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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  March 14, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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special day: >> takes that club up and out a little bit of a hold off fade with a wedge. this could be really good. lookout. look out. rolls it in for the. >> ryan fox only needed one on the 17th hole. home of the players championship. it's the famous island green and you see that becomes 14th golfer to record in the history. we'll learn whether the lead prosecutor former president trump in georgia will remain on the team. thanks for inviting news your home tonight. that's it for this "special report." a little bit different tonight but still, fair, balanced and unafraid. "the ingraham angle" starts right now. ♪ >> good evening, everyone, i'm
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laura ingraham. this is the ingraham angle. thank you so much for being with us. tonight, what happens when rats are backed out on weed? tv star billy the exterminator is here on how to protect your family, believe it or not. but, first, they are coming to america. that's the focus of tonight's angle. ♪ he made his agenda clear back in 2019, no making migrants wait in mexico any longer. the return of catch and release, open borders, and, of course, more refugees. >> i will reverse trump's detrimental asylum policies. raise our target for refugees to a level commensurate with our responsibility. i would order a review of the temporary protective status to vulnerable populations who ripped apart by violence and disasters, including venezuelans and haitians. >> laura: and now almost five years later, because of biden's
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pro-migrant fanaticism, both countries, venezuela and haiti are using america as a dumping ground for their problems. venezuelan gangs like the notorious tren de aragua are flooding the border and committing horrific crimes here. and maduro, of course, are happy that they are someone else's problem now. tonight, a warning of a new wave and new dangers posed to americans because venezuela just released 100 more hardened criminals. according to one prominent miami immigration attorney, these are career criminals. these are prisoners where there is thugs and killers. these are not prisons where they house the political opposition. venezuela would never try the stuff if trump were president. >> and add to that the clasp of hacollapse of haiti and influx f
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haiti into florida. they want to turn florida blue. only way they do that not change any of their policies is by canceling out navin modern americans with as they call them newcomers. of course, biden folks will pretend that he is going to turn back the haitians who try to come by boat. >> i think you are right. >> that the driving conditions in haiti could very well press more people so we have recently approved some additional assistance that we can provide to the coast guard. i think that that has now fully been approved. we will be providing notifications if we haven't already to ship board assistance. >> let me stop you there. >> laura: what does that mean? we assist the nigers on our boats? yeah,well, okay. wait, we assist the migrants in the rio grande as well. they are all brought to shore. although it is true that the maritime rules make it easier to turn people away, i wouldn't put
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anything past the biden people when it comes to bringing people into this country. and when you think the fabulous job that antony blinken has done in ukraine, just imagine how he'll help haiti restore democracy. >> we need to see a transition to elections, to a return to a democratic national committee path. we now have $2 million coming from dod. another $100 million coming from the rest of the united states government. in support of the multi national security support mission. >> none of that money will be wasted. none of it. i'm sure. >> doesn't tony blinken always look like he lost his best friend by the way. these people couldn't evacuate from afghanistan they are going to restore democracy in haiti? money down a rat hole that we will have to borrow or print again. now, a real leader like glold governor ron stance protects his people first and certainly doesn't waste their hard earned money. he has put his border agents on
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high alert for refugees to try reach florida. that is good news, look, it's no coincidence that we're seeing chaos break out all across the globe when we have a weak debilitated president at home why would americans support throwing billions to other countries when they see our government sabotage our own country it, don't make sense. it's not that we don't have sympathy for haiti, of course we do. their problems are decades old. and our meddling has usually made things worse. >> we reach countries are produced a lot of food, sell it to poor countries and relieve them of the burden of producing their own foods. may have been good for some of my farmers in arkansas but it has not worked. i did that i have to live every day with the consequences of the lost capacity to produce a rice crop in haiti to feed those people. because of what i did. >> laura: later we forced unpopular president on haiti and what did that get us?
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well, what we're seeing in the streets there tonight. and, of course, a humanitarian catastrophe unfolding. yet, the american people are going to be asked to pay for. the fact is for a variety of reasons, haiti can't seem to get its act together. the people there suffer terribly and so america repeatedly tries to bail it out. it's an endless cycle. that frustrated then president trump who in 2018 reportedly referred to it as an s.-hole country. remember that that created a huge media firestorm at the time because liberals who don't hesitate for one second to mock traditional americans, christians, people of faith, will always jump to defend the third world. >> many people have long held this believe that it's just chaos in haiti, absolutely untrue. >> we made this hat for you. haiti is great already. >> laura: is it conan? really? maybe we should ask barbecue.
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and that's the angle. joining us now tulsi gabbard former hawaii congresswoman and fox news contributor tulsi for people who forgot or haven't been watching this carefully, this guy who calls himself barbecue claims to be running the show now in haiti. he is the head of the largest gang there and obviously by all accounts, it's a complete nightmare, 4,000 prisoners released from the worst prisons, roaming the street, regular people can't get food. so it's a horrific situation. but, you get the sense that we're about to be dragged into it big time. >> laura, you're exactly right. and, you get that sense because of the biden-harris administration's inaction. their inaction in this is, in fact, their action. it's part of this conscious effort to continue their open border policy letting anyone and everyone illegally come across
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our borders, which when you really look hard at what they are doing, they are engaging in a criminal enterprise, aiding and abetting many of these human trafficking cartels, and other groups, as we're seeing now come recently with the fbi recognizing that they're isis connected individuals running at our borders. the biden-harris administration is responsible for all of this. and their role in this entire operation essentially is to run interference for these multi billion dollars criminal enterprises with the cartels by doing things like cutting through the concern tina wire that governor abbott put up. creating entry ways and openings for people to illegally cross our border. so the humanitarian crisis. the hardship that people are facing this suffering is on their hands. >> tulsi, just like they don't
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care about the women being trafficked at the border or the folks in the inner city whose schools are being yowfer ever overcrowded or the people being, you know, assaulted in new york by migrant, they don't care about any of those people. they are all collateral damage in biden's america. and now, the state department, tulsi, when it comes to haiti, they are trying to reassure us that the tens of millions of dollars we have already sent there is all going to be monitored. watch out. >> there is $33 million that the secretary announced on monday in humanitarian assistance that we're providing to help alleviate the humanitarian situation on the ground. and we always have guardrails in place. we always have monitoring programs in place to ensure that that money is used effectively. >> laura: tulsi, when i think of the state department, i really think about monetary gawrbledz because we have never seen the state department waste money before in the history of the united states of america. come on. >> yeah. give me a break.
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the accountability. they will not allow us to have any accountability over the money that we're giving to ukraine, what to speak of other countries. secondly, you know, laura, they say all these fancy things and, you know, i think it's to try to either make themselves feel better or to make it look like they are doing something when, in fact, history tells a very different story. specifically as it relates to haiti. just within the biden-harris administration, they sent over 650 until of our taxpayer dollars to go and try to establish some kind of rule of law and help policing in the country and root out these violent gangs, well, look at the country now. where has that money gone? there is such a long history of corruption there. they are more concerned about looking like they are doing something, just like they are trying to claim now with our own borders than they are about actually solving any real problems. >> laura: tulsi, when you think about drawing the short end of the stick, if you're interested in working in the diplomatic
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core, imagine if you were confirmed today as the ambassador to haiti as dennis hankins was a vote of 99 to 1 or 89 to 1. yeah. so, they are send the marines to the embassy in port-au-prince and they already pulled out a nonessential or a essential personnel. forgive me for maybe not getting that right. they already pulled some personnel out. and this poor guy is having to go in and deal with this. couldn't he get france? poor guy. man. i guess nobody else wants it at this point. >> it's tough. it's tough. i think the most important bigger picture take away here is number one as you said the biden-harris doesn't care about people, they don't care about our borders. they are more concerned about looking good than actually doing good for the people. they have got to enter into the real world that the rest of us live in.
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and maybe, maybe then there may be some interest in solving problems, but they first have to actually want to solve problems and it's clear that they don't. >> laura: no. they want to bring as many people into the country as possible and i have a feeling there will be a lot of haitian individuals coming into the country. tulsi, it's always great to see you. thank you. the judge in president trump's docs case handed down a major ruling. you don't want to miss it, next. ♪ you
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♪ >> laura: now, when the biden team claims that trump is going to rule like a dictator if he is elected and take revenge out on his opponents, do they honestly have no clue as to how stupid and hypocritical they sound? >> if he is reelected, the former president has openly said he intends to weaponize the department of justice against his enemies. hour lawyer now, that was only about 12 hours later, that donald trump was back in court. forced to spend mother day off the campaign trail in front of a judge. his attorneys arguing for the dismissal of the criminal election interference case that numberthat never should have ben brought in the first case.
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courtesy of his political enemy of course. joe and kamala are foot loose and fancy free out barn storming the crucial swick states. meanwhile, in georgia, democrats are doing their best to avert a embarrassing collapse of the fani willis, her entire case. the judge is expected to rule at any moment as to whether or not they will take the load off, fanny or at least dismiss her from the trump case. joining me now to unpack all of this, i'm sorry, fani, i keep saying the wrong name. is david j. and jim trusty. i want to get to jim's take first on what took place in miami today in the classified docs case. judge aileen cannon has denied trump's motion to dismiss jim she said essentially the various phrases being contested as too
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vegas, you know, phrases like entitled to receive or related to the national defense, authorized persons, that there were too many outstanding legal questions for her to grant the motion to dismiss. do you agree with her ultimate finding there? >> i do somewhat and that might be surprising. the reason why she is taking a very incremental approach. scheduling toward resolution of discovery issues. that's what we are used to in federal courts what we want from our judges is to decide and right so what she did is she dismissed this without prejudice. jury instructions and decide if there is really a constitutional problem with the charges for vagueness. that's very difficult standard to meet in general. but the key thing i think today wasn't that it was that she keeps talking and asking questions ab selective prosecut. you mention weaponization.
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that's the real -- that's uphill battle normally, but here the way doj has treated president trump when it comes to mar-a-lago, that's a ripe issue that's going to land in her wheelhouse. big one. i don't think it was a bad day for president trump to lose one kind of nuances difficult constitutional issue for the time being. >> laura: yeah. watch david the trump. won the case today. a first year law student knows what -- how difficult it is to have a motion to dismiss granted when there's a dispute as to some of the underlying facts and she essentially wrote that resolution of the overall question presented depends too greatly on contested instructional questions about still fluctuating definitions of statutory terms and phrases as charged, et cetera. i think it was a very conservative ruling on her part. a lot of people want this to go away. i think this should go away.
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i think this is actually quite is smart of this judge in this case. >> i don't think this is a loss at all for president trump. i think jim is right that she handled it in the proper way. he has, in this case, unlike many other cases, some really serious arguments for dismissal. they are going to have to confront the mens rea element here, the mindset willfully in the context of the presidential records act. you know, a lot of the commentators want to say presidential records act has nothing to do with this case and so on. they are just wrong. if you look at the 2012 decision from army burman jackson in d.c. a real trump hater on which she said the statute is silent as to who has the right to designate instead insofar as it names the executive as the only person with the right to designate personal vs. presidential records while that person is in office. that goes if nothing else to the men's rye a as to whether president trump willfully violated the law and willfully means doing something was criminal. he had people telling him.
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people who should know telling him that he had the right to designate these as personal records. so that issue, i think the evan corcoran issue. these records judge howell in d.c. or turned over virtually wholesale fashion, despite the attorney-client privilege, i think that ought to lead to a dismissal. i think the grand jury was tainted by that evidence. many issues in this case. this wasn't a loss for president trump. >> laura: no. it's just hilarious to watch, especially nonlawyers, obviously we're all lawyers. but, it's not that complicated, really, when you boil it down to the facts. i just want to play one soundbite for you, jim, because this made me scream laughing. this was the media in mourning when they realized that some of the charges against trump were dropped in that georgia case. and then it ultimately kind of is foreboding for the future of fani willis. watch. >> i just wonder if he would go there. if he would dismiss charges if
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is he planning to throw out the case or remove it from fani willis to try to look on the bright side in many ways this potentially could streamline the case. having this conversation against the back drop of her potential gawnks. this could be, you know, sort of death by a thousand cuts. >> laura: jim, they are just trying to find any like little thread to kind of try to give some credibility, which is obviously a disaster of a case that was brought by ms. willis and her paramour. >> this may be watching the last few bubbles of the titanic on the way down when it comes to georgia. i think this judge did a very cerebral job of addressing a challenging motion. he had an elected district attorney perjuring herself in court. disrespectfully doing so. he kept his calm. he waded through the facts. is he wading through the legal issues. and the beauty of this one from president trump's perspective is
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if it's dismissed without prejudice, which is usually almost a pure rick victory for the defense because they go back to the grand jury and they charge it. if he dismisses it without prejudice and disqualification kicks in of the entire office which georgia says happens under the circumstances nobody is going to pick this thing up if they have any sense at all. no other d.a. is going to say let me jump into that morass and handle the same case. >> d.a., do you agree it's a dead cat bounce. >> it depends on who does the selecting at the end of the day. this judge is on to something with the charges that he dismissed his problem with him was one can't know how to defend against them because they are not specific enough. that's a real issue in the new york case. the new york case is a cockamamie felony by charging a misdemeanor to commit a target act grand jury never specified what that target act is is it to effect the election? was it for tax purposes?
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that can't be cured by a bill of particulars. i think that's fatally defective to the new york cases. i hope the lawyers will latch on to that. >> laura: fascinating the bootstrapping isn't going to work for them. david and jim, thanks so much. tiktok defenders out in full full force defending a false narrative. what is it about we will tell you. congressman tom cot at that point and mike gallagher here to crush the phony narratives, next. ♪ ( ♪ ) my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. i heard about relief factor from my wife.
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>> laura: 352 to 65. the full-time tally for the house bill to force china's sale of tiktok due to obvious national security concerns. but, in this rare and overwhelming moment of bipartisan, why the heck is senator chuck schumer not taking swift action to advance the legislation. asking questions if tiktok's claims are true that it's not controlled by the chinese
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communist party, why on earth is china so worked up about this? >> they keep talking about it. >> this kind of bullying behavior that cannot win in fair competition disrupts company's normal business activity, damages the contents of international investors in the investor environment and damages normal international economic and trade order. in the end, this will inevitably come back to bite the united states itself. >> laura: threatening us. huh, why? would they ever allow a pro-u.s. prop began da outlet to set up business in china? of course not. and spare us all the concern about the international order. we know what you do on trade. joining me now is senator tom cotton and congressman mike gallagher who sponsored the tiktok bill. let's start with you senator cotton. tiktok ceo spoke with fox's aishah hasnie this afternoon. watch. this there is a lot of misinformation out there and i intend to clarify it.
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i haven't heard exactly what we have done that's wrong. as you know, it is very disappointing for us that the bill passed in the house of representatives. you know, we looked at it, this is a bad bill. you know, in this form, if it's passed into law, this is a ban on our app. in this country. >> laura: well, senator, since he hails from a country that bans free speech and free exercise of religion, he should know that this is not a ban. but, the message is working with tiktok users who are all up in arms. >> well, the cho of tiktok is a communist stooge enriched himself to the chinese communist party. the tiktok legislation thats pad yesterday through the house, thanks to congressman gallagher and house republican leadership there should be taken up immediately next week in the senate by chuck schumer. the advocacy you talked about is a perfect example of it, laura. tiktok senting out push notices to the phones of millions of users asking them to push a button to call its congressman. what do you think would happen if say donald trump next year tried to impose tariffs on china
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or there is tension or even conflict over taiwan? of course tiktok is a tool of chinese communist prop began da and as you said china would never allow a pro-american news source in its country it. doesn't allow social media country companies country. we shouldn't allow tiktok to be owned by a chinese company dominated by chinese influence here. >> laura: congressman gallagher, the tiktok ceo hails from singapore. doesn't mean he is not a ccp stooge, he is. but, are you surprised that so many on the right are making the argument that this is just going to give the government the opportunity to ban conservative websites or other websites on protect turley grounds that we can't trust the government in this case even though it involves china?
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we crafted this bill so narrowly so it could not be used to give the executive branch authority to go after any individual in america on or about any american company. i guess it our social media companies are a wong disaster as well. this bill is about foreign adversary control of what is increasingly the dominant news platform in america. these people are arguing against a bill that does not exist. there is no authority in this bill that would allow the executive branch to go after an american company. the other lie that tiktok has been telling is that this is somehow about free speech. it is absolutely not. it is about foreign adversary control of a social media company and, therefore, the ability of a foreign adversary to inject dangerous prodigy into the minds of unless of americans. give credit to senator cotton at the forefront of illuminating the dangers imposed by ccp control of tiktok and we would
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not be where it were not for his leadership. >> laura: both of you have been absolutely phenomenal on the china issue for years. congressman gallagher, i can't believe you are retiring. i'm very depressed about that. i wish you weren't. but, senator cotton, we're even seeing this in our school systems. as you pointed out, i don't know if congressman gal gear you know 'about this website. is it which is a chinese based -- it's and being used by northern virginia public school systems. we find out it's essentially a chinese firm that is collecting all sorts of data. owned by the prim that vera capital group which is a chinese investment firm. >> it doesn't surprise me. >> laura: lawyer senator first and come back to congressman gallagher. >> yeah. it's owned by this group that close ties to the chinese communist party not just public
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schools, laura it's our own department of defense. i demanded answers from the department of defense recently. we haven't gotten satisfactory answers yet. i find it hard to imagine we are going to get satisfactory answers. why would our department of defense be using a chinese owned tutoring site for service members or families when it puts at risk the data and the privacy of all of our troops and their families? there's more than enough american tutoring was is that our own government, especially our own military should be using. we shouldn't be using one with close ties to chinese communists. >> laura: it also has ties, congressman gallagher, to bytedance. i mean, bytedance is everywhere, right? obviously extremely wealthy, powerful ccp connected company. but they have their paws connected with this firm as well. >> they absolutely do. and the core point about bytedance is that it is beholden to the chinese communist party. bytedance has had to apologize in the past for failing to
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follow appropriate political control from the ccp. they have had to hire thousands of sensors to control that they in the future follow that appropriate political control. and we also have major american investors who have billions on the line having invested in bytedance that are now using that money to lobby against any action in the house and the senate. they are weaponizing the dc swamp against us. which is why bee need to stand up against this and pass this legislation before it's too late. >> laura: yeah. drain the swamp. >> let's make it a reality. senator, congressman, thanks so much. all right, cash-strapped california's high speed fail. well, sucking taxpayers there dry. could it dom a town near you? well, if you follow this spending spend roma in california it could, next. ♪
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(crowd cheers) sore throat got your tongue? mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. uniquely formulated for rapid relief that lasts and lasts. that's my babyyy! -ow! get mucinex instasoothe. it's comeback season. i'm franklin graham. i'm in jerusalem, israel, and i'm standing in front of what they call the garden tomb. an empty tomb, and many people believe that's where the body of jesus christ lay after he was crucified for our sins. but on the third day, god raised his son to life. that's our hope in this troubled world in which we live. our hope is in christ, a risen savior. have you ever trusted him as your savior? have you ever invited him into your heart?
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have you ever surrendered your life to him? if you haven't done it, do that right now. just pray this prayer. say, "god, i'm a sinner. "i'm sorry. forgive me. "i believe jesus, your son. "i want to invite him into my heart, "and trust him as my savior, and follow him as my lord "from this day forward. amen." if you prayed that prayer we've got some people that would like to talk to you, pray with you. so, call that number that's on the screen. do that right now. god bless you! thank you!
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>> california high speed rail authorities, virtual reality look. >> oh. >> at what the inside of future high speed rail trains might look like when they start rolling in california. and it won't be long before virtual reality becomes the real deal. >> i would like it to be. >> travelers can buy a ticket to ride on high speed rail in california. >> laura: now, it looks like california's high speed trains will have to remain virtual a
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little longer. now, this boondoggle was first introduced in 2008 with the estimated cost jaw dropping at the time $33 billion. i remember covering it on the radio. it's now 2024 and there is no sign of it being done. and now they are asking for $100 billion more. this sounds like ukraine. joining me now is jason rantz, seattle talk radio host. jason, i swear this has been going on longer than 2008. i guess that was the beginning of the obama administration. it's like so he lynn drarks all these great projects. tell us how do californians put up with this? >> well, i remember because i'm from l.a. and i remember thinking as a child boy, i can't wait to take a three hour train ride to san francisco when i can take a flight for 90 minutes that only cost about $80. it never really made any sense what it was that they were pushing. yet, people still think this is going to be this amazing new type of technology, it's called
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a choo choo train and get from point a to point b in a weirdly long amount of time but we are calling did a bullet train so it sounds like it's going to be really fast. there is like this weird fascination, i think, with europe and asian countries and how they are able to do transit in a general sense. they are very good at what they do. we are not. we are just not good at these kinds of projects we really never have been with some rare exceptions. the larger the prompt, especially when you wait as long as they decided to wait in cearvelings it was always destined to fail. this just give us $100 million more. by the time this is actually. >> laura: 100 billion. it's a billion. >> a billion. it's $100 billion more. >> laura: for a second i thought that was a typo. >> unfortunately that's how much it is. >> laura: that's insane. >> we are throwing money at technology that is so, so, so old. we're going to have tele poor station by the time this thing is actually done. it doesn't make sense what they
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are doing here especially given the fact that california cities are falling apart. imagine what you can use the $100 billion or a fraction of that on. just put it into san francisco rather than take us to san francisco in a train city may not exist by the time it's done how poorly it's being run. >> i don't want to give a penny until they reform themselves. i'm not for giving mayors anything. london breed is a little better but not by much. california is also looking to try to rake in some extra cash by hiking up electricity prices already high. base it on annual salary. we saw this coming. people pulling in 28 to 69,000 will be charged up to $34 more a month. those making 69,000 to 180,000 could be charged an extra $73 a month and people over 180,000 --
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$128 a month. after a while that's real cash and living in california a lot of people even who make that good salary of 180,000 you have four kids, that's suddenly is not a lot of money in california even though it actually is. >> it really is getting out of control. we kind of saw it going down this road. but, keep in mind, this is of course not the only thing that is so expensive in california. this is just on top of literally everything else that is making the state incredibly unaffordable. now, they just started to stop seeing that exodus, that huge exodus that we have seen over the course of the last few years only to then maybe give more of a reason for people to live. the sad irony, of course, is that they are still not capable of handling the demand of power. even though they are going to be charging you a heck of a lot more for it. >> laura: jason, always wonderful to see you. thank you. all right. things have gotten so bad in biden's america that even the
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rats need to get high. billy the exterminator is here to explain. he has brought a few friends. plus, the high cost of meat leaving some americans to cut out the store completely. we are going to talk to one hunter who is doing just that, next. ♪
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>> cheap toughs that >> it's outrageous and that means that americans need to cut costs and they are going back to basics some of them peered joining me now is eva shockey was a hunter and an outdoor lifestyle influencer. love interviewing influencers and you've been hunting for quite some time.
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has it actually made a difference in your wallet? especially in the last couple of years when you hunt something that you end up butchering and consuming? >> absolutely. this is the lifestyle that i grew up with so i didn't understand how expensive meat was and that was back when i started hunting. now meet and groceries are so expensive. i was doing the math today and if you go into a grocery store. it's way more than we would like it to cost. say a steak is ten or $15. you can get a hunting license for under 50. if you get a deer it will serve your family for the whole fall. it's pretty incredible if you turn to the hunting lifestyle and realize how functional it is besides just being a great way of life. it actually is a huge cost savings to you and your family. >> you look like you would be an influencer for makeup or fashion
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i think most people see it, she is not a hunter. a lot of people knew that you were coming up and asked to meet does she butcher her own kills? do you? >> it really depends on the situation i went to live. i push that onto my husband a little bit more. remake summer -- summer sausage lip says i would say it's a little bit of a combination but i tried to do more with the kitchen side of it and the prepping side of it. >> i like that. let him do that part. now when young women here about hunting, i'm not a big country but i respected. they are afraid to. people are afraid. it's really back to nature. if you consume what you kill, that's the ultimate in conservation. if you're ultimately respecting the numbers and so forth as you
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must. >> absolutely. when i started hunting i came from a family of hunters. i did knot personally hunt until i went to university, looked at the grocery bill. i was a broke university kid thinking how my going to afford meat and that's when i started hunting. it really is something... we're not elmer fahd anymore. things have changed over the years. if you get a boat, you can target practice and spend time in the outdoors with your family. then if you want to take the next step to hunting to source your own food, you get to live that lifestyle as well when you think about it when you eat it. you appreciate the animal. there's no antibiotics. it's really a win-win. >> you have the bow there, is that the bow next to you? >> it is. it's actually named after me. it's from biotech.
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it's my favourite. >> that's pretty cool and it's a nice colour, he goes with your outfit. ava, agreed to see was always. hungry rats. there nothing new for police in new orleans, it's a different matter altogether. rats with a wicked case of the munchies. >> the uncleanliness is off the charts. people shouldn't have to come to ... major rodents on the floor, the cockroaches, the rats eating marijuana, they are all hi. >> wait a second. join me josh >> all right billy, are they slower, lazier and dumber? are they just hungry and happy?
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>> they are mammals just like us. thc has to be burned for it to take effect. they are just eating the raw weed but it won't get them hi. >> it seems like they are really worried about that though. i guess to humans, marijuana is quite tasty to the rats. >> also if it's coming out of where they keep their evidence, it could be messing up court cases and all kinds of stuff with the rats in there eating the evidence. >> how do you get rid of them? new york is constantly adding to its rat patrol. they don't have enough officers to stop criminals but they are adding to the rat patrol all the time. >> it takes three thanks for a successful rat infestation to get out of hand. that's food,...
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and water. if you have that they will be extremely difficult to get rid of. also, they can multiply faster than they can get them out of there. you are losing the battle every day. is a product called zine phosphide. they would have to close the station down for a day or two. when they put that out, i guarantee you every rat is going to die. all they have to do is touch it. all they have to do is walk on the dust and they are done. >> billy you were holding up the big snakes before we went to commercial break. first of all, those are fake obviously. >> they are real. >> take that off the screen. i thought it was fake. arm really scared of snakes,
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take that off. >> louisiana handcuffs! >> wait a second, don't show them again because i can't look at a snake. do you release the snakes? >> we remove the snakes and relocate them. we wouldn't harm them in anyway. i don't even like killing rats but where are we going to take all the rats? i have to do it. snakes aren't like rats. >> lee's, i just said not to put the snakes up again. so billy, what about your most wild intervention. i thought it had something to do with a lien as i recall. my getting that right? >> yes.
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theirs been a bunch of close calls. i was shooting something up in canada with a production and there was a lions den that had two lions fully grown and they asked if billy can go into the lion's den here and interact with alliance and they were like, yeah, sure. we raise them from when they were born so they are real friendly. he shouldn't have a problem. so i go into the enclosure and these lions were as big as a volkswagen bug. they were both huge. as soon as i get in there, the female gets up and because i smelled there favourite cologne, she attacked me. >> billy is lion bait because of the cologne he was wearing and i know the story now. billy, come back soon, don't ever show the snakes on the show again. add to press tonight, jesse take it from here. >> jesse: welcome to jesse
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watters primetime. tonigh


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