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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 5, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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experience. >> that was entertaining out there what was your best? >> are we having a an earthquake? seriously are we having an earthquake? ♪ ♪ i think were having an earthquake. >> i'm not getting. >> finally we will end up on awful announcing, we are having an earthquake what's going on here? >> is every thing okay? >> control room is shaking we are shaking. >> are you guys okay? >> if you played a little bit longer the woman on air makes the sign of the cross. she wishes everyone the best. >> always good practice. >> it was that music after or during? >> i think it was during. >> a historic day. >> indeed it was we will see what happens next but from all of us at the fox news channel we will see very soon but sandra and john take over on "america reports" have a good weekend, molly. >> what the [bleep], or having
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an earthquake [bleep] what the [bleep] =!-exclamation-point >> this is one of the largest earthquakes to happen the last century. >> [bleep] ♪ ♪ >> i never experienced an earthquake before but it was crazy. >> we are ready for the unexpected. this is new york city and we responded accordingly. >> new jersey's strongest earthquake in 40 years rattles the east coast, the initial 4.8 quake causing all sorts of disruption. work jfk airports went into ground stops this morning to check for possible damage, officials are warning commuters to prepare for delays while they check the bridges and tunnels. with that welcome to friday addition of "america reports," sandra, it's been quite a morning. >> sandra: just another friday good to be with you i'm sandra smith in new york and this is america reports the
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epicenter 50 miles outside of manhattan. it was lebanon, new jersey. >> john: lots of video coming from ring cameras and experts warning there is a 46% chance of an aftershock larger than 3.0 in the last week. we've artie had a 2.0 aftershock. new jersey governor phil murphy activated the state of emergency operations ce center and new yok governor focal spoke earlier this morning offering him assistance. >> sandra: columbia geology professor and earthquake expert will join us with what we need to watch for now just ahead but we will begin with the fox weather correspondent katie byrne. she is live at the epicenter of
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this, everyone has a story from this. it felt like for so many of us perhaps the first earthquake they experienced of this magnitude that it lasted a pretty long time, katie. >> it seems that way. if you like it lasted anywhere from 30-45 seconds and we are walking through lebanon now we just arrived trying to figure out if there's any damage and neighbors are trying to figure out the same thing, you are walking your dog when this happened, describe the feeling of this i think it's interesting to viewers on the west coast compared to the east coast earthquakes feel different. on the west coast it feels more like a swaying motion but you thought of it as up and down drilling feeling? >> yeah it felt like the amazpavement was sinking unrepad i've never experienced an earthquake but within the first five seconds i knew what was going on. i didn't notice any damage but the neighbors were running outside to see what was going
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on. is a scary experience. >> driving into town we noted small branches on the ground but it seems that's from some of the recent storms we have had. neighbors trying to figure out if they have any damage in their homes right now? >> ever wanted a sweep through their house, some ears fell off the wall and kitchen cabinets were wide open but no big damage or anything. >> have you checked in with people who live nearby and experienced that with you? >> pretty much the same thing. no damage, but kitchen cabinets wide open, things falling off shelves. it's scary because in lebanon we never really experienced stuff like this. >> driving and it's a beautiful terrain. horse farms and lots of greenery you are part of a landscaping business so you are headed to work when this happened? >> yes walking the dog i didn't know what to think.
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>> we are talking to a lot of people of how this felt and for a lot of people you mention the first time you felt a an earthquake of this magnitude. what will you remember from the state? >> the sound is still in my head that sinking feeling so hopefully the next time it happens but hopefully not i will know what it is. the sinking feeling was weird and scary. >> what was happening to do no right away it was an earthquake? >> not right away. i remember hearing the sound first and then it really shook. i thought it was going to fall to the ground because it was so bad. and then after that i was walking up the street all the neighbors were coming out to see what was going on. pretty scary. >> this is the epicenter of where the earthquake happened. likely people who live in this community, nearby communities, felt the strongest shaking sensations on the earthquake. what is your reaction to that? >> it's kind of cool i guess
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that we experienced something like that. because we never have. you know, but i hope it doesn't happen again because it's scary. but yeah, that sinking feeling so it was very weird. >> a lot of people thinking back to where they were when this all happen. getting accounts from neighbors today sending it back to you. >> sinking feeling in hearts racing thank you very much. good to hear from him glad everyone is okay, john. >> john: absolutely, good to know that let's bring an assistant professor of structural geography of doherty earth observatory who will dig a little more deeply into all of this with us. magnitude 4.8, in california terms that is a pretty small earthquake but in the northeast terms that's pretty unusual. >> that is correct it is unusual but not unheard of.
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>> falaren, to that point, i right away went to the history of earthquakes in recent months, recent years, along the east coast, i was surprised to see they are somewhat frequent in connecticut for example. obviously the magnitude of this earthquake stands out, 4.8, that's a pretty sizable one other more of these that we don't even know about? >> come yeah. if you remember just january this year we had a magnitude 2.3 in queens. now we have this, but historically, my colleagues and i, we've been looking at this event for years now and we see a lot of magnitude two and three all over the region. they often cluster around faults we know in the region so we know this activity has been
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happening. this is just the first time in a long time we have a record of an event as large as 4.8. >> john: in terms of where this originated and where the fault line was, have you determined that yet? or do you have a pretty good culprit in mind? a lot of people have been talking about this ramapo fault who last let go in 188490 magnitude. >> right. we have the ramapo fault and many faults in the region but the ramapo is the biggest one because it's of the new york basin. the fault is not active anymore, but we know all these faults are prestressed. if the stress field is perturbed it can release the strain in the form of earthquakes however the events happening around the ramapo fault and the one that happened today, even though it's
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located around the ramapo fault it's not necessarily a rupture under ramapo itself. it looks like one of the secondary faults that branch off that ruptured this event. the smaller ones we have seen in the past because we have been monitoring them and modeling them and we could see in the contest and the style of the rupture and orientation of the planes that ruptured, we cannot say ramapo is the one. however, word of caution, we have seen many cases all over the world where rupture of smaller fault can trigger a bigger fault with stressors. >> sandra: one quick question before you go. mayor adams says new yorkers, go about your daily business. we know a huge population is on this island here and it's 1:00 in the afternoon, we will head into rush hour and people start to think about commutes home, in bridges into tunnels, what do you tell people concerned about
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that right now? what are the chances of an aftershock and how significant that could be in the coming hours? >> well we are going to have aftershocks i bet they've artie started happening. the typical nature of things is that the aftershocks will have lower magnitude. the hope is that this event is not the for shock of a bigger one. if it's not a for shocked that a bigger one than we can imagine the aftershocks will be magnitude 3, 2, and 1. lower magnitude and luckily cluster more around where the main truck occurred. so i do not think we should be worried too much in new york city metro opelousas area. >> we are getting an update on the new jersey transit right n now. they are currently having about 20 minute delays for the new jersey transit. while the bridge, tunnel, and track inspections are made.
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those are still going on at this hour. >> john: hopefully this is not a for shock of something bigger, but as we'll know there are so many tunnels to go in and out of manhattan as well, a lot a lot underground as well as aboveground that needs to be checked, folarin kolawole thank you for joining us are appreciated. >> thank you for having me. >> inflation is resilience till around 3%, think there's a growing chance we will not see rate cuts this year i think we may see a rate increase. >> sandra: jerry baker that stood out to me when he said that he may have been right. to all those highly anticipated rate cuts the fed was broadcasting they may not be happening. that's why we have the big sell-off in the market yest yesterday. some are predicting that we might even have to see a rate hike because of inflation that does not seem to be going the way. hamed will dig into this and give us his forecast. dan green houses here on what it means for you and your wallet.
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>> john: president biden could soon change course months after pledging support on israel, karl rove more on that next.
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>> my administration is rock solid and unwavering. i come to israel with a single message, you are not alone. he is hurting israel more than helping israel, there are that if you cross you cannot have 30,000 more palestinians dead. >> how is this support unwavering but you are also reconsidering policy choices? >> both can be true. >> they cannot be true, their complete lee different things. >> no, no, no, i'm sorry. >> he is wavering. >> come on.
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>> from unwavering support to an ultimatum an open question at this point is his democratic base urges him to turn against the jewish state and its war to defeat hamas. with will bring in former deputy chief of staff good to see you, carl, on this friday afternoon. when president biden was caught at an open mic at the state of the union when he said this, listen here. he said he would have a come to jesus meeting with netanyahu but it's whether or not this president will turn his back on the closest ally in the middle east, what do you think? >> i thought it was unusual that undermining our democratic ally in the region he used the casualty numbers given by hamas
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which have been widely discredited by our intelligence services and others as being completely inaccurate. yes, the president is under pressure. young voters across the country are more likely to support the palestinians than they are or have been in the past and it is also obviously concerned about michigan where a critical number of arab american voters are clustered around the detroit suburb of the dearborn. >> there is a question as to whether or not the white house would turn its back, there's a lot of ambiguity in his statement if there is a policy change from how far would it go? >> yeah, well, that's what is confusing. because they have just authorized a gigantic and appropriate, in my opinion, list of weapons to be supplied to israel. particularly to help guard against an attack from the north from hezbollah.
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so he is simultaneously drawing them to engage in immediate cease-fire and giving them the material they might need or would need in an attack from the north. so look, this is a problem with foreign crises and election years. particularly when they involve a key constituency in the democratic party, the jewish voters overwhelmingly democrat, and so is the arab american vote. the president in my opinion is plan too much politics and not enough statesmen. >> john: as all of this unfold, karl kani had an op-ed on the journal where you suggested the very small demographic changes and some of the battleground states could turn the result of the election. what are you thinking? >> yes, look, take a look at some of these numbers. i have too many whiteboards for you. i must admit. take a look at this. democratic turnout. if you take a look let's assume everybody in arizona votes the
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same as they did last time around. if the hispanic or yuppie turnout with 18-29-year-old voters both left and have a percent that is to say one out of every 50 voters says i am not -- it should be 1 out of 200 voters saying i won't turn out to vote in those populations, that sinks the joe biden victory margin in arizona. if it is 0.3% in georgia it sinks his margin and look at these registered numbers. in nevada there are 33,000 more democrats today than republicans. that is down from 54,000 democrats from four years ago. this is a state he won by it, excuse me, 34,000 votes. he is in trouble in that state. and pennsylvania, there are 399,000 more democrats than republicans. that may sound pretty good, but that is down 286,000 from four
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years ago, 42% decline in the registration margin for the democrats. and he won by by 81,000. one fifth of this number. he has some problems brewing in his coalition in these battleground states. admittedly, donald trump has some challenges as well, but the president's people are awakening to their new turnout, enthusiasm, and support problem and structural problem and some of these battleground states. >> john: we have seen a sharp increase in african american voters that support donald trump and we have them going after nikki haley voters with this new ad. >> she has gone crazy, she is a very angry person. >> she is not presidential timber. >> i don't need votes come we have all the boats we need. >> she has gone haywire. >> how do you bring these nikki haley voters back in question work >> i'm not sure we need too
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many. >> biden/harris actively going after those voters. can they get them? >> i don't know. that's not enough, but policy probably matters. time probably matters. think of this, north carolina primary was march 5th, nikki haley was still in the race, she got 250,000 votes in north carolina. that is three times the number of votes that donald trump won by four years ago. a week later, i'm in the next day she is out of the race. she says i'm suspending my campaign. that is where he sort of makes these comments about her, and then a week later the georgia primary is held she has 77,000 votes and she is out of the race. and he lost by over 10,000 votes. this tuesday she had been out of the race for my four weeks, 76,000 votes in wisconsin, a state he lost by 20,000 votes last time around.
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also this tuesday in new york, connecticut, and rhode island 1 out of 6 and one out of every seven republicans voted for her. >> john: that is pretty significant in other words. coral with your friday afternoon politics, great to see you come have a terrific weekend, we will see you next week. >> thank you. >> sandra: brand-new numbers in the economy just in we are watching them closely for what may or may not happen when interest rates this year. employers added 3,300,000 jobs in march. the unemployment rate that headline number did take down slightly to 3.8%. basically good news for the economy but what does all of it mean for you and your money when it comes to the fed's next move? we are watching it for you, the dow up after suffering a big fall yesterday. mohammed and the chief economic advisor into an greenhouse is a management strategist and mohammed as he was sitting here in the new york studio set i'm really good at this.
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forecast from you first, dan. everyone looking at their credit card bills, right? they are looking at mortgage payments buying a house and not buying house, payments, car loans, these interest rates affect everyone's lives. do you see the fed lowering rates as they did once broadcast with a good possibility this year? >> listen, job support was really strong more or less top to bottom. there were some quibbles with the with respect to the federal reserve i think they have made clear least from my standpoint that they are looking more at the inflation data on the jobs data. in the last conference jay powell said talking about the strong labor market that on its own it would not be sufficient to put off what he expects to be rate cuts beginning later this year. >> sandra: but he was speaking, mohamed, at this forum at the stanford graduate school of business. this happen wednesday this week, okay? this is two typical.
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he reiterated officials have to be cautious they decided to lower rates, listen. >> we do not expect it will be appropriate to lower policy rate until we have greater competence in inflation moving sustainably toward 2%. >> they said what? you said rate cuts are coming but mohammed, they can't to lower interest rates where prices are still on the rise. >> sandra, what they have to do is lower interest rates because they're going to argue that inflation is coming down. while prices will still go up, they will go up at a much slower rate. and they will look at today's employment numbers and say sure, we created 303,000 jobs much more than 200,000 people expected but look at the amount of workers in the labor forest. look at wage growth it went from 4.3% to my 4.1% on an annual
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basis. this report has not been enough to derail what they really want to do which is cut rates by 2-3 times this year. and then we have a report next week that is important to look at but so far they are on course to cut rates by a suspect -- >> sandra: is it fair to headline out of what you just said that mohammed a larry and is predicting a rate cut at the next fed meeting? >> i didn't say the next fed meeting but it would be fair to say mohammed expects two rate cuts this year. >> sandra: that's a big production because jerry baker was sitting on this program, we went back to march 20th and it stuck with me because we saw all of this price data we indicated would be a pretty tough environment to lower rates and he said this march 20th, listen. >> market is still expecting there to be some interest rates cuts later this year but inflation is resilient, center, so around 3%. i think there's a growing chance
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we will not see rate cuts. i think we may see a rate increase. >> sandra: you see the markets and they are starting to get pretty nervous, dan. we saw the big sell-off yesterday, there's a rebound happening today. what say you? how can you lower rates when you still up inflation rearing its ugly head? >> there's a version of the whole wayne gretzky coat "you have to skate to where the puck is going" if you're in the federal reserve as the year progresses inflation will continually move in your direction. we talked about this but this is not your goods so to speak when you go to the supermarket you've spent $120 versus pretty covid you spent $100. this is the rate of change. that it is not going out much more than target which is about 2%. the fed expects later this year that inflation will return closer to the 2-2.5% range which they would be comfortable with
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and then they think maybe they can lower rates with fear of keeping them too light wow high for too long and a recession we don't need. >> sandra: it's interesting they broadcast those would be coming, three rate cuts possibly, i know you said the feds turn into a play-by-play commentator and what they will be doing next, gray tabby on the program and dan come great debbie was well thank thank you to both of you. john? >> john: sandra, could congress be one step closer to finding out whether the u.s. helped fund the research that may have sparked the kofi cockburn pandemic? covert subcommittee chair brad windstorm about the key witness they are calling in at the beginning of next month. >> sandra: plus police in chicago arresting an illegal migrant for the gruesome murder of his wife. we will have the details on his troubling past what we are now learning. i hear it all the time.
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>> this is a developing situation. where you are always concerned about aftershocks after an earthquake. new yorkers should go about their normal day. first responders make sure the city is safe. >> sandra: new york city mayor eric adams telling citizens to go about their day following the 4.8 magnitude earthquake. we are now learning from officials this earthquake was felt in 14 states up and down the east coast from maine to make north carolina. the u.s. geological survey telling fox more than 150,000 americans reported feeling shaking. officials say to expect aftershocks in the coming hours and days and if you feel anything to take cover. we will bring you the latest updates from that earthquake
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coming up. it's really something, john. >> john: it is something because it hardly ever happens up there perry remember, we had that big magnitude i think 5.6 earthquake here in washington, d.c., a long time ago that actually damaged the washington monument, kept it close for a while. they have these all the time in california. there were two close of this magnitude yesterday, didn't even register for anybody. but because it is so rare in the northeast, everyone set up and took notice. >> sandra: certainly of this magnitude. everyone is talking about how they were shaken, hearts were racing, it lasted quite a while and they will have many stories from it, john. >> john: shaking but not baking because it's still pretty cold outside. now the origins of covid, the president of a company worked closely with the wuhan institute of virology will be pressed by lawmakers on the coronavirus pandemic for the very first time in public. that will happen at the beginning of may.
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let's bring in brad windstorm who serves as the chairman of the house selected over covert subcommittee. good happy with with us. the person with you is peter -- sick the head of the echo health alliance. back in november he gave closed-door testimony to your committee at which you say the word "inconsistency" of what you want to hear from him when he goes public to the beginning of next month? >> well, like always we want to hear the whole truth, john. hopefully we will get that. as you said, he appeared to us in the subcommittee in november 2023 and we found inconsistencies with what he had to say at that time. so eco-health alliance was involved with research. they say their mission is to prevent a pandemic here you're, that is somewhat ironic to me. you go back to 2011, dr. fauci, dr. collins, they are talking about function research, they want to do it, they think it's
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important but they talk about how risky it is even in 2012, dr. fauci says when press could cause a pandemic if it got out of the lab i think the benefits outweigh the risk bueco-heal alliance had a project called "diffuse" and they were going to take the path borne viruses and perform data function research. they took that to darpa. turbo's defense research project agency they say what we want to do is we are going to do a little research in north carolina at a vsl3, a high-security lab. darpa took a look at that end and they said no, it's too risky, we won't allow for the grant yet they go over to nih and get the grant. here is where it gets sticky, john. through a foia request we have internal emails from the eco-health alliance and on those emails included dr. singh rishi in wuhan, china, and he said basically we don't want to set
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off an alarm by saying we want to do this research in china so we will say were doing it north carolina. then once we get the money we will do it in wuhan at a lesser more risky lab because it will save money. this is basically saying with the chinese scientists on that email. so that is a grave inconsistency from what he told us that no, we were just trying to do this in north carolina. so interestingly though because of the risk yet he goes to nih and gets the grant. >> john: time and time again before congress dr. anthony fauci who was the head of the niaid of the time who's the top virologist in the country denied there was ever any funding in wuhan listen to what he said back in 2021. >> i will repeat again the nih and niad categorically has not
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funded gain-of-function research to be conducted in the wuhan institute -- >> john: of course in congress the biggest b in his bonnet was senator rand paul of kentucky who said this listen here. >> you say it doesn't exist because you change the definition on the website. this is terrible and you are completely trying to escape the idea that we should do something about trying to prevent a pandemic from leaking from a lab. there is a preponderance of evidence now pointing toward this coming from the lab and what you've done is change the definition on the website to ty to cover your delete basically. >> john: what do you think? >> they changed the definition on the website and no one else has the unique definition. >> john: i guess my question is did it or didn't not happen? and did this come from the lab or not? >> as far as the eco-health
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alliance grant is concerned, dr. fauci signed off on that. he says the advisory report says whether they should do it or not and he just signs off on it. i will agree with what i have seen both from the intelligence committee and what we have been doing with the subcommittee is a preponderance of evidence is from a lab, i believe it came from a lab. i don't think it was necessarily intentional, but there were a lot of things going on in wuhan including their bio weapons program, and so the evidence has really mounted some of its classified, john, some of it is not. it seems more and more that it came from the lab. >> john: this will be an interesting hearing to be sure, mark your calendars, may 1st. congressman thank you for being with us to preview. >> my pleasure, thanks. >> sandra: a new health crisis popping up in migrant shelters all over chicago. chicago alderman raymond lopez says it's a crisis that could
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have and should have been avoided. he is up next plus this. >> we did not as a country and a government want to face some very hard truths. >> what are those? >> are we being attacked? and if we are being attacked, is that an act of war? >> john: greg ed green speaking out about his investigation into si havana syndrome. stay with us. many were shocked to learn they've been paying 22% on their credit card balances. and if payments were late, as much as 30%. that's over three times the interest rate on a newday 100 va home loan. pay off high rate credit cards and other debt with a lower rate newday home loan. save hundreds a month, thousands a year.
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speaking soon after the collapse of the francis scott key bridge he will speak a short time from now joining him for that tour is governor westmore of maryland. also the u.s. coast guard is on board and u.s. army corps of engineers. if he is getting an update there now he will brief us, the american public, shortly and we will have that for you live. meanwhile as he was departing the white house, he did stop and talk to reporters a bit. fair warning, some of this you cannot understand. the audio is not great. he did comment on a couple big news items, listen here. >> the earthquake? >> in regard to the earthquake i spoke to the governor who thinks everything is under control.
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he is not concerned about it. the governor of new jersey so things are all right. pardon me? >> did you threaten to stop military aid to israel? >> i asked them to do what they are doing. >> are you abandoning israel? are you abandoning israel? >> sandra: i believe when asked did you ask them to stop aid to israel he said they are doing what i asked him to do an on the earthquake he said he spoke to the governor of new jersey and everything is under control, john. >> john: not quite sure what he said when he got further away from the cameras, though. he was asked if he was going to -- >> sandra: if he was
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abandoning israel. >> john: he seemed to suggest no, what are you talking about, but we will try to listen closely and get you some subtitles of exactly what he he said. >> sandra: indeed. that answered a short time ago and he is now in maryland, meanwhile chicago health officials have confirmed a small number of tuberculosis cases at some migrant facilities which follows an outbreak of at least 55 cases of measles among migrants in the shelters they are. our next guests of chicago could have avoided all of this by requiring migrants to follow the same vaccination rules as u.s. citizens, but that didn't happen. raymond lopez is the democrat and he is a chicago alderman and he joins us now. what is happening at the shelters? >> good afternoon, sandra. sadly, the mayor and his team have said they are more concerned with preserving the human dignity of the asylum-seekers rather than enforcing vaccination requirements on them upon their arrival to our city.
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we've had nearly 40,000 individuals come to the city of chicago either from other states or because of the federal government and none of them have ever been required to be vaccinated to our american standard. while this may have been fine if they were off living amongst themselves, many of them have children that are going through our public schools. they are interacting with people on buses and trains and it's causing concern because many of the things we are hearing now finally being validated the measles, mumps, the tuberculosis come all of this is brought to the city's attention several months ago many times someone like myself or others say we need to address this now before it becomes an epidemic within our own city was called racist, xenophobic, or anti-immigrant. sadly that cover-up that has brought us to that point has started to crack. we are seeing the true epidemic is here because we have seen where in police stations, our own officers are dealing with many of the same symptoms that migrants were bringing before them. >> sandra: this is the mayor
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brandon johnson who i know you're calling out saying this could have been prevented, but he was pressed on this uptick in measles cases in particular, listen. >> migrants are more vulnerable to the existing infectious diseases that we already have here. right? and that is something i want to make sure the people of chicago know, that migrants are more vulnerable because of what already exists here. >> sandra: your reaction to that? >> there are things that we have tampered down, wiped out, that many of our citizenry have never had to deal with. and to blame tuberculosis and measles on chicagoans transmitting that to the migrants is absolutely absurd. they came here, oftentimes with infectious diseases, they came here sick and not vaccinated at the border, not vaccinated at the landing site, and now we are seeing the impact of that. this mayor refuses to take any kind of accountability for what has happened because we have warned about this for months.
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we have seen where time and time again it's one bad decision after another perry most recent when they were trying to put a thousand migrants on a toxic waste dump site to house them. >> sandra: i have two stop you there, you are democrat, the president is a democrat, you are calling them out, are you worried about the political applications? >> there is no problem with calling them out when public health is at risk. >> sandra: i appreciate when you can join us thank you. >> john: center, president biden beginning to take a different tone with israel as he issues a stark warning to benjamin netanyahu, could biden shifting sands, charlie heard plus this. >> sandra: state and local officials ahead of monday's solar eclipse as prisoners in one new york jail avoiding lunar lockdown. ♪ ♪
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>> john: three days to go into
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the solar eclipse more than 31 million americans from south texas to mike northern maine will be in the path of totality. that figure includes inmates in one new york jail who won a lawsuit giving them a front row seat to the lunar phenomenon. joining us with the details what was the basis for this lawsuit? >> religious discrimination. at first i should tell you the eclipse will be at at least partially visible in 48 states in upstate new york it will be seen in its entirety. officials are preparing for an influx of visitors and possible disruption to self-service and additional traffic, several counties in upstate new york have declared state of emergency to help deal with the large numbers of eclipse viewers, and similar declarations were made and places in texas and indiana. and the orders allow officials to get additional assistance from state and federal governments. in new york state, a prison lockdown is in effect and will be in effect except for six inmates involved in a federal
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lawsuit. the inmates in sullivan county are of five different faith traditions including one atheist. they will be able to witness the rare event after suing the state, their attorney chris mccorkle saying in a statement "new york state has entered into a binding settlement agreement that will allow our six clients to view the solar eclipse in accordance with their severely held religious beliefs. many see them as spiritually momentous dealing with the death of mohammed's son and others with the death of jesus" they will see any others in a case-by-case basis. >> john: lauren green for us, don't forget fox news is your place for monday special coverage of this historic total eclipse going from earthquake to eclipse in a matter of days. we will be doing the show live from the roof of our washington
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bureau with the catbird seat for you to what is going on across the country, sandra? >> sandra: okay live to baltimore where a brand-new top of the hour we are awaiting president biden who is about to speak live after his aerial t tour. when we are listening for that we will certainly have that update for you.
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