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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 11, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> will: it's 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, this is monday "fox and friends." israeli prime minister netanyahu says he will defy biden's red line and invade rafah. he joins us live in a few minutes. >> carley: scare on a boeing plane, at least 50 hurt after a technical event. head of faa says we need answers. >> any time you see uptick in incidents, for us, within the aerospace system, to say what is going on. >> brian: there is that and this, princess kate responds on whether the photo was altered.
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>> lawrence: final hour of "fox and friends" starts now. mornings are better with friends. >> will: dozens hurt after mishap on a boeing plane. >> lawrence: plane was going from australia to new zealand and suffered a technical problem. >> carley: alex hogan joins us. >> more issues for boeing after dozens of people were injured on one flight alone this morning. departing from sydney to new zealand, this was flight la-800. it did arrive on schedule, during the flight it had a technical issue that caused the plane to lose altitude suddenly. this is a boeing dream liner, at least 50 were injured, including both staff and crew and
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passengers. they were taken to the hospital. one person is in serious condition, others have mild to moderate conditions. crew members, as well as passengers were injured. we do not know about the extent of the wound says, we'll wait to hear more on that. some injuries from people sustained, hit their head to have bags potentially fall on them or people hitting the ceiling of the plane as it plummeted. this is in addition to trauma and stress. fox has reached out, no official word yet. the plane did arrive at its destination, there is growing concern for broader look at issues. >> what i expect from boeing and you heard from pete buttigieg
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and whitaker. boeing ensure what we are seeing. safety and quality are social license to operate. my expectation that boeing will get to the bottom of what they need to do. >> this comes after technical problems on another flight today, left sydney heading for new zealand this morning. the boeing triple seven turned back and landed two hours later. this is latest in series of difficult challenges boeing has had. it was on march 4. 737 in houston had to return and last thursday when a boeing triple seven had a tire fall off as it was departing in san francisco which did not injury anyone on the ground and did
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destroy a car below. back to you. >> will: thank you. >> brian: there you go, four after the hour. another fox news alert. -- >> will: experts fear it could have ripple effect on illegal immigration in the united states. >> carley: peter doocy joins us live from the white house. >> peter: blinken is on his way to jamaica to figure out what is go og in haiti. the united states gave $126 million in humanitarian aid last year. it is so dangerous, u.s. marines had to work to evacuate some embassy staff from haiti under cover of darkness. the national police there are struggling to retake back
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streets from gangs there. there could be pressure on president biden, the man accused of killing laken riley is not an illegal like he said at the state of the union. >> you used the word illegal when talking about the man who killed laken riley. >> undocumented, i shouldn't have used illegal. >> peter: republicans are more upset about deference to this man accused of murdering this young woman. >> no one can explain that, disgusting. joe biden is more worried about using illegal or undocumented and the word he should use is murderer. you have donald trump sitting down with laken riley's family and joe biden apologizing for
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what word he used. >> peter: this new headache what they were hoping would be a reset. president biden said he would not send u.s. troops to restore order in haiti. there are u.s. groups on the ground reinforcing the economy embassy there. >> will: across this globe, up to five? >> kayleigh: yes, this is chaos on the world stage under joe biden. you cannot divorce this from him. add to the list of chaos, what is next embassy to be evacuated? welcome to national security. >> brian: and haiti has prime minister killed by a bunch of
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thugs and first lady injured. upon investigation, she was helping them out, she was part of that, she's out. they get a prime minister that leaves the country. and kenya says, we will help out, couldn't get permission, so they are out. >> lawrence: in the middle of this chaos as chaos is breaking out, tons coming across the southern border, whether del rio or miami through boat, it has become the epicenter of what is happening there in texas. we had lieutenant governor dan patrick react to the president flip flopping on calling laken riley's killer illegal. this is dan patrick. >> ask the family of laken riley if they think the issue of invasion is serious issue.
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ask the thousands killed by fentanyl or thousands who have died at hands of illegal immigrants. what do we wait until they take over the country and say that was an invision. they are killing our people, bringing drugs across the border much seven million have crossed, it is an invasion. we have a right to defend our people. >> will: texas have until today to make that argument before the supreme court. this issue with laken riley and president biden making shameful statement i should have called him undocumented, not apologizing to her family more mispronouncing her name. now democrats are saying, republicans are politicizing the death of laken riley.
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this is what warnock said this weekend. >> what is your red line? >> in this moment of grief, there are those trying to score political points. the border must be secured, we know this, there is agreement on both sides. we had a bipartisan piece of legislation before us weeks ago. the fact there are those who walked away from bipartisan legislation or chance to debate it and trying to score political points. >> lawrence: so we're clear, i read the legislation, can't you release the legislation? this person would be out on the street. >> will: that is not true, laken riley's family went to meet president trump. they have legitimate and specific thoughts of what lead
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to the death of their daughter. >> kayleigh: and laken riley's mom wrote on facebook, after president biden mispronounced her name. she wrote, biden does not even know my child's name? if you say her name, at least see the right now. what do you think phillips thinks to watch an interview where he did not apologize for mispronouncing her name but apologized for calling her -- every mother deserves to have a daughter that can go on a run and come home and biden's policy is responsible for what happened. >> brian: it wasn't supposed to be in the speech.
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marjorie taylor greene started yelling it out and he picked up the pen and said it. there go-to is this legislation. every time a democrat is questions about the border, they say what about what you walked away from. they said unless you have documented proof you are fearful for your wife, you not be able to let in. the problem is discretion. with president biden in power and mayorkas implementing his policy, they will say, you can still come in and hide underneath that we passed it. donald trump knew if they pass legislation without him, it wouldn't be ready to pass another. >> lawrence: americans here legally, they get crushed skulls
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like laken riley and the criminals get an apology. president biden calling out prime minister netanyahu as israel defends itself from hamas terrorists as they hold 100 hostages. >> what is your red line with prime minister netanyahu? for instance, would invasion of rafah? >> >> president biden: it is a red line, but i will never life israel. no red line i will cut off all weapons, other ways to deal and get to, to deal with the trauma caused by hamas. >> brian: the red line is rafah. prime minister netanyahu joins us live from jerusalem. we don't have to give you the news, you follow american news as if you are still here. his red line is rafah, don't go
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into rafah. what is your response? >> the president and i have agreed we have to destroy hamas. we can't leave a quarter of the hamas army in place. they are there in rafah, this is equivalent to saying after allies fought back and normandy and germany, we will leave a quarter of the nazi army in place and won't go into berlin. if the president means we should enable the safe departure of the civilian population from rafah, we agree and don't need prompting. >> brian: that is not what he said. he doesn't want you to go in. >> he said he agrees we have to destroy hamas as a fighting organization and that is what we intend to do. either israel or hamas. we have to have victory.
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can't have three quarters of a vict rear or two of had thirds of a victory, hamas will reconquer the strip and do the massacre over and over again. for -- people of israel, that is red line, we cannot let hamas survive. >> lawrence: we do not want to put you in a bad position, but there has been multiple comments from president biden or kamala harris saying we need a ceasefire. i know there is conversations in the press about a fractured relationship, what is going on between you and the president? what i hear from the idf and my friends battling hamas, they don't have support of the united states and you guys are being pressured to come off the gas a bit, is that true?
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>> look, we have our agreements on the basic goals and also have basic goals. >> lawrence: are they encouraging you to get off the gas, prime minister? >> i'm telling you, we are not getting off the gas. we will eliminate the terrorist army, that is prerequisite for victory. it is important for us and civilized world. i have seen recent polls where 82% of americans support israel in this. they recognize our battle is your battle and our victory is your victory and i'm sure deep down everyone in washington understands that is that is what we'll do. defeat hamas and do what is necessary to do humanitarian
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aid, something we believe in, we have to destroy this terrorist nazi army, otherwise no future for anyone in the middle east. >> will: everyone is trying to figure out what is meant and how that definess and what it means when president biden says something like this on a hot microphone at state of the union, listen together. >> i told them -- [indiscernible] -- >> will: what does that mean to you, come to jesus meeting. >> i don't know, not familiar with the term. if it means having a heart to
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heart conversation, over the 40 years i've known joe biden and 12 or 13 conversations we've had since beginning of the war. i'm prime minister netanyahu of israel and responsible for the jewish state and i'm supported in my policy, overwhelming majority of israelis support my policy. we have to eliminate hamas, get the hostages back and make sure gaza does not cause a threat anymore. >> over 90% support my -- when people say, we have to have this talk with benjamin netanyahu, he is holding back wondrous peace,
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you don't have issue with me, you have issue with entire people of israel. they are united to destroy hamas and ensure we don't have another palestinian terror state like in gaza that could threaten the state of israel. from what i see, most americans support that, as well. >> kayleigh: president biden has been around for a long time. he knew he was on a hot mic. what does that do to negotiations? that was given to you via press instead of diplomatic ways. what does that do to the hostages being held, including kifir. >> it helps the war effort to
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achieve victory and release hostages. to the extent hamas believes there is daylight between us, that does not help. i appreciate support given since the beginning of the war. i hope it continues to victory. victory is at hand. victory is close. we destroyed three quarters of fighting battalions and are close to victory. best thing to do for future of middle east and future of hostages is get a speedy victory and victory will come as soon as -- will come sooner more united we are and not divided or given the appearance of division. >> brian: you guys had something agreed to with hamas and as soon as they see the fracture with the u.s. they said we can hold out for a better deal and that
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blew up the deal on the hostage p per prisoner swap. >> i am not sure that is what happened, i think hamas demanded outlandish demands. i repeat, we are not fighting just our battle, this is battle against civilization. they say that you're the great safe and we're the small statesmen standing in their way. these are common worst enemies and entire international community should stand behind israel and reject vilification and pressure. that is what i think is required to do, most americans understand and i hope that will be
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perceived in the middle east and help us get the job done sooner. we will win this war and soon. >> lawrence: i hope you guys do win the war, there is concern with the u.n. and we have little jihadis running around in the united states. i plan to come for holy week, are you concerned about the antisemitism in america and across the globe? you went to school here. >> of course i'm concerned, who would not be and not only jewish people should be concerned, antisemitism is the canary in the coal mine. you know that it erupts into border violence and disrupts.
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there are ones supporting mass murderers, baby burners and supporting against one democracy fighting them. they implanted themselves in civilian quarters and general petraeus was here and said no army has faced what israel faced. head of urban war fare at west point. israel is fighting this just war against most unjust of enemies and people are protesting in streets supporting these modern nazis. it is disgraceful, as though you were fighting in world war ii, and had people demonstrating in new york and washington in support of nazis, that is what you have here. majority of americans have it clear, mor58 compass is clear
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and understand israel is fighting battle of c sievizsiev. future of gaza is depending on our victory. we don't intend to give up. we hope to have support of the u.s. government. we will do it. >> brian: got to go for the win or we'll be back here in 18 months with another attack. appreciate the time, hope to talk to you again next week. >> there is no substitute for total victory, we'll achieve it. >> kayleigh: our greatest ally in middle east. princess kate responds on whether her photo was altered next. >> will: piers morgan next.
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>> kayleigh: this morning princess kate speaking out for a controversial mother's day photo. princess of wales, i do experiment with editing, i want
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to express apology for any -- happy mother's day. live from london, host of piers morgan uncensored. piers morgan, seems this attempt to quash conspiracy theories fuelled them. >> there is a slightly bigger story coming out, the premiere league. moving to the secondary story of the day, this is quite extraordinary. if you remember sequence of events, raging conspiracy theories. wild suggestions about what may be behind her disappearance,
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most are untrue. she had abdominal surgery. in an effort to quell the rumors, the palace reveal a picture of her with her children on mother's day. tmz got a picture of her in the car with her mother looking as if she had been ill. we see this picture yesterday where she looks healthy and well, everyone is like, great, this is brilliant news. right to the moment suddenly all these withdraw it from circulation, they were given in good faith by the palace. turns out the photo was manipulated. if they don't release the original photo, all you will see
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are more -- conspiracy theorists. in an effort to quell the conspiracy theories, the palace managed to make it worse. >> kayleigh: you are cutting in and out, she wasn't supposed to be back until april. release the original photo. watch piers morgan weekdays 4:30 p.m. eastern time. over to carley shimkus who knows about royals themselves. >> carley: i love the royal family, i love every twist and turn. we wish her well. more news, trouble in the skies, two pilots suspended after they were kuzed of falling asleep in the middle of a flight over indonesia. they fell sleep for an hour and
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a half before waking up and realizing the airliner was not on the correct path. the plane was steered back to jakarta, none of the passengers onboard were hurt. benches clearing within minutes left of the sec after forward kamila cardosa pushed lsu guard flaujae johnson. kamila cardosa said i would like to apologize for my actions during today's game. this is not who i am as a person or the south carolina person. johnson's brother got involved, leaping over the scoreboard table. he was handcuffed and escorted out of the arena.
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not something you do. >> kayleigh: you do that at hockey matches. social media about to get more wonderful? kevin o'leary explains his plan to buy tiktok if a congressional crackdown moves forward. >> kevin: one of the most successful advertising platforms, all my companies use it, i'll buy it. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪ ) with the push of a button, constant contact's ai tools help you know what to say, even when you don't. hi! constant contact. helping the small stand tall.
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>> will: shark tank investor
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kevin o'leary will join us now and says he might be interested in buying tiktok. kevin, great to have you, i will have to ask you to help me understand, i'm a morning show talk show host. you're mr. wonderful. how do you -- first of all, if the house did this, how do you force bite dance to divest of tiktok, especially when it is connected to the ccp. >> kevin: this issue won't go away, let me preface my remarks by saying i admire the chinese people, advancement, i don't trust the chinese government and neither does congress. i have two phones. this is my tiktok phone, it is cripple, no data about me or my businesses. here is my regular phone, this is how you deal with tiktok.
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it leaks data to the surprise, it has been around for years. it is very important platform and this issue is not going away. if this order goes through, it has to be sold, i will put up my hand and say, i will buy it. i would like to form a committee of two members of red and blue, part of making this bill and say, you will be the oversight committee. i will purchase these assets into a new american company, american servers will be on american soil. it will be safe for users issue the parents, small business and large business. it will be an american company. i would ask permission to leave 20 or 30% with the chinese people, they will have no say how we operate the company and will resolve this issue around
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free speech. nobody wants to lose the app. >> will: you said 20% remain with the china. if you buy it, great, can you be a little bit pregnant? i hope this would work, i don't know how to get the chinese co communist party out of tiktok. if you leave a little ownership to the chinese, that will be the communist party. it has ability to manipulate americans. you don't know if you can be a little bit pregnant with tiktok. >> kevin: fair enough. if the committee decides not to leave anything with china, i will not. the chinese government has lots of joint ventures with american
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companies. i would have to put together syndicate of american and sovereign wealth money approved by the house. i spend a lot of time on the hill, i support small business. i have no agenda other than to make the platform safe for americans to use. >> will: i believe that, we will find out if the government forces the hand to see if this is to be owned by mr. wonderful. great to see you. thank you so much. on "fox and friends," prime minister netanyahu. trey yingst is live in tel aviv and he is next. we were wonderinf you might want to pray with us. well, not the actual jesus. obviously, but let's spend some time with the real one.
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lord jesus. we take this moment today to simply be with you. we are lost. we are broken. but we are not alone. help us to grow closer to you. this lent, jesus name we pray. amen. join us in prayer. this lent on hallow. shingles. some describe it as an intense burning sensation, or an unbearable itch. this painful, blistering rash can disrupt your life for weeks and could make it hard to be there for your loved ones. shingles could also lead to serious complications that can last for years. if you're over 50, the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside you. and as you age, your risk of developing shingles increases. don't wait. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles today.
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>> janice: it is chilly in the northeast, we had snow overnight. take a look at the maps. we have gusty wind. 34 in boston, 38 in new york. you see wind gusts, 30, 40, 50 mile per hour and will feel colder with the wind chill.
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airport delays, keep track of that. gulf coast, showers and thunderstorms. hi to my friending. what is your name? >> amanda. >> donna. >> where are you from? >> abilene, texas. >> janice: do you like brian kilmeade? >> oh, yeah. >> janice: good answer, we will toss to him. a crowd is forming here just for brian, you'll have to come out and say hi. hi. >> brian: how you doing? >> janice: look at that. >> brian: check with you later, janice. go overseas, israeli prime minister netanyahu not backing down from his plan to lead a ground invasion to rafah and as ramadan begin. trey yingst is in the middle of it all in tel aviv. trey. >> trey: it is day 157 of the war between israel and hamas and first day of ramadan and middle
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east is bracing for further escalation. inside gaza israeli forces are conducting daily raids supported by the air force and units along the border. the number three in hamas was targeted this weekend in central gaza. it is unclear if he was killed. palestinians gathered supplies for ramadan, first day of fasting is today. >> i think this ramadan will add to tragedy and torment because child of elderly who fast need to eat when they break their fast. that is not available financially or otherwise. >> trey: israeli prime minister netanyahu detailed to "fox and friends" next step in the operation in gaza and what comes next in the conflict. the israeli prime minister saying that.
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>> it is either israel or hamas, no middle way. we have to have victory, we can't have three quarters of a victory or two-thirds of victory. hamas will reconstitute itself and reconquer the gaza strip and do the october 7 massacre over and over and over again. for us in israel, not merely for me, for people of israel, that is red line. we can't let hamas survive. >> trey: the question is how and when israeli forces will enter gaza southern most city of rafah. brian. >> brian: the u.s. said we'll have a port, humanitarian aid corridor for the palestinians. that was originally prime minister netanyahu's idea discussed in october before this operation took place. >> trey: i think both israelis and the americans did not understand there would be such
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issue with distribution inside gaza. when you talk to officials in tel aviv, they say aid is making it in, not being distributed to the part. that is part of the reason americans have moved forward to implement this port. it will likely be conducted and constructed in northern part of gaza, where they are in need of aid. >> brian: very perilous times. nine before top of the hour, check in with dana perino. >> dana: incredible report from trey. and the left gets president biden to backtrack on say wing newcomers. our political panel will get us up to speed and biden tries to
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i'm franklin graham. i'm in jerusalem, israel, and i'm standing in front of what they call the garden tomb. an empty tomb, and many people believe that's where the body of jesus christ lay after he was crucified for our sins. but on the third day, god raised his son to life. that's our hope in this troubled world in which we live. our hope is in christ, a risen savior.
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have you ever trusted him as your savior? have you ever invited him into your heart? have you ever surrendered your life to him? if you haven't done it, do that right now. just pray this prayer. say, "god, i'm a sinner. "i'm sorry. forgive me. "i believe jesus, your son. "i want to invite him into my heart, "and trust him as my savior, and follow him as my lord "from this day forward. amen." if you prayed that prayer we've got some people that would like to talk to you, pray with you. so, call that number that's on the screen. do that right now. god bless you! thank you!
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i'm the person that always shows up with no battery like at my kids' basketball game yesterday. a backup charger has also two ports on the side. usb and usbc charge up to 3 devices at once. $25, 79% off. ceramic dishes are great quality. when thing can go under the broiler, in the oven, microwave, dishwasher and to the table. $59, 58% off. the 360 degree videographer. you attach it to the stand and manually start the video, walk away and follows you 360 with auto focus. never fuzzy. you don't need a camera person, $35, 75% off. >> what is this? >> have a brownie. >> i don't want a brownie. >> brian: i would love that pot.
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>> brian wants the hair dryer. >> brian: how much is that? >> $59. high-end ceramic. go to the "fox & friends" website and look for the mega morning deals icon where you will find all these plus the ones i did an hour ago. ten deals to be had. >> brian: there we go, all right. don't miss them. >> i won't eat the brownies. >> lawrence: we're covering spring break and at a city near you probably tomorrow. >> brian: someone has to cover it. >> you are covering spring break? >> brian: don't forget to check out the radio. >> lawrence: i can't tell you where i am. they'll try to clean it up. i'll see you tomorrow. >> a young w


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