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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  March 30, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ relax into a caribbean state of mind. visit or call 1-800 sandals. it's better outside with ninja. cookouts are better with master grills that char, barbecue smoke, and air fry. weekends are better with life proof coolers that keep ice for days and have fridge-temperature drawers for dry foods, because everything is better without soggy sandwiches. it's better outside with ninja. >> you're looking live at pictures from the funeral of slain 31-year-old n.y.p.d. officer jonathan diller. he was fatally shot monday while in the line of duty during what should have been a routine traffic stop. officer diller was shot and
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killed just a mile from his home where he lived with his wife and 1-year-old son. welcome to fox news live on this somber saturday afternoon. i'm gillian turner, it's good to be with you, griff. griff: good to be with you, gillian. i'm griff jenkins. his death comes as new york continues to battle a crisis. and cb cotton is in massapequa. >> a funeral service got underway 30 minutes ago. new york city mayor adams is giving remarks, there are officers as far as the eye can see, outside the church and inside and there's also community members from across the northeast to are content to just stand outside and pay their respects and show solidarity for those who wear the badge. i want to go to some photos of
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diller and talk about his life. officer jonathan diller joined the police force three years ago and was part of the n.y.p.d. critical response team. this is an initiative focused on addressing quality of life issues. the 31-year-old was shot during a traffic stop in queens when he and his partner approached a vehicle for being illegally parked at a bus stop. diller was rushed to the hospital, but could not be saved. now, his wife stephanie and baby son ryan will carry on his legacy. diller's brother-in-law gave remarks to the press earlier this week and said the officer died carrying out his purpose. now, the two suspects, get this, have a combined three dozen prior arrests and yet, were still out in the streets. both had been charged in this case and are being held without bail. now, former president donald trump accepted an invite to attend diller's wake earlier this week. afterwards he told the press, quote, we have to get back to law enorder.
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new york city mayor eric adams also attended the wake and so did governor kathy hochul. and the press team said diller's family had a productive conversation with her about policy changes so this is not in vain, as our colleague brian kilmeade has sources that said this was contentious and a somber moment for so many people who gathered here, new york city mayor adams, again, delivering remarks and we'll be monitoring. the priest said we should be alarmed what appears to be a lack of humanity unfolding in our city because of the crime crisis. and that struck me. he tied in with the message of easter, we can have hope knowing that life continues for this fallen officer. back to you. griff: we should be alarmed, you're right. that's a great point.
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cb cotton live for us in massapequa. gillian. >> for reaction to this tragic killing and the nation's response here, let's bring in former n.y.p.d. inspector and contributor paul morrow. and five days since officer diller passed. talk to us about what the community is feeling with a couple of days to reflect further on the initial shock? >> well, i mean, obviously it's going to take a while for the officers who knew po diller and of course, his family, to process this and they'll obviously never get over it. i can tell you when something like this happens anywhere near you on the police department, if it was somebody in your command or somebody you worked with, those reverberations go on your entire career. any cop, i know, can talk about any that they lost in their career and the political
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ramifications become clear, especially in this year of a federal presidential election, that, you know, something good comes out of this. because this does feel to me a little different from ones in the past. there's a watershed element to this, that we've hit something of a tipping point, realization that things have gone too far the other way and i would think that that would be some sliver of good that could come out of the death of this fine officer. >> you certainly hope so. from where you sit now, paul, having served so many years on the force, what is the fix? what can be done? is it realistic to hope that this doesn't happen again or not really? >> it always is going to happen at some point, i mean, it's the nature of police work. you know that when you're getting into it, you can train, you can learn your tactics, try to learn from the past. po diller appears to have done everything right here, no question about that.
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he just ran into a career criminal who decided it was not his day to go to jail and there's nothing you can really do about that in the long run. what you can do, however, is look to the people who have the power over the police department and that's primarily the executive and the legislature who can put in measures so that people like the killer of po diller whose name i'm not going to say, is not running around on the street armed with a weapon with 21 priors. there were about three dozen prior arrests, numerous felonies, in that car as po diller approached that day. and yet, despite that, despite the fact that the same time as the wake the president, who you know you looked for-- you look to for comfort. if he had come to the wake, he would have been well-received. if he wanted to call the family, they're not going to be disrespectful, the police are not disrespectful, ways to work it out, advance teams that come
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and i've been involved in this kind of thing and it can be done and yet, the message seems to be from the people who control the lives of the cops and the lies close tower home. one of the political parties in this country seems to have decided that the po dillers of the world don't matter and maybe are the bad guys and a bit inescapable and when you see the reaction and we experience some push back. if we don't get them, things will get worse. >> take a quick listen to mayor adams, new york's mayors. new york officers have killed people this year and-- >> first of all, first of all, i'm not going to. >> in queens yesterday. >> i'm not going to dismiss the loss of a life of an innocent person that wears a uniform to protect-- >> you do of the 31 people dead at reichers and the 19-year-old killed yesterday. >> i feel like i don't want to
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take you out of context and i don't want people to criticize that you've been dismissive of a young man being shot. >> mayor adams, that's not going to work on me. >> i don't really know how to wrap my head around this argument, paul. you know, obviously, the lives of police victims matter greatly, the lives of police officers matter greatly. is there a point to this kind of circuitous argument anymore? >> i mean, i certainly don't think so, but i can tell you they're never going to let go of that point because that's the currency of the progressive left these days. they just cannot let go of the kenard that police are intrinsically racist wake up every day looking to shoot a person of color despite the command structure of the n.y.p.d. are of color. you need to look at the circumstances to put it into context.
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in 2023 police killed 46-- i'm sorry, were killed 46 times. there were 46 cops killed in the line of duty and killed 18 unarmed black men in america. that's the research i can put together. 18 unarmed black men killed in 2023. 2023, same year, 46 cops killed line of duty. all right. those are the real numbers. when you see people interviewed on the street and i've seen this, seen it on fox and put it mic in someone's face how many unarmed black men do you think that police killed last year, the answer is a thousand, 2,000, it's not reality. it's a disservice to black cops. and n.y.p.d. is probably the most diverse agency in new york city, but this myth is kept alive for the political purchase of people like that commentator and others who gain power and influence about it and it's just not accurate and we just don't seem to be able to get past it so we can't make
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pro progress. >> maybe today's event and officer diller can change the situation. we certainly hope so. thank you for taking time with us and we appreciate it more than ever. >> thank you. griff: a brand new migrant caravan of about 2000 people it making its way north through mexico bound for the united states. not clear exactly where they're going to go and how long it will take them to reach the final destination. casey stegall is live in el paso with the latest. >> good to be with you, as you well know, it's an extremely long journey and the latest caravan left the mexico-guatemala border on monday and according to the organizer made it 65 miles in the past week. they're obviously on foot and the organizer says the plan is
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first to head to mexico city with the final destination planned for the united states. it is about 2000 in size. the thinking is that some are bound for juarez, just across here from el paso. we're at the moment at the moment there are dozens of migrants camping out on the other side of the wall. and ngo's are preparing, but border officials say as the group gets closer it will likely be divided up and sent to multiple locations to texas, new mexico, arizona and california. >> people don't understand. when you see this caravan coming up through to our nation's borders, it's not necessarily the entire caravan that's going to cross at one area, what happens the drug cartels we've been saying for quite some time, they control where the groups are going to cross. >> now, this gives you a sense of how far out they still are. gps mapping shows well over a thousand miles away from el paso, for example. that's more than a day's drive.
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mcallen is closest, about 18 hours by car, again, they're on foot for now. as this plays out this past week in the del rio sector, cbp found weapons pound to mexico likely straight to the cartels. 83 guns total and 680 round of ammo were intercepted, as well as 172 magazines, some scopes and a laser. griff. griff: casey stegall, live for us in el paso waiting for that caravan. great job as always. >> an elite team of ice deportation officers in boston, massachusetts, as they arrested four alleged child rapists, plus an ms-13 gang member. bill melugin has that story out of boston. >> any questions?
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>> it's the pre-dawn hours in boston and this elite team of ice deportation officers is briefing on their target list for the day. illegal aliens charged with egregious crimes. >> all the targets today every single one of them is aggravated felon in the commonwealth and these are the cases that are the worst of the worst in massachusetts. >> ice quickly takes down the first target, an illegal alien from guatemala charged with aggravated child rape. minutes later, ice arrests a colombian channel charged with the rape of a charged above age 14. >> i don't have enough officers or resources to tackle every one of these public safety threats. are we going after the child rapists today or going after the two times deported fentanyl dealer because we can't get both. >> ice's next arrest, a combative ms-13 gang member from el salvador charged with a
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slew of violent crimes. (bl (bleep). >> officers then arrested this brazilian man charged with five counts of aggravated rape of a child. how are you guys not notified about a child rapist being released? >> unfortunately, in massachusetts that's how it is with most of these sanctuary jurisdictions. >> a short time later, ice took down their final target, a brazilian gang member also charged with child rape. just this morning today four accused child rapists and one ms-13 gang member. >> those are the people you're going after? >> that's every day in boston and those are the public safety threats we want to get off the streets. and that's day for the team. five safety threats that won't victimize anyone else. >> ice is putting their public and their officers at risk and protecting dangerous criminal aliens. and they'll remain in custody until the local charges are
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resolved and then seek to deport all of them. bill melugin, fox news. griff: all right. for more, let's bring in now former acting ice director and former ice director tom homan. tom, a great report from bill and kind of jealous that he got to do that stuff that's the best of the best being out with those guys. we've learned late yesterday as i reported for cavuto in the last hour, that the tik tok influencer, remember the guy making the videos, encouraging illegal aliens to squat in other people's homes and see him flashing cash in front of the camera. what do you make of this, about the ice package bill did and the fact that this guy is fortunately now behind bars. >> two things. you may be jealous and i was home sick. i did that for years. i was jealous and i talked to bill and the top line supervisors and i used to do it
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and home sick. ice does a great job and they do this every day and the sad thing is that bill was right, it's a dangerous job because they should have been-- should have been in custody in the jail when they arrested them. ice should have got custody in the jail because it's a sanctuary city. they release them back in the city and they re-offend and then ice has them when they have who knows what weapons. and the tik toker, we're not only going to remove him from tik tok and local community. griff: he's got a new place to squat, it's called prison. let me ask you, aside from the obvious sanctuary city problems that you've got there, when i've been talking and interviewed the current ice director, he talked about the fact that he needs resources. he didn't want to get into politics, doesn't want to get
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with politicians he just wants to do his job. and you heard that he needs more officers. because there are so many rapists and murderers and bad guys on streets that they need to get, should congress come up with something specifically just funds, ice right now, take care of it and give them what they need. if so, what would that look like? >> look, there's thousands and thousands of public safety threats running the streets of this country who are in the country illegally. it takes a whole group. you see it takes six or seven officers to cover the perimeter and make an arrest, well-planned arrest. if it wasn't a sanctuary city would be take one officer going to the jail and transporting with another officer. because they're out in the field with a whole team for safety reasons. congress needs to give them more-- they've always been underfunded. border patrol gets a plus up, but you never see ice get a plus up. border security is important, but you don't have true border security if you don't have
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interior enforcement because those that claim asylum and come across the border, when they get the court date and ordered removed they need to be removed. griff: the white house says that they support getting rid of sanctuary cities and they want state and local to cooperate with federal authorities. i want to-- before i run out of time, i heard a recording and i'm going to play it for you. if you call uscis right now and you are obviously an immigrant, legally or illegally coming to this country. this is what you will hear. >> listen. >> you're likely eligible to apply for an employment document to legally work in the united states if you were recently paroled into the united states and that parole remains valid or you have applied for asylum and that application has been pending for at least 150 days. your reaction?
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>> it should read if you're in the united states illegally like we'll give you work authorizations and same thing you wanted when you enter this country. nine out of ten people don't qualify for asylum. let's reward their illegal behavior and give them a work permit and that's what they came here for. griff: is that an incentive? >> absolutely. enticement to bring more. this administration is enticing mohr to come, but not good at deporting those that lose their case. griff: as we finish the segment, obviously we started the show covering officer diller's funeral. as a career law enforcement guy, do you have thoughts on that. >> my heart breaks for every officer that loses his life. when i noticed there were four presidents in that city, obama, clinton, biden and trump. only one was presidential, he went on to the fallen men and
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women for n.y.p.d. and the others were begging for money. i was disgusted. i was proud that president trump showed respect for that officer that left his wife and child alone and their lives will never be the same. had guy made the ultimate sacrifice and he was a hero. everyone should have been. griff: and cb cotton reported at the top of the show talking about everyone should be alarmed at the callusness of the lack of empathy for law enforcement. do you agree? . absolutely. because if someone's willing to assault or kill a police officer, an armed uniformed police officer, that makes them the most dangerous person walking the face of the earth because they certainly have no problem with a civilian population, assaulting them. so, someone that takes on law enforcement is the most dangerous person in the world. griff: tom homan, thank you for coming in and sharing thoughts. we need to get you back out on
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the streets with the ice guys running around? >> who knows maybe in eight months we'll be back and we'll wait and see. griff: if you were asked to join a future potential trump administration, you'd say yes? >> what do you think? you've known me for years. what do you think? i would help any president. if president biden called me today say help me secure the border i'd do it. griff: for joe biden. >> security of the border is more than one person. i'm honored would work with president trump, i think he's the greatest president when it comes to border security, nobody did it better. if he called me back, i'd be honored. griff: thank you. and i hope you get that job for either president because then i'm going to call you for an interview. thank you very much. all right, gillian. >> a massive crane that actually played a role in a secret cia cold war mission arrived in baltimore to free up baltimore's port. we'll take you there live next.
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>> the largest crane on the east coast, which can lift up to 1,000 tons, is helping to clear the wreckage from the collapse of the francis scott key bridge. officials expect many more challenges ahead as they begin
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to dig through the debris. madeleine rivera is in baltimore on a boat with the latest. >> hey, griff. you've got more assets headed to the area. moments ago another crane arrived here on site. it's the blue one in the distance. that's not the chesapeake 1,000, which is the largest crane on the eastern seaboard capable of lifting 1,000 tons, but it does speak to the challenges that crews here are facing and the scale and the difficulty of this operation. a member of unified command say they plan to scale up the number of resources here to seven cranes, 10 tugs and nine barges, but i'm told that no work has begun yet. that same member of unified command say they're wrapping up the planning stages how they're going to do the work. the problem is that span of the bridge hanging over the bow of the ship, the dali weighs, 4,000 tons.
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and they can lift 150 to 1,000 tons. so, this crane, this bridge has to be broken up into smaller pieces so the cranes can lift the pieces of the bridge off the dali and there is no clear timeline how long it will take and there's a desire to move quickly. four people are unaccounted for and maryland state police divers are ready to go back in to search for them and officials are hoping they can clear this channel to allow some vessels to go in and out. here is what governor wes moore said this morning. >> this port is responsible for the large amount of car shipments, heavy vehicles, agricultural equipment in the entire country. this port is one of the leading economic drivers that we have inside of our nation's economy so it's not just impacting marylanders, this is impacting the farmer in kentucky. >> and president biden is expected to head to baltimore next week, griff. back to you. griff: all right.
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madeleine rivera in baltimore harbor. great job. thank you. gillian: a new twist now in that ruling which allowed district attorney fani willis to remain on the georgia election interference case. we have new details next. [♪] did you know turbotax now provides you with a tax expert who will do your taxes from start to finish? try turbotax live full service. your full service expert, will do your taxes for you, as soon as today. plus, they'll only sign and file when they know it's 100% correct,
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>> it's better outside with ninja. cookouts are better with master grills that char, barbecue smoke, and air fry. weekends are better with life proof coolers that keep ice for days and have fridge-temperature drawers for dry foods, because everything is better without soggy sandwiches. it's better outside with ninja.
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>> a new motion filed friday. president trump's legal team is now appealing a decision to allow fulton county d.a. fani willis to appear on the case. madison scarpino. >> and trump and others are trying to get willis off the massive case, saying that willis should be disqualified because of her romantic relationship with a former special prosecutor that she hired. willis and former special prosecutor nathan wade testified their relationship didn't start until after he was
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hired, but in the appeal, trump and his codefendants disagreed and said the indictment should be dismissed altogether. they also argue, willis should be disqualified because of her comments at a historically black church in atlanta. willis claimed she and wade were being scrutinized because of their race. the judge called those comments legally improper, but here is what willis said at an event yesterday. >> recently they tell me they don't like me to talk about race well, i'm going to talk about it anyway. the truth is some challenges that come to being black. >> it comes two weeks after the judge ruled there was no conflict of interest, but said that willis and wade made, quote, bad choices. the judge said that either willis or former special prosecutor nathan wade had to go. shortly after the ultimatum wade resigned. the appeal says that didn't go far enough. the codefendants argued that willis and wade's relationship started before he was hired in
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the case and that willis financially benefitted from his position. willis and wade denied those claims. the defense says removing willis will give the former president and their clients a fair trial. >> she's got to be disqualified. if that happens we'll get a neutral prosecutor to go and review this and decide whether or not they're going to bring these charges again. >> the court of appeals has 45 days to decide if it will take up this case, gillian. gillian: madison scarpino for us this afternoon. thank you. griff: gillian, president biden is staying at camp david for easter weekend as the administration is touting the campaign's latest fund raising haul, despite criticism from the weekend's events with former presidents obama and clinton. >> it was a star-studded event at radio city music hall down the road from fox news headquarters on sixth avenue. the biden campaign saying they brought in over $25 million,
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but the event was also interrupted by several anti-israel protesters. >> shame on you, joe biden! shame on you! shame on you! . the latest fund raising numbers are in from february and show a sizable advantage for president biden. 50 to 23 million. trump was also behind hillary clinton, but didn't work out in 2020. biden was hoping the appearance on stage with obama and clinton reminded people of better times. majority of voters polled disapprove of his handling of inflation in the economy. prices are up about 20% since biden took office and you don't hear much about bidenomics from the press room. he focused on something else.
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>> i think democracy is at stake. not a joke. look, i wasn't going to run in 2020 because i just lost my son beau a little earlier until i watched what happened in virginia when the folks came out of the fields carrying torches and nazi flags. >> the trump campaigns it can do a fundraiser bigger and pledged to do just that to bring in more than $26 million. and of course, palm beach could be a place to do that, a lot of money down there. griff: lucas tomlinson on the white house lawn. gillian: for our political panel, white house secretary's bill mcginley and drew, great to have you on this saturday. as a sign, drew, how far we are into the red meat portion of this general election cycle, president biden went really personal and took some digs at former president trump in this
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fundraiser calling him old and out of shape. take a listen. >> all the things that he's doing are so old. speaking of old. and you know, a little old and out of shape, but anyway. gillian: clearly, the audience found the jokes funny. is this tact going to work with the general electorate. >> i don't know if the general electorate. but trump imitates biden, the stutter, it's awful. but among them there might be the appetite to give it back. gillian: what do you say, bill. >> while president biden was making jokes, trump was at officer diller's office, an officer slain in new york.
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that will resonate more with the swing voters, moderate democrats to show the respect that the first responders need every day they're risking their lives. instead of political jokes, trump was paying respect to somebody who deserved it. >> to that point, drew, president biden has been receiving criticism the last couple of days not necessarily for not attending the wake, but for not reaching out to the family and for reaching out to democratic mayor eric adams instead to offer condolences when it's really the family that should be on the receiving end of that kind of condolence. >> that just seems like a bogus trump-generated issue. if i certainly think that the officer's family should receive condolences. it strikes me that donald trump fomented a riot at the capital that resulted in 1200 criminal convictions.
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gillian: but what does that have to do with the slain police officer on the street. >> i'm talking police officers who died. donald trump wasn't calling their families, wasn't attending their funeral, wasn't consoling them. picking pout an officer's family who president biden didn't call, seems to me a selective way of treating president trump as opposed to this. gillian: what do you say. >> crime is affecting every communities and one of my friends was murdered six weeks ago during a carjacking so when you start talking about these sorts of crimes, when you talk about these sorts of first responders who are out there doing the dangerous work every single day in cities like washington d.c., their lives matter. and the president of the united states should be setting a tone and biden has failed to do that. and when president trump goes and pays respect to somebody killed during a traffic stop, for the simple act of asking
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them to move on, president trump wins that day because he's sending the right message to america, we need to come back together, we need to restore law and order in these communities and cashless bail and prosecutors need to start prosecuting and incarcerating those who commit multiple violent acts in our community. gillian: take a look at something else that's going to play very big for the general electorate without a doubt is the economy. latest fox news polling asked americans, are you financially better off today than you were last year, the year before, up to four years ago. 52%, as you can see there, of people who were polled say they feel worse off. no matter the state of the economy and the indicators that the administration is touting, this is how people are experiencing the state of their own financial well-being. not great news for the president. >> well, certainly not. the economy is better.
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unemployment is very low, unflation isn't rising as quickly, but inflation is cumulative. that's how people experience it and that's real. i would note though that in preparing to come on today, i did watch fox clip on the subject which showed several times several graphics displaying gas at 5.50 a gallon. according to triple-a, average price of gallon is 3.50, not 5.50, gone up five cents in the past year. >> i can't speak to other programs. bill, the economy and indicators that we look to, but there's a real sense of the lived economy for americans and whatever the reasons, the indicators are not matching up with where the administration wants this to be ahead of 2024. >> right, when you talk to democrats like me friend here, a lot of them will say it's a messaging problem, but when you talk to american working class
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and middle class families, they're suffering economic harm because of inflation, because of the wages that they're earning have been chopped away by inflation. when you head to the trump administration, real wages were gaining and now they're falling for americans. no matter what the messaging is, american families are sitting around the kitchen table, trying to figure out how do we do the after school sports, how do we get the gas. are these the things that we can purchase to try to get our family ahead and they're not able to do it. the economic impact of the biden administration's policies are very real. not only on american families, but on small businesses. when you look at what's happening with small businesses, because of the rising interest rates, they're not able to do the credit to grow the type of jobs that we want. small businesses account for almost 70% of the new jobs in america, and they're suffering right now. >> we've got a record number of small business starts over the last year. >> but you also have to look at types of jobs made. so you talk about the number of
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jobs being made and talk to the working class people and a lot of them are saying, yeah, i'm picking up two or three of them just to make ends meet. gillian: are they full-time or part-time, salaried at all. >> right. gillian: are the hourly wages high or low. very important factors. gentlemen, we've got to leave it there we'll bring i back for an econ segment solo some point. >> thanks for having me. griff: great conversation, gillian. coming up, an inside look at a key u.s. plant making weapons for ukraine. that's next. ♪ you were always so dedicated... ♪ we worked hard to build up the shop, save for college and our retirement. but we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for... it was always for you. seeing you carry on our legacy— i'm so proud. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. setting up the future for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership.
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>> did you see this? 11th ranked nc state, the wolf pack marching on, continuing their cinderella run through the ncaa men's basketball tournament and knocked off second seeded marquette golden eagles, 67-58 wins send nc state to the elite eight and play duke for the first time since 1986.
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gillian. gillian: there's also this, fox news got an inside look at an ammunitions plant in scranton, pennsylvania whose product is widely used on the battlefield by ukrainian forces in putin's war. steve harrigan is in scranton with that. >> the ukraine war may be won or lost on the floor of a plant like this one in scranton, pennsylvania. as their parents and grandparents did before them, making the artillery shell, the weapon responsible for 80% of the casualties in a war of attrition 5,000 miles away. numbers could decide the war. the u.s. has given ukraine more than two million shells since 2022. for a time the two sides were even matched. today, russia fires 10,000 shells at ukraine each day. five times more than ukraine can fire back. >> the ukrainians are not
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running out of courage, they are running out of ammunition. >> russia's war economy produces 250,000 shells a month, three times that of the u.s. and europe combined. the u.s. army is spending $400 million to multiply production five-fold here as human hands checking dimensions and robotic arms work side by side. >> they know that the work that they're doing is important for the protection of our government, to the protection of our war fighter. >> the u.s. goal, to produce 1.2 million shells next year will depend on the passage of a $60 billion aid package for ukraine currently stalled in congress. >> every single day the house delays is another day that the ukrainians have to pay for it with their own blood. >> a single shell can cost $3,000. a guided shell able to hit a target from 25 miles away can cost up to $100,000. in scranton, pennsylvania,
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steve harrigan, fox news. griff: pope francis skipped the traditional good friday procession at rome's colosseum to preserve his health. that's next. you! your business bank account with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently. ♪
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>> welcome back. nine people have now been
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detained following an attack on a concert that killed 144 people. the arrests a week after the massacre in which a gunman ambushed those waiting to see the show. isis claimed the attack and they believe they're behind the terrorist attacks. griff: a video, check it out. a volcano erupting during a northern lights display. the volcano has erupted several times this year forcing the residents to evacuate. the northern lights is caused by the interaction of solar wind and the earth's atmosphere. gillian: and pope francis is expect today preside at the easter vigil mass at the vatican tonight after skipping good friday services to preserve his health for the upcoming holiday weekend. stephanie bennett takes a look at the festivities with all the
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details from london. >> gillian, the vigil is expected to last a couple of hours. yesterday's last minute decision is kind of making things go play by play. it's going to have to be a last minute decision tonight to see if he will make an appearance again as a lot of people are on edge that he might not. at the moment the vatican tells us that he expects to be in attendance. last night he was expected to preside over the way of the cross event at the colosseum. the vatican announced he would be following the event from his house at the vatican. last year he skipped in 2023 because he was recovering from bronchitis. this year it seemed his plans changed suddenly. his chair was in place uz outside of the colosseum. after the announcement that chair was quickly removed. >> i don't think it was taken lightly and he probably
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prioritized his health for easter. >> he had one lung removed as a young man and what he and the vatican described as a case of the flu, bronchitis or a cold all winter long. in 2021 had a chunk of his large intestine removed and using a wheelchair and chair because of a bad knee ligament. he skipped other events over the last few weeks, but appeared in good form on thursday and good friday of course, where he remained mainly seated. for now that easter vigil will be kicking off around 2:30 eastern time today. again, the vatican does confirm he will be in attendance today and hopefully feeling better soon. gillian: all right, stephanie bennett in our london bureau for us this afternoon, thank you. griff. griff: gillian, we've got much more ahead, another hour as maryland governor wes moore is expect ted to speak on clearing
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the baltimore key bridge. and you're looking at the podium where he'll speak on the efforts to clear the channel. we'll be back. balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) file 100% free with turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me!
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