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tv   Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo  FOX News  March 24, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ will: you're listening to anthony evans is. he just performed off of his new album, revive. it is available everywhere right now. rachel: why don't you with close us out with a message here on palm sunday coming into holy week. >> a lot of times our feelings take over in general because of life happening, but what i've had to learn is my feelings tonight have intellect. i have to bounce my feelings off the truth of the word of god. we have hope no matter what you're feeling. walk if the direction of your feelings, and your emotions will follow your feet. so just walk in the contradiction of truth. will: that's good stuff. charlie, you did an awesome job. rachel: we loved having you, and we loved having all ofou guys here. thanks for joining us. will: revive is available everywhere right now. ♪ if. ♪ ♪ if. maria: good sunday morning,
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everyone. thanks so much for joining us this morning. happy palm sunday to you, and welcome to "sunday morning futures." i'm maria bartiromo. today, shakedown. the the new york a.g. threatens to seize donald trump's assets tomorrow if he cannot pay half a billion dollars. coming up, trump organization executive vice president and president trump's son eric trump will respond live right here. then, house on fire. georgia congresswoman marjorie taylor greene is here after sending house members into easter recess with a wrecking ball, filing a motion to fire speaker johnson to be considered upon return. then. [inaudible conversations] [bleep] maria: invasion at the southern is border. hundreds of illegal migrants from africa, central the america, colombia, venezuela surging the border, ripping down the razor wire and overwhelming national guard soldiers as the
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white house deflects. pleasure. >> look, i have not spoken to the president about that video. what i can say is this: you know, i really, truly believe that's a question for, you know, the republican governor of texas. maria: coming up, texas lieutenant governor dan patrick here on the human trafficking and drug trade at the southern border and why president biden will not act to stop the surge. plus, communist china behind so much of this chaos, undermining america from all sides. south dakota governor kristi noem with a warning to keep beijing out of america's food supply. then, election 2024 now 225 days away. ohio senate candidate bernie moreno on the critical latino vote to return donald trump to the white house. it's the all right here, right now on "sunday morning futures."
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♪ ♪ maria: and we begin this sunday morning with breaking news as new york attorney general letitia james tries to close in on president donald trump, preparing to seize some of the former president's real estate assets if he's unable to secure a bond or deposit9 of $464 million by tomorrow in his civil fraud case. the new york a.g. filing judgments in westchester county, the first indication that the state is preparing to seize trump's golf course and private estate mort of manhattan one week after judge arthur engoron made official his $454 million judgment against trump and his sons, donald jr. and eric trump. the 45th president's a legal team on monday said that it was nearly impossible to secure a bond of this size after he was turned down by 30 insurance companies. trump also telling fox news digital any money on hand was earmarked for his presidential
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campaign, charging the judgment represents more election interference. instead, he is vowing to fight the ruling all the way to the supreme court. joining me now in this "sunday morning futures" exclusive the executive vice president of the trump organization, he is president trump's son, eric trump. eric, good to see you. thanks so much for being here this morning. >> thanks, maria. maria: so the first question, of course, is how are you dealing with this? what is your plan to meet this judgment? >> well, it's so sad. first of all, i'm a guy that grew up in new york, my father built the skyline of new york. this is election are interference. they go out and ask you to post half a billion dollar bond. maria, i went after the largest sureties in the world, the largest sureties in the country. they said, eric, the last time we've seen a bond that size is went we did the big dig of boston which was a $25 billion construction project that lasted almost 25 years. they're trying to put my father out of business, take all his resources into his campaign for presidency.
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this is new york state. this is what we're seeing. leticia a james campaigned on this promise, and now tear making him do something -- they're making him do something that's not physical arely possible. putting up half a billion dollar bond, bonds that size don't exist in this country. a $10 million bond is a large bond. a $15 is million bond is an enormous bond. a half a billion dollar bond? and, maria, remember one thing, the banks all a testified, trump was the greatest borrower we've ever had. there was no victim. there's -- this is a crooked system with a crooked attorney general and a crooked court that literally wants to put my father out of business. and you know who they're actually going to hurt? they're going to hurt the thousands and thousands of employees that we have in new york state. these are janitors, these are doormen, these are people that work in commercial buildings. they're going to hurt those individuals, not the executives. they're going to hurt those individuals. how about all the a contractors that we employ to do wild withouts? -- buildouts? how about everybody else that relies on our family? if thousands of people.
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all for their own political venn debt that? it's insane. maria: i'm trying to understand how this number came about, $454 million, or $464 million, and what the real number is. how did they come up with this number? >> you know what? it was a crooked number. there are no victims. there is no number -- maria: right. >> the number should be zero. my father's running a great company. i run a great company. we've never had a default, we've never missed a payment, we've never been in a breach of covenant. every single one of our letters came out. he goes out, and the judge comes out and says i take disgorgement. i want to take interest rates that you paid on mortgages and put it up to 10, 11, 12% and go back 20 years, and we already won this in the appellate court. there's a statute of limitation, that 99% of what he put in there is thrown out. but, maria, this isn't about this, this is lawfare. they want to hurt my father who is winning the presidential race right now.
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he's beating biden in every single poll in every is tingle swing state. he -- single swing states. he wants to put hundreds of millions of dollars of his own money into his campaign,how do they deprive him of that? they have that judge on the screen right there come up with an astronomical number, give you zero time to post a bond, a bond that's not even commercially available in the united states. it's not, no one's ever seen a bond this size. every single person when i came to them say saying, hey, can i get a half billion dollar bond, maria, they were laughing. top executives of the largest surety companies had never seen anything of this size. what, they're going to start seizing assets if he can't put up something that's not available in the united states? if. maria: so is, i mean, you said there were no victims, no one lost any money, you've paid everything back in minnesotaty of time. in plenty of time. have is you heard from the business community in i don't think? -- in new york? are you thinks appointed you're not hearing more outrage from
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others in i heard or from kevin o'leary from "shark tank," he's questioning whether or not he'll do business in new york ever again because of this. >> sure. and by the way, joe rogan is talking about it, everybody else is talking about it. the entire florida real estate community is laughing. the judge said e that mar-a-lago was worth $18 million. $18 million. you can't buy anything on the island of palm beach for $18 million let alone a house that's probably worth a billion dollars. i mean, maria, the entire florida real estate community is laughing at this, the entire real estate community in general is petrified of new york. do you know how much business new york state is losing because of this, because they see this radical -- you even have the governor, kathy hochul, saying, you know, we're going to do the to trump, but we're not going to do it to any of you. don't worry about it. maria, they're trying to deprive him of his cash. they want to bankrupt him. they want to hurt him so badly, and it's going to backfire because he's going to win this in november, and everybody in this country universally knows exactly what these people are
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doing. maria: so whatever money he has on hand, he wanted to put that toward the election and campaigning which is, of course, what you've just said, that this is election interference. will you be able to put up any money? is there a plan in terms of putting up a portion of it? >> we've offered that. we've 100% offered that. we're waiting for the appellate tuition can, and i hope they come back with something sensible, but we've offered that. we've tried to be very reasonable, and we're going to win this entire case because the entire case is phrase concern crazy. you had a run rae judge that just ruled against something that the appellate division has knocked out 85% of this case, but that's not the point. they don't care. they just want to hurt the man. and, again, they're sending tremors across this country. and by the way, maria, people internationally are watching this charade. america's losing our standing in the world. when they see this, people invest in america from all over the planet because they know we're the safe harbor, that this
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kind of stuff can't exist and and doesn't exist, and now they're seeing this exist in the united states. you know the damage that does to our country? maria: erin, you and your brother -- eric, you and your brother have also been ordered to pay a judgment. what role did you have in any of this? >> absolutely nothing, and the judge even in his final, you know, closing days said that we had nothing to do with it. so all of a sudden when we were put in the judgment, we each have to pay $4-5 million and we can't do business in new york which the appellate court has already stayed, i'm saying, wait a second. in your final outsider -- order, you said we had nothing to do with this case, and now all of a sudden -- the more they can name the trumps and the more they hurt us, the more they think it's going to benefit joe biden in 2024. what they don't realize is, again -- maria: go ahead. >> please. maria: go back to the will be that that this is -- reason that this is happening in the
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beginning. because they say he overinfacilitated his assets' valuations. you had auditors looking at those valuations, correct? >> and you had a disclaimer that's three pages long saying these are our values. we believe mar-a-lago's worth this. and, by the way, the values were very low. we believe mar-a-lago's this, doral is this, but if you disagree, do your own valuations. real estate's subjective. we believe we have the best properties in the world. i sold a hotel in washington, d.c. that was substantially less money on the statement of financial condition than what i sold the hotel for. you know, it's crazy. the only assets we have ever sold we sold for more than were ever listed, but again, these points don't matter to these people, maria with. they're trying to hurt an individual. maria: what is the whats ifty that president trump has -- the capacity that president trump has to continue campaigning should they be able to take this kind of money from him? what happens next if they start seizing assets? can they do that tomorrow?
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>> well, in terms of my father, this isn't his first rodeo. what he's had to night through for the last eight years i can tell you as a son is unthinkable bl. for every bullet, every attack that you watch on your show, maria, i can tell you there's a thousand behind the scenes that we deal with as a family. the amount of air a roars, the shots we've take, and he never stops. he's the toughest guy i've ever met in my entire life. he's going to win in november. i don't care if they strip him of every single building, every single property, he will never, ever, ever stop fighting. that that's, frankly, who we are as a family. we've seen this game before, and they can only cry wolf so many times, maria. all of america 's on to it. today know what's happening. of letitia james campaigned on this promise to do exactly this. maria: that's right. >> and it's a disgrace to new york state, and i hope the appellate court fixes the problem. maria: eric, thank you so much for taking this on and for joining us. of course we'll be following it
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firsthand. trump organization executive vice president eric trump. thank you, sir. >> thank you, maria. maria: and now this, more drama in the house of representatives with a new push to oust speaker mike johnson after congress passed a $1.25 trillion spending bill once again without securing the border. georgia congresswoman marjorie taylor greene filing a motion to vacate on friday saying the speaker, johnson, betrayed the house gop conference by backing the bill which was released early thursday morning with over 1,000 pages of text. this as the republicans hold on to the majority by a hair as the chairman of the house select committee on china, wisconsin representative mike gallagher, announced he's resigning early from congress effective april 19th. leaving republicans with a very slim 1-vote majority in the house. joining me right now in this "sunday morning futures" exclusive is georgia congresswoman marjorie taylor greene. congressman, thank you so much for being here this morning. >> thanks for having me on,
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maria. maria: well, we know that the you are holding on to the majority by a hair, and here you are raising now perhaps a reck wrecking ball -- wrecking ball. people are attacking you for this within your own party. can you explain this move? >> yes, absolutely, maria. just as you heard eric trump talk about his father, donald trump, who will never back down from the attacks from democrats, republican voters all over the country expect the exact same thing from republicans in the house of representatives where we hold on to a razor thin the majority. but yet this week speaker johnson, who's barely been a speaker for six months, led us to a complete catastrophe. he passed a giant omnibus bill, the second part of it, this week on pretty after breaking the 72-hour rule, only giving republicans a day to read 1-u-0-12 -- 1,012 pages and not allowing us to pass amendments to make any changes to this bill
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which chuck schumer has stuck full of democrat wish list and kept the biden catastrophe border policies going. this comes after of the tragic death of laken riley, this comes after americans have been watching on loop the video showing military-aged men, illegal aliens, rushing the texas border, running over texas national guard and border patrol. americans are sick and tired of failure in the house of representatives. we are barely hanging on to our republic, and a nation in debt with over $34 trillion in debt and with we cannot have a republican speaker of the house that is willing to do the bidding of chuck schumer, handing over the gavel to him and letting him pass the schumer house bill on the floor and not allowing any of us republicans to do our jobs. maria: why is it that you are having such trouble securing the border? go through some of the things in this bill that relate to border security and the things in this bill that you find are
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inappropriate. >> two there's nothing in this bill that secures the border. this bill that johnson passed does everything to keep the biden administration's horrible, horrible border invasion, the deadly daily invasion going every single day. the house republicans have passed incredible border security bills like h.r. 2 and the laken riley act. speaker johnson's one chance, his one chance to truly secure the border is with the power of the purse, and and that's in these funding bills. if speaker johnson really wanted to secure the border like he promised all of us he would and promised the american people, then he would have told chuck schumer we will not pass any government funding bills until our border and funding bills have the h.r. 2 in it or the laken riley act or at least some measures within them. but he didn't. he completely failed in that, and he let chuck schumer pass this bill in the house because
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speaker johnson forced it on republicans. maria: but people -- >> -- not only the did nothing for the border, it funded full-term abortion clinics, trans-woke policies that target children in this country. this was not a republican bill, this was a democrat bill. maria: yeah. but people even in your own party are attacking you saying we do not need more division. i mean, after all, congressman, look how many people have left. ken buck stepping down, mike gallagher, stepping down. and mike gallagher is leaving at a time that even makes things tougher for the republicans, right? if he's leaving early, isn't he? >> you're right, maria. and those e people stepping down early and leaving are the ones that are leaving it, us at risk of the democrats controlling the majority, not me. i file this motion to vacate, but i haven't called it to the floor. this is like issuing a pink slip and giving our conference a notice saying that we have got to find a new speaker.
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this may take weeks, it may take months, it may not if even -- [audio difficulty] happen until next congress. but speaker johnson cannot remain as speaker of the house. speaker johnson has also failed our majority because he is allowing mike gallagher to leave congress after the deadline date where his district cannot hold a special election and elect a new representative for the rest of this entire congress. mike gallagher betrayed all of us, and speaker johnson is the one who's responsible for our majority. he praised mike gallagher on friday after he announced his departure saying that he's great and praising him and thanking him for his service in congress. speaker johnson should be forcing mike gallagher to leave early so that his district can hold a special election, and any strong republican speaker of the house would expel a member for leaving our razor thin majority in such a delicate, delicate state. maria: okay.
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>> we cannot allow this. maria: so what you're saying is he's leaving, and the date that he chose to leave leaves that region of wisconsin without a representative. you can't even do a special election there. so you've got just no vote there. are you concerned that this move that you are making is going to hurt the 2024 elections? is this actually going to hurt your candidate, president trump? >> not at all. president trump is overwhelmingly winning this election. poll after poll, because he's a fighter and he's a champion for the american people. [audio difficulty] argue that the house would lose the majority if we didn't have president trump on the ballot. president trump is going to drag every single republican across to victory whether they deserve it or not. maria: okay. >> and i can tell you right now republicans are fed up with it. republican voters want fighters in the house of representatives to fight like president trump, and that is exactly what i'm doing. maria: okay. >> i will force change.
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i'm not bringing chaos, i'm forcing change. maria: real quick, congresswoman, we've got to go, but real quick what you're saying to me this morning is that this is a pink slip, you may not bring it to the floor when you come back from easter recess to get mike johnson out, but you want to make a message that you are not going to accept any more of no security at the border. is that what your saying -- you're saying who? that's what i'm saying. it's a promise to my if conference, keep the investigations going, keep the committee work going. let's do the good work that we're doing. i haven't drawn a deadline, but that doesn't mean that i won't call it to the floor and force a vote to happen. maria: congresswoman, thank you very much. we'll be watching your work. marjorie taylor greene, this morning, exclusive. up next, the chinese communist party setting its sights on america's farmland as they seek to replace the united states as the world's dominating superpower. south dakota governor kristi noem is here on how her state is protecting america's most
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they're our enemy. maria: and that was south dakota governor kristi noem if testifying in front of the house agriculture committee on capitol hill last week on china seeking to control the entire food supply chain in the united states. china already dominates the pork industry. all of this as a new tiktok post goes viral this week featuring a venezuelan national with over half a million followers telling migrants who cross the border illegally how to seize homes in america and invoke squatters' rights to unoccupied houses in america. one week after the house passed a bill to ban tiktok if it does not separate itself from the chinese parent company bytedance, no word on whether majority leader chuck schumer will actually bring that bill up for debate in the senate. joining me now with more on the threat is the woman herself, south dakota governor kristi noem. thanks very much for being here. >> thank you for inviting me, maria. maria: well, you've been adamant if about protecting america's farmland certainly in your state from ccp influence.
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tell us what you've seen and what kind of behavior we should expect from the ccp should they own farmland in america. >> well, what i hope the american people realize is that the country that controls our food supply, they control us. and so it's incredibly important that we pay attention to what's been happening for decades. this is my 30th year of work on ag policy, food policy in the united states of america. and over those years i've watched the ccp come in and buy up our fertilizer companies, our chemical companies, they've stolen our genetics, bought up our processing systems. in fact, we've had programs where we've given ccp members and chinese citizens citizenship in exchange for investment into our processing systems, and now they have dramatically increased the amount of purchases of a a g land in the united states. that completes their control of our food supply chain which means that the country that feeds us, they will control us. and it's a national security issue. we need to care who our neighbors are and not just
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because of how we feed ourselves, but also because a lot of times that ag land is right next to our national security interests, it's right next to our air a bases, next to our military installations where with our platforms are where they spy and steal information from us. maria: well, already hong kong and the ccp have passed new security laws which many say will further erode civil liberties in america and any businesses operating in china. do you believe that american businesses, managers, ceos understand the threat that you are referring to? >> i think they're starting to understand it, but i also think that they're under the control of the economics of doing business with china, and that's the problem. so many of our businesses have gotten so dependent and our farmers through trade agreements and ebbs ports have gotten -- exports have gotten so dependent on the market that is china and the size of it that they need to wake up and realize who does come first. is it america and our safety, or
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is it the economics of really what we need to decide here we stand for? that's what i think is so powerful about this conversation right now, is that china is willing to put their people through inhumanities and terrible situations in order to get what their agenda is. and their agenda is to become a world-dominating power. the only thing that's standing in their way is america, and i wonder if americans are even willing to be inconvenienced to make sure that we stay free and safe and protected here in the united states of america. china would never, they would never allow americans to come over and buy their land. they don't even allow their own people to buy land in china. why would we ever allow them to come to america and own our property and own land in the middle of the united states that they will use for nefarious actions to control us? if i think america needs to wake up. we have our eningmy among us. we have nod idea how much hand that they own. in south dakota we passed the strongest bill in the country to make sure that we're going to have reporting and consequences to know if china and other evil
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foreign governments open our land, and then we'll be able to stop them and if make sure that america is always america and it always puts america first. maria: so compare or the state laws to the federal laws. you are passing the most important regulations for your state, but do you want to see tighter regulations on a federal level? tell us the difference between those two regulatory backdrops, state versus federal. >> well, we have seen a cfius model at the federal level that has been ineffective at telling us really what is owned as far as property and what the vetting process is. in fact, they've told us that they don't have authority in this area. i do know there are some u.s. senators that are working to expand that authority. but when's the last time you really saw the federal government go forward and fix anything? i'd like governors to have more of a role in this. i think it's important governors pass laws to give more reporting requirements and some consequences if evil foreign governments come in and purchase up our assets. we can have that kind of a
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review process and model at the state level. we had a law on the books for many, many years, but we added teeth to it this year that made sure we reported those land purchases, and we're going to continue to strengthen that. but having a cfius model that reviews these real estate transactions is incredibly important, it's just at the federal level it's not been effective and hasn't stopped china from coming in and buying our assets. maria: how much farmland does china own already in this country? the we saw the impact of covid and how that ripped through the world so fast. do you worry about potential taintings in our food? is our food safe? >> our food is safe, and it's safe right now because we have decided we have a farm bill, and i would encourage congress to pass a farm bill because that's our safety net that keeps our farmers in business. and and we wanted every single person in this country to have an affordable food supply. that safety net makes sure that it is produced here in the united states, that it is safe and it's affordable for every
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single family are. the more we allow china to buy up the assets this a produce that food, the more dangerous it becomes. we have to make sure we keep our priorities safe in producing and providing our own food supply in this country. maria: governor, thank you so much. south dakota governor kristi noem. be sure to check out the governor's forthcoming book with, "no going back," which is slated to be released this may. governor, congrats on the new book. we'll be watching. good to see you this morning. quick break and then, coming up, an invasion at the southern border. stunning pictures of illegal migrants bursting through the razor wire in eagle pass, texas, running over national guard, slamming through border agents and is soldiers. texas lieutenant governor dan patrick here on the dangerous melee this past week and the fight to protect texas and the country from the nonstop flow of illegal crossers as the biden administration if fights the state in court to keep the border open. that's next. ♪ ♪ that work better together.
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>> he has lots of authority. he isn't using it. he's doing just the opposite. he's aiding and abetting the cartels to get more people here for his own political purposes. maria: and that was texas attorney general ken paxton with me here last weekend on president biden's refusal to use an executive order to secure the southern border where more than 10 million illegal migrants have entered the country on his term. if many on the terrorist watch list. instead, the biden administration is fighting the state of texas and its efforts to enforce border security, securing a temporary order preventing texas from enforcing a law that a empowers law enforcement in the state to arrest and deport if migrants accused of entering the united states illegally. meanwhile, take a look at this exclusive footage taken by the new york post on thursday. it shows more than, it shows hundreds of migrants made up of mostly military-aged men from several countries breaking through razor wire, knock ifing over soldiers with texas
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national guard at the border in el paso is, texas. it comes as isis claims responsibility for a terrorist attack at a concert hall near moscow on friday, killing at least 133 people there. isis is making a comeback, apparently. the fbi warning just two weeks ago that isis is now working with a human trafficking network operating at the u.s. southern border. now a president obama-appointed judge in illinois ruling that noncitizens who enter the united states illegally are allowed to possess and carry a firearm under the second e amendment. joining me now with the very latest at the southern border sr. texas lieutenant governor dan patrick. lieutenant governor, thank you so much for being here. >> good morning. maria: assess the situation at the border for us and tell us what was the situation on thursday with those migrants ripping down that razor wire. >> so do we want wild men if between 20-40 who we don't know
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anything about their background coming there if all over the world barging, charging, stampeding into our country? any president within his right mind, maria, in the white house would say this must end. it should have ended many times ago over the last three years because of fentanyl, because of people killed at the hands of people here illegally. the constitution, maria, says, article iv, section four, that the country, the united states shall protect each state from invasion. we're being invaded. that video clearly shows it. you know, people argue a, maria, well, it has to be a hostile, armed incursion. just because these people don't have a dang uniform on doesn't mean they're not invading us. and who are their commanders? in china, how do thousands and thousands of young men get from china to america through mexico? how do they get here? china doesn't let anyone out they don't want to let out. secondly, the drug cartels are the commanders and the generals of this invasion.
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the only difference is they don't have uniforms on, but they are killing americans, plundering americans, a story you heard earlier with about venezuela telling people how they can become squatters and take over our homes in america while someone's away on vacation, for example, or up for sale and there's no one there. this is a dang invasion. it's sunday morning, palm sunday, or i'd say something stronger. maria: thank you. yeah. i mean, the white house has been very careful, they do not want the word invasion used. >> of course. maria: they say it's not an invasion. they do not even want the word illegal used. the president the other day initially called the murderer of laken riley an illegal and then walked it back and apologized i. why? >> because they can't face the truth, because here is truth and everyone employees the truth, and that is they're allowing all these people here with the hope of one day, say 20 years from now -- that's only 5 presidential elections, by the way -- of these people becoming citizens or all the children
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they have. remember, about 8 million have crossed our border crossing in texas. when you hear 2 million have crossed, that's people across the border, the bridges. that doesn't count the millions that have come in between, that's why we've stopped them coming at the state park where i was the day they were going to clip the wires. that's people coming across those areas that don't want to be caught. so we have millions. you know, my estimate is somewhere between 12-14 million is are come in under biden. well, think of all the children they're going to have, automatic citizens, automatic voters. they want to take over this country. the marxist left, they have -- biden is a puppet. the progressive left arists. look, everything they're doing to trump, to america, to woke culture, our education system, you name it. they're taking over this country, and they are the invading us. i passed, i wrote senate bill 4 with senator charles perry. that's the bill that's going up and down between the courts, and it simply says we're being invaded, we have a right to defend ourselves. we're getting sick and tired of texans being killed dying of
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fentanyl, seeing americans suffer the same way. we're sicced and -- sick and tired of it x that's a why donald trump will and must win in november. on day one president trump will close this border. maria: yeah. >> but we're being invaded. everybody needs to understand that. just because they don't have a uniform on doesn't mean their not invade ising us. maria: so your number is 12-14 million illegals on joe bidens' watch. i know there's certain numbers we can quantify, and we know 10 million is the number most people are talking about including gotaways, you think it's more than that. 12-14 million. how do you arrive at that? >> maria, i've studied this issue for more than a decade when i was in the senate before i became lieutenant governor. back in 2004 the chamber of commerce said we had 11 million people here, 2004, and we were apprehending about 450,000 a year for 20 years, so add that to the 11 million. now biden comes in. we know they've apprehended, hey, i'm here for asylum.
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we know that number is between the 8-9 million since he came in. that's the people to that come across the crossing. we have 1234 miles of border with mexico. that's the distance from atlanta to portland, maine. we don't catch them all, 3-4,000 are coming in a day across shelby park until we put up the concertina wire. the gotaways and every law enforcement officer will tell you we don't catch them all. 1234 miles. so some law enforcement thinks we get if one out of three, one out of two. let's be conservative. that's -- maria: unbelievable. i'm more concerned -- >> -- plus those here before. maria: i'm really concerned with the people that are coming in that have been identified as being on the terrorist watch list. they only needed 19 terrorists to take down the trade center back in 2001. i mean, your thoughts on the danger that exists around this and what you can tell us you've witnessed up close and if personal in terms of that danger. >> yeah.
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i've been going to the border now for the last 15 years on a fairly regular basis. and we've been catching people coming here illegally from countries that are on our terrorist watch list for 17 years, but we've never seen numbers this high. we know we've caught and ap a rehelped close to 300 on the terrorist watch list. again, remember, there's wide open spaces that we don't have people everywhere or we can catch them even if we can see them. if you're coming here to attack america, you're coming across the bridge where you can be identified. you're coming into the areas where we don't see you, we can't catch you and, again, all of these people have come into america. do you think people from hamas that are coming here from the middle east, from these countries clearly on our terrorist watch list are coming here because they want to be great americans? if no, not at all. we're in great danger. it's all on joe biden. the blood of every american who's died from fentanyl or killed by an illegal drunk driver or murdered is on the hands of joe biden and kamala harris, and we're not taking it
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anymore. we're standing up and fighting, and we believe that senate bill 4 which we wrote in the senate, we passed, with we believe that would give us the right to defend ourselves. which we're doing now, by the way, but send people back. maria: truly stunning. lieutenant governor, thank you. texas lieutenant governor dan patrick with us today in texas. quick break, and then president biden9 and the democrats publicly attack bibi netanyahu during the fight of his life against hamas terrorists as the finger-pointing catches up with the ohio senate race. ohio republican senate candidate bernie if moreno is here on his opponent reportedly equating the israeli prime minister with hamas. next. ♪ welcome, i'm your host, jacob. hi. how was the weather getting up here? fine but, you know, i think we're, we're just going to go up to bed and— do you believe in ghosts? [whistling kettle sound] no? good! mother is buried in the yard.
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>> it looks like joe biden, chuck schumer have changed their mind about things. and i'll tell you why i believe it is, because the radicals in their party are not agreeing with israel. they're siding with hamas, and both biden and schumer are
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worried about them and their efforts to stay in the white house. we need to elect donald trump to be president. maria: and that was senator john barrasso with me here last weekend on top democrats dialing back support for israel and for prime minister benjamin net if an ya a hue in their retaliation against hamas. in ohio democrat senator sherrod brown, who is facing re-election this year, reportedly caught can on video equating the israeli prime minister, netanyahu, to hamas. town hall is reporting tiktok influencer justin jordan asked brown if he would support a ceasefire between israel and hamas. brown responded in part saying, quote, no, only was i don't trust that hamas or, frankly are, netanyahu would live up to that ceasefire. brown's opponent this november, ohio republican senate candidate bernie moreno joining me now. thanks very much for being here this morning. >> thank you for having me, maria. maria: the state of israel is responding saying that it is, it
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was unfortunate that senator sherrod brown said neither hamas nor netanyahu could be trusted today abide by a ceasefire. your reaction. >> well, the reality is sherrod brown's in the middle of what's going to be his last election, and he knows that he needs the entirety of the democrat coalition behind him. a big part of that coalition is the terrorist sympathizers, the people when side with the terrorists that killed more je jews than anytime prior to the holocaust. he needs to appeal to them, so he wants to not stand up for if israel. it's a disgrace. maria: he's been very supportive of the president's climate change agenda which, of course, has been debated throughout certainly palin circles. your reaction. -- republican circles. >> well, he says he's for the working class, maria, but let's lay it all out. you can't be for working class americans and support illegal immigration at the level we're seeing because it drives down wages, raises costs for americans, raises health care
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costs, food costs, housing costs. you can't be on the side of working class americans and allow biden to be putting mandates in place that would drive can our auto industry to the hands of china, eliminate good union-paying jobs. you can't be on the side of working class americans and close and dismantle coal mines and natural gas facilities and oil pipelines. maria: yeah. >> he hurts the very people he says he helps. maria: well, sherrod brown has been in the senate for a long time, and i want to know what you believe your path to victory is, also i want to get your take on the hispanic community's support for trump. i've got more with ohio republican senate candidate bernie moreno in just a moment.d stay wit sh us. ♪ ♪ what the heck. what you got larry? may the best bird win. brick. you may be a legend on the court but you're an amateur up here. heads up lar.
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andbrown reward people who wreak our laws who who come into this country is infuriating. the crime and chaos caused by illegal immigration hits predominantly hispanic communities, and they're sick and tired of being abused and watching biden cause the largest deaths of hispanics. the reality is you have migrants that are crossing into mexico, into the u.s. that are being raped and killed, and all of that is a result of biden's poles. hispanics see it for what it is, and and i think that's a going to put the republican party solidly in place because the hispanics are going to abandon democrats. maria: real quick before you go, bernie, what is your path to victory? can you beat scherr road brown in november? >> we will browns sherrod brown in november. he's been running for office since richard nixon was president, so we will absolutely defeat him. bernie, please pitch in you can. maria: all right, we will leave it there. good to talk with you, bernie, thanks very much.
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we will be watching this race, for sure. good to see you. ohio senate candidate bernie moreno. thank you, sir. that'll do it for us on "sunday morning futures." i hope you have a blessed palm is sunday today. i'm maria bartiromo. stay with fox news, and i'll see you tomorrow morning bright and early, mornings with maria, 6-9 a.m. each. d sunday. zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor in the usa. plus, the year's best deals, like 0% apr for 84 months, or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. orange goes all day; sale's ending soon. visit your local dealer today. find your nearest dealer at ( ♪ ) ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪
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