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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 10, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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are sticking to it. there's also this, joe, that we want to talk to you about "u.s.a. today." being accusing of changing headline about trump's abortion stance after the white house complained about it. original headline said the will of the people, trump opposes national abortion ban says states should decide after the criticism, the headline was updated donald trump says states should decide abortion policy, avoids talk on a national ban. man o man 10 seconds remaining, joe, what's your reaction to this i'm sorry, joe we ran out of time. >> a little tribute to share about u.s. today they didn't endorse,. >> carley: we're sorry we will get more reaction from you tomorrow. have great day. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> steve: thank you very much, carley and todd. it is exactly 6:00 here in new york city. it is wednesday, april 10th,
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2024, and this is "fox & friends." >> new details this morning behind the anti-israeli activist that chanted death to america. his long history of violent rhetoric. >> genocide joe that has to go, it's the entire system that has to go. >> ainsley: plus, biden-harris double down with scare tactics on the threat to democracy. >> constitutes the primary threat to freedom and democracy at home. >> donald trump. >> there is no. [laughter] >> dog whistle, it is like a gigantic bark. >> lawrence: unbelievable. and losing the trust of the american people. npr editor blasts his own organization of extreme bias. >> steve: that's right. more on that. "fox & friends" starts right now. remember, folks, mornings are better with friends.
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♪ >> brian: all right, the white house responding to a video from pro-palestinian protests in michigan with violent anti-american rhetoric. >> ainsley: lucas tomlinson joins us from washington with the latest. >> good morning guys. not the first time anti-israel activists led crowd chants to israel and death to america right here in the united states united states. in dearborn held during event held american revolution 1979. occupation of east jerusalem. >> malcolm x said, and i quote: we live in one of the rottenness country. it's not genocide joe that has to go. it's the entire system that has to go. any system that would allow such atrocities and devilry to happen and support it. such a system does not deserve to exist on god's earth. >> not just members of the squad
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michigan's governor who are silent but president biden, too. our own jacqui heinrich at the white house asked when the president would condemn these remarks. >> would you expect to see anything from the president though? it was a pretty significant display. >> i mean, you're hearing from me. i think that's important. the other part, too. that i do want to be very clear about, peaceful protest is something that the president has also been very, very clear that is important to give folks space to peacefully protest but any type of violent rhetoric, we are going to denounce. >> after biden's call israel's prime minister, he spoke publicly about his demands for the first time. >> i think what is he doing is a mistake. i don't agree with his -- i think it's outrageous that those first three vehicles were hit by drones and taken out. what i'm calling for is the israelis to just call for cease-fire, allow for the next six to eight weeks total access
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to all food and medicine going into the country. >> critics of the president say if biden was to model himself after fdr should take a page from his book and call for total victory against hamas the same way fourfdr surrender from nazi. >> steve: thank you very much. that guy who made those comments we played yesterday. it was friday in dearborn. he does have a history of violent rhetoric. a difference between violence and violent rhetoric. this guy has a ton of it. in 2021 he said blood must be spilled. martyrdom must be sought after. he also said he told a crowd if the fbi comes to your door, tell them to go to hell. and at one point he said that it would be an honor to be on the terror watch list. >> brian: hopefully he is on it. hopefully is he experiencing that honor. but it is just unbelievable took a question to kjp by jacqui
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heinrich in order to condemn what is going none michigan. they are so concerned about losing dearborn the last thing they want to do is call out somebody who clearly is anti-american, has no business being here. and obviously, i hope he is on every terrorist watch list. if something happened, it's probably coming from people in the audience who want to see him or been here before. a time in america we would never let this go after 9/11. now we are afraid to call it out. >> ainsley: not only is he anti-semitic he doesn't like america. yet, he is still here. his name is tareq bazzi. michigan based activist. he said on a separate video placed on facebook 2021 understand what these mean richer to the sea the absolute annihilation of the zionist are a ream. zionistregime. congresswoman rashida tlaib and the governor of michigan gretchen whitmer we reached out to them, fox digital did,
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silence. they haven't said anything about this. >> lawrence: why? are you guys afraid of them or do you all agree with them? is it the pro-hamas wing that y'all are afraid that the vote that you guys are going to lose their vote? i mean, i remember being condemned by members that watch media shows that are upset because i called them pro-jihadists. and i have been going to these protests in the past and they were saying the same thing that this guy was saying in this individual know. and the yes -- greg gutfeld did a great little monologue on "the five" about this a couple days ago. essentially little gazas forming around the country, not just the college campuses. it's in the middle of the street every single day you got some pro-hamas event shutting down traffic and brian is right. why aren't they on watch lists. >> brian: they might be. i hope so. >> lawrence: are we questioning these people? >> ainsley: what's scary what is
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the next step. need to investigate to make sure they aren't planning anything. >> brian: isn't president biden playing into it by condemning israel yesterday as he whispers to univision i guess they were next to a library or someone was studying or sleeping. he came out, basically president biden came out and condemned israel without putting into context why they are in gaza to begin with. also, we have the best military in the world. most precise with the best intelligence. we have made mistakes. we have killed innocent people by mistake. we identified the wrong car or the wrong implementer of an ied and killed a guy with a water jug. putting a water jug into his hatchback and we said that he was part of the bombing at answer gate. abbygate. that's not what allies do. you can talk about needing to get aid in but only qualify it with the only reason why israelis are there and the idf is operating is because of hamas. that they hide in underneath the ground and let the palestinians
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be human shields. >> steve: indeed. all right. more on this as we get it. in the meantime, yesterday, we and -- and we just saw a little snippet of joe biden. he actually sat down for an interview. ainsley pointed out i can see his cheek guard right there. he had at least one in his hand. sat down with univision. it was wide ranging throughout the morning we will talk about what he said about israel. peter doocy is going to be with us in about 55 minutes to talk about what he said regarding the border. but, here's -- we have put a couple of soundbites back to back. because he was on univision. and the vice president was on a podcast. >> and it's interesting. it's a podcast called i've had it with a couple of women by the name of jennifer welch and angie sullivan. and we're going to run them back to back because there is a thread to it, and that is going forward and we have been talking about this for months and now we see it graphically, joe biden wants approach to winning the
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white house is to remind people that donald trump is a detectie to democracy. watch. >> what in your view constitutes the primary threat to freedom and democracy at home? >> donald trump seriously. donald trump talking uses phrases like eviscerate the constitution. is he going to be a dictator on day one. >> had it or hit it, donald trump totally had it. and right now donald trump is telling us that he wants to be a dictator. [laughter] >> there is no dog whistle, it is like a gigantic bark. >> i don't think it's hypobole throik say this genuinely could be the last democratic election we ever have. >> you're right. democracy extraordinarily fragile. >> yeah. >> it's only as strong as our willingness to fight for it. >> lawrence: just love how they are talking about threat to democracy while unleashing the court system on their political
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opponent. it's not fair. you see the donald trump law now when it comes to reavment other real estate companies have done the same thing yet they go after the former president. federal justice went after him the other day saying you guys held peter navarro under contempt of court because he didn't listen to a subpoena. yet, you guys are dog the same thing, requesting the same thing, and you guys don't go to jail in the praying grandma, whether you agree or disagree with her, you have chants in the capital every single day. people obstructing hearings every single day. a 70-year-old is going to prison because she was praying in the capitol. you don't ghetto target people just because you disagree with their belief system. yeah, you can say that person is a bad person. i don't like that person. but to unleash the court system on all of these republicans when democrats are doing the same thing? that's a threat to democracy. >> brian: they did a poll and they said the threat to democracy is not effective going after donald trump. people aren't listening to it. that's not the one that's going to land if you are looking to do it. plus, talking about him being a dictator one day sarcastic
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comment to sean hannity town hall dictator one day when i shut down the border and then go back to normal. scrask comment that should be played. if you have to make an attack plan on donald trump up, that shows how desperate you are. nobody thinks is he going to be a dictator on day one there are systems in place. in fact, it wasn't donald trump that defied the supreme court and started forgiving loans randomly when it comes to student loans. and the other thing that joe biden was doing yesterday was making it clear that donald trump also wants an abortion ban which he also backed up the other day and says i don't want an abortion ban. i want to return to the states. >> steve: arizona didn't help him yesterday. >> ainsley: i noticed the notepad that he had in his hand with his notes on it. and then also you can barely understand what he is saying. he slurs his words. he talks very softly. he goes back to january 6th, the threat to democracy. and we have heard on this network from different commentators say is that what you are talking about at the kitchen table? no. yesterday, i had someone talk to
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me about israel and what happened on october 7th. that was her biggest issue. she has now become a republican because of that issue. she was always a lifelong democrat here in new york. people are talking about the economy. they are not talking about january 6th anymore. >> steve: they aren't. but, if you noticed, in the podcast that she was on, those podcast herbs, you know, they are not a news outfit but they perfectly set up her -- kamala harris' talking point. they said this could be the last democratic elections we ever have. and then of course the vice president responded. now, there is a difference between podcasters, opinion people. and actual news outfits. like fox news. you know, we do fair and balanced. we do both sides. we tell you the story. people have opinions. however, npr also just like us, they have got opinion people. they have got news people. well, as it turns out. somebody who has been at npr for 25 years, a fellow by the name of uri berliner, an award-winning senior business editor there, who is still
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working there, yesterday, he published on the free press an op-ed that essentially lays bear what's going on at npr. he is a whistleblower, essentially. and what he has -- is saying is there's no political diversity. it's not balanced. he looked at npr's voter registration in the d.c. office. there are 87 registered democrats and not one republican. and essentially what he said is whatever npr could do to hurt donald trump's presidency, they did. >> brian: here he is, speaking to bari weiss. >> at one point i got so frustrated with what i saw was this -- the lack of different perspectives in our conch that i decided to look at voter registration among our staff. and what i found is 87 registered democrats on our editorial staff, zero
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republicans. i presented this at a all hands or large news meeting and i said hey, look, somethingens gone wrong here. >> brian: he talked about how adam schiff was their weather vane when it comes to the wash hoax and never qualified about it collusion. pandemic, vaccines some of the statements of anthony fauci no pushback at all things like the lab leak that that we now know legitimately real and most likely happened. we know the laptop was real and newsworthy. someone actually said going to help donald trump if we bring that forward all of our talking points he pointed out we have a reason to have them and outrage baffled by the lack of diversity and thought at npr and elsewhere. >> ainsley: he said, brian, they
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turned a blind eye to the laptop story. they interviewed in russia collusion adam schiff 25 times. then when the muller report came out said there was no collusion, that story conveniently went away. he talked about how they have always had a liberal bent he said. but they w nerdy. they were not knee jerk or activist or scolding. so much has changed. when we were younger i would listen to it occasionally. >> steve: i worked at npr station. >> ainsley: did you? >> steve: yeah. >> ainsley: i knew they had a bent. some of the theories were so fascinating. slogan was consider all things. >> steve: all things considered. >> ainsley: npr's audience tilted a bit to the left but style bore resemblance to america. back then in 2011. 26% of the listeners were conservative. 23 mr. middle of the road and 37 were liberal. last year or two years ago in 2023 he said it was completely different. only 11% were considered -- steve. >> lawrence: the problem is they have a problem with half of the country. they feel like they are degenerates. they don't like the perspectives
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that's all fine if you have that perspective. but then don't take half the money from the people in the country. >> brian: colleagues are upset by that they are responding heatedly alfonso senior editor wholeheartedly reject conch of the israeli hamas conflict journalists like their peers periodically put themselves at risk. the problem is we have the evidence, which your product. your product totally backs what he has been saying and we have been noticing. it wasn't just there. msnbc they just let ronna mcdaniel oh, she does not have our point of view, let's rise up and toss her out. and that's the same thing this guy is saying about npr. >> they don't have any republicans ira was on another channel. he said is he not surpriseside by management's response. essentially we disagree with him because those are the same managers who he was complaining about. he also said he has gotten a lot of colleagues who support him who said i agree with you,
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confidentially. >> lawrence: that's right, they won't do it publicly. >> steve: when i worked at the npr station at the university of kansas back when i was in college, there was no litmus test about your politics or anything like that. it was a classical radio station and they were simply looking for somebody who could spell chase . >> >> grandfather -- i never knew who tuscan neony was. we had his glasses when he passed away. he wouldn't do the wrap arend pinch the nose. >> steve: when he died he didn't have his glasses? >> brian: right. his family gave us his glasses. so what happens is when he was a conductor obviously and throw his head around and his hair was all crazy. he didn't want to wrap it around his ears so he had to pinch his
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nose. grandfather to place it on his nose. if they flew off he would sit there and literally sweat it out in the audience and hope that the glasses didn't fly off because it would have been on him. ainsley: how was he connected to your grandfather? >> brian: he went to my grandfather for glasses he was optometrist on 59th street. >> lawrence: he has the most impressive background. >> steve: it's true. >> ainsley: i have never heard that story. >> brian: sixth grade played ben franklin i used his glasses. >> lawrence: you couldn't just stop there. >> brian: i wanted to tell you i was blinded but i looked good. ben franklin very similar to tuscan any ninny more later with todd piro. >> ainsley: historic ruling the parents of michigan school shooter ethan crumbley has been sentenced to a minimum of 10 years behind bars just weeks after being convicted of involuntary manslaughter. >> lawrence: todd piro has the details. >> todd: what precedent does this send throughout the nation.
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ethan crumbley's parents held criminally responsible for the massacre by their child. each sentenced to 10 to 15 years in prison. found them guilty of four counts of involuntary manslaughter in connection with the shooting at oxford high school in november 2021. four students were killed in the shooting. seven others hurt. the victims' families speaking at the hearing. >> this tragedy has taken a -- an incredible toll on our family. >> i request that the maximum sentence be enforced as it will never come close to the life sentence i was given. >> we are coming up on two and a half years now, and i can assure you that the wounds are still as fresh as they were on that tragic day. >> i am forever denied the chance to hold her or her future children in my arms. >> both crumbleys expressing remorse for their son's actions. >> please know that i truly am very sorry. i'm sorry for your loss as a result of what my son did.
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>> i stand here today not ask for your forgiveness because i know it may be beyond reach but to express my sinceriest position for the pain my son caused. >> four counts of first degree murder and 19 other charges. is he currently serving a life sentence without parole. james and jennifer crumbly have already been imprisoned for over two years. back over to you. >> lawrence: i'm so glad this is happening. they law officered at their son when he was begging them for help. no doubt is he a monster, but he has monster parents as well. can you imagine your kid saying i'm going through these mental -- i feel like i want to kill people and just blowing it off. >> brian: he asked for help. >> lawrence: and they did nothing. >> steve: there were signs right up to the day of the shooting. >> todd: this does beg the question what is the stark for steark for allkids coming out o. >> if your child is begging for
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help. >> steve: wasn't a conviction for poor parenting but how repeatedly they ignored warning signs that a reasonable person would have seen. parents should see this and then do something about it. >> lawrence: i still do think there needs to be the parents definitely need to be held accountable. some review of the school as well. they knew stuff was happening. to send someone back into the classroom makes zero sense to me. i think there is some culpability there. i don't know if it's criminally but we need to review that. >> brian: what about if a therapist decides well, this kid is dangerous and i'm worried about him and puts it in his notes and kid goes and kills. will the therapist be up on charges? where does it stop? >> ainsley: right. >> lawrence: legally if a therapist is told someone is going to commit an act of violence they have to report it. >> brian: a priest, too, if they get it in confession does the priest go forward? >> ainsley: opens up a whole nother can of worms, another
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issue. turning to more headlines starting with this fox news alert. dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas impeachment proceedings are delayed. house republicans were going to transfer articles of impeachment to the senate today, but, now say that they are going to do it next week after democrats threatened to shut down a trial as quickly as possible. house and senate lawmakers will both get a chance to question mayorkas today as he appears on capitol hill to ask for more money for his department. five migrant repeat offenders are arrested after they have attacked police officers who were trying to stop them from stealing from a target store. police say two of the suspects wrestled and slapped officers sending one of them to the hospital. four of the five migrants were released without bail. their rap sheets include assault, grand larceny, robbery, and criminal trespassing. nnew york police officers catching a serial subway robber attempting to run off with a woman's bag it. happened on saturday when an
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officer patrolling the subway saw the suspect run out of a car, closely followed by a woman. authorities say the suspect is well-known to the nypd and was taken into custody. the purse was returned to the rightful owner. wild video shows an electric bike bursting into flames at a train station in london, england. thankfully no one was injured. officials are ordering businesses to have adequate safety measures in place to prevent any tragic consequences. the fire brigade is also warning users to purchase bikes from reprreputable sellers. electric bikes and scooters. these fires are considers fastest growing fire risk in london now with 40 already reported this year. we have those here? i haven't heard about them. and scientists are now discovering dogs were not always man's best friend. our ancestors might have kept foxes as pets. archaeologists finding bones of an extinct species of fox buried
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in a human grave dating back 15 years in argentina. d.n.a. audience the fox ate with humans and considered a high valued companion. this adds a brand new meaning to "fox & friends." aren't they cute? >> brian: it does. how do you catch them? >> steve: they didn't have to. they were our buddy. come here. >> brian: and then go eat a rabbit. president biden preparing to meet with world leaders amid dire warnings about china. >> front and center is china, the defining threat of our generation. >> ainsley: but, is it being taken seriously? morgan ortagus is next.
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desis hization of a human body. brenner is a suspected squatter living near a trailer near dylan's property. arrested in june of 202 arrested for having a gun as a felon, the utah medical examiner is working to confirm the body's identity. sad one. over to you, carley. >> carley: all right, more news to get to here, lawrence. the owner of a million dollars home set on fire by squatters last year is pleading for help saying, quote: the squatters have more rights than the homeowners how much more can die? i need help. started after a group of contract workers started working on the house. he has repeatedly tried to renovate the home but says the squatters, quote: keep coming back. a washington school being accused of violating the first amendment after denying a request to start an interfaith prayer club. this comes just a week after the school reportedly approved a
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student pride club. attorneys for the first liberty institute says school officials are, quote: engaging in religious discrimination against an 11-year-old girl who simply wants to pray. fox has reached out to the school for a statement but have not yet heard back. those are your headlines. brian, over to you. >> brian: let's talk about what is happening in china. president biden is set to meet with leaders of japan and the philippines. both feel threatened by china. now, tomorrow, that will take place as the nation's weigh the rising threat of china in the pacific and beyond. a fbi director christopher wray reiterated is all too real. >> front and center is china, the defining threat of our generation. poised to attack whenever beijing decides the time is right. say when the prc decides to invade taiwan and the chinese government wants to cripple our military response. >> brian: former state department spokesperson morgan ortagus is in taiwan talking about readiness for such an
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invasion. morgan, they wrote a check for a huge arms shipment. have they gotten it yet? >> no, taiwan, i mean, they are receiving a lot of u.s. assistance, especially security assistance, but, brian, that's what i have heard in all of these meetings. we met with the current president. president xie, there will be inauguration in a few weeks here in taiwan of a new administration. same political party. but they desperately want more u.s. weapons and they want them quicker. >> brian: true. so rigight now, the mood in tain is, what? >> there is a sense of urgency that did i not feel the last time i was here which was about six years ago on my first visit to taiwan. i can tell you this is a -- this is the front lines of chinese aggression. taiwan is on the first island chain. and if there were to be, you know, god forbid any sort of military incursion, it could likely be over taiwan, perhaps maybe over the second.
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this is really a david and goliath fight. have you this behemoth in the chinese moo communist party, you have taiwan a free and open democracy, which is the united states like eighth or ninth largest trading partner. they are innovative. they have a fantastic economy. their g.d.p. has grown by 40% in the last five or six years. so, this is a dynamic democracy. this is a thriving democracy. and they are, of course, being overshadowed by the chinese communist party who threatens them economically, diplomatically, and militarily on a daily basis. >> brian: what really concerns me and i know you is that christopher wray says one thing about the dangers of china and every aspect from our border to international to possible terror. and we don't get the same reaction from this government. just an outstretched hand. here's a little bit about joe biden on china. >> >> guy who runs a country that
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is communist country based upon former government totally different than ours. >> i made it clear to china what we're going to do. it's not a -- >> are you willing to get involved militarily to defend taiwan if it comes to that? >> yes. >> you are? >> that's the commitment we made. >> we don't get moving, they are going to eat our lunch. o. >> brian: right, that was during the pandemic. his whole administration pushed back against that. we know yesterday they reaffirmed their relationship and deeper ties with russia to push back on any american led alliance. morgan? >> yeah. i mean, listen, the threat of these autocratic powers around the world of china and russia, north korea and iran teaming up, it's no longer a threat. it's an action. and i think what we're missing from president biden is what we heard during the reagan years whenever president reagan was leading us during the cold war. and that, brian, was moral clarity. president reagan did not
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hesitate to call evil for what it was. and we have to be very clear eyed in what we are dealing with in the chinese communist party. this is the leader you are seeing on the screen jinping declared by president trump, declared by mike pompeo in the last administration. as fbi director said yesterday, they are hacking us on a daily basis. our businesses, our infrastructure, we may not think that we are at war with china, but in space, in cyberspace, and so many ways china has already decided that they are at war with us. they are the ones decoupling with us. meanwhile you have american ceos and investment heads spending time you know giving xi jinping stand ovations and clapping for him when he is in the united states or taking business delegations over there. we have to recognize the threat that the chinese communist party is not only to taiwan where i am sitting right now, but what it is to the united states as i
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totally agree with the fbi director that this is the defining issues of our generation. president biden needs to speak with the same moral clarity. >> brian: right. >> that president reagan had during the cold war and finally. >> brian: real quick we are up against a break. >> president biden and his team have not learned the lessons from their failures in russia and ukraine their failures in afghanistan, their failures on october 7th. they haven't. >> brian: thank you very much. we will have to end in a moment also tiktok. back in a moment. i have active psoriatic arthritis. but with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, count me in. along with clearer skin, skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement. and that means everything! ask your doctor about skyrizi today.
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(reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'. >> ainsley: in an historic ruling parents of michigan school shooter ethan crumbley will serve a minimum of 10 years behind bars. and are the first parents in the united states history to be convicted for their role in their child's mass shooting. we heard from the families of the victims, 16-year-old tate near, 14-year-old hanna saint
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julianna, 17-year-old madison baldwin, and 17-year-old justin shilling. >> this tragedy has taken a incredible toll on our family coming up on two and a half years and can i assure you the wounds are as fresh as they were on that tragic day. >> hold her or her future children in our homes. >> ainsley: greg scott survived the columbine high school shooting in 1999 but lost his sister rachel on that very day and he joins us now thank you for having me. >> i know this takes you and your family back. what is your opinion on this ruling. >> this is a dangerous precedent. i got speak oxford and their community is a wonderful
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community it removes the responsibility out of the hands of this teenager. i speak at a lot of schools across this country and deal with emotional resilience, try effect cultures of schools and students lives inspiring kindness and resilience. and i think this is a bad and dangerous precedent to take the blame of a blame of a teenager who knew what he was cooking was wrong. he had a dark motivation for wanting to be infamous and now they are giving 10 to 15 years to the parents. and it's, i think it's just a dangerous precedent. >> ainsley: the text messages between this young man and his parents. parents as they said in court ignored a lot of these signs. don't you think though this will get parents' attention and when their children are crying for help they will listen? >> i think that's part of the motivation probably from the court is to set, you know, this
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precedent. again, it takes the responsibility out this teenager admitted in court that he lied a lot. that he was lying so he was lying, he was lying to, you know, everyone around him ultimately it was his decision that he was making, and he knew what he was doing was wrong. and so, yes, i think it will make parents more cautious, more -- but there is all kinds of people that could be opened up to being attacked for someone else's decisions and he knew -- he nigh knew. even at 15 years old he knew what he was doing was wrong. >> ainsley: you know, craig, i remember the columbine shooting i was in college. this was the first school shooting here in america. we have seen so many more after that. were there any signs the parents of the two guys that killed your sister erik harris and dillon
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klebold, were there any science their parents could have seen? >> there were signs there are always hindsight is 2020. when we look back. and but the mother of one of the shooters is now friends with my family, with my mother. and she was a special education teacher, a wonderful person and she had no idea. she saw the depression. she saw the mental health issues. she saw the volatile anger issues but she could have never predicted what her son was going to do just in the case with these two parents. of course if they had any indication that their son was going to do a shooting they would have never gotten him a gun all of these issues that have come up and so it's hindsight is 2020 i understand the pain of the families. i spent time with that community but what this is doing going forward we need to be very
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careful. this needs to be a very unique case if anything. >> ainsley: god bless your family, rachel really made a mark of so many people's lives. she was such a beautiful young christian family i remember when michael w. smith was there at the funeral. there was her picture she would have been, what, 42 years old now. >> she would have been 42 and she was in the last moments of her life she was questioned abouter had faith and she stepped out of her way and a lot of -- in a lot of ways and kindness and compassion and share her story across the country to schools to students and become a role model to millions and millions. >> ainsley: yes, she has. >> thank you for that compliment. >> ainsley: you're welcome. thank you for your organization. i know you are trying to prevent this across our country. god bless you and your family. >> thank you. >> ainsley: you're welcome. more "fox & friends" coming up. more "fox & friends" coming up. ♪ i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis.
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>> steve: all right. let's talk politics. this morning president biden's political strategy called into question from his own former chief of staff and long time confidante. at an event last night ron klain reportedly calling out his former boss saying, quote: i think the president is out there too much talking about bridges. he does two or three events a week, infrastructure events where is he cutting a ribbon on a bridge; however, if you go to
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the grocery store, you go to the grocery store and you know eggs and milk are expensive. the fact that there is a blank bridge is not -- couldn't understand the other part. we did hear the dirty word, however. here with reaction is fox host of varney and company over on business channel, stuart varney. what do you make ron klain is right. is he spending too much time talking about bridges and not enough time talking about bread and butter. >> okay. turn this around. what does joe biden have to run on that would be positive with the voters? the economy? probably not. polls suggest a lot of people are not happy with this economy. inflation, hold on a minute. it's still going up. we're going to get numbers at 8:30 this morning that suggests it is still going up at the consumer level. grocery store prices are still up there. they have not come down. they are still up there. and people face that every time they go to the grocery store. he can't run on inflation. he can't run on the border. he is a total mess. you can blame trump for it.
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but that's not going to fly. are you going to talk about israel? your stand on israel you? can't do that. the party is totally split. the president can't even respond to the guy who says death to america in america. so what's he going to run on? i will tell you what, he is going to run on trump hatred. is he going to portray trump as a tyrant. that's his talking point. it works. >> steve: univision saying donald trump is a threat to democracy. just the fact that ron klain decades blowing up the campaign. you are doing the wrong thing, fix it. >> i would like to be a fly on the wall in discussions where the campaign should go. they are totally split. they have not done very well so far and don't know where they are going. that's my opinion. >> steve: meanwhile a jaw dropping number that popped up. seems like more and more people are taking part-time jobs. the number of part-time jobs up from february to march, went up
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691,000. full time jobs went down 6,000. what's going on, stuart? >> i think people are scrambling to make ends meet. they need that second job, the part-time job. now, maybe some people got used to during the pandemic, they were at home, they got nothing to do. part of the day so maybe go out and find something else. >> steve: i'm going to be an uber driver. >> right. i think it's financial insecurity. it's that inflation that's moved up so much. people are having a hard time making ends meet. i'm talking about the bottom 20% of income earners, they're the ones real pressure. those are natural born democrat voters, they used to be, but they are not now. >> steve: and if they are democrats, they might not vote for joe biden in november because they're doing their uber job. >> especially in michigan and minnesota. that's another story entirely. yeah, the part-time jobs are very interesting phenomena in this economy. i think it's because of inflation. >> steve: check out stu's show over on fox business.
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he kicks things off at 9:00 a.m. >> stuart: thanks, steve. >> steve: brian, talk about augusta. >> i got to comment stuart has never looked more handsome and i think you agree with me. tiger woods returning to the masters tomorrow and he's confident he can overcome his injuries at his age and win green jacket number six. >> i still think i can. i don't know when that day is, when that day comes, but i still think that i can. i haven't got to that point where i don't think i can't. >> brian: five masters titles and. the wwe is desperate to get jason kelce take part at future events after electric appearance over the weekend. this time alongside brother travis. the source tells "the daily mail" the kelces doesn't appear interested and travis still has a job. quick look at what is happening in sports. now time to tell you and brag a little bit coming up shortly
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>> ainsley: it is 7:00 a.m. right here on the east coast, it's wednesday, april 10th. this is "fox & friends." president biden once again claims he can't do anything to fix the border crisis. >> there's no quarantine that i have that power all by myself withou


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