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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  February 21, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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that's heartwarming, isn't it? >> it's great. i have had a great career being the proudest moment of his life is really cool. >> bill: just because i lost a leg doesn't mean i've lost hope or my heart. you drew a walk, okay? so what's going to happen next time? put a little number on that ball? >> hopefully i get a strike to get a hit but i'm looking forward to it and i'll be ready. >> we're cheering for you. thank you for coming on. best to you, your teammates, coach and whole family. >> yes, sir, god bless. >> bill: parker byrd, thank you, good luck. >> [inaudible question] >> i'm not saying that at all. i'm just saying it doesn't change the underlying facts.
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and the f.b.i. -- christopher wray -- he said this time was such a valued source. somebody asked the f.b.i. that's a valuable source? >> dana: president biden's brother, james, is set to give testimony today. regarding the republican impeachment inquiry. the first time lawmakers will question the president's younger brother focusing on foreign business arrangements and payments to his brother before he became president. money for nothing. new york city mayor eric adams is defending the city's controversial contract to hand out pre-paid debit cards for border crossing migrants as they continue to flood into the city. more than 175,000 in the last 18 months. critics are warning the cash card giveaway will cost taxpayers much, much more than publicized. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana
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perino, >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. good morning. handing out free money not likely to slow down the waves of migrants rushing to the big apple. the growing crisis is dividing democrats putting added pressure on president biden to clamp down on illegal immigration. especially as other sanctuary cities across america also feel the strain taxing limited resources. more than 7 million migrants caught crossing the border under president biden's watch thus far. that's not counting the nearly 2 million who got away. homeland security releasing more than 3 million to local communities. more than the population now of 17 states. >> dana: former president trump last night saying he doesn't think biden has the political will to ever fix the problem. >> migrant crime. we have a new category of crime called migrant crime and worse than any other form of crime. you look at new york city what's going on where they attack police. they want to fight police
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officers. our criminals don't do that so much, okay? i've never seen it having fist fights with police officers in the middle of the street. and we have to do something about it. these are tough people. he is destroying our country. this guy is destroying our country. >> dana: madison with more on the fresh cash cards for migrants. there was more to this story than we originally were told. >> there is a lot more to this story. mayor eric adams is defending the city's move to hand out those pre-loaded debit cards to migrants not just critics. you look at the contract. there is real concern that it will cost taxpayers way more than advertised. this pilot program is put on a price tag of $53 million. the mayor is saying it will save the city 7.2 million a year by allowing migrants to buy their own food and baby supplies because right now $7.2 million worth of food is being wasted
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when it is thrown out. >> if we just sit back and just state we're going to just allow people to be here forever and just continue to -- not trying things new and different we're not going to solve this problem. >> so this new program worth $53 million is really unclear how the money will be spent. the pilot program is for 500 families getting $1 thousand a month. over the course of one year it equals $6 million. this contract signed with mobility capital finance for $53 million. so it doesn't add up. it is unclear how large a fee this contractor, which was awarded in a no-bid contract, will be awarded. the program hasn't started yet but there are already talks of expanding it if things go well. critics doubt the pre-loaded debit cards will be used correctly in a population with
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no legal identity and no fraud control. there is also concerns it will be exploited by greedy individuals and gangs that we know work among these populations. adams defense of the card coming after a dramatic video showing a migrant being put in cuffs by police at the city's randall island tent city following a violent confrontation with police. really important -- >> dana: i think we lost madison. she gave us a good report there. they'll continue to follow this. it happened right there at one of the centers. this guy was not supposed to be there. he left, came back, supposed to be an arrest and when all the melee happened. it is terrible. >> bill: it went on for ten minutes. bring in kayleigh mcenany. she is with us now. >> dana: here she is. we're glad of it. >> bill: want to take you back to last night.
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let's queue up number three. questions about the court cases and those bringing the cases against them and a question about retribution. this is how he answered last night. >> we'll get together through success. when this -- the country was at a level -- we had the best employment numbers in history. everything was good and this country was coming together. then we got hit with covid. this country came together. i don't care about the revenge thing. i know they usually use the word revenge. will there be revenge? my revenge will be success. >> bill: you stuck the landing on that and used that a couple of times. >> to great effect. he made it about you. that's a successful formula. we have oh he seen him do this a few times outside of the courtroom in the last two weeks. he talks about immigration and he talks about the economy. when he does that he nullifies
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any of the critiques from the theft and that he has gotten in the media. i think that line is one we should continue to hear repeatedly and bring's people's mind when the economy and border was better and people felt safer. >> dana: this from biden yesterday was fairly agile. about who he will face in november. >> who would you rather challenge in november, nikki haley or donald trump? >> president biden: i don't care. >> dana: i hate that shot with the helicopter but that i thought was effective for president biden. >> i agree. the age concern is a serious one. let your allies litigate that case for you. he takes age coverage seriously. his press shop puts a tally together when age was mentioned. he knows it is a legitimate criticism. for him to treat it dismissively
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is the right response. >> bill: roll this now. americans and how they grade joe biden. >> i think it's time for the new blood. >> his age is concerning. i don't think he can, you know, lead this great country for the next four years. >> he is an older guy. he will be a little slower but making the best decisions that i think he can make. that's not putting us in jeopardy. >> bill: we'll talk about this for seven or eight months. we're big readers of mark halperin. he does a focus group to eight biden supporters and asked them what the biggest issue is going to be. i don't believe any one of them said age. nearly all of them said abortion. no one said the border. i just want you to think about this now. republicans and democrats, independents in the middle. what issues matter to them?
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and the fact that they went 0 for eight on the border and we've been covering the story for the last three years and now it is seeping into every major american city to the point where you can't ignore it. what do you think about that from a communications standpoint as you go after abortion or if you go after immigration and which one you emphasize? >> he has to address the border. it is not a communication issue, it is a fact issue that he has to resolve. there has been axios reporting about the big, bold executive order to come. how bold will it be? he has the authority and the immigration national act to take drastic action. if he does that he could solve the problem on the border. but does he create a problem with progressives? the folks already unhappy with some of the actions he has taken. an interesting fact issue that he has to resolve and
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interesting political one should he resolve the number of people coming across the border. >> dana: i'll make a comment. a person who works for president trump was the mastermind of the swift vote veterans for truth that destroyed john kerry's candidacy at the end. don't you think he can take this video and make an ad even though it is bold will it convince anybody else it didn't happen for three years? >> we have months and months is an eternity of time until november. my question still becomes i think they come home at the end of the day. but you have to resolve the problem. >> dana: they hold their nose and vote. >> yes. >> dana: what a way to go into an election. see you on "outnumbered." >> yes. >> bill: thank you. >> we seek to hold every shooter
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accountable for their actions on that day. every single one. >> bill: this story in kansas city is not over. two adults now face second degree murder charges after the kansas city chiefs parade shooting that left one dead and dozens injured. two juveniles also detained. more charges are possible. garrett tenney back on the story with us today on what we are learning now. >> we know the better idea of what happened leading up to this shooting. it involves a 23-year-old and 18-year-old facing charges. according to prosecutors one started the argument with another group of guys at the parade which quickly escalated to pulling out a gun and shooting at the group who then pulled out their own guns and started shooting back as well. that group, included dominic miller and prosecutors say it was one of his shots that hit and killed 43-year-old lisa galvan. mays admitted to police he was
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the first to pull his gun and start shooting and when investigators asked why he went up to the group and started the whole thing he said stupid, man, just pulled a gun out and started shooting. i shouldn't have done that. just being stupid. both mays and miller are charged with second degree murder, armed criminal action and unlawful use of a weapon. prosecutors say it's just the beginning. there are others out there who were involved and who will be held accountable. >> our investigation continues at full velocity. teams of detectives are working non-stop to insure that anyone else responsible for the shooting is apprehended and that they receive the maximum punishment allowed by law. >> the family of the mother of two and popular local d.j. killed in the parade shooting thanked investigators for their work. two juveniles were also arrested and could be tried as adults. in total more than 20 people
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were shot, half of them children. more than a dozen others were injured in the chaos that followed. >> bill: thanks. more to come. garrett tenney in the midwest bureau. >> dana: the search for answers picking up steam. president biden's younger brother james going behind closed doors in the house impeachment inquiry. >> bill: he has been accused of being too cozy with iran and sympathetic to hamas. a state department watchdog is putting him under investigation. >> dana: violence running rampant in a blue state high schools. officials calling for the national guard for security and peace of mind. >> my daughter asked me not to go to school having a panic attack, she didn't feel safe there. what do i do to make sure my child and every child here is safe at all times? i've got to go. ok. bye. mom! (♪) -thanks mom. -yeah. (♪)
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>> bill: we're watching the u.s. supreme court right now whether or not the supreme us issue a ruling on the trump immune eligibility. no ruling yet on that. waiting on the question about immunity and maybe that comes at any time. and the justices do they take up the case or the question of presidential immunity or do they defer? if they defer the jack smith matter in washington, d.c. starts to pick up a little steam. we're waiting on both. no word as of the moment. stand by. >> dana: right around the corner from that taking place on the house side is james biden behind closed door testimony. jamie raskin is the minority chairman there and he is speaking about it. let's listen for a moment.
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>> collecting money from foreign governments i'm all for it. we had to issue our own report as the democratic membership on the committee about donald trump's collection. we have documented receipts of nearly $8 million that trump collected while in office at the hotels, at the golf courses from china, from saudi arabia, from united arab emirates. a serious issue and talk about legislation to prevent that foreign financial investment in politics. >> dana: james biden is the one under oath taking questions today behind the scenes. any news that comes out of that as it happens. mocrats divide over israel taking a toll on the far left wing of the party. new york congressman ritchie torres quitting the progressive conference. he has been a staunch supporter in its war of self-defense
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against hamas. i don't know if you've listened to interviews with him. look him up. a very interesting person. far left on many issues but does support israel and so we'll take you back over to the hill now. that's happening on one side. james biden walking into that. let's listen. >> make way. >> have you smoked crack at the white house? >> he does look like his brother, james biden the younger brother of president joe biden going in for his on the record testimony. but is behind closed doors and we'll see what comes out of that. >> bill: this could go for a long time today. tony bobulinski was there the other day and they went eight hours. was it nine hours of testimony? so jim biden goes in and see, two committees will be present there and ready with their questions and democrats will be ready to fight back and then
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we'll wait for the transcript imagine tonight or tomorrow we'll hear a thing or two what happened. >> dana: a lot to cover. "politico" did a long piece whether jim biden is somebody who had basically gotten a payment from a group called americorps out of pennsylvania and there was a $2 hundred thousand payment made to him. on that same day there was a payment made to president biden from a personal account from jim biden. is there are just questions that are going to need to be answered today by james biden. it is interesting. sometimes when they are behind the scenes you might get leaks but sometimes not complete, right? everybody is just getting out the information they think will help their side. what matters is that it is something where you have to be truthful. you are sworn to tell the truth. >> bill: a lot of members in there. judiciary and -- questions will come from republicans about payments from china and russia
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and ukraine and kazakhstan and romania and see how he is able to answer that or not behind closed doors. >> dana: next week hunter biden is on the hill. court cases and hill testimony. >> bill: 22 past the hour. a former top enjoy to tehran. now rob malley is back in the spotlight. he faces an investigation from the u.s. state department inspector general after suspension last june that pretty much caught a lot of people by surprise. why? rich edson has the reporting on the story from state now. good morning. >> good morning, bill. inspector general is investigating the state department and how it handled pulling rob malley's security clearance and suspending him. diplomatic security pulled the security clearance in april and continued performing some duties of his job until june. officials say the f.b.i. is looking into his handling of classified information. mali worked on the state department's negotiations to get
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the united states back into the iran nuclear deal. he also helped efforts to secure american citizens wrongfully held in iran. house foreign affairs committee chairman michael mccaul says the state department has withheld critical information about his security clearance suspension. he tells folks we obtained more news from the tehran times than our own state department. the administration continues its reckless policy towards iran the rob malley saga gets more alarming. i'll continue pressing the administration for answers and full transparency. the state department maintains officials here are cooperating. >> i won't speak on behalf of the inspector general. they operate independently and they should be the ones to decide whether to confirm an investigation. when it comes to inspector general investigations we comply with those fully and we'll continue to do so. >> all this as iran-backed
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militia's have been attacking international shipping and u.s. positions in the middle east leading to the deaths of three american service members. >> bill: rich edson at the state department today. >> dana: remote gap in the california border wall seeing a surge of migrants from across the world and stirring up problems with some residents. we'll talk live with a san diego resident witnessing the crisis in the country firsthand. >> a lot of people don't realize the fence stops and turns into a barbed wire fence or in some stops nothing at all. this problem has been going on for months here almost a year at this point. to duckduckgo on alle duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud
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i've been taking prevagen now for five years and it's really helped me stay sharp and present. it's really worked for me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit. >> dana: capitol hill. this is james biden, the younger brother of president joe biden, and he just a few moments ago walked into the house office building on capitol hill where he will give behind closed doors
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testimony today. this is all part of the house republicans impeachment inquiry into president joe biden and possible foreign business dealings. we don't expect too much news in the next few hours. as soon as they get done with that we might get some leaks out of there and bring them to you as they happen. >> bill: from washington, d.c. let's go to the border and show you what's happening on the southwest border with a 2,000 mile stretch. we've color-coded every sector starting in texas, going to california. especially concerned about this right here. so you have the del rio sector, the big bend, el paso, tucson, yuma in arizona and then we move over to san diego and jacumba is the town where bill melugin has been reporting for a few days. we'll show you what's happening there. it's not in the middle of nowhere. if you were driving in southern california along interstate 8,
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freeway eight, you see rocks and mountains and it's not the most hospitable place to live or find crossing. on the mexican side of the border you have to go ten miles to find the closest road. that's how long the stretch has been. this is what's happening. these are encounters in the san diego sector going back four years. go back to 2021 about 40,000, right? 2022, 70,000. now you jump up to 106,000. look in fiscal year 2024. it has only been five months, folks. you are up at 182,000. who are they? where do they come from? going back to 2021, you had 450 chinese nationals who crossed at that particular point. look what is happening now. over the past saturday, sunday and monday, three days of this week we've eclipsed that number for the entire year in the southern border area and you
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have 452 crossing the san diego sectors. cartels know what is up. chinese nationals who fly to mexico and make their way to the border know what's up. this gentleman knows it well. chris mueller is a marine taking video of the cartels and migrants crossings about you started four or five months ago. why are you doing this, c is? why is it important to you? >> to me i served my country and i protected those border walls. to just see people walk across like no big deal is concerning, right? it's not the individuals, it's the process. we have to have things to mitigate this. if you make it too easy for people to cross people will take advantage of that and take advantage of the infrastructure. this has become a commodity crisis. people are making money on this. it is about the infrastructure and money floating around to produce this. >> bill: i look at that image behind you and think what is happening in california? you know what texas did.
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they fought for two years to go and block off the crossings. and because of that they are coming your way. >> that's exactly right. we've seen an uptick. i have been coming once a week for the last few months. you can see the change. every part of the border is different. the way the border operates here is different than texas based on the way the state runs its border walls. hereist is a free for all. i see people crossings. pictures of people like youtube influencers in ear pieces looking at spotify like they are going down to the store. a slap in the face to every american that's fought and died for this country. >> bill: our colleague griff jenkins was on the air earlier today. they fly into tijuana on the mexican side of the border and cross the border with fresh clothes and clean suitcases and iphones that have been charged. is that what you see? >> that's correct.
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we found itinerary of people making hotel booksings days after they crossed so they have a place to go once processed by border patrol. picked up by the cartel from cancun. spend time there and become american now. that's how it is. it is a big sham is all it is. >> two things about your experience. you unlocked a chinese immigrant's iphone and what did you see? >> that's correct. >> it documents his entire trip from leaving china, going through the darian gap and getting into mexico and that's it. it shows the money he will need. it shows things he will need. he spent about i think it was between five to 10,000 american dollars he had to spend to keep aside for food and what he wrote down as robbery or got extorted by the cartel or mexican police. these people are coming prepared. >> bill: if you want it, you can get it.
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one more story here. you said the most shocking thing was an elderly woman who apparently could not walk and she was trying to get over these boulders. what was that all about? >> so i had a camera set up. a flagpole near that area and a flagpole set up and documented a cartel member. old lady could barely walked. he walk 200 to 300 yards in the united states nicely and nurse like like a nursing home scenario walked her in. drove the vehicle close to her and gave her documents through the hole. i did get some videos of that guy so you can see that. it is like it gives you this -- very personable. these people i guess they have a heart because if i was a cartel i would drop the lady but it's amazing. >> bill: you said your goal is to give an unfiltered awareness
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of what is going on and at some point we'll see your documentary. thanks for your time today. i know the weather is brutal out there, chris. thank you for sharing your story. >> thanks for having me. appreciate it. >> bill: thank you for serving the country. vert impeachment investigators questioning biden's brother james on foreign business interests. will they find a there there? a ballerina with dual citizenship is held in russia accused of treason. efforts to bring her and other detained americans back home. >> i am very worried about her physical being. i know there is a lot of physical abuse in russian jails. mental abuse and i am concerned and my heart is breaking for her.
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous.
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>> bill: two guys walk into a bar, actually no, they walk up a mountain together. check out this view. robert kennedy junior posting a picture with aaron rodgers writing hiking with aaron rodgers and his amazing achilles. hope springs, martha, right, for the next season. >> dana: i missed the whole thing about the three dogs. that was the best part of the whole thing. i thought one of the dogs was named achilles. >> bill: there are ideas in that. those guys had a good hike together. share that with you. >> dana: this from earlier. >> i don't know the details but i can say that based on the way putin treats his own people, it is of great concern how putin treats also american citizens. >> dana: the u.s. ambassador to ukraine reacting to the 33-year-old ballerina with both
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u.s. and russian citizenship arrested in russia accused of helping to raise money for ukraine. looks like she is being treated horribly. alex with more. >> this russian american is being held behind bars on suspicion of treason for reportedly donating $5one to a ukraine charity. she could face up to 20 years behind bars. 33-year-old, a resident of los angeles. family members are speaking out saying she came to the u.s. to a work study program living in maryland before moving to california where she works as a spa manager in beverly hills. she went back to russia to visit her parents, sister and grandma adding to know her is to love her. this is heartbreaking news. it is so difficult to share but it must be done to spread her story and seek justice.
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she is handcuffed and blindfolded taken into custody. russia has revealed little. the charity providing assistance in ukraine quickly condemned her arrest. not clear at this point how this donation was noticed. the state department explained the challenging road ahead to get her back. >> russia is not recognized dual citizenship. considers them to be russian stat sense and so often time we have a difficult time getting consular assistance. we'll pursue it. >> she is the latest in the series of americans jailed if russia. like journalist evan gershkovitch and paul whalen held on charges of espionage. the u.s. ambassador will visit gershkovitch today to discuss next steps after a moscow court rejected his latest appeal just yesterday. >> dana: alex hogan, thank you. >> bill: you want to be on the wall for this one.
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president biden's younger brother, jim, behind closed doors on the hill answering questions about his family business ties and that house impeachment inquiry. it could go on for some time. he didn't have a lot to say going in. martha maccallum has something to say with us now. good morning to you. i guess maybe let's start generally. what's the expectation? republicans are going for. you have a bunch of payments from everywhere, all kinds of different countries, what did you do with the money? >> exactly. they've been waiting a long time to speak to james biden, one of the people on these collective emails and business arrangements with cefc and also they want to know about this check that he wrote from -- he got $2 hundred thousand from americorps and then wrote a check to his brother joe biden for $200,000. they are looking for a way to link the family business, which was the biden brand that has been pretty well established, to
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anything that might be illegal that went to joe biden. that's the difficult link that they have had to try to make. one of the things we looked into this morning that is interesting, you know, how did -- what has he been doing all these years, james biden? what is his job, employment, lawyer, doctor, we didn't find any of those things. in 1973 he owned a nightclub in wilmington, one thing that we were able to find about his resume. in 2000 he was hired to generate business for a law firm. kind of a nebulous description of a job. in 2017 he was brought into raise money and investors for a healthcare company, which is americorps, the company that wrote the $2 hundred thousand check. his resume is very thin. how has he supported these homes and could he have done any of this if not the brother of joe biden? >> 2017 was the year his brother
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no longer vice president. >> these were legitimate businesses they were running is what they argue clearly using the biden name to gain influence. the question is where that led to and whether or not it had any impact on policy prior to that. >> dana: last night president trump was talking about his own civil trials. this is a sound from him about where he thinks it's coming from. >> this is all coming out of the white house. whether it's that one or the d.a. the d.a.'s office in bragg's office he has his top people from the d.o.j. working in the district attorney's office in new york. this is all election interference. they are trying to damage me so they can win another election. if i didn't run, i wouldn't have any of these lawsuits, you know that. none of them. >> dana: these two stories about the bidens and impeachment inquiry and the president and his trials with continue to swirl for several months. >> wouldn't be great if in the interview that james just did
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she was asked that question, would you be pursuing any of this if president trump wasn't running again? she has said i'll get trump, i'll get rid of trump. all of that. it just smacks of a way of speaking about these kind of procedures and the judicial system that i think we're not used to hearing, right? i think it's very interesting, too, when you look at the comments you played earlier from jamie raskin there are a lot of international business deals. he is on the committee hearing from james biden. lots of international business deals that they were very curious about on the democratic side for the trump organization. he have he enlisted them. golf courses, real estate. these are actual entities that were for sale that were built that had investors and that the business of the trump organization. there is a big difference here. there is no product that was part of a transaction other than the biden name so far in all of the investigations that have
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been done. >> bill: curious how many times jim biden refuses to answer questions. tony bobulinski and rob walker were both former business partners of each other and already been questioned for hours and hours on end. >> it has been a long, large question why the department of justice did not ever ask tony bobulinski after he dropped off all his equipment, phones, laptop, never once asked him to come in and talk to them about it? that's bizarre. what world is that? a former navy officer. he is not some kind of whack job that probably made all this stuff up. >> dana: sometimes you don't ask because you don't want to know. 3:00 on "the story" you might have more behind closed doors testimony. on saturday we'll be with you. we'll be with you and bret. >> another election day. >> dana: we'll be here at 7:00 p.m. with martha and bret. >> bill: a working weekend on
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saturday. >> what else would we be doing on a saturday? we would rather be here than anything else. i love covering the primaries. >> dana: we'll see you at 3:00. >> bill: daily fights, frequent drug use and illicit sexual activity in one single high school. officials are asking the mayor to call in the big guns, the national guard.
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>> harris: the wall of democrats defending biden's is getting shakeier. his brother, james biden is meeting with house republicans wanting to know more about the family's business deals as they consider impeaching president biden. and what is the former president donald trump saying now on debating biden? you know he wants it. congresswoman nancy mace, jason chaffetz.
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"the faulkner focus", top of the hour. >> dana: a spike in violence from students at one massachusetts high school has staff calling on the national guard to help rein them in. students are using drugs on campus, starting fights and even finding a stabbing in the school yard. tony rodriguez is requesting the national guard be deployed. you went to the school. you have children who went to the school and a younger child who presumably would go through that school. what happened since you graduated in the late 90s? >> i'm trying to ask myself that same question. the education system has changed dramatically and it is baffling just to get reports on a daily basis. >> dana: what do you think is happening there? give some examples? >> students are engaging in fights. not just one-on-one, group
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fights, smoking, disrespect for the staff, walking out of the building without authorization. students that not authorized to get in and trying to circumvent the procedures of entering the school building. >> dana: i read at one point there were 35 teachers absent. >> yes, there was. daily we are dealing with 20 to 25 teachers calling out sick every day. when you have 35 educators that call out, that's over 1,000 students that are left unsupervised in the building. with no supervision these kids have a free for fall. >> dana: a total of 4300 students at the school. brockton is 20 miles south of downtown boston. was there a straw that broke the camel's back that made you think you needed to ask the national guard to come in? >> the problem has been going on for years and it is progressing
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and getting worse and worse by the week. we couldn't just sit back and wait to put a plan in place and the quickest and safest way to do this is to make the request to the governor to see if she can activate the national guard. we aren't here to try to militarize the school but to have them have extra bodies in the school to watch outdoors and hallways and act as substitute teachers as has been done across the country to make sure these students are in the classroom and limit the amount of wandering that's going on in the schools. >> dana: a guy named winthrop farwell, a counselor against the national guard. it isn't the role of the national guard. we must support our teachers when they file reports of misconduct. we have assaults on staff and students with minimal consequences. school absenteeism need to be consistently addressed. parents need to be involved in solving current issues. you're a parent. you have been very involved.
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your two children have gone to -- one is college and one is graduated and doing great. do you think parents are the answer here? >> it starts at home. mr. fall wel is a big fan of mine and i'm a big fan of his as well. i agree with his comment and disagree with a lot of where he stands im being a former school -- a lot of discipline starts at home. we have to hold those parents accountable for their children's actions going on in the schools. >> dana: do you think the national guard will come in? >> it's up to the governor. i hope she does act. charlie baker in 2021 activated the national guard as bus drivers. i hope governor healey does activate this. >> dana: you need help. i'm running out of time but thank you for being on the show. we'll follow this story and have you back. thank you very much. harris faulkner is


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