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tv   America Reports  FOX News  March 18, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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our country on climate change. >> molly: the only thing i will say, this was a finnish study, so i'm wondering if finnish wokeism is the same as american wokeism. >> morgan: i just hope we fix it by the time i three and half-year-old is a teenager! marc is talking about the problems of teenage girls, hopefully we figure out before then. i think it comes down to it, young girls get so many mixed messages about who they can and should be, from the kardashians all the way to kamala harris. just be you. >> emily: i was interested by the one that said micro-aggressions should be challenged often and actively. no wonder they live in a cloud of anxiety and depression! take it easy. everything's going to be cool. >> kayleigh: have a beer, if you're over 21. >> emily: thanks for watching today. don't >> this is a fluid situation and
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the number of individuals who have reached out to us through the crisis in take form has approached thousand and we are continuing to monitor the situation closely and are going to say that work is ongoing. we have no higher priority than the safety and security of american citizens. >> sandra: that was moments ago as the state department continues to give an update screen right on the number of americans still stuck in haiti at this hour and efforts to get them out. all of this is happening as we are now awaiting an update from the white house. this hour. screen left on the worsening crisis in haiti. hello and welcome everyone. i'm sandra smith in new york, john, great to be back with you today. >> john: a quick weekend and now back to another busy week of news. i'm john roberts in washington and this is "america reports." despite the state department telling fox news last week americans who were trapped in haiti were on their own, officials appeared to reverse course and chartered a flight to miami with more than 30 americans aboard yesterday.
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>> sandra: threats commission comes as a situation on the ground deteriorates. the game leader nicknamed barbecue said the violence will not stop until the government is toppled. >> john: we will peak with 140 county sheriff on why he is preparing for a massive surge of the haitians in coming weeks. >> sandra: with the live at the haiti dominican republic board appeared how's the situation where you are, brian. >> we are in a binational marketplace on the border with haiti. 20,000 haitians are allowed to cross legally here to buy and sell goods. many of these goods are absolute necessities that they simply cannot find in haiti because it is a desperate situation there. this is an economic lifeline for haitians athe crisis in haiti gets worse and guns control 80% of the capital port of print -- gains control 80% of the capital. seven bodies were discovered there today and humanitarian aid
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containers are being looted. more than 5 million haitians are in desperate need. the government continues to collapse and the prime minister has promised to resign as the u.s. spearheads the creation of a new transitional government counsel. international police force led by kenya is set to go into haiti to fight gangs but needs he was congress to approve funding. the crisis has fueled fears of another haitian migrant exits in the u.s. and here in the dominican republic. the dr has built a 12-foot tall border wall to protect them from gangs and crime. they call it a smart security friends with drones and cameras night visions and watchtowers. yesterday y we drove in dune buggies along the border with hades -- along the border with haiti with the dominican republic border control. construction of the new border wall began last year. president of the dominican republic says so far 100 miles of border walls has been completed. the goal is to have a border lot will run along the entire border
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with haiti. he said it will change the dominican republic forever. >> the physical wall is doing its job from a security standpoint it is helping us a lot. >> in the meantime, the dr is doing their deportations. in fact, every day truckloads of illegal haitians are dropped off at the border. they received international criticism for this but the government here says it is necessary for law and order. back here at the market you talk about those 1,000 americans that are said to be trapped in haiti. we saw a couple of americans cross the border here but the u.s. is warning americans to travel at their own risk through gang controlled territory and they are working on other evacuation options from the capital of port-au-prince. sandra. >> sandra: that is an incredible scene all around their appeared you get the scene of obvious urgency from those that are there. we will check back in with you soon. thank you. john. >> john: it's amazing there. homeland security now confirming
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previous fox news reporting that cory alvarez the 26-year-old haitian national charged with raping a disabled teenager at mesa massachusetts shunt are entered under present biden's controversial program. he was able to fly into new york city directly from haiti and granted two years of humanitarian patrol which allowed him to work in the united states. >> sandra: parking fears of surges of migrants since fleeing to florida. let's bring in rick ramsey. thank you for joining us as we watch the situation unfold what concerns you most at this hour? >> we have seen mass migration in the past and we are being told by the government this could be larger than we've seen in the past. we have seen haitian come in with 30400 people on board which is overwhelming for a small county. this could be while surpassing that. we see large numbers of sales
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freighters coming in. we see people coming through neighborhoods, backyards, it's difficult. sheriff's office receives hundreds of potential phone calls and we have to respond to us every single one not knowing if it's a migrant who is running for their freedom or running someone to commit or has committed a crime. i'm thankful for rick scott's been amazing for our resources. governor desantis has put in place manpower allocation to aid and assist. we have a mass landing. all of my troops are unready in standby. we had meeting here. mass migration plans are already on the books but we talked this morning to make sure our teams are ready to go and our first goal is to help aid and assist state, local, federal governments could help aid and assist people who need medical emergencies but keep my citizens safe and secure. >> sandra: that is an incredible situation you are describing both there in haiti and obviously in florida. one haitian immigrant who has lived in florida for three
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decades is quoted saying the gangs appear to have more guns than the police. the armed groups control ports and major roads. inmates have been freed from the jails and gangs have shut on the airport. they run rampant as kidnappings and murders are spreading rapidly. this is ron desantis the governor of florida talking about the federal response to this crisis. listen. >> we want to make sure we are protecting floridians. florida fish and wildlife officers interdicted a vessel that had 25 illegal immigrants, potential illegal immigrants from haiti. they had firearms, they had drugs, they had night vision gear. this is not really our responsibility. this is the federal government's responsibility. coast guard does by and large a good job they are undermanned. >> sandra: what do you think of the federal response and are we doing enough at this moment? >> i don't think we are doing enough for sure. the response has been mostly a response from the state of
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florida. desantis has done a good job i have to say. rick scott has been amazing but he's only one of so many people and only has so much authority. i have had no contact with anybody at a higher level from the federal government and we are ground zero. if it happens, it will be here and we are worried about are these people coming for a better way of life or was all of the volatility are these criminals, are they emptied out prisons, are they gang members cared what is the potential threat for the citizens here in the state of florida. i think that they've dropped the ball when it comes to mass migration issues and state and local has to deal with it themselves and somehow fix or mitigate the impact. >> sandra: this is alejandro mayorkas this morning saying the department of homeland security is underfunded and lacking resources to handle this. >> we are limited in the pool of funds that we have available to us right now. it puts all of our work, not
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just our shelter and services program but all our border security work and everything across the diverse threat landscape that we face in very, very serious peril. >> sandra: hard to believe there were more preparations made knowing the red flags were there, that this was coming, sheriff. what do you see the coming few hours and days, what will it look like there sheriff? >> what you alluded to, clearly. there should already be mass migration plans that the federal government has on the books. >> sandra: looks like we might've lost the sheriff there. obviously coming from a very unique location as they continue to have to deal with this situation that is worsening only by the day. we are waiting on this white house briefing now and we will see what the white house has to say. jake sullivan will be in the room at the podium but there's growing concerns on our ability to get those americans out and deal with this in the influx of
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migrants in florida. >> john: you have a lot of private organizations are doing that in terms of getting people out. the government did stained one charter plane down but it has been private operations that have been getting people o. i was there in miami 1989 through 1991 and the number of haitians that were coming ashore at that time was remarkable. it looks like we could be expecting similar transit by boat and these boats that are designed it told 50, 60 people. you can have 200, 300, 400 people crammed on board them. they would be sinking by the time they got anywhere near the florida coast and it is horrible to see people having to go to such lengths to get away from just the ongoing chaos in haiti which is been a disaster for as long as anyone can remember. >> sandra: hopefully will get an update on the ongoing federal response when the white house briefs a few moments from now. >> if i don't get elected, it will be a bloodbath. that will be the least of it.
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it will be a bloodbath. >> j >> john: donald trump's a bloodbath or mark sparking outrage among democrats and the media but are they all taking his words way out of context. our panel is up next on that and other issues. >> sandra: plus today's high-stakes supreme court argument on social media censorship. we are watching that peered what you have david? >> major implications for the supreme court argument today peered just finished an hour ago. we will tell you what the justices had to say y coming up. ♪ ♪ lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up
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she has allergies. yeah.
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>> sandra: the supreme court hearing arguments today on big tech censorship. the justices weighing just how far the government can go and
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pressing social media companies to remove content it does not like or agree with peered republican congressman jim jordan and dan bishop were in oral arguments today. they will join us live coming up. our panel, jonathan cott and chris bedford are up next on the political implications but let's get right to david spot who is right outside the supreme court for us. david, what is the headline from the hearing? >> based on what we heard, it seems unlikely that the justices are going to completely rule against the united states government and rule against those who were sued against the government in this case but we don't know until the justices actually write the opinion. people are angry because they say this is about free speech, full's. we know the justices heard arguments for 90 minutes today. this is about alleged collusion between the white house, the biden administration and these big tech companies. think about cases involving public health, national security also election interference as we
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are heading into 2024. the justices will not rule on this until july 1st. could be a little bit after but likely late june is when we will get some kind of opinion here. the question before the court, did the administration improperly communicate with some of the largest tech firms in the country to come moderate content or fight digital disinformation. content that was posted by private parties. everyday people posting on x, formerly twitter, facebook and other big sites. the administration was accused and sued for collaborating with these sites for taking down disinformation related to the covid vaccine. here's a skeptical just to samuel alito questioning the government this morning. watch. >> the only reason why this is taking place is because the federal government has got sanction 2:30 and antitrust in its pocket and to mix my metaphors it has these big clubs available to it. it's treating facebook and these
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other platforms like they are subordinates. >> meanwhile outside of the supreme court and some are still here. groups appeared to argue the full spectrum of the issue before the justices. the two states that originally sued, missouri and louisiana and both had a presence inside t the courthouse today. as far as how the justices rule, we don't know but it seems as if they may somewhat agree with the government and the government's stance on why the government feels some of these posts should be moderated. >> sandra: david spot with more on that. thank you. john. >> john: let's dig deeper on this with our panel. jonathan cott, former communications director for joe manchin and senior committed or at the federalist. here's what eric schmidt was first brought set about this this morning. >> this is not about a one off of a couple of officials. this is a vast censorship enterprise.
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a leviathan of government officials and agencies working together to suppress speech. what we can't have is the federal government having it do that around the constitution to get someone else or some other company to do their bidding which is exactly the case here. >> john: what do you think chris. as this government overreach because a lot of the posts, there weren't a lot of them but some of the post the government was telling all of these social media enterprise to take down have become the prevailing wisdom and terms of covert origin. >> i was on the receiving end of that censorship myself. there was an entire regime and it seemed like to me and a lot of other people the government has stepped in and away it hasn't in modern times with how some of the justices brought up today, they would ever talk to "the new york times" the way they talk to facebook or other platforms. the problem they are facing in this case right now is the plaintiff failed to draw that line because one is trying to convince someone like the government illegal. they have to figure that out to
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set the precedent and they said that did not go well. >> john: david spot does not believe that the supreme court will rule totally against the white house but if it rules mostly against the white house, what effect could that have a november? >> i don't think it will have an effect on november. most administrations trump and biden were making sure that misinformation that was harming people were not getting out there. we saw some of that in jan january 6th. >> john: but some of it was not misinformation. >> at the time the cdc and nih was concerned. we didn't know a lot about covid and wanted to make sure people were being safe and we didn't want people saying go take this, spray something and you take this pill which we saw actually wound up killing lots of people and i think what they were doing was trying to protect that. i think there is a limit to what free speech can do and i think that the government does have a role to say we have to protect our citizens and right on the social media companies have to be more responsible with what they are allowing. >> that was crazy about covid.
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the guy dying supposedly from a cure that turned out to be poisoned by his wife at the end. a lot of the spot stomach stuff that was censored was unshakabl. how could you check it? it was a theory that got tossed out. you see justice kavanaugh coming in here, leaning on his experiments with the administration previously saying this is a national security thing. would we do this during wartime if someone is putting lives at risk. the court seemed to sign with the government. >> john: i want to move onto this topic. this is donald trump over the weekend talking about the effects of chinese imports from mexico. on the auto industry. listen here. >> we will put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line and you won't be able to sell those cars. if i get elected. if i don't get elected, it will be a bloodbath. that will be the least of it. it will be a bloodbath for the country. that will be the least of it. but they won't sell those cars.
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they are building e factories. >> john: jonathan, the way that was reported in much of the mainstream media was all they singled out was it's going to be a bloodbath. trump threatens violence if he isn't elected. come on. >> i think donald trump uses colorful language at his rallies but i do think donald trump's language has caused violence in the past so we have to take his word seriously. he started off that rally with people in prison for storming the capital singing the national anthem and calling them hostages and saying he will release them on day one. he. his words have led to violence so we have to be careful. this one i think probably went a little too far and how we are over reacting to it but in the past he has called for the dash the treason of the former joint chiefs of staff. he has mocked nancy pelosi's husband who was attacked by a deranged person. he lied about the fbi rating mar-a-lago. it led to someone trying to shoot up an fbi building in cincinnati. his words have led to violence. that's when i think is a little
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too far. >> john: the view took up this issue. let's watch let's watch whoopi goldberg here. >> he says he has bloodbath comment was referring to the auto industry. i don't know if that's how you all heard it, but that's not how it sounded to me. >> this reminds me of the scandals you had to deal with every single day when he was actually president and that's why when you ask a lot of people what exactly did you hate so much about donald trump they have a difficult time answering that because so many of these scandals were so superficial, it was outrage cycles of words that media took out of context. there was one where stephen miller used to work for per cosmopolitan and were treated to numerous essays on the roots of that word which was insane. this is one of those fake scandals and it's back to the circus. it makes me miss him. >> john: depending on how the election goes you may not miss them for very long. it seems to me that the left,
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real quick, is terrified of him becoming president again. >> we are terrified of him becoming president because of what he did and the violence that he caused and the policies that we completely disagree with. i don't like to take -- get my news from will keep goldberg and i think it's time for her to maybe retire or sit this one out and not be giving advice, but the left is very worried that donald trump's actions have real consequences and we found them to be devastating to our country. that's why we will have a healthy debate in 2024. >> john: a big contrast from people including jamie dimon who said he was good for the eco economy. good to have you kick us off. we'll see you again soon. >> sandra: any moment now we are expecting an update from the white house as the chaos spirals out of control in haiti and florida braces for a surge of haitian migrants. we are watching for that to begin shortly. >> john: prices at the pump you might have noticed are rising fast but is the white house about to make things
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even worse? charles payne ahead on that. ♪ ♪ >> tech: at safelite, we'll take care of fixing your windshield. but did you know we can take care of your insurance claim? that means less stress for you. >> woman: thanks. >> tech: my pleasure. have a good one. >> woman: you too. >> tech: schedule today at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection,
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>> sandra: a live look at the white house white house where karine jean-pierre and john sullivan are set to take questions from reporters all this coming will the state department a few moments 1,000 americans still stuck in haiti right now and florida is blazing for at the flood of those migrants to come to its state. that will begin shortly. peter doocy is in the room and we will take you there live when it happens. john. >> john: sander, american still feeling the effects of inflation and goldman sachs ceo is a warning inflation may stick around longer than expected. high energy costs are fueling the current bump in prices. national average gas prices up $3.46 a gallon today. fox team coverage charles payne standing by to tell us how much it costs to fill up a t-rex
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pickup truck but first, grady trimble joins a slide. what is the biden administration saying about inflation today? >> john, the administration says it is green energy push will hep lower energy prices and may be an inflation in the long run but oil and gas prices are climbing right now when the white house was asked how it's helping to lower those places the white house is pointing to action it took two years ago selling off almost half of the strategic petroleum reserve. >> because the president's unprecedented action that he took as it relates to the oil, we saw gas prices go down which is important at the tank to americans across the country. >> today americans are paying more at the pump than they were a year ago. the national average has jumped nearly $0.20 in just the past month. gas stations are switching to their more expensive summer blend. that's part of it. but the price of oil is also increasing and higher energy prices are part of a reason why
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the latest inflation gauge ticked up unexpectedly. you mentioned goldman sachs ceo david solomon out with this saying the u.s. economy has proven more resilient than expected the way think inflation may prove stickier than many anticipate. kevin o'leary agrees. >> it is not only energy policy causing this, it's also the fact that we have bills like the science and ships act. we also have the inflation reduction act which is pouring a trillion dollars of free money into the economy. that fuels the fire of inflation and so it will be of long for quite a long time. >> never the less the buy demonstration is focusing efforts to green energy appeared in the next 10 minutes or so we are expected to hear from the energy secretary pushing president biden's climate agenda at a conference today. it happens to be in texas which is the country's largest producer of oil and gas. john. >> john: trouble for us with
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the set up. thank you. >> sandra: let's bring in charles payne. great to see you. first up, gas prices. politically this is important. where gas prices going to be on memorial day? >> you can see the chart turning up that these prices are going up. west tickets as crew just broke $80. we could be a lot higher. global can come on. china starts to move efforts to get their economy going and again, the money floating around in our economy, kevin o'leary hidden on the head in terms of this wave of counter cash that just doesn't goes away. you can't flood and not have inflationary pressures. the fed meets in two days on wednesday trying to decide what they can do about it because other parts of the economy are really starting to fall apart and because of inflation we are seeing it with retail sales and major disappointment the inflation data we are seeing
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won't come down. it is a tough one to punch. >> sandra: we have these numbers. i guess these are projections from the white house. you tell me. i can't even believe these are real. if we put this up on the screen, the white house is saying that under this new proposal which the epa unveiled in april 2023 and will go in effect 2027. the white house is projecting that 67% of new sedan crossover suv and light truck purchases would be electric by 2032. that is crazy. up to 50% of bus and garbage trucks, 35% of short haul freight tractors and 25% of long haul freight. is this realistic? >> the only way it is reelect us is if you de facto make combustion engines illegal. what they do is they keep adjusting what they call the cafe standards.
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each automobile manufacturer has their fleet and the fleet has to average a certain amount of miles to a gallon. it's a way, really devious way of pushing this entire industry out but it is still not pos possible. how many companies in the last six months have said they are throwing in the towel. look at ev stocks. even tesla shares are getting hammered these days. the americans that want ev's have them and the rest don't want them. the only way you can get near those numbers is to make it virtually illegal to manufacture and sell internal combustion engine cars in this country. >> sandra: you saw what happened to the hurt ceo. he resigned after the push by that company went bust. these companies and leaders are paying the price for these unrealistic goals that are being set by the white house and then the companies are having to follow suit. this perhaps was the most revealing moment. rewind the tape.
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flashback to drennan granholm laughing off that question early on in this administration about production. >> what is the plan to increase oil production in america? speak of that is hilarious. would that i had the magic wand on this. it is controlled by a cartel, the cartel is called opec. >> sandra: that is out of the bag. that was november 2021 and that told us the direction of the administration and the lack of effort that they would put in to bringing down oil and gas prices. >> we are producing a lot of oil. it's not the best quality oil but we are producing a lot. but here's what's more important. everyone needs to study germany at this moment. we are going down the same path. it is economic suicide. here's the irony. in germany they are doing the same things but they are 5-10 years ahead of us in terms of economic suicide without a doubt no other country and europe uses more coal than that. if you get rid of all of the nuclear power, all of the
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gasoline and all of a sudden you are left waiting for russia to send you liquid net cultural gas, you use more coal. they use more coal than all the other countries there and they start talking about clean fossil fuels. it is nuts. it is insane with they have done. it is a rich poor country. germany has fallen so far off we should be studying germany every day and praying we are never that stupid that we go down the path that they have. >> john: stomach >> sandra: it looks like everything that we have learned on it and reported on, we've not learned any lessons. >> ideology supersedes prosperity with our leaders. >> sandra: great to see you. we will see you at 2:00. >> and for john, about 200 bucks these days. >> sandra: that is so funny. 200 bucks. to fill up the gas tank, right? spoon on the big t-rex. sorry about that charles. attorneys for president trump avenue said he's been unable to get a bond from a insurance company to cover the half a billion dollar judgment against him and that civil fraud
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case in new york. our senior correspondent is covering that story. i guess what you are looking for a half a billion dollars you can't exactly go to joe's bail bonds. >> you can't go to the atm to get this and it turns out that former president trump, he doesn't have the money. he cannot come up with enough to secure that $464 million bond needed to satisfy his real estate fraud civil case. trump's lawyers this morning say they have approached 30 insurance companies to try to back the bond but the companies require cash to secure it, not just real estate assets. and no insurance firm is willing to take that risk. his lawyers say obtaining the money, "through a fire sale of real estate holdings would inevitably result in massive irrevocable losses." they call it textbook irreparable injury. i will at the former president cannot couplet that money in seven days by march 25th, letitia james who brought the chase can legally start seizing
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trumps asset unless he is granted a stay until his options are exhausted. james' office does not want to do that. they demand the full account of what he is assessed. you remember arthur and goran were removed rolled in the case ordering trump to pay the $454 million for committing fraud by inflating property values, to get better rates. but today, trumps lawyers are asking a state of appeals court to delay enforcement of the judgment saying it was excessive. the former president has of course denied all wrongdoing and this comes on top of his posting a $90 million bond to cover that $83 million defamation verdict in the e. jean carroll case. the jury found that he sexually assaulted her in her dressing room in the 1990s and defamed her. her lawyers by the way have not ruled out suing her again as he
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does that by denying her claimsd in on that. >> john: back on the real estate issue, you have to wonder if that was letitia james' game all along. she initially wanted a quarter of a billion dollars and then she upped that. was she trying to push it to the point where he would have to either liquidate or she could seize his assets and put them out of business that way. >> she legally was a ruling on what she said was the damages and that's why that was increased. >> john: damages in an alleged crime where nobody got injured. interesting. eric shawn for us. thank you eric. >> sandra: washington, d.c., making an about-face on defunding the police. but is it too little, too late? leo terrel on that. plus this. >> there is such a blurred line between tenant rights in squatter rights could have run to the situations where the family just went on vacation and come home and there is someone there and they claim they have a lease. >> john: growing concerns
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about squatters taking over homes nationwide and now florida is trying to do something about it. professional squatter remover. flash shelton will tell us if hw law goes far enough. ♪ ♪ sites at once? i like to do things myself. i can't trust anything else to do the job right. kayak... aaaaaaaahhhh kayak. search one and done. ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty.
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>> a tragic shooting not far from the white house leaving two people dead and five others wounded. less than a week after washington's mayor signed a new law to crackdown on crime. complete coverage, leo terrel on the long-term impact of defunding police but first mike emanuel has more on d.c.'s new crime bill. what led to all of this mike? >> good afternoon. this public safety package was approved after months of angry
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complaints from residents and the business community. it is designed to show that the city will not tolerate violence and criminal activity. as for the early sunday morning mass shooting, there is no word on a motive so far. two men were found with gunshot wounds who died at the same. both were 32 years old. five others went to the hospital with gunshot wounds. the location is less than a mile from capitol one arena where the atlantic coast conference men's basketball championship was played hours earlier. exactly one week ago d.c. mary signed a crime bill called secured d.c. >> we have fewer feet on the ground and eyes on the street. we have to have more technology to balance off not having the number of people resources that we have had in past years. no camera will replace alive police officer but it does
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enhance the forces ability to be in more places. >> "the washington post" editorial board sounded the alarm yesterday. a peace headline can anything about the d.c. crime wave notiny perpetrators believed that they could get away with breaking the law and they were somewhat correct. the d.c. police force was the smallest and half a century. armrests fell sharply during the pandemic and stay low. this is a very popular time of the years to our nation's capital and many travel here to see the cherry blossoms and plenty of student groups make their middle school trip to see the sights. sandra. >> sandra: which is so important. mike emanuel, great to see you. john. >> john: let's bring in leo terrel civil rights attorney and fox news contributor. we recently in the last week or so had mayor muriel bowser here in washington, d.c., sign a new crime deal that significantly covered up criminal teas for criminals and that we had a
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terrific shooting. not that far from the capital one arena obviously it takes a while for the effects of the crime bill to go into play, but good lord, what's up kind of society are we living in these days? >> we are living in a society, john, that looks the other way if you live in a democratic city peers let me be as clear as possible and honest. that bill that she signed is meaningless. it has to get congressional approval and it has to get funding. you know who is missing? where is the u.s. attorney's office question what people don't understand this. u.s. attorney's office is responsible for prosecuting crime. where is matthew graves? ever since the riots and george floyd, muriel bowser is the same mayor who wanted to defund the police. but there is no enforcement mechanism. it is not the size of the police department, it is the failure to prosecute and i want to be totally honest, why don't they prosecute?
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because if they don't prosecute -- if they prosecute, you are playing the race card. it's racial. no. crime is happening in washington, d.c., and it affects all people. matthew graves the u.s. attorney's office should be answering questions why is there a lack of prosecution. >> john: i have to tell you living here as we do, we should point out too that the cherry blossoms are out in full force so we are getting into the height of the tourist season here in washington, d.c. there is obviously a lack of police officers on the streets. they used to be that they were all before the pandemic all over the place and you felt quite safe walking around but now even though they've managed to hire back some officers or get some new recruits, they are still 500 short of where they should be and that is significant. >> exactly. and washington, d.c., right now is the murder capital of america. the reason why, john, is because there has been a deemphasizing of the importance of
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law enforcement. now they are playing election-year politics. this bill is being passed seven months before the 2024 presidential election. this has been going on for three years. why now? washington, d.c., has had its highest murder rate in the last two decades and now they are trying to do something right now before the election. john, it is politics and again, the question here is you arrest, you charge, you convict, and you imprison. all four are necessary in order to have safe streets in washington, d.c. >> john: you mentioned the increasing crime here in the district. let's put it up on the screen. laster homicides were up 35%, robbery out 67%, motor vehicle theft up to 82%. arson up 175%, total crime of 26%. several statistics including murder are beginning to tell off a little bit this year but it's not just washington, d.c., that is doing things like toughening up on crime and signing new
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legislations. we see the national guard patrolling the subway in new york. other things in other cities across the country which really were the tip of the spear when it came to the defund the police movement. our local politicians looking at this and saying we are in a lot of trouble here, we need to do something about this and how long will it take to reverse the lingering effects of this decriminalization and defund the police? >> i will tell you, it really depends on whether or not they are true to their motive. i've been on your show numerous times and let's talk about the cities. los angeles, chicago, new york, philadelphia, washington, d.c., paired what are they all have in common? democratic marietta, democratic soft on crime prosecutors and their failure to act and they pe criminal justice system is raci. until they are serious about stopping crime, this will happen. this is nothing more than election-year stunt.
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>> john: leo terrel. great to have you with us my friend. we will see you soon. >> thank you my friend. >> john: sandra. >> sandra: speaking of chicago, far left activists there are demanding their property taxes be eliminated. we will tell you why. plus this. >> donald trump made a very salient point. i know you don't hear me say that often, but it's true. you look at the inordinate amount of charges coming from sweat. when is enough enough. >> john: stephen a. smith taking aim at president biden and the democrats for using the legal system against formal president trump. jonathan truly is here to give us his thoughts on l'affaire. . one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily
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>> sandra: activists in chicago are demanding the city and the county waive their property taxes as a form of reparations. we are live and oak park, illinois, for us. what are we hearing those activists? >> they are telling me that the black population here in chicago has the smallest ownership rate of any racial group in the city and that is where these billboards like the one behind me are coming from. they are using abraham lincoln and frederick douglass to illustrate that they want the city and the county here in
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chicago to waive property taxes for descendants of. they say that slavery prohibited them from really generating generational wealth. this group is called it reran and its answer reconstruction of reparations act now. groups tell me that descendants of slavery have returned to the south to noncentury cities pointed to the influx of migrants living here on the chicagoans time and they say what was already slim resources are being stretched thin. roughly 45 minutes north of chicago is evanston. a northeast suburb that became the first municipality in the nation to make reparations or reality. in 2019 the city elided $25,000 for some of their black residents toward their ho. >> sandra: that is a story we will likely can tend you watch closely to see how it turns out. thank you very much for your john. >> john: any moment now we are expecting to hear from the white house as the state department says there may
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be up to 1,000 americans still stranded in haiti. plus the supreme court wrapping up arguments and what could be one of the most important free-speech case is in the court's history. g.o.p. lawmakers jim jordan and dan bishop were in the court for the us arguments where they share their takeaways coming up next. . voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals and look forward to a more confident future. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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