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tv   Hannity  FOX News  April 9, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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prison for quite some time. if parents of lawbreaking kids are being affected of accessory why isn't hunter's father in prison at summit lake the textures read my mind. don from maryland. was she and hank johnson is a science class. he thinks islands are sinking she thinks the moon is a planet again yale work we will contact yale and see if they have a statement on that 1. marina from georgia i took your friends advice and filled up with premium the clicking noise my engine stopped and it's never run better. premium i don't know the ford. >> sean: welcome to hannity at 209 days until the presidential election americans face a
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mountain of serious serious problem's each night on this program we do our best to document the truth many of the major issues of the day that impact your life including joe biden's border crisis and crime crisis the biden inflation crisis the turmoil overseas around the world and tonight we will show you the latest record-breaking crime statistics the latest they crime carjackings and also bring you the latest example of violent crime that is now exploding among new york city's massive illegal immigrant population also we'll have larry with an update on the economy a spoiler alert i wish i had better news because the numbers aren't to good. needless to say the coverage isn't the same on other networks around the pages of almost any major newspaper. these are organizations with self-proclaimed journalists they aren't journalists. 1 big problem is journalism is
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dead and buried something i said in 2007 or 2008 when they turned and cheerleaders for the anointed 1 barack obama for most every newsroom in america they are not news they are opinion they are talkshow host radical leftist talk show host with a few exceptions journalism has been replaced by liberal radical activism journalists are far left tax some flirting on the borderline with communism there is no fidelity to the truth whatsoever they will lie they will censor an obvious gate the truth all as a means to an end with their goal political power. left-wing utopia where dissent no longer exists but you don't have to take my word for 1 senior editor at npr came clean in an op-ed entitled at been at npr for 25 years here's how we
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lost america's trust he went on to blast his own organization for morphing from a left-leaning news operation into a extreme far left political machine focusing on efforts to damage to topple donald trump's presidency he found the taxpayer-funded national radio station employed 87 registered democrats working in editorial positions have any republicans? 0 he was critical of their obsession over the russia hose and the decision to censor the hunter biden laptop story they said it was newsworthy but the timeless journalistic instinct of following a hot story lead was squelched in a meeting with colleagues as 1 of npr's most fair-minded journalists called it good we were in following the
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laptop story because it could help donald trump. even for a self-described educated 25 year npr employee that went too far. of course to nobody else there they don't seem to care their operation mirrors almost every other newsroom in america they aren't newsrooms for them biden's little more than a spineless brainless vessel was used to implement their radical vision for america they might even actually see joe biden's intellectual shortcomings in his cognitive decline is a positive thing because it makes it easier to control him in contrast they hate donald trump they aren't shy about it they hate the entire movement and more than anything else they have 0 influence over donald trump he deeply offends other virtuous sensibilities and represents a real threat to the bloated
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partisan bureaucracy known as the deep state he shatters allusion is iconoclastic in that way so no matter how spectacularly joe biden is failing as president he's going to get a free pass and favourable coverage all while donald trump is dragged through the mud in years but the latest example take a look. >> what do you think is the primary threat to freedom and democracy at home? >> president joe biden: donald trump. seriously using phrases like eviscerating the constitution is going to try to be a dictator on day 1. joe biden's line donald trump didn't say any of those things he also didn't direct his department of justice to persecute, and prosecute his political opponents that was joe biden the president of this country. joe biden is using america's system of justice as a political
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weapon the president is also likely defying a supreme court ruling on student loan forgiveness just prior to an election because he wants to buy votes before the courts have another chance to step in and stop him for a second time. he also partly directed the federal government with the help of big tech to censor social media posts they don't like the president also eliminated our south florida is not enforcing the laws of the country aiding and abetting in lawbreaking encouraging 10 million unbidden vetted joe biden illegal immigrants to the country many of whom break our laws many from her top geopolitical photos but donald trump is the threat to democracy i would say the threat at the border with people from iran and syria afghanistan and egypt in russia and china are probably a bigger threat to our democracy noticed the biased reporter didn't bring up any of
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these issues during the answer. just sat there in silence happily providing job item with a platform to smear trump outside of this network a few of america's abusively biased and corrupt reporters ever challenge joe biden or call them out for blatant lies and let them spend the entire 2020 election hiding in his basement and yesterday we got another big whopper take a look. >> i like other people in this audience was the first my family to go to college and watch my to struggle help me get there get all the kids there and it was an easy. joe biden was not the first 1 and his family to go to college his father attended a very prestigious john hopkins university in biden is even on tape bragged about his grandfather who played football at santa clara take a look. and it being great raised by a
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grandfather who went to santa clara back in the days when they didn't get much of a chance to go to college he was an all-american player there and he came back as a newspaper guy in the business side. the new york times brutalized biden over this very same lie but don't expect a similar level of journalism today. the fact checkers have taken a sabbatical the last 3 years as he lives with impunity lived about leaving americans behind in afghanistan lying about his own sun dying in iraq he lied about never meeting with his son or brother or anything about their foreign business deals and never had discussion with them he lied about his role in the civil light rights movement here lighted by getting arrested in south africa and his involvement with hunter's art in the border be enclosed in the border being secure he lied about inflation
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being transitory lying about his interview with the special counsel there lying about terms position on abortion he lies about ththe current national det and deficit going down and lied when he promised to support israel at america's closest ally in the middle east know in order to win back their radical left-wing voters running from him he has turned his back on israel putting his own blind political personal ambition above standing up against rivet radical islamic terrorists who attacked israel killing many taking others prisoner joe is now desperately trying to appease people like this he wants her vote take a look. >> gaza shown the entire world why these protests are so anti- america. it's the united states government that provides the funding for all the atrocities we just heard about.
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>> sean: the video chance of death to america and death to israel coming from michigan to very little coverage outside of this network and wasn't the first time we have heard calls for israel to be an eyelid from this group that medium doesn't want to be an issue pursuant biden is begging for their support they would never let the hatred for america get in the way of winning an election and beating donald trump anyway as they can so that medium will do whatever it takes to cover for joe biden and yet they claim to be journalists they are radical left-wing talk show hosts pretending to be journalists it's dishonest insulting and you the american people most of you watching this network no better we have a fox news contributor and former governor mike huckabee you've lived this mike
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joe you've covered this and don't think it's ever been this bad i predicted a long time ago in 2007 that journalism is dead i had no idea at the time how right it was. >> elvis presley is more alive than journalism is today and that's just an absolute fact it's long been gone and i thought this article as you alluded to earlier from the npr veteran of 25 years was stunning not in the revelation but in his admission of it coming out and saying what all of us have felt erie think the obvious question to that is is why the heck do these taxpayers vested diamond something that absolutely hates half the country and half the people helping to pay for the deficits we have in the
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incredible debt we have there are things we need to get rid of we can start their. >> do you see any network news network nbc fake news cnn new york times washington post they roll align politically by the end of this election cycle this will be the biggest campaign contribution in the history of presidential elections that sent you can't ask for more fawning coverage than what they give joe biden anmore and teacher of the coverage as they are obsessed with him every second of every minute of every day. >> you want to know how broken the media is to your point on msnbc their special guest they promoted the hell out of on social media was a guy phoning and from federal prison the
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comment on donald trump strauss to give his analysis on the deal you can't make it up and here's the telling part of the story and i've seen nothing on other news networks regarding this piece. we have a liberal who wrote the laptop was worthy hundred biden's laptop but the timeless journalistic instinct was being squelched so seven and a half years ago his election prompted the biggest chain reaction in the history of the industry many outlets regardless of acronym were announced any rules and norms of ethics in journalism and proceeded to bearhug publicly what many already talked about about being activist and the most insufferable and pious way possible in this posturing was confounded by the fact friends
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in the media all cheered each other on with retweets at the ultimate gold stars to those impossibly insecure and attention starved people and what this shows is they believed they are on the right side of history making their blind partisanship justified saving democracy they say from a man they believe who is worse than hitler, stalin mauser dong, darpa's eber and everybody else combined. >> and what did we learn this week we saw the biden campaign was furious and they what the media know it because they could wear covering donald trump to their liking on the issue of abortion they did in this case was layout would donald trump it said and that was of course how many in the media are ignoring death to america chance in michigan and i think this is grave importantly as the democrats and joe biden and their campaign they are scared
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to death 100,000 primary voters in michigan didn't vote for joe biden 18-point 9% of thosese vos went against him and 50,000 in wisconsin so joe biden would rather sell out our ally in israel in the wear against terror and the worst attack in their history he would have a better chance of winning michigan wisconsin and other states that in and of itself should be a massive story. >> it should be it's a crass political position to take when the lives of jewish people in israel are on the line and here's a come -- a country that most free democratic party in the world the only 1 in fact threatened with its very existence and doesn't seem to care its stunning here's the white house yelling at the press telling them the story they
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ought to be covering and when you watch a basketball game and the coach yells at the referee and suddenly the calls go differently. that's what we were watching right before our eyes streaming -- screaming at the striped shirts and they said take out the striped shirts put on a referee -- put on a jersey and cheer for the home team. >> sean: a great analogy. we appreciate it. now according to some reports my next guest he is the front runner to be donald trump's running mate to respond to that more is tim scott. senator i'm sure you heard about it and read about it i want to get your thoughts about it. >> there's no doubt we need 4 more years of donald trump and i will do whatever in my power to make sure we get 4 years donald trump trump it's the best outcome for all of america listening to your brilliant monologue reminds me of election
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engineering. all of these outlets has been an extension of the liberal elite trying to have election engineering trying to engineer and outcome. listen they have lost of their because they are losing their voters bottom line is we need to coalesce around donald trump so we get 4 more years of low inflation low unemployment and return to a fair equal america everybody deserves a chance to succeed you have to work for it in the liberal left they are losing their minds because they are losing their voters and thank god almighty donald trump is the backbone and tenacity to stand in the fire because if it's not him it will be me and it will be you. >> sean: we recently lost a
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friend in joe he was sort of like the canary in the coal mine vice presidential candidate for democrats in 2000 and the party from overboard yet to run as an independent to win back his seed in connecticut which he did so successfully what does it say about the democratic party today so radicalized either joe biden betrays israel as they were attacked and victims of terrors like we were in 911 that's the worst terror attack in their history hamas started it was unprovoked israel is rightly trying to win their war on terror and joe biden is putting a knife in their back trying to influence their elections and he's put his own political ambition about fighting terrorists because of pressure in his party what is that say
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about the the old party of guys like lieberman and jackson what is happened to the party that's so radicalized they've taken the side of radical terrorists over the right of the country to win a war against terrorists. >> he would be rolling over in his grave think about how this administration told israel october 7th the day of the attacks to standdown think about the fact is this administration that greenlighted billions of dollars 10 billion in november greenlighted more money to actually fund iranian proxies killing and targeting americans is this administration which is led daylight between the united states of america and the greatest ally in the middle east and israel i can think of a
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greater dereliction of duties save afghanistan where we lost 13 american soldiers somewhat we are watching now on display for every american to see 90% of americans agree standing shoulder to shoulder with ally israel we know pray for the peace of jerusalem and those who do will prosper this administration has lost its mind continued to prove we are not loyal to our allies and we can't be lethal to our adversaries. they continue to grow because this administration but so many handcuffs on benjamin netanyahu and israel of the work continues to drag on give them the resources and weaponry definitions this fight as quickly as possible that so you saves lives you don't save lives by turning your back on your
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greatest ally in the middle east based on the report have you had any conversation with president trump about potentially running as his vice president and if you were asked what would you say? >> there's no doubt president trump will make a good decision before the convention i have not had any specific conversation with the president i can tell you whatever it takes for president donald trump to have 4 more years whatever it takes to restore sanity in the streets of america, me and sean. your patriot as mi i love america i'm not possible in any other country on the planet except for the city on the hill that's america. >> sean: the shining city on the hill thank you. when we come back biden's ploy
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is to buy votes with your money being challenged by a number of states plus another batch of bad economic stories for joe biden. we break that down hang on to your wallet as we continue that's me!
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>> ♪ ♪ >> sean: according to joe biden and his biggest donors in the media mob your life is never been better the facts tell a different story a new survey shows small business confidence is at its lowest level in more than 11 years last month's many business owners citing biden inflation as a top concern while last week the media mob couldn't stop praising the new jobs report what they forgot to mention as they're going to
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foreign workers and over the past years 1.3 million foreign-born workers are hired as the number of workers is fallen by 700,000 by the way all those jobs they were screeching about last week they are now full-time jobs there part-time jobs. let not your heart be troubled to joe biden has a plan to fix the economic he himself created he wants to give away more free stuff just yesterday he unveiled a new plan to forgive even more student debt great plumbers ultra sins and carpenters everybody anti- up and pay for some sociology professor tenured at a liberal university biden announced he is also doling out other monies $6 billion to an arizona semiconductor factory but guess this the president
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there led a failed po solar company into bankruptcy after bringing half a billion dollars in loans from the obama administration and they never got the money back by the way we have the host on our sister network the foxbusiness channel. job creation numbers total bs good to know gas prices are on their way up joe depleted the strategic petroleum reserves and can't fill them up again inflation last month is up from a year ago 3-point 2% and mention small business model -- small business optimism at 11 year low i favorite story of the day 6.6 billion to the guy ran another company into the ground the cut federal money and i thought 500 million was a lot that he took from american taxpayers are wasted how is that possible.
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>> first of all thank you for having me on the show the economy is not as strong as some of these numbers suggest and the small business survey you cited was important inflation was up in that survey and economic activity was down on the jobs report half of the topline number was government jobs the topline was 300,000 in over 150,000 were government or government related jobs and the part-time workers i think there were plus 700,000 full-time workers are actually down it's all very strange and suggests as 1 banker suggested the other day or even yesterday things might not be quite as strong as they appear to be.
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>> sean: the economy peace and prosperity dry the elections you're the comments of david news ray donis tired of fighting bragging about the economy. i think is far more in touch with every day americans and the suffering they are going through what we read in the last 2 weeks. 50% top metro areas in the country it's cheaper to rent for them for people to own exactly getting more difficult to buy a home because no be wants to give up their 3% 30 year fixed rate mortgage and get a new home new home construction is come to a house -- halt gas prices are on the way up meaning every story go to goes up as well. >> we see higher energy prices get a cpi report tomorrow is hard to predict these things month-to-month but in all likelihood we will see a higher
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cpi and it should likely stay about the federal government's target probably running 3 and a half life and 4% target is 2% the last 3 or 4 or 5 months it's been trending up trending upward and down it's not as bad as it was 2 years ago but it's going in the wrong direction the biggest insult to middle-class working folks is the biden idea the cancel student loans and the interest on student loans which comes to about 500 billion dollars that's half a trillion dollars. 18 states are going to sue to stop them from doing this. he lost last year on the same issue basically congress never specifically mandated that the president has the authority to suspend these loans or interest expense and bear in mind you're
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talking about 30% cream of the crop going to colleges or graduate schools the benefit from these loans that leaves roughly 70% of taxpayers and working folks out there do not play in the student loan game and why should they have to finance a 500 billion-dollar bailout to the other 30% going to the elite private schools or the state schools it makes no sense at all and ironically the greatest irony of all the interest expense on these student loans was originally put in the finance obama care a bunch years ago yet the love it so they are doing away with all the sources of finance 1 more point sean this is what happens when the government runs things.
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the department of education has no expertise in banking or credit analysis and yet they preside over 1.7 trillion in student loans. they made these loans without any knowledge or credit worthiness whether the students or the parents or whatever this would obama did years ago and biden is trying to unwind this thing they need to take it out of the education department but into the treasury try to work it out so we can get something from this disaster and learn a lesson that private banks and private lenders should make loans not left-wing's bureaucrats in the education department so 70% of working folks left to pay for 30% that's bad politics i mean by a strain of by the election absolutely i'm just saying to you it's not going to work it's
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going to backfire people are going to see through it and the courts are gonna stop it. >> sean: and reinforces the idea democrats are the party of coastal elites looking out for those going to graduate school and expensive colleges at the expense of hard-working americans why should they have to pay they didn't sign their name for a loan didn't get the benefit of joe biden's free education in the serene court so they couldn't do it anyway. after run. big government socialism. abject failure. >> sean: new green deal is on. >> sean: raising crime all across the country we have it all on tape you will see the shocking footage as we continue
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(reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> sean: another day at another stream of brazen filing crimes look here screen look at this a person answer punches a 68-year-old woman right in the face. right in the face sending her down a set of stairs at a new york city church and he steals her car as she lays on the ground helpless meanwhile the new york post you allow this reporting an alleged gang member is roaming free despite racking up 9 specific arrests this year why because there new york city and woken of nobel laws and look at this according to police a group of armed robbers sussed shot a customer at a new york city bar before leaving with a gold chain and a thousand dollars in cash the problem is just isn't just a new york is
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according to a report car thefts surged to a record high intimate way 3 what's feeling the wave biden's border crisis isn't helping police are saying a group of illegal immigrant repeat offenders viciously attacked police officers during a bust for ransacking a new york city target while another was arrested for allegedly murdering and dismembering a man in california the ship sanctuary state of california your free action with the book about warren warriors a former senior trump advisor stephen miller look at these videos watch this woman going into church and she gets knocked down to the ground and the new york post today a gang banger with the latin kings got arrested 9 times you cut the
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crimes everything from intent to sell dangerous drugs grand larceny of cars possession of weapons allegations of domestic violence you get out they treat police officers i mean you got out of new york i got out of new york stephen miller was never dumb enough to be a new york who wants to stay in new york. >> and this is brought to you by the democratic party brought to you by regressive's they are not progressives they are regressive's ultimately siting on the side of criminals pursuing really radical policies that nobody wants but ultimately serves some sort of utopian future they think then if it's society it's just not trudeau here's the thing for legal citizens we do it to themselves you mentioned my new book the warren warriors the more book more important is the book
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previous to that battle to the american mind they've indoctrinated a generation of kids most these people are 17, 18, 21 years old coming out of education systems that told them they were the victims that they are entitled to turning society upside down they walk into a justice system that says you won't be held accountable as a juvenile you walk free if you commit a crime there's no consequence 7 or 8 or 9 times joined by illegals who see this foolish country come in and say i won't be held accountable if i come here illegally provide do something illegally all a consequence of left-wing policies ripping god out of our institutions and any rule of law leaving citizens fending for themselves in a dangerous way in cities like new york. >> of state your take on this in the illegal immigrant aspect of it i think the worst is yet to come because her top
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geopolitical photos tens of thousands from iran and syria china and russia egypt and afghanistan is gonna anybody going to make the case we don't have terror cells because of joe biden's open border policy 10 million illegal unvented biden immigrants allowing the country what you think is gonna happen as a result of this. i don't think it's hard to come to a conclusion here. >> we are at at risk of terrorism and foreign malevolence we've never seen before in the history of this country the risk is that acute set severe and terrifying because for free years we have had a unknown number of foreign agents with significant ties to espionage organizations foreign
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governments and foreign adversaries the democratic party opened the border and opened our jails and americans are caught up in the carnage you look at these videos law abiding americans beaten and robbed and getting murdered that's the responsibility of joe biden and the democrat party there warren police and border patrol and there warren the american citizen what americans need to understand going in to 2024 we use determined regressive as they dismantle civilization dismantling the structures of society tearing it all down if they do this another 4 years there won't be a country left us a you can have all your other policy agreements on taxes and regulations and any other issue that there won't be a country to save if we become a failed third world state that's where we are heading when you are not safe and you can't leave your home and security and as you hit
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effectively and well when you foreign terrorists entering the country in vast numbers you are looking at the actual fall of the civilization that's a grave and serious it is. >> sean: i give you less worthy of about 30 seconds but they are the party of radicals i don't care if it's abandoning israel because the base of the party literally hates our numbeg comfort to the terrorists who started the war against israel are advocating their role as securing the border allowing these unvented people into the country from her top geopolitical photos to me it is surreal how bad it is. the joe biden party is the party of hamas foreign criminal gangs the party of criminality in their own country the party of illegal immigration and take your pick.
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everything but america first everything but the taxpaying hard-working law-abiding citizen of the country as about time we change that. >> sean: thank you and straight ahead you will not believe the village adults in illinois remember the mayor there they hired somebody to investigate the alleged corruption we explain and get reaction. an interesting take as we continue. form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me! men tell us when they use just for men® to eliminate gray, there's a great “before and after”. then, there's the 'after the after' — that boost you get when you look and feel your best. and that's why more men choose just for men®.
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after a chaotic town hall meeting in dalton illinois where residents demanded the controversial mayor resign over alleged corruption the village
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board voted to bring a special investigator this investigator and other than ousted chicago mayor lori lightfoot. as he said there she's at a controversial career of her own as they are looking into the alleged misconduct and mismanagement in a statement saying her prior experience in chicago would help her handle the investigation without bias. reaction is the project 21 chairman maurice cooper. so she did nothing to stop the violence in chicago 1 of the worst mayors in that city's history which is saying a lot now she's gonna look into the corruption of this mayor where the average citizen makes what 24 grand a year and lives a very extravagant life is mayor good luck with.
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>> it brings to mind the adage it takes 1 to no 1. apparently if you're going to find out who is the absolute worst to mayor today yet to pick from 1 of the worst mayors yesterday so that she knows what she's looking for. now in addition to the corruption alleged in this township there is also the mismanagement the danger occurring because the mayor is allegedly redirecting law enforcement authorities way from protecting people and property towards trying to target folks who either don't supporter or haven't donated to her we are looking at a sad and pathetic
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situation the people in this township deserves so much more i don't understand why the governor of illinois has impersonally named an investigator to make sure we find out about the corruption going on and take this crown away from the worst of mayor in america that we can see right now i'm putting this aside seems like politicians in every level local and federal whatever area you like a seams they forgotten their job is to be public servants have always said that term limits is a bad idea but it's a bad idea whose time has come i would rather live in a society where people would choose wisely but too often people are not choosing wisely they would think if you limited the term we might be better able
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to appeal to their better angels they might do right for their constituents and serve them rather than looking towards reelection. thoughts? >> i would tell you this. pick which 1 you want to be right as servant to the people or an instagram model you can't be both. when we see this compensation. >> i think i want to be a model. [ laughter ] >> only see compensation higher than almost all the governors in the country and we see the poverty these people experience i asked for the governor to appoint a real investigator to find out what's going on here. lightfoot is not the answer. >> sean: no, and if anything it would make things worse. when we come back you will love
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just $19.95. >> ♪ ♪ >> sean: some radical leftists remind us they have no earthly idea what the hell they are talking about. like esteem to yale graduate sheila jackson who said the moon was made out of gas despite having sat on the house science and space committees take a look. >> you need to take the opportunity to see a full moon is a complete rounded circle made up mostly of gasses. >> sean: astronauts who landed on the moon landed on gasses she claims she obviously misspoke
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than there's the hard hitting new show the view who tied of the solar eclipse the climate change. can't make this up. >> a solar eclipse ran down the hallway and also i learned that cicadas are coming all those together lead 1 to believe either climate change exists or something is wrong. >> sean: climate change. that's all the time we have left this evening thank you for being with us set your dvr so they never miss an episode of entity. a greg gutfeld is standing by to put a smile in your face have a good night. [ cheers and applause ] >> ♪ ♪
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