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tv   Hannity  FOX News  March 7, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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senseless order policies. just think about lakrn riley. in the neighbouring state of georgia, this beautiful 22-year-old nursing student went out on the job one morning. she'd never got the opportunity to return home. she was brutally murdered by one of the millions of illegal border crossers president biden chose to release into our homeland. as a mom, i can't quit thinking about this. this could have been my daughter. this could have been yours. tonight, president biden finally said her name. but he refused to take responsibility for his own
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actions. mr president, enough is enough. innocent americans are dying and you only have yourself to blame. fulfil your oath of office, reverse your policies. and to this crisis and stop the suffering. sadly we know that president biden's failures don't start there. his reckless spending dog our economy into the whole and scent the cost of living through the roof. we have the worst inflation in 40 years and the highest credit card debt in our nations history. let that sink in. hard-working families are struggling to make ends meet today and with soaring mortgage rates and sky high childcare costs, they are also struggling
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to have a plan for tomorrow. the american people are scraping by while president biden proudly proclaims that it is working. bless his heart. we know better. i will never forget stopping on it gas station one evening. the gentleman working the counter told me that after retiring, he had to pick up a job in his seventies so he didn't have to choose between going hungry or going without his medication. he said i did everything right, i did everything i was told to do. i worked hard, i saved, i was responsible. he's not alone. i hear similar concerns from fellow parents whether i am walking with my friends or whether i'm at my kids games.
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but let's be honest, it's been a minute since joe biden pumped gas, rent-a-car pool or even pushed a grocery cart. meanwhile, the rest of us see our dollar and we know it doesn't go as far. we see it every day. despite what he tells you, our communities are not safer. for years, the left has coddled, -- coddled criminals and defunded the police all while letting repeat offenders walk free. the result is tragic but foreseeable. from our small towns to america's most iconic city streets, life is getting more and more dangerous. unfortunately, president biden's
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weakness isn't just hurting families here at home. is making us a punchline on the world stage. where i'm from, your word is your bond. for three years, the president has not demonstrated that america's word doesn't mean what it used to. from abandoning our allies in his disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan, to desperately pushing another dangerous deal with iran. president biden has failed. we've become a nation in retreat the enemies of freedom, they see an opportunity. putin's brutal aggression in europe has put our allies on the brink. iran's terrorist proxies have slaughtered israeli, jews and
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american citizens. they've targeted commercial shipping and they have attacked our troops nearly 200 times since october, killing three u.s. soldiers and two navy seals. meanwhile, the chinese communist party is undercutting america's workers. china is buying up our farmland, spying on our military installations and spreading propaganda through the likes of tiktok. you can see, the ccp knows that if it conquers the minds of our next generation, it conquers america. and what does president biden do? he bans tiktok for government employees but creates an account
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for his own campaign. you can't make this stuff up. look, we all recall when presidents phased national security threats with strength and resolve. that seems like ancient history. right now, our commander in chief is not in command. the free world deserves better than a dithering and diminished leader. america deserves leaders who recognize that secure borders, stable prices, safe streets and a strong defence are actually the cornerstones of a great nation. just ask yourself, are you better off now than you were three years ago?
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there is no doubt we are at a crossroads and it doesn't have to be this way. we all feel it. but here's the good news. we the people are still in the driver seat. we get to decide whether our future will grow brighter or whether we will settle for america in decline. i know which choice our children deserve and i know the choice the republican party is fighting for. we are the party of hard-working parents and families. we want to give you and your children the opportunities to thrive. we want families to grow. it's why we strongly support continued nationwide access to
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in vitro fertilization. we want to help loving moms and dads bring precious life into this world. wesley and i believe there is no greater blessing then life -- in life than our children. that's why tonight i want to make a direct appeal to the parents out there. and in particular, to my fellow moms many of whom i know we'll be up, tossing and turning at 2:00 am wondering how you're going to be in three places at once and than somehow still get dinner on the table. first of all, we see you. we hear you. and we stand with you. i know you are frustrated. i know you're probably disgusted by most of what you see going on in washington and i will be
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really honest with you, you are not wrong for feeling that way. i get it. the task in front of us isn't an easy one but i can promise you one thing. it is worth it. so i am asking you for the sake of your kids and your grandkids. get into the arena. every generation has been called to do hard things. american greatness rests in the fact that we always answer that call. it's who we are. never forget, we are steeped in the blood of patriots who overthrew the most powerful empire in the world. we walk in the footsteps of pioneers who tamed a -- tamed the wild p. are we now carry forward the same flame of freedom as the liberators of an oppressed europe.
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we continue to draw courage from those who bend the moral arc of the universe. when we gaze upon the heavens, never forget that our dna contains the same ingenuity that put man on the moon. america has been tested before and every single time we have emerged unbowed an unbroken. our history has been written with the grit of men and women who got knocked down pete we know their stories because they did not stay down. we are here because they stood back up. so now it's our turn. our moment to stand up and prove ourselves worthy of protecting
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the american dream. together, we can reawaken the heroic spirit of great nation. because america, we don't just have a rendezvous with destiny. we take destiny's hand and we lead it. our future starts around the kitchen tables just like this. with moms and dads just like you and you are why i believe with every fiver of my being that despite the current state of our union, our best days are still ahead. may god bless you and may god continue to bless these united states of america.
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>> katie britt giving the rebuttal which is always a difficult job for all of the loud shouting and yelling that we got from joe biden who is on the other side of the political age group, this was soft, it was strong. she started by saying that joe biden has been in office longer than she's been alive. then she said he doesn't get it. she went one item after another talking about trafficking, talking about fentanyl, all these issues. she worries about the family around the table. >> the american dream has turned into a nightmare for other families talking about the order ... if you're not from the south, it's not a great thing. but she delivered in a speech that's tough to give and i think that republicans are going to say it's hit all the notes. >> she connected with younger women and groups that... we want to think all of you for
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watching with us tonight. >> there will be a lot to digest from tonight. a lot of different angles. keep it here on fox. good night from washington. hannity is next. [ ♪♪ ] >> welcome to hannity. we start tonight with an alert. president joe biden laid out his radical wish list for america. his speech was so hyped up it was bizarre. i will not be shouting the whole hour. frankly so at odds with every day joe is even frightening to me. he spent most of the night shouting, speeding through his speech and clearly overcompensating from the normal every day joe that can barely string two sentences together. at times it became uncomfortable
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watching him screaming and yelling and speeding through that speech. the ap affectionately called it ... that's one way to describe it. tonight america saw let's say a very different joe biden. i call him jacked up joe. that's being charitable. he sounded like hyper- caffeinated angry old man. a lot more on that coming up and in spite of what joe biden claimed tonight, sadly the state of our union is not strong and sadly politics was the clear agenda of the president and facts and truth, that took a backseat to that radical agenda. this was a political speech. throughout the hour we will fact checked the many falsehoods that the president declared tonight. biden's address was literally filled with jacked up joe screaming lie after lie we begin to unpack the propaganda, the misinformation. it will likely be ignored by much of the media mob.
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let's start with the lies on the economy. >> the economy is on the brink. now our economy is the envy of the world. 15 million new jobs in just three years, a record. wages keep going up, inflation keeps coming down. inflation has dropped from 9 percent to 3 percent, the lowest in the world and trending lower. [ applause ] the landing is and will be soft. >> here is the, here the facts. as biden took office, prices have risen over 70 percent. real hourly wages have only risen 13 percent. 60 percent of our fellow americans are living paycheck to paycheck. costs across the board are eating up more of the american people's paychecks than they have in over 30 years. according to a recent study, americans now need to make $11,400 more to afford the same
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quality of life that they did in 2021. claims about job creation, another lie. in reality almost 10 million of those jobs are just backfield jobs or temporary jobs that were lost during the pandemic. as we know now, many of those other jobs were part-time jobs going to many foreign-born workers that he let into this country unvented illegally. don't forget about the supply chain crisis which as devastated our economy for months on end. seriously, they are blaming biden's economic failures on greedy corporations and shrink elation eric take a look. >> to many corporations raise prices to pad the prophets. charging more and more for less and less. that's why we are cracking down on corporations engaged in price gouging on deceptive pricing. the snack companies thank you won't notice if they change the size of the bag and put a hell
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of a lot fewer. same size bag, put fewer chips and it. i'm not joking. it's called shrink inflation. >> americans are feeling the burden day in and day out. it's not because there are a few less chips and bags that you might buy, it's because of joe biden's failed policies. this was only the tip of the iceberg in terms of biden's lies tonight. he went back to his new favourite attack, blaming republicans for the border crisis. he himself created it. take a look. >> november, my team began serious negotiations with a bipartisan group of senators. the result was a bipartisan bill with the toughest set of border security reforms that we've ever seen. you don't think so? all you don't like that bill? this bill save lives. it will also give me an any new
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president new emergency authority to temporarily shut down the border when the number of migrants at the border is overwhelming. border patrol unions under -- endorses bell, the federal chamber of commerce. look at the facts. [ cheering and applause ] >> i know you know how to read. i believe that given the opportunity for a majority in the house and senate would endorse the bill as well. i majority right now. unfortunately, politics has derailed this bill so far. >> wrong again. since day one, joe biden worked to undo every trump era policy that he inherited and he did inherit the most secure border in history. they even bragged about resending all the trump policies that actually worked. take a look. >> we have rescinded so many
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trump immigration policies it would take so much time to list them. we rescinded the remaining mexico policy. we rescinded of course the public charge roll that deprived vulnerable migrants from accessing certain critical life benefits. we have restored the deferred action for childhood arrivals program. we have rescinded so many and have restored so many that he really dismantled. >> with the stroke of a pen, joe biden ended trump's efforts to explode illegal immigrants from the census. he cancelled trump's interior enforcement role, stopped construction of the border wall, he extended deportation protections for liberians. he suspended asylum deals with guatemala, honduras, el salvador.
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he ended the remaining mexico policy and let title 42 expired. for three long years it was joe biden, his vice president,'s department of homeland security secretary, all of their spokespeople telling you the american people lie after lie. telling you the border was secure and telling you the border was closed which your eyes show you very different leap. that was not the truth and it still is inspect take a look. >> it sounds to most folks like a crisis. >> its way down now. with gun-control. >> the border is closed. >> and continued to be. the borders closed. >> the united states will continue to enforce our laws and secure our border period. >> the border we are working to make the border more secure. >> you are this border is secure? >> we have a secure border and
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that that is a priority for any nation including ours and our administration. >> we agree that the border is secure. >> because of that we now have nearly 10 million unvented, illegal joe biden immigrants roaming free around the country. many from our top geopolitical flows including russia china, iran, syria, egypt, afghanistan. biden does not need congress to reimplement all of these actions and secure the border. anyone in the administration that says that, like the president screamed tonight, that is flat out lie that's almost as big a lie is telling us that the border was secure for three years. this is a joke. it is sad and it has severe consequences. joe biden has created what is an unmitigated national security crisis. in the words of some former top officials, this is literally an invasion of military age men. he has failed to stand up to our
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biggest adversaries on every front. there has been no meaningful response to iran or chinese -- china's aggression. our adversaries are watching and they are frankly laughing at the pathetic leadership that is joe biden eric now in a rather bizarre moment, i was putting much the whole speech, he also attacked the u.s. supreme court and supreme court justices right there to their face. take a look. >> state laws banning the freedom to choose. criminalizing doctors peer forcing survivors of rape and incest to leave their states to get the treatment they need. many of you in this chamber... my god, what freedom would you else take away? the decision to overturn it... with all due respect justices, women are not without electoral power.
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-- electoral or political power. you are about to realize just how much... [ cheering and applause ] >> it is another flat out lie. >> joe biden tried to play unifier and touted his bipartisan work. joe is failing massively on that front. he's feeling on pretty much every issue. just when he 6 percent believe he has successfully unified our country. he has not. he can't even unite his own party let alone the country, losing tens of thousands of votes to uncommitted -- the uncommitted option in the democratic primaries on tuesday night. tonight prior to his speech, protesters gathered to blast his stance on the war in israel. then there's the poles. a recent poll has his approval i just a mere 38 percent, well below the typical 50 percent threshold that incumbent
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presidents need to win reelection. the recent abc poll found a staggering 86 percent of you, the american people, think that he is tool to run again. on just about every single issue, he is deep underwater. he is feeling on every single front and americans are not buying his lies whether he whispers or shouts them. make no mistake, when joe biden said tonight the state of our union under his failed leadership is anything but strong. here with reactions, ted cruz, i promise not to yell at you during this interview. let's get your reaction to the style everybody knew that joe had a very big challenge coming into tonight because, will show tapes throughout the night of his cognitive decline. clearly jacked up joe perhaps overcompensated and i think that's being charitable. what was your reaction to that? >> i think tonight was
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astonishing. i never seen anything like it. it was a campaign speech but it wasn't an exceptionally bad cab -- campaign speech. he was angry, he was better, he was screaming as he noted the entire night. he was radical and extreme and he was completely out of touch with the american people. frankly tonight, joe pino me of an angry old man standing on his porch screaming to the kids get off my lawn! that's who he was. i've never seen -- i've been to 12 addresses. i've never seen anything remotely like this. this was entirely focused on the november election. what's remarkable is a joe biden and the white house, they apparently made the decision aid they want no republican votes because this told every republican go jump in the lake, we don't care about anything you believe in. they also decided that they want no independent both spirit they decided their strategy for november is go hard left and turn out the radical left. and it was -- instead of the
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unions typically when you have a democrat or republican president who's giving the speech, there are number of lines that are designed to reach out to the other party that get everyone standing. this was a state of the union in many ways half the republicans almost fell asleep because after welcoming the president where we stand and show respect for the office, we basically just sat there for over an hour as he told a lie after lie and he just went hard left. i've never seen anything like this. >> is there something behind that though? if you look at the traditional democratic base and you put that up against the recent polling, we see he is losing such a large part of his base. african-americans, hispanic americans, young people even. suburban women. to me it was very telling that the speech had to be geared in a way to sort of -- to bring back that base and not reach out to the other side or not try to
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build this coalition. he needs to reinforce what he is losing. >> what was amazing, he almost never smiled the whole speech. he was literally just yelling and he was passed. this was a speech was delivered to the squad. they were trying to bring bernie sanders and elizabeth warren and aoc back on the team and the rest of america, he just didn't care. inflation, people are hurting... you are stupid if you think that the cost to rent is higher than the cost of your mortgage is hired, the cost of food is higher. you are too dumb, you don't understand how good the economy really is. people at home, they know the truth on that. when it came to crime, he just flat out created an alternative reality. crime is down, murders are down, everything is good. the people who are living with crime day today, they know that's not true and i have to say, there was no portion of the speech that was more through the
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looking glass than on immigration. did joe biden acknowledge the 10.4 million illegal aliens he's let into this country? know. did he acknowledge the open borders is put in place deliberately? no. did he acknowledge that thousands of migrants who died because of his open borders? not a word. did he acknowledge that thousands and thousands of children sexually assaulted by human traffickers, that thousands of women brutally assaulted by human traffickers? no. not a word. did he acknowledge the over 100,000 people a year dying of drug overdoses? not a word. did he have written in the speech even to say the words laken riley? to he did not. when he got to that point, a member on the floor of the house called out and heckled him. he responded. he said her name i will give him credit for that. what he say? he said i feel for her parents, they are hurting. and shaun, he didn't take even a speck of responsibility. her parents don't want you to
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emotive in their direction and send them a damn card. you know what her parents want to? they their daughter back. what he didn't admit is that laken riley is dead because when joe biden apprehended the criminally -- criminal alien who crossed over, instead of following the law, he let him go and then he went to new york city and new york city he was arrested again for endangering a child. new york city is run by democrats, it is essential raise city. they let him go and if joe biden had deported that criminal or if new york city had put him in jail, laken riley would be alive. he said her name but he utterly denied his direct responsibility for her death and for deaths all over the country. >> senator i have to tell you, if i'm not mistaken, didn't he say lincoln riley and it's laken riley.
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thank you for staying it with us, we appreciate it. now the difference between jacked up joe and his recently -- his recent public appearances ... there was some mumbling and bumbling also. the difference is so stark and so overcompensated, it is frightening. take a look and you decide. >> i guess i should clear my mind a little bit and not say what i'm clearly thinking. >> he brags about it. >> but they failed. [ applause ] america stood. [ applause ]
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america stood strong and democracy prevailed. >> my dad used to say joey a job is about more than a paycheck. >> it's the lowest in the world and trending lower. [ applause ] the landing is and will be soft. >> joining is now for an exclusive interview, he had a seat that only one other person in america had right behind the president and that's the speaker of the house mike johnson is with us. thank you for being with us. first of all, let's get your reaction. i just compared joe biden on a regular basis, day-to-day joe. we saw a very different joe biden tonight. a very angry very jacked up you might say. maybe charitably over caffeinated would be a way to put it.
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what was your reaction? was not surprising to you? -- was not surprising to you. >> usually there are at least some bipartisan segments. there are a few things that people can agree upon. that didn't happen tonight. he came to give what has been described as a campaign speech and it was that. it was very disciplined to all of us. >> it was like that, you are absolutely right. usually there would be some appeal to all sides. do you think maybe that has to do with the issue of politics, where he stands with the base of his party? he seems to be leading a large amount of support from a big part of the democratic base as i was discussing with senator cruz. do you think that was the calculation behind that? >> i think it is. he is desperate sean and it's obvious. he's the most unpopular president who has ever run for
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reelection. a lot of what he has done is unprecedented. tonight instead of taking responsibility for that, he tried to lay blame. for one thing the border, that the number 1 issue in america. that's what every american no matter where they live want to hear about how is this catastrophe going to be resolved? i think it was 41 minutes into his speech before the commander-in-chief even made any reference to the border. and he made no mention whatsoever about anything that he would do, his actions. he has executive authority. he could solve that problem right now. he's been able to do that for three years but he won't pay her that was of great concern to all of us. is a lot of names going around about my facial expressions. i did not like the speech, i don't think the american people like to and there wasn't much i could do about that. >> i guess maybe this is a question people would like to know what goes on behind the scenes. usually you would introduce the president to the house chamber.
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that didn't happen tonight. did that surprise you? did you expect that? >> i was paid -- i was prepared to do it but... he was late. i haven't heard by that was. but he jumped in there and began his speech i was going to do it formally but i never got the opportunity and i didn't want to interrupt the president and be a disrespectful pair it wasn't the speaker of the house that missed his cue, it with the president. >> i think i was well said. i think maybe one other behind-the-scenes question that people might be interested in, he spent a lot of time up there with the vice president, any private conversations, smalltalk maybe? >> we did. we had some small talk. there was a lot of time that we were there together waiting. we talked for one example about our parents. i asked her if her parents had been alive and if they survive to see her serving as vice
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president. she lamented that they did not. i lost my dad three days before out got elected to congress so he didn't get to see this either. we agree that our parents are enjoying this from have been. was a nice moment. beyond that sean, it was just an overly partisan, unnecessarily partisan evening. the state of the union, there's always some partisan elements to it but there's normally a line that everyone can join in on. that's the unifying moment about this tradition. we had none of that tonight. it was almost nothing that we could agree to because it was so full of false information and it was hard for me to hold that in. >> starting with the issue of the border, the house did pass hr to. i do not believe... before it was even triggered you would have at least 5000 illegal immigrants coming into the country. that made no sense. it also offered discussion where
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they didn't even have to follow the bill that became law. to me it would've codified into law what joe biden has been doing for three years on top of telling america at the border secure... that his administration had been aiding and abetting in the lawbreaking and facilitating. they bragged about how they rescinded all of the trump era policies that were working. that was a bit surprising. we also surprised that he attacked the supreme court in front of the justices right there. >> that was a new low. i'm never seen that before. i'm not sure any of us had. i'm not sure who wrote the speech but they went out there ... i don't think the american people are buying that john. he tried to suggest that we are in great shape and the state of the union is strong. we all know that's not true. the state of the union is in decline in every measurable category. on the world stage, our
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sovereignty, or safety, economy, everybody knows it. gas lending the american people is not going to work and i thought it was a big disappointment tonight. >> mike johnson, thank you for be -- thank of her being with us. joining us now is marco rubio. this is not your first date of the union address. you're general observations, i felt the president that was screaming, yelling, kind of renting speech that was completely partisan. maybe for reasons that joe keeps to himself. i thought it was beyond bizarre at times and frankly a little frightening but is it so different than the everyday joe that we see and hear from. what was your reaction to such a dramatic difference? >> the whole thing was weird. i was actually concerned. i think there's a couple of things. here's the number 1 problem.
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going into tonight there were people in his own party that are really worried about him. does he have the energy, is he too old, does he have the stamina? they told him you have to go in there and show energy. to him that meant let me scream. he screamed for an hour and a half about all kinds of things. then there were parts of it that frankly were bizarre. for example,, he's up there lecturing americans about basically hears the message, the economy is doing much better than you think it's doing. i don't care how much things cost to you, i don't care how much you are suffering or how much you are worried about the future, we have the best economy in the world. he's describing a country that is not the experience people are having today. then he went on to do things that rp -- that are really bizarre. the idea you're going to somehow build a port and not have american servicemen in the line of fire with rockets firing over your head, hamas just off the coast. with all of this going on, it's
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absurd. you are putting people in dangerous way. let me tell you what he means by two state solution. it's not israel and palestine. it's michigan and minnesota. those of the two states that he is most worried about because he's afraid he's going to lose them. tonight he'll most and make it. one of the reasons why he was late as he had these radical hamas supporters, many of them key voters in the base of his party that were blocking them from leaving the white house that had to deal with those crazies. as one of the reasons why he was late i imagine. just wait until the convention when those crazies get there. the whole thing was just bizarre you say hyper partisan, no doubt about it. i don't recall any state of the union where a sitting president mentions his predecessor and future opponent so many different times and misleads people with it. is a bunch of democrats
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breathing a sigh of relief that he is not weakened -- weekend at bernie's, he's alive and able to get through the speech and he's still able to scream. i'm sure they are very happy. the rest of the country's saw a grumpy guy saying things that are nonsensical he mumbled a lot, i don't know if it came across on tv, you couldn't hear it well on the floor. some of it was mumbling something about snickers bars and packs of chips. i imagine he's saying that they are smaller than they used to be which is a big priority for many americans, not thanks like our border. the whole thing was just weird to. >> let ask you this. willis angry, jacked up joe biden, hyped up joe biden, hyper partisan joe biden, will it have the effect if the goal was to perhaps sure up his base, will this speech do that? >> it's a proof of life speech. that's what it was.
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he says i'm alive and i'm able to give a speech that i can read off a teleprompter and i'm able to do the whisper but mostly the screaming. i'm able to say things that i really mean about the republican party and the supreme court and i can make claims that they are going to get rid of social security, things that don't exist. makes a lot of people very happy i imagine if you're watching some of these commentators who are a bunch of buffoons saying they are reading the talking points. i think it achieved the proof of life that may be some of them... on the think it makes any difference in terms of the campaign. it's a nonsensical, bizarre hallucinations. it's completely out of touch with reality. i imagine partisans are very happy because he looked like he could scream top things. maybe that was enough for them for tonight. >> great to have a senator actually will talk to me from my
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own state. we appreciate you being with us. more live reaction to joe biden's shouting, angry state of the union address. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that? pretty sad. and i posted it to show that kenny's not always happy. within 24 hours people had donated over $5,000. no, you're kidding. we set up the patriotic kenny foundation to give mobility scooters to veterans. it has changed my life tremendously. none of this would've happened without tiktok.
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>> sean: joining us now with reaction to tonight's state of the union is jim jordan with us. so what was your reaction to jacked up, angry, bitterly partisan joe biden tonight. not the guy we see on a daily basis. that was may be probably the most bizarre state of the union i've ever seen. >> it was bizarre up your for me, he was 20 minutes late getting there. it took him ten minutes to walk down the aisle and the first thing he talks about is a foreign country. it's the state of our union and the first thing you're going to talk about as president president of the united states is ukraine? i just didn't get that. of course he goes right into the political thing, right into january 6th and the abortion issue. you are exactly right, it was a strange speech, it was a weird speech. certainly a political speech designed to go directly to the hard left of their party. >> sean: but isn't it
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necessary at this point looking at pretty much every poll, it's showing he is bleeding support among the democratic base. he was is that, he's got no shot at being reelected. >> i thought that what senator rubio said was right on target. president trump is going to win going away. tell me what in that speech connected with regular americans? where was the talk about really solving the border crisis. where was the talk about bringing down prices? where was the talk about going down to two-dollar gas like we had under president trump. the strange stuff, putting this year or ports in gaza. thank about what that says to our best ally, our dearest and closest friend, the state of israel. we want you to win we're going to -- going to put in appeared to give supplies to your enemy. it's one of the stranger things i've ever heard from the commander-in-chief from the president of the united states to our best allies. i just didn't get it all. i guess maybe that's joe biden. i don't get much of what he's done in three years and 47 days
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as the president of our country. >> sean: i don't get it either. the contrast from the guy that we watch and observe and highlight every day on this program and the guy we saw tonight, i think americans are going to take a very close look at that. it almost reminded me, i'm trying to be charitable here, of may be a very angry, elderly family member and maybe taking the khakis away. he's going to scream and shout and that's what i kind of felt i was watching tonight. it was uncomfortable actually at times. was it that for you? >> this abrupt change in the motion. something -- some things were kind of strange. it is laken riley not link in. it's his policies that led to this tragedy that happened to this young lady and what her
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family is now having to deal with. the country gets it, there's a reason why across parties, republican, independent, democrats, it shows that this is the number 1 issue. even greater than this ridiculous inflation that american families are having to deal with. that is an important issue and he did not address that until late in the speech and it wasn't a real solution at all. >> sean: jim jordan of ohio, thank you for being with us. joining us now are... good to see you guys, thanks for staying up late tonight. pete let's start with you, let's get your overall reaction to jacked up joe. >> first of all, he was jacked up but if that's jacked up it's no good for them. sentences that were one word which you couldn't really understand which is normal with him. the coughing, constantly. at the yelling and screening the whole time, not effective at all. jim jordan alluded to it.
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was this the united states, was it the state of the union or the state of the ukraine? the top of the speech is the most important. it's when most people are tuning in. what's he going to say? is he going to be able to do it? you land on ukraine for ten minutes? and then you do a nonsequitur to january 6th but you alluded to fdr. he had to fight to front spirit he said we have to fight ukraine and then fight our political opponents over here. then he transitioned and another nonsequitur to abortion because he thinks that's a political winner. this was a nakedly political speech from an angry man who knows he's behind and they jacked him up as you said to get him ready for it. he still not good enough for it. >> sean: everything that i predicted when i started the year, january 2nd, democracy and peril. january 6th, donald trump is evil, republicans are bad bad bad and that's all they god is
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to attack the one thing and they can't run on... >> even attempts, he really put himself in a bind. while bragging about bringing the economy mostly sitting in the office while the economy came back to equilibrium, also saying how disastrous it was and how they have to give more money to more people. $5000 to buy a house in that kind of stuff. the sort of symbolism that doesn't take serious or at least acknowledge the seriousness of the problems out there for people, particularly dealing with inflation and trying to kick this over to corporations. we are a capitalist country. he took on a supreme court and capitalism, two of the great foundations of this nation. a couple of the reasons we were able to come as an upstart nation and dominate the world in a few years. it's the reason why we are still on top.
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it was a baffling speech all around. it didn't make any sense and i think obviously it was very divisive. there wasn't solutions oriented and that's what frustrated me. >> sean: we're running out of time, yes or no pete. >> he's doing a good job because he survived it. this doesn't change anything among independents. doesn't reset anything at all. >> sean: we will give him a short-term little bounce? last question >> sean: thanks for staying up late, appreciate it. appreciated and more hannity's straightahead. ace benefits and retirement savings. presentation looks great. thanks. voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices.
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>> jacked up joe biden's state of the union addresses in the books and it was bizarre to put it mildly. let's see how the media mob tries to spin it. a lot more on that tomorrow. unfortunately that is all the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being with us. let not your heart be troubled, trace gallagher is coming up next. good night. >> good evening, i'm trace gallagher, it's midnight on the