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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  March 26, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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harbor into the streams to head out into the atlanta. and these harbor pilots probably have not spoken with the authorities. it would be my guess the union has advised them to come, the union interrogates them first and with the attorneys and then sets up the protocol for the conversation between the harbor pilots and the agencies of jurisdiction. >> steve: captain, thank you very much. interesting. they probably haven't spoken to the investigators yet, the people at the wheel when it happened. >> brian: what if they lawyer up? >> lawrence: the accident happened at about 1:30 a.m. >> this is an unthinkable
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tragedy. we have to first and foremost pray for all of those who are impacted, those families, pray for our first responders and thank them, all of them working together. >> i think that folks are stunned. i think folks are reeling. i think that's particularly true for people worried about their loved ones right now. >> bill: we have a lot to deal with at this hour at 9:00 in new york city, 9:00 in baltimore. watching this catastrophic situation there. container ship crashing into the francis scott key. it collapsed in moments, as you see, middle of the night. crews are scouring the waters for the possibility of survivors. the water is very cold. we've got a news conference coming up in 30 minutes. we'll follow every twist and turn on this story today. good morning, everybody. tuesday morning in new york. bill hemmer and welcome. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." here is what we know. the collision happened at 1:40 in the morning. the response is an active search
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and rescue. fire officials say there are upwards of seven people in the water. crews have rescued two people and not clear at this time if they are part of the seven. >> bill: we have been told dive teams are braving dangerous conditions. including the frigid waters, 50 degrees or less. strong currents and wreckage hanging from the bridge at this hour. >> dana: mike is a retired navy seal with underwater experience and will join us in a moment. griff jenkins is live on the scene. hi, griff. >> good morning. it has been more than seven hours now since this incident happened around 1:30 a.m. nearly 1,000 foot long cargo ship from singapore flag called the dolly hit a main structure of the francis scott key bridge here. we're 1,000 yards just north of where that bridge is. let me just show you. you can see, bill and dana,
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what's left of the bridge in the distance. we saw the video of the dramatic span collapsing. you can see a bit of the bridge sticking up there. right now there are two phases of this, guys. you have acute search and rescue that's underway with local and federal authorities. you have the coast guard out here, three boats in the water as well as a cutter. you may hear the helicopter overhead. that's part of this. the long-term phase, how and why this could have happened in one of the busiest shipping thoroughfare's in the country with one of the nation's largest ports. for search and rescue that's what everyone is focusing on right now because of the possibilities that there could be as many as seven people unaccounted for. we learned from an earlier press conference that two individuals had been pulled out of the water. one was okay, the other was sent to a trauma unit in serious condition. now when you talk about who may
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have been in the water, there are motorists. there are vehicles in this patapsco river. there are vehicles in the water but also construction workers doing routine overnight concrete repair on the bridge. we hope to get an update from that. we've seen in the last few minutes maryland's governor on scene. he will hold that press conference and lead that press conference a few feet from where i'm standing. we may get updates. we have learned also on the larger picture of this that singapore's maritime port authority that overseas this ship is in contact with u.s. officials and coast guard trying to put the pieces together and the puzzle of how this possibly happened. we did have a press conference here an hour or so ago where i asked maryland's secretary of transportation whether or not this could involve foul play. this is what he said. >> are you ruling out any kind
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of intentional motive? >> we don't see anything that points to that at this time. it is an open investigation but there is nothing that points to that in any direction. >> so for all intents and purposes this is being viewed as an accident. but the accident is going to be quite complex and they tell us the investigation is going to take some time. you are talking about a very large ship that has to be very significant navigation through these waterways where it is unclear whether or not it was being piloted, had a tug boat or assistance in this part of it. right now it is all hands on deck trying to save lives and in the conditions out here, bill and dana, it is cold. it was in the 30s when we got here on scene overnight. the water temperature believed to be 48 degrees. an individual in a river at 48 degrees with the air temperature in the 30s you are talking about hypo thermia kicking in anywhere
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from 30 minutes to an hour. we're seven hours into this. we're waiting to get more answers, find out how the search and rescue mission is going and also what led to what is baltimore's worst harbor incident that anyone can remember here. guys. >> dana: we have that press conference coming up at 9:30 a.m. thank you. we'll be in touch. >> bill: a remarkable shot there when it went in tight on the container sitting there. 20 across stacked one on top of the other on top of the other. that ship is loaded. mike is with us, retired navy seal, underwater rescue experience. welcome to our coverage and good morning to you. we're told the port or the harbor is about 50 feet deep but this area where the structure of this bridge is sticking out of the water, it appears to be perhaps more shallow than that. in your experience, how well can you see underwater in conditions
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like this? >> well, bill, you know, underneath a bridge is most likely dredged for ships of this size to easily pass through with their drift. so at 50 feet, visibility is almost negligible and at night it is nothing. looking at it from the perspective of the victims. if you survived or weren't incapacitated by the 185 foot fall you're in 48 degree temperature. most of these drivers are untrained. even for somebody trained in evacuation or emerging from a vehicle of this type. it is pitch black, 48 degrees. as griff stated you are looking at exhaustion between 30 and 60 minutes if you have an air pocket. looking at death within three hours. we are going on roughly seven hours. most likely this isn't a search and rescue but a recovery operation. >> dana: may i ask you, sir, are there new technologies that are useful in a scenario like this?
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>> there are. sonar being the highest technology we have. for the dive teams, it is a mix of local, state and federal forces. the federal forces have the deep sea capability. they are most likely using sonar paired with either a circle grid or zone search. they're trying to be as methodical as possible. don't underestimate the current and the ability to move a vehicle. one-ton vehicle. significant distance away from where it settled at the bottom which makes it more complicated. >> bill: they talked about sonar being used, sir. we know there are vehicles in the water, temperature is 47 degrees. it is tough to survive that as a diver in a scenario, how do you survive? >> so that is a great point, bill. you have to be concerned about the safety and wellness of the divers. they are probably doing
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rotations or shifts in teams. but i've seen some estimates that the depth below the francis scott key bridge can be up to 200 feet. anywhere below 130 feet you run into nitrogen narcosis. it will be done in shifts. what local, state and federal forces are doing is trying to get as many divers with as much capability to that location as we speak. >> dana: we're told there were seven people in the water. two rescued. we don't know if those two were part of the seven. we're waiting on the press conference to find that out. as griff jenkins just reported, one of them was surprisingly okay. the other one sent to the hospital with serious conditions. we don't know what the condition was, we can imagine. does that even surprise you to be able to survive that kind of a fall, 185 feet of a drop and then to be in the water and to
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be rescued? >> dana, from what i would draw a logical conclusion the two survivors were at the lowest height of the bridge closest to the shore. surprising one was not injured at all. the other was probably injured or incapacitated due to the impact of their vehicle and falling that distance. but the fact that two people are alive, god is watching and they are extremely lucky in this situation. >> bill: yes, they are. thank you for your time. we'll call on you again. thank you for jumping on the air with us today. thank you. >> dana: joining us by phone is retired coast guard aviation sur survivor rick. tell us about your expertise and what you are seeing here. what is your first takeaway? >> like anybody else, this is one of the first things i saw this morning on the news. i'm currently employed by the coast guard as an aviation life support subject matter expert
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and retired helicopter rescue swimmer. still actively involved with a lot of things that the coast guard does. my experience, i had actually worked in that area before where the bridge is. and had responded to cases up and down that area and the chesapeake and having done 17 years as a rescue swimmer you don't know what to expect until you get on scene and conditions become evident. what you hear on the radio or sometimes is very different from what you see when you get there. you don't want to make any assumptions about anything before you get there and can assess everything that's going on. >> bill: when you think about the structure itself under water, it is this tangled steel that is out of visibility for us and in between that steel you are trying to locate vehicles. this is really difficult stuff. >> my concern is for the divers especially that's not the clearest water.
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i don't know what the tides are doing and that's always a concern with those guys. they have to weigh their own safety with the possibility of recovery. if it turns into a rescue or into recovery there is the balance they have to strike. as professionals they know where the line is and have people above them to help them make that decision. in the case of rescue swimmers, i know atlantic city launched early this morning with a helicopter en route early. the rescue swimmers stay on the surface. they're trained not to do anything under water. they're holding their breath. it will take everything on the surface. i know the helicopters will plan their search pattern for current and visibility. those types of things. where the likelihood of anybody who is in the water and floating or drifting where they are likely to end up at. that's part of the mission planning and they will be doing that. they would have been doing that en route from atlanta city as well.
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>> bill: how early did they leave? >> i was told they launched at 1:00 in the morning. >> bill: right around the time it happened. >> when those things happen they will look at the severity of it and they'll launch, the conditions warrant anything that was going to prevent it from launching a helicopter. they'll get en route and gather information as they go and get as much information as they can before they leave but they will get in the air and start gathering information as they go from the district. they'll get information fed to them from the local area, on scene managers and things like that. >> dana: looking at the weather forecast, a high of 57 degrees today with mostly cloudy skies. how does that help or hurt the efforts here? >> well, with the air temperature and the water temperature is a huge factor, water temperature probably the biggest one.
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you lose your body heat 25 times faster in the water than the air. so anybody that's in the water, they will be subject to hypo thermia within five or six minutes. everybody suffers that differently depending on body mass and physical capabilities and determination. under water is completely different thing. as far as the air crews, they're trained for this. the helicopter rescue swimmers are trained to deal with this. they do it from alaska to florida out to hawaii. the crews in the helicopter know what they're doing and dealt with weather like this up and down the east coast. generally the pilots flying and the air crews that are in the aircraft, they've been at different stations and had different experiences. so they will be able to deal with it. >> bill: these images are stunning and they will remain this way for some time. i can't imagine that container ship will move before the investigation is well into several hours and days from now. that would be my guess at the moment. with your coast guard aviation experience, can you help us
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understand how traffic moves in and out of this port at 1:00, 2:00 in the morning? >> well, that's all determined by the authorities at the harbor. and, of course, they'll respond immediately and those organizations, those authorities already have plans in place for events like this. they already have a response plan in place. so they will gather their initial information and then they will move on that information depending on, you know, what it is going on at the time. as far as aviation, as far as the helicopters, as far as our involvement, we're there to give information from the ariel perspective. anything we can help them with. looking for people or debris, giving them a perspective they don't have on the surface, on the water or from the bridge. they will help any way they can from the helicopter. >> dana: rick, thank you so much. >> bill: appreciate that.
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thank you, sir. we're waiting on the press conference 15 minutes away and see if the governor has more information to bring us and the mayor. they were up early today long before a lot of people on the east coast were out of bed talking with reporters and answering questions. these type of situations, when you have infrastructure collapses anywhere in america, they are all unique, all different. i remember covering the i-35 crash in minneapolis, minnesota. that has been 15 or 16 years. 2007. 12 or 13 people killed that day. what was interesting about that particular moment there, a lot of people commented about the traffic moving across this bridge. it was light at the time. can you imagine what would happen during rush hour in the morning or evening? well, that's what did happen in minneapolis. it was the evening rush hour. i-35 connects two major parts of minneapolis. i think after being there on the ground and seeing it in person you are like wow, i'm stunned
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that more people did not die at that time of day. the other difference this is all water and it's really tough to rescue. it's really tough to survive. in minneapolis, both ends of that span were over land actually. the mississippi river was down there, but you had to go a considerable way. a lot of the vehicles that we saw were stranded on land and not in the water in the river below. >> dana: interesting. the press conference coming up in about 14 minutes from now will be fascinating. >> bill: we'll follow every turn on this story momentarily. there is other news. some of the other stories we're watching now. yet another deadly day for law enforcement. nypd officer shot and killed in the line of duty making a traffic stop. the tragic details on that in a moment here. >> dana: plus federal agents raid the homes of sean diddy combs in two cities. why the music mogul is under
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investigation >> bill: u.s. supreme court taking up a case on the abortion pill. what they'll hear today. we'll tell you about that as our coverage continues next. crop ? we believe that the best products are made in america and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable farming techniques. from our sheets to our blankets and quilts this is a product that can be passed on. it could be a family heirloom. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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>> bill: here is the state of play right now out of annapolis, maryland. we'll see the press conference get underway in eight minutes time. we expect the governor, lieutenant governor and maryland department of transportation secretary who should be able to provide us new information with the sun up now and gather in the water there. stand by. we'll bring that press conference to you when it begins, as you can imagine out of baltimore right now, there is a ton of interest trying to understand the why. so we'll get to it coming up. >> dana: the cover of the "new york post" reeding a dark day
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for the city after an nypd officer was stop and killed in queens. the two suspects had at least 16 prior arrests combined. bryan llenas following the story live in new york city. good morning, bryan. >> dana, good morning. just before 6:00 p.m. yesterday, two nypd officers approached a vehicle that was illegally packed at a bus stop behind me. that's when the nypd said one of the suspects opened fire shantey and killing 31-year-old nypd officer jonathan dilhr. diller was shot in the torso underneath his bullet proof vest. he died at the hospital from his wounds. he leaves behind a wife and a 1-year-old son. nypd source identified the shooter and the driver of the
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vehicle. rivera shot officer diller after the two men refused numerous requests to get out of the car. >> these attacks on new york city police officers have to end right now. we have a family upstairs that is devastated. we have police officers in this hallway who lost a brother. it has to end now. >> sources tell us both suspects have long criminal records. rivera, the shooter, has at least four prior arrests including for armed robbery and drug dealing. jones a dozen arrest in april 2023 for a loaded firearm. eric adams had this to say. >> this is what you call not a crime problem, a repeat problem. same bad people doing bad things to good people. less than a year he is back on the streets with another gun.
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>> the chief of detectives said the officer stayed in the fight. after being shot he fought the shooter to gain control of the gun after it hit the ground. that shooter suspected shooter rivera was shot but is expected to survive. dana. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: we are minutes away from a news conference on the baltimore bridge collapse. officials set to give the latest update on the efforts to rescue those who are plunged into that chilly water and also how this all happened and what was happening on board that cargo ship at the time of this collision here. we'll have that for you as soon as it begins right after this break. break. your credit? here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way,
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conference. it is getting ready to go. grady trimble is live at the scene. good morning, grady. >> good morning, dana. search and rescue operation has been underway for eight hours. the big cargo ship hit the bridge, a support beam of the bridge around 1:30 this morning. since then, crews have been out here both in boats in the water in the river and overhead flying helicopters seeing if they can find any people or cars that may have been on the bridge when the entire or most of the mile and a half long bridge collapsed. i'll step out of the way to get a sense of what we can see from where we are about 1,000 yards from the bridge. you see one of -- what used to be the bridge, part of it, sticking up in the air. on our way in we could see and still see some of the cargo containers on this ship. the ship is still there. our understanding is the the ship was owned and registered
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under a company called synergy marine group called the dolly. as far as we can understand it was operated by maersk as it was leaving the port to sri lanka. everyone on board is okay. in terms of the search and rescue operation they are looking for up to seven people who may have gone into the water. at least seven vehicles as well. we're trying to confirm whether there were construction workers on the bridge doing overnight routine repairs on the bridge. amazingly, two people were pulled from the water in the early hours of the search and rescue operation. one of them was not hurt at all. another seriously hurt and was taken to a local hospital. again, we're expecting to hear from the governor any minute now and hoping we'll get an update on the search and rescue operations. listen to how the mayor of baltimore characterized their
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efforts early this morning. >> nothing you think that you would physically see the key bridge tumble down like that. it was like an action movie and you think most importantly, what we all should be thinking about right now, nothing but those families and people impacted an those people risking their lives right now from not just baltimore city and county but all over the state to try to save lives. that should be our focus, the preservation of life. >> so that is top of mind for crews on the scene here. also the port of baltimore, a huge shipping port that imports and exports autos, fertilizers, construction equipment as well as farming machinery. as far as we understand it right now, because of this bridge blocking the way into and out of the port of baltimore along the patapsco river the ships are at a stand still right now trying to get in and out of the port
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and impacts to ship. potentially huge if it lasts for a long period of time. we learned in the last couple of minutes that the ntsb is on the way and we expect to hear from them at a media briefing at some point today as they investigate what caused this crash. early indications according to some reports is the ship lost propulsion. no longer able to steer it as they were leaving the port. we hope to learn more as this press conference gets underway soon. >> dana: thank you, grady. thank you. >> bill: give our virus a sense of geography and trying to piece it together. the city of baltimore here, the inner harbor, a popular tourist spot and popular for people who live in baltimore. the port area where that container ship was docked at that time and this is the francis scott key bridge, i-695
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by baltimore. if you go forward one moment here, just to draft a little bit off of what grady trimble is just reporting there. did the ship have power? if it did not have power, did it drift? if it drifted, did it have no control? or was it under power and it just lost its way? all this we do not know right now. you can see where the dolly hit. this is normally the route that you would take, whether you are coming in and out of the harbor. this right here -- sorry about that. bear with me, hang on, hang on, i will bring it back here to -- thank you. okay. so this here would have been that southern truss holding up that aspect of the bridge. why it went that way is not clear. maybe the head of transportation in maryland tells us momentarily. it is a big part of the
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investigation. so daunting. if you are on a car or truck passing over the bridge at 1:30 in the morning look at the drop you have between the bridge and the water below. 185 feet. if you watch how this bridge went down, you see how quickly, within 30 seconds you didn't have a chance. that's what you were dealing with if you were in one of these vehicles that came down on that bridge here. we'll watch and see how they piece it together momentarily. dana, you have a guest now. >> dana: what we're going to do because we're waiting for the press conference is take a quick break and we'll be right back. what if there is an investment strategy, a product, where your retirement money and investment portfolio could go up with the stock market lock in your gains? and when the market goes down, you don't lose anything.
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>> dana: we're continuing to follow the news of this bridge collapse in baltimore. it happened at 1:40 in the morning. we're awaiting a news conference that will get underway any moment. we expect the governor, wes moore, will be there as well as many more. a lot of questions on the why and how did this happen and what
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happens next? we believe that seven people are still being -- still looking for seven people. seven people were in the water. two were rescued and we're waiting to find out if those two were part of the seven. >> bill: interesting ntsb is en route if not there already. the navy seal who joined us at the top of this hour was describing this diving unit out of new jersey. they were in the air almost immediately after this was reported. >> dana: a former navy seal joins us now and trained navy diver and worked on cargo ships. let me know if i said your name incorrectly and we'll get it corrected. we're doing this on the fly and wondering what you're thinking about now when it comes to the divers, what they're looking for and what they can see in the conditions they have right now. >> the divers now are trying to find cars with people in them and trying to recover the bodies
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at this point. i think they are trying to maintain their safety. the good thing is i don't see a lot of wires on the bridge. some big girders and metal but they have to watch out for sharp objects. they don't want to get stuck down there also. so they are really probably worried about their safety and the unfortunate task of trying to recover the bodies. >> bill: jake, i've been watching you since 5:00 or 6:00 this morning and i think a lot of what you have to say is excellent. thank you for joining us as well. do you think they know right now what happened to this container ship? >> my guess is the two pilots that are on the ship, the subject matter experts for the port of baltimore know exactly what happened. and everybody is just reluctant to say because there is a lot of money on the line. they don't want to get it wrong from an insurance standpoint. someone will be responsible for this tragedy and everybody is probably going through the
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initial investigation knowing -- no one is told to get on the news and tell the truth from the beginning. the two pilots on the ship no what happened without a doubt. probably some people know exactly what happened also. my guess is from seeing the video, it looks like the power of the ship lost power and it will come back to a maintenance issue with the ship doing everything it needed to do to maintain a seaworthy ship. >> bill: when that leaves the harbor, right, so our understanding is that it left the port around 1:00 and it happened 30 minutes later. so it is underway for a very brief period of time for what was going to be what, a 30-day sail halfway around the world? so you would do certain maintenance when that ship was tied up in harbor, correct? >> absolutely. the maintenance is ongoing, right? i highly doubt that they shut the ship down when it was in port. they unload and off load, on
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load and off load those ships really quickly in a matter of hours. so the maintenance is ongoing. let's say it that way. i understand there was a problem with this ship maybe two or three years ago. so it just depends, you know, they'll go through that. ntsb is there, the national safety board will go through this thing with a fine tooth comb and try to get to the bottom of this. unfortunately it won't change anything that happened. >> dana: that's a good and sobering point and we await the governor, amongst others, who will be there from the ntsb, the national traffic safety board as well. it was a 984-foot ship owned by grace ocean private. had 22 crew members, including the pilots. based in india. and it is pretty amazing to have a ship this large that would only need 22 members, right? it had a propulsion problem.
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jake, if the ship of that size and weight has a propulsion problem, it will be very hard to stop it. >> so in the best case scenario it probably takes close to a mile to mile and a half to stop that ship. they are not -- they don't have super duper engines on them because they are made for gas efficiency traveling the open seas. so they don't have a lot of extra power. it is not like your local speed boat where you slam it in reverse and stop pretty eye quickly. it takes miles to stop these ships and five miles to turn it around in a circle. so they are on the bottom end of the scale of maneuverability. they are 0. >> bill: they barely had a chance based on that description. in the "wall street journal," the point you made a moment ago, how the ship would not be shut down in port. so baltimore is the biggest port on the east coast for handling
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ro-ro encompassing all the cargos, trucks, tractors and wheeled trains. it might have been one of the ships that did the ro-ro procedure and only there for several hours. >> no. a ro-ro ship has a big high sides with little windows and they have a bridge that comes off the back of the ship and goes onto the dock. the ro-ros take the cars on and off. think of it as a ferry with the bridge. this is 1 hundred% container ship. they unload these container ships really fast. longshoremen working the booms and cranes with off load the ship in 48 hours. >> bill: all right. jake, you are terrific. don't go far, okay? we're told the news conference will begin there a matter of
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minutes. when it does we hope to get new information. thank you, sir. >> bill: former president trump that was a moment yesterday getting a financial lifeline happened during our hour of "america's newsroom." he got an appeals court scaling down the bond in a civil fraud case by more than half. 66%, in fact. he now has to pay $175 million and come up with that money within ten days. meanwhile, his manhattan criminal case does move forward. the hush money trial begins three weeks from yesterday. jonathan turley moments away on that. first to the news and cb cotton live at trump tower on the day after. >> good morning. former president donald trump was losing control of his bank accounts and prized real estate. for now those dire outcomes are on hold. the trump campaign sharing the win with its supporters saying
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trump tower remains mine. his attorney said it is a start. >> so proud of the appellate division for giving us the opportunity. they didn't reverse the case but they will when they see what we saw. >> trump returns to court next month in another case, his criminal hush money trial. the judge setting an april 15th start date saying prosecutors weren't responsible for a last-minute document donald trump that trump's team argued should delay or dismiss the case entirely. the prosecutors say trump tried to cover up the hush money to stormy daniels. trump said the case is being run by biden thugs saying this is the same about the lead prosecutor on the case. >> he is a radical left from the d.o.j. who was put into the state working with letitia james
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and then was put into the district attorney's office to run the trial against trump. >> he worked with the new york attorney general james office in 2018 helping her investigator the misuse of charity funds and allegations of fraud at the trump foundation in 2020. in 2021 he became the acting associate attorney general during the biden administration and hired by the manhattan d.a.'s office in the fall of 2022 to work on the hush money case and worked in the labor department and former president barack obama's administration. >> thank you, the update from trump tower mid town manhattan. >> dana: here is jonathan turley. what do you know about colangelo. >> every hope and prayer to people in baltimore caught up in
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the tragedy. the issue of the attorney is going after what the trump people is saying is a cottage industry of get trump and that's what he is trying to bring to the surface. that many of the same individuals are popping up in different cases and it reinforces the view of the trump team that this is coordinated. even in georgia, there was a lot of discussion of the fact that the d.a. and possibly the special prosecutor that has just been removed had interactions with people at the biden white house. we don't know the full extent of those connections. but for many people who feel there is a pattern here, if not a pile onin different jurisdictions, this type of cross pollenization of council raises a lot of concerns. >> dana: seems inappropriate. >> bill: an interesting read in the "new york times" today how the president will deal with this now during an election
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year, right? you got a trial that starts in three weeks' time. most of that time is spent in new york. there could be rallies in new york either in the evenings or on the weekend. so we've never been here before, professor and see how it goes. thank you, sir. staying on top of the breaking news out of baltimore. we still have our cameras perched in front of the microphones and we believe this should get underway any moment now. this is one of those areas, dana, where we get our best information in a story that is brand-new and fresh. we expect to see it here when it starts. stand by. back to that after this. y. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons!
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what can i do to help? our response teams are doing everything in our power to rescue and recover the victims of this collapse literally as we speak. people who, as we speak, with out there, our divers, our air
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assets, people right now working to save lives and are doing it because the state asked. we will update the public as the work continues. to our partners inside and outside of government, i know this has been a long night. we started coordinating immediately after the key bridge collapsed. we've been standing together every step of the way from our county leadership to our city leadership to our state leadership, to our federal leadership. and i'm grateful to call each and every one of you not just colleagues, but i'm grateful to call you friends. to the people of baltimore, and each and every one of the 6.3 million marylanders who call our state home, i recognize that many of us are hurting right now. i recognize that many of us are scared right now. so i want to be very clear about
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where everything stands. we are still investigating what happened but we're quickly gathering details. the preliminary investigation points to an accident. we haven't seen any credible evidence of a terrorist attack. our administration is working closely with leaders from all levels of government and society to respond to this crisis and not just by addressing the immediate after math but by building a state that is more resilient and a state that's more safe. that's our pledge. that's our commitment. we're going to keep that commitment. lastly, to the victims of this tragedy and their loved ones, all of our hearts are broken. we feel your loss, we are thinking of you, and we will always be thinking of you. we pray for the construction
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workers who were on the key bridge and we pray for everyone who has been touched by this tragedy and their families and all of their loved ones. but maryland, we will get through this because that's the maryland spirit and that's what maryland is made of. we're maryland tough and we are baltimore strong. so in the face of heartbreak, we come together, we embrace one another, and we come back stronger. that's what we've always done, and that's what we'll continue to do, and that's what we'll get done together and we are going to pray for baltimore. i would like to turn this over to senator dan holland who has done a remarkable job in providing support. thank you, senator. >> thank you, governor.
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as the governor said, we come together. we come together in baltimore and we come together in maryland. first of all, our hearts go out to all those who were on the bridge and their loved ones. we pray for them. our gratitude goes out to the first responders who as we speak are out there continuing to conduct search and rescue operations. i want to thank the governor, local mayor, county executive, all the people gathered here as part of team baltimore and team maryland. and the federal government is with them as a partner. the coast guard, as we speak, is also part of this mission. coast guard cutters, coast guard aviation assets. i spoke twice today with secretary of transportation pete buttigieg. he has pledged that they will do everything they can to very quickly release emergency
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response funds for this important project. the national highway transportation administration administrator is on his way to baltimore and they'll be releasing the early funds once all the parties are fully engaged. second, the national transportation safety board, i talked to the chair this morning, she and her team will be conducting an investigation of what happened. and finally, the army corps of engineers naval assets for looking below the surface and clearing all of this is going to be part of the effort. the governor is leading team maryland, the mayor and county executive team baltimore. i'm just here to say together with senator cardin and congressmen and others the federal government is your
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partner in this effort. thank you and again to the people of our state and the people of this great city, we're with you, we love you, we will get through this together. thank you. >> secretary of transportation. a few updates since our meeting this morning. the crew that was out there working was basically repairing potholes. nothing to do with a structural issue at all on the facility. at this time one person has been rescued and so far and our efforts continue in terms of that. engineers are on site right now determining both the structural issues, the debris field and start to work that and work hand in hand with the ntsb before we take any further action in that area. i want to introduce the f.b.i. for


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