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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  February 22, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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>> yeah. people are like screw you, we want to see more of the dog. she is the fastest growing social media account we've ever had. we've been around for 20 years. nobody has grown as fast as miss peaches. she doesn't know she is a superstar, just the same old miss peaches. >> steve: if you want to help the animal rescue folks go to stool >> ainsley: you adopt from a shelter. >> adopt, don't shop. so many dogs, wonderful dogs like miss peaches are out there and need loving homes. >> thank you, dave and miss peaches. thank you, miss peaches. >> steve: good dog. >> ainsley: we also love jasper, right? >> bill: indeed. good morning and right now as we come on the air, some of you
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might be getting this message call failure when you use your phone. outages reported across the country. appears issues with using wireless datas. they appear to be working with calls over wifi. breaking down the business of biden. they were trying for hours yesterday lawmakers interviewing the president's brother on the when hill. did he contradict himself? reports out there and we'll try to get to that as well as we say good morning. it's thursday in new york. bill hemmer. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." we'll have a great show for you today. jim biden initially denied taking part in a deal with his nephew hunter but later changed his story after he saw his signature on a document. >> it's the money, the business, the brand. they were willing to go into business with jim biden, who had
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numerous failed business ventures. who owed multiple people hundreds of thousands of dollars are willing to go into business just with hunter and just with jim because of the power of the brand. the influence with joe biden that would entail. >> dana: coming ahead of hunter biden's deposition. that is scheduled for next week. >> bill: democrats say it is time to pull the plug on the impeachment inquiry after the d.o.j. indicted one of the witnesses for lying. republicans say the underlying facts have not changed. house ways and means chairman jason smith is here. first to mike emanuel for the story and news on this in d.c. good morning. >> good morning. marathon day for president biden's brother behind closed doors with house lawmakers. his interview looked into biden family business dealings was on the record and insists joe biden has never had any involvement or any direct nor indirect financial interest in his business ventures. james biden says he has kept his
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professional life separate from their close personal relationships. they say he was making millions selling access to. >> he was introducing the owners of cefc to the american political establishment of the democrat party. now, that's called lobbying. that's what a lobbyist does. when you do that for a foreign entity it's called a foreign agent. >> democrats down played the testimony and pointed to a court filing alleging that smirnov, a former f.b.i. informant charged for lying about joe and hunter biden accepting money has ties to russian intelligence. >> russian intelligence operatives were creating the disinformation at the foundation of this investigation. i think it is time for chairman comer and republicans to fold up the circus tent and we should get back to the work for the
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american people. >> one informant does not erase all of the concerns for biden family business dealings. house oversight received more than 150 suspicious activity reports detailing financial transactions flagged by bank employees for payments to james and hunter biden they found to be suspicious. next week hunter biden will be on capitol hill for his deposition under oath. >> bill: mike, we wait for that. mike emanuel in washington. >> dana: want to bring in jason smith, republican from missouri chairman of the house ways and means committee. a deposition behind closed doors, we don't have a transcript. what are you able to tell us about this? >> dana, yesterday what we saw out of james biden is that all he focused on was protecting the family brand proofing step-by-step that's what they do best, protect the family brand and sell that family brand all over the world. dana, the family brand is joe
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biden. we have numerous, numerous whatsapp messages and also emails that came from the i.r.s. whistleblowers that intimately showed james biden along with hunter, tony bobulinski, rob walker and other associates selling the brand to foreigners all over the world. the brand is joe biden. >> bill: just to repeat the quote he gave, i have had a 50 year career in a variety of business ventures. joe biden never had any involvement or any direct or indirect financial interest in those activities. are you saying that's not true? if so, did he lie? >> well, let me just say the i.r.s. whistleblowers provided the ways and means committee an email that james biden was included in that was talking about how they would distribute the profits from the chinese energy company, 20% to james and
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10% to the big guy. you cannot tell me that joe biden was not involved. those are text messages and emails that was provided by the i.r.s. whistleblowers that contradict what james biden said on numerous accounts yesterday. joe biden has said all along he had no knowledge of his son's business dealings but we have a mr. archer and numerous other individuals that have come before us where there have been phone calls and business meetings. >> bill: are you alleging that he is lying? >> he is definitely not telling the truth. it is complete hog wash what he is saying. people are going to have to be held accountable. i sure hope the justice department is paying attention to what's happening. >> dana: listen to president biden just as a reminder for everyone in august of 2019 right before that election. watch here.
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>> president biden: i have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their businesses period. >> dana: then you had hunter biden say this just this past december. >> my father was not financially involved in my business, not as a practicing lawyer or a board member of burisma, not in my partnership with a chinese businessman, investments at home or abroad. >> dana: how do those two statements match up with what james biden told you yesterday? >> let's say this first. before the ways and means committee released the i.r.s. whistleblower information, joe biden continued to say he knew nothing about his son's business dealings. the day after we released the i.r.s. whistleblower depositions, the white house then started saying joe biden was not involved. then you have hunter moving on a
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few months later saying that he was not financially involved. the i.r.s. whistleblowers provided to our committee numerous examples of where joe biden was connected and knew about hunter biden's business dealings, james biden's business dealings. that is complete counter, complete counter to what james biden said yesterday in those transcribed interviews. >> bill: another week before hunter is there and we'll follow it. thank you for coming on today. the republican from missouri, jason smith. >> dana: president biden is now considering taking executive action on the border. this after placing the blame on the republicans time and time again. here is a reminder since his comments were often hard to hear. [inaudible]
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. >> is the border secure? >> no, it's not. [inaudible] . >> president biden: the only reason the border is not secure is donald trump and his maga republican friends. >> dana: new figures reveal more than 7.2 million illegal immigrants crossed the southern border since biden took office. lucas tomlinson is at the white house. there is enough chatter and leaks about this executive order coming out before the state of the union that makes me think it's very real. what do you know? >> that's right, good morning. many republicans want to see the president bring back those trump-era policies that president biden scrapped on his first day in office. let's go back to what biden said last month. he says he can't do anything about the border. >> president biden: all i can do -- give me the power, the day i got into office, give me the border -- give me the people, the judges, the people who can stop this and -- [inaudible].
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>> the white house isn't ruling out executive action but not confirming it, either. no executive action can deliver the significant policy reforms and additional resources congress can provide and republicans rejected. with texas governor greg abbott sealing his state's border with mexico the smugglers have turned to california for the main effort to get migrants into the country. migrants appeared from west africa, vietnam, georgia, afghanistan, senegal, russia, hundreds more from cameroon, nepal, and many others. migrant encounters have sky rocked since biden took office. 7.2 million over the past three years. three times greater than during the trump years and obama's second term. ten undocumented migrants had criminal histories encountered recently including murder, rape, drug and weapons charges. over 6,000 of the migrants had
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criminal histories. historical context, dana. over 33 years starting in 1881 the largest mass migration in human history took place when over 10 million europeans came to this country. compare that to over the past three years and over 7,000 migrants appeared on the southern border. >> dana: always are a history lesson. >> bill: i think i had a group in that era about 1876 from germany. >> dana: mine, too. exactly then. >> bill: cool. if he does this executive order, you wonder what the blowback will be from the left. it started. aoc said doing trump impressions is not how we beat trump. seeking asylum is the legal right of all people in the case of authoritarian threats. we should commit to our principles. the mere suggestion is outrageous and president refuse to sign it. does he do this? >> dana: i think he will do it because everybody is drowning in
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migrants literally. i would respond to her well, dismantling all of trump's policies have led you to a position where you are most likely to get president trump again. so take that, aoc. >> bill: that's on the border. we'll see whether or not it happens. if you watch us at home today or maybe listening in your car or at work cheating, right? a major cell phone outage ripples across the u.s. stopping some police departments from receiving 911 calls. serious stuff. jeff paul is running it down live in los angeles. what's up? >> we are hearing from different cell phone providers saying any indications that service interruptions are likely customers having trouble connecting to another network and it sounds like that other network could be at&t. the company just released this statement saying, quote, some of our customers are experiencing wireless service interruptions
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this morning. we are working urgently to restore service to them. we encourage the use of wifi calling until service is restored. this is a map from down tracking outages. some of the areas experiencing the most problems cities like atlanta, dallas, houston. according to down at 4:00 a.m. eastern time 32,000 at&t outages reported and then surged to 71,000 just before 8:00 a.m. the bigger concern beyond not being able to call or text friends or family is access to emergency services. we heard from some different places like the san francisco fire department saying on social media they're aware of the issue impacting at&t but their 911 center is operational. irving police department saying use wifi calling for find a land line if they need to reach 911. >> bill: that's what we're doing
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so far so good, right? jeff, thank you. we'll try to get an answer for folks at home waiting for that. former president trump fighting to delay enforcement of a $450 million fraud verdict. before he can get to the appeals stage, he has to fork up all the money. this is new york's a.g. threat ens to start seizing some of his new york assets coming up. >> dana: insane video inside an amazon van when it collides with a plane splitting the half. >> bill: people in chicago saying the millions going for the migrants is taking from their communities in need. the mayor who runs the sanctuary city. >> i just want to emphasize that whatever critique people might have of this operation people are well within their rights to have that and there is no model for this. we are really building this operation as we go along.
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>> bill: want to show you this amazon van split in half on a railroad track. that happened a few years ago. this new video is available now and we want to show it to you. the terrifying incident from inside the van moments before the train crashed through it and carried everything behind the driver down the tracks as it rolled. understandably he is startled. >> dana: to see the least. >> bill: he is screaming. he did survive without a scratch. >> dana: thank god. >> bill: that is something else. >> dana: former president trump asking the judge to delay enforcing his $450 million civil fraud penalty. his lawyers are accusing attorney general letitia james of rushing the judgment.
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fox business's lydia hu is live from trump tower. to me it's unbelievable you have to come up with the money and fine before you can even appeal. >> yeah. that bond and escrow payment for donald trump is massive considering the size of that $450 million. his lawyers are saying that the attorney general is acting with an unseemly rush to that judgment after her comments made earlier this week she was ready to seize his assets, including his buildings if he is unable to pay. and this is coming as we're having growing concerns mount about the particular law the attorney general used to go after the former president. legal sources tell me that the statute she used is technically correct but they question whether it is appropriate. one issue is that it does not require proof of anyone losing money. no requirement for a victim. the former chief of staff for
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then attorney general andrew cuomo wrote this in a "wall street journal" op-ed this week. it is worth considering whether, in the quest to get mr. trump, many of our public officials may be pressing the law in ways that will outlive the cases against the former president. essentially he is saying this is really bad precedent and raising concerns that perhaps it could happen again. other legal scholars tell me this law must change. >> i think it should be limited to injunkive relief when it is sought by the attorney general. perhaps you can enable victims to seek monetary relief but there were no victims here who would seek monetary relief. it shouldn't be the attorney general is allowed to do that. >> and some business leaders like real estate investors are saying they're pulling back from investments in new york city. they had otherwise planned for this year as a result of this decision. so dana we're seeing the growing concerns and fallout continue.
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>> dana: lydia hu in new york. thank you. >> asylum seeking lie. all this about refugees that no, no, no, what's happening is they're emptying out the dregs of their jails into the united states and our communities, they're junking up our country. not another dollar for the illegals. if the crisis is so bad that city council members focused on it donate their salaries to the cause like a real public servant should. >> bill: those are residents in chicago. that was at a city council meeting as the city and state devote millions toward the migrant crisis when the local community is in need. raymond lopez, an alderman, is with us now. you are drowning in money you are giving to migrants. i see a number $252 million. i see another 182 million from the governor and another 70 million.
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what is the price tag, sir? >> good morning. i think we're close to nearly $2 billion when you add the cumulative spending of the state, county and city of chicago on addressing the 34,000 migrant asylum seekers who have been sent here since the start of this crisis. the one thing you never see, the one thing you never hear is any of my democratic colleagues calling on president biden to secure the border and to address the fact that they continue to allow individuals to manipulate the asylum process and use false claims to get into this country and then have their protective order last for six, seven, eight years before their court hearings are scheduled to happen. many residents throughout our city and country are complaining about and why we're being forced to use local dollars to solve the federal government's failure on this issue. >> bill: it is only going to get bigger. we are talking about in new york doing the same thing on a pilot program and the estimates it will balloon in the coming
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months and years. i'm reading that you have 35,000 migrants to take care of in chicago. i'm assuming that number to be correct. a couple sound bites. your mayor brandon johnson, sanctuary city mayor said this about more help. >> i have said this repeatedly. we need more help. this is unsustainable. this is unprecedented. the amount of people who are arriving in the city of chicago. >> bill: he has to pick up the phone, right? here is your governor pritzker in a sanctuary state. >> maybe some of you think we should just say this is not our problem. and that we should let the migrant families starve or freeze to death. that's not what decent midwesterners do or what leaders do. we didn't ask for this manufactured crisis, but we must deal with it all the same. with our partners in cook county
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and the city of chicago. >> bill: a couple of things he said in there. starving and freezing to death. you know the people of your community are better than that. the last thing he said about a manufactured crisis. who manufactured it? >> this has been manufactured by washington since 1987 by both the democrat and republican party who have used immigration for their own political purposes and while it is easy in an election year to point fingers at the opposition and say it's their fault, it is everyone's fault. we could have addressed this at any point over the last four decades and haven't. while we are talking about those that are here, we've forgotten talking about those who have been here for a generation waiting for a legal pathway to come out of the shadows like the daca qualifying registered youth who were brought by no fault of their own by their parent and only loved this country as their own. in one is trying to find a pathway or support for them. but my party is leapfrogging over the promises they
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previously made to help these individuals who they helped manipulate our system to get here. let me just say this. for our mayor to say this is an unprecedented event, he is wrong. he is incorrect in stating that because just a few years ago, we were able to assimilate 30,000 ukrainians who came to avoid the russian war. invasion in their own country and able to assimilate and become productive because there were structures in place they had a host family, financial responsibilities and a way to provide for themselves. all of that was forgotten under this crisis. so to say we have to reinvent all of these processes and we need all these billions to do it because we've never seen this before is an outright lie and disservice to the people he represents. >> bill: you have issues. a lot of folks have similar issues. i did not know about the 30,000 number from ukraine. sir, thank you for your time and well oh he stay in contact. raymond lopez in chicago, good luck, you are going to need it.
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thank you. >> i am not going anywhere. we'll be everywhere we need to be. >> she is not working. she is here, down by 30, 35 points. and everybody knows you are not supposed to lose your home state. >> dana: 50 delegates at stake in the south carolina primary saturday. voters in the palmetto state getting their say on the republican nomination. karl rove next. the biden family has a new crisis on its hands and nothing to do with governing the country. we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product. there's value in buying american made it has a real life impact up and down the supply chain. we want our customers to feel how special this product is, right when they open the box. go to and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20. you always got your mind on the green.
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oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ >> india. >> china. >> georgia. >> georgia. >> where are you from? >> india. >> china. >> where are you from? >> china. >> china. >> china. >> china. >> china. >> china. >> georgia. >> dana: bill melugin in southern california asking where migrants are coming from.
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china ranking at the top of the list. new internal cbp data revealing thousands of special interest aliens from illegally crossed into the u.s. through the san diego sector since the fiscal year begin last october, bill. >> bill: we have a big day on saturday. that's the south carolina primary. palmetto state. we'll be here on saturday and take you through it. this is what happened at the presidential level between trump and hillary clinton eight years ago in 2016. easily won the state by 300,000 votes. then they did a redo in 2020 against joe biden and just shy of 300,000 votes, 293,000. nonetheless, donald trump won the state by double digits two times in a row. south carolina now the epicenter of the political universe on saturday and karl rove is with us to talk about that. good morning, karl. nikki haley was governor until 2017. you know where trump's strengths are in the state, easy to see.
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you can see maybe a little crack in the weakness. how do you see this from a 35,000 foot level right now? >> the real clear politics average, the recent polls show donald trump bumping to 62% and nikki haley at 36 1/2. 25 point difference between the two. it has shown some significant movement for her in the last couple of weeks. so she says she is aiming for better than 43% she got in new hampshire. right now she is down by 25 and sitting at 36 1/2. we'll see if she gets to her target. look, this is likely to be a trump win. the question is how big. does she show significant movement? an open primary. we may not know immediately. not a partisan registration state. anybody can vote in the republican or democratic primaries like texas and ohio, they are open primaries.
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the upper hand is trump's. he whats the governor, every statewide elected official, all the legislature. lots of the sheriffs. the political establishment in south carolina on the republican side did not like nikki haley gave them a hard time as a legislator and as a governor. it is a semi pay back time when it comes to the big dogs. >> dana: she has made it clear this week that she is not going anywhere. her words. i wonder if you could put us in the shoes or the minds of some of her big backers, some of the bigger donors saying keep going? even if they know what the map is here, why would they do that? >> well, i think in part it's a reaction. donald trump is winning. he won iowa, new hampshire, nevada, virgin islands. ahead dramatically in the polls and in essence the incumbent. the former president.
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and so if you give to nikki haley there will be consequences and retribution against the fem who oppose me. some republicans say i won't be talked to like that and they get on an airplane and fly to hawaii to campaign and write a check and encourage neighbors to support him and it's a reaction. it's smarter for the former president in my opinion to say i'm grateful for the support of the people in these states as i win them. i respect my opponents. they have every right to be in the contest. i think we're at a point we need to unify as a party and i hope we can do that. instead he is tossing grenades at his opponent and it tends to stiffen the spine of their supporters and some republicans just genetically don't like being talked to like that and respond. >> bill: one step further. she was with us yesterday on the show and asked her whether or not she is staying in the race as an insurance policy in case something goes sideways in these
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court cases against donald trump and she said i very much see myself as a republican option that people can realize when you see donald trump can't win. so i took that as a yes. she is staying in as an insurance policy hedging that donald trump candidacy. >> i think that's right. i would read it the same way. we have contests that go on a long time and sometimes beyond the point at which the media think it's viable. and that's just the way politics is. these people have a right and their supporters have a right to stay in the contest as long as they think that they have a shot. however remote that is. and we don't have sort of a committee that steps in and says you are out of here because we've decided you are out of here. it just doesn't work that way. >> dana: thank you for being with us and i'm sure we'll see you at some point pop up on saturday night. >> bill: love your line from your piece in the journal. more than any election in recent
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memory this one involves contingencies and uncertainties topped by im ponderables, donald rumsfeld would be proud of that. come join us on saturday night. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: there are some long faces in lexington this morning. >> the shot good. he puts it in on a broken play and lsu wins it. >> dana: they fell 75-74 at the buzzer on the road in baton rouge. the last second bucket sending fans pouring onto the court celebrating their victory over. would you ever go on a court like that? i would never do that. >> bill: i have. >> dana: what was the game? >> miami university at a football game and stormed the
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field and took the field goalpost into town. carried it into uptown of ox ford, ohio. no one was arrested. the cops were nice to us. >> dana: mrs. hemmer, don't worry. he didn't get in any trouble. >> bill: got a girl's basketball team forced to forfeit a game after a transgender opponent injured several players. how both teams and schools are responding after that. the boyfriend of an american ballerina detained in russia on the fight to bring her home. >> this will urge the u.s. state department or whoever needs to be urged to help get her back. she is an american citizen. e goi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous.
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>> bill: just so you know we haven't forgotten about this.
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hearing from people from different parts of the country. monitoring the cell service outage reported across the country. there are issues using wireless data, specifically at&t, the calls with wifi appear to be okay. wifi appears to still give you a connection. but otherwise you might be out of luck for a while. it is something we're watching and let you know when we get answers from at&t and others. stand by for more on that. [shouting] >> dana: that video taken by former ncaa swimmer riley gaines now a contributor at outkick saying it shows a crowd assaulting her and holding her hostage during an appearance at san francisco state university. we are now learning that police have dropped an investigation into the incident calling riley's claim unfounded. gaines gained national attention for competing against transgender swimmer lia thomas saying the decision by campus
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police sets a dangerous precedent. >> bill: the boyfriend of an american ballerina now in jail in russia. he is expressing confidence the u.s. state department will bring her home. william la jeunesse on that story live in los angeles. it came out of nowhere, william. good morning. >> 32-year-old, a dual u.s. slush russian citizens. for the last three weeks she is held in a jail cell outside moscow with two other women. she moved to the u.s. in 2013 as a student and stayed moving to l.a. about three years ago where with she met professional fighter, chris. >> she is the kindest person. funny, joyful, exercises, a dreamer, full of life. >> happy new year, everyone. >> happy new year. >> after a trip to istanbul chris flew home she went to moscow and authorities detained her at the airport for 13 hours.
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they kept her phone. they likely found evidence of a $51 donation to ukrainian charity linking on this website. >> maybe they found something on her phone, i don't know. i read the media and see they found out she made a donation. >> police charged her with treason citing the donation and a pro-ukrainian rally she allegedly attended in los angeles. chris feels he is most useful here so she is not forgotten. >> stay strong. if you stay strong, we'll stay strong. we are fighting. we care about you. >> what makes you hopeful. >> honestly, america. that the american people is fighting for her. >> remember, bill, britteny griner was if prison for ten months on a minor drug charge
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and ervin gershkovitch almost a year. >> bill: thank you. feels like we're at the beginning of this story unfortunately. william la jeunesse in los angeles. >> dana: a massachusetts charter school girls basketball team was forced to forfeit its game after a transgender player ton opposing team injured two players. the transgender player ripped the ball from other player's arms forcing her to fall. you have been looking into this and it's another story. >> another story and one that a lot of parents care about not just for this happening in massachusetts. the video we saw has gone viral. the coach made the decision to forfeat the game after three players on his team were injured. according to a source two of the team girls on this collegiate charter school were injured by a transgender player on the kip academy team. an eighth grade girl on the team hurt her back when the transgender athlete grabbed the basketball out of her hands.
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the girl false to the ground and lays on the court and saying she was badly injured. the coach decided to end the game at halftime after a third player on his team was injured. the school said the team was already downplayers going into the game and uninjured players were afraid of getting hurt ahead of the upcoming playoff games. adding this. the charter school supports this decision and reiterates its values of both inclusivity and safety for all students. kip academy comments harmful comments made toward their school telling fox digital we work to create joyful and identity affirming schools for schools and maintain student and staff safety above everything else and support state laws and regulations which provide students with the right to participate in all school extracurricular activities and sports-based oh than their gender identity or expression. school had to say that. people who live in the community are fed up. a source tells us the collegiate charter knew ahead of time that
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the transgender player would be on the court. listen to this. according to massachusetts state law all students must be allowed to participate in any gender-specific sports consistent with gender identity. if people are upset they want to look at the massachusetts law to change it. >> bill: it will happen again unfortunately somewhere. >> dana: upsetting. thank you. >> where are you from? what country? china? china? china? ecuador. >> bill: on and on it goes. fox news cameras this week on the border record number of illegals from countries with potential national security concerns. that story in a moment. the power of technology. it's a good thing how one group is helping children in foster care. ere's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things!
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journal" dubbed the uber of foster care connecting charities to kids in need. 7 million children are referred to child protective services every year in the u.s. on any given day close to 400,000 kids are in the foster system. joining us now is adrian louis. what is care portal and why did you start it? >> it is a care sharing technology. it connects kids and families in crisis with people who want to help in proximity and realtime. we started it because our parent organization was serving kids and families across the world who were in dire need through local churches. so we thought well, we should figure out how to do this in your own backyard as well. so we started and two years in we were failing miserably. we were having very little success mobileizing the local church in the u.s. to care for kids and families in foster care. the reason is because it is like
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a six-foot barrier, asking somebody to be a foster parent is super challenging. my family has been foster parents for a decade now and adopted three of the six kids. it is not for everybody. but when we start learning about the system and we start learning that many of the kids who are in the system are there not just because of abuse but because of neglect related to poverty-related issues. what might it look like to use technology to make it a six-foot barrier down to six inches and give people a chance to see and meet real needs and realtime with the kids to keep them with their families. >> dana: what would be a real need and a way for somebody like me to be able to help? >> totally, yeah. so most of the requests that come in come from child welfare agencies and so a caseworker submits this vetted request. it could be for a mom of three kids just left an abusive
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relationship trying to get her kids back but she needs things in her apartment. she needs beds or cribbs, a car seat and she just is on the edge. she can't do this on her own. and so the request goes into the care portal by the caseworker. goes out to the network of churches and businesses and people who care in proximity and somebody can respond and say i'll provide that bed. i'll provide that crib. next thing we have the family connected with the church responder and they are starting the process of a meaningful connection because here is the real big deal, dana. the bed or the crib is the moment in time of the real need. but the actual need is a meaningful connection. relationship. community. neighbors seeing and serving neighbors because they can. >> dana: if i wanted to help provide a bed do i provide the
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actual bed or the money for the bed? >> great question. anybody in the world can say -- can go on care and look at the requests and said i want to provide the bed. at the moment of care we have trained nearly 5,000 churches across the country who show up with the actual bed or the crib and the ones there to help make that meaningful connection to try to build a relationship. >> dana: quickly you try to help make sure the kids think it's the mom that does it. >> oh my goodness. this is the best part. care portal is completely anonymous. we are behind the scenes. we're the dance floor creating the networks of people who care. the real heroes are the parents. the real heroes are the caseworkers slugging it out. the real heroes are the grand parents are the real heroes. >> dana: i will stay in touch


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