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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  March 27, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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and to see bridget's before and after photos. >> martha: thank you for sharing this in the story goes on. we will see back here tomorrow and also the new story of the untold podcast, a great new book that every parent should read, is called "about therapy" now available on foxnews check that out and another couple of big podcasts are dropping this week as a. we will see you back here tomorrow, and "your world with neil cavuto" gets ready to get underway. big day for the dow jones! we will seeback you tomorrow night, have a good one. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ] >> neil: all right, we have a lot of more on that market, plus
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on top of talk to other developing stories, we are live in los angeles were hunter biden's attorneys trying to fight of those tax charges, and get him off the hook. we are live in baltimore, maryland where investigators are looking for answers, and they are on the hunt. for us to baltimore, here's what we know right now. divers are searching for the bodies of six construction workers presumed dead after that bridge collapsed. about a dozen ships unable to get out of the board as a shipping traffic remains premuch halted. transportation secondary said it is way too soon to tell when the portable reopen, and he fears major impact on the supply chain. the coasts are mounting through all of this, one estimate has insured losses going up to $5 billion. wow. -- four. welcome, let's get right to it, griff jenkins in baltimore," growth. >> hello neil, good afternoon. we are on that but task a river on a boat here and we are getting a much closer look at
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the magnitude of what happened to this bridge, mug the challenge of those divers. we have watched him going in and out, here closest to us a few hundred yards away, the little boat with a blue lights that is maryland's department of natural resources, they are part of this recovery efforts trying to get the bodies of the six presumed dead to bring closure to their families. you come over here to this open area, you can see here the debris in the middle of that section. there were boats there and divers all morning long there. clearly that is an area they believe possibly some of those workers and their vehicles may have been, and keep coming over here it, heading south along the bridge. you can see that thousand foot ship was sunk nearly 5000 containers does sitting there. the dolly. we know now from that white has briefing earlier, according to the vise admiral coast guard, there or some 50 plus containers on that ship with hazardous
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material, not posing a threat right now but nevertheless on it. thankfully it was not near the bow, where you see the section span over the bridge collapsing because obviously that is the worst area, those containers appeared to be further back. it is the first date neil of the boots on the ground in their investigation, a lot of questions as to why this happened. we were able to speak with a charwoman, jennifer, about what the investigation is going to tell us u the data recorded they are now in possession of and i asked her, a wall street journal exclusive peace as adjusted the possibly dirty fuel could have played a part and that ship losing power. here's what she said... >> the wall street journal is reporting that they may have been issues with the dirty fuel, and he tells anything about that? >> yes, we don't know that right now. when we will look into it. to be honest i have not seen those reports so i will have to get some context. we will have to look at that and
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of course having the right fuel, making sure it is clean if you will, certainly would contribute to the operation of the vessel parmac we have an entire engineering team that will look into that. >> and one final last look, what really hits home for me being this close is just what a silver lining it was at the harbor maryland pilots coordinated in realtime, in a short span of minutes, as a ship lost power and began to drift towards this bridge, they coordinated the pilots with amendment transportation authorities and they closed this bridge down because as you look at that bridge where it just stops, imagine being a car driving in the dark at night at 1:30 am, you would have driven right into the river, likely plunged to your death. it is likely as governor wes moore said, countless lives were saved because of the quick coordination between the harbor pilots and the maryland transportation authorities to
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close out bridge almost instantly when they learned about the danger. >> neil: talk about quick thinking, thank you very much. griff jenkins in baltimore, if we get it more into a go back. now a former merchant mariner in the maritime expert, very good to have you, thank you for taking the time. what do you make of what you're learning to those far, they have this black box over the ship, so they have to analyse that. what would be on that? >> neil, thank you for having me. that black box would be the vessel data recorded. it would have the readings from of the engine room, everything that potentially lead to the loss of power on the vessel. it would also have all the instrumentation from the bridge and most interesting for everybody, is the voice recorder that records the conversations onto the bridge that conversation between the ships pilots that were onboard helping to navigate the vessel, and the ships masters. >> neil: a lot of people monday morning, these things, is always dangerous but wondering
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when the ship it was listless and the power was going out, why didn't they just drop the anchor then and there? is that something that is powered any need electricity to make that happen? p-1 no, i could tell you as a former mariner that the sound of silence is a scariest sound ownership. right then and there they would have to think about what to do. fortunately the anchors do not require power, those breaks, you just have to release them. but he have to think about it the moment about when to release it. a ship at 10 miles an hour, 115,000 tons, an anchor is going have a hard time stopping it. it's not like in the movies rac that. >> neil: that ends as i, i appreciate that. another thing i want to ask, this is the third ship that has hit a bridge, two others in different countries. you don't want to tie them together, the other two were nothing like this. does it have something to do with this size, the cargo ships that are much bigger now, passengers ships that are much
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bigger, royal caribbean's, it's a monster of a ship. it can't even go to all the ports it's assigned to. i'm thinking that'll be a ship next year that we bigger than that one. again that is a passenger ship versus a cargo ship. but of these things are getting bigger and bigger. >> you're dealing with a bridge building 1977, a ship the size of a dolly was not even envisioned an dolly is a big containership. it was twice the size of this. what we are doing on the oceans is increasing the volume of transportation but also increasing the velocity. that does not give you a lot of time and a slack in the system for an air? when something goes wrong, attends to go wrong very quickly and unfortunately in this case very catastrophically. >> neil: another thing i was curious about, maybe you can help me, cargo ships crew members were interviewed today. iron over they were all interviewed, by what are authorities asking them?
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what they were doing over the weekend, what? >> one of the things they want to find out, that is this demotic problems in the operation of the ship. maybe it was a command structure, maintenance issues. they really want to get a feel for them to tell them that things may not be in the written documents. of course they want to find out what were the actions taken during that, have a voice recording of the bridge, there's a voice recording down in the engine room. when that power went out, there is no power, there is no lights. maybe a handheld light. what were the actions you were taking, what did you do during that period of time to help mitigate the incident that led to the collapse of the bridge? >> neil: thank you very much, you answered a lot of very dumb questions on my part. very interesting. of former mariner, mariner expert, knows what he's talking about. it drawn your attention, three losing sessions were
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finally stopped as a major market averages all advance in the case of the dow jones, standing get 77 up point game. we have one more day of training on of this month and a quarter. remember good friday the markets are closed. they are putting in a heavy performance, not just for the month but at this rate for the quarter as well. in fact,, dating back to 1970, it could potentially be the best first quarter for stocks since 1971. we will keep an eye on that. also keeping an eye on hunter biden and what is going on there with him. laws angels courtroom, not hebert's lawyer is, trying to argue with dropping some cha charges. let's go to jonathan hunt who is that kind jonathan? >> hello neil, they hearing, just got underway without hunter biden. he has decided for some reason to skip what is a quickly hearing as he attempts to get all the tax charges against him dismissed. after the break, we will tell
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[ ♪♪ ] >> neil: take you to los angeles right now where hunter biden's attorney, abbe lowell,'s filing emotions at this hour to
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remove those tax charges from the various other complaints against the president's son. don't know where that stands, to have an idea that jonathan does kind jonathan? >> neil, at the hearing got underway just about 12 or 13 minutes ago. hunter biden has decided to skip it, somewhat surprisingly to many illegal observers given that this is a critical hearing in which his attorneys are trying to get all of the nine attacks with a charges against him dismissed. 's lead attorney abbe lowell arrived here just about an hour ago, alone to this time! hunter biden was here for the first hearing, back in january. now abbe lowell will argue that this case against hunter biden is "selective and a vindictive and is politically motivated". he is also going to argue that the plea deal that it biden had it struck with prosecutors that was rejected by judge last summer should actually be binding on the prosecution.
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in his motion, abbe lowell wrote to "as part of that agreement to, he, biden, sacrificed a valuable right in exchange for the prosecution's agreements not to prosecute the very sort of indictment that is brought here. this court should require the prosecution honor is agreement and dismiss the indictment "special prosecutor david weiss has said that that agreement was rejected, and therefore does not apply anymore. he wrote in his response to the biden filing, "because the agreement never went into effect, the government was free to withdraw it which it did in writing on august 9th, 2023, there for the defendant's motion to dismiss the indictment returned by the grand jury is it meritless and should be denied". now it'll be up to that judge mark c. scarsi to hear the argument, he said now just courting to the producer in the courtroom, that he is going to consider carefully, h. one of the eight motions filed by
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biden's legal team. we will likely hear -- be here for a couple of hours at least. if ultimately judge mark c. scarsi throws out of those motions to dismiss and rules of the trials should go ahead, it is scheduled to begin on june the 20th, height of election campaign season and hunter biden by the way, could face up to 17 years in prison. neil kmiec. >> neil: jonathan, thank you. look forward to going to back to you. let's get the lead as though on the implications of this was a john, a former deputy assistant attorney general, and the independent counsel contributors of both, gentlemen, thank you. john, over to you about what you think goes down here. let's say those tax charges are not removed, nothing is changed then right? >> i think you will see a trial starting june. hunter is bringing to two kinds of challenges, when he is saying to selective prosecution, all of
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these political pressures on a prosecutor because of them to bring charges against hunter when he should not be charged. that is exactly the same kind of claim that president trump is trying to raise and losing on repeatedly as well, that is because it is selective prosecution claims never work. judges are very reluctant to ask why did the justice department charge this person but not that prison. 's second claim, that of the plea bargain has to be obeyed, i should be given immunity. not sure that works either, as we remember, the judge in delaware rejected that plea garden and said there was something fishy about it. so of the judge not approve it, i don't know why they should go into effect and why hunter should get the benefit of that plea bargain. >> neil: it is the same judge, mark c. scarsi? >> know, the judge of that jonathan is talking about was the judge in delaware, originally it was supposed to be a deal with a version agreement and a plea agreement, to settle everything. i think it is important to note
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that the first -- the version one of the defense is claiming that hunter biden's lawyers are claiming, it's not the original plea agreement that is no longer in effect, what is the diversion agreement that was signed. hunter biden's people say it was in effect, it did not require the judge to approve it, and in fact divergent agreements are typically not approved by the judge. the prosecution has carried and said yes, but it did epaulet -- depends upon the probation officer approving it and she refused to. that is really the issue. i think it is probably the best of all of hunter biden's motions to dismiss. i don't think it will win but i think -- i don't think it is as slamdunk for the prosecution either. >> neil: john, the fact that hunter biden is not there, and we are told that his absence was not explained, does not does that mean anything? >> i'm sure he is a busy guy.
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he has other investigations to respond to you as well. [ laughter ] what i think what you really want to see of course is one of the trial stars that he said, and he has to be there. these kinds of pretrial motions, you don't really have to be there. we have seen president trump go to a lot of these, he did not have to go to these. the thing is, trump used those appearances to his own political benefit even though while it was legally pinning him. maybe hunter to the lesson and said i won't show up in court, i don't want to make my legal case wears off. >> neil: on what how far this goes then, the key arguments is that in any of these probes hunter biden said there has been no evidence of the president, his father, was personally involved. does anything at stake here? bring us to any clarity there? >> know because it is very clear that at the assistant attorney
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in charge -- in charge of the investigation did not want, as the whistleblowers have showed and supported with some evidence, the ausa did not want anything to do, the investigation to go into joe biden at all. but i think a really important take away from this motion to dismiss based on the fact that the diversion agreement is in effect, then of this would have been necessary if david weiss operated in a way a normal prosecutor would operate. this was -- this combination of a plea agreement and i diversion agreement, as of the prosecution admitted in court in front of the delaware judge a day, it is totally unprecedented. it was a rudy goldberg concoction and it was unnecessary. so david weiss bears the blame for that unquestionably. >> neil: let's get back to hunter biden's defense lawyer, abbe lowell, he has argued in court saying that the government
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is involved in the least ordinary prosecution a person could imagine. john i think you were the first to say, it doesn't ring some of the donald trump protest about the legal strategy, politically motivated against him. you said that does not go very far. will this go very far? >> i don't think so. here is a big difference between the trump and biden cases, there's a very good legal clip claims about why the prosecutions against him don't really fit that crimes. here in this case, it is hard to see hunter having a defense. remember the indictment, it showed that hunter had concealed $1.4 million of income he was using the money you should have paid to the irs to live high on the hog. he has no real defense. i don't think that he is going to be in as good of shape onto
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the merits of the case as donald trump's. thing the best thing he could do is to get to the trial pushed farther and farther back so it does not become issue in the election. >> neil: let me ask you of the tax charges were all dropped, the 13-1517 years, i don't know if he is found guilty on all of them, what are we left with, potential prison time if found guilty on those? >> i don't understand, on with a gun or tax charges? >> neil: the tax charges that they want to ideally drop today? we are loved back to the guns charge, and that won't be nearly as onerous prison time, if he is convicted on that? >> while it don't pay any attention to the statutory maximum. you would have he is convicted of the tax charges i don't expect them to do more than two or three years in prison at most. it will be decided by a judge looking for is to the guidelines and criminal tax cases are notorious for your judges doing what is called in a downward departure or downward variance and returning the sentences. tax crimes generally people
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don't do as much time as for other white-collar crimes. >> neil: fascinating, thank you both very much. still in the courtroom there, when we get any news we will pass it along. david is in the courtroom so we will keep you up-to-date on the very latest. in the meantime just letting you know, the baltimore tragedy gord dewar it maryland governor wes moore will be having a press conference at a little over an hour from now, 5:30 pm. he has already updated us on a number of other developments that there is certainly problems getting into and out of the area. it is frozen in the shipping is owned their, and the impact israel. also looking for the bodies of those six presumed victims from this disaster, probably a construction crew that was working on the bridge at the time it collapsed. we will keep you posted on that, saqib you posted on the reverberations of the right now of how all of this is going down, not only in baltimore but also as we start to wait the cost and the impact of this
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shipping disaster. hilary vaughn on that. >> colonial, while that tragedy closing one of the busiest ports in the country, the port of baltimore. we will have the latest on the recovery of those bodies over those fallen construction workers as well as the investigation. this effort to rebuild and reopen to get this local economy back online after the break. >> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. and she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. we come to you for free! schedule now for free mobile service at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ asthma. it can make you miss out on those epic hikes with friends.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> neil: all right, that true damage of that ship disaster in baltimore is just being realized. not only the economic impact, but what could be something for the nation to deal with. hilary vaughn in maryland with
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the latest, hilary? >> hi neil, what we're -- we're still in the recovery and of investigation phase of things here, investigators are still trying to figure out everything that led up to the cargo ship crashing into this bridge that ultimately end up killing six construction workers, those bodies in the waters still have to be recovered to give closure to their families. after that the next step is clean up and rebuilding, the still 4700 containers on the ship that is to be unloaded include 1.5 million gallons of fuel and lubricant oil, and with the bridge down and poured close, this will impact shipment by boat and truck. 95,000 semitrucks traveled this bridge every day, the american trucking association says there will be delays and extra costs to shipments and until the port is back open, the main artery for baltimore's industry is shut down. >> port of baltimore is an important port, for our supply chains and for all of the workers that depend on it for the income, we will try to get
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her to open as as soon as safely possible. >> between a hundred and $200 million of value that comes that board every day. about $2 million in wages that are at stake every day. >> the problem is global, this ported surges at -- serves as a cortical life and for the auto and gold it is, gm and ford will reroute their trucks and every other business at the relies on those portable have to reroute their product. >> we're talking about a port that is responsible for over 51 million tons of foreign cargo, that is the largest in the country. the port of baltimore is responsible for cars, heavy vehicles, agricultural equipment, the largest amount in the entire country. it will not just in prague to maryland, it will impact the former in kentucky, the auto dealer in michigan, we have to get that bridge rebuilt and we have to get the sports reopened. >> meal, the other big economic
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question is coded this impact inflation with the supply chain hiccups as it goods are being rerouted to other ports. the secretary said today, he does not expect this to have a huge impact on inflation, he things the supply chain issues here are more specialized and localized than what we saw during the pandemic. they do not expect this to impact inflation broadly nationwide. >> neil: goddard, hilary vann, thank you. to hilary's point, of the markets were panicking about this, they have a funny way. of showing it. the dow jones getting closer to 40,000, inflation not a worry for this. chief market strategist, allen, do you agree with that? that for now the inflation worries are out there, but they have yet to materialize, may not materialize to the degree somewhere saying? >> you always have to be aware of any sort of disruption, especially in a momentum market. momentum market is all about physics, a market will continue to move in one direction until
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awkward upon by an outside force. if this was this ways canal closing or something of that nation -- -- this could have intermediary effects, you talked about afforded the brake appointed pushing our the 13th out -- $13 levels. amazon that has a distribution center across the bridge they have to go all the way around. that has an impact on your stock. it will impact some coal exports from what i read, $15 million of disruption in a day. but we are in an almost everything to go market. everything is rallying and now we have seen actually energy prices have a full comeback after we saw the nasdaq, the dow jones, the -- now using energy prices play catch up. looks like everybody is in the go market until awkward upon by a major disruption. >> neil: you think about it, this is global when you think of supply chain disruption. this might be the latest is threatened as my example. nothing like what is happening at the red sea, trouble having
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their way around the attacks by rubbles. but it weighs on people who fear that the more it drags on cutting the more the product delays, you are already hearing to the crews lines talking about the cost of $10 million, depending on how long this drags out. how do you weigh all that? >> as a traitor, you have to look at any disruption as opportunity. in the summertime, of things are too hard, of the grain markets could be disrupted because it impacts the growing meals. there is always opportunity from what happens from an economic standpoint. one thing that i'm looking for, we just talked about oil and oil is up about 25 percent back in the last year of trade, even though it is still a very low level. in historical terms. look at something like natural gas, natural gas is 40 percent back down into the last year, and at a ten year low. if we have some sort of destruction in the summer, very
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hot weather and alexis diaz by, that could curb and shift the sentiment. these types of disruptions could change markets and that offers opportunities. >> neil: we will watch closely, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> neil: >> neil: think that's, rfk junior and george wallace, what did they have in common? we will explore and explain,stme after this. managers. (other money manager) different how? aren't we all just looking for the hottest stocks? (fisher investments) nope. we use diversified strategies to position our clients' portfolios for their long-term goals. (other money manager) but you still sell investments that generate high commissions for you, right? (fisher investments) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interest. (other money manager) so when do you make more money, only when your clients make more money? (fisher investments) yep. we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. smile! you found it. the feeling of finding psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu,
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[ ♪♪ ] >> neil: all right, to the white house on those rfk junior nicole shanahan it take it, they are not saying much. it is what is going on behind the scenes that reveals a little bit more anxiety to put it mildly. jackie at the white house gagged jackie? >> rfk junior is only on the ballot in one state right now which is utah. since it naming has a vp pick you can collect signatures to get on the ballot in 23 more states and they did not want that to happen.
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they filed a complaint with the fec accusing pro- kennedy's super pack of a breaking election laws. the reason they are doing all of those dates back to 2016. >> in a state like ours and a state like pennsylvania, you don't need significant support to throw an election to donald trump. we saw this play out in 2016 where joe stein got 50,000 votes and hillary clinton lost by 10,000 votes in michigan. >> and democrats are sharpening their attacks on kennedy in case he is on the ballot painting him as a black sheet of the family which supports biden, emphasizing that statement and a photo with 50 of them at the white house. and biden's campaign as a portly billing up and operation dedicated entirely to rfk junior attacks. the same? trump and kennedy are cut from the same cloth and maybe even share a common goal. >> of this is a person with a tinfoil, conspiracy theorist. he is anti- vaccine, he is anti- science, he's anti- truth.
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he is likely interested in trying to get donald trump elected, maybe that's what this is about. >> of the truth is he was drafted into this race by donald trump's top supporters, and is being financed in this race by trump's largest donor. that is not nearly a coinc coincidence. >> trump is not embracing kennedy, his campaign is as rfk junior is our radical leftist it, and then our mental whack job who loves ev mandates, wants to and gasoline powered engines, he is no independent. but kennedy is pulling better than any independent sins of ross perot in 1992. grabbing 13 percent approval in a recent fox news pole. it is conceivable that he could pull votes from either trump or biden but team bryden is certainly so concerned about is that they are saying the best line of defense is really to paint him as a stocking course for trump. >> neil: got it, thank you so much. jackie did mention, there could
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be a more significant spoiler in american history, one that garnered a lot of electoral votes. i'm talking about george wallace beck 1968 who won a whole bunch of southern states and picked up 48 electoral votes in the process. many argue denying those votes potentially could have gone to humphrey, the democratic candidate, richard nixon barely slept on by to get elected the president. could the same thing play out? our politics reporter, we've regard to that into the case of george wallace, he did win a lot of electoral votes, the consensus was that he took them from hebert humphrey. it is a little hard to tell with rfk junior but what do you think? >> i think first just on wallace, i go back far, and you do two. it is wallace, the working democrats away from hebert humphrey and that is precisely the concern over the biden campaign that at the anti- trumbull votes it will be split
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-- anti- donald trump and working-class democrats will vote for rfk junior, not for joe biden, making donald trump more electable. that is the fear, that is the history with wallace, and that is why they are doing what it jackie just reported now. >> neil: if you think about it, the history of the third-party candidate may affect the outcome but not change the outcome. if you think about it, abraham lincoln was the new party candidate is that it is that history. that aside, i'm wondering julia about this dismissive view we have over the potential third-party candidate? cannot only stiffen votes away but let's take the leap year that he somehow manages to get on all 50 state ballots, maybe runs as a libertarian, i don't know what would make that happen. the reality is he would have to just get one vote more than the other guys and he went in most
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cases, all those states electoral votes. it is not crazy, is it? >> it is not crazy but i think with rfk junior, we are looking at him more as someone who could absently have an impact on the results but it is very slim chance he would actually win in this thing. i think it is just a question of who is the ultimate take away vote from trouble or biden. it is so interesting listening to democrats and republicans about how they are reacting to rfk junior because i get the sense they are nervous. there was a poll released earlier today that showed joe biden narrowly beating donald trump with a third party vote or candidate was factored in. at the same time, you see now the dnc and democrats in the biden campaign really hitting the back against junior. we don't really know who he's going to pull from but what is so interesting about rfk junior and it's true, he certainly has a populist flare as a part of
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his candidacy, and it is a donald trump ask in many ways, and a lot of former donald trump supporters on his bandwagon. by talking to rfk junior supporters, it is quite a bit more diverse and not be muddy there is people who voted for clinton in 2016, or voted for biden in 2020. it really is sort of this ideological melting pot in many ways. >> neil: on that point, when had robert junior with me, he raised the possibility when people realize staring at a pallet of the house with a replay of what they had four years ago, or a new freshfaced, a lot of that will go for the new freshfaced, or that you hopes at least, would he think of that? >> i think there is some poll evidence to support that. he has pulled anywhere from 5-6 percent, as high as 20 percent, 13 percent gain is the average now. he has one thing we have not
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mentioned, which is both obvious but critically important, the kennedy name. he will probably be in the debates, and if he's in the debates, he is a compelling speaker, and i think while it is more likely than not he will take votes from a joe biden then donald trump, he really is a wildcard because he is on the left, and environmentalist on the right, on a number of issues. it is really a wild card, and as a democratic president, biden is being prudent taking this as seriously as he appears to be. >> neil: all right, final word on that dog, you should never it revealed that he could redo the 1968 election. fatal admission. julia meanwhile saying what? ra. [ laughter ] forget it. siu thank very much. they are raising the minimum wage in california on april 1st, is it coincidence it's april fools' day? $20 an hour, a lot of restaurants will have to pay their workers, one that
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is pretty upset about that, after this. diabetes can serve up a lot of questions, like... what is your glucose, and can you have more carbs? before you decide... with the freestyle libre 3 system... know your glucose and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. now the world's smallest and thinnest sensor... sends your glucose levels directly to your smartphone. manage your diabetes with more confidence, and lower your a1c. the number one cgm prescribed in the us. try it for free at ♪
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[ ♪♪ ] twenty-three all right, next monday and happens april 1st
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at 20-dollar minimum wage mandate into the state of california, most of the restaurants there, the bigger ones and it's on an april fools same. andrew is not happy about it, celebrity chef and much more, restaurant owner extraordinary, what you think of this? >> i have said this on multiple occasions, this bill is just another way in which they are giving more power to a group of unelected officials in california, the majority of what is in this bill is actually already in place. it is somewhat redundant based on a wage and hour violations and the labor, measures a broad control over businesses both small, medium and large in california. let's ask you go through and play the game and suggested this is really about paying workers more and treating them better and making sure they have the protections in place. the 20-dollar an our thing is nothing more than a distraction. this is about the fast food council part of this bill, they are actual putting over businesses that will control not just wage and hour and all of those pay -related issues, by
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training, vacations, scheduling, all of the granular details that are involved in running a business. imagine you put millions of dollars into running your business, and the state elects nine representatives that are now going to control the way in which you run your business day in and day out. i know two of the northern are actually supposed to represent the businesses, but seven of the nine have just been named by gavin newson, what a coincidence, seven of the nine or other democrats or unregistered, one of them has never even voted before or register to vote. once again, this is just about broad powers that have been given to unelected bureaucrats in california that won't help the workers because of this is about helping the workers, cut the payroll taxes. they are already making $20 an hour. it's inefficient. >> neil: i apologize, you are exempt from this, i don't know where this kicks in and what it is not. a lot of restaurants got even those who are, have to recognize about they have to compete for
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those higher wages. they are already laying off some workers, they are already making some cutbacks so how do you play this? >> as a business, you don't necessarily play it because you don't have a choice. that is where we are in california. you have to speak up about it. if you talk about the truth of this bill and what it is all about. it starting with these 60 plus unit businesses but it will distill all the way down. that is the playbook in california has, they started with these big businesses, than what they're doing now is they are establishing these carveouts. if this was really about treating that workers better, what would carveouts exist? they have carveouts for restaurants and museums, airports, amusement parks, if you bake bread, panera. this is not about of the fundamentals or the actual philosophy behind it. it is just about establishing another layer of power where the river a part businesses in california. >> neil: what do restaurant owners do? >> they are going to automate all of their operations,
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number 1. that will end up laying workers off which will cost the state of california more money because they will have to pay them on a play many benefits as opposed to getting income tax on them and we will have to continue talking and talking about this. every restaurant has to say their experience, it cannot be a one-man show although i love doing these shows. >> neil: we love having you on. andrew gruel, thank you for coming on. we would love to have you back? very good stuff, in the meantime, we believe that at the main part of this problem to see some charges dropped against hundred biden has concluded. they have run out of that los angeles courthouse to give us the latest. anti-dandruff shampoo made with only nine ingredients - no sulfates, silicones or dyes and packaged with 45% less plastic - giving you outstanding dandruff protection and leaving hair beautiful and moisturized.
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♪ ♪ >> neil: all right, as we have been saying, hunter biden isn't there but his lawyer is in a los angeles courtroom trying to dismiss felony tax related charges. i don't know how that is going, but david spunt sure does. he joins us from los angeles. david, how is it going right now? >> well, neil, it is fairly newsy, a god of good tedious legal arguments but hunter biden was charged with nine different codes here in los angeles for failing to pay his taxes in due time. his attorney, abbe lowell, trying to dismiss eight of those counts. he filed eight motions to dismiss. they are an hour into court, and right now still arguing about the first one. so to give everyone kind of a 40,000-foot view, hunter biden
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entered into what is called a plea deal, or divergent agreement, with the government last year which would have put these tax charges as misdemeanors, as tax violations. that blew up in a very public way. here we are right now. special counsel david weiss, who is charging hunter biden, is in the room. abbe lowell, hunter biden's attorney, has made several arguments in front of this judge, arguing that this plea agreement and this divergent agreement should still be in contact. special counsel david weiss' team saying it is not intact because it was not signed by the probation officer from last summer, so the bottom line here, neil, is we are dealing with eight different motions to dismiss the case. this right now is going before -- or going to trial jun. that's just in a couple of months. right in the middle of the political season. just a couple of months before hunter's dad accepts the nomination. and here we are. we may find out today that this case will get moved back later.
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we may find out that some charges get dropped, but clearly some tension in this room, even though hunter biden is not in the room, the special counsel himself and hunter biden's late attorney, it might lead attorney abbe lowell both completely on opposite sides of this case, neil. >> neil: to that point, these tax charges literally motivated, sounds like a defense i've heard from someone else but they usually don't carry much weight, in the end. what are we learning about that? >> well, it just depends on what the actual sentence would be if hunter biden was actually found guilty here. i mean, as of right now -- and it's surprising most of us court watchers -- this appears to be heading to trial. somewhat ask why hunter biden would agree to move forward and go forward with the risk of being convicted just a couple of months before his dad accepts the nomination. so it's unclear what the actual punishment would be here. but as of now, this appears that both sides are very far apart,
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and you have to remember, neil, hunter biden also going to trial in delaware, penciled in for early june for lying on a federal gun form when he said that he was not under the influence of drugs and alcohol when he purchased a gun, so his legal problems certainly continue. >> neil: so it's possible that the trial relating to hunter biden could be syno synonymous, exactly at the same time as those -- at least one -- for donald trump. >> yeah, that's exactly right. donald trump's trials, we are waiting to see when those will be as far as the jack smith special counsel trials, the one on the documents and the one on the alleged attempts to overturn the election. those likely will be later this summer. the only child donald trump has on his calendar right now is april 15th in new york but they are all colliding buttes beer and got it. david spunt in los angeles, thank you. that will do it for us. here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> jessehe


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