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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  March 13, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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to have scientific progress and a healthy scientific community, you have to allow open discussions about scientific matters. that hasn't been the case. i mean the taxpayers are spending a billion dollars over year on research at mass general and i think that taxpayers should demand that if they spend money on the research, they should demand that there's academic feedback and open discussion without bullying or cancelations. >> dr kulldorf, i hope with the change in leadership in washington, perhaps in november, that is exactly what happens. time to pull taxpayer funding for that research if they continue to do this nonsense. you are a treasure. that is it for us tonight, thank you for watching, remember, it's america now and forever and jesse is next. >> jesse: welcome to jesse waters prime time. tonight... [ bleep ]
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[♪♪] [♪♪] >> jesse: the real reason congress is banning tiktok. >> where are you guys moving these kids to in this black car? >> oh my god. >> jesse: joe biden's child trafficking scheme exposed. >> goodbye bro. >> if you could describe what his prison experience might be, you think milani will bring stuff into the prison for him? >> reporter: the liberal fantasy of locking up trump keeps crashing down. plus... >> that's what christopher columbus brought with him, alcohol, satan and jesus with him. [♪♪] [♪♪] >> jesse: it was 1987, a bright and sunny day in washington, dc and the steps of capitol hill look like a punk rock concert.
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when members of congress began sledgehammer inc. boomboxes. >> does the punishment fit the crime? after all, many companies including american firms have been found selling equipment to the russians and members of congress aren't smashing their products. the second question however maybe even more to the point, do we have more to lose then win by making an example, maybe even a scapegoat, of toshiba? >> jesse: the toshiba scandal rocked washington after the japanese tech giant was accused of selling electronics to the soviets but washington's rage got results. while congress smashed toshiba's stereos, a major chip war was breaking out between the united states and japan and we were losing. bipartisan congressional majorities then voted to ban toshiba products for two years, crippling japan's foreign revenues and launching ibm ahead in the chip race. this was the beginning of big, and the american intelligence
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community was the biggest beneficiary. today, congress is in a data war the more data you own, the more power you have. in an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote, that hellscape tiktok, a chinese company, an ultimatum. china must sell the company to americans for face a total ban. since over half of adults use tiktok and millions of young americans would rather give up their right to vote then give up the social media app, nancy pelosi had to be very clear. >> this is not a ban on tiktok. i'm a grandmother of teenagers, i understand the entertainment value, the educational value, communication value, the business value for some business owners. this is not an attempt to ban tiktok, it's an attempt to make tiktok better. tic-tac-toe, a winner. >> jesse: guarantee polly p will buy a piece of tiktok but what did she mean when she says this will make tiktok better?
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and why are young americans so obsessed? tiktok turns anyone starving for attention into a star. the weirder the better. >> what's that? you want some? >> do you think i'm beautiful? >> yes, i do. >> jesse: you are thinking, why do i care? i'm not on the app, let the freak speed freaks. well there are 150 million american freaks on tiktok including me. and the chinese can use it to spy on us. the app doesn't even have to be open on your phone. once it's downloaded, it invades your privacy, alexa bliss keystroke, google search, financial purchase, trip, phone call, grabs it all. if the chinese military demands it, they can get it.
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it's not just for spying on individuals, the chinese government vacuums up huge tranches of americans personal data and exploits it to damage our brains. you saw the videos. and diminish our national power. this is cyber psychological warfare. you are probably asking, well when did the u.s. government start caring about chinese spying? we don't even pop their balloons. they've stolen our been fired for decades, they are sleeping with our politicians, bribing them, posing as their show first. if tiktok is a national security risk, why does the president use it? >> president joe biden: the roman empire is the roman empire. it's over there. >> i'm always happy to be made fun of by america's most-watched late-night host. if he won't do it, you are fine to. >> jesse: it seems like biden doesn't mind using a chinese by up to stay in power, he just wants to become an american spy app. you know, like the way the government uses facebook. hey zuckerberg, the laptop is
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fake, shut it down. yes sir. you can't do that when china owns the app but when the americans only apt, you can. some members of congress who voted no believe we are giving the president the power of a dictator. >> it's dangerous to give the president that kind of power, to give him the power to decide what americans can see on their phones and their computers, to give him that sort of discretion we also think is dangerous. the bill is written so broadly that the president could abuse that discretion and include other companies that aren't just social media companies and that art, you know, as some people would believe, controlled by foreign adversaries. >> jesse: the patriot act after 9/11 made sense, to monitor and disrupt terrorist activity online, but there is a catch. every time you give the government more power, they abuse it. just ask the trump campaign. >> never forget that the united states government also was the one that provided the rush a
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hoax to americans. it also worked to ban americans free speech -- russian hoax -- it also has worked in so many ways to illegally spy on americans. this is really about and trolling americans data and if we cared about americans data, then we would stop the sale of americans data universally. not just with china. >> jesse: the government lost control of twitter when elon musk bought it. they still have facebook so tiktok needs to be wrought back into the american orbit. it's an election year of course, the bureau and the agency need platforms to run disinformation campaigns and censorship so they have to force a sale to the americans or ban it. and the american team who buys tiktok will pick up the phone whenever the white house, the fbi or cia calls here,, they will probably have former intel guys on the board, back during
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an interfering. the second american -- america owns tiktok, it won't be the same. pelosi says it will be better which means instead of the app being open season for chinese intelligence, it will be open season for american intelligence, which is the lesser of two evils. i'd rather be manipulated by my own country than a foreign country that wants a soul dead, but i should not have to be this cynical. all of these big tech apps sell our private data, sell it to the chinese, the cia, in the scam artists anyway. they rewire our brains for profit, keep us distracted and buying and compliant. so congress can't plant it's like and say yeah, we stood up against the chinese, don't worry americans, we own tiktok now, you are safe. maybe safe from china but not safe from you. we have a constitutional duty to have a convention for the internet to establish a digital bill of rights, right? to stop these predatory agencies
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from lying to us, piercing our privacy and commoditizing our lives. this tiktok bill ban goes to the senate next. let's bring in senator lindsey graham. how are you going to vote on this? >> that's a really good question. i want to divest the chinese communist party from our data. that's going to require american sale so i'm saying yes, but here's the problem, if you shut down tiktok and there's no competition for meta and facebook and google, they become the most dominant force in america so i would like to have somebody in the conservative world by tiktok. >> jesse: can the u.s. government create the investor group that is going to be buying tiktok? >> no. so here's what i worry about. i worry that the chinese probably won't sell it. what are we worried about? the data is in texas under the
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control of oracle, an american company. the algorithms are controlled in china by the chinese, you know, bad guys over there, so the algorithms allow them to use our data, potentially against us. if you had an american owned company that had the data and also the algorithms, he would solve the problem. >> jesse: but it -- what if it's not a patriotic conservative guy like elon musk? what its of another guy who's friends with biden get that's this investor group together and they buy it in the next thing you know it turns into another app that they used to censor americans before an election? bean-mac that's why we should be allowed to sue these people when we are harmed but right now if something happens, regarding you and your family and social media, you can't take them to court. if you think they are censoring your data, if you think they are knocking you off the app because you are a conservative, there's nobody to go to to complain so what i want to do, i want to open up the american courtroom to the american consumer so they
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can soothe these social media companies like they could any other company if you feel like you are wrong. >> jesse: i love that idea but do you think that will ever pass congress? these guys have an army of lobbyists taking you guys out to dinner and golf every day. >> yeah, well i go to golf with trump and that's a better deal for me. but the bottom line is, this is the most important decision we will make as a country. google, facebook determine what you see and how you see it, they have a tremendous ability to shut down information. you saw that in the last election. i hope somebody in the conservative world buys tiktok but every american should have the ability to complain if they are wronged. so if some of these social media sites take down your content, shut you out as a person, i want you to be able to go to court or some agency and say i was wrong to i want some relief. this is my reason for living, is to open up the social media sites to lawsuits by american consumers. you literally cannot sue these people no matter what they do to
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you because of section 230. >> jesse: so let's just not let all of your compatriots in the house and the senate get greased by these deep-pocketed lobbyists and stand up and do the right thing. >> i gave every penny back from social media companies. i know exactly what you are saying. we are going to kick their [ bleep ]. they are people being bullied, sexually exploited on the social media sites, parents are losing control of their children and there's not a [ bleep ] thing you can do about it now, but you should be able to sue. >> jesse: they are very powerful and they have the agency and bureau right in their pocket. we have to stop it. congressman, you are not a congressman. senator, i just gave you a demotion. lindsey graham, thank you is always. >> thank you. >> jesse: democrats confronted on capitol hill. [♪♪] [♪♪] file 100% free with turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at
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[♪♪] [♪♪] >> jesse: joe biden apologize this weekend, not to reilly's family forgetting her name wrong or for letting the illegal migrant who called her -- into the country. >> do you think it was appropriate for the president to use the term "illegal" in the state of the union address? >> i'm glad he did. >> why is it wrong for someone to call someone who entered the country illegally an illegal immigrant. >> because it's classifying the human being and no human being is a legal. >> you think the president should have used the term illegal in his state of the union address? >> do you think it was appropriate for the president to use the term illegal in the state of the union? >> no, and he addressed that bean-mac why not. why is that term bad? >> not accurate to use the term illegal to describe someone who
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entered the country illegally? is that not accurate to call someone who entered the country illegally an illegal immigrant? >> have a great day. >> jesse: there's a lot that doesn't make sense about the border but what really puzzles primetime is why does jeffrey epstein seam to be giggling in his grave? we are told that somehow kids hike thousands of miles through dangerous deserts and jungles all by themselves. obviously that's not true, the cartels traffic. once they show up to the border, the government asks, do you know anybody here? if they say yes, they leave with a sponsor. sponsors are supposed to be family members but these kids are sometimes put back into the hands of child traffickers. over 85,000 migrant kids are missing. biden lost them and the party that claims they care about kids does not care. what if the kid says they don't know anybody here? they are being dumped into our foster care system, the most dangerous place on earth.
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thousands of foster kids go missing and are never found. did you know that more than half of child sex trafficking cases involve kids from foster care? foster care is a big business. these organizations reagan been -- billions from the government. we need to know more about what's going on so reporters that mud raker decided to follow the pipeline that pumps migrant kids into a foster care system that's riddled with pedophiles. it starts in texas. >> where are you guys moving the kids to? >> none of your business. >> where are you guys moving the kids to? >> none of your business. >> do you guys have paperwork? >> don't worry about it. >> i am worried about it. what if these kids go missing? you proud of what you are doing here? pretty wild man. >> jesse: once the children landed new york government contractors and shady -- in skate -- 80 black bands scooped
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them. >> where are you moving the kids to? where are you guys moving the kids to? hey, where are you guys moving the kids to in this black car? where are the kids going? >> what did they tell you? >> they won't tell me anything, he's telling me to roll up the window. where are you taking these kids? it will look real bad if you roll up the window. where are you taking the kids? >> hudy work for work for? >> i main independent news reporter. where are you going? >> where are you taking these kids to? >> sorry. >> oh my god. >> jesse: than the migrant kids get driven to government funded foster care after the sun goes down but you are not allowed to see what happens next. >> what's going on? don't touch me, don't touch me dude.
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>> can you go? you are asked to leave. >> don't touch me. >> nobody is touching you. >> goodbye. >> why are you getting in my face. >> goodbye, bro. >> there are kids in that car, what's going on? >> i can't tell you that information. >> why are you guys driving these kids around? >> i can't tell you no information. >> is this legal? >> i can't tell you no information, this is private property. >> i will get off the property but i will have to call the police. >> jesse: three of the foster care homes the migrants were sent to are dealing with serious sexual assault allegations dating back decades. but they are still getting hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars. anthony rubin is the reporter who uncovered all of this and founder of muckraker. great job. what is the government up to here? >> well you have half a million
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children have -- who have come over the order unaccompanied since joe biden became president of the united states and what will you do with them? let them loose in the streets? we will be like the country of india. there's really no good solution but the solution is to load these kids into black bands after their "sponsors" have been vetted. it's not really a vetting procedure. a lot of times they are dropped into the hands of traffickers and driven across the country and dropped off at these homes and 85,000 have gone missing and that's what's going on. there's no good answer when you have half a million kids over the border. >> jesse: they are being paired up with either fake sponsors who are child sex traffickers or take into foster care facilities with long recorded histories of pedophilia and sexually exploit eight of behavior. why does the government continue to fund this operation? >> because they don't have a
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choice. what else are they going to do with all these kids that are coming across the border? there's nothing else they can do with them. and i want to say that people need to understand how shady this operation is, how shady this vetting procedure is. when they come across they come across with a note that says i'm going to this address, here's the number, here's the person i'm going to. within 72 hours, border patrol hands these kids over to the department of health and human services, the office of refugee resettlement. they try to see if this is really the parent or guardian or relative of this child. there have been instances, one such instance is there was a person who worked for owe rr who reported a case of human trafficking to a government hotline because the superiors were not doing anything about it and they were fired for doing so if you can believe that. >> jesse: so it looks like the government is covering this up and you ask me what else is the government going to do about it? they started this pipeline, they
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invited joe biden through his words and actions. millions of people into the country. so they brought this into the country and they are continuing to feed these children into places that are ripe with sex traffickers. it's probably the most disturbing thing we've ever seen and no one is talking about it. what does that tell you? >> it tells me that the operation is incredibly shady and there's a reason why when, you know, i confront these people, you see what they due immediately, they put a mask on, they take their name badge and hided underneath their jacket, they tell the kids to turn away, don't look at the camera, don't answer. a lot of times the kids, this is not the first time i've confronted these so-called escorts. i confronted them a few months ago, people can find that video on my website, where i'm filming these people and the children look at me as if they want to talk and the escort gives them this horrible look and they looked down, they cower in fear,
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and that's what's going on. i can't give you all the answers but we can look at the body language in the way they operate to know that something isn't right. >> jesse: well thank you for getting under the hood of this, this is very disturbing, muckraker is doing a great job. thank you and continue to keep banging at this. anthony, great stuff. >> thank you sir. >> jesse: charges dropped for trump in georgia, next. [♪♪] [♪♪] my name's eric. i am 39 years old. i've started thinking about getting botox® cosmetic for the last couple of years. i just see myself on video calls all day and i really start noticing the lines. i'm still eric and i got botox® cosmetic. i'm seeing a lot less prominent lines than i did before, the results have been subtle but noticeable. botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crow's feet, and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing,
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[♪♪] [♪♪] >> jesse: the history of haiti isn't pretty. for hundreds of years the spanish and french maid at the epicenter of the atlantic slave trade. until 1791 when the slaves were -- revolted and overthrew the french in a bloody coup. the haitians won their freedom and establish the only nation in the world born from a slave revolt. but sadly prosperity did not follow. in 1825, france got it's revenge, tricking haiti into taking out high interest loan
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that has crippled the country financially for the next hundred and 50 years. what followed was a revolving door of corrupt leadership and natural disasters and voilà, a country constantly teetering on the edge of hell. but if you listen to hollywood a few years ago, he would have thought that haiti was a caribbean paradise that has always been great. it had to be true. it was on a t-shirt. but haiti was not great then and is not great now. it's a living nightmare. prisons are empty, dead bodies litter the polluted streets and savage gangs patrol the alleyways. the prime minister resigned and has led to puerto rico. a warlord who goes by barbecue, because he likes burning the bodies of his enemies, has claimed full control over the capital, port-au-prince. biden to floyd marines to protect their embassy. haiti is the size of vermont but home to about 11 million people and is just about 800 miles from florida so if you want to leave, you have to take to the seas.
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the first free slave state is on the brink of collapse but it should not have been this way. since the 2010 earthquake, the state department poured nearly 6 billion into haiti. that money came with a promise of better schools and hospitals and a stronger police force but none of that happened because as you know, foreign catastrophes nor a boondoggle or stream. a lot of the cash for haiti made its way to the pockets of corrupt local politicians, government contractors and of course the clintons. >> why don't you give back the money? i think it would be a great gesture because you take a look at the people of haiti, i was in little haiti the other day in florida and i want to tell you, they hate the clintons the cause what has happened in haiti with the clinton foundation is a disgrace and you know it and they know it and everybody knows it. >> jesse: but not all of that money mete -- money magically disappeared. some of the funds made their way into haitian dei programs.
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[ laughter ] >> jesse: we forced the haitian police to be more gender inclusive. now all the cops, both men and women, are deserting so they don't get barbecued. but don't worry, joe biden has a plan. and it's the exact same plan he's always had. spend more money. how much? just a half-billion. >> there are several different types, 33 million announced yesterday in humanitarian assistance, on top of that, $300 million that we have announced in support for the multinational security support mission. 200 million of that comes from the pentagon, it will come in the form of equipment and other logistic support and they can speak to that. and then $100 million will come from the state department that we've been in consultation with congress about. >> jesse: 100 million hair, 50 million here. the american taxpayer will spend millions of dollars turning haiti back into a democracy by paying defense contractors and politically connected
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nonprofits? how will that help inflation? and how did haiti lose democracy anyway? we have a call into the cia but we haven't heard back. the media went into overdrive after joe biden's very loud state of the union, declaring the speech a victory that would relaunch his campaign well that did not happen. joe got 0 pounds from the speech. zero. who would have predicted that americans did not like being screamed at by him and who won't fix the problems he started? democrats are back to bedwetting and the only thing keeping hope alive for trump's court cases but even that ship is taking on water. today in the georgia election interference, fulton county judge scott mcafee quashed six key charges against trump and co., ruling that they were fatally flawed. and will decide soon on whether he will dq fani and loverboy. jimmy kimmel scratched his age last night, interviewed a group
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of ex-cons to visualize what life would be like for trump in prison. >> i think he will fit right in. >> you do? >> yeah has he's dealing with politics, the democratic party and the republican party. but now you are dealing with mexicans, blocks, whites and asians. >> you are talking about these racial divisions in prison. what would donald trump -- what group would he be in? is there an orange? >> i think a big black man would go ahead and take him under his wing. >> you think milani will bring stuff into the prison for him? >> i think you will go to visitation and say you need to bring back that phone, there's only one place to put it up, right? >> the phone? >> yeah, gotta get the charger in too so. >> jesse: i'm old enough to remember when lock her up chance were treated like hate speech. but it looks like little jimmy
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has a fetish for jail play. >> a everybody, it's me, donald trump. >> i've got the knife, don't talk to police. >> okay. i can't talk to you anymore. give me a kiss. >> grabbed my pepper spray. >> i love your flesh colored underwear. and what are you doing over here? >> kicking your [ bleep ]. >> everybody get down. >> it down on the floor, inmate. >> but i can't get back up. >> jesse: no dolls, no straws, no soup. radio talkshow host tommy joins me. what's going on here? >> it seems like well first off talking about joe biden, there's a movie that comes to mind. failure to launch. that's what happened after that speech. but if you listen to jimmy kimmel doesn't it sound like these guys have some kind of weird fetish where they are sexualizing jail and sexualizing donald trump? on my show i like to talk about it when people call in and they are upset with me but they can't really explain it but they can't
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get enough of me and putting me in these types of situations. i call it sexual beef. it's not real beef, it sexual beef. i want to be with you but i don't know how to say it so i will say it in some derogatory way about you doing it to someone else. >> jesse: so kimbal wants to be with trump? >> many of them do if you think about it. >> jesse: and he doesn't know how to go about expressing that except to play with dolls in prison? >> that's exactly what it is. and i want to just take a serious look at this for a second if we can. we would never allow things like this. it shows you where masculinity is in the united states now and how we don't respect it because if liberals say they love the people in jail like they say they do, one thing it seems like they don't do is protect them because when men are told they are going to jail, the first thing they say is that they will be sexually violated while they are there. i have a problem with this type of speech because we would never allow this to be said about a woman getting raped in jail, how we constantly say that men will
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be violated. >> jesse: we'll know if you go to jail you just transition into the opposite sex to get out of it. so that's what i'm doing, okay? you are going to call me jessica if i ever get locked up. >> will yeah, i'm gonna be like the guy who ice on the news the other week, that guy got three women pregnant. i was like well, i'm gonna turn into a woman and keep my member. >> jesse: hey guards, i'm hungry. [ laughter ] tommy, i will see you later. >> thank you jesse. >> jesse: don lemon is back on cnn. what? and what's going on with kate] middleton? [♪♪] [♪♪] from start to finish? try turbotax live full service. your full service expert, will do your taxes for you, as soon as today. plus, they'll only sign and file when they know it's 100% correct, and you're getting the best outcome possible. for a tax expert who will do your taxes from start to finish
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try turbotax live full service. visit today. brand power. helping you buy better. i'm franklin graham. i'm in jerusalem, israel, and i'm standing in front of what they call the garden tomb. an empty tomb, and many people believe that's where the body of jesus christ lay after he was crucified for our sins. but on the third day, god raised his son to life. that's our hope in this troubled world in which we live. our hope is in christ, a risen savior.
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have you ever trusted him as your savior? have you ever invited him into your heart? have you ever surrendered your life to him? if you haven't done it, do that right now. just pray this prayer. say, "god, i'm a sinner. "i'm sorry. forgive me. "i believe jesus, your son. "i want to invite him into my heart, "and trust him as my savior, and follow him as my lord "from this day forward. amen." if you prayed that prayer we've got some people that would like to talk to you, pray with you. so, call that number that's on the screen. do that right now. god bless you! thank you!
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[♪♪] [♪♪] >> jesse: has many of you remember, don lemon was fired from cnn, disappeared for a while and then reappeared on twitter. don lemon. announcing he was launching a new show on twitter and elon musk was going to partner with him. elon musk sat down with lemon for an interview to promote the partnership and then fired him on the very first day. i guess the interview did not go very well because don lemon ran to cnn of all places to tease
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what went down. here's a clip. >> hate speech on the platform is up. do you believe that x and you have some responsibility to moderate hate speech on the platform that you would not have to answer these questions from reporters about the great replacement theory? >> i don't have to answer these questions. >> as it relates to jewish people? >> i don't have to answer questions. the only reason i did this interview is because you are on x and i asked -- you asked for it. >> do you think you would not get in trouble or would not be criticized? >> i could care less. >> jesse: the whole thing was a little icy. >> you recently met with donald trump. what did you guys talk about? >> i was at a breakfast at a friends place and donald trump came by. that's it. >> what did you discuss? >> let's just say he did most of
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the talking. >> did he ask you for money? >> he did not. >> are you going to lone him money to help pay his legal bills? >> i'm not paying his legal bills in any way, shape, or form. >> did he ask for a donation? >> no. >> are you leaning towards anyone? >> no. leaning away from biden. >> jesse: charlie, have you ever been fired on the day you were hired? >> i actually have not. not yet. >> jesse: hopefully that never happens, but this was not a great start to the elon musk don lemon relationships. >> know it wasn't. you look at don lemon and the golden opportunity he was given. fired from cnn, abysmal ratings, no one wanted to hire him. elon musk has the power to blow up people's brands. he said we will give you a sponsored show, come on, speak your truth, whatever side of the argument you want to take, feel free. what's the first thing he does? he goes on there and disparages
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elon musk and x. it's kind of like, you know, and then he runs to cnn of course to do his first interview. it just reminds me of a student or a kid who goes off on their own and realizes they can't cut it and then runs back to live in their basement -- parents basement. >> jesse: it would be like the first time charlie was on "jesse watters primetime" and you just insulting me. >> i would never do that. >> jesse: right, you would pull a don lemon. >> and that's exactly what he did, he's finally being held accountable for the liberal garbage he's spewing, saying that people can't oppose illegal immigration because it's the same rhetoric that radical shooters use in their manifesto. this isn't the platform and the reason why that elon musk built at the way he did, he wants it based on fact and of course now don lemon has to realize that not everyone is going to agree with him. >> jesse: there is something even more controversial going on and i'm usually a heatseeking missile for controversy and even i cannot figure this out, charlie. kate middleton, who i believe is a princess, was just coming back
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from surgery, people had not seen her in a while and then she posted a photo of her with her children, and everyone is freaking out because it's photoshopped. listen. >> this whole thing is suspicious. where's kate middleton? multiple images were merged and this section of the image featuring her face was cut out and replaced. interesting. >> if she was okay, you know the royal family would say get on instagram live and say hey guys, your im, this is a live vo though, i'm fine. but they are not. >> what could be keeping her at home under constant care? what is this great health condition? is she even awake? is she in a coma? >> jesse: i don't believe she's in a coma. where is kate? is she okay? >> is trending on x and has been for days. no one really nose where she is because like you mentioned she had surgery in january and no one has seen her in person since. they've seen photos of her, doctored photos as it seems, but
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i just have to give credit to the internet sleuths because i stared at that photo for minutes when it first came out and i was like what are we looking for here? what is the doctoring going on? it wasn't until i read the article that i saw all the nuances that weren't supposed to be there. >> jesse: even after seeing all of the circles where all the things were, i still can't figure out what's doctored about that photo. >> there's some issues, i guess she's not wearing her wedding ring. i think down by the girl's arm in the red there's some type of gray peeking through in that space that should just be grass. >> jesse: well, no wedding ring. >> listen, i don't know what's going on but here's what we do know, the butler's have butler's in the royal family. no chance kate middleton is doing her own photo shopping, no chance. >> jesse: you heard it from charlie, it has to be true. >> speaker-04: series is continuing after the break. >> there are no redeemable qualities.
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he brought alcohol, satan and jesus with him. [♪♪] [♪♪]
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[♪♪] [♪♪] >> jesse: in our new "get it together" series, some of the people i interviewed for the book decided to come on tv and talk to us on prime time. today we are highlighting chapter 15 to talk to a statute toppling american indian. as you know, i'm a big advocate for keeping historical statues up, they symbolize our identity and what we've achieved but not everyone believes in this. mike is a part of the anishinaabe tribe, a father of four and a leader of the american indian movement. he became infamous for toppling the statue of christopher columbus in downtown minneapolis during the george boyd riots. let's bring in mike forcia. why do you hate america so much?
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>> because to me america was built on genocide, slavery and colonialism. and we have been through so much trauma and america does not even realize it, they don't know what we've been through. and i don't hate americans, i dislike this experiment, this failing experiment because one of your most important documents, it talks about how all men are created equal, your declaration of independence. and then when you get down to the bottom it says, the merciless savage indians. that's what they refer to us as, the merciless savage indians. >> jesse: you say that your declaration, your constitution. you are an american indian but
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you don't seem to believe you are an actual american. >> i'm anishinabek and my allegiance is to the anishinaabe nation and to the other first nation people of this country. that's where my allegiance lies. i do not not stand for the pledge of allegiance. we do not stand for that flag because that flag does not stand for us. >> jesse: mike, what do you believe gives you the right to topple our statues? >> well it's not our statues, gets that one in particular. i believe christopher columbus should never take up space in the public square. he's a rapist, a murderer and that's what i don't understand,'s why would you look up to this guy? i mean he got lost for heaven sakes. there are really no redeemable qualities of this guy. he brought alcohol, satan and jesus with him and those have done so much damage to our people. >> jesse: for toppling the
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statute the judge sentence you to teach about the american genocide to young schoolkids. i'm not sure if that judge had the best idea there. >> whenever i talk to anybody, regroup of people, the first thing i tell them is a message for the non-natives, a message for the white people, that you are not here -- were not here, you did not do it. i was not here and it did not happen to me, and we are not blaming them, but the animosity comes from the fact that they have it all. they already took it all and they are benefiting from the genocide, they are benefiting from what happened and me and my people are still suffering. we are still suffering from what happened and so i want to let them know that we do not blame white america. they were not here, but we need their assistants. assistance on getting some of this land back. >> jesse: while we may not agree on much, we appreciate mike from the anishinaabe tribe. we have lots of conversations just like this in "get it together" and i will be bringing
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you more of these throughout the week and next week and tomorrow we will talk to a prison reformer who wants to revolutionize jails. so go order your copy of "get it together" now because we have to beach the pope. the pope's book comes on the same day as mine. beat the pope. [♪♪] [♪♪] >> jesse: i feel a little conflicted about saying beat the pope. i don't have any personal animosity towards the pope. i'm sure his book is fine, probably not as funny or as deep or as philosophical as mine. and he doesn't have two shows to promote his book, he's probably not doing book signings in new jersey, florida and california, but that's fine. i'm sure a few people will enjoy it but i'm competitive and i don't want to be beaten by the pope or anybody. text message time. nat from west virginia, pelosi is going to make tiktok better? where can i by some shares? [ laughter ]
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>> summer from florida, why isn't aoc weeping over biden losing migrants? i don't know. the performance artist is just suddenly caught stage fright. tom from south carolina, the child trafficking story is the most disturbing thing i've seen on your show and that is saying something. i know. we showed a zebra being assassinated. leon from dallas north carolina, anthony ruben has more guts than anyone in congress. fox should hire that guy, he's tenacious. nisha from chicago, so biden took down corn pop but he's paying of barbecue. got it. down from michigan, i think you and the pope should have a book signing together, it will probably help >> ♪ ♪
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>> sean:me


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