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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  March 14, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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everyone, i am laura ingraham, and this is the "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. china and the fanatics, this is the "angle" tonight. i wonder whaabt thoue leaders oe chinese party think about the theopagebate in united states? after brilliantly deploying propaganda and spying operation inside the u.s., they must be pleasantly surprised to see bipartisan support to help them protect it. >> yes, justrm, like avery'st social media platform there isie privacy concerns and it is goi important we don't treat tiktok different than other platforms. if we address this issue, we have to take the same approach o see some media platforms. we can't just go out one periods be when we most certainly can and should. i when our national security and t our election integrity is at stake, we must act to protect our country.ensi for decades we are trying to c hiprevent this transfer of technology to our adversaries in
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china, iran, north korea, russia, so on. it is so bad with china that all g7 foreign ministers pledgedc actions to counter china's use of economic coercion to extract sensitive technologyes tseo gros own military, essentially what happens is china says, "if you want access to our capital markets, you want to give access to our data."ance with" with tiktok owned by the ccp bytedance, they don't even d have to ask, they just take peer the house bill that passed toda, by a vote 352-65, wow, it will force tiktok to divest itselfas for alonl the obvious reasons. pro to get a congressman knowini that they are effectively helping the ccp ignore the truth that it's not even a ban. >> i don't like vans on speech, look, i don't like the republican book bands come i bod
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don't like the bams that they've t on bodies. >> laura: bans. >> the bill was jammed through foe ser one reason, it is a ban. we are hopeful the senate will consider the facts, listen to constituents and realize the impact on the economy,serv 170 million americans who use our services. as if china that unleashed the covid virus on the united states and persecutes its discontents g americant helpin small businesses, give me a break! and i'm wearing red tonight. all bytedance needs to do is fend off tiktok, but it refuses. why? we know why.ican of course, china doesn't allow the american version of tiktok to operate over there. what would happen if a u.s. affiliated company tried to set
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up a pro-u.s. propaganda stream in china?pr pray tell. it would be a violation of the first amendment. >> let's not violate the first amendment but it focusesco on conduct, not content.rsar it requires being controlled by an adversary and conduct that itself is espionage. we have taken it to the carrier level, china mobile, chinaed b telecom connect into our networks.tion they are controlled by the ccpak and national security threat. we now need to take action at the application level when malign ccp control has been demonstrated less we render meaningless past actions to her protect the united states of america. >> laura: hear, hear was, i was standing up and cheering him at that here the arguments against it got more, let's say, creative, i would say, as the health debate were on. >> if we wanted to be serious about stopping china, we would
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stop from buying u.s. farmland. and we would raise up our american energy independent. if we cared about americans data, we would stop the sale of americans data. not just china. >> laura: farmland? i could lose a thought, god bless her.s white is that it so hard for some to grasp china is a unique threat to the united states? because we don't stop all commerce with china and we don't do this? >> we had millions of kids: congress and some threatening suicide and in other case person aiding a congressman son? this is a previeo usw of what cn happen if thsse filmic ccp wantd to prevent congress from actingo they on a debate over chiauthorizing force to defend taiwan o r removing china's permanent relations status.of the propaganda is too immense tn
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allow one of our former adversaries to have this controe over what is increasingly becoming the dominant news platform.form >> laura: bingo, i wish youreti weren't retiring. meanwhile the biden campaign is putting out tiktok videos makinp fun of speaker johnson. >> and distinct indistinct. >> laura: tiktok is making interesting bedfellows along the way. for the first time perhaps everd the squad is on the same side as donald trump who himself islo skeptical of at congressional action. >> there were a lot of people in tiktok that live it. there are a young kids on tiktoi who will gtho crazy without it.b without tiktok, you can make facebook bigger. i consider facebook to be ang enemy of the people. pre >> laura: i understand whatha he's saying, but does president trump really think that tiktok in the end is going to be fair to him? that china wants trump back in
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the white house? well, wild if so, but it is really beside the point. it is a nationalook, security imperative. but look when you become o addicted to something of addicted to tiktok, that is the last thing on your mind, like duh! >> i don't buy into the whole conspiracy thing like we are being spied on. a lot of conservatives are concerned about free speech, and now there is this major channelt that allows people to express t themselves freely at they wantco to take it away. in>> do you think the chinese communist party's party is fighting through it?n't >> i don't think so.if i don't think they are. >> i would hope not.on't i don't know how much valuable i information they will get from it.rity >> i don't know how much of a security threat it is because tiktok users will be like my demographic, just going on and having fun and [bleep] >> laura: and [bleep]
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, the app works perfectly. you almost can't blame the kids, right? critical thinking has taken a hit overtime. and celebrities love it, they are kind of fun, biden uses it it is fun to laugh at. trump is defending it. the fact that tiktok is fun t overrides everything else. >> i used tiktok like all day, al l the time. i am addicted to tiktok. i feel like when i'm not using it, i'm talking about what i saw on tiktok. but i really like it for it is funny and it is good to too fa discover new songs and use it. s i am big into fashion and tiktok, like i get so many different ideas and i like posting my outfits. in other peoples outfits. so i love tiktok. >> laura: well, enough said to come at the ccp knew exactly what it was doing when it's tecr brainiacs set up and planted ite united states. the cooking videos, celebrity
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gossips, health tips, comedy sketches are a genius wa.y to draw u s all in. but that is not what china cares about. they want their system to dominate ours. and this is one key weapon inft the information warswa deployede through software tweaking whenever they see fit. that is the algorithm. this is wife china's bytedancee is spending so heavy onent lobbying. check out the most recent data we could find from .ion bytedance spent a stunning $17.7 million on lobbying. lord knows so much they spent this year, but they have hired some familiar faces to stop this tiktok bill from passing the senate. so will senate republicans go the way of swell well, ilhan omar and the ccp? or will they vote for what is pragmatic here, to keep the app as long as it cuts the pipeline back to the ccp?mmon seems common sense to me.
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and that is "the angle." joining me now fcc commissionerg brendan clark who fo ar years hs been warning about the dangers of tiktok. e aim at the tak theory that this applies to all social media platforms, explained the spirits becauseha there is a lot of concern on th right when congress does some things these days because we hae been living that so long. my job aen ts a republican on tb fcc is to sound the alarm on anything that could be used for weaponization, not only doesth this bill not give that authority to the president medicinal rely on that alone but five layers of constraints put in here. her one commit cannot be used against any individual, two it only applies to entities thatig are controlled by a foreign adversary government come up which is just china, russia, iran, and north korea periods >> three commits not only controlled by a foreign entityan but finding of national security and additional process beyond that and the remedy is not a
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unilateral band but i do billinvestment. so this is a very targeted bill, smart legislation. >> laura: it's not like you can just talk to we will censor conservative peer that is not how the system was ever set up, but you understand why conservatives think wait a second, especially after what wahe ls done to donald trump ine last election. apwe saw theon weaponization of social media platforms and iocia would say the collusion of some of the social media ceos against republicans in general. so i get it.ave >> you're absolutely right. there is a lot of work we still have to do with big tech.esid we need to reform section 230 which president trump has called for and prevent discrimination against conservatives. but you can't do that with a entity beholden to the ccp.go estiktok said to us no user datl goes back to china. chi turns out, this material shows everything is seen in they told us don't worry, we are not spying on americans. they now admitted, yes, theyn'
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were spying on americans. they then told us three, don't worry you caught us. we will get better and wellingil china off from the data and thau waras a lie, china had access tn the data.>> t >> laura: and the ccped responding to what went downti today. >> this legislation if signed into law will lead to a ban to tiktok in the united states. and they admit this is the goal. this bill gives more power to as handful of other social mediat f companies and will also takel bu billions of dollars out of the pockets of creators and small businesses. it will put more than 300,000 american jobs at risk and it will take away your tiktok.>> l we know how important tiktok is to all of you. >> laura: is ik t just me or aru the creepy tiktok at its getting to you?th i'm sorry, that weird thing they do. it all feels like we are in a hostage video with them. but look, he's really slick.he he withstood the slings and arrows on capitol hill.
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he is programmed and right out k of central casting. right today was a dated tiktok spent millions of dollars. >> laura: how much are they spending? that is the most recent data is last years. >> they paid many, many lobbyists to avoid today which is overwhelming inc. bipartisan vote in favor -- wha >> laura: how does the senate noow it affirm what the house ie done here? i know a different role than ths house, i get it, the passion con coolers saucers. but we have so little effect congress agrees on, this is nott a plan. how do people not see this at this point? >> i think it is good, senator schumer and senator cotton wrote the samee liver 2019 raising concerns wite tiktok and the odds are good in the senate. the democrats anat'sd republicai the senate are speaking in favor of the house bill and this is goods to see.s th >> laura: this is fantasticete news and i was on this with mike pompeo to say on the show, delete the app from your phone
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but not just tikto.k but maybe throw your phone away. commissioner carr, good to see you. crying wolf over in the fcc. last week i made a prediction about joe biden and guess what quest market just came true. i will explain it next. stay there. g.
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spray went they gave jailer rave reviews... >> they say on steroids, biden goes for the jugular. >> he ha td phrase years left hook. i >>t i thought he was fabulous. >> the president headed out of the park. he was brilliant. >> the issue with fitness last night with joe biden getting put to rest. >> laura: tell us, mitch. not only did biden get po state of the union bump, 538, 7.4%, the lowest point of his entire d hapresidency and in the approl column. if only someone could haves ou predicted this. we will see soon when real polling comes out but inch h the long term, i don't think the speech helped him at all. joining me now mollie hemingway editor of chief and chiefcorr political war correspondent for the fox examiner and fox news contributor's. who though at sending biden out
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there to get would be a good strategy but then again nobodyel has ever fired in g administration. >> no one was held responsibleg thbut praising that speech, that is what everybody was doing, in other media. it didn't take excellent punditry to see this was unbelievably bad state of the union speech. one of the worst that anyone had ever seen, so divisive, so angry, so mean towards people. if you were going to have e toto have a difficult job, they did have to have him out there andut perform for a while even if an eloquent speech to talk and hopeful ways, that would have helped him more than this speecd he gave. re>> laura: they want to double down on failure. they refused to change policies. mollie and i have talked about thisy re so many times. so instead, they replace that with anger and divisiveness and a sense of resentment ranjust through that speech, which i think that just doesn't go overh well with people they feel theyn have been hammered over the last
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three years. giv >> there were republicans in the room thas t night saying we wish the white house, something, stand up and agree and it looks like everybody is bipartisan and everything and biden didn't dori absolutely anything. but i do think the bigger explanation for his demeanor, they believed by yelling he would seem younger. he wouldn't seem quite as old. and it didn't work. and what you pointed out is, absolutely correct. when a speech like this happens, not that many people watched in terms of 337 million americans. >> laura: a small number. >> it takes a week to read about it, talk about it and now youlle see it didn't do any good. >> laura: mollie, a trusted source told me what despiteha kedecent movement at the rnc ana staff shake-up over there, there is still not really much in theg way of preparation to getetur mail-in ballots returned, registering people to vote, and overall legal strategy for, youg
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know come election time, given what may happen. >> these are different things. legal strategy is different than the male in valid strategy and all of it can be done through the rnc. but if people are waiting on thg rnc, now is way too late. >> laura: whergoe is iodt being down? idspeak with the democrats haveh done a good job of outside grou. republicansing re doing?he >> outside groups are working on it but they should be doing much more. any time you had a primary election or midterm election, they should be testing what works best in terms of mail-in ballots harvested. how did they get people on the permanent absentee list innumb pennsylvania or other places where you need to get the numbers to be able to narrow the gap between what democrats have done forge decades and securingi some of these voters and getting them brought into the mail and pallet process versus whatskep republicans. >> laura: i know president trump a lot of skepticism about mail-in ballots bu ft they are here to stay and
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democrat run jurisdictions, they are the facts so to win in those jurisdictions, you have to be in places people can't get to the, polls perhaps, rest homes from other areas, and democrats will make sure every person in an, retirement home is voting democrat, every single person. >> the model has to be if it is legal, do it. i think the president, president trump actually did to2 good of a job back in 2020 election and thin 2022 election and emphasizing election daynow. voting. >> laura: bank the votes, you20 have to bank the votes early.ta >> what happened in the 2020 election, trump was talking about big wave obankn election t o democrats bank milli millionss every single day up to the election. >> laura: mollie i f we look at pthe polling from these key states m, trump is up four poins in michigan, 1 in wisconsin and a lot of redistricting, six points arizona, biden holds less
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then 1% lead there which i think is good news in pennsylvania. but again, it's not much money you make, how much money you muc take home, right? it is not how much we have at a the polls but how many people vote. >> polling is e amera great indn where the american people actually are.ions election day or election votes are about these ballotn operations.eall so you can't think on just having really good poll numbers. i do think we should point out poll numbers are dramatically better than 2020.s go the last "washington post" poll in wisconsin said biden wouldu win by 17 points and he won by one point. so you see polls with trump upno in wisconsin, that isth significant but there is a long way to go nobody should behe counting they should be working hard especially in wisconsin where you have a lot of democratl th welfare being used to make that election less stable. >> laura: byron, do you think at this point given what you know and all the reporting you e rehave done, the republicans e learned some lessonsm th from te
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last election?ll, >> i think they have. first of all, donald trump is p doinolg better on this day -- >> laura: i'm talking aboutmber the machinery of he is doing fantastic! >> there werknowe a number of republicans whn o did see they t their clocks cleaned in a number of racesms. a going back and after 2018 midterms. there was a member of the house in california that saidi th harvesting is legal. we have got to do it. so, i think they have finally gotten this lesson. >> laura: grea t to see you both, mollie, byron, thank you so much. haiti has involved to chaos after violent gangs have takent over. what is biden doing? turns out your wallet might be a little lighter after they figure it out. congressman chip royng t and acg dfs chief what this means for the united states.
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>> laura: tonight gaps are running th >> laura: tonight, gangs arester running the troubled island country of haiti. the prime minister step down ana inmates are literally runningver the asylum there. play stations, government buildings all overrun and the prison door flown open peer anda an loading ramp it appeared law-abiding haitians are despere anh had worse these gangs havecn freed thousands inmates from some of the ste worst prisons ib country and police stations and government buildings at the same time they have been ransacked. a thug named barbecue said to be in charge of the chaos there. he placed according to the reports committee was prepared e with thentllianc devil to stay in power. so america spent billions over the years to prop up haiti after natural disasters and clues and failed coups all for naught. now, secretary of state antony blinken with all of his success said that we giv will be
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given domain giving $33 million in humanitarian assistance to haiti, to goarbe to barbecue? tax dollars to barbecue, we just want this week we are sending marines to protect the embassy and evacuate personnel. we counteded this marks the sixth embassy that the united states has been forced to evacuate under the promised steady home com leaderr of joe biden. and studies reported october 2022 to december 2023 biden's ccp grant of flight operationshe to 320,000 immigras using the ccp one app whileer abroad. 133,000 of these were haitians. 23 republican lawmakers asked the biden administration to terminate the program and demanded to know where the newcomers, that is what they are called now, newcomers, were sent. the biden administration won't say because the information they
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claim could be exploited by baub actors. that hisy ba e.u., by the way, the taxpayers are bad actors. we reached out to dhs for clarity but no response from f them. texas congressmangn chip roy and former acting dhs secretary under president trump, congressman, do you get thatioe sense the biden administration o is preparing to bring inra hundreds of thousands of e united states? >> good evening, laura, there is no question about it. you mentioned 133,000 nations. but i think what the american people don't understand the radical progressive democrats led by r biden, led by s alejandro mayorkas are releasing largpurpe numbers of people in e united states purposefully. in total violation of the law,um right? t using parole come asylum to mass release and i think the numberpe is somewhere between 4.5 million people. now yohis u see 133,000 from hai where you have broken games with cannibalistic -- >> laura: these are
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law-abiding people coming into untrthe country. dem >> this is the joke, right, democrats will go to the floor liked jim mcgovern, and theyn thwill say republicans on thisri now, why? of fake bill in the senateca. these progressive democrats want to remake this company and 50 million and dump a lot of folk gois and you want to know y venezuelans crime is going down? >> laura: we are the bestth thing that happened to venezuela.r th chad, what is the potentiale danger?e allowing these individuals that are common unvented and youpu don't know who they are. polling 300,000 -- >> laura: that. means leasing into the country. >> you are releasing them intoties america. or releaseer them into the s, mamerican communities.itie but hundreds of thousands of folks into american communities and they are not properly vetted and you don't know who they are. whether public safety threats, like we saw with lake an end nationalou security threats, you have an issue here.hese
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you can't continue to stay in these types of numbers and lau really understand who they are. >> laura: it is an invasion of america. you can't say that, why? it is an invasion of this america created by the administration.t testifying about the coming migrant crisis from haiti yesterday. numbwatch this. >> we have not yet seeouldn lare numbers and what we would characterize a>>s maritime mass immigration. >> we are alert to that possibility. i think yo wu are right, thele. driving conditions and 80 could. very well press more people. >> laura: hundreds off thousands of people. you might ass ar well have a ba, hundreds of thousands are cominn here. not reassuring. >> governor abbott in texas hass been responding anden governor desantis activated 250 law enforcement personnel, deal withuard to go what they will deal with now because of haitian boats coming there. we intercepted 24 yesterday. >> laura: chad said you canappe unlike the border where they can
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come in, what can happen whenuad you try to come in on america -p >> they can turn around and intercept on the sea and returne them back to haiti. >> laura: do you think this't coast guard under biden will do that? >> that is the t law, the lawert under which they we have seen them do it the last couple o havf years. it is different if you have aans mass migration, right, talking hundreds and lau thousands of b. that is a different issue. >> laura: to three of us have been on this immigration issue, u.n. official capacity but congressman roy for decades on what has happened on immigration. do you think many ways, this will eclipse even the economic nightmare that biden has created? fos lir the regular person out e who feels they can't get a break with all of these people beingsc waved in and they get to the i public schools, health care and all the rest, not that it is perfect when they come herehat' but they get a lot of manifest.t do you think that will almostng eclipsed the economy in some ways? >> i thinkna the polling indicas
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that nationwide. i can tell you we have ril democratic colleagues that will whisper to us,ey hey, lakin rily is essentially george floyd to us. i know they are feeling it in georgia because they saw whatth happened. let's be clear here directly as a result of the mass individualn through el el paso, released into this country went tokill new york, and killed lakenommi riley, that is the fact. >> laura: we don't know because they never like to actually give you the w information, the detainers are never lodged. we never know and they get guy circulated in and out of the city like this guy. >> a lot of the statistics and stats don't categorize the folk. as a legal?f you see the crime but you don't e illegal orkeer here in the u.s. legally or mayl be permanent resident and theho like.w mes it is very difficult to actually get the real stats how manyis i crimes are committed by illegal aliens. >> laura: and a family of killers, you have the duis,om
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brobberies, souls. thiso is passed down from brots to brother here. >> no question.ut when talking about this, thist case with laken riley's killer but also engage 2-year-old killed in mcgovern county. virginia isrthern teaming and montgomery county, ms-13 crawling around in the liberals of montgomery county, welcome men.ave i love spanish-speaking people and i love spanish but they havy no concern for the hardworking people of montgomery county who actually do the hard work every >> unfortunately, laken riley cases every day in the united states. >> laura: and when wayd. or another. >> this is happening. i'm glad her case has got thepl e attention and there will be congressional action in others but the american people have to understand it's not just happening in georgia but every community. >> and in texas, we spent $12.5 billion to deal with federal government to do what they are supposed to duke and a half a, million criminals,er t
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murderers, souls, et cetera people who are here illegally o. >> laura: they want to flipn wh texas, congressman, thank you. a missouri teen whose headedly slammed repeatedly into the ground during a fight, she is still in a coma while missouri attorney general bailey wants to get tougoinsh on this tina tuckr but how? he joins us next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> laura: of course, it is not just in haiti where we see out-of-control crime. american citiee s run by liberal mayorsl. with progressive d.a.s being overrun as well.e increasingly juveniles areal getting in on the act. here in the nation's capital, a 14-year-old and two 13-year-oldi facing charges after the policeb connected them to multipleof robberies and carjackings. officers say the victim wassi sitting in his car when two suspects walked up and carjackeh him at gunpoint. a third suspect assaulted the victim before all three drove away in the victim's car. in seattle, the police just released dashcam footage of a pursuit in december involvingg w two 14-year-olds and 16-year-old accused of carjackings several people while they claim to have a weapon.
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fortunately, officers there were able to arrest the threedisa suspects after deploying spike strips to disable the vehicle and chase the juveniles down on foot with the help of a canine. unit.wh so, we could do this all night long. why is it happening? it is a complex issue.. no fathers come in many cases, no role models and others, in some cases, no god but also, we have got to remember oftentimes no consequences. increasingly, there are calls to the church some of these teens as adults. consider the case of kayden holland, a.k.a. bay bk.k, >> 16-year-old kayden holland known as baby k, right now in custody in georgia on charges on attempted murder and trying to kill a student on board of a school bus.f prosecutors say he pointed a gun and pulled the trigger, but the gun jammed multiple times. in that case, bay bk is being charged as an adult but in that district he is wanted on a
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murder charge as a juvenile. >> laura: look, you want to do the big boy crime, you will en d up with big boy time, things we get right in this country. that is the message we need to o send to criminals, including young criminals. that is exactly what my next guesbrout is going for. out of missouri earlier thisre week involving 15-year-old girl who was seen here repeatedly smashing the classmates into the and not identifying where the suspect because both are minorsi joining me now is andrew bailey, missouri attorney general.susp andrea, you are calling for the 15-year-old suspect to be charged as an adult. f if the victim should die, heaven forbid, from her injuries, thate the charges should be upgradedu, to homicide? >> yeah, that is exactly right g but let me start by saying my thoughts and prayers go to theil victim in this matter who still is suffering in criticalfo condition inrg a hospital in
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st. louis. but let's not forget this attacd occurred 2:30 p.m. on a friday afternoon in t broad daylight oa public street near the school wher e these youth students andcker multiple youth involved. what we see in the video is an attacker who repeatedly bashes the victim's head into the hard pavement and has multiple opportunities to disengage from the fight but clearly intends t inflict serious physical injury. a youth of this age who commits an adult crime should be triedsr as an adult. the law is clear on this point, missouri the juvenile court has told a certification hearing on this matter.rett >> these kids are very sophisticated in many ways.lot they have seen a lot, especially online. a lot of it is bad. a gofundme page for the victimdo explains she was left alone on the ground to compose beforeca emts arrived on the scene. she was submitted to the local hospital in st. louis with aai skull fracture and frontal lobe damageblee. she has major brain bleeding and
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swelling and is in criticale kaylee is fighting hard to stay alive and heal. this is just, this is such a heartbreak on so many levels. you see this rage spilling out across america, especially in inned.a.r cities, especially wih the d.a.s don't give a -- you js know what about the consequence side of things. they are trying to help criminals get off. >> you are exactly right, laura. these children grew up in law los angeles, kim garner and st. louis who refused to prosecute and cori bush'slled district. this is a congresswoman shamefully called for the defunding of the police and then attend a school that has a history of promoting dei programs at the extent of uniformed police officers in the schools. the adults are pushingas a radil social agendas. at the cost is seen in thehe video, this heinous offense is
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disastrous consequences and the adults need to stand up and do w the right thing. we need to hold wrongdoers accountable and stop making j excuses to promote this culture of violence. >> laura: we understand that another attack took place not too far from where this attack took place. an individual was stabbed and actually died at the rosemary jennings jr. high school. no suspectats are in custody, bt the police are investigating that incident and says this does not appear to be random. again, another teenager dead from a stabbing in the st. louio area. >> when radical progressives have their way and push these rays know mike racially divisive policies or abusive prosecutablh isand deepening of the police, e disastrous consequence. we have got to hold the wrongdoers accountable. you are not doiny g the youth or community any favors by turning
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a blind eye. when you at this age commit adult crimes they need to be held accountable and charged as adults. >> laura: may be the adults needwe to have severe liability imposed as well. my next guest, he says he wasut fired by harvard for speaking out against covid lockdowns and fax mandates but you may remember him from covidco coverage, dr. martin kulldorffni takes on former employer next. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. now try mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops.
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>> this is a parent's.ildr transgender children need the type of bill senate 14 blocks. speak with the state coming into the living room of parents in making decisions. that is a problem here is but one pro trans fanatics fail ouri kids by so-called gender-affirming care. england wised up and banning puberty blockers. in norway, it stopped
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health care board revision to current clinical recommendations is awesome.on norway joins other europeans nations such as finland andsw sweden iedn introducing limits n the provision of this mutilating procedure to minors. so why hasn't america call on? even for progressive s in europe know the truth. former u.k. prime minister lose trust spoke out. >> it is incredibly damaging for young people before they areab able to make those decisions to take these drugs that are altering their bodies. this is a massive step forward in person that these drugs willp no longer be prescribed on the nationalh se health service. to be when you europe is taking action whileon america is sitting on he hr hans here. we need to step up before more damage to our children is done. so britain's oral awaken to the blockers in the puberty blockers but america sounds the alarm g from the gender fanaticism to the lies about covid are getting
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fired. the epidemiologist dr. martin kulldorff from our medicine cabinet and after years of chasing the truth, you just announce no longer a professor of medicine at harvard. dr. martin kulldorff is a geniu. and joins me now., whdr. k, great to see you. what is the reason harvard university fired you? >> a? disagreement about equine n acimmunity. in 4:30 bc that it can have effects on your immunity and despite that, harvard and the harvard hospitals were mandatinr vaccines for all its members. and that is both unscientific d unand unethical because let's assume it was the best vaccine ever, but it wasn't, but let's o assume that pure do you wanteded people who needed to get the vaccine and not people who don't
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because they already have the protection from prior covid infection. >> laura: also, cost-benefits, analysis, the pros and the cons, you're the expert here, but if you have .0001% chance of seriously getting ill from a virus. yet, you takyoe relatively an experimental drug that doesn't prevent transmission or getting a virus, then why is this even a question that it shouldn't be mandated? >> well, the children and young adults, the risk of dying was always dying from covid was t minuscule and still is pure there was never a reason to vaccinate children, for example. >> laura: just like with theth puberty blockers, they backedrom away from that.ey they seem to be ahead of us on that, dr. kulldorff. f we reached out to harvard for a statement and they said in part,
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"dr. kulldorff are employed by the affiliates and not harvard medical school part and require an mai active hospital appointment to maintain academic appointment ae harvard." dr. comeaux he reached out to mass general hospital but saidne terminated in november 2021? what reason were youwere given > >> no, this was the reason. the harvard medical school kept me on leave for two years. that ended a few months ago. >> laura: and permanent. your leave isn't does this surprise you? do you feel like w ye are living in an alternate universe here with basic facts of epidemiology and virology completely thrown out thowe window in the study of covid? if u.s. me four yearso, ago, yes, you would haveme surprised me, but no longer
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unfortunately. but th e problem is if you want to have scientific progress andh hope the scientific community,ao you have to allow open discussions about scientific matters. thatand that hasn't been the ca. i mean, the taxpayers arers spending $1 million every year on research as mass general program only.and and i think that taxpayers demand if they spend money and demand academic feedback withicf open discussions or scientific topics with cancellations. >> laura: dr. kulldorff, ichan hope with the change of leadership in washington perhaps in november, that is exactly what time to pull taxpayer funding i they continue to do this nonsense. you are a treasure pair that is it for us tonight. thank you for watching and it is america now and forever and jesse is next.


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