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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  February 27, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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there is probably a cash bar. if it was $40 all in it's a cash bar. that's what it is. you are paying 40 for the buffet, which is too much. the kids aren't even $20 worth of chicken fingers. >> ainsley: they eat pasta with butter. >> i can't get behind this. only because of the tacky nature of the ask, that being said, yeah, i'm there. >> ainsley: i feel sorry for them. they can't afford a wedding. they want a big wedding and asking their friends you are paying $40. most people -- >> a woman catches the bouquet, i need it back. it will be tacky but fun. >> ainsley: is there a bar or dance floor? saturday night you have to watch jimmy failla. thanks to everyone watching. see you tomorrow. bye. >> bill: thanks, good morning, everybody. about to see a split screen
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showdown president biden and former president trump heading to the border on thursday. those visits spotlight an issue that could be critical come november based on the polling it will be. i'm bill hemmer. dana has the day off today. welcome back to our friend aishah hosni. >> aishah: good to see you. i'm aishah hosni and this is "america's newsroom." president biden will meet with border agents in brownsville, texas to see if he announces knee executive action. president trump set to deliver marks in eagle pass texas as well. reporters asked biden about it yesterday while he was out eating ice cream. >> why are you going to the border now? >> president biden: i plan to go thursday. what i didn't know my good friend apparently is going. >> aishah: team fox coverage. karl rove on deck. let's go to peter doocy live at
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the white house. good morning, peter. >> we're trying to figure out how this year's trip to the border will be different than lastier's trip to the border when he didn't meet with any actual border crossers. >> will you meet the migrants while you're there, mr. president? >> president biden: i won't announce ahead of time. >> the border patrol council president says biden is going to the border now solely to try to save himself and support is tough from progressives as well who don't think the executive order restricting asylum claims between ports of entry are really going to work. >> i think executive action is really important. the only way we've been able to make any progress at addressing immigration at all. but i think we've seen under title 42 and some other policies that efforts to simply quote close quote the border is not really solving the longer-term problem. >> this all really shows the
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difference between governing and campaigning like when candidate biden in 2019 told democratic primary voters that people freeing oppression should come. >> the candidate president biden was telling people to come to the border. what has changed since then? >> i don't have the context of the quote you are giving me. what i will say is this. the president took this issue very seriously of what is happening at the border and the immigration system as a whole. >> there should be some border talk in the oval office later on today. speaker johnson, one of the lawmakers summoned to talk about foreign aid, wants big checks to israel and ukraine tied to money for the border. hasn't happened yet. aishah. >> aishah: peter doocy live at the white house. >> bill: on the board to give viewers on idea where it will happen on thursday. a 2,000 mile border from san diego to brownsville. president biden goes to
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brownsville in the rio grande valley and 330 miles to the north and west is eagle pass where president trump will be. there are significant differences right now in the state of the border in both those locations. in brownsville for the first four months of 2024, all right, fiscal year starting october one, 76,000 encounters, 19,000 per month. eagle pass, which you see all the barbed wire and containers, 168,000 in four months as he comes out to 42,000 per month. how do americans feel about the wall? it is changing. you go back five years ago and support was 42%. today according to monmouth poll it is up to 53%. watch this number as we move into the summertime and closer to fall. how do americans feel about the threat of illegals in america today? talk about that georgia story.
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is it a critical threat to u.s. vital interests? 47% a year ago, today 55%. the mood is changing on the border as a lot of these stories start to pop up and you hear about the sanctuary cities and states and democratic governors and mayors have reacted to the story and what we've taken to president biden. here are democrats including president biden putting the blame on the other shoe. [inaudible question] >> they need to give me the money i need to protect the border. [inaudible] . >> president biden: the only reason the border is not secure is donald trump and his maga
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republican friends. >> bill: you will hear that a lot over the next eight months. the facts, crossings under trump versus biden. biden almost 8 million. donald trump 2 1/2. >> look at president biden's budget request. he wasn't asking for more money for the border or the wall. what he is referring to is a congressional bill passed through the senate that aappropriates more money this year done in order to solve a political problem. for three years he has done little or nothing. and even this visit to the rio grande valley is an attempt to distract attention from what's going on. think about this. there are nine regions along the border. the crossings in the rio grande valley are number five on the list. they are less than a third of the crossings in tucson. del rio, where president trump will be. the population of the two towns in that region total 63,000.
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63,000 people. thus far in this fiscal year, 168,000 people have been intercepted coming across the border. think about that. almost three times as many people have been coming across that border illegally than live in the border region. so in the rio grande valley where he is going, 76,000 people have been encountered coming across the border illegally. 1.3 million people live in the valley. they're able better to handle that than these tiny little communities that are being -- >> bill: he does an executive order this week or next week, how much can he make better in the next year? >> what about remain in mexico. the president of the united states, donald trump saying you come here and apply for asylum. you are not going to get it. you have to apply in mexico. remain in mexico. it had a dramatic effect on the number of border crossings.
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he hasn't done them because he didn't want to. now he is forced to deal with the border issue because of the polls you showed and growing dissent inside the democratic party. when you have black democrat elected officials in chicago, illinois saying this is a problem that is a result of the failure of the biden administration, then you are a democrat president you have a real problem. >> aishah: i can't imagine he will do much. it's about blaming the republicans. you could call it a campaign trip. it is for the former president. neither are going to the hot spot, san diego right now where we're seeing the chinese illegal migrants coming in. >> or tucson. twice as many illegal crossings in the tucson region than in san diego. >> aishah: the former president takes a lot of blame for the senate border deal that blew up in the senate within hours. how does he counter this? i can only imagine he is not happy that his tv time gets
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taken away from the president. how does he counter that, though, when he is blamed for -- he will take the blame. >> the fault is president biden's but let's make clear. he will get some points. i think the republicans made a misstep. they should have said you got that senate bill. it doesn't do all we want to do but a good first step. president trump could have gone out and said too late. not enough and here are the four or five things i intend to do as president as put the emphasis on the things he wants to do as opposed to the things that didn't get done. the senate bill wasn't as good as the house bill. it got 60 votes in the senate. that will be difficult with a democrat president and a democrat senate to get 60 votes for anything that the republicans want. they can't get the votes for hr2. it could have had progress and the republicans could have said nice first step, you did it because we forced you to and we have the big, important things yet to do and the attention would have been on those to trump's advantage is my view.
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>> bill: yesterday afternoon and last night across the street the president was in new york talking to seth meyers. how do you think it went, karl >> this isn't a gotcha show. it says you are currently 81 years old. >> president biden: who the hell told you that. that's classified. a couple of things. look at the other guy, about as old as i am but can't remember his wife's name, number one. number two, it's about how old your ideas are. >> bill: this is a side we haven't seen for some time. how much do we see of it in the coming eight months? >> first of all what's interesting to me is the conspiracy involved here. do you think donald trump would have had the comedy writers on a late night major channel propping him up like that? that was all scripted out. do you think the media,
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mainstream media is cooperating to try to make this less of an issue for joe biden? they would never do that with donald trump. second of all, it strikes me that he is stuck. we all know he is too old. when you get 3/four of the american people saying he is too old to be president and 2/three of the people saying he lacks the mental stamina to be effective as president in a second term you are this trouble. maybe the best thing he can do is make light of it. he has a real problem and it won't go away. all it takes is another moment where he confuses mexico with egypt. all it takes is another stumble or exhibit of him walking across the stage looking very old and this thing will come back again. >> aishah: he needs to figure out how to do a debate. >> isn't that going to be fun. >> bill: thank you. >> michigan up and we're going to have a tremendous success there and a thing called super
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tuesday and i think we're leading 91-seven overall. >> you can't win a general election if you don't acknowledge the 40% of republicans who are saying we don't want donald trump. >> aishah: here we go. political spotlight turning to michigan for today's primary. donald trump looking for another win over nikki haley while she says nominating trump would doom the party in november. 16 delegates are up for grabs for the gop today. 39 more will be decided on saturday at a state party convention. grady trimble of fox business live in bloomfield township, michigan. what are voters telling you as they head to the ballot box? >> a lot of them like former president trump and he is on track for another decisive victory here today. he is counting on support from the state's blue collar workers as well as primary voters who think the top issues are the economy, crime and even all the
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way up here near the canadien border, immigration. >> there is no such thing as only a border state anymore. we're all border states now. they are coming from the north border also. >> there is no process left. it is uncontrolled and unvetted really. >> as the former president looks ahead to the general election, he is teasing possible vp picks. met with south dakota governor christie nome at mar-a-lago yesterday. former south carolina governor nikki haley is doing everything she can to stop trump or at least eat into his lead here. while trump says the party is unified she is making the case that it's not. that he can't win in november and that he is bad for michigan. >> they have now lost the governor's race, the governor's mansion, the state house, the state senate, the party is completely divided and that's not just michigan. we are seeing that all over the
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country. >> president biden is also facing a test in michigan today as he loses support from the state's arab americans and young voters in particular. he is trying to fend off a campaign from progressives encouraging democrats to vote uncommitted instead of for biden as a way to protest his handling of the war in gaza. one voter told fox she sees it as a way to bring down biden. as you noted off the top, aishah, there are 16 delegates up for grabs today but then there is a convention run by the state gop this weekend where the rest of the state's 55 delegates, 39 of them, will be divided up. >> aishah: more telling for the president than the former president. grady trimble. thank you very much. while biden touts the support of auto workers many are staying loyal to the former president. two pro-union gentlemen from the great state join us live later this hour.
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>> she shared she was the best listener and allow you to ramble on. >> bill: friends remembering the nursing student killed while jogging. the details of whener death are gruesome. we have new immigration on the defendant. >> aishah: the border crisis has mayor adams calling for a change in sanctuary city laws. >> bill: shocking testimony in the trial of the arm orer for the rust movie. what a witness told the court about baldwin's preference for real guns on set. to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama.
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>> aishah: another illegal migrant accused of a felony in virginia this time. police arrested a 32-year-old suspected of sexually assaulting a minor. it happened in campbell county last week. deputies say the man is a venezuelan citizen who illegally crossed the border in september and now turned over to immigration authorities. >> if the border was secure, this individual never would have been in the country illegally and wouldn't have committed another crime. now, having committed a crime when you have come into the country illegally, you know, that's a red flag. this individual was allowed to then somehow get to the state of georgia and commit this murder, you know, just outrageous. >> everybody in the state talking about the story. brian kemp blaming the open border for the death of nursing student laken riley. more details on how she died and
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they get worse by the day. madison is back on the story in athens again today. good morning to you. >> good morning, bill. new court documents revealing some gruesome details. jose ibarra's arrest affidavit said he used a weapon to seriously disfigure your skull. the affidavit says he concealed the death by dragging riley's body to a secluded area. the coroner says the full autopsy report likely won't be out for several weeks. these new developments come as hundreds gathered on campus yesterday for a vigil to honor laken riley as well as another student who died by suicide the night before riley died. >> she exuded devotion with everything that she did. devoted christian, sister, student, daughter, friend. we have no doubt she would have been an incredible nurse and absolutely earth shattering to think the world will never have
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that opportunity. >> the suspected killer is in jail without bond for riley's murder. ice confirms he illegally entered the u.s. through el paso in 2022. new york police arrested him in august for quote acting in a manner to injure a child. ice says nypd are he leased him before they could issue a detainer on him. the white house extends their deepest condolences to riley's family and anyone found guilty should be held accountable fought fullest extent. the district attorney here says she is bringing in a top trial attorney to help prosecute ibarra. her office has not yet received the case, bill. >> bill: more to come on this. live in athens, georgia again. >> aishah: let's bring in georgia state representative houston gaines. good to have you on the show. first and foremost our deepest condolences. this is your district and very difficult for all of you, very personal for you. i want to get to what is
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developing now in this case as this case moves forward and we try to seek justice. the athens d.a. is bringing in an outside prosecutor now. we don't know if they will pursue the death penalty. but you want to go down that road. explain to us why and if you are hopeful that will actually happen with this special prosecutor. >> thank you for having me. it has been just an awful several days in athens. somebody born and raised in athens and a university of georgia graduate this has been such a tragedy that occurred in our community. first and foremost our thoughts and prayers are with laken riley's family. the beautiful tribute they had on campus to her and all the photos, it has been just a trying time in athens and for all of bulldog nation. most first and foremost for her
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family. your question how to handle this case. our district attorney if athens on day one said she would never seek the death penalty and also said she would take into account the collateral consequences to undocumented defenses. those sort of statements are unacceptable. i'm glad to know she has brought in an outside special prosecutor to handle this case. reality is the district attorney can't handle this case. she has shown over and over again the inability to handle serious murder and rape cases and our community has lost every trial she has done herself information four years in office. a special prosecutor coming in is good news. the district attorney should seek the death penalty and take that before the jury. but that will be a decision that will still remain in the district attorney's hands despite bringing in an outside prosecutor. >> aishah: a quick piece from the d.a.'s statement saying we will not allow this or any other
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case to be used for political gain. our top priority is the safety of every citizen and fully committed to insuring that justice is served for the loss of life. repres representative, have you been able to speak to the family of laken riley? are they worried about justice not being served? >> i have not personally spoken to them. governor kemp has. you heard from the governor moments ago in his comments from yesterday and the governor was spot with the issues we've seen at the federal level that has led us to this tragedy. so certainly want to thank the governor for his leadership. we're in prayer for this family and the tragedy that they have seen. we've also been talking about the federal level, we have had issues locally that led to this issue to this tragic murder that
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happened in athens. this individual who committed this heinous crime had been arrested in new york and the border. he was sighted in athens last year. he shouldn't have been on the streets. >> aishah: we appreciate your time and stay close. we'll get back to you soon. >> bill: 26 past the hour now. got a bizarre setting for a big message. president biden saying he hopes for a cease-fire in gaza by monday while holding the ice cream cone in mid town manhattan. back to that, and this. >> you were appointed in november of 2021. >> yes, ma'am. >> ruer relationship started early. january or february? >> around march. >> bill: we're on the record now. will the sworn testimony hold up? the former law partner of nathan wade is ordered to return to the stand today potentially sending the case against donald trump off the rails. we'll watch it as we get ready for this one coming up.
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no one knows veterans like newday usa. [inaudible] >> president biden: well, i hope by the beginning of the weekend. the end of the weekend. at least my national security advisor tells me we're close. it is not done yet. my hope is by next monday we'll have a cease-fire. >> bill: the news president biden made at an ice cream stop yesterday. long awaited cease-fire in gaza may come as early as this weekend. negotiations underway for the release of israeli hostages and the delivery of food and medicine in the gaza. complicating talks, the start of ramadan is the 10th of march. the holy month sees heightened tensions between israel and palestinians. we'll see whether or not they
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can get a deal. stand by for that. >> aishah: look at this. surprise development in the fani willis misconduct hearings. a judge calling back nathan wade's former law partner to the stand this afternoon. steve harrigan has the latest on this. hi, steve. >> last week terrance bradley was supposed to be the star witness laying it all out. it was a dud. he was claiming attorney/client privilege. didn't say much at all. the judge took him behind closed doors for an hour and a half yesterday. this afternoon he is back and we could see a bombshell testimony if he decides to challenge willis and wade on the timeline of when their relationship began. if he can show that the two actually lied under oath about when they started being romantically involved, it could be a lot of trouble for both of them. >> this is now much more serious for miss willis and mr. wade. if the judge believes they are perpetrating a fraud on the
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court or they have perhaps even lied under oath not only could they be potentially charged criminally by some other law enforcement agency but referred to the state bar for disciplinary proceedings. >> on friday the judge is expected to whether or not admit cell phone records from nathan wade showing thousands of calls and texts between wade and willis in the period they say they weren't even dating ahead of a possible decision by the judge to remove the d.a.'s office from the this case entirely. aishah, back to you. >> aishah: we know you'll watch it closely for us. thank you, steve. >> president biden: i kept my commitment to be the most pro-union president ever. i'm proud you have my back. let me just say i'm honored to have your back and you have mine. >> bill: that was a moment in michigan in january. president biden talking up the uaw endorsement. it doesn't necessarily translate
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into votes in the critical swing state. michigan holds its primaries today. donald trump's policies and personality resonate deeply. we have two people here. one from the automakers for trump 2024 and mike who works in the auto industry and supports uaw. thank you both for your time. you heard what he said the most union president ever. i was looking at your resumes here, brian you have been in the auto industry 38 years for the union coming up on 40. you are voting trump. tell me why. let's start there. >> well, it's very simple for me, bill. donald trump came into office, tore up the nafta agreement which was horrible for american auto workers and renegotiated the usmca that leveled the playing field. that alone is enough.
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but opening up anwar in alaska for oil drilling. got gas prices below $2 a gallon. all of biden's policies have basically hurt auto workers. he showed up for 15 minutes to walk on a picket line and get his picture taken. nothing more than a photo op. donald trump walks the walk, not walk the picket line for a photo op and then leave. >> bill: let me bring in mike. your union colleague. how old are you, by the way? >> i'm 64, be 65 soon. >> bill: you remember the effects of nafta in the upper midwest. >> absolutely. >> mike, you are arab american. are you voting for job, the war, help us understand where you are in your support for donald trump. >> so it's a whole combination. biden has repeatedly lied to my
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community. they took our votes for granted within my community. not only within the arab american community, but in the metro detroit area. let's face it, biden had made promises and failed on those promises. biden has constantly lied time and time again. let's face it, biden pushed for an ev sector. that is scaling back at the moment. that sector has a failed infrastructure that biden promised to fix. we could go on and say that inflation is at record high right now. auto workers by the time they get their paycheck, can barely put food on the table for their families. i see it firsthand on the ground. i don't need paid consultants or experts from d.c. to tell me the economy is bad. we see on the ground here first. >> i agree. >> bill: you are entire family is union and voted for trump twice. mike, if biden got a cease-fire
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would it be satisfactory to you? >> absolutely not. a cease-fire is beyond the debate of whether myself or arab americans will be voting for biden. he basically divorced us. he basically shot us in the back by his failed policies and promises. we need to bring jobs back to america. we need to stop these wars, need to stop funding these wars and reinvest to cities like detroit, pittsburgh, cincinnati, all these cities that need help. we don't need to be sending money overseas for endless wars or support countries committing genocide. >> bill: you guys are great. i could talk to you for an hour. we don't have the time. your comment on nafta reminds me of this comment from january from president biden. roll the this now. >> president biden: we have a big fight in front of us.
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we're fundamentally changing the economy of this country. the days of working people being doug out of the deal are over in this country. >> bill: that whole line about fundamentally changing the economy. is that when you this i the green new deal does? trump will say your jobs are gone in three years in tennessee, south carolina or china. >> absolutely. he is changing the whole economy. his e.v. mandates will reduce the number of auto workers needed to build a vehicle by 30%. bill, we have had two engine plants close in this county in the last few years while they were ramping up to build more electric vehicles. think about it. what does an electric vehicle not need? an engine. we have entire plants with thousands of workers devoted to building gasoline engines and he is getting rid of those. so it's a real easy decision for automakers to make. we vote for donald trump on
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november 5th. we're out there in droves today voting in the primary. we'll get nikki haley out of this race just like she needs to get out like vivek ramaswamy did when she realizes she is not getting the nomination. trump is getting it. she better get out and get on the team and support us all the way through november. >> bill: battleground michigan biden won the state by 2 1/2 points. 50.6 to 47.9. brian and mike, gentlemen, thank you for your time and appreciate you coming on today and sharing your views. thanks. >> aishah: set to relaunch chat box tool after a series of inaccurate results exposing the limitations of artificial intelligence. more out rage of crimes committed by men in the country illegally. why some liberal leaders are rethinking the sanctuary status of those cities.
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powerful cold and flu relief with a dreamy honey taste nyquil honey, democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice.
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mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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>> those small numbers that are committing crimes, we need to modify the sanctuary city law that if you commit a felony, violent act we should be able to turn you over to ice and have you deported. it is a right to live in this city and you should be not committing crimes in our city. right now we don't have the authority to do so. >> aishah: that's mayor eric adams of new york city doubling down calling to change new york city sanctuary laws. the mayor admits migrant crime has become a big issue in his city. he says the law does not allow
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criminals to be reported to ice for deportation. that would have come in handy a few times. host of the guy benson show, guy benson. good to see you. you heard mayor adams there. i want to pull up this tweet from 2021. here is an about face if you've ever seen one. in 2021 he said we should protect our immigrants period, yes. new york city will remain a sanctuary city under an adams administration. my, my, my how things have changed. >> the politics have changed and so his answer has changed on this. in the clip you played he said living in new york city is a right. he meant it is a privilege for people who actually don't have a right to be in the country. because there has been this serious uptick in crime involving illegal immigrants and as a former law enforcement guy he is seeing that law enforcement's hands are tied to take action that would be widely supported by new yorkers. he is changing his tune. he wants the law changed. he should not just say that.
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he should force the issue. what's interesting is in chicago another sanctuary city, there are democratic aldermen pushing the strip the city completely of their sanctuary status because they are sick of it as well. left wing mayor brandon johnson is opposing them. the politics in all of this is turning rather dramatically even in some of the bluest cities in the country. i think some of the credit has to go to greg abbott in the state of texas for really pushing the envelope and forcing these places to live with the consequences of their preening and policies and turns out that when the rubber meets the road in some cases these politicians don't like their own rhetoric so much, at least living with what their rhetoric brings about. >> bill: we don't know what will happen next, do we? you have to think if this was your position before, you know, how high are you considering the cya now and going forward? >> exactly right. talk is cheap.
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eric adams can put out tweets and beat his chest about the sanctuary city status of new york because we're welcoming and reading the poem from the statue of liberty and all that. that's the typical progressive talking point. then you realize wait, this isn't working out so well for me anymore. people are angry. let me say something different. that is very much separate and apart from showing leadership and bringing the city council to the table and changing the law. so i think he should be given half a clap maybe for conceding to reality a little bit with his words. actions will matter a lot more. >> aishah: maybe the president needs to address people like mayor eric adams, his fellow democrats on thursday when he is at the border. see if he does that. last night dr. phil was on with jess watters on jesse watters prime time and kind of summed up with a lot of folks at home are thinking but doesn't get talked about very much. listen to this. >> i think people are afraid to take a position on this because
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if they take a position and say we should control the border, then they are labeled as anti-immigration. we're not talking about immigration. we're talking about illegal immigration. we need to all stand up for this country and stop apologizing. stop apologizing for having a border that's not a turnstile. >> aishah: why is this so hard? why do people still, this administration, tiptoe around this? >> well, it's two separate questions. first of all i would say dr. phil is out there dropping truth bombs this week. he went on "the view" setting the ladies straight and educating them about the harm of school shutdowns during covid. a few didn't want to hear that years later. he brought the facts. he brought the facts again with jesse last night on this issue. most americans, i think, very much agree with the premise of your question. why is this so hard?
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we're opposed to ill immigration. secure the border. that's a massive consensus issue. biden and his administration have a problem. even if they wanted to secure the border, they haven't demonstrated any desire to do so. they have an activist class that takes a very different position. they're loud, they are involved in a lot of fundraising grassroots and all that sort of thing on the ground. they don't want to offend that crowd because they live in constant fear paralysis of alienateing the left and we get the policies we do and the failures that we do in so many cases. >> bill: you are right about his comments on covid, by the way talking about the least vulnerable are kids in school and college age kids and said they are the least vulnerable but the most vulnerable in the long term because of social skills they lack because they weren't around people. thanks for coming on today. we'll hear you on radio soon. thank you, guy. >> thanks, guys.
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>> bill: new testimony in the "rust" manslaughter trial. what a crew member says about alec baldwin's attitude toward guns on set. before the closed door deposition hunter biden saying his sobriety is key to his father's re-election. what he said about that. ♪ level hydration? new neutrogena hydro boost water cream. a vital boost of nine times more hydration* to boost your skin's barrier for quenched, dewy skin that's full of life. neutrogena. hydro boost. tempur pedic designed the ergo pro smart base, to help you fall asleep more easily. it's gentle massage and relaxing sounds, help calm your mind, every night. for a limited time, save up to $500 on select tempur pedic adjustable mattress sets.
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set. it's part of the manslaughter trials for hannah reid, the armorer on set when baldwin shot and killed hutchins. >> aishah: google's parent company taking a hit on wall street after the a.i. chatbot spun itself into a woke disaster. they are trying to fix it. kelly o'grady here with us for more on that. >> this is crazy. the ceo of the a.i. division is trying to get it back online in a few weeks. this entire debacle underscores the reality that a.i. is only as smart as we make it. it is raising questions what's the real issue, the code or google's culture? go back 20 years when the public went public. don't be evil is one of their
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ten either. medical, financial, many others. are search results are the best we know how to produce, unbiased and objective. google has been accused of bias, musk and trump reupped those accusations. if leadership is infusing the product with their own values. a leaked video to 2017 showing founders lamenting trump's win and i just want you to listen to this clip. folks are worried this is really inherent in this a.i. listen. >> what this is doing is laying bare for the american people to see that the political ideology that permeates silicon valley is finding its way to algorithms. we have to step in and put guardrails in place. >> the stock lost 90 billion yesterday. it is flat right now. investors are worried what it means for a.i. >> an awful product launch. i don't know how lonit


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