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tv   Fox Report With Jon Scott  FOX News  March 10, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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drive because he would never pass the drug test. [laughter] thanks for watching fox news saturday night with jimmy fail failla, set your dvr every saturday night right here on fox news. don't forget to follow us on social media at as an saturday night. listen to my radio show fox across america with jimmy failla weekdays 3:00 p.m. cancel culture dictionary, it is out now. wherever are sold. i'm coming to a city near you might everybody calm down to earth. tickets on sale at fox americ good night, i am jimmy failla. next saturday. remember, you can be republican, you can be democrats, the rotarian, all we ever ask is that you don't b jon: president biden is walking back his description of the
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accused killer of the georgia nursing student as a legal this is the crush of the migrants at the southern border continues the president took heat for the left from using the term and now is getting slammed by the right for his apology, good evening i am jon scott, this is the "fox report". team coverage tonight on the border crisis, jeff paul is live and eagle past texas. more on the reaction from the more of the murder victim laken riley. let's go to lucas tomlinson, we have the latest from the white house. even nancy pelosi was forced to walk back her support illegal it was the progressive wing of the democratic party that force the retraction and president biden complied. >> an undocumented person. it should not abuse the legal was undocumented. >> you regret using that word.
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>> yes. >> here's former term dhs chief on biden using the word illegal. >> is not derogatory is in law, it's how courts have been referred to and how the department dhs still refers to as illegal aliens in court proceedings. according to a new abc poll more people trust donald trump to lead the country, 36% 33% trust biden and 30% trust neither, more republicans trust trump doing a better job to lead the country them democrats trust biden. biden did not announce an executive action in the state of the union address nearly 8 million migrants have been encountered under biden's watch in the past three years and 2.5 million crossed under trump's four years fox republicans review biden was about-face on using the word illegal. >> i think he really feels like it looks mean quote unquote and he so sold out to the progressive left as are obsessed over him over using the term
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illegal those individuals are illegally crossing you can use any other name that you want to their committing a crime is a crossing the border. >> talk about disgusting, joe biden is more worried about using the word illegal or undocumented, the word he should use as murder. >> president biden has new hampshire tomorrow to continue the post state of the union campaign swing a state where immigration is the top issue. jon: lucas tomlinson at the white house. thank you. as border security becomes a flashpoint in the presidential race, donald trump met with lakin rylands family at his rally in georgia trump said he was profoundly honored to have him in attendance and input president biden on notice pending riley's death on the administration border policies, madison's carpino live in atlanta with more on this. >> good evening the former president has talked about laken
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riley a lot and is making her death part of the 2024 campaign promise to crackdown on illegal border crossings, yesterday trump met with riley's grieving family before the georgia valley. here's a photo of riley's family with the former president you can see riley's mother hugging trump and her father make america great again hat this is backstage and rome georgia, rome is 50 miles from riley's hometown of woodstock georgia, trump says the accused killer would've never been in the country if he were president and is blamed president biden for her death. >> laken riley would be alive today if joe biden would not eviscerated the borders of the united states and set loose thousands and thousands of dangerous criminals into our country. to her family i promise you i will demand justice for laken
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riley. >> he slammed biden several times for the immigration policies and for mispronouncing riley's name at the state of the union address riley's mother posted on facebook about biden's remarks calling the mispronouncing nation pathetic. >> we understand that he got laken riley's name wrong calling her lincoln. >> riley suspected killer josé ibarra is in an athens jail without bond, he faces several charges including malice murder and aggravated assault police arrested his brother diego during riley's death investigation he said he had a fake green card and federal prosecutors and he has ties to venezuelan gang and were also learning this week about a third brother, they said they arrested
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him after he entered the u.s. illegally. in the laken riley act passed to the houses past week would require ice to detain and undocumented immigrants or low-level crimes the path in the senate is unclear. jon: madison's carpino from a lot atlanta thank you. i toured have identified the two national guard soldiers and one border patrol agent killed in a helicopter crash at the southern border on friday. john garcia and casey from koski died along with customer border protection agent chris luna, the cause of the crash still under investigation, jeff paul is live at the border in eagle past texas. the u.s. military telling is the one person who survived the u.s. national guard soldier was seriously injured in the sources on the ground tell us that person is in critical condition and recovering right now at the hospital at the same time.
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investigators are trained to figure out what caused this crash here at the yet untrained us-mexico border. they were on a federal border operation of the rio grande valley when this happened on friday the border patrol union said they were on a routine patrol who had possibly crossed into the u.s. that's when the aircraft experienced in mechanical difficulty and went down hard, three of the four on board were killed, 28-year-old john garcia and 30-year-old casey frankoski both army national guard soldiers and the u.s. border patrol agent chris luna, acting ice director tom homan says their work was incredibly important and highlight how the national guard in the border patrol often work together to help protect the border. >> there is not a lot of resources there, boots on the ground is a big area is the best way to cover by air the national guard know that they can operate the helicopter but the border patrol knows the way of the land, they were together clo
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closely. >> here in eagle pass texas, migrants arrived at the us-mexico border, the cameras captured this group of roughly 40 people who crossed the rio grande sums carrying small children one texas national guard soldier told us to look like they're entering p crossing season, river levels are at some of the lowest levels we have seen in the past months in the weather is pretty mild, not too hot not too cold so some folks believe that we could see some of the larger groups trying to enter the u.s. once again. >> a quick question the video from the fox flight team showed them crossing the river where the concertina wire, the razor wire, texas does not cut that and let the men does it? >> it does not you can hear the soldiers saying in spanish that it's illegal to cross the river into the u.s. and they need to use the bridge behind us often
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you see the migrants held up on the banks and some will be appear for a day or two and others will go back to the other side. some families walking down as far as they can trying to find a spot that might not have the fencing up that stop them from coming in. jon: jeff paul at the border in eagle pass texas. thank you. for more on the crisis at our southern border is bringing national border patrol council vice president art del cueto, you heard what the president had to say in his state of the union address, your response? >> i should be shocked but i am not. the word illegal alien is used in the court of law it didn't illegal documents and been there for quite some time and honestly the president should be apologizing not just to the
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family but the many individuals that have lost a loved one in the united states both by crimes of illegal aliens and also by the drugs that are flooded our street during this administration in the real apology should be given to the american public but it shows where the priorities are of this administration and it is not with the american public. jon: is kind of interesting the president said he had the border under control of day one of his administration, listen to this clip. >> instead of celebrating the contribution of them against her country, donald trump calls them vermin. unlike donald trump my first day in office as president i introduce a comprehensive plan to fix immigration system, secure our border, provide a pathway for citizens and dreamers and their families, far workers essential workers helped us to the pandemic and part of the fabric of our community. jon: so he says he fixed the immigration system, it does not
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seem like it's very well repaired we had the numbers up earlier, 7.9 immigrant encounters of the southern border under the three years of the biden administration, 2.4 million after four years of the trump administration. >> he's hoping that the rest of america has a short-term memory as the president doesn't many of us that have been here for quite some time and thankfully to the members of the media from this particular station they have kept up and told the immigrant public the truth and the truth is that he inherited a border that was so much more secure than it is now and on day one they continue to destroy just with his political background and his rhetoric that's where the numbers started to come across. before he got rid of policies the numbers were astronomical
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and even now the numbers continue to grow receive a fantastic and continued effort by governor abbott but i can tell you since day one of this administration in arizona where the media is not very much able to get in they continue to lead the country with got a ways. unfortunately i believe we will have many more tragic families that struck the riley family that will strike a lot of american families because of the inactions of this admini administration. jon: the president seems to want to deflect any criticism over laken riley's death by suggesting that it was not necessarily the policies of his administration that led to her murder, your thoughts? >> that's why this individual was free in the street not only him and many others but it's so easy to come across and asked for asylum we don't know who these individuals will been released to the united states
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the only way you can properly vent them and check them what criminal record they may have of the united states but we don't know what record they have their own country they're not popping up in the record in the system that border patrol is checking here. potentially they are releasing many criminals into the united states without even knowing who they are or even worse they don't know where they're at right now. jon: immigrants or the migrants know that all they have to do is claim asylum in the have to be allowed to stay in the united states. >> that's exactly correct and controlled by the drug cartel you will see in the video the individuals coming across they have national guard and other law enforcement and they don't care they're not scared of the law enforcement they will continue walking down to gaps in cross and where the cartels are. jon: 's and appalling situation.
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art del cueto. thank you. thousands of israelis protesters and the latest of months of antigovernment demonstrations the protest comes a prime minister benjamin netanyahu rebuffed president biden's accusation that his conduct with the war in gaza is doing more harm to israel than good, trey yingst has the latest on this. >> good evening. day 156 of the war between israel and hamas and right now there is no cease-fire insight. , negotiations are expected to pick up this week but israel's intelligence agency is warning that hamas prefers to ignite the middle east rather than cut a deal with the war raging on inside of gaza there are growing humanitarian concerns for the palestinian people that specific issue causing tension between the government of benjamin netanyahu in the administration
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of president biden. with biden saying in an interview over the weekend that benjamin netanyahu is hurting israel more than helping during the interview biden referenced the death toll from the palestinian health ministry that estimates 30000 people have been killed in gaza since it is really operation began following october 7 massacre, officials in washington worry the number would rise dramatically if israeli forces enter gaza southernmost city of rauf something they planted you of all the hostages are relieved. >> we will have military action against the remaining terrorist battalions as a matter of weeks until we complete the intense phase of the fighting that's when the world will get closer. >> you took the decision to ensure that you go into rafah. >> we will go there we will not leave them i have a redline and you know what that is october 7 doesn't happen again. an interview with paul runzheimer benjamin netanyahu
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said israel is prepared to act militarily against the lebanese militant group hezbollah if needed. jon: trey yingst from tel aviv. thank you. coming up american law enforcement officers are waging a never ending war on crime and police say they notice disturbing trends on the streets. >> the bigger question why are we arresting the same people over and over and over again. >> nypd giving fox news about high the scenes look it's only march and they arrested 3000 people but they say other parts of criminal justice system have to step up. i am cb cotton with that story after the break. ♪ voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing.
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jon: kathy hochul's plan to increase security measures is the latest attempt to keep writers safe in new york city subways those leading the transit effort say that they welcome the extra help but they say they need criminals to fear the legal system pointing a finger at soft on crime prosecutors, cb cotton is live in new york city with more on
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that. >> were to get a deeper dive into this we have a behind-the-scenes look at the key role transit officers play in keeping subway riders but also those above ground safe, transit michael kimber says his uniform plainclothes officers tracked on repeat offenders every single day. >> you never know could be an on-duty new york cop my message for anyone coming into new york city subway system to commit a crime or do anything illegal, don't do it, the probability of you been identified and arrested is strong. >> last month nypd surged an additional 1000 officers into the subway system to tackle an earlier spike. police have seized knives, loaded guns and other dangerous weapons, other officers control the platform and ready to speak with writers or conductors that
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a face dangers the transit team is tackling new emerging threats to the city which happened above ground. >> we've arrested migrants multiple times professional migrant crews, what it shows is a tremendous ability of our transit cops and nypd cops, the ability to recognize people. >> speaking of flyers these men were wanted by police pickpocketing transit officers took them into custody this weekend are cameras rolling after they were spotted in a subway station, we were there at the men were taken into custody, officers confiscating several iphones from the suspects. chief kimber says these arrest can only go so far to protect new yorkers. we arrested people and they tell it straight out i'll be out in a
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few days. you talk about involving criminals, there needs to be consequences, the rest of the justice system and the prosecutors and judges and the lawmakers, we need to be in sync and functioning as one and if we were functioning as one and prosecuting and treating these crimes as serious as they are we would not be standing here right now. again chief kemper says so far this year his officers have already arrested more than 3000 people here in the subway system. >> cb cotton in the subway, thank you. , pardon me what does the surgeon crime on the new york subways tell us about security in the big apple and other big cities let's bring in nypd inspector and a fox news contributor. you have the national guard helping out and patrolling the new york city subways, is that a good thing or a sign that the ranks of the nypd have been decimated so badly that they
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simply cannot handle the issue. >> more the latter than the former, the nypd is down to two to 3000 officers depending on what metric you use, there being stretched thin, recruitment issues as we all know. were also been asked to cover the anti-israel protest regularly now we have the overlay of the migrant crime. of course something had to give, if you take a step back, consider the overall picture, the same people who have been telling us for years that they new york city and new york state criminal justice system needed in overall reform, complete overhaul and they were telling us how well it was working now literally have to put a military unit into the new york city subway so the ridership will come back and people will feel safe. jon: the governor assess the national guard members not carry
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their service rifles, she does not want them carrying the big guns she wants them to have sidearms, what kind of message is that? >> what it goes to is the logistical issues that are clearly going to arise, are they integrated into the nypd operations because these things can get very complex and you have coverage issues as relieving who, et cetera there is also a financial consideration that we don't hear too much about we activated 750 national guardsmen, who is putting that bill, the taxpayers, 250 new york state police have been added to that as well there are not that many new york state police in the city, where they pulling them from another areas less safe now, furthermore if there pulling them from way up staying other jurisdictions, who is paying for their care and feeding in new york city. if they have to go to work every day in the subway they're going
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to be living here. i again defaulted the idea that this is the democratic response that we've seen in the past, throw money and resources that it instead of doing what chief kemper is to get everybody on the same page and do the stuff that we know that works. which is called enforcement. >> a season or two ago it was called defend the police that was the big cry in new york city, defend the police and cashless bail and some of the other soft on crime policies yeah now the city is reaping what it has sown. >> were seeing this across the country i call it defund, destroy and deflect that the paradigm that were seen, they defunded then they destroyed the medicine polities and now the deflecting. all of a sudden the progressive jurisdictions are starting to come back to the right because they know what works and they
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have to eat humble pie, not that were hearing that from the media san francisco has a host of reforms, oakland is about to recall the district attorney, washington, d.c. putting through a series of reforms now we have the stuff in new york city philadelphia and chicago don't seem to have gotten the memo, st. louis as well jurisdictions that need to catch up. the bottom line relearning nationally that this has consequences and it does not work and it's no accident that were learning an election year. >> there calls in chicago for the national guard to patrol the transit system as well and even oregon is trying to toughen up the drug laws, paul mauro let's hope we can cut into catch the crime wave and time. still, the "fox report" and tatian builds as we await the judges ruling on whether to remove da fani willis from the trump georgia election interference case.
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the special counsel in the joe biden classified documents probe heads to capitol hill to tell his story on tuesday, house judiciary committee member russell fry is here to tell us what we might expect from the testimony next. ♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ zyrtec allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours so dave can be the... deliverer of dance. ok, dave! let's be more than our allergies. zeize the day with zyrtec. there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early.
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hopes to have an answer on friday on whether attorney fani willis should be disqualified but there could be some snacks, the defense is pushing mcafee to reopen evidence and include the testimony of two other witnesses they say they dispute the on special prosecutor nathan wade statements that their relationship began in 2022. mcafee admits he has legal issues to work through and his decision could determine whether the georgia election interference against former president trump will move forward before the november election. >> i'm very impressed with the judge he's already been clear is making sure that he follows the law and does what's right. willis maintained she did not reap any financial benefits that he earned as a special prosecutor in a racketeering investigation but her headaches are only growing, two attorneys are running to unseat her as district attorney christian whiton smith is challenging her in the democratic primary saying in part this decision was made with fulton county residents at
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heart, willis is facing courtney cramer and cramer saying she should be held criminally liable if she lighted her financial disclosure, let's hope georgia ethics hold her accountable and shows her that she is not about the law, that statement is in reference to the state senate investigation into whether willis engaged in misconduct, lewis called the republican-led probe lyrically motivated. jon: madeleine rivera, thank you. >> we are requesting information from the special counsel on the investigation into joe biden, let's be clear this is not about joe biden's activities during his presidency this is the fact that he did take classified information from a secured facility when he was vice president and when he was united states senator, both a violation of the espionage act. having a poor memory does not exalt you from violating the espionage act. >> the way that the president's demeanor and the report was characterized could not be more
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wrong on the facts and clearly political motivated. the special counsel and president biden's classified documents case is set to testify before the house judiciary this week and follows a year-long probe and report that noted biden's poor memory and declining to recommend charges, south carolina republican congressman russell fry is a member of the house judiciary committee, he joins us now. robert hur the author of the report will appear before your committee. what is your number one question? >> there are two tracks, what was said in the interviews with the president that gave you the impression that he was mentally diminished. two, why not prosecute, particularly when you look at case and he mentioned this in the report, why not prosecute when you know some of their standard was held to former president trump but being
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dissolved here. what did joe biden know, when did he know it, why were the documents in his garage and office and cupboards and in the penn center and the penn biden center and why were they given freely knowing that they were classified. why were they given freely out to a ghostwriter who is writing a book about you, it seems very personal and nature and gratuitous to the president himself and not about the law and safety and security of the american people. jon: the suggestion is that robert hur did what jack smith, the trump prosecutor should have done, do you agree? >> it tickets very interesting. president trump as president had every authority to declassify documents, there are cases going out about it but we know from the law the president has unique authority as a u.s. editor and vice president, joe biden had no authority to possess classified
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documents outside of his skiff particularly in a nonsecure setting like his cupboard or his garage. the decision to not prosecute is troubling when you put it right next to what just happened in this elaborate raid that occurred in mar-a-lago. jon: of the delaware house, the president had documented his garage, his bedroom, his home office and his den marked classified and he made a big deal about the mar-a-lago raid and the documents are former president trump reportedly took their. >> what is really interesting about this president biden, when weighing in on president trump case that it was incredibly responsible for president trump to hold the documents away he did but it looks just as bad if not worse than what occurred in mar-a-lago. he was obviously aware of the law serving 50 years in the senate knows the classified documents of mechanisms if you
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will and he decided to continue to hold those away from the federal government where they should've been. jon: may have been holding them for a financial gain. using the documents to work on his books. >> correct through a ghostwriter and then the ghostwriter has since deleted these recordings of vice president were now president biden, it's deeply troubling that you have a cover-up going out of the backend and getting to the mentality and robert hur and why he decided to not charge an understanding the president's mental state are the two-pronged approaches this week with the committee. jon: do you think it anyway it'll affect jack smith's case and his investigation of former president trump? >> looking at it from a comparison standpoint it really licenses ability to pursue that case when you have another prosecutor when refusing to do
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so against the president was in vice president and couldn't do any of the stuff to begin with. it's really telling to me in the american people see it, 75% of the american people want the robert hur transcript with president biden released i think the people expect sunlight and hopefully the committee can shed some of that light for them. >> you heard the criticism of robert hur for describing the president as an elderly man with a poor memory, what do you think of the criticism. >> and think the democrats are worried because the american people can plainly see a diminished president on a world stage from a domestic standpoint everything else in between so i think robert hur was echoing what people can see in front of their eyes. what i'm concerned with why is that a standard which is not within the law, if the president held these documents against the law, it is not a matter of whether he is elderly or not he either did or didn't we know
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that he did and they were in his garage in the penn biden center and he gave them freely out to a ghostwriter, that is a concern his diminished mental capacity is not the standard under the law and it's very different than what the democrats are chirpy about. jon: congressman russell fry we appreciated. back with a more "fox report" after this. get help with j.p morgan personal advisors. hey, david! ready to get started? work with advisors who create a plan with you, and help you find the right investments. so great getting to know you, let's take a look at your new investment plan. ok, great! this should have you moving in the right direction. thanks jen. get ongoing advice; and manage your investments in the chase mobile app.
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the turkish president offered to mediate peace talks between the two nations. ukraine's ambassador is blasting the words of to reject his words to negotiate. russia voters head to the polls for the presidential election and cabinet vladimir putin, surprise surprise is expected to win another six-year term. in haiti, armed gains launched a series of attacks on police stations in port-au-prince saying the aim to overthrow the prime minister, caribbean leaders are calling for an emergency meeting to address the situation. in indonesia, 19 people are dead and seven missing after the landslide and flash floods hit sumatra, officials say more than 80000 people are staying in temporary shelters. [shouting] in india, hundreds take to the streets to demand china leave tibet, the marge commemorated
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the 65th university of the uprising of the chinese communist regime. also, in india the czech republic christina covid is crowned the 71st ms. world, she calls it a dream come true and said she represents the values of beauty with the purpose. that is a look at stories from around the globe. winter is waning but i'm hearing it's been one of the warmest on record, is that right? >> it's been one of the warmest and despite that were tracking a little bit of snow moving across portions of new england but no surprise warmer weather is on the way i will have all the details coming up in the full forecast. ♪ ♪ ♪ every road, that's wrong ♪ ♪ seems like the road i'm on ♪ ♪ every sign ♪
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jon: the d.o.j. has interviewed passengers, crew members and other officials to get to the bottom of the terrifying incident, christina coleman has more. >> the department of justice is
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opening a criminal investigation to boeing regarding the door panel of the 737 max anywhere in january the wall street journal is reporting the d.o.j. investigation into the incident and federal probe could also provide the d.o.j. with details on whether boeing complied with the settlement following the 737 max crash in 2018 and 2019. in a letter to the chair the senate commerce boeing acknowledged after looking extensively they can't find documentation for work done in the factory on the door the blown off during alaska airlines flight they are working hypothesis that the documents were not created when the door plug was open even though boeing requires the records, today on "fox news sunday" transportation secretary pete buttigieg weighed in on the efforts to improve safety. >> but we needs to cooperate in every respect to the faa has given them 90 days to show competence and plan on how they'll turn their quality issues around every time i step
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onto the bridge and onto a plane every few days i know i'm participating in the safest way to travel in the world and we never taken for granted. >> it was a rough week for boeing last week and engine on 737900% of flames during a flight from houston fort myers florida no injuries reported and the crew made a safe emergency landing on thursday attire fell off of the boeing plane headed to japan from san francisco the tire landed in a parking lot one witness said it crushed a tesla and no injuries reported in the flight was diverted to lax where it made a safe landing. jon: christina coleman, thank you. the southern u.s. is facing a severe weather front later this week after tornadoes cause serious damage to several homes in dale county alabama yest yesterday, adam klotz is here with your "fox weather" forecast. >> the storms that moved across the southeast is part of a
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larger system lingering across the northeast as were seen snow tapped into colder air snow shower's and at times is been decent snowfall these are the totals over the last 24 hours. this is across new york state in isolated areas getting up to a foot and plenty of places up over 6 inches more in the higher elevation when you get towards vermont a little bit more of a foot or greater a nice snowfall keep things moving winter weather advisories warmer air is coming this is a system that is coming to the pacific northwest it will dance its way across the rockies bringing pretty good snowfall totals to the mountain range just off toward the west of denver, using ultimately will be pretty heavy snow, everything in the pink and purple will be spots where you see the heaviest snow, all of the snow we've been showing you probably am going to
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stick around for really long time, look at these temperatures tomorrow's forecast you are seeing 70s, 60s, 50s, tuesday into wednesday more red, more warmth continues to be more abnormally warm. jon: meteorologist adam klotz. thank you. look at the baby female rino, she need your help. we will have the dirt on that on the animal almanac when we return. ♪'s can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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jon: time for the changing of the guard at the international space station, crew seven deliver their farewell remarks. [speaking in native tongue] jon: there they go they handed over command to a new group of astronauts and cosmonauts scheduled to undock from the iss tomorrow morning to begin their journey home, if everything goes according to plan that was splashed on in the atlantic on tuesday speaking of the atlantic the aquarium officials of massachusetts witnessed a gray whale swimming off the coast of massachusetts they are calling
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incredibly rare scientist from the new england aquarium were flying in nantucket when they saw something in the water after capturing photo scientists identify the gray whale feeding, diving and resurfacing officials say there have only b five sightings in atlantic and the mediterranean waters in the last 15 years. zoo atlanta is welcoming a baby rhino she is the first ever female southern white rhino to be born at zoo atlanta but she needs a name submissions are being taken now for the march rhino naming madness bracket her care team has picked nine possible names seven others will be chosen by the public. it'll be april 10 and revealed the name the next day. i like muddy, do you have a name for the rhino.
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>> all i know i don't trust the public to name the animals. do not leave it up to them they will go crazy. >> maybe the zoo experts that know her know her personality. >> that's the thing when you meet a puppy you have to meet the puppy and then you know you cannot just do it online. >> a wild story about the gray whale they hardly seen one in the atlantic. jon: they came from the pacific side. do you want to go to space customer. >> i do. >> if somebody can help us, let's see if that can happen. adam klotz it sounds good, watch the weather from the space station. that's all fox reports is sunday march 10 at 2024. i am jon scott, thank you for joining us. we will see you next week, good night.


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