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tv   One Nation With Brian Kilmeade  FOX News  March 9, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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welcome back, america. i think the words, and there should be final word the state of confusion speech is this, it took joe biden over an hour, long, exhausting our, not for him, for the rest of us, to take pretty much nothing. angry, show us why he shouldn't be anywhere near the oval offi office. a failed politician hanging around washington d.c. half a century will not be held to account and blames everybody else for the faults of the nation, we deserve better than this. half the nation knows the other half -- well, they don't. they better wake up wake up fast and they will drag the rest of us into their health. wonderful show tomorrow night sunday night on life, liberty and levin. newt gingrich and i will see you then. ♪ ♪
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can you believe it saturday night already? welcome to one nation, i am brian kilmeade. senator tom cotton, best to put up with china before the breakup of us if anyone is funnier than america, i have not met them. first, crime. before i tell you for the democrat party is, law and order in america, let me remind you where they health and. remember this -- mckay support the defined movement, not only do we need to defund but dismantle and start anew. why is the word defund -- this is the word coming from street. >> many cities in america, over one third of their city budget goes to police so we have to have this conversation. what are we doing? we need social workers, remember? this resulting in anarchy in every major city because people listen to them. the mass resignation, quality calls ensued. >> bail reform for many years based on how much money.
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richie get out, or source it. >> so many people are not a threat and not be held simply because they cannot afford bail. >> we are showing performs we put in place are working, crime coming down and will continue to roll down. >> he's not telling the truth. crime rose anyway and studies show 66% of those criminals released under bail reform or rearrested within two years of release. remember when the democrats got problems for illegal immigrants in america was ice and its cooperation with law enforcement? >> are you aware of the perception of many about how the power and discretion advice is being used to enforce the laws? you see any parallels? are you aware there is perception? >> i in the same category as the
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kkk, is that what you are asking me? >> yes, she was asking that. as you can imagine, it backfired with chaos ensuing at every major century city in the country but we can't say we didn't tell you this was going to happen. >> to get the border, stop illegal immigration, past case law and sanctuary cities and chain migration. cancel the ridiculous lisa lottery and keep the criminal drug dealers and terrorists out of our country. [cheering] >> makes more sense everyday. now suddenly, hold onto something steady, the left has seen the light. the white house is now calling for century city's to cooperate with ice. the results of a liberal soft on crime approach has been nothing short of catastrophic. [inaudible] [bleep]
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>> really working out well, right? family seems blue cities have had enough. it's just funny to happens to be an election year. or is it a coincidence? lawmakers passed a secure d.c. anti-crime go. anti-crime. it happened this week because business groups continue to warn of a trend of violence. i guess carjackings working out. we are, subway crimes up 20%, the governor decided time to call in the national guard and curb violent crimes in the city subway station, i'm in a subway everyday. brutally last minute for no apparent reason while doing his job had something to do with it. the progressive city of san francisco making a major shift over voting in favor of the law and order ballot. back by the city's democratic player pacing reelection that will allow police to better pursue suspects requiring drug
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testing for welfare recipients. who wrote that, donald trump? i guess a retail crime wave, a ton of burglaries, rampant drug use is the best campaign to run on. what you think? estate. remember for you can do any drug, anytime, anywhere? what's the big deal? skyrocketing overdose deaths in public drug use compelled the state legislature to reintroduce criminal penalties for possession. they panicked it turns out the excrement was a bad move after all. who would have thought open drug use would be a problem but democrat have their chance. four years to turn it around. distance themselves from their 2020 criminals are good, calls about stance. this is a step in the right direction. i will give them back but the damages already done. due to theft, businesses have been shut down. this cannot be negated for those voters, trying hard to persuade, their memory can be negated either.
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should a pyromaniac who lit a neighborhood on fire credit for productive claims because they happen to be a firefighter? democrats want credit for the fire they put up. i'm not sold on this reversal. we remember how it started and so did the people in these blue cities and red states for that matter. we all know the broke it, we just don't know, before i don't know i can trust them to fix it. in november, you will find out if all is forgiven although they haven't asked for forgiveness. joining us now, a man all over this, writer, journalist for the city. chris, great to see you. how did we get here, the democrats agree more with you than the old philosophy? >> it's quite simple, it's because they unleashed chaos and people, especially people living in big blue cities don't like chaos, they don't like rampant crime, they don't like tents,
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homelessness, drug addiction, they don't like feeling their lives are in danger simply by writing the subway or walking down the street. i've been warning this what happened since i started reporting on urban dysfunction in 2019 before the great george floyd revolution and just like work, if you let criminals out, shut down prisons, if you allow people to do drugs and commit crimes, you get more of those things so these are encouraging signs but it's just the beginning. i think we need to seriously consider doubling the prison population in this country but focusing on violent criminals will repeat offenders and people who simply cannot stop committing crimes, sometimes thousands or hundreds of offenses in these cities. if we did that, who was the plumbing crime by more than 50% because of vanishingly small minority of individuals and repeat offenders commit vast majority of crimes. >> talk about something that 30 happened, electing a moderate
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mayor, republican attorney, citizen raises rising up and i guess they could be paying the price at the ballot box in november. is there any reason to think this is going to stay and stick? democrats want to stay in office, they have to actually believe what they are doing and do what they say. >> there is one key thing we need think think about, it's to create counter institutions in all of these cities. seattle, san francisco, los angeles dominated by the left. by unions, universities, left-wing activists, philanthropists dump money into deep under the police and the conservation schemes so wealthy, successful people in these cities need to start opening up their checkbooks and funding new organizations, new leaders, investigative journalist to take cities back. i'm involved in these efforts and so far the signs are encouraging.
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we help people in finance, real estate and other industries finally waking up to say if we don't turn this around, reestablish law and order, these cities are only going to continue to slide down the dra drain. >> people want to know the rise and donald trump, you can go a lot of places, i think this is primary because a lot of things he ran on in 2016 he's talked out since he became a public figure. as more of a need to than ever because we try doing the opposite and it hasn't worked. final thoughts? s would be 1968 all over again. of course they were widespread riots in 1968 and the democratic national convention in chicago where it will be held again this year suffered from chaos and rioting. ushering in the election of richard nixon. history repeats itself in the same manner, we will see the second election of donald trump i happens and i hope it happens as soon as possible.
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>> working for ron desantis in florida. in california not out of the woods yet, they used taxpayer money to pay high school students 1400 to become social justice warriors. they want them to go out and learn to demonstrate and take action but it doesn't come organically. these kids will get paid and is to be a lifetime journey for them. this worries me, doesn't worry you? >> absolutely does and it is embedded in the california state curriculum for all k-12 goals statewide, not the specific program but the general idea training kids to be activists for left-wing social causes. they are creating in essence, child soldiers for their revolution. i think it is despicable, that for the country and i think any parent in california that has any sense of them would like this and find a better school for their kids.
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>> thanks so much, always appreciate it. what is ahead of the curve, thank you for sharing your time on a saturday night. >> thank you. >> new york is just another deep blue, an about-face when it comes to crime and lack of punishment, suddenly they want punishment. governor kathy hochul sends in the national guard to subway stations amid a spike in violent crime. look at this headline. new york times among the first to report this development and suddenly the governor wants law & order. remember during the so-called 2020 with senator tom cotton of arkansas on request and called for the use of the national guard to bring law & order to the big cities? say controversy is a major understatement. resulted in editors being pushed out their jobs, fired rather than dependence the expression and freedom of expression the author published was asked to
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publish. i meant to the story with an editor's note condemning the piece reading and part of the publication this assignment strong criticism from many readers and many times colleagues prompting editors to review the peace and editing process based on the review, we have concluded they fell short of our standards and should not have been published. my head is still been, too. they may not have liked his opinion them but now they got it reported as a fact and remedy. the irony senator tom cotton of arkansas himself, he created an uproar when you brought up with a request from the new york times, what are you feeling now that it's the story of the day? >> for once i have to agree with the new york times. my op-ed didn't meet their standards, it far exceeded some normally low level standards.
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you see that again this week, kathy hochul deploying the national guard and the troopers to keep subways safe in this time new york times praising her saying it should happen so when they are worried about street crime and their community, they want to send in their troops but when you have blm rioters and antifa rampaging through other cities and committing arson and rioting and, they thought it was a historic crime of epic proportions, suggesting troops to restore order as happened in the past when george bush had to during the rodney king riots but is not just new york times, it's kathy hochul and eric adams and for him, bill de blasio relating street crime get the spark on. new york city was one of the safest big cities in the world because you had a series of drunk mayors and commissioners and outstanding police force. the politicians have it that the police do the job cities safer
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innocent civilians and now they do have to send in the national guard, that's an indictment of democrats on crime. >> we have to prove democrats really care about crime number one. number two, i will take a long time and a lot of apologizing to get the police force back up to strength in these cities, they've been beat down, no one wants the job. they have to be convinced having the badges of pride again that i hope will bring that back. another area of expertise is china. two things this week, and house they are moving to band tik tok, the chinese owned company doesn't sell off 80% of the great if not, they will panic. an organized protest for it. this is one half of the china story, your take? >> i commend the house of representatives for passing the boat 52 nothing insist tik tok no longer be controlled, chinese communist control forcing
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breakdancing to sell it will continue to operate in america. tik tok is a great danger to america. but your data at risk because it sends it back to china. second, it's danger to our youth. tik tok exposes young women to videos about eating disorders or self-harm unit they have not requested it, i.e. young man to sexual videos or violence if they haven't requested it. last week tik tok come source of propaganda. tik tok sent a message to accusers hurting them they should not pass the bill. some couldn't even use the act until they placed a call. imagine if the chinese communist insisted tik tok do that in a conflict over taiwan or work with china. that's why tik tok has to be sold. i support the bill in the house
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of representatives and i hope things pass it to the senate. >> 16-year-old do another generations have done, sacrifice a little for the good of the country. not ask you to go to war, just delete and ask. china has got to move to delete america's technology sector from its country. his a quote for american companies in china, the writing is on the wall and document 79, 2022 was written a government document directive, expands the drive to muscle out u.s. technology firms and delete america. that is eventually goodbye dell, click by microsoft, but by all major tech firms. i know it will cost money and hurt ... i like this. how do you feel? >> i join you in saying good riddance. i wish companies had never gone to china, i urge them to exit
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china. they can find ways to make crop elsewhere. we don't need to prop up chinese communist economy is not enough to rely on china to stop using megan technology, we have to make sure they are not stealing technology and building technology of allies. artificial intelligence, we have to ensure china is not taking advantage of american ingenuity or some cutting edge fields like semiconducting microchips. sometimes one or two companies worldwide make the machines that can manufacture the tools. we have to work with those companies and countries in which they are located to ensure china claims it wants to go western technology and it's not stealing technology. >> a great radio host, things you should be vp. he looked at your background and he said quote, he's the best choice because heart america versus south america election. there isn't more hard-nosed official than tom cotton.
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cotton relentlessly stays on message and avoids mistakes and takes him at his political opponents and he goes on. having thought about being asked to be number two? how do you feel about it? >> i respect you greatly. you are right arkansas is the best in america and i tried to be strong hard voice for arkansans who are patriotic and believe in fate, family and freedom. that said, president trump will make his own choice about the vice president, my focus for this next month. outside will be making sure trump clinton's election and when a majority back in the senate and hold a majority in the house so we can deliver real change for the american people starting next year mike you decided not to run because your kids are young but if you kept him in washington, and might be okay. thank you for the time, appreciate it. next, expecting parents to drop
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cash to names of the new babies but they want to get baby names that sound cool on social media. no joke. john crist is here to react to that and more. don't move, more on one nation invalid. >> one of the funniest things i've seen, we don't know what to do. we'll just make jake from state farm black. i don't know. [laughter]
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hiring name consultants to come up with unique names that are great social media handles as well. the 2024 trend includes names inspired by adjectives, rugged, heavenly, powerful and colors like indigo chris isn't afraid to share. his emotional support to her, there he is, great to see you again mckinney baby named rugged is not rugged. it's a lot to live up to. this lady on tik tok, you can consult her for like $50 and shall come up with a name for your child. name doctor world war ii veterans and grandparents led to come over here now what are you going to tell kids? i was any rugged? well, have a seat. let me tell you, we hired a girl tik tok for $20. >> and instagram was supposed to
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hand out but life is changed. rugged, heavenly, powerful and indigo, powerful baby names. you're not a parent which is safe to say he would not do th this. >> i think i can use my own brain to come up with names my child. >> do you want to talk about kids a little more? democrats do it. >> it's great to have the nuclear family but in your mind for the kids to grow and leave the nest, because this new trend for parents are not sending their kids to college following the kids, renting and buying houses, this is not the first time this has been looked up. this documentary, also a little ahead of its time met arctic fees and cost of servicing. >> you left out a bunch of stuff. first of all, you will have to reset local politicians for the zoning problems that come up. if you plan to use this, i'm
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sure would like to have a chat with you and that will cost you. there's a time cost just waste disposal. i don't know if you're familiar but i assure you it's not the boy scouts. >> you forget how funny that is what we are actually doing it now, that was a comedy. >> it's one of those things like a pie-in-the-sky idea i guarantee you, march now, parents are watching this that are getting ideas. [laughter] finally, someone is giving me permission for something i wanted to do my whole life. >> what about your family? >> no dude. i had a job in 15 and they barely let me in the house numeral one of four generation the says parents show up at job interviews with them, one in five i should say. >> how does this sound to you? >> that's why unemployment is so
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high. not getting the job. [laughter] >> paris showing up because it didn't go well. they are getting fired. i could own a company, i would never hire one of these kids. >> how many kids? >> i'm one of eight. >> they were so hands-off. >> i did a show in my own town. >> you are a self-made success, he literally have your own machine, no publicist or monk you have an operation, social media so strong selling out across the country, when did you realize that hit hyperspeed? >> 2000 probably 17 when i started walking around on the street like that second guy.
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a real experience when asking for a photo, a stranger but it's unbelievable ride. i think i was on "fox & friends" back in 2018. >> we did not treat you well. >> now we found two from brian kilmeade. >> your favorite show. go find out john's emotional support to her. john crist peoria, illinois and in pennsylvania. he out of 30 chose, no joke. john's favorite show is no longer hamilton, it's me on stage. >> live show, baby. >> i got a name for it, is history, liberty and last and i'm going to talk about teddy and booker t on long with many things. up next, stick around but guide vincent will be here.
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march 22. i am ashley strohmier, back to one nation with brian kilmeade. ♪ >> if russia has the ability to wage war illegally and invade
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another country, they ought to be able to find the effort to be responsible with the climate issue. we could go out and announce what the reduction will be and make greater effort to reduce emissions now and maybe about open up the door for people to feel better about what russia is choosing to do. >> that is insane. russia is chopping up an entire country, kidnapping children and he thinks he should focus on climate change. it is absolutely insane. john kerry finally exiting the stage, that knows no, he's going to the joe biden campaign. we will make sure to track every step of the way, think how close he became to becoming president of the united states. thus the insanity. we got to get weapons to ukraine right now, we shouldn't worry about the solar panels. we will keep you on top of his career change as it happens. now this. do you want to live longer my
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next guest knows how. he's been studying his entire professional life. kat gaza doctor who decided to give it all up and wanted to help people before the disease got to them. his focus became giving people the tools they need to have quality life before they had to fight for that life including him. despite being a fanatic of working out, he had a dad bought around the age of 30, something his wife said made him change all that dive into the world of nutrition. author of outlets, the wildly best-selling book called the science and art of longevity, founder of early medical, doctor peter joins us now, great to see you. i want you to relive that moment, you just swam to catalina island from los angeles and what did your wife and say to you? [laughter]
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>> she said i should work on being a little less not been. >> i was in great shape for swimming, but that particular case but probably -- a great health trajectory like a brilliant guy, already having success, how did it change you? mckay think that coupled with the birth of my daughter which coincided around the same time had me thinking differently about what i want to genetica genetically, i know i have a strong family history for cardiovascular disease so i kind of knew that moment at least, it don't do something, start to fundamentally treated, we need
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to do it earlier and much more aggressive get that kind of got me thinking about the other four horsemen of disease because -- cardiovascular disease, cancer, alzheimer's and dementia and metabolic diseases that stem from diabetes that will basically kill most of us. >> you are bothered by the fact that people came to doctors when they already have the disease to get fixed and you said what would beat them to the punch. here is an excerpt from your book may be want to expand. medicine 2.0 is set up to treatment -- mental and emotional health pretty much the same way it treats everything else. diagnosed prescribed and pilfered mental health and emotional health are not the same thing. our medicine and three-point oh thesis is that we address emotional health will have a better chance of clinical mental health issues such as depress
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depression, chronic anxiety and overall benefit our health. a big difference. >> mental health is a very important part of healthcare but i don't want to suggest there aren't important things that need to be done to treat clinical levels of depression, anxiety and things but most people, myself included or something more from an epidemic of mental health which is basically we are not that happy and our relationships second we are working too hard and we don't understand why. to me, if you don't fix that issue, it doesn't matter how long you live. if you are unhappy in your relationships suck and your wife is sick of you, who cares how long you live? >> most likely not disease-free, it will manifest itself. you pointed out people 110 years
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old who smoke and drink and had this lifestyle, thus 13
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strong and very physically fit. absolutely. the second thing i would say is obviously go for the lowest hanging fruit first so for most people, i do think exercise is the area there is the greatest gap between what they are doing and potential but the software to be true for everybody so i talked to some people leaving four hours a night and i would say you're sleeping four hours a night, that's a gaping hole in terms of your health and before you fix anything, let's get back to six hours a night. >> a lot of the wearables they have now for the watch or things like that, they help you monitor things, all good things, right? >> i hate to say they are definitively a good thing. i think they are good at creating awareness but truthfully, people can go too far, myself included. you can over monitor things and
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create analysis paralysis and there are times i tell patients to take off. take a holiday from devices for six months and go by how you feel. >> you are one of the smartest people in this country and your conclusion can change people's lives. i appreciate you doing it and you deserve all the success you are getting. pick up the book, the science and art of longevity, will benefit. we'll still understand it. even if you're not a scientist. history, liberty and laughs. i'll be on stage in nevada talking about our past and having fun, it's all unscripted. opportunity where i talk about my book, teddy and booker two. brian for tickets. next, news dual. guy fencing for the hottest stories of the week is not heard enough about. don't move. ♪
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time now for the was, hottest boys everyone is talking about just on television and joining needed help us, guy fencing, the same is a fantastic radio host and fox news contributor, great to see you. clean, shaven and ready to go. let's bring up the music and talk boxing, 57 years old but thanks for going back to the ring. it's in july and he got back from a jake whole, he's going to be fighting jake paul, he's had success in the ring and like tyson, claims up get him into the ring. what you think?
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>> i'm not a huge boxing fan but i am aware of these names. i would say if they were closer in age, this could be a dangerous event or jake paul but he's 27. physical crime talk mike tyson packs a punch maybe you should wear earmuffs based on a previous incident but 57 years, maybe this could be competitive? >> you got to see some of the video. see if he can take a punch. >> fascinating. >> trying to get a discourse, they have the money, don't go anywhere. next, football. >> one that i do, travis kelsey getting little emotional, tired of his older brother. >> i appreciate you. >> a moment between brothers, the older brother stepping away from football super bowl champion getting emotional -- not how do you feel about this?
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>> most famous brothers in the country democratic it's charming and not to get a little emotional talking with family especially when there is maybe an end of an era. >> posed by lawrence jones on "fox & friends". let's listen again. >> grown men should not try on tv. >> do it in private. >> all right mccarty feel? >> he wrote the book on masculinity. [laughter] if you feel this is somebody says been your idle, a new stage in life, you get emotional, it's fine. >> let's talk about this. this will get me well up, a 5-year-old coach, he coaches with his dad and he's got all
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ford's bobby knight, look at the sky. this is christopher. look at him with his dad, his brothers on the varsity team, everybody doctor mark how can you put this in perspective? >> the mannerisms a perfect, adorable. i'm waiting for him to get a technical foul what this shows your kids are watching everything, they soak up. >> christopher was invited to an all-star game and i'm sure he will be a great player. let's move on and talk about minnesota law. >> finally a nonsports income of minnesota considering a bill would require all painting, like of buildings or rooms or houses to only be done by people who are licensed or under the supervision people unlicensed. this is where the government is to get out of people's business.
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i am not handy. this might come as a shock, i'm not super adept, i painted the room successfully, no license. get out of our items, government the mark your radio show. thank you so much. next, we wrap things up. president biden's busted economy is still impacting your chances of buying a home i'll try to explain next. keep it right here on one nation. ♪ ♪
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♪ if you feel like that dog, you're not alone. not just your imagination, the housing market is so insane, so much so fellow says homebuyers need to earn more than $106,000
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to comfortably afford a home that's 80% increase in 2020. who was president back then? doesn't ring a bell. the main column, wages have not kept up, a process 23% in the same. if you're looking for a break in the mortgage department, he won't buy that either. monthly mortgage on a typical u.s. home doubling since january of 2020 for those who put them 10%. usually got to put down 20. that's it for us tonight. don't forget to e-mail us, find out what you want us to cover, one send a video of things on your mind and look good or nice, will put it on the show and sent you something for being so cool with this and some things you will see is our great one nation leg. great t-shirts, they really hug your body. that's up for something also chop that fox be sure to follow us on social
12:00 am
media. you follow me on twitter, facebook, instagram rubble. i would love to see you there. that is it for us tonight. catch "fox & friends" tomorrow morning and it's going to be great. congress and michael wilde in coming on the republican side, francis was. grammy nominated gospel singer, ricky dillard. a big show. tuning my radio show getting more important by the day, michael goodman and michael cal. fox news saturday night starts right now. jimmy failla said wait in studio make sure everybody is up and then i will say because i don't want to me to show. have a great night.


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