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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 11, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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piece of legislation social media in congress rather imminent invasion of taiwan or trying to crack down on china's cheating on trade. so i support this legislation, i expect a big vote in the house and then i would call in senator chuck schumer in the senate to call it up promptly for a vote in the senate. it's not technically a ban of tiktok, it says that the parent company, which is controlled by the chinese communist party has to sell it to a company that is not controlled by country like china. >> todd: basically saying a divestment. it is not ban and need to be clear on the language there. democrats and republicans coming together. a lot of republicans somehow saying i'm okay with tiktok. see how it all shakes out. senator tom cotton thank you for your time and insight. with that. >> carley: "fox & friends" starts right now. >> brian: 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. monday, march 11th, and this is
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"fox & friends." we begin with a fox news alert. another mid-air scare on a boeing plane, at least 50 people were hurt after a technical event. that's what they're calling it. the former head of the faa joins us in a matter of minutes. >> ainsley: ains. >> kayleigh: democrats down playing dismal numbers with the voters. >> polling has been all over the place. i'm confident that the overwhelming majority of african-americans, black voters throughout the country will support president biden. >> will: ryan gosling bringing the kin energy at the oscars. the top moments. >> lawrence: "fox & friends" starts right now. remember, mornings are better with friends. >> will: straight to a fox news alert. dozens are hurt after another mishap on a boeing plane. >> lawrence: so the commercial boeing jet was flying from sydney australia to new zealand when it reportedly suffered a technical problem. >> brian: that's what they're calling it. brooke singman joins us now with
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more. brook brook 50 people hurt on that commercial flight heading to auckland earlier this morning. a spokesman telling the 23450e68d, dream liner suffered what is being called a technical issue mid flight causing a strong movement. most passengers suffering minor injuries with one person in serious condition. the flight was headed to santiago chele from sydney australia whether it was diverted balk to auckland, new zealand. it normally stops and landed without incident. this is just the latest in a series of technical and mechanical mishaps on boeing aircraft. including a tire following off a flight during takeoff and a plane that went off the runway in houston just last week. on top of heavy scrutiny for issues with quality control, boeing is also under a new criminal investigation related to the incident where the door plug on a commercial jet operated by alaska airlines blew off mid flight. this was not the only issue with a boeing jet today.
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united airlines flight going from sydney to san francisco diverted back to australia after another mid-air emergency on a boeing 777. mechanical issue being blamed for diverting that flight back to sydney airport. no injuries reported as the plane landed there safely. but, no word on either of today's incidents yet from boeing. and the cause of both of those issues are under investigation. guys? >> lawrence: thanks, brooke, appreciate it. >> will: let's bring in former faa head billie nolan no context. i neither wanted to be ghiivelg or hyperventilate about all these airline troubles. i would love to ask you this. every summer we do stories on shark attacks and every summer we remember shark attacks aren't actually on the rise. but they are not something that we should be dismissive of, either how serious should we take the mounting number of stories we hear from trouble in the skies? >> yeah. your point is a really, really good one. when we think about it, i would
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like to -- let's think about a whiteboard. you look at a whiteboard and there is nothing on it and put one dot and two dots on and it you are drawn to that, right? i can say categorically that the globally that aviation, commercial aviation it is as safe as it has ever been and certainly the safest any time you see uptick incident it's an opportunity for us as stakeholders within the global arrow pace system to say what's going on? look at that via safety management systems as we think of these investigations. if you look at these latest 3, 4, 5 incidents, none of them appear to be related. with you, still, you do a deep dive into that i expect that from boeing. you will certainly see from the faa. and also see it from the
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national transportation safety board. as we learn more and get to the bottom of these investigations, it's a time to ask ourselves is there anything that we should be doing different either as an airline or as an oem or from a from the f.a.a.'s perspective. >> lawrence: billy, i take will's point. and probably true pete buttigieg said the same thing on our channel planes from the safest means of transportation. i get that as someone who is on a plane pretty much every other day, it seems like i'm hearing more and more stories about these crashes. help put our minds at ease. i know the numbers are the numbers. why are we hearing it more often now? >> it's a fair question. you think about it. now, there haven't been any crashes per se we have had some incidents, runway excursions where united plane is off of the runway this one that seems pretty horrifying in the moment when you experience that kind of
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a drop and talked about as a technical issue. the beauty of how far we have advanced is that you have got great systems on board that can record all kinds of data. this is an opportunity for both la tan, for the regulatory agency to say what happened here? at a micro level it's always a good opportunity to say as we have said we are in one of the safest periods in the history of flying. >> brian: that's true but boeing has got huge problems when they lose the paperwork with those plugs and those doors, and they just say yeah, we don't know where it is, and then we find out more things are going wrong, people get a little upset by the lack of accountability. >> what i would expect from boeing and i think you heard it from secretary pete buttigieg and also heard it from administrator whitaker, right? the expectation is that boeing continue and look through the lens of its safety management system and ensure hey, what are we seeing? safety and quality are what i think of as the social license
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to operate, right? so my expectation that bowing will get to the bottom of what they need to do to fix the quality pieces. -- >> brian: -- but i lost my paperwork? i'm going to get to the bottom of it? that sounds like the keystone cops in there. >> well, what i would say there is that, you know, again, technology has brought us a long way. this is an opportunity to say what happened here -- and to the extent that's a failure or even a process or a procedure is an opportunity for for boeing to be able to talk about that and put that back into their safety management system so that these things don't continue to occur. >> kayleigh: a lot of the people ademanding answers. >> brian: 50 people hurt. >> kayleigh: 50 people. big deal. president biden visiting new hampshire today as a new poll reveals more americans trust former president trump to lead the country. >> will: madeleine rivera live from washington with the latest. madly?
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>> madeleine: the president's trip from new hampshire coming on the heels of the state of the union address. this afternoon the president will be calling on healthcare. policies including $2,000 cap on prescription drug costs and $35 insulin to everyone not just people on medicare. is he facing skepticism. a new poll shows 36% of americans trust former president trump to do a better job leading the country as president while 33% trust biden and 30% trust neither. president biden was also in georgia over the weekend. he is trying to shore up his support among minority voters touting record low black and latino unemployment under his leadership. his outreach comes as more polls show he has been losing support among black voters, a key part of the coalition which propelled him to the presidency four years ago. still his supporters say they are not worried. >> i'm confident that at the end of the day, in november, the
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overwhelming majority of african-americans, caribbean americans, black americans throughout support president biden. he has delivered over and over and over again on issues of concern whether that's the lowest rate of black unemployment in decades. >> madeleine: the latest fox news poll shows 28% of black voters support former president trump in a head-to-head matchup with president biden. seven times as many as supported him four years ago. guys, back to you. >> lawrence: thanks, maddy. >> you got it, of course. >> lawrence: we have been seeing reaction to the speech. the president -- it was a win for the president when it comes to shoring up democrat support and the media support. still has problems with other voters when it documents black community. hakeem jeffries says he gets overwhelming of black voters. if donald trump gets 30% whether joe biden gets 70 percent. it's over for him. if you listen to the media, this is what they are saying surrounding the president right
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now. here is ezra klein. >> i think biden, as painful as this is should find his way stepping down as a hero. that the party should help him find his way to that to being the thing that he would be in 2020, the bridge to the next generation of democrats. to say this is media invention that people are worried about biden's age because the media keeps telling them to be worried about biden's age. if you really convinced yourself of that in your heart of hearts i almost don't know what to he will it you. in poll after poll, 70 to 80 voters were r. worried about his age. >> this is why he needed to win. >> kayleigh: ezra klein changes his tune. what you played was february 18th. now after the state of the union joe biden who showed up to deliver the state of the union address last week is the joe biden who shows up for the rest of the campaign, you're not going to have any more of those weak kneed pundits suggesting is he not up for running for re-election. here is to hoping he does.
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this is what we are up against. i saw this all the time in washington in the white house. the press knee-jerk reaction is support the left one good speech and they're all back in order. this is why for the trump campaign media so important. dueling trip to the border. all of the ufc this weekend. these huge, cultural events for trump to capitalize on them. it's going to be his only way to breakthrough in on effective social media campaign as well. you are up against, this lies and deception of the left. >> will: to your point, carley, what you are looking at is a point of spinning a game after a loss into a win. so what you are seeing is the media and the full-court press to claim the state of the union as a win. the truth of the matter is, brian, nobody cares about the state of the union. that's the truth. average voter out there is not swayed by what happened on thursday night. what i would argue that what happened on friday afterwards does swing the independent voter, does swing the casual viewer. that is what president biden did
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when he sat down with msnbc. everyone is aware. i think the one thing state of the union did breakthrough he mispronounced laken riley's name. he named her the head coacof >> killed laken riley. >> undocumented person. i shouldn't have used illegal. it's undocumented. and, look, when i spoke about the difference between trump and me, one of the things i talked about on the border is that -- is the way he talks about vermin and the way he talks about these people polluting the blood. i talked about what i won't do, i'm not going to treat any, any, any of these people with disrespect. >> you regret using that word? >> yes.
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>> will: i would say though, that is upside down morality. that is a warped world view that when the independent voter sees it, i would think you are like you are apologizing to community which the murderer belonged to and not the young lady her family? >> brian: how about this? i apologize for getting the lady's name wrong. i should have said i saw the pen and i said lincoln rather than laken. where were the patients? they were with president trump. they made sure to invite them. they had dueling events over the weekend. emblematic of a bigger thing. people don't get angry they get totally exasperated did he apologize for undocumented? he went on to say these immigrants built our country. excuse me, they didn't build our country that guy is vermin that guy is poison. that's a perfect example with his neck tattoo and bulls jacket him and his two brothers came here to create havoc and kill and rob and forge green cards. these people are exactly what's
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wrong with the immigration system and with the southern border. which you broke and trying to do a ju j jiu-jitsu on. he is not undocumented he is a killer. >> lawrence: brian, we are dealing with a political party that balances things based on hurt feelings versus people that are dead. >> brian: would you even ask that -- >> lawrence: it's a stupid question. >> brian: undocumented killer. >> lawrence: you are talking about a reporter, kayleigh to your point who is a part of the left. >> kayleigh: exactly. >> lawrence: part of the ruling class who believes that the hurt feelings matter. >> kayleigh: lawrence, if we had a press corps that was worth their salt, that wasn't engaging in journalistic malpractice. they would have someone have you called laken riley's family left. the former president has. has the current president? where's the question. where is the drum beat in the
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press doesn't care. >> will: in charge. not just lacking credibility. they are in charge. bent the knee to the left for using the word illegal. >> brian: he hasn't fixed ice. not getting any cooperation from local authorities. that's the next thing to stop laken riley. found this in rh rhode island. wanted in honduras released in rhode island. tried to pick him up in boston they couldn't get cooperation. it's still happening. >> kayleigh: over and over. >> will: texas makes its argument today to the supreme court whether or not they can arrest illegal immigrants and deport. we will keep you updated on that before the supreme court. now let's turn to additional headlines, honduran migrant brian was just telling you about who is in the united states illegally arrested in murder charges in his home country. according to law enforcement he has been arrested multiple times since arriving in the u.s. in 2021. arrested in central falls with assault with a weapon in june. then on february 4th for
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domestic violence charges violating bail. released back into the community. he has been released into ice custody finally. ♪ now israeli prime minister benjamin is doubling down on ice invasion into rauf. >> go into ratify. >> we are going to go there we're not going to leave them. i have a red line do you know what the red line is? that october 7th doesn't happen again. >> will: president biden says he is against an invasion. netanyahu warned biden violating the wishes of israel saying he would be wrong on both counts. benjamin netanyahu will join "fox & friends" this morning 8:00 a.m. make sure you tune. in just in, president biden is expected to release his fiscal year 2025 budget today. we he have a first look inside his budget which has been released more than a month late. biden is increasing defense spend buying 1%. china is increasing defense spending by 7.2%.
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kensington palace's attempt to squash conspiracy theories about princess of wales kate middleton backfired with the release of a new image of her with her children. multiple major news agencies retracting the photo yesterday over concerns it had been, quote, manipulated. the associated press explaining, quote: the photo shows an inconsistency in the alignment of princess charlotte's left hand. princess of wales has been missing from royal engagement after beyond going abdominal surgery. she is expected to return to royal duties after easter. the bench is cleared in the final minutes of the sec women's basketball championship after south carolina forward camilla cardoza pushed lsu guard johnson. cardoza apologizing on x after won the game. i would like to extend my sincerest apologies during today's game mile. behavior not representative who
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i am as a person of the south carolina program. >> >> johnson's brother also getting involved. leaping over the scorer's table. he was handcuffed and escorted out of the behavior. and those are your headlines. >> 3 point play isn't good enough for you. >> if you want people to watch give us some action. >> you mean wwe mixed with wwa. >> brian: really sad. you need to see fighting in basketball? what's going on. >> kayleigh: penalty box. >> lawrence: i enjoy seeing the fire. things happen. she apologized. we move on. it's great though. i loved it. >> brian: i want fighting in the biathlon because they will have guns -- that's what i like to see. [laughter] more people will be talking about biathlon, am i right? >> will: for sure. >> brian: should i toss now? >> kayleigh: you should.
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>> brian: oppenheimer winning baking at the 96th annual academy awards taking home seven awards. >> kayleigh: john feign teen who that stole the show with a lack of outfit. >> kayleigh: that's a the lot of skin on the screen. oppenheimer big win of the night 7 out of 13 demonstrations. that includes kill i don't know murphy best actor and film wearing best picture with al pacino nine other nominees outside of the christopher no len film. >> and i see oppenheimer yes. >> this movie wasn't the movie it was without chris nolan. is he singular back in july he spoke with christopher nolan. here is what he said about winning big. >> how much do the awards mean to you? >> not much. i mean, we make the films for our audiences. it's great to have a film like this come out in the summer
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which is when people are really primed to go see things on the big screen and hopefully have an exciting experience. that's what we do it for. >> emma stone taking home best actress for performance in poor things and dress broke during the ceremony. john siena you saw him raised eyebrows as he appeared naked only covered by the presenter's card while announcing the card for best costume ironically. ryan gosling who gave a stellar performance with this performance of i'm just ken from the barbie movie. >> i'm just ken ♪ before the fun the awards were off to rocky start. annual any israel protesters blocking roads forcing organizers to delay the ceremony by five minutes. we are learning more about the oscar's six figure gift bag given to nominees. it includes $50,000 stay at a
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swiss ski shae lay. $24,000 stay california spa. $25,000 live show from a mentalist and $10,000 microneedling treatment. the gift bags were exclusively reserved for nominees in the acting and directing categories along with host jimmy kimmel. if you stayed up to watch the whole show, you saw how it ended and it ended with him reading a truth social from donald trump criticizing the show. isn't it past your jail time instead of bedtime? everybody in the audience laughed because of course they did. it's holiday. >> will: reading what was in the gift bag, brian tried to pretend he didn't know what microneedling was. the worst cover ever. >> carley: so strange, brian you said you were going to go to that microneedling appointment with me. >> brian: i wanted to drop you off to make sure you got there safe, that's all. >> brian: actually i don't know what it is. why are we giving the rich more stuff? isn't that the problem in
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america? didn't you see the state of the union? the rich are the worst. they don't need more stuff. >> lawrence: i want to disagree with you. i want know when we are going to start giving these bags at the patriot awards. >> brian: fantastic. >> kayleigh: have to pay taxes on it. >> will: pay taxes on the hawk the items. good luck on the microneedling. >> brian: how much does that cost? microneedling does insurance pick that up? >> kayleigh: you are the one that knows. >> will: what was it worth 19,000? >> brian: that's a lot of microneedling. >> will: set your dvr for 6 to 9:00 a.m. so you never miss "fox & friends." >> brian: out of haiti because of gang violence. running the country. how this situation could make the migrant crisis even worse. look out, miami. ♪ and since i get 5% off every day with the mylowe's rewards credit card, we can get it today. no waiting for a sale.
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>> will: u.s. military airlifting military staff this time out of haiti as escalating gang violence rocks the nation. u.s. officials fear it could make the u.s. migrant crisis, illegal immigrant crisis even worse. illegal crossings from haiti already at record high with nearly 90,000 since october
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alone. that's increase of more than 270% since this time last year. a former state department special adviser joins us now. gabe, thank you for being with us. haiti is descending into chaos here. it's another embassy over the last several years, this time under the biden administration. it has to be evacuated. >> good morning, will, this is number 8 now that we have seen evacuated. we saw helicopters last night coming in to take u.s. personnel out. this is an example of a country where we have had a combination of neglect and conceit, neglect we haven't had an ambassador there in over two years. conceit, we have been trying to prop up the prime minister who really was never elected and didn't have any support from the population. it's a little predictable what we are seeing here. >> will: the former prime minister was assassinated in 2021 we put our weight behind this guy. there's this quote that we backed the wrong horse. we rode it into a dead end.
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>> exactly. he went out of the country last week. when he left the country, the gangs broke open the prisons, they took control of the airports. and the prime minister doesn't seem to have any support on the ground there and so we have gangs that have taken over 80% of the capital. most of the country. far more powerful than the police on the nation island. it's a recipe for pure kay owes. >> will: i want to put this into context really quick. there are reports on social media and even some videos of cannibalism. the main gang leader his nickname is barbecue. so, i mean, whatever is -- we are still sorting out what can be confirmed. this is pure chaos in haiti. by the way, pure chaos in haiti, again. >> again. i could go list a long number of times when the u.s. has been trying to come back in and solve things.
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on the cannibalism 5 million out of 11 million haitians are suffering from hunger. the incidents of cannibalism are probably isolated. gang leaders trying to show their street cred. this is straight out of district 9 level of intimidation and terror. >> will: it's a tactic. and it's demented and demonic tactic. let's just talk about we need to get to this. how does it impact the u.s.? what are we going to be looking at here? haitians flooding into florida. >> you saw that graphic of the number of migrants just spiraling out of control. 11 million on the island. if it starts to go out of control boats to florida. everyone who can afford a plane ticket out of the country going to south america and ultimately across our southern border we have a strong interest keeping this country as stable and keeping a lid. >> will: if i'm understanding correctly the biden administration is failing to secure the southern border and
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fail to do what they promised to do to get to root causes. either way from the beginning to the end failing on illegal immigration. gabe, thanks so much for being with us this morning. >> thanks for having me. >> will: carley, over to you. >> carley: got some more headlines, will. starting this new overnight china grants the communist party more control over the country's cabinet. latest in the series of measures that gives china's cabinet less power. the previous law was in place for four decades. and two pilots have been suspended after they were accused of falling asleep in the middle of a flight over i undiunderstand do nearby sexual harassment two men reportedly falling asleep for nearly half an hour before waking up and realizing airliner was not on the correct path. the plane was eventually steered back on path before arriving to its intended destination of jakarta. thankfully none of the 159 pass9 passengers on board were hurt. both falling asleep. warnock is pressed on whether or
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not fulton county d.a. fani willis should step down from former president trump's legal case. >> do you still feel like fani willis is the best person to bring this case forward? >> >> well, i'm never surprised when i see donald trump attacking women. especially black women. this is who he is. i know there are those who are trying to put their finger on the scale here. donald trump deserves a hearing before a jury of his peers. i'm going to allow the judicial process to proceed. >> kayleigh: i think that's what they call a dodge. the judge is expected to make a ruling on if willis or a prosecutor nathan wade should be disqualified from their investigation into trump later this week. news to watch out for. will, over to you. if there. >> will: thank you, carley. cartels infiltrating the u.s. at record level. the gangs coming in and how they operate, coming up. ♪
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themselves and they're going to look to traffic drugs. that's where they're. that's where they're they get their revenue. and if you were a courier and you don't get your job done, you get tortured, you get murdered, and a message is sent . this is all happening at the border. but perhaps the most sinister is the latest wave of criminal and gangster. yeah this is their little brother right here. they came from the sinaloa cartel. cjng. they're also in mexico. a lot of the same members from the sinaloa. those younger folks, they're a part of this cartel. right. so they're in 27 states in mexico. but get this, they got drones, they got rocket propelled
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grenades. they have they'll put ieds in the ground. they haven't done a lot of that in america, because they know that is basically a war against america, but they are actually gaining more power than the sitting government. so when you're dealing with the government and trying to get people like obrador to do things, keep in mind a lot of times in some sense they're taking orders from upstart gangs like this who are well financed. and they are they're lethal, brian. that's what makes them different from their big brother. also the sinaloa cartel that has all the influence with the mexican police as well as the federal military. this group, it's all about the weapons. and they have the support of the government as well. when they talk about cartels being in charge of the border, think about this. not only do they have a presence, do they have the paths, they're actually mining the land at the border. that's why it's so important for us to get a hold of this. it is not just a preference. it's not just what you think about illegal immigration safety and security. in fact, brian, the pointed you are making is if you support
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open borders, then you are supporting these cartels because they're part. it. >> brian: quick look at what is going on. check this out. this is the landmines, this is the worry. meanwhile, as we move ahead. and we're a little bit less about the border and a little bit more about beauty, age before beauty. got a 22-year-old who is glooded with comments a b. her use of filler. >> i think it's a personal preference like if i want to get filler there marc siegel joins us live okay. good. >> good to be alive. ain't no better place. ain't no better time ♪ here ♪
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weather alert millions brace for a third storm to hit the region. washington monument is even closing due to the storm's winds. let's check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast.
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janice? >> janice: good morning. feels like winter steel across the northeast. not only the fact that we have very gusty winds but snow in the forecast for upstate new york and new england. can you see the wind gusts in excess of 30, 40, even 50 miles per hour throughout the day today into the overnight where things will start to subside. look at boston this going to cause travel delays. just winds alone will cause problems across the northeast. there are some of the top snow totals from this storm system, over ad foot in stoney creek. and upstate new york and new england. here's your forecast today so that area of low pressure that's bringing the gusty winds and the snow continues to kind of meander up towards the north and east. we do have a storm system moving across the west. i also want to point your attention to our fire weather outlook in areas that received the incredible fire danger across texas. those fires are still burning. and some of the same spots that saw the historic fire are going to receive winds in excess of 30, 40 miles per hour today and tomorrow. so we will be watching that for
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the panhandle and in towards oklahoma. fox for all of your latest details. carley, my friends. over to you. >> kayleigh: janice, thank you so much. backlash over manipulated photo of her that has been pulled from multiple agencies. a statement from the princess of wales appearing on the official kensington royal x account reads, quote: like many amateur recover froms i do occasionally experiment with editing. i wanted to express my apologies for any confusion the family photograph we shared yesterday caused. i hope everyone celebrating had a very happy mother's day. the house is expected to voted this week on legislation that could lead to a nationwide ban on tiktok. the house energy and commerce committee moving forward with the legislation on thursday that would give tiktok's chinese-based parent company bite dance 165 days to sell the company. shark tank investor kevin o'leary suggesting he may buy the platform if the ban goes
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through. is he going to join us later this morning. and kayleigh, over to you. >> kayleigh: a lot of questions for mr. wonderful later today. >> carley: very interesting post. >> kayleigh: carley, thank you. >> carley: you are very welcome. >> kayleigh: seconds case of measles now confirmed inside overcrowded migrant shelter sparking concerns among unvaccinated children entering the country. the cdc has confirmed at least 45 cases in 17 states so far this year set to outpace last year's total, the whole entire year of 58 cases. here to racket this medical monday is fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel. dr. siegel, welcome. >> hi, kayleigh. >> kayleigh: i'm reading about this this morning and get to the u.s.a. piece and get to the author at the bottom and dr. marc siegel so you know a lot about this. and you are brilliant. you spoke with a lot of experts and you point out that the cdc, you spoke to someone there. it's admissible for a migrant to come into this country with a
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communicable disease yet the cdc shared with you they don't track migrant status. so how do you not let an alien in if you are not tracking status as it pertains to disease. >> you actually have that exactly right. as you know back in the trump administration, robert redfield put in title 42, which meant that if somebody was going to bring in communicable disease it wasn't just for code but any highly communicable disease they would be sent back. measles is the most contagious respiratory virus on the planet. liberally if you are not vaccinated and you come in contact with it 90% chance you are going to get it one out of five kids end up in the hospital. so they are in trouble in chicago in this homeless shelter. 1800 people were exposed. 13% of them don't have vaccines. other places it's even more than that because, kayleigh, if you are coming across the border and you are fleeing and trying to get into a country without papers, guess what you don't have? a vaccine. the chances of you not being vaccinated against measles are very high. if you have the vaccine, it's almost 100 percent effective.
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so that's the problem. and you are going to see more cases coming in that chicago shelter. this is highlighting a problem we have been talking about for a while now. >> kayleigh: huge problem and young child dying in that shelter. we will keep on to that there is a tiktoker, she is aapparently addicted to botox. injectables, at least that's what it appears to be shoonget weigh was told she is age 45. watch this. >> i think it's a personal preference. like, if i want to get filler, i feel like no one should stop you from getting filler. i might act older. but 45? >> kayleigh: dr. siegel she is 22 years old. >> for once, tiktok did a service. for once, 22 years old. and she looks like she is in her 40's and it went viral because she looks like she is in her 40's. over 18 you can get botox and filler. are you kidding me? by the way, 18% of those who get botox are in their 30's. i think that's way too young.
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your lips are very stretched out already. if you go to put filler in your lips. you risk scarring, you risk deforming your face. botox, people say oh, get botox in advance it will prevent wrinkles later on. actually, it freezes parts of your face and it could even cause wrinkles later on. botox is not for people that are really young that are already looking terrific. it's for maybe people for does not particular reasons later on. i think that's what this highlighted. hooray for ticktock something tg good. >> kayleigh: people want to look younger not older. there is that. >> exactly. >> kayleigh: final topic sleep apnea tied to 50% increased risk for memory issues. the president of the united states has sleep apnea use as cpap is that mitt gaghts factor. >> interesting you put those two things together i was thinking the same thing. i hope is he using i had cpap machine properly this new study out of boston indicates probably
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if you have sleep apnea and 40 million americans do and you use your cpap machine properly and again most of the time it's snoring that you look for. in my practice if somebody is snoring. i get them tested for sleep apnea. if you get the air into your no, sir nostrils going to be okay. do you know what the brain does at night when you are sleeping it vacuum cleans out all the debris and fox sins if that's not working properly because you are not getting enough oxygen, you could have memory problems later on. that he was something that people need to watch out for. if you have other underlying issues, high blood pressure, obesity, things like that i know crease your wisconsin risk of memory problems as well. but sleep apnea is on the risk. again, we got to look at that with the president. we are not getting full disclosure. >> kayleigh: 40 million americans sleep apnea and sleep problems. myself included. >> mark: how could you not have sleep problems look what time you got here. >> kayleigh: well said.
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dr. siegel: biden walking back prime time remarks on laken reilly's alleged killer. >> you used the word "illegal." when talking about the man who allegedly killed. >> undocumented. >> laken reilly. >> i shouldn't have used illegal. it's undocumented. >> kayleigh: texas lt. governor dan pack trick, he's next. ♪when i too
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