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tv   America Reports  FOX News  February 19, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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merchandise, nikki haley has tried and failed. >> you see joe biden dark biden, yeah, whatever it is, and does not sell, it's lame. right? i think these are cool, i like the american flag, i feel they might be a little hard to walk in but i don't know if you walk in these kinds of shoes, they are probably more just to have as like a keepsake thing. although 399 is kind of pricey. >> i love they look back to the future, the high top pumps. >> another 1980s reference, good job. i didn't know there was a sneaker-con, all i know is trump went into philadelphia and got cheers, it's a blue blue blue blue city. >> you know i love everything with gold. thanks to everyone, you are gold to us. don't forget to dvr when you can't watch and here is "america reports". >> he was targeted. when letitia james and alvin
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bragg ran for office, they ran o a platform going after him. if that's where we are headed as a country, that is dangerous territory, was it a technical violation of the law, maybe it was. but if you look hard enough at any one you are going to find something, you don't prosecute people, you prosecute crimes. >> sandra: it is president's day in america but more questions than answers about both the current and former commanders in chief. allegations are growing that there is a concerted effort to punish former president donald trump after that ruling against him here in new york, and the four criminal cases still to come. >> john: that is all happening as we see more and more evidence of president biden's cognitive decline, and it is fueling speculation the democrats behind the scenes want him out of the race. where will it all go from here, we will ask our all-star line-up of guests coming up. >> sandra: all right, big show,
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live look to kick things off at the epicenter for president biden's border crisis. texas razor wire fence has sent cartels scrambling for plan b, moving massive groups of migrants across a small gap of the border wall an hour east of san diego. we are watching it for you live as we kick off on this monday afternoon. h hello, welcome, everyone. >> john: john roberts in washington and "america reports". a weekend of chaos for overwhelmed border patrol agents in the southwest sector. fox cameras capturing hundreds
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explains are a develop you see this happen in the state of new york, why would you take the risk to put up this much money and have a judge
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arbitrarily decide that you are in some form of breach of fraud but no damages occurred at all. i don't understand it. no developer does. atrocity, embarrassment. >> there's a lot new york has to offer and steve's point about people leaving new york, yes, there are issues here, taxes, immigration,. >> sandra: crime. >> no question. also a lot of great things. why news corps is here and media companies and a lot of financial companies. i don't hear jamie dimon moving j.p. morgan chase. and what i would say to steve, i was not asked about this trial. i don't think it was where i would have assessed the end conclusion either. >> well, look. robert just said is absolutely right that new york has so many assets. manhattan is one of the great places on the planet.
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so is chicago, my hometown and i'm just -- i'm sickened by the fact that these liberal rulings make it so difficult for people to do business there. new york needs to restore its greatness, but it's on a downward slide and i don't understand where the governor and judge would make this decision at a time when new york has to be attracting businesses back, not repelling them. >> sandra: fair point to make, robert, we have seen an exodus of residents since covid, so many have left the city. taxpayers, ok, it's got its problems. i think we are all talking about something, bottom line, how about a business-friendly environment, say we support businesses and let's try to make this a healthy economic environment for all. >> i think new york city is a business friendly environment. i actually oversee a bunch of companies that are here. they have literally great training, great recruiting,
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great incoming academic capability. what i would say is there's a lot of great places to go. steve's concern about, you know, new york versus florida, a lot has to do with taxes. that's individual taxes. also a lot of companies who, let's be honest, why mayor adams was, you know, kind of a moderate and they did not -- >> sandra: i'm surprised to hear you separate the two, so income taxes, doesn't that make it easier for companies to attract and retain talent? friendlier tax environment? >> you also get paid a lot more here, the average salary. >> but robert, the income tax for high income individuals, 13.5% in new york city. it's 0 in miami, orlando, tampa, so that is just another reason people are leaving. i want to see these great cities come back to life but it's not going to happen -- >> you have wealthy people who actually want to be in new york, has a lot more to offer and people are leaving miami to come
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back to new york. >> i don't know about that. >> yes. >> sandra: sounds like a conversation for another day. thanks to both of you for coming on. appreciate it. all right. john. >> happy president's day. >> john: all right, a live look at camden, south carolina where presidential candidate nikki haley is campaigning, her home state's primary this coming saturday. yesterday she joined me on stage in columbia, the state's capital, for a town hall focusing on critical issues. >> donald trump needs to answer whether he thinks putin is responsible for navalny. we can't have a president that gets weak in the knees with putin. congress needs to go in there and stay in d.c. until they figure it out and get it right. we can't wait one more day to secure that border. the issue of life and abortion is personal for every woman and every man and we need to treat it that way. and are we really going to put our -- all of our problems and
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issues in the hands of two 80-year-olds running for president? we don't anoint kings in this country. we let the people vote. there were 14 candidates in the race. we have defeated a dozen of the fellas, i just have one more fella to catch up to. l>> john: she'll continue her campaign blitz in an effort to narrow the gap with the former president. and in terms of one more fella to catch up to, a big hill to climb, 30 points behind in the real clear politics average in south carolina, 60 points behind in california and texas. california has 169 delegates, texas 161, a hybrid primary as well, if you go over 50% you get the whole bucket. so -- she's got to do really well. >> sandra: i watched every minute of the town hall, fascinating to watch, came out strong in answers and approach to the serious topics that you brought up and the way she
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presented to the audience, john, it's a question you keep putting to her. why is she willing to risk losing in her home state. it's a reasonable question days out from the south carolina primary but you very much get the sense as we have seen all the candidates she just referenced drop out of this race, you always got the sense before it happened. you've got the sense watching that last night, john, she's very mentally in this and how you felt standing next to her. >> i said we are bringing the show to columbia next friday and saturday and i said if you are still in the race, love to have you as a guest. she said i'll be here, i'll see you then. i don't think she is going to pull a ron desantis, desantis pulled out the sunday just before the new hampshire primary. i think she's in it, there is some idea if you lose your home state in the presidential race it's a black cloud hanging over your political head the rest of your life, but maybe she's made
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the calculation they saw the writing on the wall and dropped out, she wants to be known as a fighter, and if she runs in four years, maybe she'll think the loss in her home state is something she could overcome. >> sandra: enjoyed that and the questions from the audience, one towards the end, really great from an audience member who candidly asked how can you bring the country back together, and by the way, the trump town hall with laura ingraham, this tuesday night. >> john: the question at the very end, did not have a lot of time, but the follow-up, what was on the sign, what was on the bumper sticker, apparently a nikki haley bummer -- bumper sticker. >> if your rent is late, you can get a fine. breaking things or disrespect. >> sandra: the third grade
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teacher from north carolina is going viral. why she is charging her students rent for desks and chairs and fining them if they break the rules. >> john: i love it. teaching responsibility. plus, a new wrinkle in the biden family alleged influence peddling scheme, but this time it's his brother under the microscope. byron york helps explain why, coming up next.
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hospital chain that collapsed. byron york, chief political correspondent, it was called americorps, a chain of rural hospitals that went bankrupt, jim biden had no experience running hospital but access to the brother in an email described by politico says this, this would be a perfect platform to expose my brother's team to your protocol, jim biden wrote to the ceo of an experimental cancer treatment, could provide a great opportunity for some real exposure. to what extent, byron, was the cache'of joe biden advantageous to his brother. >> i think 100% is the
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conservative estimate. when you look at both hunter biden's business and jim's business, they were all in the biden business, and it all was based on the influence of their brother and father, joe biden, either as a long time senator or as vice president or in this case you mentioned as the former vice president who had just left office after eight years as vice president. and what was going on here there was someone who told politico that in jim biden's efforts to get in with this hospital company and make a lot of money, there was a discussion of giving joe biden an equity stake in this. did not happen, the whole company went bankrupt and is under investigation but that was part of the discussions. >> john: now according to politico, that equity stake was part of a quid pro quo that jim biden was planning, what politico wrote. jim biden spoke of plans to give
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his brother equity in americorps and install him on the board, according to a second. and if they could find a winning business model for rural healthcare, his brother could promote the company in a future presidential campaign, a third former executive told politico. wow, if that would have happened, that clearly crosses an ethical line. >> yeah, joe biden had shown a particular interest in the issue of cancer, his son beau biden had died of cancer in 2015. that was often cited as one of the reasons joe biden did not actually run in 2016, but in 2017 when joe biden is looking for business opportunities, biden had created something called a biden cancer initiative, sometimes called the cancer moon shot that was going to search, raise a lot of money and search for a cure for cancer and in the end they raised a lot of money, took a lot of trips,
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put on some conferences and did not ever spend any money on research. but, joe biden was associated with this idea of rural healthcare. a lot of this was also going on in pennsylvania where joe biden was originally from, had a lot of connections, and they were pulling political strings in pennsylvania to make this happen. >> john: one more quick question. apparently jim biden got a check for $200,000 from his americorps association. that same day wrote a check to joe biden for "loan repayment." does that indicate that joe biden got a slice of the pie or does it just simply indicate that jim biden was suddenly flush with cash and could write the check. >> it's very suggestive, and we have not heard details about this, and the politico story asked the white house can you tell us something about the loan being repaid, and they were told absolutely nothing. so just continues to be a big question mark out there.
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>> john: all right. we'll see if anybody can peel back the layers of this onion. great to talk with you. thanks for kicking us off this week. appreciate it. >> sandra: russian opposition leader alexei navalny barely survived one assassination attempt, and why his wife believes the same poison was used to kill him in prison. >> john: and latest example of officers under siege. a congresswoman breaks down the shocking new numbers of officers attacked on duty in new york city.
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fact poisoned by the same drug that he was poisoned with back in 2021. and in 14 days, it's likely the chemical will have left his system. but no matter how he was killed, the message is very clear. any opposition to putin, one month before the russian elections will not be tolerated, and inside russia, people who are laying flowers for navalny are being arrested. and the flowers removed. his wife said she will keep fighting. >> i will continue the work of alexei navalny, fight for the country. stand next to me, not only to share my grief and endless pain which has enveloped us and will not let us go. >> in america there are bipartisan calls to make russia a state sponsor of terrorism. president biden suggested more sanctions, though also blamed the republicans for backing down on ukraine. the president trump today said
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navalny's death reminds him of the decline in america and nikki haley saying russian assets should be seized and sent to ukraine. and sandra, allowed a side note here, you want to talk about innocent people that russia has killed, fox news own cameraman, producer, pierre and sasha killed in 2022, and navalny is another example of an innocent person killed by the russian state and many think he was the last person standing to rise in opposition and the future of democracy in russia is dead as well. sandra. >> sandra: we will always remember them and continue to pray for their families. benjamin, good to see you. thank you. >> john: a key witness offering new testimony behind closed doors that could possibly derail the georgia election case against former president trump. >> sandra: plus rising food prices eating away at your paycheck? thank rampant inflation for that. jeff flock is here why buyers
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and sellers are still feeling the pinch. hey, jeff.
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my name's cody archie. and i'm erica. cody: and we're first generation ranchers from central texas. erica: and because of tiktok, we're able to show people from all over the world where their food and fiber come from. cody: we have dorper sheep and we have beef cattle for the sole purpose of going into the food chain. we use tiktok as a tool to inform people of what we do and why we do it. there's just a plethora of knowledge and of information swapping going on there. tiktok is helping us protect this way of life for future generations. sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at >> john: concern is growing after hotter than expected inflation reports, rising food costs continue to climb under president joe biden and both buyers and sellers are getting squeezed. fox business jeff flock is in a very large room surrounded by fresh food. where are you, jeff? >> this is what they call a cold room at the philadelphia wholesale produce market. these guys are getting squeezed by inflation. why is that? the costs to them remain high but unfortunately people don't want to pay the higher prices for what they are selling. take a look at the numbers from the january cpi, maybe you see a lot of things were down in january. gas prices were down, used cars were down, clothing. when it comes to food, that was one of the ones that was up. we talked to
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of migrants from around the world, including large numbers of chinese nationals and a group of so-called special interest syrian men easily making it across. >> syria. >> english? >> so-so.
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>> why are you coming to the u.s.? why come? >> because we love america, and we need a nice life. >> coming for jobs? >> yeah, a nice job, a nice -- because our country very weird. >> sandra: fox team coverage for you now. leo terrell. >> john: bill melugin is live in jacumba, california, you may need to start learning mandarin with the number of chinese nationals crossing in your area. >> john, certainly feels like i do. i can speak spanish but it's not doing me a whole lot of good down here as you mentioned. we are getting a massive explosion of chinese nationals crossing the border. they speak mandarin, we have been able to talk to some using
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translator apps, and the border patrol agents have to deal with that, too. some of the chinese are behind me right now. take a look at this video early this morning here in jacumba after the sun came up, dozens of illegals were waiting to be processed, turkey, china, middle east countries, adults from all around the world. try talking with some of them, what some of them had to say. >> where you guys from? >> turkey. >> where you guys from? >> ecuador. >> where you guys from? >> china. >> china. >> china. >> what city in the u.s. do you want to go to? >> los angeles. >> los angeles. l.a. los angeles. ok. >> over the weekend fox cameras witnessed hundreds of chinese nationals crossing illegally here, most single adults, very
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few if any with little children with them. john and sandra, this is not normal. these numbers are shooting through the roof when it comes to the chinese. to put it in perspective, look at this stunning graphic. sources telling fox news the last four and a half months since october 1st, more than 20,000 chinese nationals encountered at our southern border. that is up more than 4,000 percent over all of fiscal year 2021. when there were just 450 chinese nationals. keep ie almost eight months left in fiscal year 2024 to go. it is not just people pouring across the border, drugs as well. dhs announced a massive fentanyl bust about 45 minutes west of where i'm standing right now. alpine, california, border patrol stopping a vehicle, a drug smuggler's vehicle. found 720,000 fentanyl pills inside of it and 110 different packages. california attorney general calling it one of the biggest
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fentanyl busts in state history. back to you. >> john: boy, no other way to put it, the doors are wide open. bill, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: leo terrell, civil rights attorney and fox news contributor. you have been sounding off on this for years, the crisis at the southern border. leo, it appears by what we are seeing and hearing, this is only getting worse. >> sandra, you are right, and governor abbott is doing everything possible. invoking article i, section 10 of the constitution. invasion going on. it's not a military war, it's an army of illegal migrants coming to the country without permission, unlawful intrusion. there is a response by governor abbott, not by president biden who has admitted that the border is not secure, he is taking his constitutional right to protect the citizens of texas. he has a right to protect his
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state from unlawful entry, sandra. >> sandra: yeah, and just to be clear, you know, you used to be criticized by the left for saying what you just said but you now have a white house who downplayed this for years, and ignored this crisis for years, actually calling it that, a crisis. president biden did so recently, karine jean-pierre and the white house press briefing room addressing it as it is now. here is greg abbott making the case on the constitutional right he says he has to defend the state from this invasion as you just put it. james madison, the father of the constitution emphasized the article would allow virginia state militia to be called for to suppress smugglers who endangered the state. today texas faces a stark threat with mexican drug cartels that operate as paramilitary forces on our border. is he going to be allowed to protect his borders in texas? >> he has a legal ground.
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the section you just pointed out, yes, let me be very clear. yes, because he has a legal ground. we don't have smugglers back 200 years ago, we have illegal migrants entering the country without permission. and unlawful untry resulting in invasion into texas and every state in this country. every state is a border state. and i would submit to you he has a constitutional right to do it. >> sandra: i want to get this in here, retired cbp officers and eagle pass resident. showing support for abbott taking action there at the border. listen. >> it was crazy seeing how illegal aliens were coming in by the thousands and specifically through that area, so somebody had to put their foot down and take action. it's sad it was not president biden because he's responsible for securing the borders and it had to be governor abbott. >> sandra: there is that. there is another governor of another united state, louisiana is dealing with a crisis of their own, and it is a shortage
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of police officers in louisiana. governor landry is now declaring, leo, a state of emergency due to the police shortage there. they are having a hard time retaining, attracting police -- people to work in the police force. what do you do? >> i read his executive order, sandra. let me tell you right now, i'm very clear. one of the reasons why i left the democrats. democrats have demonized law enforcement since 2020. no respect. what he is going on in new york city. governor landry in louisiana has a problem of recruiting officers. why? you are being attacked by criminals, attacked by soft prosecutors, you are not getting the respect and so what he did was taking executive action to increase the number of law enforcement. in red states they are trying to attract more law enforcement officers. it should be a blueprint for california, illinois and new york, but what you have seen in
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this country ever since the summer of rise in 2020 you have seen an attack on law enforcement. no civilized society can exist without law and order, sandra. >> sandra: and a former police officer himself, the governor of louisiana and sheriff's deputy. he's vowing to crack down on crime in louisiana. they have been dealing with this for years, the highest homicide rates in the country, and to have a police shortage in this moment is dire for the residents there in that state. we'll keep watching that. thanks for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> john: how bad it's getting in the golden state, california is facing a rare tornado threat as extreme weather brings even more flooding to the already water-logged state. robert ray in the middle of things in pacifica, california, you know, they once sang a song it never rains in southern
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california, this proves that to be wrong, it's raining all over the state. what's it like where you are now? >> john, indeed it is. pacifica, 15 miles to the south of san francisco got some heavy bands coming in here, big time winds, between 30 and 40 miles an hour sustained up to 50 on the gusts and you see the waves behind me. a high surf advisory, up to 30 feet is expected in some areas as this continues. also the winds as i said, up to 50 mile an hour gusts. flash flood watches in play here in the bay area, and that's a big concern as you are looking at this live imagery of the rain and the waves here. take a look if you can at some of this video from earlier as waves were crashing into the pier here in pacifica, unbelievable, big time breakers. even had a rainbow earlier, now one of the biggest concerns, unfortunately, is the fact that this tropical moisture off the pacific, the atmospheric river,
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what it could cause is spin-up tornadoes in the central valley, sacramento, to the northeast of where we are at is in that spot where that could happen. unfortunately. santa barbara to the south could get the most moisture and los angeles in it, too. 800 plus miles of coastline here and nobody is gonna get spared this atmospheric river as another one is just continues today, this will go on for the next 48 hours. what a month in the state of california as the pacific ocean is ravaging in pacifica, just 15 miles south of san francisco. john. >> john: never rains in california, but girl let me warn ya, it pours, man, it pours. albert hammond would be satisfied. now this. >> you have to pay me rent. you have to pay me for that nice desk you got and that nice blue chair that you are sitting in. >> sandra: a third grade teacher going viral for charging her
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students rent for their desks. and late fees for their tardiness. we'll speak with shelby latimore what she's hoping to teach her young students. >> john: it's not real money, though. more about biden's inability to inspire his democratic base? our political panel weighs in coming up next. meet the traveling trio. the thrill seeker. the soul searcher. and - ahoy! it's the explorer! each helping to protect their money with chase. woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her. because these friends have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. (vo) welcome to lobsterfest. is your party ready? ready to attack this new lobster & shrimp stack? ready for your lobster lover's dream to come true?
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i think he's having a midlife crisis join the mi'm not.of people taking back their privacy you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is. >> john: president biden not only facing low polling but also low enthusiasm even among fellow democrats, and that is creating more headaches for his campaign in the midst of a crucial election cycle. let's bring in our political panel, juan williams, and matt
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gorman. gentlemen, good to be with you. juan, let's start with you. republican political consultant stewart stevens wrote in the new republic democrats are not doing a good enough job talking up biden, a plea to my democratic friends, call joe biden a great president, historically great president. say it with passion backed with conviction that it's true. so he's a republican, admittedly, very anti-trump republican, senior adviser to the lincoln project. but juan, if you've got republicans saying you are not doing enough to support biden, something is going on. >> what's going on is i think biden is too moderate for a lot of the progressives in the party. you stop and think about it, john. he's far to the right of someone like aoc or even the man who came in second for the nomination in 2020, bernie sanders, socialist senator from
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vermont. so, you look at the reality and stewart stevens touches on this a bit. you look at low unemployment, you look at record production of oil, you look at the nato allies standing together against putin, look at the legislative record, his record on capitol hill. it's incredible. you say oh, gosh, democrats should be championing joe biden as a great president but large sectors of the base say he's not left and progressive and want him to be more of an antagonist, a fighter for the far left. >> john: a list of goods, and horribles, interest rates, gas prices, wars around the world, serious issues on his plate. what do you put the lack of enthusiasm down to? that, his age, something else? >> activist, millennial, easier
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for him to sit and pout now, it's february. no consequence. i think at the end of the day and it's november and trump versus biden, the person who hates trump and the activist, he'll go and vote for joe biden. but let's not pretend that joe biden is fdr. he's a failed president who presided over the top of the show an open border, record inflation as you laid out and got the country, 86% of the country, 86% of the country to agree on anything, that he's too old to be in office. so i think you know, the only way you could make that statement that stu made with a straight face, livelihood depends on clicks and money from the left which does if you are stu or part of the biden campaign, either way. >> john: and fdr died at 63 years old, and biden is running for re-election at 81.
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charlaman the god. >> uninspiring candidate. nothing about joe biden that makes you want to listen to him. he should be leaning on his vice president, kamala harris, who is way more charismatic than him. >> john: when it comes to describing biden, a lot of eh there. >> i think he is right. not necessarily a charismatic president, but again, you know, we are comparing him in some ways to donald trump and trump is all about charisma and bravado and boastfulness. >> you could compare him to clinton, to bush, to obama. >> actually, if you compare biden to eisenhower, to reagan, the bushes, he's a lot more close to them as a policy matter, those republicans than he is to anybody on the far left. >> charisma. >> i'm talking about in terms of policy, he is not that guy in
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charisma, and people wanted to go back to normal. >> john: and huge problem in migrant, articulated by rashida tlaib, encouraging her constituents not to vote for him in the primary. >> we don't want a country that supports wars and bombs and destruction. we want to support life. right now we feel completely neglected and unseen by our government. if you want us to be louder, then come here and vote uncommitted. >> john: come here and vote uncommitted. don't vote for the guy a sitting president, vote uncommitted. holy cow, talk about a ringing endorsement, matt. >> exactly, and it rings true to what i read, in the "new york times" how the far left activists, they are burned out and outraged. they are exhausted, and they are having a hard time getting excited yet again. the folks that led the marches on trump when he was in office and i think it manifests what you are seeing right there. i was talking to a democratic strategist, a famous one who
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worked for obama and clinton and said this is a common problem we often see with democratic presidents. they think to themselves, how great i was, all 50 states, i know, my staff knows, they live in the bubble and they get little bits and pieces like this where they realize the enthusiasm that they had when first elected is not there anymore. if joe biden is running against anyone other than donald trump, it's harder to make that kind of choice comparison you see here. >> john: yeah, well, nikki haley was -- could be in position to make that comparison. >> she's still there. >> john: great to see you. thanks so much. appreciate it. >> sandra: speaking of which, a live look at camden, south carolina, monitoring nikki haley's latest campaign event as we enter the final week before the primaries in her home state. so, it's a question john asked last night, can she close the gap? >> john: plus, business leaders sounding off after the ruling in
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new york. could it convince them to pack their bags? steve moore and robert wolf here to weigh in. >> forget about the trump factor, it's not about that. what does this say to everybody that wants to do work in new york, wants to risk capital? i mean, it's a huge mistake. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ men tell us when they use just for men® to eliminate gray, there's a great “before and after”. then, there's the 'after the after' — that boost you get when you look and feel your best. and that's why more men choose just for men®.
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>> sandra: breaking right now, the crew of a u.k.-owned cargo ship was forced to abandon ship in the red sea after the iranian backed houthis fired two ballistic missiles, one of them making direct impact and causing damage. the attack comes one day after the u.s. struck an under sea drone during five self-defense strikes against the terror group. >> john: new york judge ordering former president trump to pay more than $350 million in damages putting the fate of his
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big apple empire in question. as experts warn the decision could have a wider impact on the entire state's economy. we will take that up with steve moore and robert wolf in a minute, but first to kelly o'grady live outside trump tower in midtown manhattan with the latest fallout. kelly. >> john, you'll have fallout potentially for trump's new york empire as well as the business community at large. let's start with trump. the damages if you add in the $100 million will total 450 million, he has to set this aside, even in an appeal process. pulling it together is challenging enough, but he cannot borrow from institutions in new york, it's going to limit his business activities as potentially his funding for his election efforts. given the scale of the implications, the new york businesses have been jittery,
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outspoken what it could mean for them. could it impact other real estate developers and industries, and governor hochul tried to calm fears over the weekend but a spokesperson warning if it's allowed to stand, it will only change others. if it's upheld, it would go to the state for a victimless crime. >> sandra: steve and robert, i can sense robert is feisty. first off, this is kathy hochul, the governor of the state, robert, feeling like she needs to come out and address the concerns about business here in new york after all of this. let's listen. >> i think that this is really an extraordinarily unusual circumstance that the law abiding and rule following new
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yorkers who are business people have nothing to worry about because they're very different than donald trump and his behavior. >> sandra: but you say what about this spurring a new york exodus? >> it's irrelevant the trump case to what new york business is going to think. all of these companies have strict risk and governance capability. they will look at how did he at this sha james and brag will look at things. i'm on the member partnership for new york city oversees 350, the largest companies in new york. i think news corps may be one of them, when i was on the board ruppert was the chair of the partnership, and kathy wild spoke to ceos, to a person it was irrelevant. president trump is a unique character and what happens with him does not necessarily translate to anything with corporate america. >> sandra: steve? >> first of all, i'm surprised that robert will not at least admit this was one of the most
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outrageous verdicts any american has ever heard of, and new york has lost 3 million people over the last decade, sandra, 3 million on net who have left, and i just got back from miami, every other car i saw was a new york license plate of people relocated and look, basically saying, what new york is saying to people, we are not open for business. donald trump helped build the great city of manhattan. his building there is one of the iconic buildings. remember what happened with the skating rink, the city could not get the skating rink built and he went out there and did it himself. he's been an incredible asset to the city and this is how they pay him back? i personally, robert, have talked about five major businessmen in new york saying i have to have second thoughts about whether i can say here. >> sandra: mr. wonderful thinks the fallout from the trump decision is very real.


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