. >> lawrence: real quick, i just wonder when are we going to let the cops do their job. i don't want anybody's civil liberties to be violated. but when are we going to let them start kicking in doors and arrest the people that they know -- every cop that i talk to they tell me we know who the gang bangers are. we know the people committing these acts. we know the people have illegal guns. we are not able to do it because
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our mayors want to play politics. and our kids are dying every single day as a result of it. i understand there is a gun back and forth debate about that. but the real issue is how are we going to go after the criminals? that's the issue there. >> brian: people keep electing these politicians who go easy on crime because criminals have had it too hard for too long perhaps. 13 minutes after the hour. carley shimkus has the other news. >> carley: on that topic, there is now a new wave organized crime taking place because of this migrant crisis. the teen suspect arrested and accused of shoplifting just two weeks after being picked up by the nypd for that attack on two officers near times square. the 19-year-old migrant was arraigned after police say he helped steal $600 worth of clothing from macy's. also punched a worker. five migrants are now in custody for that police attack while another migrant who was being held has posted bail. on to a fox news alert here. the judge overseeing former president trump's election interference case in georgia
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will hear evidence concerning fulton county d.a. fani willis' alleged affair with special prosecutor nathan wade. wade saying in a sworn statement that his relationship with willis did not start until he was hired. today's hearing is expected to begin in about two hours. house judiciary chairman jim jordan will join us later this hour to talk about this and much more. emergency crews coming to the rescue of an atv rider who fell through thin ice in the bay that opens into lake michigan. deputies say the individual got trapped but was able to call for help. rescuers used drones to scope out the situation before using an air boat to reach the victim. wow, look at that that rescue taking place on thin ice. new york city mayor eric adams announcing a lawsuit against five social media platforms. it claims the sites are fueling a mental health crisis among our nation's youth. the suit includes -- argues tiktok, citizen gram, facebook
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snapchat and youtube responsible for uptick mental health issues in young people including depression and suicidal ideation. mayor adams also releasing a social media action plan that includes a study of the long-term impacts on young people. and the federal government will start paying some people's rent using medicaid funding. arizona and oregon will be the first two states roll out pilot program. giving homeless people one time payment to cover a security deposit or a payment for rent and utilities up to six months. fox business anchor david asman thinks this is going to take us in the wrong direction whole expansion of turning america into welfare state. that is absolutely the opposite of what we are america as a country of self-reliant individuals the move part of biden administration initiative
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to reclassify homelessness as a healthcare issue. those are your headlines, guys, back over to you. >> steve: they have been something lake that in new york for a couple of years. carley, thank you very much. >> carley: you are very welcome. >> steve: meanwhile lawrence is outside. he knows it's cold. janice dean joins us on thursday she is outside and knows it's cold. >> janice: i see lawrence is dressed appropriately that's the main thing. take a look at it. across the country, the great lakes and the midwest and the east coast that's where we have got the cold temperatures that reinforcing shot of cold air because we have more snow on the way. take a look at it and i will show what you is happening. 27 here in new york. 16 in fargo. 27 in marquette. this clipper system moving over the ohio valley that's our first storm number one that could bring some snow overnight tonight. then storage number two, not only bringing the risk for snow for the mid-atlantic up towards d.c. and boston and new york the trailing cold front is what is going to bring florida a lot of rain and my prediction is never going to postpone the daytona 500 because so much of that rain is going to come on sunday.
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so there's a look at the sunshine state. saturday and sunday. pretty much a washout for a lot of you and then heading into next week a better forecast so we will see. i've already texted pete hegseth to tell him to bring his rain gear and make sure he is inside when he is broadcasting live over to you grays. >> brian: pete is so tough the water just bowrnses off him he it does not penetrate. >> janice: is he a super hero. nothing impacts him at all. >> ainsley: a lot of people go there on sunday i guess they have to book flights to stay extra night. >> brian: stay in a camp every. >> ainsley: a lot of them do that a good time. right there in the center of the field. right? >> brian: yep. that's what they do. >> steve: infield. all right. meanwhile. >> ainsley: in washington, sources are now claiming it was president biden who brought up his son bo during special counsel robert hur's five hour interview last october. >> steve: that revelation comes after the president lashed out after hur's classified document report questioned biden's
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memory. >> brian: i did read the whole report as did lucas tomlinson who is live in washington. hey, lucas. >> good morning, guys. recall president biden's defiance thursday night when he went tout face the press hours after the special counsel's report was released which questioned biden's mental state. >> there is even reference that i don't remember when my son died. how in the hell dare he raise that. frankly, when i was asked the question, i thought to myself it wasn't any of their damn business. >> democrats rushed to the president's defense telling our own hillary vaughn the following: i don't know what was said in the report. president biden is absolutely fit, providing fantastic leadership. >> that was a partisan report. and president biden has been absolved in any criminal wrongdoing. >> do you think the president is mentally fit for office? >> i would prefer an elderly man over an elderly man who is just
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chaotic and crazy and has 91 felony counts awaiting him. >> now, according to a new report from nbc special counsel robert hur never asked a question about the president's son in that five-hour interview, quote: it was the president, not hur or his team, who first introduced beau biden's death they said. biden raised his son's death after being asked about his workflow at virginia rental home from 2016 to 2018, the sources said. biden again trying to recall that period by discuss thing what else was happening in his life. and it was at that point in the interview that he appeared confused about when bo died. the sources said biden got the date may 30th correct but not the year. this report will likely raise more questions about the president's mention acuity, guys. >> steve: indeed. all right, lucas, thank you very much. meanwhile, speaking of presidents. let's talk a little bit about the great state of michigan. >> brian: steve, can i weigh in on one thing lucas said. there is a huge clamor to get the tapes out now. that's the big story because he laid it out there to so defiant
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and maybe everyone would have been that way. most people think legally there is no way to stop it. the question is do you want those tapes out in the spring or fight it all the way to the fall and if he seems like he is out of it in the fall, it's going to bring this whole thing up again or do you want it all out now? >> ainsley: and when we were watching that soundbite of the president at the podium he said when he asked me about my son. >> steve: when he asked me. >> ainsley: that's the key. now hur is saying i didn't ask him. we were talking about timeline and he knew he was getting confused. and he wasn't sure about dates. he knew what day his son died but he didn't know the year. >> steve: exactly. and, brian, to your point, i don't think the tapes will ever be released but now people are starting to leak. and so the truth is leaking out. so if that's all we get, we are getting closer to the truth. >> brian: freedom of information act i think legal experts believe that no one can stop it. >> steve: well, but the question is before the election. let's see. meanwhile, as i started to say,
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talking about the presidency in 2016, donald trump turned the state of michigan red, first time since 1988. joe biden won michigan by less than 3 points in 2020. now, if there were a rematch today as you can see right now. joe biden is 2 points behind donald trump but, as you can see at the bottom, margin of error is 3. so they are within the margin of error. it's close in michigan. >> ainsley: lawrence? >> lawrence: yeah. i mean, this is just another example of some voters having buyer's remorse. i mean, when you look at the state of the economy. and, by the way, the border, which has become the number one issues on voters' minds. they are trending toward a different direction. and, remember, michigan is a huge manufacturing state. it's not going to well there we are not building as much. they are not selling cars as much. the people just can't afford them.
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>> brian: right. >> lawrence: when you see all the protests and the picketing of the lines, brian. i think there is something -- the union presidents may go for biden because they always do. but some of the people may vote for donald trump. >> brian: because they move electric car manufacturing to nonunion states and you don't need as many people and they are also all these mandates there to make it unfair to gas powered car sales. real quick, where is he losing faith in michigan, with black voters, he went from 93 to 68. >> steve: biden. >> brian: biden. he has lost 8 among women overall. lost 14 among -- people under 45. men under 45 he has lost 12. and independents. that's key. he has lost 16 points. and they also -- he has lost a lot of the museum arab vote because they think he is too pro-israeli. >> ainsley: in north carolina trump is up by 5 points according to this poll and also a poll out of south carolina. trump is leading by 36 points there. real clear politics shows him beating nikki haley by 30 points. >> steve: of course, that's all
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predicated on if the election were held today. and, of course, the election would not be held today because, first of all, it's a thursday. and, secondly, we would have different outfits. >> brian: that's absolutely true. and at least no early voting. >> steve: but we would probably be here at the big plastic desk. >> ainsley: that's true. >> steve: make sure you set your dvr to record "fox & friends" each and every morning between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. eastern time so that you can watch it throughout the day. >> ainsley: when you get home. still ahead, new york national guard checking all arriving migrants for these gang tattoos. nypd sounding an alarm over the rising crime from this venezuelan group. >> brian: they are not sending us their best. >> steve: and fentanyl in fire extinguishers? smugglers charged in a smuggling scheme just like that. >> ainsley: that will not put the fireer t out. ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it.
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>> brian: welcome back. in just two hours former president donald trump expected to be back in a new york courtroom. the judge in the hush money case against him is expected to decide if trump's criminal trial will begin next month. the former president is charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records. manhattan d.a. alvin bragg claims trump took steps to claims extramarital claims adult film actress stormy daniels quiet in the lead up to the 2016
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election. if the case proceeds, it would be the first of trump's four criminal trials to go trial. a lot of people don't think it should. meanwhile special counsel jack smith asking the supreme court to let trump's 2020 election interference case to move forward. is he desperate. smith saying quote the nation has a compelling interest in seeing the charges brought to trial. closed quote. if the supreme court sides with smith, trump could face a jury in that case later on this year. we'll keep you up to date. steve. >> steve: a busy year indeed. thank you, brian. meanwhile, new york national guard is reportedly checking all arriving migrants for distinctive tattoos linking them to a new vicious venezuelan street gang. according to the department, gang tattoos include ak-47 assault rifles, the nike logo of michael jordan, stars, gas masks, stuff like that. it comes as law enforcement sounds the alarm possible plans to join forces with ms-13. here with reaction is former
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northern virginia region gang task force executive director jay lanham. that's quite a title. jay, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: okay. so we have been thinking about, you know, with all these migrants there could be members of ms-13 in there. now it turns out the gang is called trend argue with a. they are coming from venezuela. they are asking the border patrol write us down, we are claiming asylum and coming to new york where they are trying to recruit other migrants to be part of their criminal enterprise. it's a brilliant business model. >> yeah. it's very similar to what ms-13 did years ago. they crossed the border now. they received temporary protection status through july of this past year. so they legally come into the country. and they immediately begin recruiting other members from venezuela to join the gang if
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they're not already in the country. >> exactly. you just touched on it if they claim asylum. kid i think he was 17 years old. could be older. his age is up for debate, he was involved in beating up the cops, and then a couple days later he was arrested for robbing a macy's. he doesn't care. he spas special status in this country. >> yeah. correct. it's alarming to me and should be alarming to everyone that these gang members are coming into the community because they are here and they are going to commit crimes, whether it be within their own gang or to citizens of new york, such as we have seen. and it should be scary and alarming to everyone. >> steve: it is scary. one national guard source here in new york said it's to a point, jay, that they have to post policies on use of force. it's like being in a combat zone
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with these guys. >> yeah, all you have to do gang turf wars. that would be one of my concerns. i have two concerns, number one. are they going to begin to have turf wars with ms-13 and other gangs or, two, are they going to form these alliances to become the alpha dog. ms-13 is the alpha dog on the east coast. >> steve: jay, does the white house know about this? >> i would certainly hope so. i mean, they have control over all of our national intelligence so hopefully they would have that information. i don't know how much intel means we can't properly vet these people coming across the border because we don't have criminal record background. >> steve: that's why they are looking to see if they have
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these gang tattoos. let's see if that makes any difference. >> yeah. i will tell you my concern about the tattoos, also, years ago, we saw gang members starting to go away from tattoos and markings so they can't be readily identifiable. >> steve: well, let's see if it does turn up anybody. jay, thank you very much for joining us today. >> sure. >> all right. scary stuff. meanwhile fox news alert. is russia looking to put nukes in space. congressman jim jordan reacts on that news suggesting it is a serious national security threat. but, first, three officers shot in washington. the suspect finally in custody after 13-hour stand al-jaafari. lawrence is in washington. is he going to talk to a localnc pastor live,ia next. ♪ whatever they may be. all that planning has paid off. looks like you can make this work. we can make this work. and the feeling of confidence that comes from our advice... i can make this work. that seems to be universal. i can make this work.
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>> janice: good morning. everyone. cold in new york. take a look at it. 20's right now, 27 degrees. it is chilly. next three days we have a little bit of snow in the forecast tonight. and then friday night into saturday next clipper system next one moves friday night into saturday. that's the one that could bring some form of snow, especially upstate where you can get the 6 to 8 inches. forecast for sunday with a couple of clipper systems moving through. daytona beach we are watching you saturday and sunday big time rain especially on sunday for the daytona 500. my prediction is they are going to postpone the race until monday because we could get several inches of rain in a very short period of time. those are your forecast today. also watching the west, with more rain along the coast and mountain snow. it's busy. fox for all of your latest details. ainsley, over to you. >> thank you, janice. >> you got it. listen to this story. it's crazy, it's sad.
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a woman accused of shooting and killing a grandfather. there is a picture of him. after a fender bender is expected in the california courtroom today. his name was jonathan mock. he reportedly hit the suspect's car while he was trying to find a spot in the walmart parking lot on saturday. when he got out to apologize. give him the insurance -- or give her the insurance money. police say or information i should say, police say the suspect shot him in the face his family says there was barely a scratch on her car after the accident. his son is speaking out earlier on "fox & friends first"? i really don't have words even to bring to mind that i can say to her just the understanding the imimmeasurable loss people suffer day to day people take for granted completely tearing a pandemic apart. i have watched some of the strongest people i have met in high life completely break down. i can't think of a way to explain it to anybody.
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i can't come up with the words and people having a hard time even knowing what to say. it's senseless. there's no logic behind it. it's just devastating. >> ainsley: the suspect is charged with murder. she has pleaded not guilty. and now to our nation's capital where last night three people found dead inside a home after police were called for a welfare check. the gruesome discovery coming just hours after three d.c. cops were shot while serving a warrant. the suspect now in custody after an hour's long standoff. so let's head back down to washington, d.c. where lawrence jones is live with reverend p.m. smith from huber memorial church in baltimore. lawrence? >> lawrence: hey, thanks, my friend. pastor, we were talking off camera about the respect for authority. and it's out of control right now. the kids are out of control. why? >> no authority. things necessary for young folk to grow up mature, especially men, authority that they must be
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accountable, to boundaries that they dash not cross and consequences if you cross those boundaries. that is lacking in our families. african-american families. and it's lacking in the society in the culture we are in today. >> lawrence: what's the solution. i know it's maybe a tough question. >> you begin with the basics. it begins in the family. authority is established in the life of children in the family. consequences are imposed on the children in the family. the family is the first institution created by god that's foundational. when there's a fracture in the family, african-american family stbl is a fracture in the neighborhood, in the community and in the country. what we are seeing today a lack of authority, we see anarchy. lawlessness, our children engaging in juvenile misbehavior. we got to check them before that becomes adult criminal behavior.
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>> lawrence: you said have these shootings all the time. you say it's not the gun. it's deeper than the gun. >> it's the person making a choice. number one, you are blaming the product and not placing the responsibility on the person. the individual makes a choice to pick up the gun. the individual makes a choice to point that gun. the individual makes a the choice to pull the trigger. it's the trigger puller and it's not the trigger. it's a choice that young people are making. we need to check that and the earlier we check it the better off they are going to be and the better off we are going to be as a community. >> lawrence: pastor, thank you so much. >> someone that's still in the community, lives there. and has the street cred to check them when needed. >> well, we are living there we ain't running. we are in the arena. it's only one way out, on the shield. >> lawrence: thank you, pastor. send it back to you, ainsley. >> ainsley: he is so good. i want to go his church.
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>> lawrence: i know. >> ainsley: great advice. >> lawrence: in baltimore. these children need to hear that i hope parents watching will take their kids to these churches and hear it from these reverend who have this great advice. thank you so much. we have a glert. in hours d.a. fani willis could face disqualification in trump's election case. plus, russian nukes in space? some house lawmakers are set to be briefed today. judiciary chairman jim jordan says he will be reviewing it all and he is going to join us next. there he is. ♪
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♪ >> brian: fox news alert now. we have been following this story throughout the last 20 hours. national security adviser jake sullivan heading to capitol hill briefing top lawmakers on a national security threat from russia as reports say russia is looking to explore nuclear weapons in space. that would be a problem. judiciary chairman jim jordan says he will be reviewing it and joins us now. great to see you. why are we learning about this now? >> well, i don't know. chairman turner brought this forward yesterday. it's obviously something that i think we need to view in a serious matter. i guess my first thought is thank goodness president trump started space force when you hear about what they are talking. jake sullivan is not going to brief me today but the top people in the intel committee and what's called the gang of 8,
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the leaders in both the house and senate. so, i think they will know more today after that briefing. but, you know, serious issue. but, yesterday, primarily as i -- i spent most of the day yesterday trying to figure out this fisa law which is up for reauthorization and particularly the protections americans need when the government, the united states government, the federal government is going to be looking at their data. we think you have to have a warrant before you do that. and so we are fighting to make sure that gets done over the next several weeks as part of this fisa reauthorization. >> brian: right. we got to make sure those judges are not sold out and it's a real process that's part of the key. so, if it's not in there, you are not going to be for fisa renewal. >> no. no. this is the fbi that spied on a presidential campaign. this is the fbi that censored americans. fbi that said pro-life catholics extremists and let them police themselves? no the way our system works separate and equal branches of government you can't have the executive branch police themselves. you have to go to another branch
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of government the judicial branch to get a probable cause warrant. that happens all the time every single day in this country. that is a standard we have had around since the place started. so let's make sure that same standard exists particularly when we know that the fbi abused this process 278,000 times. they didn't follow their rules, improperly queried this data base. that is a huge issue that has to be in the bill or we should not reauthorize fisa. it has to be in there. >> brian: let's talk about this georgia case and fani willis looks unbelievably compromised. looks like she admitted her relationship with nathan wade whose credentials are weak to be a lead prosecutor on a former president of the united states. they are going to be questioning today. a lot of his expenses that he was paid and used to go on vacation together. look at some of this stuff, you probably can't see it there. $800 for napa valley hotel. 3,000 for royal caribbean vacation. new york stnorwegian crews, on .
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all these bills related to the money he is getting because of the job she gave him and what does it mean for the case? >> yeah, she used taxpayer dollars to help nathan wade spent in many ways but spent to go after president trump for goodness sake, yeah i think she is compromised. she charged president trump and 18 other people and looking to charge three united states senators. she put this out, including the top republican on the senate judiciary committee and now we find out and we're talking to this individual, now we find out there's a whistleblower in the fulton county d.a.'s office who says that fani willis also misspent federal funds. that's why we have subpoenaed ms. willis for information related to that and other issues we want to know what going on here. she sure looks like she has been compromised this this entire ridiculous effort that she undertook several months ago. >> brian: i hope they blow up the case she has no credibility and led the charge and seems to be all about politics. now, i want to talk about this. we know all about the robert hur report and they spent all this
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time going after robert hur over the weekend. he has got a problem. now he is a republican hack. remember when joe biden said this about one of the questions and he got wrong. watch. >> there is even reference that i don't remember when my son died. how in the hell dare he raise that. frankly, when i was asked the question i thought to myself it wasn't any of their damn business. >> brian: he has got it wrong again. he wasn't asked the question. he brought up his son. your reaction? >> i think it underscores the point robert hur made. i think robert hur laid out that joe biden intentionally woefully misplaced, misused didn't handle classified information supposed to under our law. he made that clear and made clear what joe biden just demonstrated that this guy would appear in front of a jury as someone who is, you know, an older individual who doesn't have -- has problems with his memory. so i think robert hur just laid out the truth. laid out the facts. we're going to have him in front of our committee here some time
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soon. we will be able to ask all kinds of questions and let him elaborate on the 300 page report he put out last week. >> brian: real quick, are we going to get the tapes of this conversation. >> we subpoenaed that again, this exchange you just played with president biden, i think, underscores why we have asked for the tapes and all the information about how that investigation was done. >> brian: all right. going to have a busy day. chairman, thanks so much for the quality time. appreciate it. >> you bet, thank you. >> brian: over to carley for other breaking news. >> carley: a police officer in peru dressing up in bear custom for valentine's day sting operation. the officer lures a suspected drug dealer by holding a sign that reads: you are my reason to smile. that is so cute except it's not. because when the suspect goes to meet the bear she is tackled and arrested. authorities raided her home, uncovering a big bag of cocaine. and a florida woman goes to grab a late night door dash order. tonal find a group of hungry thieves who had hijacked her
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tacos, three raccoons ate everything but the tortillas. they were on a low cash diet. the taco show she saw viral social media post and sent her gift card for the inconvenience. those are your good video headlines, brian, featuring animals. >> brian: i don't know how you recognized that raccoon he was wearing a mask. >> carley: that's funny. it's cute. i get it. >> brian: it will get better in connection with hour. serious, chief's super bowl parade leaves one dead and 22 wounded including nine kids. a brave husband and wife who tackled one of the suspects described the moment live on "fox & friends" next. ♪ now with skyrizi, i'm all in with clearer skin. ♪ things are getting clearer...♪ ( ♪ ) ♪ i feel free... ♪ ♪ to bear my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ( ♪) with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months.
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