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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 4, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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finally tonight, a special day. >> the final four is also bringing in volunteers who will be in the airport to answer questions about all the festivities as well as provide information. >> john: sky harbor airport has never been more ready for basketball fans expecting a massive surge of people similar to the 2023 super bowl. the airport has put up a final four countdown clock in preparation for this weekends college basketball national championship. it's also, my son would love this, redesigned recycling bins into basketball hoops. increase the number of volunteers. a lot of people will be trying to be steph curry. tomorrow on "special report," what we can learn from america's greatest presidents what they say now. thanks for watching "special report." "the ingraham angle" with kid rock is next.
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>> laura: good evening everyone. this is "the ingraham angle" from los angeles. it's time to rock 'n' roll. kid rock is here. i'm what trumps playlist says about him. mike rowe is here on the new news about college tuition. it's going to blow your mind. the real war against women. that's the focus of tonight's "the angle." the lsu-iowa ncaa semifinals on monday night was the highest rated in ncaa women's basketball history. caitlin clark is attracting an entirely new fan base. other stars like angel reese have huge followings as well an enormous talent. the rivalries are exciting to watch. >> that's what makes women's basketball so fun. you have great competition and that's what we had all year long. i think angel would say the same. it's not just us in women's basketball. that's not the only competitive
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thing about where our game is at and that's what makes it so good to glean multiple people to be really good. i think both of our careers, there she decides to stay or go, we will have great careers in the wnba and that's been both of our dreams along so i think we're both excited for that. >> laura: she kind of push past all the controversies. she was poised and powerful. so inspiring to young players and people who aren't involved in sports. as a former college athlete myself i do know how much time and how much hard work these women have devoted to becoming the best of the best, just like the male athletes. they earn every word they get and no one should ever diminish their achievements. but that is exactly with the biden administration will do and it's proposing a rule changes to title ix that will make it easier for biological men to compete against girls and women in sports across the united states. now, it doesn't matter that they're now claiming to have delayed it. so how would it actually do
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this? because by redefining the law's prohibition against sex discrimination to include gender identity, they would up and women's sports and i think they already were beginning to feel the blowback. according to one analysis this would be catastrophic for female athletes. president joe biden have the federal government compels schools, colleges and universities to allow biological males who identifies females to compete against female athletes. now of course biden and harris, they try to sell themselves as the big defenders of girl power. the true protectors of women. but that's always been a lie, and trump was right. >> you talk about women's rights. this is the opposite of women's rights. this is a horrible thing. and they're not allowed to even talk about it but i'll talk about it.
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if i were a basketball coach of the women's team, i would never ever lose. i'd be the greatest coach of all time. i don't like them but i would say lebron, did you ever think of becoming a woman? i'd like to have you on my team. >> laura: forget the rank unfairness given the physical advantage biological men have over women, trance infiltration of women's sports put women in actual danger. i played field hockey and let me sam really glad i didn't have to face players from our boys and men's ice hockey teams. forget about it. and when boys spike of volleyball over a net, injuries can be very serious to girls. >> about a year ago i was really
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injured in high school volleyball game via mail on the opposing team. i suffer from long-lasting effects including impaired vision. partial paralysis. >> laura: acai everly from female athletes around the globe when a year ago the world athletics council banned biological men from participating in women's events. their idea of protecting women begins and ends with abortion and by demonstration. it's a -- as though the real goal is to assure abortion to the third trimester in all 50 states. that's where it begins and ends. how sick? let's face it. democrats favor kind of woman now is a man pretending to be one. >> we in the biden-harris administration what you do know
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that we see you, we support you and we celebrate you. we know it's not an easy time to be you. walking into a classroom should be an act of hope, not an act of bravery. every day you choose to show up as your true self, you make this world a more brave, more honest, more free place. >> laura: notice when they are celebrating trans visibility they use the words "honest, brave, and free." it's an orwellian super's versif the english language. wants to see men play in the women's tennis? if something the athletes just end up losing the chance to participate or blue scholarships or money to go pro, i guess it's just c'est la vie.
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they are collateral damage on the way to perfect equity in sports. what a bunch of cynical sad people. but this pasteurization of title ix is just one more policy demanded by the left, caused by the left, pushed by the white house that hurts women and girls. after a high crime hurts women. >> it's about morals and people being able to walk up and down the street in their own community and not the victim to the crime. >> it's the worst i've ever seen it. i was here to the drug epidemic. it wasn't as bad as it is now. >> d.c. is under siege.
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we need help. we really do. >> laura: the high cost of living hurts women. >> just for like a week's worth or just groceries it's $200 easily. that's not even two weeks of groceries. >> really being careful about where we spend our money. it's coming down to the necessities. >> laura: of course the open border, that hurts women. >> will go on walks and go with each other. >> as a woman, i have to be extra extra careful and extra protective and it's super scary. >> laura: bad schools, they hurt women. >> reducing school choices won't make struggling schools better. it will just remove some of the best school options in the city and the state from parents which will ultimately limit opportunities for students. please keep selective enrollment schools part of the mix. >> laura: plural weed, pro porn agenda hurts women. >> started using marijuana when he was 14 years old and became
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psychotic and sadly he died five years after he first started using marijuana. >> laura: for decades the left has claimed to support women. it's a lie and it always has been. the left supports its own radical efforts to tear down traditional american life and if women happen to get in their way, that's too bad for women. american women deserve better and our populist movement has to do everything possible to make that clear especially before november. that's "the angle." joining me now is a former nfl sideline reporter and the d transition ambassador for the independent women's forum. the administration had begun to feel the blowback on these changes to title ix. they are cleaning it's preliminary or it's not really happening. what does this message say to women? that this is seriously under consideration. >> it's says that they don't matter as much and that there are places on these teams don't matter as much in their achievements don't matter as much. they are playing to a tiny portion of the population. a lot of virtue signaling a lot
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of dishonesty, a lot of saying that the facts, those don't really exist. as long as someone identifies as a woman, they can come in and compete for your spot, compete for your job on the team, do any of those things and it's really okay and if you don't agree, you are a trans phobe, tell that to caitlyn jenner, ultimate activist, athlete who knows how unfair this is. >> laura: a landmark 15 year study concluded most gender confused children grow out of it. results show at the start of the research around one in ten children expressed gender noncontentedness to various degrees by age 251 and 20 said they often or sometimes were discontent. it are you surprised given your own story? >> no, i'm not at all surprised.
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young people, particularly young women are very susceptible to social contagion, the most susceptible. as for the one person who continues to feel that way, they deserve ethical and databased mental health care. >> laura: being confused and being filled with despair as a young person and then being told well, are you really comfortable with who you are? michelle, talk to any kid today. they are being bombarded with so many messages, including from school administrators, deans and colleges and teachers and sometimes coaches that they should reconsider with their parents are telling them. it's a big anti-parent pushed out there as well. >> that is for sure. we've seen that personally. i have to kids in school. there have been things that said maybe your parents are right about this or maybe your parents were wrong about this. but yeah, i'm glad that you use
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the term social contagion. i think that's so much of what we are seeing. really when you see this spike in transgender identity in all these various gender identities, it seems to have come out of the covid lockdowns and kids being exposed to all of these messages. and then when you see teachers in the classroom, i've heard this anecdotally, saying that if you think only women menstruate, that's your opinion. no, it's a fact. now facts are no longer facts, they are opinions? it's weird and tricky for kids to navigate with the ideas are versus what the facts are. >> laura: your transition process, you describe it is very quick. tell us briefly how that came to be. >> yeah. i had actually been seeking mental health care and services
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for trauma and other mental illnesses that were diagnosed prior to my gender dysphoria diagnosis for several years but as soon as i heard about gender ideology online and expressed to my doctors i felt i was born in the wrong body, i was immediately fast tracked. the care came almost instantly. for example, it took almost ten years after getting my diagnosis for borderline personality disorder defined dialectical behavior therapists to. but it was less than two years to go from hormones to a double mastectomy and transition. >> laura: i mean, i think there has to be massive, massive lawsuits. i know there are lawsuits underway for what happened. especially to our young people and young women who are getting pressured, pressured to dress a
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certain way, pressured online. now there being pressured to cut off their breasts and take these life altering drugs and that it's all reversible. i think you can testify that's not clear. they are pro-women? >> i had a detransitioner on my podcast. she was fast tracked. she's 25 years old, had a double mastectomy, she wants to get married and have a family and she doesn't know if she'll ever be able to do that. i think she is pursuing legal action as well i think that's what it's going to take. >> john: lucretia, your final words to parents out there when you send your kids off to school or send them to counselors for p with your word of warning and caution? >> first, be aware of that
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reality yourself in the way people are manipulating and breaking down language to tear it apart. maybe tell them that there are tricky people out there who will twist language and manipulate them. unfortunately it's true. sometimes these predator, these people will wear pins that say "you're safe with me" and all that. that can oftentimes be a single that you're not safe. >> laura: those stickers that are everywhere. signs in schools. michelle, lucretia, two brilliant women. thank you very much. coming up. what does kid rock think about trump's chances in november? remember, he's from michigan. the music star will be here to tell us. first, new infectious disease outbreak rocking on migrant shelter in chicago. that's next.
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>> laura: with biden's open border were not only beginning to feel like a third world country, we are getting third world diseases. first there was the measles
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outbreak at migrant shelters in chicago, more than 55 cases. now these shelters are reporting multiple tb cases. thanks, newcomers. now on the tv issue, the chicago department of public health insists it's just a small nu number. >> this is a crisis we could have avoided if we had simply instituted the american standard of vaccines on all the migrants being shipped to chicago. many individuals come with children that are in our schools. those vaccination requirements our kids are responsible for our will wait for the migrant asylum-seekers children. >> laura: joining me, dr. marc siegel. dr. siegel, whether it's weather it's not having to show real i.d. to board planes or in this case not having to have immunizations for schools there seems to be disparate treatment. american citizens one standard. illegal immigrants another. how dangerous could this gap? >> this is pretty dangerous and i knew it was only a matter of time before we were talking about tuberculosis. talking are giving vaccine preventable measles, giving up
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vaccine but for tv we don't have an effective vaccine and we do for illegal immigrants as we screen them. my grandfather coming into ellis island in the early 20 century, they felt his throat for tuberculosis as it manifests that way. we don't even do that. illegal migrants are coming across the border and there's no way to screen them. chicago department of health and trying to reassure you saying 10% to 20% of the people coming from central america have latent tuberculosis. don't worry. that's not the infectious kind. here's what they are not telling you. up to 20% of those confer to infectious over time. up to 20%. if you're into migrant shelter in your huddled close together with close contact and you come across along with tuberculosis, your chances of getting it are pretty high. they are seeing sporadic cases throughout chicago right now. one other point about that is guess what else there isn't central america and south america. drug-resistant tuberculosis. about 20% of cases. because the under treat it. so if you get that one of these shelters in chicago or in the
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environs around, you end up much thicker because we need more and more drugs to treat it. this is a growing problem that it's directly linked to this issue of illegal immigration. >> laura: well, what i find hilariously depressing about this is that during covid, you had f5 masks on but now because they're desperately fanatical about open border, they must keep the border open, they will just throw all those concerns about health right out the window. again, to standards. two standards. >> it shows you how it's all politicized. if it was actually medical you wouldn't have to standards. you'd have democrats saying i'm a infectious disease specialist. i'm worried about curri tubercu, measles, chicken pox, sexually transmitted diseases, big influx of syphilis. they're starting to worry a little bit because they are being bused to democrat cities.
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they didn't care about texas at all with texas hospitals being overwhelmed. that's been going on for years. >> laura: always great to see you. she calls herself the super mirror but the rest of the united states know tiffany had neared as america's worst mayor. now residents are fed up with her antics. >> they say you are the worst mayor in america. i agree. you've disgraced this village. >> stole money from a cancer foundation. how dare you steal. i helped you with your campaign. how dare you steal from us? get out! leave! we don't want you here. >> laura: joining me now, trace gallagher. host of "fox news that night." twice in one week i get to sit with you. i love the story because residents set enough.
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what did it take? >> how much time do you have? in her duties, tiffany henyard is making just under $300,000 making she's making more in the town of dalton illinois, population 20,000, then the governor of illinois. she is being accused of using city funds for personal trips including first class airfare, hair and makeup people, and a security detail. henyard acknowledges the town budget has a 2 million dollar deficit. some believe it could be 5 million. many city contractors have not been paid for a very long time. we are talking out hundreds of thousands of dollars. henyard is also accused of retaliating against her former employee because of sexual harassment allegations. we should note the longer this goes on the older tiffany henyard becomes. >> laura: can we get some of those residents to come here to l.a. and work on the george gascon problem and some of the other issues we have here? >> yeah. that's the whole thing.
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they tried to recall her. they have struggled. they have tried to recall her. the acce successful recall votes overturned. the investigation of the use of city money but the mayor vetoed that motion. we should mention the fbi is looking into henyard's charity freezing taxpayer funds for personal expenses. when the town showed up in force for a town council meeting, henyard just locked the door, locked the public out. tiffany henyard says it's all happening because of course she's a woman. they might get her out but it's not going to be easy. we are going to have to have a look at this tonight. >> laura: what i love about this is this is a boulder going downhill. it's picking up moss. unlike here in l.a., these people are not going to stop until she's out. they are not stopping for those residents. they are all women out there saying get out. >> that's exactly right and they've got some law enforcement now on their side so it's going
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to go smoother. >> laura: our producer loved the story and i completely agree with you. you're right. also great because i get to see trace. we will be tuning into night, thanks so much. coming up, kid rock reacts to the media's new attack on trump's playlist. first, it di goes from obnoxious to downright dangerous. latest example that's going to cost lives. that's next.
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>> homelessness kills. we can't be free until this settler land were standing on. this trauma continues to kill. mother earth is considered a commodity. >> laura: is that a joke? it's not a joke. that's lisa tiny gray garcia.
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she's the activist in residence at ucla which is right down the road here in los angeles. last week if you are a first year med student on campus, you had to listen to more of that nonsense during a mandatory course on structural racism. gray-garcia began the lecture by instructing students to touch the floor that she refers to mama earth with a fist while she made a nonsecular prayer to mama earth and our ancestors. some students were so disturbed by this they actually did complain to their professors but this dei have session in the medical field, it's more than comedy gold. it's dangerous. consider this, in massachusetts some hospitals will no longer file neglect reports for babies born with drugs in their system because those reports disproportionately affect women of color.
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yeah. that's real. joining me, dr. marilyn singleton. also xavier dave or so. dr. singleton, we are supposed to be impressed because the association of american medical colleges just penned this op-ed in the journal saying that neglecting di medical education somehow jeopardizes the quality of patient care. do you agree? >> absolutely not. you said earlier in your show about the orwellian change in words. there was a time when diversity meant meeting others and learning about other cultures and other people. it did help us the better doctors. this new di includes segregation, fomenting resentment among doctors and patients and it's eroding the trust that for years as they
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call it divergent doctors and patients have trusted each other. divergent doctors have worked with each other all to the benefit of the patient. they are trying to erase that now. >> laura: xavier, i've been hearing about this for my friends in the medical field, doctors in boston. it's wild what's happening at med schools. they spend a lot of time on transgender is a man gender just for. d transitioning. you might as well think the whole medical school is about that. what is it tell you about where we are in society where life-and-death transitions and merit is not the primary concern for some. >> it is showing america is not learning a lesson. how may times that have to be apparent to us that dei is the focus is not helping anybody. it's a groundbreaking concept that medical student should be learning how to actually practice medicine or better yet are medical students should be
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preparing for the next time china gets into a silly goofy mood and decides to make a global virus that leaks out of their lab and comes to destroy our way of life but that's too much to ask for. instead we are changing our medical students are worship racism and in this case mother earth. >> laura: she was wrapped up like a mummy in that outfit. we should ask if we could audit that class. i'm sure ucla would be great with that. the media is buying this narrative on dei lock, stock, and barrel. watch this. >> diversity training and diversity in medical recruitment helps counter the well-documented biases that contribute to worse health outcomes for certain populations. having doctors of different races and ethnic backgrounds and doctors who are trained to consider diversity and racial disparities is literally of life and death importance. >> laura: okay. dr. singleton. taken away.
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>> i tell you. i don't know who has instructed these people. it's bizarre to me that people have nothing to do with medicine are somehow predicting what's going to make a good doctor. there have been good doctors for years and yes, i'm not denying that there been some missteps, things like that tuskegee experiment. you can't keep pointing to that. that's not all doctors. all patients just want a good doctor. are you going to have patients turning down a kidney transplant from a person of a different race? i don't think so. this is just trying to make physician's tools of of government social engineers. that's not why we became doc doctors. students are going to medical school to learn science. way back when before all this
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lingo and rhetoric, there was something called a social history. it's part of your medical history. what did you ask in social history? you asked about people's living circumstances. do they have family help? et cetera. >> laura: that's what matters. that's what matters. people. people, not based on race. yeah, well, it's not just medical school. xavier, consulting giant mckinsey has been one of the biggest paddlers of that dei nonsense but a recent report concluded that it's complete garbage. mckinsey study is neither supporting the argument that large public firms can expect to improve financial performance if they increase their racial and ethnic diversity of their execs. ex-savior, again, color coding t whether it's in finance or
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medicine or being a pilot come out we want the best of the best. >> that's exactly right. why can we not just pursue talent and those where the skill sets to be the best? you might have industries that are doing better because a more diverse but that's because there's more talented people there not because he went out of your way to go find a 50 shades of brown to be in your company. i assure you if you prioritize school since the way you would do -- >> laura: professional sports teams, it's all about merit. let's take that, they understand talent and they understand how to cultivate it. dr. singleton, xavier, thank you. the new eye-popping amount that a parent out there may have to fork over for just one year of college for your child. college for your child. reactor.e is here next to the i took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. look at her and i said, "the pain is gone."
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and she said, i'm glad it helped. i said, "no, you don't understand. it's gone." you, too, can feel better every day with relief factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. call or go online now for our 3-week quickstart, just $19.95. israel is under attack. the war against israel began with the murder of hundreds of precious children. in this orphanage bomb shelter, we're praying for god's help, praying to avino malkino, our father, our king. countless israelis are enduring the devastating anguish of lost loved ones. thousands of rockets have forced over a hundred thousand israelis to become refugees in their own homeland. israeli families are in crisis. the international fellowship of christians and jews is on the ground, reaching jewish people of all ages. children, mothers, the elderly, even holocaust survivors.
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but we can't do it without you. your gift of $45 will make sure that the people of israel have mobile bomb shelters, emergency supplies, and the hot, nutritious meals that they so desperately need. our teams are working on the ground, often at great risk to themselves. they're delivering meals to the elderly and families who are living in bomb shelters. this would be an incredibly important time for all of the friends of the international fellowship of christians and jews to stand with our friends in israel. let them know that we are not only praying for the peace of jerusalem, but we're also praying and acting in their interest because we believe it's what god would have us do. i simply can't stress enough the urgency of this situation. it's more dire than ever before. this is your moment. this is your opportunity to
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make a life-saving difference. it's your prayers and gifts that give hope to the people of israel. call, scan, or visit our website now to make your life-saving donation.
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>> laura: some private colleges are costing as much as $95,000 per year, tuition, room and board, books, all that. what middle-class family can afford that especially in biden's economy? that's why young people are beginning to look for other ways to make money. some are moving to the trades. according to the national student clearinghouse, students enrolled in vocational community colleges rose 16%. students studying construction trades. hvac, vehicle maintenance repair. joining me, mike rowe, host of "how america works," mike, you were predicting this for quite some time. i think the cost of a lot of these contractors is shocking to
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americans who can't fix the toilet by themselves. is this a good sign for the country that kids are actually saying wait a second, what makes most sense? >> might be a little early for a victory lap but if i were inclined to take one i would, looking at those numbers. we've been at this for 16 years. specifically trying to rationally talk about the cost of a four-year degree which instantly has increased faster than the cost of energy, food, real estate. nothing in the history of western civilization has gotten more expensive more quickly than that thing. and yet even with 10 million open positions, most of which don't require a four-year degree, we've still been pushing hard and applying uninsured and remote of pressure and a lot of people to take that path. the unintended consequences of painting with a broad brush were
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self-evident. it's like a tanker slowly turning in the ocean. but it is turning. those data are real clear and it's ironic in a lot of ways that it's gen z who was looking around and saying no, too much. >> laura: the free money in terms of some assistance people get, which is great for some people but it also unnecessarily inflates i think the enrollment at a lot of these colleges. government money. it allows colleges to be really fat in terms of bureaucracies. they grow their administrative costs by 38% in a five year period and not needed at all. it's a job. college bureaucrats. >> if you look at the ratio in the ivy league of administrators to students, it's shocking. it's so far and away surpasses anything you'd find in
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hospitality. it's bananas. but again, people are starting to realize that the diploma that's been hanging on their wall is really a receipt. there was a time when it was easy to equate knowledge with a diploma. but now you have to look at it in terms of its cost. the other thing you said that's super interesting. inflation is in the headlines there's another kind of inflation going on. it's credentialed inflation. at harvard, in 1955, the average graduate graduated with a gpa of 2.55. today it's 3.98. >> laura: is insane. all right. >> you can conclude any number of things from it but there's no denying the fact that it's still expensive. >> laura: and mike can fix anything. he doesn't have to hire the crazy people that i love that i have to hire. great to see you. maniacs in the media have a new
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issue to attack trump over. it's his music. kid rock reacts next.
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>> they tried indicting him, defaming him, tried to bankrupt him and call him a traitor appeared now the little influencers online are even attacking trump because of his favourite songs. his playlist. some nights the president likes to play dj, blowoff a little steam. it's pretty funny, not that i haven't teased him. so they want you to thank it's all a bad thing because nobody can have fun except the liberals
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right? they say after dinner he will open his ipad and play the hits. sometimes it's so loud that people have trouble talking. trump spinning through his golden oldies provides a telling lens into his style on the much bigger stages. it captures his obsession with a few familiar hits controlling the volume, never changing. joining me now is someone who knows a little bit about music and playlists. my old buddy kid rock. it's good to see you tonight. we are going to talk about. >> are you really doing a story on this? >> you were going to come on so i had thank of something. this is my favourite part of this piece. i know you love making fun of these people. 's excitement never fades. he seems like a kid with a new toy. every time he turns to that ipad. it feels like it's the first time he's heard or shared the crooning of sinatra or the edge of johnny cash.
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bobby they run out of things officially. >> that's how i feel when i play music. every time i hear 1 of my favourite songs, whether it something from 50 years ago or 2 days ago, i come alive and want to play it again. i've been on the golf course with him a multitude of times. the ipad it -- has only come into play in the last few years. i think it's because maybe everyone is talking to him all the time. he just turned up the music a little bit to drown them out. he's got so many good songs playing, i've heard house of the rising sun, i've heard springsteen songs. elvis, elton john and than there would be these patriotic tunes. i would... i said you know what you should
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do, you should play the star-spangled banner, a different version of it over and over again so we could watch liberal tears fall like rain. >> he plays phantom of the opera. jesus christ superstar, hello by lionel richie. also has guns and roses,. >> james brown. >> that's what i'm talking about. and of course you can't always get what you want. what do you think of that playlist. >> it's awesome fricking the best. how cool is it that he's jamming out to music having a good time? he's playing a lot of artists that probably don't agree with his politics to put it lightly. what does that say about him as a man? music should be universal for all of us to enjoy no matter what and get along in no matter what scenario whether we are at
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a wedding dancing, out of party. music should just rise to the top... >> it's fun. the left feels like they are somehow threatened when other people are having fun and it doesn't involve 1 of their pet projects or 1 of -- whether it's ... whatever they are into. if you are not agreeing with them politically you don't deserve to have fun. whether it's at nascar or driving a pickup truck. they feel threatened by that so it's just one way to feel annoyed or threatened that someone like trump with everything they've thrown at him is still able to have a little fun. why can't they have fun? i thought they were all about fun. >> i think that empty wagons make the most noise when all
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these far left lunatics and far right ones are always screaming at the top of their lungs. they get the headlines for clicks and views. i think most people are pretty -- most of us have a smidge of common sense to be able to know what's good what's bad. the basic things in life. how do i say that... i say it rock out with your you know what out. just have a good time. >> ice you you are wearing a budweiser hat. that's a year ago that you posted that video of you were shooting some bud light cans after the dylan mulvaney controversy. have you lightened up on bud light? >> this is a cool had. -- hat.
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we have bigger targets. when you look at planet fitness, what are they doing? ben and jerry's? i don't want to put any targets on people's back. target. i've talked to people and they messed up. it's too bad they just won't say it. that's not how they are cut. i got my answer. i don't want to hurt people's jobs and stuff like that when they don't have any dog in the fight. there's a whole lot more companies we should be going after for sure. >> i tried to make him take off his sunglasses but no luck didn't get there. tomorrow may be. join us tomorrow we have more from him. remember it's america, now and forever. jesse has next. >> jesse: tonight.
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