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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  March 5, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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it's time for -- ♪ ♪ talk about tampering with crime scene. lakewood police department in colorado got caught in a crappy situation when they responded to a call regarding poop. >> bill: again? >> judge jeanine: the burglary suspect needed to make a pit stop during his crime ultimately leading to his demise. >> dana: did he wipe? >> bill: i'm obsessed with jack imi and shadow big bear country in colorado. my sister ann caught life last night on her own iphone, roll it. if you look very carefully. she says there's the evidence. the scientists are telling her she is wrong. >> jesse: it's a girl. have great night. >> bret: jesse, i will stick around for the next egg if you want to do another egg.
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>> jesse: we have plenty of time super tuesday. >> bret: thank you, sir. ♪ ♪ >> bret: good evening. i'm bret baier. we're coming to you live tonight from fox news election headquarters in new york. breaking tonight, voters in 16 states and one u.s. territory casting ballots for the nominees to run in the november general election. we'll start getting raw vote totals coming in a few states next hour. president biden running virtually unopposed on the ballot. although there are serious concerns about the president's age, his mental fitness. even within his own party meantime former president donald trump already has a commanding lead over only major challenger entering today's balloting. we have fox team coverage tonight. brit hume here in new york as his expert analysis. peter doocy at the white house as the president prepares for what is shaping up to be another battle against the former president, likely. bill melugin in charleston, south carolina, for what many
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believe is former south carolina governor nikki haley's last stand. but we begin with congressional correspondent aishah hasnie in west palm beach, florida. and the trump campaign ready for a big night. good evening, aishah. >> aishah: good evening, to you, bret. mar-a-lago is getting ready for a big party tonight, about 1,000 people are expected to celebrate here as the former president predicts he could win every single state tonight. >> i was voting for him if he was sitting in a jail cell. >> from california to texas and north carolina, supporters of former president trump say nothing will stop him from putting him on the november ballot. >> he speaks his mind and he says what he wants to. and i think a lot of people can respect that trump campaign tells fox they anticipate moving forward from super tuesday with more than a thousand delegates. trump won't say if he will ask former south carolina governor nikki haley to step down tonight but says she has no path forward. >> what is she doing? other than hurting -- other than
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hurting the republican party. i want everyone to come together our real opponent happens to be named biden. >> on monday the former president celebrated historic supreme court decision keeping him on the colorado ballot. but now democrat congressman jamie raskin says he is working on legislation to prevent anyone engaged in an insurrection from holding federal office. that, unlikely to go anywhere in a republican controlled house. >> they are real loadsers. if they spent their time focusing on the country and making america great again,. >> bret, former president trump wants to pivot hard to the general election. the first event after super tuesday, after tonight will be a georgia rally on saturday, just about 60 miles north of where president biden will be campaigning on the same day. so, again, dueling events for the two presidents. bret? >> bret: aishah hasnie live at mar-a-lago. aishah, thanks.
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former south carolina governor. former u.n. ambassador nikki haley says she hopes to be competitive during tonight's super tuesday voting. what that actually means and what her future plans are remain unclear tonight. correspondent bill melugin is covering the haley campaign tonight from charleston, south carolina. good evening, bill. >> bret, good evening to you. the reason we are standing outside right now is because nikki haley doesn't have any events listed tonight on this super tuesday. a night that is going to be pivotal for whatever happens next in her campaign. >> as much as everybody wants to go and push me out, i'm not ready to get out yet. [cheers] >> nikki haley standing her ground in the face of questions about why she is still in the race. >> i don't know why everybody is so adamant that they have to follow trump's lead to get me out of this race. you know, all of these people deserve to vote. 16 states want to have their voices heard. let's let their voices get heard. >> the haley campaign says in recent days she has traveled 8,000 miles and held 125 rallies
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across the country including in maine met a primary voter a registered independent who said she already voted for haley in maine's primary. >> she stands for everybody i stand for. she is a strong female. she was a great ambassador. she was a great governor. very strong in her convictions. if nikki haley does not win the nomination will you support trump. >> no. >> bill: why? >> i feel he is really bad for the country. he alienates too many people. >> bill: fox spoke with haley supporters in minnesota what to do if trump is the eventual nominee. >> i will not vote for nikki. >> i will absolutely vote for trump. >> biden. >> it won't be trump. >> he is too divisive. >> bill: bret, we asked the nikki haley campaign if they like some of the early results start to come in from the states if they feel they are positive will they consider having an event in charleston tonight?
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we were told quote, probably not. send it back to you. >> bret: that's interesting in and of itself. bill melugin in charleston. thank you. president biden is predicting reelection win in november. he is also calling former president donald trump a loser. recent poll numbers tell a different story. at least right now. president biden is hoping to get his point across on policy and politics. later this week with the big spotlight in d.c. white house correspondent peter doocy has that part of the story tonight live from the north lawn. good evening, peter. >> peter: good evening, bret. president biden is here at the white house where super tuesday feels like a formality and officials would rather focus on using thursday's state of the union as a springboard towards the rematch they are hoping for with donald trump. >> mr. president, what are you preparing for your state of the union address? >> you will hear me on thursday. >> pete: president biden is back from four days of speech prep at camp david. >> he's going to be working on it. i believe until the very last minute.
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>> pete: today, he tested lines about so-called shrinkflation. >> a cookie monster. he pointed out cookies are his cookies are getting smaller paying the same price. >> officials say president biden will follow tonight's super tuesday results but the president is more focused already on the general. >> you guy don't report i'm winning. i, five in a row. you guy ought to look at the "new york times" they are a great paper. >> biden's plan to beat trump in '24 is to talk a lot about beating trump in '20. >> peter: that gets into his head in a way that very few issues do and joe biden is going straight at that issue. >> amid age and acuity concerns, the president biden may not make it to november's election nbc is reporting as former first lady michelle obama has expressed several times over the years, she will not be running for president. mrs. obama supports president joe biden and vice president kamala harris' re-election campaign. taylor swift did last cycle and today she reentered the fray,
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urging supporters to vote, quote: the people who most represent you into power. >> president biden has set a possible endorsement by taylor swift is classified? how disappointed is he that she is telling people to vote but not for him? >> going to be very careful. we are talking about 2024. and so i can't comment on what taylor swift is saying or not saying. >> peter: and even though tonight is expected to go very well for president biden, he is in for the night. don't expect to see him on stage thanking democrats in the primary states for voting for him nothing on the schedule for the rest of tonight or for that matter tomorrow. >> bret: peter doocy on the north lawn. first result of the night right now. fox news decision desk predicts that president biden will win the mail-in democratic primary in iowa. not a shocker but it's
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definitive. please join us for our super tuesday coverage it. all starts 7:00 p.m. eastern time right after "special report" it. goes all night long. we have you covered. let's bring in fox news chief political analyst brit hume. good evening. >> brit: hi, bret. >> bret: what you are looking for tonight. >> brit: it will be interesting to see whether nikki haley can get some margins in some of these states and would give her some reason to keep going. i think everyone agrees that trump is on a glide path to the nomination. he is overwhelmingly likely to get it. it will be interesting to see what tone he strikes when he comes out to announce his victory or to -- and to celebrate it with his maybe as many as 1,000 people as aishah hasnie says at mar-a-lago. will he be conciliatory generally? will he be conciliatory toward nikki haley, that will be worth noting when it happens. >> peter: as peter mentions, thursday is the big event in d.c. the state of the union, you've covered a million of these. i have covered a lot of them.
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i know. and. >> neither one of us wants to count. >> bret: it's often a shopping list what a president wants. this has a little different flavor to it. i want to play a soundbite about president biden in previous state of the unions. this is about the border. 2022, 2023. >> we need to secure our border and fix the immigration system. [applause] [chanting] >> as you might guess i think we can do both. congress must restore the right. [hecklers] >> bret: a lot of back and forth there. obviously immigration is an issue every poll. >> brit: took a while to develop rampant across the country. people who live in far places removed from the border have gotten a taste of what it is like when these immigrants arrive in large numbers and tax their social services programs and cause crime and all the rest of it. and the president is vulnerable on this issue because he sort of didn't do anything. and people can see that and they
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can say, time and again, the border is secure, you kept hearing him say and they can say that we have done everything we can do. i don't think people believe that and, you know, it will be interesting to hear how he presents that issue. also, of course, obviously, bret, ukraine and israel it will be interesting to see how much devotes to foreign policy. how strong he is compared to where he has been on israel. as well as on ukraine. >> bret: i want to play a soundbite about entitlements back in 2023. another give and take with the republicans there. >> some republicans want medicare and social security to sun set. i'm not saying it's a majority. [boos] >> i'm glad you see, no, i tell you, i enjoy conversion. i'm not politely not naming them but it's being proposed by some of you. [hecklers] >> look, folks,. >> bret: now, obviously, that back and forth was interesting.
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the entitlement issue is still a big issue. both parties not dealing with testimony. you wonder how the state of the union is going to set up on the issue of israel, for example. >> brit: exactly right. he came out strong and basically stuck to his guns in terms of continuing the shipments to help israel and so on. rhetorically, he has moved away from israel reports are the reports furious with benjamin and more humanitarian aid in gaza and the rest of it would suggest he is softening on his support. i'm not sure he really is but it's a big issue. and within his own party, his support for israel is hurting him with the wing of the party which is considerably larger than his republican party, for example, that is very sympathetic toward the arab side in this conflict and long has been. and especially toward those who are suffering in gaza. >> bret: last thing going back to tonight. if you thought back a year ago, even six months ago that, we
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would be here looking at the poll numbers we are looking at. independents trenting toward president trump on a number of issues. would you have believed that. >> brit: i have always thought the age and acuity issue was a ticking time bomb, i was saying when it was not at all fashionable to say it that he was senile. now i think he is palpably senile and the country sees it. and one of his challenges on thursday night, bret, would be whether he can assuage the concerns of those even within his own party, who think and say that he is too old for the job. >> bret: brit, we have along night ahead. get some coffee. >> brit: i appreciate it. >> bret: up next, how the border crisis is affecting the 2024 campaign. we will have a live report from south texas. plus, new alarms about sexual crimes by hamas terrorists against israeli citizens. ♪ awkward question... is there going to be anything left... —left over? —yeah. oh, absolutely.
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous.
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♪ >> bret: alabama lawmakers facing public pressure to get in vitro fertilization services restarted in the state have advanced legislation to shield providers from the fallout of a court ruling that equated frozen embryos to children. many in the state senate and house approved nearly identical
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bills that would protect providers from lawsuits and criminal prosecution. for damage or death of an embryo during ivf services. lawmakers are aiming to give final approval tomorrow and send the legislation to republican governor kay ivey who was -- has indicated she will sign it. the house select subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic has subpoenaed former new york governor andrew cuomo. the committee wants him to testify about his covid-19 nursing home policies. cuomo directed the state's nursing homes to accept covid patients in 2020. that division led to fierce criticism. republican leaders of that committee say the action caused deadly consequences for new york's most vulnerable. cuomo spokesperson says the move is an obvious press charade. ♪ >> bret: the president's border crisis has emerged as the number one issue in many national
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polls. this evening we take a look at how tskts affecting the race for the white house. senior national correspondent rich edson reports tonight from laredo. >> in 72 hours this past weekend, at the southern border. customs and border protection officials say they have encountered more than 21,000 migrants. a surge largely in arizona and california. record numbers of migrants have crossed under the biden administration. and recent polling shows immigration is now among the top issues driving voters. >> america has had enough. they have had enough of joe biden. they have had enough of this open border. >> republicans have demanded president biden reverse his executive orders that unraveled trump immigration policies. some democrats have also pushed the white house to act. > as democrats we cannot say it doesn't exist or try to ignore it. you know, the president can still take steps to address border security. but they need to take those stepping soon. >> the white house did secure an agreement with senate republicans on border issues former president trump opposed
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it and congressional republicans followed suit. trump's primary challenger nikki haley says the former president sank the border bill only to cause chaos and help his election prospects. house republicans are now working on a bill to require the detention of undocumented immigrants arrested for crimes. biden is under pressure for some in his own party to reject republican demands and protect those traveling here to claim asylum. in texas, some democrats also accused republicans of distorting the border crisis for political gain. >> we can fix it right through comprehensive immigration reform but greg abbott and ted cruz and all the rest of them, they don't want to fix it. they just want to yell about it. >> gutierrez there is one of the many democrats running in the primary today to challenge republican incumbent senator ted cruz. cruz, who has repeatedly referenced the number of migrants crossing this river and into the united states. bret? >> bret: rich edson in laredo, thanks. custom and border protection services tell fox a columbian national on the fbi's terror watch list was apprehended
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february 21st in eagle pass, texas. just days before former president trump visited that area. the suspect was taken into custody by texas officials then turned over to border patrol. customs data shows there have been 59 matches to the terror watch list since this fiscal year began october 1st. all but one have been on the southern border. >> bret: breaking tonight arizona democrat turned independent senator kyrsten sinema says she will not run for re-election. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram is on capitol hill to tell us why. what she is saying about it. what this could mean for that arizona senate race. good evening, chad. >> bret, good evening. there was no clear path for sinema to win. she left the democratic party and is now an independent. sinema faced a challenge from democratic representative reuben gallego and from republican kari lake. fox is told sinema was disillusioned by her colleagues after republicans torched a
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bipartisan border deal she helped broker. >> because i choose is i visit, understanding, listening, working together to get stuff done, i be i will leave the sent the end of this year. over my career i have shown how government can work for everyday people the white house saluted sinema for her work on infrastructure. >> she has been a partner with us on many critical issues that matter to the american people and i think that's important. >> sinema's departure reflects increasing polarization in congress. there are few moderate democrats left. joe manchin is also leaving. only political victories are symbolic. attacking our opponents on cable news or social media. compromise is a dirty word. we have arrived at that cross road and we chose anger and division. >> republicans steve daines
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leads his party's campaign efforts. danes says the vacancy creates an opportunity for the g.o.p. to flip the seat. bret? >> bret: chad pergram live on the hill. chad, thanks. new jersey democratic senator bob menendez is facing new charges tonight, several of them. federal prosecutors have leveled obstruction of justice allegations against the senator in yet another superseding indictment relating to a mulling at this. scheme involving egypt and. senator is accused of acting as a foreign agent. to benefit the egyptian government. through his power and influence as a senator on foreign relations committee. up next, one of the nation's most high profile progressive lawmakers gets a taste of her own medicine here in town. first, here's what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 17 in nashville as authorities investigate a plane crash that left five people
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dead. the small aircraft was forced to make an emergency landing near interstate 40 in west nashville. police say the pilot reported engine and power failure before the crash. fox 2 in detroit, as a projectile from a clinton township explosion kills a man who was not near that building. the fire chief says the 19-year-old victim was about a quarter mile away when he was hit by a flying canister. firefighter was also injured. the chief says shrapnel flew as far as a mile in all directions. the cause of that fire remains under investigation. and this is a live look at san francisco from our affiliate fox 2. one of the big stories there tonight, amazon founder jeff bezos reclaims the title of world's richest person. it's bezos' first time on top of the list since 2021. he dethrones elon musk on the bloomberg billionaire's index with a net worth of $200 billion with a b. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report."
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we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ a different city every night oh i swear ♪
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it's nice. people focus more on me. ask your doctor about #1 prescribed, once-daily ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ ♪ >> bret: meta owned platforms, facebook and instagram were down for about two hours across the globe today. the disruption started around 10:00 a.m. eastern time. an outage tracking website says there were more than 550,000 reports of disruptions for facebook and about 92,000 for instagram. the company is blaming what it calls a technical issue. stocks today had their worst day in three weeks, ahead of testimony from the federal reserve chairman and new economic data. the dow lost 405 today. dropped 52. the nasdaq fell 268. the dartmouth men's basketball team has voted to unionize. it is an unprecedented step
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toward forming the first labor union for college athletes. the players voted 13-2 to join service employees international union local 4560 which already represents some dartmouth workers: ache tri vistas are vista --activists are turning ts as the hamas israel war goes on. one finds herself on the wrong side of earlier exhortation that protesters should make their targets feel uncomfortable. correspondent nate foy shows us tonight from here in new york. >> i need you to understand [inaudible] >> it's not okay genocide happening and you are not actively against it. >> you're lying. >> democratic congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez faced pro-palestinian protesters while leaving a brooklyn movie theater. >> say it's a genocide. just say it. >> the congresswoman addressed the demonstrators and appeared to claim she is already accused israel of genocide. >> you are going to cut it and going to cut this and clip this
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so that it's completely out of context. i already said that it was. y'all are just going to pretend that it wasn't over and over again. it's [bleep] up, man. you are not helping them. >> protect black bodies. >> in 2020 the congresswoman defended protesters calling to defund the police. tweeting, quote: popular support often starts small and grows. to folks who complain protest demands make others uncomfortable. that's the point. ocasio-cortez is just the latest democrat to face political pressure over the israel-hamas war. [chanting palestine will be free] >> president biden faced protests in new york while visiting last week. [chanting] >> and at his hotel in san francisco weeks ago. but the president's team protects him. >> protests that you don't want to share details about the president's schedule protest. >> i don't have anything else to share on that. >> free palestine.
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free palestine! >> pro-palestinian protesters interrupted first lady jill biden's speech in arizona over the weekend. protesters filled the streets in los angeles this weekend calling for immediate cease-fire in gaza. democratic voters in several states say they will not vote for president joe biden because of his support for israel. bret? >> bret: nate, thank you. ♪ ♪ >> bret: united nations officials say there are reasonable grounds to believe hamas terrorists committed sexual crimes against women during last october's massacre in israel and continued to do so. that assessment comes amid ongoing cease-fire talks in egypt and humanitarian air drops by the u.s. and jordan into gaza. correspondent trey yingst has the latest tonight from tel aviv. >> pallets of flood float through the sky. dropped into gaza for a second
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time by the u.s. military. inside, more than 36,000 meals for hungry palestinians, including some of gaza's most vulnerable residents. now, when children starting doctors are telling our colleagues to die from starvation, that should be an alarm like no other. >> the u.n.'s office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs warns of a growing humanitarian disaster inside gaza that will only be made worse as the conflict continues. >> 151 days into the war, hamas representatives are meeting with mediators in cairo to continue cease-fire talks. after two days of discussion, it was decided to extend the conversations as president biden calls for an end to the fighting. >> mr. president, how close are we to the cease-fire? >> it's in the hands of hamas right now. the israelis have been cooperating. there is an offer out there
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that's rational. we don't know what -- we'll know in a couple days what's going to happen. we need a cease-fire ♪ chanting bring them home thought. >> time is running out to save the remaining hostages. around 100 are believed to be alive, along with at least 30 bodies that israel is working to return. new findings by the u.n. special representative on sexual violence add to the pressure to reach a deal. >> with regard to the hostages taken to gaza, we found clear and convincing information that sexual violence, including rape, sexualized torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment has been committed against cap tis. >> the u.n. special convoy say there are reasonable grounds to believe that sexual violence is still being committed against those held in captivity, bret? >> bret: trey yingst in tel aviv, trey, thanks. hungary's president formally signed a bill approving sweden's nato bid.
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that removes the last obstacle after 18 months of delays that frustrated the alliance as it sought to expand in response to russia's invasion of ukraine. it is the second expansion of nato's ranks in a year. up next, our special panel here in new york on what to expect this super tuesday. first, beyond our borders tonight, ukraine claims it has sunk another russian warship in the black sea. it says it used high tech sea drones to destroy the vessel, which reportedly can carry cruise missiles and about 60 crew members. the ukrainians say they have sunk at least 12 russian naval vessels so far. and this is a live look at earth from the international space station. one of the big stories there tonight, three astronauts and a russian cosmonaut express their joy after arriving at the iss. spacex blasted on sunday. a team replacing a crew that has been aboard since august. during their happier stent, the
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new crew will oversee the arrival of two new rocket ships. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ wide open spaces ♪ (fisher investments) we are. we have a team of specialists not only in investing, but also also in financial and estate planning and more. (other money manager) your clients rely on you for all that? (fisher investments) yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first. (other money manager) but you still sell commission -based products, right? (fisher investments) no. we have a simple management fee structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) huh, we're more different than i thought! (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different. (man) excuse me, would you mind taking a picture of us? (tony) oh, no problem. (man) thanks. (tony) yes, problem. you need verizon. get the new iphone 15 pro with tons of storage. so you can take all the pics! (vo) trade-in any iphone in any condition and get a new iphone 15 pro and an ipad and apple watch se all on us. only on verizon.
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♪ >> i don't know why everybody is so adamant that they have to follow trump's lead to get me out of this race. 16 states want to have their voices heard. >> we will go on to victory, the likes of which no one has ever seen before. we will evict crooked joe biden from the white house. >> donald trump is dangerous. >> we must reelect joe biden and kamala harris. >> another biden-trump rematch would probably be easy game for trump. >> i don't like either one of them to be honest. >> i think nikki haley knows that she has no chance. >> bret: well, it's a big night. super tuesday. got 16 states in all. one territory, both republicans and democrats. heading on the republican side into this night the current delegate total 273 for former president trump, 43 for former governor nikki haley. number of super tuesday g.o.p. delegates up for grabs tonight, 8 # 54. here's the a.p. why super tuesday matters and ao
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watch. as the race froifts super tuesday the tailor frayed for trump insurmountable lead for. she wants to stay in the race in the republican national convention in july. in case delegates there have second thoughts about formally nominating trump amidst his lee woes she may not be able to afford another sweeping loss. however. with that bring in our special panel, bill hemmer co-host of "america's newsroom" and also be on the big board tonight. martha mccallum, also my co-anchor tonight and harold ford jr., former tennessee congressman, co-host of "the five." is the board all warmed up? >> bill: i think so. we will find out at the same time, right? >> bret: what are you looking for tonight? >> bill: listen, i think if you are nikki haley's team, early on the vermont is going to close at 7:00. so, too, is virginia. if you scan the possibilities for delegates, it appears that those two states are strong possibilities for her pick
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delegates. maybe not win the state, necessarily. i went back 8 years ago to super tuesday, just to try to get a fix as to where we were then, you know, not just as a nation but where the republican party was. donald trump won 283 delegates that night. keep in mind california was in june. california is tonight now. and ted cruz won 245, a difference of 38. a pretty close race here, right? and earlier today on "fox & friends," he was talking about going 15 for 15 tonight. i'm not saying that's going to happen, but he was mentioning that earlier today. you put all that together, and he has won the republican party. and he will be the republican nominee. the question is whether it happens next tuesday or the week after. >> bret: yeah, to that point, here's the former president this morning talking about his competitor. >> there's no path for her to win. whether she likes hearing that or not, there's no path for her to win. no matter what. there is no path. what's she doing? other than hurting -- other than
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hurting the republican party. >> bret: so one of the story lines tonight, martha, is how he talks about her, how he talks about her supporters, and how that unity message comes across from the former president. >> absolutely. and we have heard different versions of how he speaks about her. he clearly wants her to shut down her campaign, right? and he is hoping that he will make a definitive argument tonight for her to do it. and she might. weave know that she is not planning to make a speech tonight, which is unusual. every other night for these primaries she has come out and said she is going to keep going. so, tonight is an evaluation period for nikki haley. maybe we'll hear from her tomorrow. she is at home in charleston, south carolina right now. so we'll see what she says. clearly trump wants to et shut her down at this point. and whether or not she goes away is a big question. but, how will he speak about her? will it be bird brain? will it be attacking the dress that she is wearing? i'm guessing that he will want to start to pull over some of her voters and he may -- we may
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see more gentleman version that you and i saw in iowa at the town hall. maybe looking at the general election he will focus more in that way. >> bret: other side, axios, harold, biden's new strategy go for trump's jug jugular. will explode if biden mercilessly gigs and gods him. godz him. instead of focusing jobs polls suggest americans aren't giving biden much credit. biden would be making the contest as much about trump as his own accomplishments. isn't be that dangerous road to go down? >> harold: maybe. you had in your lead-in, you interviewed some people, several of them said they wished that neither of these guys were the choices that the country was going to be confronted with. if you see that kind of polling
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in either campaign. you go for the jugular, i wish we could get back to campaigns you tried to understand the fears and concerns of americans. try to provide inspired leadership and in the process you may to after the jugular every once in a while the campaign was bigger than that i will be looking to see what martha and bill said in your lead-in about the speech. does the speech not only try to go after nikki haley, but how do you begin to speak to the country? how do you begin to speak to those independents? we have to remember the last two elections where people voted, democrats did pretty well. they didn't lose as bad in '22. they held onto the senate. >> bret: are you surprised by the polls now? these recent polls, the string of them has really been quite something to watch. >> harold: this race the country is divided. about a million voters six or seven states give or take 600,000 that independents have decided. i'm not surprised by the polling to answer your question. what i will be surprised tonight is if president trump -- i will be looking for it.
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i don't want to try to take out my surprise element now. i will be looking to see if he speaks to the country. if he is still just speaking to republicans that support him it bodiebodes well for the other s. you can't be critical of your party 30 to 40% of states and want to bring party together. we heard him be magnanimous. how is he magnanimous to her but the country. if i'm a democrat from a political standpoint you are more concerned. as a red blooded american it gives me some comfort that these guys want to lead not only their party and not only the people that support them but those of us in this country who believe we need a leader and need our fears and concerns addressed. >> bret: polls, snapshots in time. they are not votes. "the des moines register" in iowa today, relevant respected -- wellrespected poll has trum5 points on joe biden. that's exponentially what it was just at the iowa caucuses.
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>> bill: that used to be a swick state, right, if those numbers are correct and the poll that you point out has a lot of credibility. harold, to your point, about the split, you know we had our own numbers that came out on monday morning. i think there is a bit of a rumble across the world sunday morning "new york times" came out with the numbers about joe biden. there was one line in there that i brought up repeatedly and i don't get it. but, if this is true, harold, mr. biden is winning only 83% of his voters from 2020 with 10% saying they now back mr. trump. the way i read that, if that's true and they were voting tomorrow, this election would be over, period. >> bret: i do think that's what we are seeing in the polls which is why you hear all this clamoring on the democratic side, martha, is there going to be another shoe that drops? is there going to be another candidate? now we have heard from michelle obama's office that she is squashing any talk of a white house bid. quote: she will not be running for president.
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they are saying she is supporting president biden and vice president kamala harris. >> it's interesting. when you look back among the obama camp david axelrod, comments come from people close to him that they are concerned about whether or not joe biden can close the deal a second time, whether or not they can come up with another candidate, it certainly looks like this is going to be biden vs. trump. that is absolutely what it feels like right now. but we're nine months out. and there are a lot of things that can happen between now and then in this 80-year-old and 77-year-old candidates. not to mention these legal challenges that president trump faces. but tonight as we sit here. he absolutely is dominant in terms of securing the g.o.p. nomination. a lot of questions as we saw in those polls about president biden. >> bret: breaking news today. the arizona democrat turned independent, kyrsten sinema says she is not running for re-election at the end of the year, which leaves kari lake and reuben geauga go for that battle for senate in arizona.
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rick wilson predicts no labels will choose sinema to be their nominee is what he puts on x tonight. thoughts about kyrsten sinema. >> harold: i like kyrsten sinema she did it from the middle, the place where the strength is in politics. i'm hopeful she finds her way back into politics somehow. i don't know if it will be through no labels we will see what happens. to your point the reason i think democrats and joe biden thinks he has to go for the jugular in the way that bret led in is because he hasn't been able to consolidate his base yet. if he is able to tell the base this is the guy, the bad guy, they may come back his way. >> bret: panel, we got a long night ahead. drink some coffee. >> bill: we shall. >> bret: thanks a lot. >> martha: see you in a bit. >> bret: okay, time for "tuesday xtras" but we are going to do that on the move this time because we are in a different studio here in new york. you've got a number of studios. i'm going to make my way to "studio m" for the special election coverage for super tuesday tonight. so, as we walk, i'm going to do
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"tuesday xtras." watch the door. there you go. okay. first up, kelly asked do you have special rituals preparing for the night? naps? special meals? how do you decide what outfits are for the night interesting to learn behind the scenes. kelly, there aren't that many choices to me i do dark blue, red ties, maybe blue ties, so it's pretty easy. women have a lot different situation. up next, king david wonders what living person in the world right now would you most like to interview? i used to always say the pope and i still do. but i actually think president xi from china is who i am probably most angling to get. we're going to go down to the lobby. it's this complicated elevator system. we're going to wait for the elevator here. and i will do the last question when i get to the ground. because i have got to get to this other studio before we start. and i will see you down there. all right. making our way to "studio m"
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here for the special coverage. got one more question here. moose knows asked ninth hole pebble beach 481 yards. what club do you recommend if you could hurry i have a four some pushing us. good question. driver down the left, 6 iron on the green. left side two put par. listen, i'm going to go in to the studio. get ready for special coverage. covered all night long super tuesday, fair, balanced and unafraid. ♪ ♪ the best advice i ever got was to invest with vanguard for my retirement. the second best? stay healthy enough to enjoy it. so i started preparing physically and financially. then you came along and made every mile worth it.
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[ all snoring ] this is going to wreak havoc on overtime approvals. anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs forward-thinking solutions to take on the next anything. [chanting u.s.a.] ♪ >> brit: it's the biggest night of the primaries. >> thank you. >> brit: with showdowns all across america. [cheers] >> get out and vote. got to get out and vote. [chanting] >> we do have a country to save. but this is where it comes down to you. >> brit: tonight, more than 800 republican delegates at stake and donald trump has his eyes on the final prize. >> get out, joe. you're fired! give me liberty or give me death.
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[cheers] >> god bless you. >> brit: nikki haley insists she is the only one that can beat joe biden. >> thank you so much. look at the chaos that is happening under joe biden and donald trump. >> brit: when the president looks to dispel any doubts about its had strength. >> america's democracy at risk -- was at risk and we saved it. are you with me? [applause] >> brit: our super tuesday election coverage starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> martha: it is 7:00 p.m. on the east coast and the first polls of super tuesday are closed.