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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 3, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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do it, when you first but as the fight gets closer preparation runs that fear away. >> todd: any chance we see you or i or mike back in the ring lacing them up against each other one more time? >> carley: we have 10 seconds left. >> it's like me and mike both said, it's like me and mike both said, fear is what drives us. when something is fearful for us, we take it. so, any time in the ring with mike tyson it's a fearful thought of course. of course, mike wants to do it again. >> carley: there we go. >> todd: making news. >> carley: mike tyson can't keep roy jones jr. down or facetime connection either. roy, thank you so much for that. >> >> todd: "fox & friends" starts right now. >> carley: have a great day, everybody. >> brian: 6:00 a.m. on the east coast, wednesday, april 3rd.
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this is "fox & friends." phone a frenemy. president biden speaking with chinese president xi yesterday did. they talk about the massive surge of chinese migrants illegally entering our country with roller bags? >> ainsley: new polling shows trump is leading in six out of seven battle ground states and the former president has this message to joe biden. >> calling on crooked joe to debate any time any place we will do it anywhere you want, joe. >> steve: okay, joe. did you see this crazy video of a kid getting carried away blown across that courtyard? that's a person. amazingly, after that, they were okay. but would not do that again, ever. >> lawrence: "fox & friends" starts right now. and, remember, mornings are better with friends. >> all right, on this wednesday morning we start with this fox news alert. at least 7 people are dead and more than 700 hurt after a super
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powerful 7.4 magnitude earthquake rocked the island of taiwan. >> ainsley: it is the strongest earthquake to hit the island in 25 years. it could even be felt on the chinese mainland. the quake prompt add tsunami warning in japan which has since been lifted. >> brian: all right. officials say at least 26 buildings collapsed. right now first responders are scrambling to get people out of badly damaged buildings. >> lawrence: taiwan recorded 76 after shocks in less than five hours and a lot more over the next few days. >> steve: that's why they call it a shaker my goodness that was super powerful. details throughout the day. meantime listen to this. we were just talking about taiwan. now, taiwan is dealing with that natural disaster as its military is keeping a close eye on china. what is china up to. >> brian: 30 chinese military planes. they were detected flying around the island in the 24 hour time frame. >> provocation coming as president biden and chinese
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president xi spoke about keeping peace in the region. >> ainsley: lucas tomlinson joins us with the latest. >> those chinese aircraft are not there to deliver aid to taiwan after the earthquake. china has been ramping up large scale simulated attacks on the south island governed democracy since 2020 after nancy pelosi's visit two years ago. as you mentioned president biden spoke to his chinese counterpart yesterday for the first time sings their meeting in san francisco in november. >> over the course of about an hour and 45 minutes, the two leaders held a candid and constructive discussion on a range of bilateral, regional and global issues, including areas of cooperation and areas of differences, including counter narcotics, cooperation, ongoing military-to-military communications, talks to address our official intelligence related risks and continuing efforts on climate change and penal-to-people exchanges. >> apparently not the surge of illegal migrants come here from china. here are the arrest numbers
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accord dog our own melugin. 6,000 increase from 342 to over 22,000 this fiscal year can only six months old. as can you see here the numbers mirroring last year's total president biden posting the message after conversation i emphasize the importance of maintaining peace and stability across the taiwan strait and in the south china sea and raised concerns over the post release control support for russia's defense industrial base unfail trade practices and technological practices that harm american workers and families. no plan china plans to stop russia's war in ukraine and speaking in paris antony blinken says the u.s. does not support ukraine striking russian oil refineries after a starting ukraine's infrastructure. steve the president and mr. xi talked about tiktok but we don't know for sure why are so many people leaving china and going through our sensory border in
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that little four food wide gap by tijuana. >> neither party mentioned anything about that. breen brian i have got to ask what you ended that report with. anthony balenciaga says we don't support ukraine hitting the oil refineries of russia? okay for russia to hit all the power bases, all the energy bases after invading this country? isn't that the problem with this whole support system of joe biden? that's what secretary of state antony blinken said in paris. he was very clear the united states does not support ukraine striking russian oil refineries after a series of devastating attacks we have seen over the past week. >> ainsley: thank you so much. >> lawrence: i don't get that. this foreign policy when an enemy attacks that all the responsible. >> brian: timidity. >> lawrence: not just ukraine, israel.
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be soft on them. make sure that you don't -- because we know what happens in war. some civilians get hits. happens in americans' wars as well. people going after the aggressor all of a sudden get the majority of the criticism i totally agree with you, brian. >> ainsley: yesterday donald trump went to grand rapids michigan the headlines were all over the place talking about the border bloodbath. new website biden highlights the horrors of migrant crime. he had ruined table ended up standing behind him there on the stage. he talked a lot about illegal immigration. he said under crooked joe biden every state is now a border state and mentioned ruby garcia that 25-year-old woman allegedly killed by an illegal in grand rapids. who had been deported. the guy who allegedly killed her had been deported to mexico in 2020 under donald trump. returned to the and her body was found alongside the road. >> steve: apparently the police say she was in a romantic
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relationship with the suspect. the suspect told the authorities, yeah, i shot her, indeed. >> ainsley: he came back when biden was president. >> steve: right, exactly. so you have got -- and we told you that they were going to call this the biden border bloodbath. this follows on the heels of last month in ohio when former president trump used the word bloodbath and critics suggested that he was warning of political violence if he didn't win. he and his allies said that was all taken out of context. listen, it was not out of context yesterday. he made it very clear. there is trouble on the border and listen to him, once again, use bloodbath in grand rapids yesterday. >> i stand before you today joe biden's border bloodbath. that's what it is. bloodbath. they tried to use that term incorrectly on me two weeks ago. it's all about misinformation. if you want to help joe biden wheel granny off the cliff to fund government benefits for
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illegals then vote for crooked joe biden. when i am president instead of throwing granny overboard i will send joe biden's illegal aliens back home. we have an empty podium right here to my right. do you know what that is? that's for joe biden. i'm trying to get him to debate. [laughter] i'm calling on crooked joe to debate any time, any place, we will do it anywhere you want, joe. >> lawrence: brian, the federation for american immigration reform did an analysis on the amount of illegals that have killed americans. they are up under joe biden. there is a bloodbath. going on within the country. and i think the point that the president made last night when he had all these sheriffs that were behind him as well, they don't like him using that language when it comes to the illegals that have killed people. he goes what language do you want me to use when there is criminals killing americans? progressives always make the point. listen, the majority of the people that coming across the border are peaceful people. they don't commit. one is way too many.
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>> brian: right. there is this big thing. the number one issue for the president justified it's always been his issue and now the american people's number one issue. the collapse of our border if you go see it you can't spin it any other way. the president keeps leaning on legislation that the senate. the inches wouldn't even be dry on this yet so let alone effect things. before we give you the "wall street journal" poll. just keep in mind the fox poll comes out and they say the president's approval at 41%. on the economy 38. inflation 34. immigration 30. it all adds up to is some stunningly good news at this point being it is only april for the president. so, take a look at the battleground states. let's take a look at pennsylvania where trump has got a 3 point lead. in michigan, currently a 3 point lead. that's down slightly. arizona where the president stunningly lost by -- he is up by 5 right now. this i was surprised at.
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georgia is closing with trump still up one. nevada is now in play. legitimately a battleground state. i never remember trump winning that. north carolina is on the target list for president biden. trump is up 6. wisconsin a flat footed tie. that's why he was in green bay yesterday. >> steve: it's interesting, the people who did the poll said that there could be some, you know, a little glimmer of sunlight for joe biden or even better news for donald trump. they said that in this particular poll about a quarter of the people said that they are either undecided or for a third party candidate like bobby kennedy. but, according to the pollsters, historically what happens is the closer you get to the election, the more they decide and the more they walk away from the third party candidate. so, joe biden might be able to capitalize on abortion, which is one of the things the pollsters also found. they will found that donald trump was number one in the economy and also immigration and migration. but, joe biden runs away with it
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when it comes to abortion. and the democrats have been very effective in nationalizing the abortion issue. >> ainsley: both candidates are going to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on advertising and also turnout efforts in those seven swing states which account for # 3 electoral votes out of 270 needed to win. >> brian: so far the economy is huge. dissatisfaction with the national academy really hurting president biden. think about this spent 40 million last surgeon talking about bidenomics. now he barely brings it up because it was an epic fail. >> lawrence: "the washington post" did some analysis, and it all began over the question are democrats overhyping biden's campaign cash? he has $128 million on hand. donald trump 96 million. and one analyst put it this way, having a lot of door knockers won't matter if you are knocking on doors of angry arab americans in dearborn or black men in atlanta who feel disillusioned with biden. you can have all the money that you are claiming that he has, if you have got voters upset from issue to issue from the economy
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to the border, to what's happening with the sanctuary cities policies and all of these liberal cities, it won't matter how much cash you have. >> ainsley: think about how many people voted uncommitted in these states. >> steve: brian, you mentioned the economy. keep in mind the "wall street journal" poll was done by a democrat and republican to be balance we love that they found something really unusual if the states of north carolina and wisconsin. and this is they looked at the people who were asked about the national economy. and people said the national economy is terrible the economy in my state is really good. it's an odd dynamic. national economy because of the debt? >> steve: pollsters didn't know. it seems fine where i am. it seems like a national thing just isn't working out. >> brian: i love what the president said what is going to happen if the country doesn't take people back like venezuela we're not taking them back we're coming anyway. you are getting them all, load
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up the 747, you are coming anyway. you can all put your seat back if you want. it's a three and a half hour journey. >> lawrence: what is clear going to be his signature issue again. trump, in 2016, that's what got him the election. there was an interesting exchange. maybe we can pull it later with peter doocy and admiral kirby yesterday. i was so proud of peter. i'm so sick of people talking about the legislation. and people goes but the legislation is dead. admiral kirby goes how do you know that? he goes has there ban vote yet on the legislation? and of course admiral kirby was like okay it's the republican's fault that there hasn't been a vote. it's clear that democrats want to run just on that legislation, but it hasn't passed. i don't understand why they won't pick up the bill that the republicans have already passed. >> steve: no, because then they can just say look, it's not going anywhere because of the republicans. we knew they were going to do that and they did it again yesterday. >> brian: republicans would be smart to keep bringing up h.r. 2 why doesn't the senate vote on
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that? they have had it for a year. >> ainsley: let's talk about other headlines this morning. new overnight special counsel jack smith is pushing back on the judge in former president trump's classified documents case. he says no white house officials back trump's claims of privatizing records. the special counsel saying, quote: not a single one had heard trump say that he was designating records as personal or that. at the time he caused that transfer of boxes to mar-a-lago. the judge is yet to set a trial date in that case. president joe biden and former president donald trump each winning their respective primaries in four states yesterday. connecticut, rhode island, new york, and wisconsin. however, the uncommitted push continues to plague the biden campaign. uninstructed. getting more than 8% of the vote in wisconsin. in connecticut uncommitted tallied 11% of the vote. it's an apparent protest vote in opposition to biden's response to the israel-hamas war.
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in new york city six illegal migrants accused of squatting in a vacant home are walking free without bail after getting arrested on drug and gun charges. meanwhile in queens, a group of squatters claiming that they live in a nearly million dollars home when they were asked for proof they produced this shake shack receipt as evidence. i guess uber eats had sent it to their address so they said that proves we live here. it's according to a legal filing. >> they had this receipt uber eats receipt from shake shack that the order to the house on january 15th as if you can't order foot foods to any house. if i order food across the street that's my house, too. we have someone in a shelter waiting in a home in a city that's in a housing crisis and, you know, the law is entertaining these criminals. >> their next court date is april 5th. famous comedians says covid fees
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and credit card surcharges are no joke. >> went to a restaurant last night and i got the bill. and they charged me a covid fee. and i asked the guy i go what's the covid fee, yeah, well, we got to wipe down the menus, and they charge me 3.5% credit card fee because i was using a credit card. >> it's a bad look. [laughter] >> ainsley: did he not name the restaurant and where it was located. >> brian: is he also a former waiter. >> steve: he knew. >> ainsley: check out this wild video during a storm at the university of kentucky. winds were so strong that female student was bowled over. look at that fell on her back. thankfully she was wearing that backpack. >> brian: now you know why i do it. >> ainsley: gusts glokd at 33 miles per hour. thankfully that young woman was not injured. the storm was part of a broader system sweeping across parts of the south and the midwest.
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new york inmates are suing the states' corrections department over its decision to lockdown prisons during the upcoming total solar eclipse. the suit argues that the april 8th lockdown violates inmates' constitutional rights to practice their faith. if it's not raining like today in new york, the total eclipse will happen around 3:15 p.m. eastern time next monday. >> brian: you guys have heard me talk about this when we bring up the eclipse, we talk about the eclipse in the break all the time. i always said what about the prisoners? are they going to be able to see it. you will find they have to go to this level. >> steve: they are suing saying it's a religious event. it's a religious experience. we should be able to see it. it will be interesting to say okay go outside. >> steve: what religion? >> brian: theirs. i prayer to bread and water. >> steve: they said it was a religious event. >> lawrence: apparently the guards are concerned about the eclipse giving them super
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strength. >> brian: werewolf. >> lawrence: that's why they got to key keep them behind bars. >> ainsley: rumor in my town state hospital was back in the days the windows were at an angle so the inmates couldn't see of the moon the howling and werewolf factor. they thought it made them worse. >> steve: state hospital? >> ainsley: mental state hospital. >> brian: some suing murder, second degree robber. sex ideal misconduct with a child. go out of their way to make sure they get to see the eclipse. get glasses corneas end up surviving and retinas are okay. >> ainsley: pizza hut buy eclipse pizza. eclipse drink that is black. >> brian: big black hole in the middle? >> ainsley: it does look like that a swirl at the top. >> steve: here in the studio we can pretend it's the eclipse. criminals can you turn out the lights? do you mind?
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>> brian: prisoners watching this is as close as can you get. we'll see. >> steve: listen, forget about the eclipse, set your dvr so you record each and every "fox & friends." we kick off every monday through friday at 6:00 a.m. eastern. have it go three hours. see it all. >> lawrence: more diddy drama. stunning new video gives us inside look at the raid on the rap mogul's home. he spent years as the embodiment of cool on the tv show mad men. >> people understand this but they can never execute it. if you don't like what is being said, change the conversation. >> steve: love that guy. stick around. our conversation with actor johnham on this wednesday "fox & friends" live from new york city ♪
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it shows armored vehicles with officers in tactical gear arriving the property. one officer can be seen knocking a surveillance camera off its mount. in the post justin's mother questions by guns were aimed at her son justin and his brother kristin. she writes, quote. the over materialized force used against my son is deplorable. if these were the sons of a nonblack celebrity they would not have been handled with the same aggression. she revealed that justin and kristin combs has hired the same high powered lawyer who represents john gody jr. and el chapo. sean "diddy" combs continues to deny all the allegations against them all right. >> carley got some headlines. certainly do lawrence. largest fresh egg producer in the country has detected bird flu in chickens poultry farm a farm in michigan have been being effected 1.6 million hens and 337,000 young hens have been
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destroyed to contain the outbreak. the company that owns the poultry farm said it sells most of its eggs in the south florida governor ron stands. flight program press secretary says governor desantis championed the state's efforts to increase penalties for human trafficking and smuggling and crackdown on illegal aliens who commit crimes. this comes as a federal judge dismisses claims against desantis for flying migrants to martha's vineyard in 2022. and today is the 28th anniversary of the day ted kaczynski aka the unabomber was finally arrested. he carried out 17 year bombing campaign that killed three people and injured 23 others. fox nation taking a look at the life of one of the most notorious, dangerous men in u.s.
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history. >> one of the tragedies of his story and legacy, here was someone who was brilliant and could have applied these incredible talents for good to help humanity and instead applied it to murder. >> scandalous unabomber is now available on fox nation and those are your headlines, brian, i can see you in the corner of my eye and now the whole world can see you as well. >> brian: it is true. you have to pay me today i came to work. >> carley: okay. i will pay you. in quarters. >> brian: change gears. fallout continues over that shocking report on cbs on "60 minutes" linking a russian intelligence agency to the mysterious havana syndrome as an attorney for one of the reported. bury the issue. >> they were all doing something relating to russia. >> there is, in my view, without a doubt, evidence of a cover-up. what i have seen more so is we see inquiry: answers we don't
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want to have to deal with. >> brian: how should the government respond now. former acting attorney general matt whitaker joins us. matt, i know you watched the "60 minutes" report like all of us. the state department has pushed back on this. your thoughts about russia being behind these radio waves that racked the brains of intelligence experts. >> right now the intelligence agency doesn't believe this weapon exist or these people have been effected by it. obviously real people that have real symptoms and real problems with their -- especially their heads, their hearing, their frame of reference. but, you know, of the question does this exist as a weapon. the dod believes it's more likely than the intelligence community does. if it does, then what do you do. if they're attacking american citizens, what is the response? right now we are on a relationship with russia where
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we kind of run out of sanctions we can apply. we don't have a lot of things left that we can do to hurt russia for attacking our american citizens if that's what ends up being -- happening here. >> brian: i want you to hear what the state department said after that report came out. >> it has been the broad conclusion of the intelligence community since march -- 2023 that is unlikely foreign adversary responsible for health incidents. it's something that the intelligence community has investigated extensively and continues to look at. >> brian: they say it happened not in havana first but in germany. the latest nato summit already starting to do that if an enemy comes at you covertly and tries to take you out. i don't think it's in america's interest to do nothing. >> i completely agree. the question is what should be the response if you don't know for sure that it's happening and that russia is behind it. i mean, i think that is why the intelligence community and why the state department are taking
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this attitude of we're going to have to need more evidence but, at the same time, there is 100 or more people that have been injured alleged attacks. when does it get to a point change that assessment. that's where we are at right now. >> brian: everybody's heads seems to be involved with russia investigations or higher up in that change gears and talk about one of the trump trials. jack smith back in the news today, pushing back on the judge in the documents case for entertaining donald trump's team for saying these were all of his documents. these were his personal papers. you should not be charging them. jack smith is outraged. he says he never told anybody they are his documents. >> that kind of buries the lead. argument which is ultimately the clinton sock drawer case. bill clinton had personal
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recordings in his sock drawer. a court determined that they were his personal records it. didn't matter if they were classified or anything because bill clinton had determined after his presidency they were his personal records. donald trump has done the same thing. he said these documents are my personal records. if you read the presidential records act, brian, it says all documents it. doesn't carve out deference intelligence information it. doesn't carve out classified, marked information it. says all records are presidential and then it has a process. and that's what judge can is trying to get to the bottom of and that's what jack smith, to your point is, really objecting to. >> brian: jack smith not a single person had heard trump say that he was designating records as personal or at the time because the transfer of boxes to mar-a-lago. he believed that his removal of records amended to designating them as personal under the pra presidential records act. does it matter who he told? would it help the former president wants argument if he told kash patel or told mark
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meadows or told stephen miller? >> yeah. there has been several people that have publicly said that he -- that they did know that he determined certain things as personal. but, you know, that is when you get behind the grand jury and you testify, you know, under oath under penalty of perjury, i don't know what they said in front of that grand jury. what i do know is that what he did at the time is not necessarily the most important thing under the presidential records act. while he was president, obviously he could have declassified things that's only one level of inquiry. jack smith is trying to conflate all those issues together. >> brian: desperate to go trial one way or another. people should go for justice not speed. matt whitaker thank you so much. always good see you in person. straight ahead, could it be the next college admission scandal. psychologist tells us about the new trend regarding phony adhd diagnosis
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>> janice: good morning, everyone. an active evening overnight last night. we had several reports of tornadoes. these are the total warnings that we have had since monday. and you can see over 400 of them, including large hail, damaging winds and tornado reports. top wind reports over 100 miles per hour in kentucky. we have semi-trucks completely toppled over and, you know, images of people being blown away literally in kentucky because of this system. it's moving across the east coast. we still have tornado warn storms for part of georgia, central georgia here that is a doppler radar indicated. we have a conditions favorable for tornadoes through the morning into the afternoon and then that severe storm threat really from florida all the way up towards maine not only the severe weather but the winter side of the storm. you can see that area of low pressure across the great lakes. that's bringy snowy conditions and going to be a transfer of energy from that low to a coastal low on today through
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thursday and friday bringing incredible amounts of snow. we got everything today. the whole kitchen sink. fox for your details. ainsley over to you. >> ainsley: thank you, janice. wealthy teenagers with the help of their parents have been using these loopholes to get more time on standardized testing like the sat and act phony adhd diagnoses. dr. sax thank you for being with us. >> thanks for inviting me. >> you are welcome. what do you do? you get a doctor note that says your child has adhd. can't argue with that. >> well, the problem is that the american psychiatric association changed the rules in dsm-5. they made it much easier. they created a new diagnosis, adhd unspecified. the only criteria i don't know you don't have criteria. >> anybody with a pulse can be
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diagnosed legitimately with adhd. a travesty. undermines the meaning of psychiatric diagnosis as many psychiatrists have pointed out. now, yeah, i can write any student who comes in and says you have got give me a note saying i have adhd even though i don't know this has adhd unspevmentd i'm telling the truth the diagnosis has become almost meaningless gaming the system. >> ainsley: when there are legitimate reasons for people who do need extra time. adhd. i understand if you have anxiety or depression extra time as well. i know people that their children definitely needed that extra time because they were severe adhd why do we have timed. if it is based on intellect. make it fair for everybody and give everybody extra time. >> i have argued over the past 10 years that's exactly what we should do.
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again, these kids are not training to be combat aircraft pilots. there is only a few jobs where split second time limited decisions are absolutely required. in most jobs. you have a few minutes to look something up or consult with a colleague. so, yeah, the whole notion of time tests, i think, in view of the fact that affluent parents can now game the system this way, i think it's time to give everyone that privilege of untimed tests. >> ainsley: dr. sax, don't you remember when you were taking your sats stood up and turned it in before you. more pressure on you. the difficulty clock teacher president bushes and reminds you have one more hour, 30 more minutes, and then the two words that i will never have to hear again pencils down. >> there is something else going on here which is that a lot of
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kids are coming in with symptoms of adhd and maybe even believe they have adhd when in fact they are just spleep deprived. girls staying up past midnight scrolling through tiktok and boys playing video games. it ter perfectly mimics adhd the inattentive. adderall, via advance. tremendously helpful yeah, adderall and via advance are speed the appropriate remedy for sleep deprivation is sleep not amphetamines. you got to know what your kids are doing. there should be no devices in the bedroom overnight. kids should not have their phones in their bedroom with them. they should not have video game consoles in their bedroom. this is the job of the parent. and, again, i have written about how parents have abdicated their authority. have you got to take your daughter's phone from her 9:00 at night the latest. i'm taking your phone and
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putting it on the charger parents bedroom you can have it back tomorrow morning and the parent says i couldn't take my daughter phone she would totally freak out. we are talking about a 12-year-old girl. >> ainsley: i know. all you have to do it show this documentation and schools don't know which students have that extra time, do they? >> no. and the college board doesn't know. the people who administer the sat are prohibited from knowing. it's really not a fair system when affluent kids get more time and parents who are not gaming the system are trying to play the game honestly are penalized. >> ainsley: we are under a time clock here at fox news but really quickly, what's the reason for this? why do these colleges require the time test or why is that the standard for sat and act? >> it goes back historically. there is a long tradition of timed tests. but, more fundamentally what concerns me is a shift away from individual responsibility. and, you know, 20 years ago a
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teacher might have said to their kid you're rude, you are not paying attention. and now that teacher is more likely to say, you know, your child may meet criterion for oppositional defiant disorder in a shifted way from individual responsibility to the therapeutic mindset. and that's what i find really troubling here that parents are buying into this and not requiring their kids to take responsibility for their actions. >> ainsley: that's right. dr. sax, thank you so much for bringing all of this to light. >> thanks for inviting me. >> ainsley: you are welcome. our next guest spent years as the embodiment on cool on that great show mad men. >> advertising is based on one thing happiness. and do you know what happiness is? happiness is a smell of a new car. >> ainsley: it's also having emmy award-winning actor jon hamm right here on "fox &
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friends." he is next. ♪ hey, you, ♪ get off my cloud ♪ hey, you, get off of my i couldn't get my hair done. then psoriatic arthritis. ♪ or worsen. still workin' for me. ♪see me.♪
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♪ >> steve: emmy award winner jon hamm rose to stardom after roll ad executive done draker in mad men. remember this? >> you are born alone and you die alone and this world straps a bunch of world on top of to you forget those facts i never forget. advertising is based on one thing, happiness. and do you know what happiness is? happiness is a smell of a new car. it's freedom from fear. >> pr people understand this but they can never execute it. if you don't like what is being said, change the conversation. >> steve: well, let's add to the conversation right nowham is filming for taylor sheridan's land men oil titan mr.ham joins us right now. hi, john. >> hi, how are you doing? good morning. >> i'm doing goc you went from mad man to land man? what is this all about. >> only doing projects that end
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billy bob author torn myself demi moore sprung from the wonderful mind the taylor sheridan podcast of boom town about the oil business in texas and how that effects things politically. it's an exciting show that will come out i think in the fall. now i'm here in new york city working on a show for apple called your friends and neighbors. i'm staying busy. >> steve: no kidding. you play a texas land barron or something like that. i was thinking well what does don draper know about texas? but then i looked into your background and mr. hamm actually went to the university of texas, am i right? >> i did for three semesters. did i not finish there but i finished at the university of missouri, yes indeed i have a little texas in my past. >> steve: you are the voice of the ceo on the audio book. and i love the story because
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apparently he said when he took over the family business he said, you know, if i can really make a lot of money and make this successful, i will share the secrets of my success. and he did. and we have got a little snippet, this is you as the ceo explaining when business is love. listen, jon. >> i don't think the principles in these pages as scientific in nature, although perhaps they are. instead, i think of them more as ingredients in a recipe. you might not expect to use these particular ingredients when managing a business enterprise as they include love, joy, peace, gratitude, humility, mastery, abundance and success. but, when you put these ingredients into what you are creating, you get the same, awesome results every time. >> steve: jon, ultimately the result is because of love and, you know, here we are sitting in new york city and it's like what business in new york runs on love but apparently this guy's business does. >> it's true. and, you know, it is -- as he says, and as i read in the book,
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it's an unexpected way of kind of looking at things. but, as i have also mentioned already, the proof is in the pudding. he kind of landed on this theory of what if we thought about business in a different way? and it's paid dividends for not only his company and share price and all of the things we think about when we think of business, but also his co-workers, his employees and his customers. his customers are -- they have the highest rate of repeat customers, i think, in the history or certainly in the sector. so, it's a wonderful way to kind of reengage with what really business is, can be and should be. >> steve: so, in other words, what the business world needs now is love, sweet love. >> love sweet love, baby. that's what i'm talking about. we could all use a little bit of it. >> steve: no kidding. john, thank you very much for joining us today from new york. >> steve, i appreciate it. thank you for having me.
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>> steve: hey, folks, check out the audio book for when business is love, it is out right now. and it's all about the guy who runs the swedish bed company has continues, carley shimkus. >> carley: that was such a fun interview. wasn't he nice? >> steve: he was very nice, delightful. >> carley: that was great. love it. can't wait to watch his show as well we lo taylor sheridan. steve, let's get social and hop back into way back machine before dressing up as indiana jones in a magnum p.i. episode. tom selleck almost landed the iconic role made famous by harrison ford, fun fact. ♪ >> carley: could have been tom selleck. raiders of the lost ark tom previously had done a pilot for magnum pi before being asked to play indiana jones, they picked up the pilot. they picked up his option and he
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could no longer play indiana jones and the rest is history. another member of the rock's historic wrestling family is heading to the wwe hall of fame. the wrestling superstar will induct his grandmother one of the first female wrestling promoters ever. >> my grandmother was a pioneer in our business of professional wrestling. she took over my grandfather's wrestling company here in hawaii. and she made a promise to my grandfather when he was dying on his death bed and she says i'm going to take over the company and i'm going to make your dream come true. >> carley: his grandma is going to be inducted into the wwe hall of fame on friday. and you can now call taylor swift a billionaire. the pop star officially joining forbes billionaire list yesterday with a net worth of $1.1 billion. so it seems, steve, like there is no blank space in taylor swift's bank account. those are your headlines. >> steve: it just never ends.
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>> carley: it never ends. >> steve: she is dominating the planet. >> carley: a lot of the zeros. >> steve: meanwhile fight night, mike tyson taking on a new opponent and he is talking about his prefight jitters. got then. >> right now i'm scared to death. as the fight gets closer the less nervous i become. ♪ some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision,
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