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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  March 27, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> harris: hello, everyone this is "outnumbered." i am emily compagno here with my cohost kayleigh mcenany and harris faulkner also joining us today is fox news contributor leslie marshall and host of that then ferguson podcast and cohost of the verdict with ted cruz podcast ben ferguson. >> emily: we began with the democrats and panic mode as they scramble to save preside president biden's campaign from the threat of -- frantic democrats hopped on a phone call last in the third party candidate. they referred to kennedy as a "spoiler" and his campaign is dangerous. claiming that if he is in the race fighting will lose and trample rent. the biting campaign has already started going on offense assembling a political machine
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just to cac rfk jr. and a dmc is building a team to take on third-party candidates who stand in his way. critics are trying to -- as the? >> kayleigh: no doubt about it. he became the biggest threat to joe biden yesterday. look i had taken it through polling that shows rfk can take from both parties and both candidates and i brought up the pole in michigan that he says he loses two points with him in but then you go to pennsylvania and he gains two-point and then the democratic strategists wrote this about yesterday. rfk jr. vp pick is a missile and by biting he went on to say that he has ended the debate as to who he hurts because the
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selection he has made for vice president is a tried and true democrat and i think it is fair to describe her as progressive but that is permission for anyone unhappy with joe biden to come on and vote for that ticket. the challenge for rfk. jr. as this can make it on the ballot? they reported in nevada that he's collected 15,000 signatures but there is a nuanced tool that you need to name your vice president candidate and he did that yesterday. selfishly he's only on the ballot on utah, but if he gets on the ballot he is a threat. and it "outnumbered" if i've tweeted out that he loves that rfk. jr. is running that was yesterday so there you go. >> harris: they love that he went after the policies because joe biden didn't say anything after that call, where they all jumped on and said oh, my goodness we can't swim -- so here is what he picked her. and i was reading about this, he liked her for her commitment when you watch the speech
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yesterday her commitment to health and organic foods and also deep inside knowledge about how the technology industry uses artificial intelligence manipulate the public, he also wanted an athlete. he said describing nicole shanahan as a avid surfer and a softball player in her youth. he wanted her to be a gifted administrator and acquiring mind, inquiring mind, someone who opens -- who is open to changing her opinions and a deep love for the united states of america. of course you saw him, we've been riding this all day long, he also wanted somebody younger and she is 38. >> is not just opposition to president biden it's also appositional to donald trump. they stand to lose if you get some better ground state ballads. the intensity among donald trump voters still out fights everybody else.
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if you love donald trump you left donald trump. president biden doesn't have that. they may vote but they vote for issues and leslie can talk more about this. it's not a love for him. but with rfk. jr. it remains to be seen. it really does. we do not know yet. but with a pick like this, he's a one then, he picked all those other -- but if you are a democrat you are going even having a woman does not necessarily helpless against all of that. >> i wanted to flush out with you, the why behind it's a threat with biting and interesting to see the clinton strategist saying that exactly these reasons, she is a gold star donor for the democratic party so there is no cleaving any voters away from donald trump because they are so loyal and number two, because there's no mistaking because when the tickets have kennedy coupled with a big time donor that takes a lot of boxes
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according to this democratic party than the case is clear is actually in tenant an excellent alternative and it's a threat what you think? >> leslie: i could swim really well as a democrat. to say. but i actually agree with a lot of what you said but i do not agree with the vice president picked, full disclosure when i see some of these other names out there i said oh, no, because voters love name recognition and we know that and within silicon valley and our political circle she is named recognition. rfk. jr. is the name recognition in the polls have been showing that he pulled away from donald trump and they show now that there seems to be a switch pulling away from president biden. when we look at the better ground state for exceptions -- there's just not a lot of three-way races. so as a democrat i find these concerning i want see those numbers in more then.
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and then lastly, i know people think that democrats are scrambling, but everybody is concerned about a third party candidate. especially in a race this close because you are talking 3 of 4 percentage of points. five gets you over the game changer. >> do you know who is concerned? year friend obama he is nervous. he feels that president biden is going to lose her donald trump. that means the democratic party is afraid. >> ben: their concern about the republicans need to be vigilant to make sure to know who he is. and i had a collar on my show they said i like this guy i like and don't call vet and he going for conservatives back then. and he talked about all the mandates and talking considered acts, and i said let me go through the list, the guy is in favor of the great new deal, and also urban housing, he says he
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wants the government to cover interest rates on home or anything above 3% which would be the largest expansion you've ever seen in this country of government subsidized indefinitely. anything over 3% the government should cover, that's an extremist. he also wants to cut the military and then finally he said he wanted to put people in jail for climate denying in this country. so i say this to conservatives or neighbor who are not hard-core donald trump people, do not be bamboozled, this case more extreme. and his liberal ideology, i would argue that joe biden is -- >> what about the life issue, there's one pro-life candidate in the race in that matters to people. and you only have one choice for conservatives. >> i want to think it's for pointing out to democrats why they should stick with biden. >> ben: i am worried. i remind people that you have to
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have your messaging clear and you can't just be excited because one post says this is going to hurt president biden more than donald trump. >> harris: what they are looking at is the fact that now we know what to watch for because he has a running mate. i will say this, in this election season, i was the first generalist to sit down with them here at fox. we sat down in a very tight table, and when i said are you a republican or you no longer a democrat what is going on here? he didn't have anything unkempt to say except that it wasn't his time and he would love to debate him. but what he did say mattered and it's in conjunction with what you said, he is a democrat. he wants to get on a ballot somewhere and he wants to be in a better ground state and it won't be as a democrat it would be as a third-party or independent but he is a democrat and you just read his bona fide. >> heated up, coming up nbc caves and fires ronna mcdaniel.
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♪ ♪ >> former chair is officially out at nbc and now we are looking to the antenna up what asking her just two days after her first appearance as a paid contributor. the news chairman issued this apology to staffers over the last few days and has become clear that the discipline it undermined that the gold that they want to personally apologize to the team and the members who felt we l let them down. it seems like ronna mcdaniel
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deserves an apology. a source close to mcdaniels found out about people who outed her by media reports and by no surprise, nbc the angel burgos is taking a victory lap for sentencing a conservative. >> when someone does the right thinks it should be acknowledged as publicly as we acknowledge our outrage so i know how i feel about it and i'm grateful for than making the decision. >> this was a really specific case because of her involvement in the election interference and i am grateful that our leadership was willing to do the bold strong resilient thing. >> companies make mistakes. sometimes very big ones, very publicly sometimes. it looks like our company listen to us, ntu, and did what was right. >> emily: i want to take this big picture and i were on
9:16 am, look at this headline. the outline -- they go through the long list of contributors, msnbc, and remember john, the 51 intel officer saying that hunter biden had misinformation on his laptop -- the point is they are solidifying that we do not allow other voices. >> ben: it is very clear that nbc, and let's make sure we make sure this is msnbc, this is nbc, the entire corporation is now saying freedom of speech is dead here, conservatives are not welcome here. >> emily: that they have some republicans. >> ben: but losing forward the message this is sending that if you don't want to -- you don't want to interview here see what could happen to you if you are conservative. i hope she sues because the damage she has that has been dr. herrick -- you signed on to
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work with this company and other publicly trashy red publisher reputation and then they biggest names at nbc doing this i can make you a sabbatical or because you are conservative networks the republican national committee. this is free speech -- and it is dead. i think it is very, very dangerous. you and i used to be at cnn, and the last year i was there, i was signed that i was benched, but they had me on the list. i made two appearances in the last year of my contract. the hollywood reporter noticed this and they put it in a big story, one of the appearances was next day after the article came out. all they wanted was to check the box, saying that we have both sides. but that's what it boiled down to, but they're going to keep doing this to going to ruin people's careers in the process. >> emily: that is a key point, they do have some republicans,
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and there are some others, but ronna mcdaniel came as close as she cut that supported the current nominee of the party that represents about half the country, so well voice represents the country now? >> harris: that is such a excellent point, you have before my chair, michael steele you have some republicans who are there, they are all singularly focused on their type of moderate views on the party. no, they are not in the camp that ronna mcdaniel or others are in that represent more than half the country if you take into account. maybe some independent event sometimes around who do not want weaponization allow fears that we are seeing. but at the end of the day does that not say whether or not they do not want other voices, they theydo not want those races. they don't want people who speak like ronna mcdaniel. i will be look at this, and you
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look at all the democrats that question elections in the past, election deniers on the left, they are quite a few -- it could take a while to scroll through and to play those montages and we play a lengthy one. but they really want is they do not want a cacophony of voices debating the issues and rigorous debate or anything, they want a lockstep republican that they can predict and bring in a day after they issue a press release that we have republicans on air and move on. also this is the biggest problem that i tweeted about last night, their biggest problem is that it became a public toxic work environment for her. she was still a employee when they were tearing her down. now, nbc and execs if they were smart they would've one bill people, if you want that thanks eric privately end up family will get together privately in their offices but they have opened themselves up to epic loss of proportions.
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i hope she gets paid to high heaven because they created a place where she was bullied in the public sphere. bullied in the public square of television, integrated to the point where yes yes i believe r be hard for her to get it if i job at some point. >> it is important for me to say that i worked for ronna mcdaniel for two years and she was committed to the conservative movement she was definitely a part of the national conversation. emily, i was very troubled about what happened at the white house. i do not think it's the place for the white house to weigh in on certain personnel decisions and i want to play something, twice in her interaction she said i am not weighing in on a personnel decision but there are subtle clues as to whether white house comes down on this argument which i find to be the need office of the presidents let's watch. >> i would not make any comments on that personnel decision but broadly speaking,
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it is important. it is a burden on all of us here to be really mindful about that. that the public understands what the facts are and what the truth is. live so you are quoting the president talking about that type of burden? do you address this white house or does the president believe that kind of voice a voice that occurred that there's a room for her in the national political discourse? >> i will answer it this way we saw what happened on january 6th. >> the white house press secretary said that i am not commenting on a private sector personnel decision we are working on the business of the american people. >> that would mean that they are but they are not. she is always quick to shut down certain questions that does not please or save the commander-in-chief that she was happy to weigh in on this. what else would you expect for people to try get the message out there -- click point, those
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associated with her said yes absolutely not only was this defamation of character but it was also a hostile work environment because they were her colleagues and the issue -- even more than her being terminated was that the tenant was allowed to drag her through the mud for that brief interlude when she actually went there and that was sanctioned and less clearly by the executive. they made her enemy of democracy. she is going to laugh other way to the bank when they are forced to pay at her contract. so, bravo to her, but it is not without pain, to your plate if it is a hostile work environment, there's going to bail out my punitive damages on top of it. so nbc, i hope being a invertebrate platform was worth it to you. before leslie i love having you on the couch and you represent half the country that deserves a voice and it's important for new stations to bring to those voices. >> leslie: it's very important. i'm sorry people sometimes say
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to me that they get angry if i don't agree with them. but what makes us great is that we do not all agree, we don't want to be north korea we want to be the united states of america. it was handled poorly and i will tell you why, every network, people at cnn and i am here, there are people that they like better than others because they view some people as more extreme perhaps than they do want to have the person who is more moderate or who is not argumentative or whatever they category that they come under. nbc should not have hired her in the first place or they should of sat there with her before hiring her, i can predict this but, i am sure that they knew there was going to be threats of boycotts and anger amongst the viewers. and anger amongst people especially msnbc who are the host. i do not know why, they should've done that, i agree with you there, especially before they brought her on board. because she has been a walkaway depending on the contract
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between three and $100,000 and they have opened themselves up to a lawsuit. so, i do not think it is wrong that they let her go i just think they should've brought her out in the first place, and if they said they should've sat down with her and say this is what we're thinking we are going to do let's all play nice. this is why we are doing. >> yes, give both half of the country of voice. squatters are taking over american homes. how can you make it stop? one red state has an idea next. ♪ ♪ pray with me real qu ick. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up
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>> a disturbing trend out of new york city, several women were punched in the face while walking in manhattan. often times it was in broad daylight. here they are on tiktok sharing their stories.
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>> i was just walking and a man came up and punched me in the face. oh, my god, it hurts so bad. i can't even talk. i fell to the ground and now there's this huge bruise forming on my face and i keep saying oh, my god. >> i just got punched in the face walking home. out of nowhere, this man just came up and hit me in the face. >> i just got punched by some man on the sidewalk. he says i'm sorry and then punches me in the forehead. >> i have fallen victim to the many people and in new york city who are trying to punch innocent girls on the street except i wasn't on my phone. >> it is so disturbing and if these incidents are connected it is being investigated. emily i am so struck by this because these young women said i was just looking down at my phone if someone came up and hit me in one person said the man came up and said sorry, and then
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punches me in the head. >> emily: that's not a man, that's an animal. and unfortunately there is a rampant epidemic of animals gone wild. and these women who are just trying to get home were subjected to random acts of violence. i suggest to everyone, i do the same. i walk everywhere in the city, and i never have my phone not ever. i am always aware and i have pepper spray in my hand during the same place in my purse for easy access. there's a lot of things i do to prevent any type of attack like that. i am not a victim's naming but the best step you can do is do not be on your phone and keep your head on a swivel in your earbuds low and pray that coming november there's a different change of leadership here because if there was a republican in office will also be enforcing police wouldn't be defended and we would have been the situation. speak to i am very confused about why we can't get about on the same page with how toxic tiktok is. >> harris: this -- people
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sometimes will get together on other platforms but people are flexing for likes and followers and so on and so forth on a platform designed by a country that hates us? it complicates the matter agreed to sleep. we need to agree that other kids are going to be victims now of something that is toxic and addictive and if you are walking down the streets in new york, you need to have your head on a swivel anyway, because the crime -- especially if you are underground in the subway. but i do want to thank these young women for putting this up, because it is embarrassing. look, if we can see enough of what is actually happening someone will step up and try to stop this. but the biggest thing i know is get off that platform. i am not saying you won't be attacking other ways, crime can happen, but this is orchestrated for likes and clicks.
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>> leslie i lived in manhattan and i felt very safe because they're so much accountability and people everywhere, but i never would've thought i would be inventively hit my head because i'm looking at my phone, we have come a long way more than ten years. >> leslie: i lived in new york in 1996, or 1992-9094, i lived in new york city and a currently live in los angeles. a lot of years where i was single, living in a city by myself. took a self defense course and they taught me about different colors and one was red. red is high alert, and this is what it is, to your point and tiktok plays into this as well, when you are walking to your car and you are looking at your phone or you are on your phone because i lived in los angeles we had more cars and public transportation and you go to your car and your car is not under a safe place, and there's no cars or people around you, you are a target and you are a dream for a criminal.
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if they want to carjack you or abduct you a ticket for us they are looking at you because you are distracted. again not victim shaming but what happened to these young women are disgusting, especially to assault any human being anywhere else, but i will say, you n need to be alert and you need to be on your guard and it doesn't seem like the -- the police saved it they don't know if there was one person it was a guy with the dog -- somebody said i'm sorry -- >> ben: yes you're going to look up because it's a way to get your attention. last time i was here, i did because remember when there was a legal immigrants who hitting police officers and they were walking around and given the middle finger to the american people. you look at that moment and criminals learn from those moments and they realized that i do not even think they have to worry if they are caught hitting a woman in the head because even if they are cut i do not think they think they are going to go to jail. so if you are watching this right now, this is a cause and
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effect. when you have lawlessness in the city and you can beat up a cop and then walked out of prison with nothing that is going to happen to you and you can flip off the american people and law enforcement, then why would any man think i can't walk up to a woman on the street in new york city and smack her upside the head because even if they catch you are you going to go to jail? the answer is probably not in this is what it looks like in a city when you have bill reform and prison reform and everything else until they decide to put criminals behind bars so what gonna die from this one day and it's going to be the fault of the fact that you have these liberals in obvious who refuse to do the right thing and put criminals in jail. speech so that tiktok out of it. >> basic cause and effect but be safe. be safe. more "outnumbered" in just a moment
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♪ ♪ >> wow. watch out florida is about to do something that's good i have people cheering, they are going to take on squatters. governor desantis is about to hold a news conference where he is expected to sign a new law protecting homeowners. this will empower police to remove squatters immediately. unfortunately we cannot say the same thing for a democratic led cities. in new york to teenage squatters are alleged to kill a woman who went to her vacant manhattan apartment to clean clean it out. cops arrested a woman in queens who change headlocks by trying to keep squatters out. joe rogan has had enough of these policies which allows for people to steal people's houses sharing his thoughts on this podcast. >> there are a bunch of different steps you can do that seems to indicate that you are
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the legal resident and then they have to take you to court. and it could be months, and months before you even get a trial. it is so crazy that in the name of protecting tenets, which is important, you are a terrible good landlord if you don't protect them -- but you basically are allowing people to steal people's houses. >> harris: so you hurt possession is nine-tenths of the law but possession is what you think you can knock people out to get. >> emily: i applaud florida for a change in the law but new york has some of the worst loss and needs to be changed immediately. that was the intent for the new york law protect tenants from these bad landlords. you have a long island assembly meant named jake, he put forward a lot but who wants to disqualify squatters from being tenets and ralph that ball from 30 days to 45 days. a woman in his district who was on "fox & friends" was on the verge of poverty because there was a squatter and her home and she could do nothing about it.
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>> emily: respectfully to him 30 to 45 days does nothing. as always what started out with good intention has totally been pulverized and oxidized by criminals. talk about florida for a moment because it is clear as a illustrator why this got so out of hand. it was always a civil matter so when you found someone in your home it was a civil matter as to who owns the home with the prevalence of the internet and fraud. people with download documents and say i have a lease or ownership and then it would take weeks or it could take weeks for people to be removed after you have to prove in court that this is fraud and i am the rightful owner. so what began as a layer of protection, the loophole has brought in all -- people have dipped into this because democrats have failed to take action from this. so florida says know you have no right and you're not 20 days none of this none whatsoever finally we have someone standing up and saying no more and then taking a step up to say and this
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is how we prevent it in the future. i feel for everyone coming home and finding people in their home. it is not a civil matter it is criminal and should be immediate. >> harris: how does that conflict with "stand your ground" laws? if you find exchanging your house you can't take care of it? you can't defend yourself? >> emily: the issue is the fraudulent ownership, it is true but it's unrelated in the eyes of civil court. it's a civil matter because he says he owns the house as well. >> ben: so in some states i could defend myself but in other states i could have a monk shout. as i get all died down more opportunities for me to get a mug shot. this is on my list. it takes the government this long to get there behind out of their rear ends -- every state can see there's a problem with this. we can all see had and people are taken advantage of the rules. how hard is it to say okay,
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either we overcorrected over need to fix it and it is not that hard to fix this and yet you still have so many states who are refusing to do what is right for a person who owns the house. this is how anarchy starts to happen in society when you have a government that will not let you stay in your own home. >> harris: i just had a quick thought. because squatters are voters too? i don't know why did they like to do this? >> ben: do they vote at the house they squatter or another address? >> leslie: i was gonna say that georgia also actually favors the squatters right now. it's not all the blue states and is not the democrats, and i am a democrat and i say i applaud some of the legislation in florida and this legislation, because squatters is a problem and i agree with you ben. this is a nationwide problem, and something has to be done because you need to protect the tenets and the landlords. i have two personal things, i have family in florida who had
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squatters and they got rid of the property -- it is such a small amount laws, so much money because of the squatters and because of the damage to that property. okay, we are not a third world country and squatting is very common, but then secondly i have a friend -- that we have a lot of guesthouses and some of the homes in los angeles, little guesthouses in the back -- a lot of squatting going on. very difficult to get rid of people -- the living of the property and there is backyard. >> that is frightening. >> get it over man or a smart stench. over the release a whole horrible order in the house. playing music really loud. [laughter] >> ben: let's both get mug shots. i need reinforcements down here. >> harris: he said he's going to kick your behind. wow.
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♪ ♪ state to wow, some men are willing to spend a lot of money to attend alpha male boot camp. one camp costs $18,000 for just three days. and promises to help men shake any self-doubt while subjecting them to beautiful physical challenge is to help them grow. let's watch this together. >> enjoyed the southern california weather. and look what happened, the gods have blessed us. they are cleansing your souls. >> get in the tub! >> there is no respect. >> sup stop moving.
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>> harris: why don't just do something patriotic and then join the military. >> leslie: all i can pay you five grand a year can do my laundry. talk about snow plague -- i am so sorry, but there are so many different kinds of men and if you think you need to go to a boot camp to be an alpha male, how insecure are you about who you are your own identity? i was shocked when i saw the story and i laughed out loud. in the first thing i thought was why? i do not know why anyone would subject themselves to this and pay for this. >> ben: this looks like my childhood. [laughter] we would beat each other up when we were six years old. and then we would yell at each other playing football without pads, these dudes, if you are paying $18,000 for three days of a boot camp, you have a lot more problems that three days are not going to fix. i am sorry, but this is probably the problem we are going to have
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moving forward. i am not sure where ever going to win a world war again if we have to fight because we have these people paying $18,000 to do what we just grew up doing when we were kids to each other. guys are guys, but there are so much coddling now of young boys and there is so much fear of getting them hurt or not listening -- be rough and tough. that is part of growing up. it helps to be better leader later in life. it's okay if you get hurt, or get cut from the team or if someone hurts your feelings, it's okay to not fix every problem of the child, especially when they are young boys. it's how they go up to be a great night. i am worried because i see this and i have twin boys at home and i watch the coddling that happens now with parents and i say i am not going to fix every problem every time a kid comes in crying because someone hurt
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somebody else but you need to figure it out boys, grow up to be and then one day and it is not my job to snuggle you every time you have a bad moment in life and that is part of what this is. >> harris: we have a lot of talk on the network probably but on the show about mission readiness and our military. when i look at this if they are not ready for three days of boot camp they cannot actually probably make it into the military. by the way the nfl use those bats of ice to come back and recover from tough games. i wonder what have we become? is this a delusion of -- all this conversation about antitoxic masculinity and then now men have lost some of them masculinity and they have to try and get it back? >> emily: yes, this is the direct result of the social climate here in this country that have been found inflamed by the mainstream media and by soedia andll of the other toxic places we discuss at its regular basis. the health self-help industries
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being dominated they are creating the majority of the content and they did not themselves as alpha males they view themselves differently because this is its told him to look at themselves differently. we have eradicated and blamed them and toxic masculinity -- these boot camps didn't exist in 1990 or 1980 because they knew how to be men. men need to be leaders and they need to provide security for women, and it all flows downhill. so be the man of your home. do not listen to this precious coming at you from social media and these women who are trying to reclaim this. this is so breathtakingly appalling i have no other words. >> i agree with you because "usa today" talked to some of these men and they are asking why this is happening and they said they are trying to become better men. in my mind, if you want to be a better man has nothing to do with your physique or how you look at has to do with being a good father and being there for your family and taking a family
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to church and being loyal to your spouse. that is what makes a man. my father and my grandfather is and it goes down the line that is a true man. >> >> leslie: they don't have to be an alpha man to be a man. women can benefit from this as well, some of what you talked about but i coddled both of my kids a lot but they they are doing okay. >> harris: okay "outnumbered" continues after this. ♪ ♪ i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx.
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>> last but last lease, how concerned are you about iphone finger? we all do appear propping up our smartphone with our pinky when we use them. but a news theory online has his
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users worried that there is a debit in the side of their pinky. the cores. experts don't think it's a real problem but online users who compare their smartphone pinky with their other one say they noticed a difference. is this the decline of civilization? >> yes. and if you go for a doctor on this, i'm judging you for the rest of your life. i will never see a doctor for this injury ever. >> it strikes me like the video game neck where issue is the person. >> i'm a samsung so i don't get iphone finger. i don't know. i would be surprised but i agree. >> if you have a physical injury from your cell phone, get off it. that's i'm trying to say. as a doctor. >> you can get a cute little stand in a hundred different colors and you set it up. it's always there. i don't understand. >> i could totally have an injury for my phone because i use it a lot but i hold my phone like this so my pinky isn't on
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it and then i thought do you get the injury from using your phone like this? that's weird. who does it. but i might have index finger iphone injury because it's always going like that. >> i will pray for you. >> back in the stone age when i used a pen and pencil i had a callous. that's the closest thing i could come but lord knows i didn't complain about it until this moment i guess when i say it. >> that smart. my mom was a teacher and she said children that have that little callous there are constantly creating and writing down. >> full circle. >> thank you harris for saying that. >> thank you to ever appear don't forget to dvr and the show when you can't watch us live and now here is "america reports." >> thank you guys. any moment now the white house will brief reporters as hunter biden's tax case heads to a federal courthouse in california. attorneys for the president's on gearing up for a potential showdown a


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