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tv   Media Buzz  FOX News  March 31, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. the utter fiasco at nbc shows who is really at charge. the host that not only bashed their bosses but got an apology from nbc universal for the
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tone-deaf mistake of hiring mcdaniel. the outed anchor got a $6 million contract. mcdaniel did her first and last interview on meet the press an chuck todd said this. >> there is a reason why there is a lot of journalist uncomfortable with this because many of our professional dealings with the rnc have been met with gaslighting and character assassination. >> no one wanted to be left out. every left wing host joined the piling on. >> you wouldn't hire a mobster to work at a da's office. you wouldn't hire a pickpocket as a tsa screener. >> there is an easy way to avoid the controversy nbc news
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stumbled into. don't hire anyone close to the crimes. >> not just election deniers can do that on the airway but do that as one of us as badge carrying employees. >> the sacred airways means get with the program. they would like the company to have a cohesive message. meaning a network that petaries donald trump as a threat to democracy. they fall into two categories. republicans and exrepublicans that are fiercely anti-trump. whatever mcdaniel's baggage what would be the harm of hearing her pro trump views. this is the same network that doesn't air trump speeches on primary nights or after court speeches because he will start lying. they can bash the republican nominee all day long but he
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doesn't get a few minutes of air time. once nbc caved neither did his supporters. >> our company listened to us and you and did what was right. did what was right by joking off a decenting view. this is media buzz. ahead i spoke to congresswoman nancy mace and kennedy. they begin the week salivating that letitia james would seize donald trump's assets because he couldn't come up with a bond worth a half-billion dollars. they slashed that to $175 million. were there questions about why the court struck down the massive bond as punitive and
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outrageous. many trashed the ruling. >> he has to pony up a fraction of what was originally thought was going to be a half-billion dollars. here we go again, he continues to defy gravity and catches another lucky break. >> this is so upsetting i adopt know what to do. i don't know if i care what the process is that the judges is arriving at. it's flawed. >> the notion i'd walk in there and have what i owed knocked down to a third is ludicrous. >> the fantasy was to see new york a.g. james personally slap padlocks on the front doors of trump's prize real estate. there was a palpable disappointment. >> trump is facing five cases from four democratic prosecutors. they are furious he still owns a home. >> they cheered up once the judge ruled in the hush money
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case. this was widely expected. that trial will begin on april 15th. >> joining us to analyze the coverage in nashville clay. in so san diego laura finch. the media was fired up and excited that new york's a.g. james could take control of trump tower and golf courses and so on. happy easter or trans day of visibility. the reality here is donald trump had the right to appeal. most rational legal observers said this $454 million fine and the entire prosecution on a
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civil context of a business related matter was unprecedented under new york law and any law in any state in admonishing. howard, what's amazing to me is not only trump got this dropped to $175 million. it's that really, it corresponded with truth social going public and trump becoming wealthier in one day than he had in his entire career. that being able to be tangibly realized in the stock market. that was a result, think about this. of the pile on. this wouldn't have happened in twitter and instagram hadn't banned him. what they haven't realized yet is, every time they attack trump they make him stronger. now he's wealthier than he's ever been in his entire life and it's tangible wealth. >> in this case, $5 billion
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richer. >> laura, if journalist disagree with the ruling he and his companies might get hit with the civil fraud penalty. they were smacking down judge author for demanding an excessive bond. >> well, i don't think the appeals court necessarily said it was too g draconian. they made sure they needed to reduce it. they would have had to go into a dramatic fashion. he's insulated by being too big to fail as a result of his candidacy for president and status as a former president. this is a p.r. move by the justices. he gets a 60% discount when they suffered from lies and lack of
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payment. this is another example of a double standard when it comes to trump. >> when you say discount, the opposite argument was it's too high. the other case in new york i mentioned starting on april 15th entirely predictable. many are thrilled about the idea of trump facing a criminal trial they decided that was the bigger story. >> first of all, laura, that was an incredible argument that trump gets two beneficial treatments from the court. sam bankman-fried got 25 years in prison. there isn't a too big to fail element here. everything going on -- >> he's not running for president. >> well, he might have one day if he didn't go to prison for 25 years. he was contemplating it by the way. he's up 5 in the latest fox news
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pole. poll. >> we are not talking about a win but landslide against biden. it's because of the law fair is blowing up in the democratic party's face. if you ask them all. south florida, d.c., atlanta, if you are only getting one trial complete. that's what they will get. they will get bookkeeping fraud that's been elevated from a misdemeanor to felony based on, total b.s. claim that doesn't stand up on the appeals basis to use another case to elevate from a misdemeanor to felony. oh, alvin bragg is lowering every felony to a misdemeanor. he easel vating bookkeeping to a felony. this will put trump in the white house in a massive win. bigger than his win in 2016. >> some would say it will come down to a few battleground
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states. thank you for using b.s. as a legal term. the audience needs to understand that. what viewers need to understand is whether oar not the defense had enough time to review documents. this is unprecedented. no former president has been tried criminally. over the four cases, this is the least important and that, you know, involves $130,000 in payments to a porn star. >> i'm hearing the press omit that all over the place. this is the one allowed to go forward. they brought into they continued to delay the trial. they are bending over backwards
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to make it lure fair and robbing the constituents. i'll let me colleague go on about the landslide victory and see you in november. >> it will take what we do over the next several or eight months. >> they are charging trump with felonies in four other inj jurisdictions. >> we are all aware. >> is he being treated too fairly. >> all right, let's pick this up, clay. many know, the press loves the fact that the judge issued a gag order banning stump from attacking witnesses and jurors. the touch camp said this is an unconstitution nationally infringement. what's your take. >> there is no way trump will be restricted by anything any judge said. can you image the reaction if
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they tried to put him in jail. there is a photo of trump online of him behind bars. i think it would be the greatest gift possible to the trump campaign if they put a gag order in place and put him in prison or in jail for speaking out about this being the case. this has painted them in the corner. his base is straightened and gang order is ridiculous and reflect independent voters in a favorable fashion. >> laura, the former president
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attacked the judges daughter. as a trump hater. bragg would like the gag order to be extended to family. no way he will send trump to yale for making offensive statements or even statements attacking members of the court. >> yeah, seems like we are in wild agreement that trump has immunity from consequences. even from attacking the family member of judges. this is unheard of, it doesn't need to be said. attacking the daughter of a judge. he has an army of people willing to go to great lengths and stra threats of violence. this isn't about free speech but the right to protect them from
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violence and extreme behavior unleashed by his supporters. >> we will see how the trial plays out and get a fair amount of coverage. i'll give myself the last words. joe biden, the catholic church going president has been accused by trump campaign and some on the right of desecrating easter by proclaiming today the trans gender day of visibility. the holiday has always been march 31st. it falls on easter once in a while. some believe there shouldn't be a transgender day of visibility. biden didn't pick the day. i had the conversation with nancy mace. what nbc's abrupt firing of mcdaniel tells us about politics.
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the civilized world is castigating nba and ronna mcdaniel. a friend of mcdaniel offered a contrary take. >> ronna is going to sue everyone that defamed her for breech of contract. destruction of business opportunities that come from being on tv. they made a terrible decision and allowed the msnbc employees take-over the network. >> what does this say about the culture that rachel, reed, and other hosts were able to denounce their bo bo
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bosses as an idiot. >> it's a debtment to their entire business structure. i have made this argument for a while. what we have created in the world and i call fan focused media. we have the final four going on. i hope the university of tennessee can go to the first ever final four. i'm a big sports fan. they have many sites you can subscribe too. you know what they never do? they never break a negative story about your favorite team. the business isn't to break negative stories about the favorite team but cover the anymore cow love and tell you you are the best pa fan ever. i disagree on a lot. the idea, i wouldn't want her to share her opinion on fox news or donna brazil to share her
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election opinion is a straight of fox news. this shows msnbc is left wing fan media and threatened by anyone that questions their narrative. >> there are other efforts for donald trump. >> there is a red line. ronna mcdaniel crossed it. that's the difference between myself and donna brazil or anyone that comes on conservative networks. the problem is, there is such a shortage of people who haven't crossed that line in trump world. that's the challenge. this wasn't just the top host.
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it wasn't chuck today this was the rank and file journalist throughout nbc and msnbc. if you can show me. wecy make getting kombucha tracts. it's not like they are not hired. there are not enough of them. >> donald trump said mcdaniel is in never-never land having never been fired by fake news nbc, excuse me, nbc. there are two types of host democrats and anti-trump republicans. what would have been the harm from a former rnc chief. >> there is no harm. >> the goal is to talk to all of america. in response rachel makes $30
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million to host a show one day per week and lied about the 2016 election and said trump was the ill ligament president and russia was the reason he got elected. she was 100% wrong and never apologized to her audience. she said trump's tax returns would make him unelectable. there wasn't much information and didn't apologize to her audience there. she was wrong when she said if you got one covid-19 shot or the second one. you wouldn't be able to spread covid-19. everybody that didn't do it -- >> your point is? >> did she serve apologize about what she was wrong with? has she been held accountable able her election. >> i have to get laura in. is there any obligation, on the
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part of an openly liberal to air the point of view. >> i don't think this is exclusive to msnbc. the number of liberal voices on fox is strong. on other networks it's very small. it's a polarized environment. singling out nbc because we had a tap dance author authoritarianism because of mcdaniel is a big controversy. >> on many shows there are liberal voices and a news that hosts on primary night. great conversation. rfk jr. picks an unusual running meat and our kennedy is on it. ♪ ♪every road, that's wrong♪
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rfk jr. still got plenty of coverage when announced his running mate. >> my fellow lawyer and brilliant scientist, technologist. >> i didn't think much because i didn't know much about him. i had a mainstream media narrative telling me horrible, disparaging things. >> i spoke to kennedy host of the podcast kennedy saves the world. >> welcome. >> thank you, howie. >> why would he p pi pick nicole. >> she's an ideas woman. she has big ideas and luckily,
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she can fund those ideas because she was married to a cofounder of google. they have split. she paid for the things used in his campaign. he's a nontroditional candidate with a traditional name. he hopes to cover his basis with a younger woman that appeals to progressives. >> when you talk about the money. when you run as independent you need money to get on ballots. take a look at this sound bite. >> i don't know this lady at all. wouldn't have been my choice. my choice would have been kennedy. he needs libertarians. >> oh, our kennedy. >> two kennedys for the price of one. >> what do y you think of greg
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nominating you? >> that's very sweet of greg. i'm not sure if he's trying to get me out of the building or what. it's very interesting because there is a lot of talk that rfk jr. would want to run on the libertarian ticket. they have good ballot access. you know, that's what attracted gary johnson who was the former republican governor of nickname. he ran with bill weld in 2016. they were successful and got more votes than any other previous lib libertarian. >> the good thing you run with the kennedy clan but the bad
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news they don't want him to run at all. they are asking job applicants if the election was stolen. should that be a test for working there. >> i don't know if they are looking for election deniers as much as they gauge peoples response. when you do a job interview you anticipate what is the interviewer seeking from you. that's a tricky one. people don't know, am i suppose to deny denialism. am i suppose to say it was stolen and president trump is the rightful president from the united states. i think they are gauging to see how they finesse their answers. >> next on mediabuzz. mike johnson targeted for removal. nancy covering the turmoil and
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heated battle with george.
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and moving and moving and moving in a better direction. with golo and release, you're gonna lose the weight. >> today i filed a motion to vacate. speaker johnson has broken our rules. house republicans are in turmoil after green pushes to remove johnson. nancy, welcome. >> thank you for having me today. >> you were one republican oust kevin as speaker. are you just as flustered now to avoid a government shutdown. >> i have been upset for
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decades. i don't blame mike johnson or speaker johnson for any of this today. this was caused by the disgraced former speaker kevin mccarthy. the debt debt ceiling bills had no caps and lots of loopholes. >> green would like to visit the same ouster on mike johnson. the ouster of kevin which you supported. if one wasn't able to get control. is it something you could receive control. >> there are a lot of reasons why we ousted the former speaker. spending was one of them.
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today, mike johnson, he's as honest as they come. i don't agree on every issue. i didn't vote for the bill but he's honest. >> was this a mistake. mccarthy hasn't spoke for 6 months. >> i blame everything on the former speaker. the baseline set last year in the debt ceiling bill is what we have to deal with today. republicans for years have been a part of the spending. at some people point will wake up. >> are you worried this could lead to a speaker jeffreys. it doesn't take many votes to topple a speaker.
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i'm disappointed with my colleagues quitting on congress. you committed to your two which is two years. the first member was kevin mccarthy when he did that in december. he started the friend. i wouldn't be surprised if he tries to save tage the party. they have to look themselves in the mirror and are they risking everything. >> jim comber is talking about making a referral to the justice department. do you think as a practical matter impeachment after it's dead. >> i hope it's not dead. a criminal referral is the next step. the doj is in the pocket of joe biden.
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if we did an impeachment it won't be taken up by the senate or doj. >> president biden would refute that the doj is in his pocket. republicans must find another way to discuss abortions. when i interviewed trump a while ago. he could get behind a 15 or 16 week ban on abortion after that date. could that be a politically acceptable compromise? >> i believe so. if we talk about the second trimester. people on both sides in regular middle america can live with the second trimester limit. both sides have to come together and build that consensus. there seems to be little appetite. both sides want to use abortion as a wedge. >> let's look at your interview on abc's this week. >> i find it offensive. this is why women won't come
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forward. >> defamed by those perpetrating rain. >> you are trying to shame me. >> what was it about the questioning by george asking how you could support donald trump that made you so angry. well, first of all. i went to talk about the general election. i brought my underaged daughter with me. i wouldn't have had her onset if i knew george would bring me on abc news to talk about my rain. it was inappropriate and i got sidelined. this exposed the left. if you adopt think the way they want you to they will bully you and shame you. as a man. george tried to manplain ra
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rape. i don't need a mantling me to vote republican and that man could save our country. >> donald trump is suing abc. to be clear, you think the questions asked were i i ill gitment. >> you don't bring them onto talk about their rain without discussing it first. you could see me g upset. he told my story in that speech for the first time. feeling the pain that i felt five years ago when agave that speech, it's very painful for me. it took a lot of courage for me to tell the story.
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it was a huge risk to me personally. i spoke about it a mum ber of times since them. that video they s s save taged me. it was 10 minutes of bullying and rape shaming. he was never held liable for rain. never convicted of it. saying, you are a survivor and you must vote for a democrat. >> nancy mace. thank you for taking their time. up next kennedy will talk about how they are trying to ban abortion pills.
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so call now for more information and a free no obligation consultation. call now to receive our best offer of the year! a free shower package plus $1,600 off! with the purchase of your brand-new safe step walk-in tub. there is talk about banning a widely used abortion pill. many were surprised by the chilly reception. >> the stakes are incredibly high. not just those who need access for the medication but for the fda and other medications. >> this is legislating by court decision. this is what the republicans said they are against. legislating from the court. >> it's unlikely they will get to the merits of the case. most of the justices were skeptical this case had standing to begin with to be brought in
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the first place. >> here is more of my conversation with kennedy. >> i think the left was sweating bullets this conservative supreme court would swoop in and ban the abortion pills that account for 60% of all abortions in the u.s. as you know. the media consensus as a few conception. from brown jackson, they have made clear they won't do that. perhaps, they will do a narrow ruling. does any of this surprise you? >> no, it's unsurprising from the court. they issued unanimous decisions. we thought they would be split. there is a lot of pontificating about the court. they know how they will come down. i do find, if resent history is a guide, they tend to telegraph where they will come down in terms of a decision and it was
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really justices thomas and alito that would alter the fda regulation that would allow for the pills to be mailed to millions of women across the country. >> the media leaning pro chose on abortion. the high court is getting rare praise or not get get hit. >> that's the thing about being a justice you don't play to the media. it's interesting to see where the alliances unfold. ruth ginsburg and justice scolia they were friends. they weren't ideally aligned. >> bloomburg shows that joe biden is catching up with donald trump in three swing straits. 45/45 in pennsylvania and
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michigan. 46-45 in wisconsin. we are getting a lot of i told you so. people will come to their senses. these are statistical ties. neither trump or biden could be up by a few points. i wonder if this is a tad overplayed. >> well, it is interesting here. the polls will go in many different directions. we will see a lot and we'll probably see a lot of change. the only thing that matters is how someone votes when they mail in the ballot in a lot of the democrat heavy states or when the polling booth and facing their conscious. i think, we'll see a big shift. i don't think this is decisive. we also see polls that show touch still has a national lead. the average has him up 2%.
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>> any poll has a snapshot. very big deal made by cnn, msnbc about the fundraiser the other night. obama, clinton, and joe biden. an interrogation by steven cobert. they said bye den is not as popular as the other two because we are in a polarizing era. >> no, he's not as popular as the other two because he's not as popular. vice president biden didn't move the needle. president obama moved the administration. his vice president pulls him down and by contrast, he doesn't have the star power of obama but president clinton as well. i don't know if optically this was the best look for the president. i know it's a big cash grab. i'm not sure if cash is enough
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to move the needle where the biden camp would like it. >> he hasn't been like the others. before we go, what's your take on the revolt of the msnbc liberals hiring ronna mcdaniel, ripping the bosses on the air and firing her despite her contract. >> the bosses are soft. the lunatics are running the asylum. they should focus on their respectful shows. nbc was in the right to find a proliferation of voices before the conventions and before the actual election. you know, ronna mcdaniel would have been a great chose because she's polarizing. people would have tuned in to grudge watch her or agree with her. >> it's been embarrassing all
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around. kennedy, great to see you. >> thank you, howie. during the biden fundraiser. donald trump attended a wake for a murdered nypd officer. one of baseball's top players said he never gambled on sports. new neutrogena hydro boost water cream. a vital boost of nine times more hydration* to boost your skin's barrier for quenched, dewy skin that's full of life. neutrogena. hydro boost. breathing claritin clear is like... is he? claritin clear? yeah. fast relief of your worst allergy symptoms, like nasal congestion. live claritin clear®
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i woke up flabbergasted at the unimaginable pictures of the fully packed containership that crashed into baltimore's key bridge at one of the nations key ports. a cnn anchor said we shouldn't speculate and wondered if it was deliberate. we learned the ship lost power and made a mayday call before
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the crash saving lives and limiting the death toll. president biden tried to personalize it. >> the container ship crashed into francis key bridge, this was a key to the baltimore harbor. >> hours after the catastrophe brandon scott made a plea. >> i'll be the first to ask that cnn and everyone else stop showing the video. no one needs to see a possibility of their family member being severely injured or or otherwise over and over again. >> the impact will be felt long after it fades from the headlines. this striking wall street journal front page, his story should be here marking the one year anniversary of the imprisonment of evan.
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his captivity on fake charges for doing his job is an outrage. anyone that cares at all about journalism must stand with evan. baseball's biggest star shohei ohtani spoke about the gambling scandal that ended was his interpreter getting fired. >> i'm very saddened and shocked someone i trusted has done this. >> the pitcher and slugger said he was telling a lie saying ohtani helped payoff his gambling debts. it's a relief he did no betting but tarnished by this. sam bankman-fried was sentence to 25 years in prison for what caused investors billions. this was a sp spectacular
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failure by the media. fortune asked the next warren buffet without digging into signs of a massive scam. the white house correspondents association asked members to stop taking items from air force one. wineglasses to plates. it's called stealing. some are starting to return the murfr merchandise. happy easter to everyone celebrating today. subscribe to my daily podcast.e we'll have the top five stories or 6 or 7. ardize my vision. it was hard, but taking preservision was easy. preservision has the exact clinically proven areds 2 formula recommended by the nei. i'm taking control like millions of others.
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but st. jude has gotten us through it.
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st. jude is hope for every child diagnosed with cancer because the research is being shared all over the world. (voice-over) welcome to a special easter celebration from israel with franklin graham. welcome to a special easter celebration from h >> i am in the place where jesus walked and talked and healed.l the first easter mes