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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  February 16, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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between caitlin clark and steph curry and people will watch. >> i would pay to watch that one. not only who makes the most but who shoots it the easiest from deep. i wouldn't count on caitlin clark. she is unbelievable. ridiculous. >> bill: when she goes pro. she has this foundation and raising a ton of money for people all over her home state of iowa. when she turns pro, what happens to the wnba then? >> i think here in indy has the number one pick. people are dying for her to come out. i think indianapolis and the fever explode. they won a championship. that didn't move the needle even though it should. i think it explodes. taylor swift brought women into the super bowl. she is bringing all kinds of people to basketball. great for the wnba. >> bill: we'll talk in person sometime. dan, go red in indianapolis.
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thank you. >> dana: surprise twist on day two of the fani willis misconduct hearing following yesterday's heated testimony. embattled fulton county prosecutor was expected back on the stand this morning and i was ready for it. both sides decide they've heard enough from her. we get closer to a decision by the judge. i'm dana perino. >> bill: normally we wind down on friday. good morning to you, i'm bill hemmer, good morning. day two, high stakes hearing aimed at removing fani willis from the election related racketeering case against donald trump. there are reports today they might get a verdict on civil trial in new york. >> dana: eric shawn catches up to speed on the verdict and what we could expect.
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it will be posted and very long to read. >> yes, judge has said it will be a lengthy decision. we're waiting any moment for it. he will post it on the court website not give a decision in court. that ruling could potentially cripple the trump organization. supreme court judge expected to rule after finding the former president and his namesake company committed widespread fraud and falsely inflated real estate values to get better terms on bank loans. new york say it attorney general james is seeking a penalty of $370 million. the charges include conspiracy, issuing false financial statements, falsified business records and insurance fraud all showing trump overstated his value by billions of dollars. faking the values on trump's real estate holdings including march-a-lago and others to decee
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lenders and insurance companies and seeking to bar mr. trump from doing business in new york state for life. his sons donald junior and eric for five years. the former president has -- he s the banks did not lose any money and always relied on accountants and lawyers for the information. last september the judge found that the former president, his sons and companies did deceive the banks by massively overvaluing their properties and trump's net worth. he ruled that trump lives in a fantasy world. the judge also ruled that trump should be stripped of his company and a receiveor appointed to handle the dissolution of trump's buildings potentially. the former president has vowed to appeal any ruling. we expect at any moment. this penalty could come on top of the defamation decision already rendered in the carroll case.
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a jury ordered the former president to pay carroll more than $83 million in damages. this potentially $370 million he is on the hook for. we're waiting to see. that ruling we'll bring it to you the moment we have it. >> dana: thank you. for more on all this "fox news sunday" anchor shannon bream. the decision this morning caught us by surprise. we expected to see fani willis on the stage. what does it mean they decided not to call her back? >> they maybe feel like enough was said. a lot was said in the courtroom yesterday. advocates for push for cameras in the courtroom super boring, you won't want to see it. this case is the exception to that rule. a lot of people didn't see a smoking gun yesterday because what they would have to show is these two were in a relationship fani willis, nathan wade. she then hires him and pays him and he uses the money to wine and dine her. what they both said under oath
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and there weren't receipts literal or figurative to show anything to the contrary the relationship started after she hired him and she used cash to reimburse him when he paid for these trips. they both said it under oath. the judge has to assess how he thinks the veracity of each of these witnesses. no smoking guns the 19 co-defendants were hoping for. >> bill: we'll see what happens when the judge comes back in the chair there. shannon, the way it is set up in fulton county this judge is up for re-election in four months. we made the point last hour about how these people who have lived their professional lives basically in each other's orbit. they probably served on similar cases, gone to fundraisers, fani willis was criticized for going to a fundraiser to raise money for one of the defendants she was prosecuting. it seems to be a mess. if you were able to take fani willis out of this case and
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reassign it, would that be considered to be-in-law a fair outcome in the near term? >> it's possible. if this judge thinks that either of these primary witnesses has lied under oath, if there is something that is unethical, unseemly about this relationship or the appearance of it, he can make that assessment. you are right the, the legal community is always tight and there in atlanta these people have crossed paths, kids go to school together and go to parties together, all of that is part of the stew as this judge is making a decision. he was frustrated with just about everybody in that courtroom at some point. he has a decision to make. for these co-defendants if they can push this, delay it, get a different team put together on this thing it buys them time. the case will be live and active regardless of what this judge decides. >> dana: want to put up this campaign courtroom calendar. we follow this stuff every day
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and it is difficult to follow all the cases against president trump he is contending with. look on the board. you cover these very closely. we're expecting a ruling today in the case about his businesses. there is a carroll one and the immunity one the supreme court court will hear another one next week. how are people supposed to consider all of this or in their minds do they lump them all together and if you are on the right you say he is innocent and being unfairly targeted and on the left you say he is guilty. you have all these courts trying to figure it out. >> there has been a lot made of the fact that he is going to spend a lot of his campaign year in a courtroom. that essentially amounts to a campaign argument for him. you know when he comes out of these hearings and the ones that won't be televised he can go to the sidewalk or hallway and hold court and be able to say look, they are dragging me through all these prosecutions to keep me off the ballot so you don't have a choice about choosing me.
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i'm standing in the gap. they are coming for you. it makes a campaign argument for him. fox polling showed there is some softening if he is convicted on any of the charges it will make some voters including within the gop question whether they go through with him to the general. if he is their nominee they may have to make that choice. we all know a lot of this is already baked in with president trump. people know what they are getting and not surprised by the legal battles and some way i think he tends to enjoy. >> dana: this weekend you have tim scott and chris sununu as your guests on "fox news sunday." >> bill: don't go far. we might need your legal opinion on something that rolls our way that we don't understand. >> got it. you guys are right in the loop. >> bill: thank you to you soon. thanks. >> dana: an update on the crisis on the southern border. california seeing a flood of migrants arriving from a
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powerful adversary, beijing. we're live in california all week and these videos that you are getting, griff, are shocking. >> well, you know, good morning, dana. it is also shocking to border patrol officials who worry about things like national security. you are right, yesterday we witnessed the largest group of chinese nationals crossing our border illegally that i've ever seen. look at some of this video we shot right here in this remote area in california 60 miles east of san diego proper. you have got a group of 212 chinese nationals. a nearly daily occurrence. of the 20,000 chinese nationals who crossed our southern border in unprecedented numbers since october 1, '90% of that 20,000 is coming right here to the san diego sector. officials at a loss for why specifically this area. where the cartels are choosing.
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a year ago they were sending most chinese nationals to the rgb sector near mcallen, texas. that's ten fold now to what we're seeing. i asked one of the migrants why it is they are coming to the u.s. the answer may shock you, listen here. >> why did you come? >> money? >> yeah. >> for jobs? >> yeah. >> there is no job in china? >> maybe, i don't know. >> i can't overstress how much more difficult it is for border patrol agents to process and vet chinese nationals as opposed to those from latin american countries. first they don't speak the language, few agents speak mandarin, more importantly china doesn't share national security secrets with the u.s. therefore, these single adult men. that's what stands out in these videos, we don't really know who they are and we don't really have a way to vet them properly to find out who they
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specifically what and their intentions. it is an alarming new trend, chinese nationals are the fastest growing nationality amongst the migrants coming across the border. >> dana: i will add one point go to tease here. china will not accept back the migrants who have tried to cross here. so then are we -- we could be stuck with them unless that gets worked out. griff jenkins, great to have you. thank you for your reporting. >> i want to thank the people who acted bravely yesterday alongside law enforcement to include the kansas city fire department. your act did not go unnoticed. >> they came simply to watch a victory parade and celebrate. some fans of the kansas city chiefs turned into first responders tackling the alleged gunmen after shots rang out. the daughter captured the take down on video. >> bill: what a week they've had. donald trump's legal saga
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unfolding in courtrooms from new york city to the deep south in atlanta. we're monitoring all of it. the judge is not back in the courtroom, neither are the attorneys. we don't know if the witness expected as 10:00 a.m. has made it to the courthouse. he is the one with the doctor's appointment. >> dana: we want make it up, folks, stay with us. we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way, you're more than five times more likely to get approved for the newday 100 va cash out loan. no one knows veterans like newday usa.
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>> bill: it has happened again. perhaps the lead political opponent of vladimir putin is dead. alexei navalny age 47, described by his wife as healthy and happy but a consistent and fierce putin critic has died in prison. former u.s. ambassador to nato kurt volker in munich, germany. just your reaction to navalny
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and the fact the kremlin says it knows nothing about it. >> yeah, first off it's sad for him and for his family and so, of course, we extend condolences to them. this is not a surprise to anybody. they have been trying to kill navalny many times. remember the case of the poison sprayed at him at a rally, poison in his underwear. someone putin has wanted to keep away from politics and in jails. they've engaged of a policy of keeping him in prison. putting him in increasingly difficult conditions while in prison hoping it would somehow take a toll on his health which today, in fact, it did. >> dana: there is an amazing documentary called navalny that won the oscar that year about his courage, determination and how he said that a film can be a weapon deployed later on. so other people can see it and no what was actually happening.
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i wonder this morning about the push from the biden administration and how much more they should ratchet up the pressure in order for us to get gershkovitch and paul whalen back meimmediately. >> we're seeing the evidence of what the conditions in russian prisons can be like. those two are there unjustly and should be released immediately and a priority of the biden administration and calling attention to the case of another man part of the russian opposition, an american resident. his life lives in the united states. he is held in prison for multiple year sentence simply for telling the truth about russia's invasion of ukraine. he needs to be transferred at a minimum to a prison where he is visible, transparent, where his health is taken care of. it is under wraps inside the prison system and no one knows
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how he is doing and he should be released as soon as possible. >> bill: the vice president delivered the message from the u.s. with the news. >> we've all just received reports that alexei navalny has died in russia. this is, of course, terrible news, which we are working to confirm. my prayers are with his family, including his wife, who is with us today, and if confirmed, this would be a further sign of putin's brutality. whatever story they tell, let us be clear, russia is responsible and we will have more to say on this later. >> bill: were you in the room for that message? if so, how is it being received in munich? >> i was not in the room when she delivered those remarks. it is taken with a bit of concern here in munich but not surprise. people knew already that putin is that brutal.
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this is the nature of the regime under vladimir putin. no one is really surprised he died. it cements the fact that we are going down a path of no return here with russia. putin's brutality is extreme. he is imprisoning his opponents. there is another one who they allowed to start running for president and just disqualified him because he spoke up against the war in ukraine and gaining support. there is nowhere else for us to go. we can't pretend we'll get back to a normal relationship with vladimir putin. we have to start pushing back on russia in every way possible. that begins with getting this aid package through to ukraine to stop the russian forces that are attacking and killing ukrainians and try to restore some semblance of containment in europe. >> bill: thank you, sir. >> this appeared to be a dispute between several people that
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ended in gunfire. during the overnight hours, we learned there are 23 victims of yesterday's shooting. >> dana: the kansas city police chief ruling out terrorism as a motive behind wednesday's mass shooting at the super bowl parade. two teenage suspects are now in custody. among the 23 people shot was 43-year-old elizabeth galvan. mother of two who died in the incident. she was also a prominent hispanic d.j. in kansas city. the community held a vigil for her and the other 22 victims. the injured range from eight to 47 years old. law enforcement says half of the victims were under the age of 16. the kansas city police chief also thanking the brave bystanders who tackled the suspect. the group of parade goers brought the suspect down until police detained him moments later. paul is one of the bystanders, the man there in the video taking down the gunman. his daughter, caught the whole thing on camera and they both
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join me now. i will say thank you for what you did. paul, can you describe that moment, what you heard and saw and how you just decided to jump into action? >> yeah. it was chaotic and we were walking toward the bridge and then kind of came to a stop, everybody in front of me was like not walking anymore. so kind of seeing what's going on. this gentleman to my right that is on the bridge is just screaming at the top of his voice to stop this guy. tackle him, stop him, whatever. i see somebody running in my direction. so i had a good angle. i tackled him from behind. as i'm taking him down from
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behind, i see a gun laying on the ground. so i knew right then and there i have to take him down and keep him down because if he has one gun, he may have another one. he was wearing kind of a bigger jacket like a dickey's jacket or carhart. as i took him down, his hood went onto his head so i couldn't see his face or anything. i just took him down. another good samaritan. i had him high around his upper body and the other guy that jumped in took him around his waist and we were just on the same page we're like we have to keep him down until law enforcement gets there. and that's what we did. >> dana: you are watching this scene and you are recording it and we're glad to have this video to have this moment. what was going through your mind in those immediate moments? >> i mean, immediately when everybody started running
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towards me both my sisters took off, you know, to jump behind barricades and hide. as soon as i turned around to see where my dad was instincts right away he jumped on top of him and it was my reaction to pull out my phone in case anything went wrong. >> dana: paul, have the police talked to you yet? >> yeah, they contacted me yesterday morning just to kind of get a statement. that was yesterday. but as the incident happened on wednesday, nobody -- nobody talked to me at all, you know. after what took place me and my daughters the first thing was i wanted to get my daughters right by me and we stood there for a brief minute, maybe two minutes at most. nobody acknowledged me and i told my daughters to get out of
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here. we have a 2 1/2 hour drive back home. >> dana: that is something pretty remarkable that you go to celebrate, you love your team. they had an amazing win. i'm sure sunday night you are on a big high and then alisa you realize that there is all these people now in the hospital, many of them children, there could have been many more if your dad hadn't done what he did. i wonder how that makes you feel. >> you know, it is scary to think about now. things could have been a lot worse, you know, if he didn't step in. but i'm thankful, you know, he didn't think, he just reacted. i think for everybody in that moment it was the fight or flight. we all decided we had to fight. we seen this second offender running, you know, without hesitation, you know, he helped out tackled him down because like i said things could have been way worse. >> dana: you have a remarkable dad. behind you that might be your
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kitchen you have a framed word and that is blessed. and we are blessed to have you on our show and blessed that you were there that day and we thank you so much for being here and being part of our show this morning to help tell people what it takes to act in a moment and thank god you did. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> bill: well done. another busy day in the courtroom for president donald trump. we're monitoring the latest in atlanta and awaiting a verdict that we expect in the new york civil trial. we'll follow all the bouncing legal balls and give you the updates when we continue on this friday morning. introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see.
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>> merchant's contrary to democracy, not mine. >> bill: the embattled d.a. had us all watching yesterday. she pushed back against the attorneys and judge fighting to stay on the trump election case she has assembled and responsible for at the moment and claims of conflict of interest. willis will not take the stand today contrary to what they thought when we started the day. donald trump's national press secretary with me now. we might be interrupted if the judge comes back. the reaction from yesterday on the trump team is what, caroline? >> well clearly fani willis didn't do herself any favors yesterday. why she is not appearing in court today. her testimony yesterday proves that president trump has been right about this case since the beginning. a sham case brought by corrupt people who care more about prosecuting him than the violent criminals running free in atlanta and fulton county right now. this case should absolutely be
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dismissed not just because alleged misconduct but the basis of the law. a shame to watch this yesterday fold out. you see this is such a dereliction of duty on behalf of these people supposed to be demanding law and order. american people deserve better than this. violent crime has spiked in fulton county. president trump was in a courtroom in new york city yesterday because of alvin bragg and joe biden while we have illegal immigrants beating up cops in the street. these people should focus on demanding law and orderer and putting real criminals behind bars not the former president who made the country better. >> bill: the legal mountain is high. 91 felony counts, four indictments courtrooms from new york to atlanta and beyond. there you see it on your screen. a call for four. here are the properties at stake in new york that are on the line today. they have never tried a case like this in new york. is he at risk of losing his new
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york fortune possibly this afternoon? >> well, we'll have to see how the judge rules. it would be such a shame to see if they rule in the direction where unfortunately we think they will go to take down an american success story, a company that was built through the blood, sweat and tears from the trump family and built the skyline in new york as it exist today. the democrats have been after president trump since he came down thes indicator because he is a unique threat to them and joe biden. let's not forget all of these cases are coming about now because it's in the middle of an election. they have had years to go after the trump organization. they have had years to go after him for january 6th and all of these cases, they share one similarity. the timing of them is in the midst of an election. they know he will beat joe biden at the ballot box in november.
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>> polls indicate the president could have a good night in south carolina against nikki haley. she went after him two days ago in the nbc interview. play a clip from two days ago. >> he have is not the same person he is in 2016. he is unhinged and more diminished. i have called him out multiple times and why he is upset. he thinks i am disloyal. everybody sees how diminished joe biden is. there is no way the american people are going to vote for a convicted criminal. they are not. >> bill: on that last comment there about a conviction. how does the trump -- >> she sounds more like. >> how will the trump team take that on if there is a conviction in any of these cases. >> nikki haley sounds more like a democrat than a republican. she is with that comment giving credence to these political witch hunts, the bending of the law by far left democrats who
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don't respect our constitution and will do anything they can to illegally and unconstitutionally remove president trump's name on the ballot and shame on nikki haley for giving credence to the political vultures tearing apart our democracy today. president trump will continue to fight. he will fight for justice. he will fight for the american people. he will fight to secure our southern border and fight to restore peace around the world and rebuild our economy as he did in his first term in office. the american people recognize these illegal witch hurts are unfair and why he is beating nikki haley and joe biden in the polls and every single swing state and battleground state across the country. >> we will find out in eight days what happens in georgia. thank you for your time. dana, what's next. >> dana: migrants in court today. cb cotton live outside the courthouse with an update. hi, cb.
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>> hi, good morning. a busy day in this manhattan courthouse. already the suspect who prosecutors allege started the initial brawl has arrived for arraignment after posting a $15,000 bail earlier this week. two other suspects including, who was out without bail are scheduled to be arraigned today. another suspect, they were in custody are here for arraignment, too. linked by ice to a violent venezuelan gang. the men were arrested on tuesday in connection to a pair of immigration warrants. ice telling fox quote both non-citizens have been identified as member of a trans national criminal organization. new york city officers were warned the gang is expanding its ranks in the city. images of these tattoos were shared as possible -- the group
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got its start in a venezuelan prison and the groups acts of violence in the state are just beginning. >> they are going for the larger cities where they know they can be observers and profit from drug trafficking, from money laundering, extortions and similar crimes. >> so law enforcement in miami, chicago, now new york have all linked these members to crimes in their city. the f.b.i. says it is actively sharing intelligence on this gang. back to you. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: so now some comic relief. ben affleck knows how to dress up in today's hemmer celebrity news. the track suit from his super bowl sold out in 19 minutes. online, done. so he and matt damon and tom brady are the boy band and
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entertain jennifer lopez. she was not entertained. track suits they wore stole it all. dunkin' created a line of jackets, hats, tumblers in the orange and pink colors of the company. did that win the night? >> dana: i think so. that's what i heard. i actually really like that color combination. orange and pink. that was a good one. it's good all the time. >> bill: if you are looking for maybe like a halloween costume, maybe it's on your short list. >> dana: maybe when we have the roller skating contest i will make you wear it on air. that's what we'll do and get you to this, too. the dizzying effects of virtual reality. how popular headsets could be messing with your mind. ♪
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>> dana: fox news alert. a date is set for the new york hush money case involving donald trump. trial begins march 25th. attorneys for the former president were hoping to dismiss the case. that was denied. the case centers around years old claims trump sought to the buy stories about extramarital affairs during his first run to the white house. we pay attention to that one as well. >> bill: you may have heard about apple's new product called vision pro. headsets that sit on your face and taking over the tech world. new research raising concerns about the effect the vr devices will have on our cognitive functions. scientists from stanford warning beware, the apple vision pro may rewire our brains in unexpected ways. as if the iphone hasn't already.
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big money host taylor rigs is here and dr. marc siegel. we'll handle the business aspect with you, taylor, the medical aspect with you. what about the claims out of stanford and michigan? >> i'm worried about it. did you ever play pin the tail on a donkey when you were a kid? you closed your eyes but had a memory of where to walk and go. that memory is based on reality and on experience. so i'm afraid that this device alters that because it gives you a new reality superimposed on what your mind remembers and if you wear it for several hours. this is what the researchers showed out of stanford and michigan if you wear it for several hours and take it off your mind and inner ear and balance centers are confused. you stumble around and you go for things in places they aren't. >> dana: wow. >> that's what i'm worried about after several hours of use. >> dana: people are taking them back.
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they're $3500 apiece. surely this he did a lot of research before they sold them. >> you would think they did research. they were some reports a few people starting to take them back. i want to see financially if there are big returns. that's one story. if it's one offs, that's another thing. for some of the returns so far that we're hearing about, it is things like headaches, blurred vision, general uncomfortableability. it is a couple pounds. >> 1.3 pounds. four iphones on head in terms of weight. >> bill: you can demo these now. schedule it for an apple store and give you 30 minutes of time. you have done that with the meta product but it has been two years. >> yes. they were a lot heavier a few years ago. you know, i have a few takes on this. meta at the time, a few years
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ago, said they were trying to make it not so much gaming but trying to bring more real world experiences for you. one positive i can't afford to go to a taylor swift concert. if i put it on i can be in that environment. talk about an operating table. a doctor i can put it on and simulate a surgery versus having to go to a cadaver or have you be one of my first real patients. there are some pluses i'm not sure that is how we're seeing play out in the real world. >> dana: would you advise people to take a step back and wait for using this? >> yes. i think her two examples are terrific but i want to point out if you watch star trek you see it on a screen in front of you. doesn't have to be on your head. something you play with in front of you. i'm hugely for artificial intelligence that way. we can have models of this. when you wear them you think you are experiencing them. what about the psychological implications of this? didn't we just come out of a
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pandemic where nobody was talking to each other? that's another concern of researchers. people at home with this thing on their head and not talk to anyone and we'll -- >> bill: my sense is this is the future so you will have to figure it out and adjust to it. for a lot of people these new devices are going to work and very attractive for people who game online and like to watch movies in this setting. >> i want it not on your head. same technology but off your head. the on your head interferes makes you dizzy, can give you headaches and makes you think you are in the alternate world. you can't talk to somebody with one of these on. >> dana: they are so tech forward. i take a step back. >> bill: eddie q who runs the technology division for apple says it may be the best product they've ever made. great to have your input, dock.
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>> i think that's all we'll see from our president is this should have been done, that should have been done. thanks for your support and we'll see you in november. >> it is finally going to happen today. >> dana: president biden is heading to east palestine, ohio today more than a year after a train derailed and dumped toxic chemicals. is it too little too late? i do my own searching. it isn't efficient. use kayak. i can't trust anything else to do the job right. aaaaaaaahhhh! kayak. search one and done. a lot of new dry eye patients in my office tell me about their frequent dry eyes, which may point to dry eye disease. millions of americans were estimated to have it. they've tried artificial tears again and again,
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>> harris: day two in the misconduct hearing for the d.a. in trump's georgia election case. wild testimony yesterday from fani willis. so crazy she is not on the stand today. see who is. the white house at war with its own justice department over the truth about biden's age and poor memory. the robert hur report hurt biden and hur could go before congress soon to spill the tea. kat cammack from florida is here and "the faulkner focus" at the top of the hour. >> bill: we waited a minute. we waited two hours for it and
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not gone the way we expected. fani willis will not take the stand today. this gentleman will. we were told about two hours ago that a mr. bradley, who had a doctor's appointment, was not there. i heard eugene barns in my ear. let's get an update. >> good morning, mr. barns. can you give the court background as it relates to public service? >> i was first elected to the state senate in 1974 from cobb county and i served 16 years there. and then in 1990 i ran for governor and was defeated. two years later i went back to the house of representatives. elected to the house of representatives, served six years until i was elected governor in 1998 and served in
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that position until january of 2003. >> after serving in the position of governor, can you tell the court a little bit about what you transitioned into after your public service? >> i did exactly what i was doing before. i was elected. i went back to practicing law in marietta, georgia, with my daughter who is now judge of the state court and my son-in-law. >> bill: as they get through this we'll work our way in there. a significant story that have l have political implications in november while we can. roll it. >> should have been the first thing on the leader of the free world's desk and 54 weeks later he will come and show accountability, which is interesting to us because leaders lead and they don't follow necessarily 54 weeks later and tell you what should have been done over a year ago. >> dana: president biden might not receive the warmest of records in east palestine, ohio
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today visiting over a year after a trail derailment spilled toxic chemicals. we're there this morning. >> president biden will be delivering remarks later on today. he is expected to meet with state and local officials regarding the recovery process. he is facing a lot of heat for not visiting east palestine a lot sooner. listen. >> this town is tough and we need more help. this is nothing more than a political stunt he is coming here around election time. why did it take you a year to come here? >> the white house says this is a trip the president had wanted to make. he was waiting for the right time to do so. they say they are going at the invitation of the mayor. many people had to evacuate after the derailment last february afraid contents could explode. first responders vented and burned five tank cars carrying
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chemicals sending plumes of black smoke in the air. the biden administration pointed to what they call a robust response mobileizing several federal resources and agencies in the after math of the disaster saying they'll continue to hold norfolk southern responsible insisting it is not a political stunt. >> we'll see a president that goes out there whether it's a red state, blue state, urban or rural america to hear and make sure he is a president for all. >> behind us a group of protestors have gathered not only from east palestine but around the region protesting the federal government's response and the president's visit saying more than a year later is little too late. >> dana: thanks for being there for us today and we'll updates throughout. have a great weekend. everybody. harris faulkner will take you through the next hour. >> fulton county


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