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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 27, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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>> brian: i just checked the clock, it is 8:00. east coast is where we are located and date is february 27. this is "fox and friends," i'm full of information today. >> steve: we have a "fox and friends" exclusive. rachel campos duffy is on the border talking to migrants about their trip to the country illegally. >> trump or joe biden? >> joe biden. >> trump or joe biden? >> joe biden. >> trump or joe biden? >> joe biden. >> steve: okay. i know how they'd vote. this as more americans favor building a wall. there is a wall, americans favor finishing it. >> ainsley: it is primary day again and polls in michigan are open. haley is hoping to cut into trump's lead today. >> lawrence: biden cracking jokes about his age. >> this is not a got cha show.
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you are currently 81 years old. >> who the hell told you that? that is classified. >> brian: final hour of "fox and friends" starts now, you chose to be with friends, that's us. if you're tingling it is because it is primary day in michigan. the polls have been open an hour. it is a swing state, first swing state of 2024. >> ainsley: progressives and arab americans are angry and are planning to go to the booth and vote uncommitted. >> lawrence: madeline rivera has more on that. >> backers of the handling of the israel and hamas war say this should be a warning sign come november. michigan governor gretchen
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whitmer thinks the movement has drawn voters. >> there will be a sizeable number of votes from committed. it is every person's right to make their statement about what is important to them. >> nikki haley says she is staying in the race and voters deserve a choice. she has not shared her plans after super tuesday. >> he will be going and campaigning beyond super tuesday. we raised a million dollars in 24 hours after the election in south carolina. we continue to see dollars coming in, we want a voice. as long as americans want me to be the voice, i will continue to fight for them. >> 16 delegates are up for grabs, the winner of saturday's party-run convention gets 39. >> steve: thanks very much. >> brian: huge turnout.
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>> steve: let's see. of the energy, more people interested in -- we know donald trump is going to win big. i think there are a lot of people -- >> ainsley: you mean bigly. >> steve: indeed. there is -- this is an open primary, a number of independents and republicans vote on the democrats side uncommitted to send a loud message to biden. chaos. listen to michigan set a gel of 10,000 uncommitted votes by tonight 8:00 when they start counting. last two primaries, 20,000 have written in uncommitted. >> ainsley: who is running that organization, they want uncommitted they don't like biden's stance on israel and
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hamas situation. is rashida tlaib's sister. you have to choose democratic or republican ballot. on democratic, you have joe biden, dean phillips, williams, who dropped out and uncommitted. on the republican side, binkley and desantis and the only ones still in are haley and trump. >> brian: feeling in the arab and muslim community, one quote from a michigan congressman, if biden continues to support the offensive in gaza. michigan arab american voters will bring animosity to the polls or stay home in the primary and general.
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president trump is smart, he is more pro-israel than president biden. he is keeping a low profile and saying, fight it out. if he gets involved, they will not like his response there. doesn't seem anybody on the biden camp has been on the ground until everybody is bent out of shape. >> lawrence: does the president change his tune because of the pressure? yes. he will go to the border, he went to el paso a year ago, no migrants were there, they cleaned the town before the president got there. he stieded to go not only on same week as donald trump, the same day and he said he did not know. >> why go to the border now on thursday? why go now? >> i've been planning to go
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thursday, i didn't know my good friend apparently is going. >> will you meet migrants while you are there? >> i will not announce ahead of time, secret service does not like -- >> brian: froze his mouth a little, hard to understand. >> steve: biden is going to brownsville. and trump is going eagle pass /* to eagle pass. the biden camp realize they cannot win until they do something to fix the border. peter doocy will be reporting, top congressional leaders are going to the white house today. they will discuss new budget and look, that bipartisan foreign aid bill you insisted republicans there be border stuff in it and you killed it to
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help trump. trump said he didn't want to help joe biden. >> ainsley: first thing when i said he read that last night, this president never gone to the border, been in office three years, he chooses thursday. donald trump announced he was going down on thursday. fox news anchors are going, sean hannity is going. the staff knew and they planned this accordingly with donald trump's trip. >> brian: eagle pass red hot for debate, texas taking things into their own hands, putting up a wall. and joe biden picks a place in brownsville, not much of a problem, about 150 per day. joe biden should be saluted, he's proven to america we need a wall inform 2015, there was
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something like 35% of the country felt we need a wall and now 53% say do what the vikings did and build a border like the chinese did. 53% in favor of building a wall. >> lawrence: go back to 2017, only 35% of americans were for a wall. 2018, 40% for the wall and 2019, about in january, only 44% in favor of the wall. now at 53%. it is easy not to want the wall when the border secure. there is chaos and seeing in your cities and people have changed their tune on the wall. >> brian: this goes with sanctuary city. sanctuary cities push back and you have no heart, you don't care, look at the statue of liberty and now you have mayor of new york city.
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you have people of chicago showing up at town halls, saying get rid of sanctuary city status. >> lawrence: and mayor, too. >> ainsley: majority of americans think it is a problem, 61% very serious and 23% somewhat serious, 84% think it is serious? not at all serious 5%. majority of americans believe unlawful immigrant policies are a problem. 58% of independents think it is a problem and 41% of democrats. >> steve: the way we started this out talking about how there are young people, a lot of arab americans angry at joe biden regarding his policy with gaza. when it comes to the border, there are progressives like aoc who are mad we are not letting
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more people in. she said seeking asylum is the american way. these are simple things, you see people streaming across, joe biden sees, if i let them in, i will make aoc happy, unless i stop it, i might not get re-elected. >> lawrence: his argument about republicans killing the bill because of donald trump will not work. >> steve: he will hammer it. >> lawrence: people see what is happening at the border and see who immigrant want to be re-elected, this is what rachel campos duffy found. >> donald trump or joe biden? >> joe biden. >> joe biden? and what is trump or joe biden? >> joe biden. >> joe biden? >> trump or joe biden? >> joe biden. >> trump or joe biden? >> joe biden. >> trump or joe biden? >> joe biden. >> we're asking for joe biden to
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help us to help us accomplish our dreams here so we can get ahead. >> lawrence: they will see the biden t-shirts and see clips like this. >> brian: i think both candidates have to realize this, if on the left, if joe biden listens to the squad, he loses. if donald trump listens to gaetz and bannon he loses. first one that does what they think they should do will be successful. >> ainsley: we talked to itch rael earlier, you will talk to her later in the show, she had a fascinating story. what did you have to do to get here? cost me $2000. i had to sell my car.
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donald trump had remain in mexico. this is mexico's problem, mexico needs to clean up corruption and get rid of the southern border and remain in mexico, joe biden rolled that back immediately when he to be office. >> brian: deal put forward by fitzpatrick, it says remain in mexico goes forward immediately and could bypass the speaker and put that forward. >> steve: now they are here and to them it is worth it. >> lawrence: they did it based on a lie. >> steve: well, they are here. >> ainsley: why do you have to sell your car? why pay someone 2000 dollars to walk across the border? >> lawrence: sad if they spent all that money and they get deported back. >> brian: they won't have the car. >> lawrence: all joe biden's fault, he sold them a broken promise. there will be a lot of crying
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and talk of dreamers this and migrants being stripped of houses. remember who sold the law, only one person supports that law and . >> brian: former president talked about putting everybody together and sending them out, should be a scene. >> ainsley: joe biden created the cries and they are here. big four congressional leaders will meet with president biden over a foreign aid package. >> steve: this comes as president biden reveals more details on possible ceasefire deal with israel and hamas. sounds like they have been working on something. >> lawrence: peter doocy is live at the white house. >> peter: it doesn't appear israel and hamas are talking about exchanging military-aged male prisoners. there could be a six-week pause
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in fighting. >> can you give us a sense when it will start? >> president biden: i hope by the end of the weekend. my national security adviser says we are hope, i hope by next monday we'll have ceasefire. >> peter: 94 billion for -- how urgent to pass the u.k. funding ahead of state of the union address next week. there is surprise he is making big news about difficult diplomatic maneuvers with a huge ice cream cone in his hand. >> his hope is by next monday there will be a ceasefire. mj, that is a big announcement from the president to be given
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in an ice cream shop. >> peter: depending what happens, this could be first time a peace deal has been announced over mint chip. >> is somebody screaming in the background? >> peter: just screaming, will have a sore throat. >> steve: what are they saying? >> peter: just that, what you hear, howling. >> steve: sounds like a condor. >> brian: condor or carjacking, it is d.c. happening today in georgia, fulton county day fani willis could be disqualified in the trump interfere case. hearing picks up this afternoon. >> ainsley: we can't wait, it is entertaining. todd piro joins with the latest. >> todd: courtroom drama in
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georgia continues this afternoon, d.a. fani willis faces disqualification from the election interfere case against former president donald trump. order ordering lawyer of nathan wade to take the stand. he had a hearing behind closed doors yesterday after saying bradley may have been misusing attorney-client privilege. the relationship they are saying started before she hired him for the case. wade's cell records will show interactions with fani willis, including 35 times his phone pings near willis's home, 10,000 texts between january and november of 2021. that is relevant because that is
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before wade was hired. back to you. >> steve: over to carley for more news. >> carley: in georgia, vigil held in athens for laken riley, the nursing student who was killed by an illegal immigrant. some are blaming biden's policies. >> there were failuring everywhere along the line, instead of deporting immediately, an american citizen lost their life. >> carley: people should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law is found guilty. another prisoner loose in new york city. police are searching for this suspect who escaped from a local hospital. he was arrested sunday after allegedly stealing a car from a
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delivery driver. last year pennsylvania had seven prisoners escape, including a murder suspect who managed to evade police for two weeks before being arrested. this just in, kremlin warning russians, if they protest elections in honor of alexei navalny, they will face legal consequences. one of navalny's allies called for mass protest during the election in mid-march. fox business alert, macy's will close some stores, 50 happening this year. underperforming locations will be shut first. earlier, what we look like in different decades in honor of national retro day. gary from alabama says '60s of
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my teenage years and i'd enjoy time travel back there. michele says ainsley looks great any decade. hairband lawrence very wayney. >> ainsley: if y'all could go back to a decade and hang with your grandparents for a day, would y'all do it? >> steve: yeah, for a day. '70s. >> brian: best movie for that is "frequency," time traveling movie underappreciated, jim cavezel, if you go back, see how things you did then affect you today. it was a movie. >> steve: that is theme of "it's a wonderful life." >> ainsley: and "the butterfly life." and when "peggy sue got
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married." >> lawrence: you remember these movies, i have no idea what they are, not one of them. >> steve: happy retro-day. we would like you to be happy and reproactively watch the show evera you dvr it, so we get credit. >> ainsley: brian came in with bell bottoms on and roller skates. >> lawrence: and chest hair. >> brian: i didn't get chest hair until -- more on this later. >> ainsley: 20 after top of the hour, police in charlotte sounding alarm over a juvenile crime wave. the chief will join us. >> lawrence: mayor adams calls to change sanctuary city status. >> we need to modify sanctuary
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city law, if you commit violent act, we should be able to turn you over to ice and have you deported. >> brian: madison is live where a lot of criminals are. hi, madison. mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. now try mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) emergen-c crystals.
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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>> lawrence: fwhoeshg city mayor eric adams wants sanctuary laws to be changed to allow ice to de deport illegal immigrants who commit crimes. >> new york city mayor eric adams wants to get tougher on rule-breaking migrants, asking sanctuary laws be revised as v violent migrant crime persists. >> we need to modify sanctuary city law, if you commit a felony or violent act, we should be able to turn you over to be deported, you should not commit crime in our city. right now we don't have the authority to do so. >> the move, a change from when the mayor of the nation's largest city was running for
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office. he said, we should protect immigrants and new york city will remain a sanctuary city. this is not first time adams suggested change to the sanctuary city status. a group attacked new york police officers and following news migrant accused for killing a georgia nursing student was arrested here last year for endangering the welfare of a child and then released before making his way south. slashing money on migrants, making 30% reduction in spending. the crisis will cost this sanctuary city 10.6 million through next year. the status quo in new york city, migrants arrive and come to roosevelt hotel and are processed and given housing,
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food, education, healthcare for free on the taxpayer dime. steve, back to you. >> steve: you ask the people wal walking past you if they are okay with that, i imagine you would get an earful in some cases. "fox and friends" exclusive. rachel campos duffy went down to the border in arizona. [speaking spanish] >> donald trump or joe biden sfwh >> joe biden. >> joe biden. >> joe biden. >> trump or joe biden? >> joe biden. god. we take this moment just to give you thanks. we thank you for this time to come together as a family, as friends, and as a country. help us, lord, especially this lent, to grow closer to you. amen. join us in prayer this lent. on hallow. stay prayed up.
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this is a tempur pedic mattress. and it's designed to help make aches and pains, a thing of the past. because only tempur pedic uses our one of a kind, incredibly adaptive tempur material. to relieve pressure points and support your body, in a way no other mattress can. molecule by molecule, and millimeter by millimeter. all night. every night. during the tempur-pedic presidents day sale, save up to $500 on select adjustable mattress sets, and experience deep, undisturbed rest. learn more at >> lawrence: it is a tale of two borders as both president biden
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and former president trump head south this week. "fox and friends" co-host rachel campos duffy asked migrants who they prefer in the white house. here is what they had to say, watch. >> rachel: what you are seeing is a make-shift camp in the middle of coronado national forest. the supplies provided by ngos, funded by the american taxpayer. we'll talk to migrants and find out why they came. he said it cost $2000 to come here. very risky and dangerous. did something bad happen? >> of all the police things they have encountered, worse was in mexico. mexican authorities robbed him,
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took everything they had. they had to reach back out to their family in ecuador to get money to complete the journey they have here. joe biden is coming to the border, what is your message to joe biden? [speaking spanish] >> rachel: he said we're asking him to open the doors, welcome us in, we want that dream for our family and ourselves. [speaking spanish] >> rachel: your message to donald trump who is also coming? >> i ask him to open the door. >> rachel: donald trump or joe biden? >> joe biden. >> rachel: joe biden? trump or joe biden? >> joe biden. >> rachel: joe biden. trump or joe biden? >> joe biden. >> rachel: trump or joe biden?
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>> joe biden. >> rachel: trump or joe biden? we're asking for joe biden to help us accomplish our dreams here so we can get ahead. >> lawrence: wow, rachel, you are such a boss and in the middle of the thick of it, what else did you learn at the border? >> rachel: biggest takeaway, the ngos are part of the journey through latin american and flying everybody out to the cities. they were going to portland, new jersey, they knew where to go and knew the ngos would help facilitate the flights. and understanding what an ngo is, they sound like a charity. but the real way to understand
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them, see them as a shadow government, shadow bureaucracy or political party, they are able to operate in secrecy and do what the government couldn't do with no oversight. the ngos do it under the shroud and voters don't understand what is happening. when i got into the shelter yesterday, they had panic, they don't want the american people to know what they are doing. we had almost three million views on twitter and this story has gone viral because so few people have gotten in. it is happening in the open under our nose. if main-stream media wanted to see it, they could see it. they don't want to. >> lawrence: you are such a boss, you highlighted aiding and
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abetting from the ngos. thank you for what you did down there. over to you, steve. >> steve: thanks. switching gears, charlotte mecklenburg police chief sounding alarm about a juvenile crime wave saying my officers can't keep playing catch and release. last year police arrested 3000 juveniles, up 34%s and many were previous offenders. that police chief, johnny jennings joins us. good morning to you. this is a problem for your people down there. why is there a crime wave of kids? >> well, i'm just concerned about the accountability when you talk about juvenile crime. we've been seeing influx for years, not just me, chiefs across the country have been
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sounding the alarm. i'm glad people are listening now, if we don't invest in young people, we will pay down the road. repeat offenders that continue to prey upon citizens and there is no accountability and not enough resources to control influx of juveniles. >> steve: in your city, here in new york city. i'm sitting right now, one juvenile breaks the law, it is pretty much handled by juvenile court and it is catch and release. that does not help you, does it? >> not at all, work our officers put in to solve crimes and then to be able to make that arrest and simply turn that young person back over to their parents and they reoffend the next day.
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when you look at juveniles arrested 10, 13, 14 times in one year, we're doing a disservice to young people when you see that continuously happening and no eve services for them. it is a problem we need to get in front of. who do you need money from, people of your town, federal government or who? it is approaching crisis status. >> we need money from any source we can get it from. the reason i say that, look at mecklenburg county, no detention center, the one we had closed because of funding issues. we need to pay officers what they are worth, that is a profession they can make a living doing.
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look at juvenile court counselors and detention centers and programs for young people. i'm not saying we need to arrest every child we come in contact with and put them in the detention center. when they are in detention centers, they need resources to help them get back on being tra. >> steve: would be great if it worked out. thank you for joining us. good luck to you. coming up, have you seen this? should storming the court be banned from storms after key banned from storms after key player got hurt? clay travis on that coming up next. with a lack of purpose and struggle with employment. the military does provide help. and as americans, we can do so much more. i started the comfort, peace and freedom foundation to help veterans define their personal vision and to build a future of success. a lot of them aren't looking to what life after the military looks like until it's time, you know, within their last year to do that. ken, you wrote a bestselling book
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>> janice: good morning, happy tuesday, it will feel like spring, almost summertime across the map. take a look, but don't get used to it, cold front coming through. storms coming late this evening. if you are out to vote, get out as soon as possible. the storms should come later this afternoon. look at the record highs, dozens over the next seven days.
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kansas city 78 today and 19 on wednesday, just a taste of the powerful cold front. speaking of powerful, here is brian kilmeade >> brian: appreciate it. talk courts court storming is a long tradition in basketball. a duke star was hurt, the coach was left with one question. >> when are we going to ban court storming? ban that. how many times did a player have to get into something, get punched, pushed or taunted? it is dangerous. >> brian: no coach or player is for it, why do we allow it? outkick founder, clay travis, joins us now. your reaction to the push to ban court storming. is it possible?
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>> clay: it is banned already, question is why does it continue to occur? there are fines given typically in conference when fans storm the court. i like it, it makes the sport unique. it is a great visual that sells the sport in college as different from pros. reason it happens, consequences are not severe enough. i was at super bowl, couple guys ran on the field and they got tackled and faced criminal charges. if you did this at nba or in the n.f.l., any sport that is pro, people know they can't run on the court or field and there are
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consequences if they do so. college kids and a lot of adults know there are no consequences for doing it. >> brian: like fighting in hockey, they could ban it, they allow it, they like the spectacle. you did your own poll and you have a team around you of thousands deep and your poll said 55% do not want to ban it, 44% say no, they should ban it. average american for it. i remember hank aaron broke ruth's record, remember the one fan caught him and tried to grab his hat. chris chamblis, they ran on the field and had to touch the plate later. they stopped it in baseball. >> clay: you could stop it in a
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heartsbeat if there were consequences. television loves it, brian. i've been at games where television producers encourage kids to run on the field, it is an epic shot and distinguished college sports from the pros. >> brian: clay travis does storm the courts. guy got hurt, can't laugh about it. see if college sports is going to crack down on it besides fining the university. look forward to your show today. >> clay: knock it out yourself. >> brian: president biden cracking jokes about his age. >> i want to ask you, you are 81 years old. >> who the hell told you that? that is classified. >> brian: is america laughing? jimmy failla is always laughing, we'll talk to him in a second,
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put his mic on. first bill hemmer. have you come up with anything? >> bill: we have a few things cooking for you. jimmy failla about to storm your court. we will talk to two michigan voters, primary day today in michigan. pointing fingers over the border. and new details in the murder of the student in georgia. and t swifty's dad makes celebrity news, how that happened? we'll see you in a few minutes, top of the hour. who have served. they've been in leadership positions. they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they're not looking for a handout. they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can
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>> currently 81 years old. >> president biden: who the hell told you that? class classified. >> all jokes aside this is a real concern. >> president biden: the other guy is as old as i am but can't remember his wife's name. it's about how old your ideas are. look, this is a guy who wants to take us back on roe v. wade and take us back on a whole range of issues that are 50, 60 years. >> president biden taking jabs at donald trump brushing off concerns about his age.
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one former obama speech writer says he sounds more frail when he used to. a former advisor says there is a segment of voters who have decided biden is too old for the job and can't do it. jimmy failla is the host of fox news saturday night with jimmy failla and joins us now. >> you have to appreciate the historic significance of the biden/seth meyers. not every night the lowest rated president goes on the lowest rated show. nice to see biden talking to a living person for once. that's progress. the issue i have with that appearance. when you consider how much money they spend on consulting for this president, for his defensive know you are but what am i speaks to a weakness on their end. i think you can make the comment that trump forgot his wife's name. that's one issue. biden has 1,000 of them. when you look at nbc polling. 86% of the country has concerns about his age. it is a bigger liability for him
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than trump. >> ainsley: this is their strategy. he is just as bad as i am what are you talking about. >> biden is sharp as a tack. we don't get to see it. the friend who has a hot girlfriend but doesn't live around here. >> ainsley: we're excited about this. a bride and groom going viral. put out wedding invitations. in lieu of gifts we kindly request you contribute toward the cost of our reception buffet, 40 bucks for adults, $20 for children 12 and under. >> it sounds very tacky but at the same time $40 as a guest is a lot less than you would traditionally spend on a wedding gift. for me i have the gift, the outfit, post bail the next morning. -- it said it with as a buffet dinner you aren't getting off as
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cheap as you think. there is probably a cash bar. if it was $40 all in it's a cash bar. that's what it is. you are paying 40 for the buffet, which is too much. the kids aren't even $20 worth of chicken fingers. >> ainsley: they eat pasta with butter. >> i can't get behind this. only because of the tacky nature of the ask, that being said, yeah, i'm there. >> ainsley: i feel sorry for them. they can't afford a wedding. they want a big wedding and asking their friends you are paying $40. most people -- >> a woman catches the bouquet, i need it back. it will be tacky but fun. >> ainsley: is there a bar or dance floor? saturday night you have to watch jimmy failla. thanks to everyone watching. see you tomorrow. bye. >> bill: thanks, good morning, everybody. about to see a split screen


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