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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  March 23, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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storming the theater and firing into the crowd. we are told at this hour at least 133 people have been killed. dozens more injured. i sisk in afghanistan claiming responsibility for this. russian president vladimir putin said police have 11 people in custody and claims four of them were caught trying to escape south to ukraine. he denies any involvement in this attack will have much more head with national security at military analyst dr. rebecca grant on who did this and why. but first, the sympathetic and emotional reaction pouring in from around the world after catherine, princess of wales and announced has been diagnosed with cancer. world leaders, celebrities, royal fans and everyone else send messages to the beloved 42-year-old princess and the weight cover unexpected and shocking revelation.
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hello everyone this is "fox news live" i am eric shawn hi anita. anita: i am anita vogel and for arthel neville. cates announcements wells month the speculation of her health at kensington palace showed little info on her abdominal surgery in january. just last month we learned king charles also has cancer. dr. marc siegel is standing by with medical analysis. first to stephanie bennett outside of buckingham palace but what is the latest there? >> yes the princess revealing she has been undergoing chemotherapy and some of the early stages now. but of course the royal family can often be tightlipped. so widely and also openly. now of course this also squash some of the rumors and speculation that been circling over the last few weeks. >> tests after the operation found cancer had been present.
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my medical team and therefore advised i should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy and i am now in the early stages of that treatment. most importantly it has taken us time to explain everything to george, charlotte, and louis in a way that is appropriate for them and to reassure them i'm going to be okay. >> the details remain very limited paris stew do not know the type of cancer what stage it is in. you may remember in january she undergone upland of successful abdominal surge at the time they believed her condition was noncancerous. further task found cancer have been present. in a video message she said she's getting stronger every day prices her husband, prince william f burping a great source of comfort and reassurance. it's been packed here buckingham palace since her video announcement was released. people coming up to us sharing their well wishes for the priprincesses speedy recovery. >> i definitely was watching all the conspiracy theories we want
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to support her through her journey. >> as you mentioned of course the king is also battling his own cancer treatments at the moment. and also sarah ferguson the duchess of york. she's been diagnosed with two cancers in the last year at the most recent one is skin cancer but for now the princess of wales is asking for privacy will she recovers with her family. >> tough times for the royal family indeed. we wish them all well. stephanie bennett live in buckingham palace, thank you. strip of a medical perspective on prince princess cates analysis. fox news contributor dr. marc siegel. dr. mark our hearts and good wishes are with the princess and her family. any sense of what type of cancer this could be a question what could be >> cancer, colon, uterine, ovarian, what is your insight? >> first of all i've been talking to a medical oncologist
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around the country with the top colorectal surgeon in the country about all this. but i want to say first that anybody that was looking at her medical records in london is a disgrace and grounds for immediate dismissal. privacy is really important especially when you have young children we need to respect that. we need to respect how tough this is on the royal family. from the point of view on this question there are two camps basically. one camp says the most common thing is she might have had a hysterectomy and incidentally found ovarian cancer back in january. the things going against that idea by the way that happens a lot it's a very common cancer in younger women unfortunately. things going against that art that's the surgery that takes about a day it looked like she was in a prolonged hospitalization. secondly the chemotherapy used for that tax so you generally lose your hair there's a big debate about this. you can see from the photo it looks like it is her hair that
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would imply chemo for colon cancer. colon cancer is a type of chemo that you do not lose your hair now how could this be colon cancer in such a young person? there is a lot of discussion over the years she could have an inflammatory bowel disease about donations she has given raising awareness to it. people have talked about it's never been confirmed if she had crohn's disease and that could explain the surgery in january which was extensive. again not extensive if it's gyn surgery but more likely if it is bowel surgery. if you found incidentally a colon cancer early the key is preventive. she is using preventive which is very optimistic it implies they got it all. i want the viewers to know why would you give chemo if you got it all? the answer is you cannot be sure it will not recur and it decreases the chance of recurrence greatly. eric: would something like this is caught early it does increase
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the prognosis but lessens us into the soundbite from her video announcement about what you just said. the preventative chemotherapy. >> might medical team therefore advised i should undergo course of preventative chemotherapy and i am now in the early stages of that treatment. eric: canoe and depth go into more in depth about what that means and what that would mean for us if someone is diagnosed? >> it is a weeks, weeks of her current treatments they are usually weekly treatments. if it's the way i said it's intravenous there's been some talk in the media's intravenous? is it oral question work is almost certainly got an intravenous component to it. taxol which i mentioned before is intravenous you could have a combination of the two with the cert weekly treatment for weeks at least six weeks. and again you reassess. generally speaking you would do something called a pet scan to make sure there's activity to see that there's the hot spots. we are getting better and better
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at this for there so many treatments out there now we did not have before. but again another term for the word preventative chemotherapy might be adjuvant which mean you had surgery you found this incidentally you got rid of it ibd and gr crohn's is there a connection between those in it occurrence of cancer? >> right question as always. that is very high risk. it's about 8% over 20 years. it is they are, it is up there and that's what we do surveillance that's why you do a colonoscopy on a 42-year-old. you would not generally start that early unless you have a family history you would start a little later in the cases of inflammatory bowel disease absolutely. that is absently what you would do by the things i'm saying today it may sound speculative but this is what the top oncologist in the country and in london are talking about today. eric: finally this is touch people so deeply there are all
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the while conspiracies on the internet let me read you something in the "new york post" that jane torrence wrote about her highness. she remind us all she's always meant to be queen. always a kind word. the proper greeting for a foreign diplomat and yes a beautiful elegance the spent the pandemic focusing on making millions for it kate served at the royal voluntary service. among other things making comforting call to an 85 year old caregiver to a wife with alzheimer's. get well soon, catherine, the world needs you. dr. mark as a doctor what is your example the symbolic example of someone like this? a royal being so open and admitting she has cancer guiding the rest of us and those who have had cancer and those who have cancer in our families. what does that mean to us? books i can't do better than that video. she looked so calm and courageous in facing the future but facing the world with young
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children but let's not forget what she gave birth to the sketsketches outside the hospitl the next day looking for it, ready to go she is a sterling example to people about how to face disease how to overcome it. childbirth and how to overcome that. very inspiring to me as a physician. >> dr. marc siegel thank you and of course we wish the very best for her highness, the family for the king as well as the world is watching and hoping for her complete recovery. >> thank you eric. >> president biden about an hour ago sign a massive spending package to keep the government funded. the senate passed it overnight two hours after the midnight deadline more than 12 hours after the house passed a plate that was only part of the drama congresswoman marjorie taylor greene felt a motion to remove house speaker mike johnson. another congressman announced he
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will be resigning early. shrinking gop near house majority. madeleine rivera is light and a washington with all of the details. and madeline, what a drama. >> it is. this ends eight months long fight of a government funding and the statement the president says this agreement was compromised neither side got everything it wanted. the bipartisan spending bill rejects extreme cuts from house republicans expands access childcare and research funds mental health and substance abuse care. advances american leadership abroad and provides resources to secure the border that my administration successfully fought to include braid the senate seat syncing up with the house of voting 74 -- 24 to pass 1.2 trillion dollars spending package. it funds key agencies including the departments of defense, state, and homeland security. but conservatives, especially those in the house are not happy with how the vote went down in their chamber. they are angry of the lack of
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border provision. in the fact democrats gave this bill a massive boost to get it to the finish line. that is why georgia congresswoman marjorie taylor green find a motion to oust house speaker mike johnson. still a lot of republicans are not looking to do a repeat of the same matter the cost for house speaker kevin mccarthy his job in the fall. the painful process of finding his replacement. couple that with the effect come april house republicans will only have a one vote margin with mike gallagher set to resign that month. some gop members their already narrow majority. >> a lot of people were upset about the nature of the bill we do need to change how we do things in washington. unfortunately we do not have enough of a majority. >> green's motion is not privilege meaning it is not live it. there is not an immediate vote to remove johnson and greene is not mentioned a timeframe as to when or if she will take next
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steps. survival will be watching, madeline rivera thank you very much for more on this now on this political fallout from the new speaker drama and yet another threat to the gop already narrow house majority put let's bring it dr. lauren wright associate research scholar and a lecturer in politics and public affairs at princeton university. loren, thanks for coming in today on this. so much a drama and the house you do not need to watch netflix at night you could turn on c-span and watches all go down. ultimately the congress did pass one point to join dollars spending bill in the middle of the nights. very controversy ill as we heard madeline say but that is not the headline coming out of your you have got gop representative marjorie taylor green filing this resolution to vacate the chair. the speaker johnson assumption is assenting to having a former speaker kevin mccarthy you have one more prominent republican, mike gallagher who apparently
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you know well retiring this year. what is going on? >> i do not know the ins and outs of mike's situation very well. but i like him a lot. i went to graduate school with him i think we need more congressional reps like mike not fewer. he has really good policy and personal instincts. he acts on principle a lot of the time. in today's house gop that activity is not always welcome. to sum this up what is going on is it ready-made campaign add for democrats who have very little else to campaign on heading into 2024. this is served up to them on a silver platter. they can say at this sort of chaos is what you're going to get for the next four years if you vote for trial. and no one is paying attention to some the crazy policy proposals the squad has in some of their positions. all they are looking at is a very chaotic house and the
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democrats are absolute right to point to that. >> that seems hard to believe after how hard the gop thought to retake majority of the house. so much a criticism about this. i want to listen to some coming from the right. let's listen. >> what a person that can pass a competency test would want to be the speaker of the house? what person who could actually pass a psychiatric competency test wouldn't want to lead a group that includes a matt gaetz and bob good and some of the other people you just showed? mike johnson is as good as they get for going so it's a cut i want to do all these things if you want to do that there's a simple way to do it, when elections do not nominate lunatics. get people can win a general election not just republican primary take back the senate, take back the white house for. >> by summer there's a distinct possibility democrats will have the house majority. anita: while you heard that. the sheet right the gop dropping
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down to a one seat majority could we see the dems take over the house later in the summer is that a possibility? >> it is a possibility anytime you are one seat away. but what she's talking about and she made a good point you are one seat away from these lost votes. someone stuck on a plane, someone sick? those of the example she gave the nose happen every single day. this is so self inflicted on republicans parchment. if you look at head-to-head matchups in the swing state i'm interested in the implications of this for the presidential election. trump is a winning and every single pole and half the country thanks is an insurrectionist and a good portion of the gop does not even like him. he is still beating a bite and that is how much people hate joe biden and his policies. but republicans are shooting themselves in the foot once again they have empowered
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radical members and all of the focuses off of the economy for it all the focus is off of immigration for it all these issues will republicans typically went on. anita: it is something i want to put up numbers real quick on the house. let's take a look at the current makeup here. 4031 members in the house. wyou have 218 republicans 213 democrats, for vacancies. let's flip to the next graphic year. here are some key dates. these are the house of vacancies first of all. i think we have want the key dates of when some of these folks are retiring. can about, mike gallagher there's going to be a special election there you go for brian higgins. this is looking pretty perilous for the gop to hang onto this majority. just real quick you mention the implications for the next presidential election for a give you another 10 seconds but what are your thoughts there?
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>> my thoughts are that this type of activity, even though people might forget it if republicans get their act together is an absolute killer for republicans, electorally. it is a democratic campaign add. it's a boon to them republicans seem to get their act together but they have the majority but they don't act like it. >> will see what happens will be watching this very closely. dr. lauren wright th thank you r your insight today good to see you. >> thank you. >> did you see the video? it is pretty shocking that migrants storming the border in el paso, texas. the bite administration is blaming this chaos. we are alive at the border with the very latest. straight ahead. to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day.
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eric: new numbers from the southern border show migrant encounters had an saturday febry record last month. the data came out just hours into that stunning video of migrants rushing the border fence and el paso. we are looking live at eagle pass right now. 121 central time that is what nate foy is at the hotspot in eagle pass. >> hey eric, it has been chaotic. we showed to the live fox news or drone we have seen several migrants across the river here in eagle pass today. we are really watching el paso
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were two days in row migrants clash with texas authorities for take a look at this video from friday as you see migrants tugging on razor wire fence so that they can get to border patrol and then be processed under title eight. that means he'll get a notice to appear at immigration court and then released into the country for that is what happens thursday it went over 300 single adult men pushed over texas national guard soldiers and rush the border wall. republican congressman tony gonzalez said the bite administration is incentivizing more illegal crossings. >> we are seeing the biden administration reward bad behavior. if you break the law you get ahead. if you cheat the system, you get ahead. >> speaking of the new numbers take a look at t this. over 189,000 migrant encounters at the southern border in february. that's the highest february ever recorded. also, so far this fiscal year border patrol agents arrested 70
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people on the fbi terror watch list. a 112 criminals with prior convictions for offenses. these right here you see five child predators a for they have felony convictions that include sexual assault of a child. a criminal sexual contact of a minor under 13. this all happened texas so it's a key ruling on senate bill four which would allow the state to arrest and deport migrants who cross the border illegally. that ruling will determine if texas can enforce that law over the next two weeks or so there's another hearing coming up april 3 the judges will hear arguments about whether or not the laws unconstitutional. we will send it back to you, eric picoult's right nay from eagle pass thanks so much we'll have a lot more on the border in our next newscast we are going to be entering texas sheriff thaddeus cleveland about the state's controversial law that let people arrest and detain migrants. the appeals cold but the put the law on hold this week will get his reaction on that at our 4:0n
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hour and half from now here in the fox news channel. i need it. anita: white house continues to blame republicans and former president trump for the latest of mess at the southern border. despite massive numbers of reported crossings and encounters under president biden's watch. lucas tomlinson is live at the white house with the very latest on this. hite lucas. >> good afternoon anita. white house officials continue to climb texas governor greg abbott for the chaos of the border as well. >> why want to be really clear that everyone who was apprehended was apprehended by border patrol. they were able to do their job. even though it has made it -- republican governor in particular governor abbott has made it difficult for them. law men spoke earlier and fox defended his governor and says the white house is responsible for the crisis of the southern border. >> at this point the last three
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years we continue to seek gas lighting from the federal government to the american people but they continue to deflect and blame texas that's a perfect example blaming governor abbott for what happened and el paso. >> white house continues to blame congress for the proms of the border not pass in the senate bill republicans blame the president say there's a host of executive actions the president could take going back to former president donald trump border policies at the remain in mexico policy. there've been nearly 8 million migrant encounters on the southern border in biden's first three plus years in congress that's a lot higher than those encountered during trump's first term. just moments ago u.s. official confirmed to fox news the u.s. intelligence community believes the isis in afghanistan is responsible for the terrorist attack and a m moscow the same terrorist organization isis a k in afghanistan is responsible for killing 13 americans during the hasty withdrawal from afghanistan.
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anita: touts a deadly attack, lucas thompson thank you for bringing that to us we appreciate it. sue for more on the top stories today deadly a mass shooting at the packed and moscow concert. coming up, but we know about the suspects who did it and why. concerns from some about whether or not it could happen here. stay with us. and leaves your system fast. by the time you wake up, you're ready to take on the day. try it and feel the difference. mucinex nightshift, it's comeback season.
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eric: new calls for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to set down for this time from a man who held the position before him more than a decade ago. former prime minister telling fox news today there is a majority and israel who say trade one strategy in gaza is wrong. >> i think netanyahu has to go as soon as possible. we have to have elections as soon as possible. and ice e i entirely subscribede opinion voiced by chuck schumer. i think he expressed an opinion
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the attitude and the emotions that is shared by the majority of the israelis. eric: he talked about senator schumer he mention that and that was of course the speech by the senate majority leader just over a week ago. in which she called prime minister netanyahu as an obstacle to peace and called for a nefornew israeli elections fos part the prime minister netanyahu has been going to protect his nation and to defeat and destroy hamas once and for all. so that those terrorists can no longer threaten the jewish people. anita: back now to the deadly mass shooting in russia. [background noises] anita: seen and moscow several gunmen in a camo gear stormed a concert hall last night and opened fire. at least 133 people were killed.
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isis k in afghanistan is claiming responsibility. russian president putin is blaming ukraine. he denies any involvement medmadison is live with the latt on this and madison, what he learning? >> putin claiming this morning the suspects were trying to flee into ukraine. but, as mentioned ukraine said they had nothing to do with this deadly attack. putin says there were four people directly involved in the mass murder according to russia media at least one suspect claims they were paid to carry out this attack. witnesses say they were just watching the concert when attackers burst into crocus city hall they started shooting people and throwing bombs it was pure chaos. witnesses say people were pushing, running and screaming. the shock of this tragedy is being felt all over the country. >> i am at a loss for words. all of us are expecting
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retribution. >> to honor the memory of those who died, who suffered from terrorism this is just unbearable. i think they will find everyone responsible and will do everything right. >> the attack comes just two weeks after the u.s. embassy warned americans of increased risk of terrorism. the warning said attackers may go after large crowds and specifically mentions concerts. today rescuers were still searching the ruins of the concert hall. moscow mayor canceled all big events in the capitol this weekend putin saying he has beefing up security all over the country this is the deadliest attack in russia and decades back to you. >> don't doubt it looks just devastating. madison, thank you so much for that report. eric: the massacre said to be carried out by isis and afghanistan or isis k. who are they and why? that military analysts president
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iris independent research joins us now. doctor grants, good to see you. can you explain why is russia, why is the putin government the target of these radical islamic terrorists? >> isis decay, they are stone cold killers. their beef with russia is putin supports the asad regime in syria. isis wants to create a caliphate so what is interesting about this is this is one of the biggest isis k attacks outside of afghanistan, iran. for them to be able to attack in downtown moscow is unfortunately an escalation and a tragic reminder that terrorism is not going away. eric: what is it say about the state security of russia that is the g are you and the police yet they were able to carry this out right under their noses apparently.
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>> even with information, which we know from the white house the information was passed to russia under the duty to inform agreement which you notify even non- u.s. persons in entity if you have hot information. our intelligence was all over this. even giving really specific warning that it might be a concert venue. remembering the manchester bombing from back in 2017. putin has really goofed up here but i am disgusted that putin is trying to link this in any way to ukraine. that is a total lie and he is covering up for a big intelligence failure on the part of russia. see ford using the russian people will fall for that? >> they might. putin has pretty strong control and of course in the wake of this tragedy you are looking for someone to blame obviously is isis's fault but no telling how putin will spin that propaganda sadly progress over the internet
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there are claims it could be a false flag operation. they look back to the theater remember that in 2002 or so wonder 30 people were killed but they put in some sleeping gas in the theater. putin used that as an excuse for the war on chechnya. any possibility this is part of putin's plan? >> i don't know that he causes but he would capitalize on it because he wants to be the strong man's and the savior of russia. but it looks pretty clear here isis k is as expanded their abilities they did those attacks on the iran shrines in early january. part of the reason of courses they now have a safe haven in afghanistan. the taliban and oppose them but they cannot handle this burgeoning terrorist threat from isis k and of course they are the ones who mastermind the attack at the abbey gate which
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we will never forget. >> absolutely nods those who sacrifice and give the ultimate sacrifice there. speaking of that what type of threat to the opposed to us in our homeland? >> they would love to expand because they are funded in part by their gang for their local extortion and also by carrying out high-profile attacks. so i think our intelligence services are clearly keeping a very close eye on isis k and the cencentral command center ward t year they are looking more towards european and u.s. targets. maybe not the ability to do that right now we got to keep an eye on them. we have lost a lot of that over the horizon surveillance that we used to do from afghanistan. a lot of attacks on isis k. and now much less ability to do that. it's up to our intelligence services to watch them very, very closely and work with our partners and allies. eric: finally how do you expect what you expect people to do going forward in the next few weeks because of this reaction
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and could this have blowback against ukraine? >> and think it arty is. russia launched one or 50 missiles against ukraine the other nights. this is just going to continue to justify his policies. russia will be looking to see who funded this and how isis k got into the country. so for the terrace don't stop in the master terrorists vladimir putin doesn't stop either. dr. rebecca grant present an independent research thank you as always. >> thank you. anita: eric, more issues surrounding bowing with the fbi is now telling passengers on that alaska airlines flight or a door blew out in mid air. that is next. more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gumline. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. ahhhhh. listerine. feel the whoa! (shouting) hi! need new glasses?
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our christina coleman is standing by with some video goes a long feat raids in exactly what they do come hey kristine it. >> hi eric. we embedded l.a. county sheriff's department organized retail health crime task force they busted a man they believe a selling stolen merchandise collected from some of the smash and grab crimes plaguing the state. >> a lot of things stacked against us in california. i think people tend to think the laws are soft when it comes to these types of crimes. they are probably right. so we have some work to do with legislation to get some of the laws of change. >> there is a bipartisan effort in california to change proposition 47 a criminal justice reform measure which lowered the penalties for many theft crimes for felonies to misdemeanors but even on repeat offenses. take a look at this video. deputies believe almost all of the products you see here is
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stolen merchandise the outside this place looks like a shopping center near downtown l.a. authorities say it is a hidden storefront for a retail crime ring. the task force converged on this location and arrested the primary suspect that we embedded with the deputies during this bust. >> if you're inside come out of your hands up we have a search warrant. >> deputies are now sorting through the massive amount of items found during this incident per when they are done they believe they will have recovered more than half a million dollars in stolen merchandise. including makeup, toiletries and kitchen appliances. deputies say the items came from a variety of retailers including cvs, walgreens, sephora and nordstrom likely swiped off the shelves rings on the ongoing smash and grab crimes here in california. >> it is rampant it. it's going on daily. every time we go out and do operation sometimes we cannot keep up with the amount of
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traffic the amount of suspects are stealing. >> not focus on busting the suspects doing all the ceiling for their focus on bringing down the entire organized retail crime chain including the getaway drivers and those who store and sell all of the stolen merchandise. >> that law enforcement is going after them. christina, thank you. anita: the problems keep coming from boeing. it's jets have been in a series of recent high profile mishaps. this united airline 7:30 seven max eight rolling off a houston runway and getting stuck in the grass. now the fbi is telling passengers on that alaska airlines flight that lost a door plug in mid air that they might be crime victims. kyle bailey as a pilot former faa safety team representative. i hear talk about this. kyle, thank you for coming on today pretty when to start this investigation is a horrific alaska airlines flight where the
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door panel blew off it. that is a 737 max nine which has been grounded now across the board. i want to put up a quote from a letter from the fbi to passengers involved in a lawsuit. let's take a look at this. it says quote as a victim specialist with the seattle division i am contacting you because we have identified you as a possible victim of a crime parade this case is currently under investigation by the fbi a criminal investigation can be lengthy and undertaking them for several reasons we cannot tell you about his progress at this time. so kyle, is this strike you as strange or is it common knowledge is was a criminal investigation? i think people assume there is negligence involved but a crime as well? >> good afternoon, and needed. the fbi and the federal authorities are going to the full investigation process here. this is not come as a surprise. they are just putting it out there they are potentially can
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be negligence on the part of the manufacturer the subcontractor. and the nonsequential installation of those parts of the airplane that were missing on the fuselage. this is normally investigation process. anita: there have been at least 20 incidents involving boeing aircraft this year in 2024. let's scroll the incidence for you on the screens you get a sense of just how many we are talking about emergency landings, diversions, system failures, tires blowing off, that does not include regular passenger disturbances of course. these are some of the more serious ones. so, their 20s have far as i mentioned. is this normal for just the first three months of the year? or are we learning more about this because there's heightened scrutiny brought upon by social media? and should people feel safe getting on a boeing aircraft? >> people should feel safe
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flying your chances of dying in a plane crash as water in a million. to answer your question this is pretty much the perfect storm of everything happening with social media blows everything out of proportion everything is known social media unlike 10 or 20 years ago. the world media is focused on boeing and these airplane incidents. things like this have happened over the past couple of decades and it's not under the microscope. with the exception of the big things like the alaska airlines door blowing out. but to answer your question i would have no hesitation getting on an airplane for the faa does a phenomenal job at oversight. with all these instants with the keep in mind the bottom line is the end result nobody died. and all of these instances for the past year was a safest year on record in aviation commercial air travel. as it indicates how good of a job the faa is doing on oversight of the both the
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airlines and the manufacturers. anita: that is a good point they give her bring it up lastly want to ask you also about this whistleblower the boeing whistleblower jon barnette who died from what appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound on march 19 ha 90 had been taking l action against boeing for his dismissal he alleged she was being harassed, denigrated and spied upon for raising safety issues. finally want to hear to make of that. >> it is very interesting. we do not know if it's a coincidence or not. the suicide. i would assume if he was having financial problems and had worked for a long period of time he might possibly have been depressed or it again i don't know that, that is speculation. it is kind of interesting these allegations that were brought up as being spied on by his bosses et cetera. but a full investigation it will happen in regards to the death of that individual progress no doubt we will be following that.
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kyle bailey thank you so much for coming in today we really appreciate it. and we will be right back. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪
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lot of heavy snow in lunch. "fox weather" nicole is live snow eight plymouth new hampshire with the very latest on that. it looks beautiful, nicole. >> hi eric. it is all anyone is talking about here in plymouth, new hampshire they are actually happy to see this much snow so late in the season. not just any snow we are talking inches of it. take a look at my feet. you will notice how deep it goes almost up to my knees there as we talk about a winter storm that for some may sound weird when you talk about as being the first week of spring. but it is welcome for the reason why is we are looking at cities all the way from vermont into maine that are in a major snow deficit. about 7 inches of snow right now with more to come. of course with that there are some dangers we know of course are driving and this can be tricky and sometimes downright dangerous whether you are a new englander or not space so
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warnings across freeways like the 93 reminding drivers the winter storm warning will be in effect through early sunday morning. this snow has been falling over much of new england since before sunrise. this heavy consistent snowfall is expected to continue into the evening paetzold businesses like the café here a bit slower in terms of customer base for the day. they believe they can cash in next week of all the fresh powder sticks around. >> it is a welcome late-season event. like you said we would have liked to have it sooner. we will take it when we can get it. this is the most beautiful time of the year. given the parameters of the weather we are getting today. >> barbecue just heard from his helpings head out and hit the slopes the white mountains not
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far from here he said the ski resorts could actually take advantage of the late-season snow and extend an invite an additional two weeks with all this powder. >> i'm sure they like that in a glorious new england winter that is what it is about in that neck of the woods paid from plymouth, new hampshire nicole thank you beautiful. anita: like a whitre me up it wl be back at 4:00 p.m. eastern paid the journal editorial is next 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) ..
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12:00 pm
>> he said brett kavanaugh assaulted her and you were in the room. some of your statements don't sound like an unequivocal denial.


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