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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  March 20, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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looks noticeably less aggressive then the initial proposal the eba first put out last year but here's what the oil and gas group said in mind this regulation will make new gas powered vehicles unavailable or prohibitively expensive for most americans. for them this wildly unpopular policy is going to feel and function like a banned and, of course, martha republicans are trying to overturn what they call an ev mandate. >> martha: demand is not driving this program. thank you very much, good to see you. grady trimble in dc. that's a story in washington at this wednesday, march 20 and my full interview with justice brett cavanagh's plasmids mark george will be available on vaccination this friday, do not miss that. we'll be back here tomorrow at 3:00 and we'll have more of our special on friday. "your world" search right now. >> neil: interest rates don't move -- structures do
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records across the board. the dow, the s&p and nasdaq the highest they have ever been in all on the same day as the federal -- federal reserve signals a good start turning signal -- maybe three times this year, three times next year. amid signs right now that wall street gets exactly what it wants, consumers presumably gets what they want and everyone seemed happy today. welcome everybody i'm neil cavuto and this is "your world" and what did the federal reserve set off today. it come from for one thing that would cut some people feared were put off maybe indefinitely are back on. but we don't know for sure when they'll be on and when they will start definitely mark scott martin takes a look at how the market responded to all of this. they like it, did they get ahead of themselves? >> reporter: surprisingly -- and i love this set up they always do so well my friend which is the fed is likely to cut rates as they said but how much?
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and this is a market that we talked about all year that was expecting? six cuts. i even saw it at one point which will be invertible and now we're down to three, possibly two. i'll tell you what, boys and girls, the best thing that the market should take away from the day is out there nor cuts coming. know that sounds crazy b. will just thought -- but we are -- the market and the economy do best when the fed is out of the picture, when the government is out-of-the-way, when rates are flat as in the not going up or down. that's what we need and that's what we are today. >> neil: is in the higher -- i of the beholder, i get that, all the averages were up in record territory again and this seemed to be the fuel behind it, the jerome powell saying that the agree on this much is that we are not going to have much more worries of inflation. of course, they did not see some of the inflationary pressures that have already been building that could delay these but i will look at their half-full glass here that the back of the matter is that a overnight bank lending rate known as federal
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funds is right now at around five and a quarter to 5.5%. this is a second anniversary of the forest -- first rate hike by the federal reserve. so interesting on this day the signs that it could reverse. you're saying that quickly enough? >> not quickly enough and i don't think that's a bad thing in one anniversary to celebrate or not celebrate, my glass is three quarters full as usual as you can expect because the fact that the market will handle right here. i know it doesn't feel great boys and girls because we observe what's called zero interest rate policy for what felt like a decade after the financial crisis. not awesome. we can find english -- there was deflation on a return. know we have a bit of inflation because we have a bit of economic growth and a heck of a lot of demand from that thing i'm worried about his administration whoever's in dc the way to get impatient handled is actually by lowering taxes and lowering regulation so people can get produce more stuff to sell to consumers. not raising taxes, not regulations which is something i think the chairman knows as well. >> neil: it makes his job
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more difficult, jerome powell -- he and his buddies are trying to get a lead on inflation, the thing that really causes more than anything else government spending goes unabated here. it's sort of like trying to, you know, put out a fire in one bucket goes into arnhem and the other is lost in another and you're just repeating the same cycle so i guess what i'm asking here is the political mass -- message might be all right this is a sign that may be the worst of this is over, but if you start spending more, you are going to be right back in, you know, the dilemma. >> bingo. that's a great way to put it, that's a great euphemism for other things and it's like you said a fire is being fed by gasoline and putting it out with a glass of water and that spending is exactly coming from the government. on this morning that they're doing could "help the eco economy, help businesses, help the consumer?" how about you get out of the way, let us invest, that expand our own money and therefore that will take care of itself? and so what if you get a bit
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of inflation out of it humic will be better that we get the economic growth that comes from that. >> neil: scott martin following all of that, management cio -- kind enough to join us right no and she knows of what the fed kind of speaks. she's a former federal dallas fed advisor. daniel great to have you. did the fed today say its on that for -- all the reason for the stock market to read -- the way it did it on, the cuts are on? you think they are on? >> i think they didn't just say that the cuts are all-encompassing they actually showed it to us. the fed today lowered the bar who lowering interest rates, to easy monetary policy. that is exactly what the market is celebrating right now in december, the feds targeted for the and implement rates to end his career was to 4.1%. deplored that before .0%. that may sound like they got greater confidence in their future but you could also interpret it as markets have,
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as g. powell saying we only -- how to get there on a remote rate up by one more one more tense of us a percentage point from 3.9% 24.0% and blum here come the records we've all been asking for. >> neil: so play that out for me. if we had an environment where the federal reserve starts cutting rates, the first time that's going to happen will be a shock, even though it's well telegram, viewpoint and other federal reserve members and officials, district presidents, who have a role in voting on this, to a man, you know, with this todd blanche thing where they all do wordy just paper their expectations are the ultimate the agree that it is going to be maybe three cuts this ye year, then what? >> that's exactly the right question because typically throughout the 100 plus years in federal reserve history wants you do start to cut rates that is bad news. you normally cutting rates in to a recession and my concern is that g. powell being
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jerome powell council, the lawyer cannot do ph.d. in economics, he understands that the payrolls were revised down by a million positions in the year and in september the 30th, 2023. he sees the what the biden administration has been announcing is not really what in fact has been the data on the ground. not that we ever look back at revisions, but he certainly is being advised about them by the people on the ground and by the way, neil, that helps expand a lot of the anger element. it's not just the fact that the price of the vast -- gas pump and the price at the grocery stores are up but it's also because people are losing their jobs and because the government is telling them that there is also a figment of the environment -- imagination. >> neil: let me ask you about mortgage rates which tend to go on their own or which the fed has very little control got a lot of them are paying the market rates like a ten-year bound -- bond and i can think and has been narrowly backing up of late as the expedition that the economy is strong enough to
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have them back off of rates. i wonder how far that goes? >> we will see. there was this great big vacuum sound, you know, the 30 year fixed mortgage rate was almost at 8%, you know, it was armageddon and then it popped away, went down to 6.6% now we're back up to 6.97% where it appears to be hovering around the 7-point -- 7 percentage point mark. so if we stay here and if the feds rate cuts are very small in nature then we are not going to see i think a large enough decrease in the 30 year for -- which mortgage rate to generate at the morgan -- margin of marginal demand that enough marginal growth, you see it every time you see a major furniture retailer in this country go out of business. >> neil: daniel, thank you very much. -- you were awesome on that and make sense of this in english which is a tough thing to do. thank you very much. great seeing you again. daniel to martina booth.
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in the meantime we kind of had a sense of where interest rates are going, we had no sense of where a certain law that is on the texas books is going to make remember when its records in texas set -- to rest -- arrest migraines even ship them back therethrough then along comes what appeals court to say well that's a fast. let's get the latest from therefrom nick foy on the impact. >> neil, it is texas versus the federal government. 3 judges will decide who wins and in their decision will have a big impact on what our southern border looks like over the next two weeks and beyond. by the time you wake up, you're ready to take on the day. try it and feel the difference. mucinex nightshift, it's comeback season. personalized financial advice from ameriprise can do more than help you reach your goals. -you can make this work. -we can make this work. it can help you reach them with confidence.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> neil: it's starting to look good for governor abbott in texas where he wanted to use his local police force to go after migrants and the rest of them and if necessary take them back to wherever they came from. in the supreme court nodded off to go in the appeals court then -- middle of the night last night saying that so fast and there will be stuck in the middle. nick for in eagles past, texas with the latest. >> neil that appeals court had a special hearing that wrapped up this afternoon where both the biden administration and texas laid out their cases for why
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either should or should not go into effect. today's hearing specifically focused on a stay that texas is seeking that would allow them to enforce the law over the next two weeks before the court hears arguments about the constitutionality of sb4 coming up on april 3rd commercial if it were to go into effect would allow texas to charge and the port migrants to enter the country illegally of -- often by crossing the rio grande. texas argues that politico -- should be enforceable while litigation plays out. but the biden administration says the law oversteps its federal authority over our borders. they argued the block should remain in place in accordance with precedents. listen to this from daniel penney for the u.s. government and court earlier today. >> all the -- district court needed wasn't preserve the federal system that's been in effect for 150 years based on
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repeated indications of the supreme court. >> also today neil, take a look at this next video over 150 migrants cross the border illegally in your comeback, california. they came in two separate groups, and many expect if sb4 goes into effect along with all the other things that texas is doing to stop illegal immigration that those numbers in the western states are going to continue to skyrocket. that took some sector especially getting hit real hard right now. back out here alive, texas eps today neil is sharing news that they arrested 17 migrant runners who were trespassing on a private ranch which is interesting because that is the key difference here with sb4 gimmick right now, eps can charge migrants if their ranch owner agrees -- agrees to press charges which is what happened in a case that eps is shown today which as sb4 will allow them to charge
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migrants with criminal trespassing if they have proof that the cross outside of a port of entry. so right now we're just waiting on that decision from the three-judge panel are what the next two weeks will look like and then on april 3rd, they'll hear arguments about the constitutionality of the entire law. up and back you. >> neil: thank you very much. nick foy in eagle pass. let's go to peter duty right now. the president is on his way to texas at this very hour but what it's where he's not going that's getting a lot of attention as well. peter? >> neil, white house officials were been talking about this southwest swing towards tell us that the president''s main theme will be about lowering costs for things and that is a top issue to be sure but it is not the only one and we do know that president biden is not in -- went to visit the southwest border while he's in arizona or when he gets to texas unless there is a major and sudden change to his schedule. and that is despite admitting that he really needs latino
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voters who have been trending towards trump. >> president biden: look, you know, win i get criticism in some places for having such a strong interest in latino voters and latino americans and people here in the country i point out to them i say can you imagine when you have 28% of all the students in public school or latino and nationwide, anybody letting -- who doesn't pay attention is really stupid. >> reporter: president biden kept things focus domestically today, mostly talking about microchips. he also claimed at one point it is cheaper to buy prescription drugs in places like iraq. >> president biden: jumped on air force one and fly to any major city in the world from toronto to berlin to baghdad. anywhere around the world. -- in iraq is 40-60% less. that's wrong.
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>> reporter: president biden is on his way to the airport right now. we expect them to arrive a little bit later on this evening in dallas for a campaign fundraiser. neil? >> neil: peter doocy, thank you for the. where mark mcculloch coming for us, texas republican congress man and much more on what he thinks what the president is saying and where he's not going. he's next. [ ♪♪ ] heo, ghostbusters. it's doug... ...of doug and limu. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. uh-huh. uh-huh. mm-hmm. sure, i can hold. only pay for what you need. ♪(sung) liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ ghostbusters: frozen empire. in theaters march 22. ♪(relaxing music)♪ (♪) (♪)
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business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. >> neil: joe biden isn't the only candidate with a little money. we're learning in an exclusive from both digital the donald trump working more than 20 manila's last month that existed january. still a lot less than biden' $53 million but it's something.
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and interest as well. we told you a bit about the. michael mccaul the texas republican congressman sits on the house home and security among many others, house -- you been very
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critical and is very good to have you, the president kind of makes quarries right here, going to texas, going to arizona but in both of those states cases not to the border. what you make of that? >> i'm not surprised. hasn't really been down to the border since he's got an elected. he went down one time for a photo op and that -- doesn't really constitute -- kamala harris hasn't been down there at all and i think it's really offensive though two people in my state particularly those who live on the border who deal with this problem day in and day out that there is, you know, the commander-in-chief is a wall no pun intended on the wall itself. he is just nowhere to be found. >> neil: you had the situation right now work and you also have this appeals court getting in the way of the spring court not getting in the way of texas using, you know, policeman and alike, law-enforcement personnel to arrest illegals. so you're in, like, a gray
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zone here. what do you think? >> you know, with the supreme court is there are mandated to the fifth circuit to hear we're the merits of the case and look, the way i look at this i was a federal prosecutor. when i was a federal prosecutor at the federal law enforcement can deputize state and local, to carry out the federal mission. and, you know, i think this law is within that kind of purview and it should stand constitutional muster. i think the back is the, neil, because the federal government is failing it's responsibility, that is precisely why my state is saying look if you're not going to do it, we're going to do it and we're going to put the money towards it because, you know, the president is nowhere to be found, kamala harris is nowhere to be found. >> neil: let me -- the hearing yesterday looking at what was behind it, what we did wrong with learning from
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afghanistan but it was in the course of the hearing, i don't want to embarrass you, sir, but you had adjusted were you and another republican sort of had got in to an indoor bit of a merged understanding.g. i want to place where viewers might not be familiar. >> marines can cover the army on this case -- >> dental menu time is expired -- >> oh i didn't realize -- >> i thought it was done. i i thought it was -- [ bleep ] [laughter] >> neil: okay. for our -- what happened there and did you -- >> we came to blows. look, gerald and i are -- are great friends. them -- i turned my -- it's a bit of a joke but the fact is we were getting ready to go out of public hearing at the classifieds hearing, i had a strict five-minute rule. attack is when the chair puts the gavel down, the members need to listen and if they
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don't then they can go... >> neil: i get it. how are you guys getting along right now? >> we are very good friends. i mean, this was not -- you know, it's almost comical appear on the hill. in fact, i was with darrell last night and we gave each other a hug. took a funny picture of me. there's no -- look, it's all good. you know, it was a very long hearing. a very important hearing, and we need to get in to the classifieds base. and my -- as a chairman regulates time. and i was trying to get as out of the public forum in to the classifieds setting on a very important issue, by the way. >> neil: could i get your sense of whatever came to the hearing? the generals involved saying that he wanted to do thanks differently. essentially the president wouldn't let them count they spoke out against that, express their concerns about that. what came of it? >> i thought it was very
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insightful. look, you got a chairman of joint chiefs of staff, you've got the set come commander countertop demand generals when afghanistan was imploding, telling us the real version -- they're unshackled. there are no longer employed by the dod. so they were willing to tell us everything they know and tell us the truth and they did. and what they said was the state department had no plan, no plan for evacuation, and in fact i think the plan was to continue to have the embassy in kabul even when the taliban overran it and took it over. but the fact that they didn't have a plan, led to the ch chaos, led to the abbey gate bombing, and had the family members there. and, neil, it was very dramatic. also want to thank general millie mckenzie -- general milley, mckenzie, for meeting with their family members, to say i'm sorry. because that's something the
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president of the united states has never done for them. >> neil: sent -- i didn't want to get you angry but always good to see you. in the meantime here remember the back-and-forth we had with the united steelworkers presidents on who they would ultimately support for president? we were trained to get a sense of it when he was here just 48 hours ago. remember this? >> you wearing a decision on which one to support for president, where julian? >> we're clearly leaning towards precedents biden and we're endorsing and i'm sure. we'll be up your executive board to do that in the very near future but presidents biden has really developed for at least in my lifetime an industrial policy in this country within the structure fell, the ria and the chips and signs act. if you do that along with making sure that were on the level playing field with the rest of the world's, that is about real progress in america and -- >> neil: that was david mccall the president of the
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u.s. steelworkers union and he tipped his hand there and indicated who is going to support and haven't even met with donald trump. and as for that hand heated in the end the union will endorsed joe biden. so if you're keeping track of this big union endorsements, united auto workers, president joe biden obviously the steelworkers still waiting to hear from the teamsters which president has met with both joe biden and donald trump. we'll have a decision will told -- we are told from them after the convention. we'll have more of this... [ ♪♪ ] but when it comes to caring for his teeth he's let his own maintenance take a back seat. well maybe it's time to shift gears on that. because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment. with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care. plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance and 20% off treatment plans. making it easier to get started with quality care. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner. a lot of new dry eye patients
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[ ♪♪ ] well. >> neil: maybe that georgia da thought phishing after all, were in their case down there isn't may be off the charts and going away after all. so some key decisions that will agreed to by the judge or at least open to by the judge, steve harrigan has the latest on that. hi, steve. >> the wheels already come of this case it seems like the election interference case here in georgia for former
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president from as well as other defendants. know the judge allowed fani willis to stay on the case. he did not remove her but he allowed the defense to appeal his decision. so what's next? it was from the georgia court of appeals come to get take up to 45 days to decide whether or not to hear it and it comes only after two month battle over willis and weighing the -- weather or not they had an improper affair and as you mentioned the trouble for both of them are for us -- the prosecutor had to resign and four -- for fanni willis she now has two -- and investigations both from the georgia senate as well as the house judiciary committee. >> the federal government doesn't operate entirely on a cash basis the way willis and wayne did so there's actually a record that you can follow and there are limits on how you use the funding coming from forfeiture and other sources. so that may cause your problem for ththe office.
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>> so fani willis had hung onto the case but she faces now at least? investigations and her reputation has certainly taken ahead. in his ruling to the judge that her testimony had the order of mendacity, the error really of us think we're macniel? >> neil: that's putting it very eloquently but when you get to the rest that this is not a conference. steve think you very much. that harrigan -- aaron katersky joys we know not the former federal prosecutor. andrew is this something -- leaving himself open to being appealed or challenged on these? issues? is the unusual? >> it is unusual and it is a very significant ruling and win for the trump team and the rest of the codefendants. typically in criminal cases deficient -- decision of this sort are left for appeal only after the case is over if one of the defendants was convicted. but the judge said it is megan's order today that this issue is of such importance that immediate review is in order here. that actually calls into question his own ruling.
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he is essentially submitting -- signaling that appellate courts may see his findings differently then he sighed and in fact in his order last week in his ruling last week, and applied a lack of thorough caselaw or precedents on this issue. so he is very much signaling the appellate courts that he would like a second look at this at this -- and idris adelakun come back. >> neil: yeah, because i could see -- i read a lot of eyebrows about ending the case, would raise even more eyebrows. how likely do you think the latter is? >> well the record as decided by the judge is quite detrimental to fanni willis and i mean his ruling really turns her apart in every single category. from the fact that there was an uncommon type of bookkeeping of the money that you received and the types of vocations that she was engaged in but much more concerning lee is his comment about the order and -- which isis latin for life as well as his calling her out for the public statements that he
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called inappropriate. all of those things deserve consequences in a court of law and when people's lives are at -- on the line in -- so what he's saying in in his ruling last week is essentially the the prior georgia case precedent does not give him much guidance in terms of what to do about the significant factual findings against her and now the appellate court can ran -- running back. >> neil: well i have you here i'll like to pick your fine brain to look at this countdown for donald trump in vibration now to come up with $454 billion mark letitia james is already stated what she wants to do if she could -- if you can't. this is from the new york state attorney general... >> neil: well you have to smack. >> we are prepared to make sure that the judge -- judgement is paid to new yorkers and as i look at the florida -- wall street each and every day >> neil: she is saying for the wall street to seal the
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balding -- can she do that if he is not coming up with these funds by monday? >> well she is certainly can try. a problem is i think donald trump has put forth an excellent appeal asking for an exception to the general rule which requires this bond of honest scene amount of money at this point. i'm gone and deep on the filings gone to the appellate court on this issue. and trump's team make a great argument the number 1 the law allows for exceptions whether that's totally forgive the need for a bond entirely in order to get this stay or even for a lesser amount. so he goes through all of that, he also in his brief to the appellate court goes through justifications related to the eighth amendment's. all of which give the appellate court in this case the law of lead room in order to grant an exception to the typical policy and law with regards to the bonds. so with monday fast approaching, i am skeptical that this is going to be the
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end for trump's real estate and its properties. think something explosive might happen. otherwise the trump team does have a lot of appeal options and letitia james is going to have to go through all sorts of litigation in order to get her hands on these buildings with all the people that have ownership interest in the building as well. >> and i wonder how much do business consideration would be impacted here if you look at, you know, the real estate involved here in office space and volunteer. and a pell-mell resort of christ case approach to this could depress the properties and depress the properties in new york as they stand that have nothing to do with this. >> will letitia james was responsible to not waste the property or the assets that she is ceasing so just because they conceded doesn't mean that they can essentially shut it down and let it go smack. >> neil: were a guess what i'm saying and i'm sorry that i wasn't clear that commercial real estate itself is already under duress. you know, this could go, you know, to an even bigger
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depression -- is that something that the appeal court would have to weigh when pondering something like this? >> absolutely. so that a court is looking at the very idea that donald trump has an immense amount of assets in real estate but does not have it in cash on hand. and is one of the factors that the trump team brings forward to the full accord to essentially say its not as though his judgement proof or he's trying to avoid payment of the judgement or somehow going to move his friends that the state of new york never receives the judgement if it's upheld in this case. food rather say that the unique nature of the way in which she holds as assets should be a consideration then whether they approve this they are not. >> neil: wild stuff. will see what happens five days away. andrew cherkasky thank you very much. in the meantime there administration -- the hatar going green becomes. were not slowing down so we are going green. why are a lot of us going to the pump? when it's only right [ ♪♪ ]
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to do so can help to get others out of there. we have no idea the total numbers involved but a lot of americans have been stuck in that country amid the civil war of people there. the governor saying he hopes to get all floridians out and soon i will keep you posted on the progress and he -- if he said anything more will keep you posted in the meantime keep you posted on problems closer to home concerning rocketing gas prices. the ministration saying today about some progress when it comes to getting more ev's on the road and encouraging stricter gas mileage down the road. it did offer some incentives for maybe those with gas powered cars to continue having a little longer here. but the stricter and higher fuel standards come at a time when many americans are dealing with high gas prices as it is so that like a double whammy. darbara mann the former republican presidential connecticut former north dakota governor who knows a thing or two about energy and
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-- potential from administration. governor good to see you again. >> great to be with you. >> neil: let me ask you first about the sort of give and take it a way approach of the -- on the part of the white house concerning going green permit a lot of people who fill up at the pump they're seeing red right now with these high prices and they are still speaking to much tougher fuel standards in the years ahead. maybe the bone that the offered, may be and others is that there will be this -- by her next date to get this many evs on the road and ev purchases inclusively. what did you make of the whole decision? >> well they are called an ambitious plan to try to move their climate agenda foreword but the only ambition i've seen although the last 40 -- three years of dividing a meditation is a mission that says we are going to kill the u.s. auto industry as we norcat were going to kill the u.s. liquid fuels that includes oil and gas and all renewables and biofuels and we are going to envision a future that is all ev and we
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they are doing through taking your taxpayer dollars are subsidizing 500,000 ev charging stations that are subsidizing the purchase of e-cards at a time when after we spent 40 years getting out from underneath a pack catholic smack they actually energy smack actually generate energy here in the united states then were going to be dependent and enslaved a future with china where they control 85% of the where earth minerals are going to these batteries? and at the same time you can't get powerline perm permitted, asking a democrat governor because you can't get a powerline permitted in this country. and then the epa is shutting down baseload so i don't know where the power is going to come from all these evs that be are subsidizing and mandating and i don't know where the batteries -- we know where the batteries are coming from, china copper and whether power is coming from so that holding it as much physics, it is a match economics. their energy policy is like it was written by russia and china. >> neil: you know, the back of the matter is people who are espousing ev's while the -- that price is coming down kalle gehring universal standards on charging, te
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tesla's charging stations and what with all and that's the wind that they're back. what do you say to that? >> well i see that the average consumer knows that these are unaffordable and no one has solved the issue of when these batteries run out and it cost $10,000 to replace and maybe you've saved some pennies on gas but -- and in the recycling of the batteries. i mean there has been solved. there is all kinds of issues meanwhile in places like north dakota we are using innovation, not regulation. this whole biden approach is all about driving ideology around regulation but innovation that american companies are doing things like the carbonating ethanol county harmonizing liquid fuels. if you want to put the liquid fuel in a tank to receive the -- reduce the cod coming out of the tailpipe which what they say they're trying to which -- we've got companies that have carbon negative barrel of oil in north dakota and innovation can solve this problem. not regulating and mandating and subsidizing. >> neil: you know, remember even during the campaign
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governor, you know your energy stuff. you're in an article about it -- your neck cycle pd on this. seems like you'd make a perfect energy secretary in a potential trump and ministration. has that ever come up? >> i'm flattered that my name of! has come up for about half of the smack half a dozen cabinet positions and i'm flattered that people think about a deep knowledge but i know the key thing you have to do is get present trump election because if he's not elected we can't reverse all of these biden mandates and redtape and north dakota right now are up to 26 different rule-making efforts that we are fighting in the courts and with lawyers. is changed what the job of the governor's now because we are playing -- fighting legal battles with the federal government for things that should be decided by the state or the federal government should be mandating, the market should take care of. >> neil: you know, you are being hunted for a lot of positions in a possible what -- trump white house even as vice president. have you talked to the former presidents? >> well i talked to the
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former president but i know that he's going to make a choice about his cabinets and about whose vice president at the time of his choosing and i know that the way that his campaign team and the policy teams that are supporting h him, this is going to be very different in his first time in office because they are going to come and counter going to remember is on the one he bunch of these green fantasy regulations that are going to make the world less stable color not making our environment cleaner because when you displace american energy, you're forcing our production to iran after russia, to venezuela, enriching our adversaries who are using that to fund wars against us and then they produced it less cleanly. so it doesn't help the environment doesn't help the environment doesn't have the economy and it doesn't help america or american jobs so we have to go 180-degree direction and so the most important thing is the republicans unite behind presidents trump get him elected and then they'll be plenty of plenty will want to serve with him. >> neil: i would imagine. governor, which seem again, thank you very much. >> thank you, neil. >> neil: doug burgum the
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former residential candidate, former north dakota governor. i want to switch right now to precedents biden the guy was a job, president for the time being. he is on his way right now to texas, he's not going to go to the border i believe the first time he is in dallas here, a lot of people making note of that. but the three state western swing, let's -- is taken into nevada, arizona and soon texas as part of his plan to shore up the west. more after this. zyrtec allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours so dave can be the... deliverer of dance. ok, dave! let's be more than our allergies. zeize the day with zyrtec. ok, someone just did laundry... no, i add downy light so the freshness really lasts. yeah, most scented stuff gives me a headache, but this is just right. and i don't like anything. but i like this. get a light scent that lasts with no heavy perfumes or dyes. ( ♪ ♪ )
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♪ ♪ >> neil: all right, this from just a few moments ago, governor ron desantis of florida talking up the fact he is trying to bring floridians who are stuck in haiti to bring them back to florida. the first plane left and is on its way now to florida we are told. there are three backup plans they hope to have available that will do the same for still hundreds of more floridians who are stuck there. but he draws a huge distinction between bringing them, floridia, u.s. citizens back home, and those who want to come here. joey manchester is international politics reporter. julien, as he was saying all of this, i was thinking, florida has become the new battleground state. these refugees. who seeks asylum and who just wants a quick pass to get here. and you don't think of florida as a border state, do you? >> you don't, neil, however covering ron desantis in this
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cycle when he was running for president, he would often say look, florida is a maritime state. in the past refugees coming to the state. but we are seeing that once again with haiti, and i think there's a lot of concern. there is concern these are people, a lot of them have legitimate asylum cases to make but there is also the concern about security, vetting these people. i think you are going to see a lot of the messaging we have heard in texas really repeated and echoed in florida, the situation in haiti continues to decline and more people try to enter the u.s. through florida appeared to be when i'm wondering, a lot of people are saying this, it is like this haiti thing blew up suddenly. its leader was assassinated over a year ago. you would think that now we would be better prepared for this but we were really caught flat-footed, and once again it is governors who are taking the queue here to deal with a crisis right now. what happens? >> you know, look, i think this is a moment for desantis to
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obviously take the lead here and i am curious to see whether he looks over to texas to see what greg abbott is doing. you know, in terms of desantis and his job, what does his relationship with the federal government when it comes to taking in, you know, migrants are refugees from haiti look like? remember, in texas, they are dealing with sp 4, that controversial law that allows state law enforcement officials in the state to arrest and detain and deport migrants in that state. the federal government is obviously challenging that but it begs the question, will we see that sort of push and pull over in florida? >> neil: we are learning a little more, julia, but how many are on this flight. the state is saying right now it is scheduled to land at about 6:25, so an hour and a half from now. four flights are scheduled tomorrow, that is in addition to this. 14 americans on this flight today y including families and children. we assume they are all
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floridians, all u.s. citizens. so we have a sense of that. we just don't have a sense of how many others might be there and how many others are seeking safe passage to the united states who might or not be haitians or might or might not be americans. this is obviously a spiraling crisis. >> it is, it is. you know, we have course have the side of the crisis where there are thousands, of legitimate asylum claims, very much get away and get to a safer place away from haiti because of the situation they are. but you also have this question of do those in haiti and elsewhere try to take advantage of this situation? the southern border, the physical border in texas and some of those states. >> neil: chomping at the bit to get involved in a revolutionary queue like a 1950s, we know how that worked
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out. this record-setting day on wall street. for an administration that doesn't crow about the markets or like to, giving their stamp of approval to things he is doing, i think they might more likely getting their stamp of approval to the possibility of interest rates coming down and federal reserve meeting indicating they are going to come down but what do you make of that as a campaign issue? the market soaring and the administration's argument that the economy is soaring. >> it is very difficult, or it has been difficult for the biden administration to talk about the economy because a lot of americans while they might see unemployment continuing to go down a lot of them can't feel that physically. goods and services are still very expensive. any piece of evidence of their including the market soaring, if the biden administration can point to that, that is an evidence they can look, this is happening under our administration. obviously republicans will have a counterpoint to that.
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it is not surprising and i think they will use it to talk about the economy because we know the economy tends to be the number one issue at the ballot box. >> neil: possible, speaking of donald trump, the numbers of the legal cases could be pushed substantially, in georgia may be the whole case along with fani willis out and done. what do you make of that, quickly? >> yeah, look, in georgia it is going to take some time and we will see if there is any additional update, but i don't think necessarily donald trump should count on that. they are hoping that happens but i think there is a big force coming from fani willis' side that they are not going to give this up lightly. we will see what happens but it is going to be tough for donald trump g going forward because we are in the general election campaign. >> neil: always good talking, julia manchester. s&p, all records. rates are coming down or so they hope. here comes "the five." ♪ ♪ >> greg: i'm greg gutfeld along with


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