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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  March 30, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. it's a bold initiative to try and bump cure rates all around the world, but we should. it is our commitment. we need to do this. jonathan diller laid to rest this morning on long island, new york. the 31-year-old police department was shot and kill --
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policeman was shot and killed during a routine traffic stop on monday. the suspect was a career criminal with a lengthy wrap sheet. hello and welcome to fox news live. i'm jonathan. >> and i'm alease ya acuna. he pulled up to a car illegally parked and the suspect refused to get out and he took out a gun and fired, hitting diller just below the defending champion ran vet. bill bratten reminding us we measure crime by numbers but police officers are people. >> i just hope that the national attention that's being focused on this particular murder of this police officer might be might begin a tipping point in the recognition that wheel we
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are talking about crime maybe being down across the country, statistics don't necessarily always tell the story. it was a great fear the numbers are down in some cities. they can't take comfort in that. griff: cb cotton is live for us in massapequia, new york. reporter: hi, jonathan. the funeral wrapped about 20 minutes ago and we heeder from the priest -- heard from the priest, the police commissioner, the mayor eric adams and jonathan diller's widow, stephanie. there were officers from across the entire region here today to
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mourn this huge loss but, jonathan, i can also tell you there's officers from across the entire country, even officers from overseas. now, we've been talking about, diller was conducting a routine traffic stop in queens on monday when he was shot in his stomach below his bullet proof vest. he was rushed to the hospital but did not make it. suspect guy rivera was charged with first degree murder. at the time of the shooting, rivera was out on the streets with 21 prior to arrests. thousands attended a two-day wake for officer diller, who was only 31 years old. his wife, stephanie, and infant son ryan will now carry on his legacy. new york city mayor eric adams said this week he relied condolences from president biden to the family. meanwhile former president donald trump accepted an invite to attend thursday's wake from hep nassau county executive bruce blakeman. afterwards trump paid his respects with diller's wife and son, and he spoke to the press
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saying this. >> we have to stop it and get back to law and recorder and do a lot of things differently because this is not working. reporter: diller was posthumously promoted to detective first grade and only joined the nypd three years ago. jonathan. johnathon: terrible, terrible story. cb cotton, thank you for being there live on long island. alicia. i another migrant caravan making its way to the nuance. it numbers some 2,000 people and right now they're in a mexican town north of guatemala. casey steak 18 live in the -- casey stegall is live in the border town. reporter: hey, alicia and jonathan, the latest caravan left the mexico guatemala border on monday and according to the organizer, they made it about 65
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miles progress in the last week or so. they tell fox their plan is to head to mexico city and final destination plan for the usa. about 2,000 in size and the thinking is that some are bound for juarez, just across from el paso here, where at the moment there's already dozens of migrants camping out as you is key in the video stationed on the mexican side of the wall. ngos in juarez are preparing and senior border officials say as that huge group gets closer and closer to our southern border, it'll likely be divided up and sent to multiple locations in texas, new mexico, arizona, and california. >> people need to understand, when you see this caravan coming up to the nation's boarders, it's not necessarily the entire caravan crossing at that one area. what happens is the drug cartels, which we've been saying for quite some time, they control where the groups will
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cross. reporter: gps mapping shows well over 1,000 miles from el paso for example. that is more than a day's drive mccallen is the closest and that's 18 hours on foot. that plays out in the past week in the del rio sector and cbp acts intercepted weapons and ammo hidden in a truck bound for mexico likely straight to the cartels and 83 guns total and some 680 rounds of ammunition intercepted as well with 172 magazines, scopes and a laser. alicia. alicia: thank you, casey. good to see you. jonathan. johnathon: alicia, president biden spending easter weekend at camp david after the campaign pulled in more than $25 million at a blitzy new york city
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fundraiser thursday. former presidents barack obama and bill clinton were there and protesters heckling the president demanding a ceasefire in gaza. lucas tomlinson is live at the white house. reporter: hello, the biden campaign see as path to victory through fundraising and drowning the air waves with ads hoping to drown out the protesters that seem to be following the president everywhere. shoo shame on you, joe biden! sham on you! shame on you! reporter: a sizabled a van financial in fundraising for president biden $53 million to $20 million. trump was behind hillary clinton in the fundraising department in 2016 and didn't stop him from winning. he lost four years ago and we're set for the same presidential rematch since eisenhower and stevenson in 1956. biden perhaps hoping the appearance on stage in new york
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with obama and clinton, reminder of some of the good times in u.s. history. biden's poll numbers offer a reality check. only 30% approve of his handling of immigration and majorities of voters polled approve of handling of inflation and the economy. prices up about 20% since biden took office and don't hear much about bidenomics these days and in new york. new york, biden focused on something else. >> i think our democracy is at stake, no joke. i think it's at stake. i wasn't going to run in 2020 because i lost my son beau a little earlier, till i watch what had happened down in virginia when the februaries came out of the -- folks came out of the fields carrying torches and natzi flags. reporter: they plan to reel in more than the $26 million haul that biden campaign took in up in new york and palm beach is a good place to do this and this all comes as the white house is
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approved giving more weapons to the israelis including 2,000-pound bombs for strike fighters. jonathan. johnathon: lucas, quickly on the situation in ziti reel, we heard a short time ago israel and hamas are going to restart another round of peace talks tomorrow in the region. what's the white house reaction to that? presumably happy the two sides will be talking again? reporter: no doubt. cia agent made repeated trips trying to get these talks and there was a ceasefire during ramadan and that's slowly coming to the close but white house has no question, they want to see peace talks and have the war stopped and of course the israelis are saying what about the 100+ hostages that hamas still keeps. jonathan. johnathon: for sure. lucas on north lawn of the white house. thank you so much. alicia. alicia: thanks, jonathan for more on how the war on hamas and migrant surge are shaping the
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president you recall race, bring in fox news political analyst gianno caldwell. thank you for being here. >> great to be with you. alicia: we heard lucas talking complete the catch the billions authorized for fighter jets and bombs for israel. at the same time this week, we saw the high wattage, high dollar fundraiser that biden had here in new york that was interrupted by the pro palestinian front pushing testers. protesters. how tight is the needle he's tried to thread here? >> the need 18 nearly impossible when you think about the fact he joust made what i consider to be a good call. he should have sent the weapons to israel. they need them and our number one ally in the middle east. we should be supporting them, but you have this issue of younger voters not supporting
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the war and want to see palestinians and israel and quite frankly some support hamas and they want a ceasefire and israel has the right to defend itself but they don't agree. the other hand and will other side on the democratic party, jewish americans make up a large swath of donations to the biden campaign and deputies in general and about 65-75% of them are democrats and about 26% of them are republicans and they're thornhill tore is a major backing joe biden has and he has to appease those folks that want him to dot right thing and try to needle in the young folks and we've got generation z and millennials going to outpace the baby boomers, many are very
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reliable voters and they're upset, passionate about what's going on. that's a tight walk and he won't be able to do it and he'll have upset people no matter how you look at this. alicia: talking about liberals and democrats and fox news polling showing that things are continuing to change coming to israel. 24 october of last year, 28% for liberals and 25 for democrats and now 46, 42% representatively. however, is it fair to say the people upset with biden on this issue aren't necessarily trump voters either? >> that's a really good point but not going to make a difference.
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in michigan of 2016 when donald trump ran and won michigan. he only won by 10,000 votes beating hillary clinton. these voters in ganaches to send a message to the president of the united states, joe biden, how they feel this war and conflict is being handled. they're not happy. at this particular point, when considering these particular voters sending a very clear signal to the white house, every vote in this election will matter. there's so many issues at stake, the economy, inflation inflation and those are issues that will really change the sauce of this election and no one knows hawkeyes the outcome skin gradients in the pot and not seeing an election like this before. alicia: you lead me into my next question and there's more polling showing when voters are asked what they believe the biggest fillers of this -- failures of this are israel
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doesn't hit in the top three. the border does. see that trust among voters with the biden administration versus trump on immigration and it's simply not this. where does the administration go on this? >> they're going demonize anyone that supports donald trump and that's the only tactic they have at this particular time and fox news polling showing that a majority of americans feel they're worse off than four years ago, that's a sad state of affairs for the biden administration. when you think about the fact that in places like chicago where african americans are saying they're going to vote for donald trump, that has to be a very loud message to the biden administration and not only that, you see these swing states and the polling that came out through the new york times
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showing african americans were saying they were going to vote for donald trump by 20 plus per sen. that's a game changing and if that happens, donald trump ends up back in the white house. for money, that's a great thing but not everything. messaging is. alicia: anti-trump conservatives and liberals joining in a correspondent chore rhus to get biden to -- chorus to get biden reach out to nicky haily supporters. >> anti-authortarian forces and republicans and independent and green party, libertarians, democrats and further to the left than democrats. they have an interest to not have an authoritarian in the
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white house, if biden hasn't reached out, it's early tonight. pick up the phone and do it right now i hope. ish the message is we need all the help we can get. >> yeah, and they do. that's quite frankly what it is. i would encourage donald trump to do the s same and reach the voters and have a rally in chicago and speak to the minority voices that clearly support him more than joe biden is covid was a big issue for a lot of people and immigration and many other things and who knows what will happen before election day and individuals may not join the republican party and consider republicans. those doors are open and it's up to republicans to go knocking and as a conservative, i'm hopeful they will, especially with tram and rnc and many others that understand this needs to be taken very seriously
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ain order for trump to return to the white house. alicia: gianno caldwell, great to see you my friend. have a happy easter. >> you too, my friend. johnathon: former trump appealed the ruling that fulton county district attorney fani willis can stay on his georgia election meddling case. we're live in atlanta with more on that coming up next. personalized financial advice from ameriprise can do more than help you reach your goals. i can make this work. it can help you reach them with confidence. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. ameriprise financial. advice worth talking about. life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. it's better outside with ninja.
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get real deal speed, reliability and power with xfinity. she shoots from here? that's kinda my thing. alicia: madison car pea know is live in atlanta with the latest. hi, madison. reporter: hello, tram and eight codefendants want willis off the case and indictment dismissed all together and willis should be disqualified because of her romantic relationship with former special prosecutor nathan wade. affair accusations at center o f this case for weeks and the details of personal life
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publicly ai aired in court last month and willis and special prosecutor testified their relationship didn't start till after he was hired. but in the appeal, trump and his co-confidents disagree. the appeal comes two would he bees after the judge ruled there was no conflict of interest but said, willis and wade made "bad choices". the judge said willis or wade had to go. shortly after the ultimatum, wade resigned. the defense says that didn't go far enough. the codefendants r that willis and wade's relationship started before he was hired in the case and that willis financially benefited from his position and willis and wade deny the claims. woo we're going to argue his decision should have gone further and should have disqualified her and gave us all the factual findings we need and need a court to say that's too much and that's enough and she has to be dis-call fioed. reporter: one legal expert says
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while it's possible, he doesn't think the appellate court will get involved. he says all of this may impact willis' reelection campaign. >> now because we're in campaign season and she's up for reelection and that's a really fine balance she's going to have to strike and if she doesn't thread that needle just right, it could land her in hot water. reporter: the court of appeals has 45 days to decide if it'll take up this case. alicia. alicia: madison scarpino in atlanta, thanks. johnathon: bring in defense attorney keisha heaven. we heard ashleigh merchant's piece in the last take and the filing in the fani willis case said "the trial court banned by existing case law to not only require wade's disqualification,
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which occurred, but also to require the disqualification of da willis and her entire office. the trial court's failure to do so is plain legal error requiring reversal". is it as simple as that and plain legal error? >> absolutely not. so formally in order for for a trial level judge find ago attorney is disqualified and it's not impropriety and no conflict of interest and in order for it to go forward, the appellate court has to agree to take the case. that's the first hurdle that the defendants will have in the situation. they filed their petition and the appellate court has 45 days to decide. and then they'll decide whether the trial court did the right thing in fixing this error, which i believe the court did by
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either the prosecute's off had to be disqualified or mr. wade. and he stepped down. johnathon: she stays on the case, but it does or does not feed in to trump's overarching argument here that he's making at least to those who are going to vote and this is the legal system out to get him. getaway look at it is the district attorney in this case has to be very careful in prosecuting and making sure that she's seeking justice and not taking it personal and looking at the evidence. as long as that's done, you can't use an appearance of impropriority even on appellate level and say these defendants or trump is convicted and appeals, he can't say, well, the district attorney had a personal vendetta against me. he would have to show there was some official or prosecutorial
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misconduct, which is normally not given forth any evidence that is cull pi finding that the defendant was not guilty. johnathon: so, matters in the court of public opinion perhaps not so much in the court itself. let me get to -- it's head spinning for all of us following these cases and get to hush money trial due to start in -- on april 15th, i believe in new york. that's the payment to stormy danes after the president's alleged affair with her. the judge in that case ordered -- issued a gag order against president trump, which seems optimistic at best given what we know of the former president. is it going to be effective and does president trump even care?
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>> with his historehe probably does not care. he made a comment about the judge's daughter and the judge said he can't make comments or come off the family members of the judge or staff. in this case, the judge's daughter is a political consultant so i believe trump's team is trying to say, well, this is just regular political banter. there's an election going on. it's not going after the judge's family member per se. it's going to be a lot of issues and both said can say there's a misinterpretationation of the gag order. >>-- misinterpretation of the gag order. johnathon: helping him with the base and attacking the legal system and willing tick the resident combined effect of what it might do to him in the legal system. is that a clear calculation as you see it? >> aidoo grow and very dangerouy dangerous method in my opinion. we have different rules and things in the court, there's an
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appearance of people's disregard and things of his safety and the team needs to tighten reigns and say, listen, focus on this and leave all the comments out of it. johnathon: a couple weeks till the trial is scheduled to start. they've been run ago campaign to try and delay, delay, delay every one of the legal cases and he faces have been run out of options now for basically delaying this one? is it going to start mid april? >> at this point it's going to happen regardless of the tactics put in place. johnathon: case no. 3 for our discussion. the fraud case. his bond that he won a small victory last week and the bond was lorerred to a mere
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175 million. and that's due sometime next week. does he have any other moves to not pay the $175 million that is now ordered? >> so, i know in the headlines we felt that trump's team felt that was a win. the lowering the bond is not necessarily a win, it's a matter of okay, we know where these assets are. we know how to seize the assets in order to get the full payment so the lowering of the bond is not really a big deal in my opinion and it's not going to really affect the outcome. he's going to still have to pay what was ordered to be paid. johnathon: kisha, great to have you with us today and thank you for keeping us on top of the many, many legal cases and only got to a couple of them. there's a lot more out there. >> great being here. johnathon: great, thank you for being here. alicia, my head is spinning talking about a couple of the cases. alicia: i was following along, jonathon. don't you worry. the race is onto clear debris
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from the collapsed francis scott key bridge in baltimore so the search can resume for those still missing. we're live at the site, next. zyrtec allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours so dave can be the... deliverer of dance. ok, dave! let's be more than our allergies. zeize the day with zyrtec.
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johnathon: maryland's governor said crews are working an the clock and will obviously take time to clear the area. madeleine rivera is live near the collapse reporter: hey, jonathan. crews are working and cranes are expected to start lifting the debris from the water behind me. the work focused an the north section of the key bridge and see it over there in the distance around where the two
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cranes are and no clear time line as to how long this will take. synergy home t not going to take hours and not days. once we complete this phase of the work, we can move more tugs and barges and boats into the area to accelerate our recovery. reporter: this work will be incredibly complex and what they're doing not on the part of the bridge hanging off the dolly. that's going to take more time. crews are going to figure out how to cut the pieces into smaller -- rather cut the bridge into smaller pieces and operation on the north side is significant and again, the priority here is to start clearing out the channel and getting the economy up and moving again and 8,000 workers on the docks whose jobs have been affected and millions of
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dollars worth of goods at standstill and four missing people presumed dead and may be underneath the debris and it'll require the cooperation of not only state and local partners and regular folks too and officials are warning not to fly drones near the site because it delays operations. >> >> when a drone goes up and violates the temporary flight restrictions 3 nautical miles from the scene, impacts auroability to do anything with the aircraft in the air, we have to sees operations. reporter: anyone caught flying o drone in the area, is going to be seized and fined. alicia: florida governor ron desantis this week signed a law that bans children under 14 from having social media accounts unless their parents are okay with it. bring in dr. janette nesheiwat
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and a fox news medical contributor. good to see you on this saturday. thanks for being here. i want your thoughts on how effective something like this law could realistically be. >> it'll help and the effort to protect the health and safety of well being of our children and there's risk online every day ask some is life threatening and we've seen children who accidently overdose by taking drugs they've purchased on senate chat and online sexual predators and, you know, i think it's important that we do everything we can to protect our children, especially young minors that can't make the decisions best for themselves and we don't see young kids driving vehicles or becoming pilots and don't have the ability to make the proner decisions and they could potentially put themselves in danger. children should be outdoors in the park experiencing nature,
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you know, ride ago bike. making new hop byes and friends and they're spending so much time online and resulting in low self-esteem and it is leading to anxiety and depression and it's due to themselves online not meeting expectations and standards that are unrealistic and they're being exposed to cyber bullying and i applaud him for taking that step. alicia: the fox news poll on requiring parental consent on kids over 13 and overwhelming, 81, 82% and it's all there. there's a federal law called children's online privacy
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protection act and has age restrictions and parental permission and all that and i know that there are a lot of parents out there and one parent who's speaking at this moment, who knows that tech supports in their house is actually the kids and tech support coming to us to ask for permission and we also know that regardless of the federal law, millions of kids are getting online because they're lying to their birthday. how is that even possible? >> it's a challenge and we need to bring awareness. that's what the governor is doing is bringing awareness to the issue. i've had young children coming in that are anxious and patients that have attempted these crazy tiktok challenges and have seriously injured themselves. anything that we can do, nothing is 100%. nothing is foolproof, but if we can take steps and bring awareness and get parents involved to really monitor and be involved in their child's
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life and what they're doing at home and school and in their bedroom, they can all have a positive impact trying to protect the children. not just social media and drugs they can purchase and sexual predators but, you know, i see children that the social media is impacting their sleep. they're becoming irritable and becoming fatigued and suffering from insome mia and changes their behavior -- insomnia and affecting behavior and they're sedentary and becoming overweight or obese and developing diseases that we saw in the older population like type 2 diabetes and that sort of thing, high cholesterol and eyestrain. if we look at big picture and we all understand and come together and realize we all need to take action. alicia: family and emergency medicine dr. janette nesheiwat, thank you so much. i hope you have a happy easter.
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>> thank you, happy easter. alicia: thank you. jonathan, we both had kids who group from the 2010s to now in this time period where we were trying to catch up with them and trying to get them to listen to us, it's not always easy. johnathon: it really isn't, alicia. you know, it's terrifying but i, you know, to the doctor's point, i think however many laws or obstacles you put in place, they're going to find a way to get online and on social media and in the end it comes to us as parents, which is a huge responsibility and it's a huge responsibility being a parent. we've got to stay engaged and that's what i try to do, alicia, i don't know alaska you. alicia: i try also but we have to get off our phones too. actually. johnathon: that's true. model the behavior. alicia: exactly. johnathon: anyway a community slowly rebuilding after a monster tornado plowed through a small kentucky town leaving
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nearly 60 people dead. a look at recovery efforts there, next. ♪(song in french♪ (♪) book in the app to find your perfect somewhere. ethan! how's my favorite client? great! i started using schwab investing themes, so now i can easily invest in trends... like wearable tech. trends? all that research. sounds exhausting! nope. schwab's technology does the work. so if i spot an opportunity, in robotics or pets, i can buy those stocks ina few clicks. can't be that easy. it is with schwab!
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this is the best day of my life! johnathon: in december 2021, a massive tornado tore through western kentucky and it was an ef4, that is the second highest on the scale that ranks wind speed and destructive power. it killed 57 people and leveled the town of may field. fox weather's robert ray visits the community to see how the town and its church have joined together to rebuild. joy hung onto the shelf down there. >> i just hung on to the shelf. it just took the whole house. i mean, it may sound trite, but you're just so thank to feel be
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alive. it's a very terrifying experience. we were so fortunate because there were a bunch of apartments and they were three story and they're gone and several people died back there. we're fortunate. i've lost a lot of things that meant something to me, but we're alive. reporter: many of the people wonder when the desolation will have a rebirth of its own. it's been two plus years since the tornado ravage asked killed so many here and the process and the grief, the five stages in fact of what people are going through. some of them want the past to make it is way back into the new. others want a brand new path
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forward for mayfield. walking the streets of mayfield, you realize immediately the past two years this kentucky town has been strenuous. >> i remember the day after and driving through downtown, certainly seeing our old church building in the state it was. i was shocked to say the least. definitely have wave after wave of emotion and sadness come over me. thinking about the situation we were in and how will we ever get out of it. now to see things that are starting to come together and buildings going up, plans being made, there's more certainty certainly now as to the future of mayfield than there was the day after that tornado came
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through. reporter: the long track tornado that tore across the downtown leveled nearly every structure. today the debris fields are mostly removed. >> hope springs eternal and that we're going through now today is not the end story, that there's more to come. reporter: there is a raw determination, a ground truth led by faith and grit. these three church leaders are paving the way to a new mayfield. johnathon: fox weather's robert ray always doing extraordinary work. robert, thank you. you can catch america recovers whetherring with grace on -- weathering with grace all weekend long on fox weather. we'll be right back. to duckduckgo on all your devie
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the vigil started about 40 minutes ago and has about an hour and a half left and many think the appearance wouldn't happen after last night's early departure. last night pope francis was expected to preside over the way of the cross procession at rome's coliseum and just before it began, the vatican announced he'd follow along from home. it was sudsen as advertise chair was in place on the platform outside the coliseum and after the announcement that chair was quickly removed. pope francis also skipped the event last year in 2023 because he was recovering from bronchitis. and also tonight though, the pope looking well, but a little bit tired as he entered the room. the large crowd watching on for the easter vigil at st. peter's basilica and the 87-year-old that had part of one of his lung's removed as a young man bat battling what he and the vatican describe as a case of flu, bronchitis or cold all winter long and in 2021, had a chunk of large intestine removed
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and optized twice last year and has been using a wheelchair and cane for over a year because of bad knee ligaments. for now, easter mass, that is up next for the pope, and that will be starting around 4:00 a.m. eastern time tomorrow. jonathan. johnathon: stephanie bennett in london. thank you, stephanie. atlantic coast conference in upset mode last night in the nca men's college basketball tournament. the 11 seed in the region with north carolina state toppled second seed marquette 67-58. in dallas, it's the wolf pack's first appearance in the elite 8 since 1986. and later in the night, fourth seeded duke knocked out top seed houston. the tobacco road rivals duke and nc state will face off for the right to go to the final four tomorrow evening. alicia. alicia: jonathan, a legal battle is plague out involving idaho murder suspect brian koenen kohr
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and the judge barred prosecutors from contacting potential jurors and it was report that had the defense was surveying local resiresidents that could potenty serve as jurors and kohberger's lawyers say they have the right to conduct the survey fighting to get his trial moved to a new venue but prosecutors are concerned alabama the question -- about the questions being asked and getting into that with former prosecutor katie coming up in our next hour at 4:00 p.m. eastern. johnathon: extraordinary, alicia, how long you wait for the wheels of justice to turn. think of the families of victims in the kohberger case, and we're looking at a trial now i heard the other day in 2025. alicia: yeah. johnathon: it's extraordinary how long people have to wait for justice. alicia: it's unbelievable and you feel for the families of the four victims, and we do continue to think about them and remember them. johnathon: yep. and we're back at 4:00 p.m. eastern.
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11:59 am
the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. it breaks my heart to know that there are holocaust survivors who suffer to this very day. it's not only the painful memories of lost loved ones, but now with pensions of less than $2 per day, they live in some of the poorest conditions imaginable. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story, and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one
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survival food box to a holocaust survivor who is suffering an in desperate need. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone. ♪ paul: welcome to the journal editorial report. i'm paulgy goa. democrats are sounding the alarm at what many in the party see as the growing threat of rocket9 f. kennedy


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