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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 10, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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that it is decided as far away from the election as possible. >> neil: there could be a convention. >> that is one of the unprecedented things we don't know about. what would a conviction due to the presidency, future presidents? and what would it do to a race? the other unprecedented then, this is the first trial of a candidate from one of the two major parties for president during the campaign. we don't really know what's going to happen to president trump's support. so far the trials have been good for him but this could be bad for him. >> neil: got it. john, thank you very much and thank you for letting me cheat off of you. john yoo, one of the best. "the five" now. ♪ ♪ >> greg: that's the problem with men. all right, i'm greg gutfeld along with judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, jesse watters, and security has to make sure she is not stolen by hawks, dana perino. "the five." ♪ ♪
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donald trump and joe biden are battling over who gets the nuke codes, but the two candidates are already going nuclear on one another. president biden launching this preemptive strike. >> what come in your view, constitutes a primary threat to freedom and democracy at home? >> donald trump. seriously. donald trump uses phrases like "going to eviscerate the constitution," going to be a dictator on day one, i cannot think of any other time in my lifetime, in history, where you have at somebody who has had this kind of attitude. >> greg: kamala is backing up joe's fear flex. >> had it or hate it, donald trump. >> totally had it. >> had it? >> had it over and over and over again. there is so much at stake in the selection. i don't think it is hyperbolic to say this generally could be
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the last democratic election we ever have. >> you are right. >> greg: did she just asked kamala if she would sleep with trump? had it or hate it? trump is not letting those attacks slide. the former president down in georgia where he got a hero's welcome at chick-fil-a in atlanta and ordered 30 milk shakes for customers who apparently are not lactose intolerant like me. he unleashed the whole arsenal on the biden regime. >> we are a nation in decline. biden is the worst president in the history of our country. he is corrupt and he is incompetent. can't put two sentences together. and i think we're going to have a tremendous victory. i predict that november 5th will go down as the most important day in the history of our country. he's done more damage than the ten worst presidents in the history of our country. there has never been anybody that has damaged our country like crooked joe biden.
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>> greg: had it or hit it? apparently donald trump is no willie brown. dana. they don't think it's hyperbolic to say this genuinely could be the last democratic election we ever have. maybe it's me because i was an english major but isn't that the definition of hyperbolic? >> dana: i think you are right. the next time we play our d block game coming up, folks, deep tease, i will have you as my partner. they have been talking about protecting democracy for a long time, and they have been saying all of this about donald trump, and i am assuming they did that, one, because they believe it, and also because it probably pulls well for them for their base, which they still need to lock up, but the problem is right now they have squeezed all of the out of that lemon and president trump that he donald trump and joe biden are tied on who will protect democracy so i don't know how
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much more they are going to do on that one. the other point is you have this really weird dynamic with biden where in the days leading up to the state of the union, there were leaks from his administration that he was going to issue some executive orders on immigration in order to get the board under control. then the night before the state of the union they said, actually, no, he is not doing that, and it is because the republicans didn't pass the bill. what did we find four weeks later? now were back to he is likely possibly may be going to do this executive order because he realizes how bad it is. that's how you get to a 70% disapproval on the border. my last point is it's the economy, stupid, and when you have an inflation report like the one you had this morning, you will get to inflation, economy, are you better off today than you were four years ago on the cost of your groceries, the cars, the gas, all of that, that's what this election is going to come down to. >> greg: i think you really hit it. [laughter]
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jesse, i'd love to go to some sound on tape. >> jesse: please. >> greg: that i will come to you after that. lets roll that glass. >> we are examining whether or not i have that power. there is no guarantee that i have that power all by myself, without legislation. and some suggest i should just go ahead and try it, and if i get shot down by the court i get shut down by the court, but we are trying to work through that right now. >> greg: jesse, this is an amazing comparison between a leader and a nonleader. when china got that virus out, you didn'tear trump go let's talk about shutting down the border. he actually acts. this guy goes, have a conversation, let's talk about it, blah, blah, blah. and then nothing happens. and then he returns to it. this guy can't act. >> jesse: well, he can act when he wants to. he acted on bailing out students for their loans. if you think he is just buying
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time because he has been debating in his head. this is just to entice people to get them all excited about it. but those cameras at univision made joe look old. those are bad cameras. i would never do another univision again. he was squinting. he looks 100 years old in that shot. >> greg: 's not a good 80. >> jesse: that's an old 80. >> greg: yes. >> jesse: they keep saying he's going to end democracy and i had a long night hang around with a lot of liberals, my family as liberals, even my mother doesn't think he is goins talking point only exist on msnbc. johnny on the streets does not say trump is a dictator and will end democracy. i've never heard this anywhere except on cable news. it is not sinking in. if anybody is a threat to democracy, we can play that game, it's joe biden. his buddies at the cia and fbi interfered with the last election. they are still blocking
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investigations into the biden crimes. so if -- i don't like playing that game. i don't think that game is effective. i agree with dana, this is about the economy, stupid. the chick-fil-a event. this was an event to behold. now everything you have heard about donald trump and the president, he is this dangerous racist. he waltzes in there, orders f food, and about a dozen african american women flocked to him and take selfies. african american women, the most loyal vulcan voting bloc of the democratic party. he has them giggling, lining up, mom, i'm famous now. all love in a chick-fil-a. now if you can just do this, i would run the chick-fil-a campaign peered >> dana: that's a great idea. >> jesse: go to as many restaurants, grocery stores, malls, regular american swarm him, embraced him, and love him. that is what is going to win him
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the election peered >> dana: like tiffany. >> jesse: who is tiffany? >> greg: joe wouldn't do that because he is chicken. >> jesse: because he is chicken. >> greg: you are what you eat. hey, judge. the vp claimed she met with 150 world leaders and they all expressed concern about this? to you by that? do you by what she is selling? >> judge jeanine: no, never have, never will. i don't even give it a lot of thought. looked, the whole idea -- i just want to continue with that theme for a minute -- of donald trump being a threat to democracy. i mean, who was it, as jesse said, weaponized the doj, the cia, the fbi. they have impeached him. they have indicted him. they are the ones who are taking him off the ballot, okay? it's the democrats who made up that political dossier that they took to a corrupt fisa court by a corrupt attorney general and
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united states attorney to try to spy on him. they were spying on a candidate for president of the united states. this is done in third world countries. and by the way, i will segue very smoothly into the fact that joe biden has made us a third world country. never in the history of this country have i seen people, especially in new york city, living the way they are living now where the illegals are coming here, we are greeting them on buses, we are flying them in, they give us this false, you know, i'm being persecuted, give me asylum. we shake their hand, we give them a goody bag, they come in and take a goody bag and they steal everything they can from cvs, they beat up the employees at target and at macy's, then they assault the police, resist arrest, there's a trail of destruction, economic devastation, and by the way, i don't think this issue got enough attention. do you know that murderers are
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down in venezuela? the lowest they have been in 20 years. so maybe donald trump isn't so wrong about people emptying out prisons. because our crimes are going up and there is going down. and everything about what joe biden has done is defying the american law, whether it is entry to this country, staying here, and obviously, we've got to not only make sure that they are bailed whenever they are arrested, but we've got to deport them. >> greg: you know, jessica, in the green room you said that if trump wins, it could be the end of all time and space, and what's worse, it will hurt women and minorities more. >> jessica: i did say that. >> greg: yes, you did. >> jessica: extreme pregnancy fog, i guess, as i near the end of the line. that was a very rich discussion, i'm going to try to address as many points as i possibly can.
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>> dana: just one. >> jesse: 30 seconds be >> jessica: no, no, no, commercial break is when i am done with this. so the threat to democracy point is not working, and all of the good pollsters have made that point very clear to the biden administration, the messaging that works is about the mundane stuff. that people want to hear about lowering prescription drug prices and things like the debt and the deficit and preserving medicare and social security. those are all encompassed in the economy, right, like how you are doing and how your family is going to survive looking ahead to the future. that point is definitely out there. to say that joe biden is the threat to democracy, considering what donald trump and his band of lawyers tried to pull off in 2020 is complete insanity. he dispatched lawyers all over the country to overturn a free and fair election. a lot of them have bled out to doing this. a lot of them are still to face trial, and he is doing his darndest to make sure he does not have to show up in any of
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these courtrooms because he is definitely afraid of what is going to happen there, and as many of these january 6th -- >> judge jeanine: not afraid of anything. >> jessica: big man, not afraid, whatever appeared >> judge jeanine: i know him. >> jessica: you do know him and i do not know him but i think that men who doesn't even want to sleep in a hotel thatt wants to go to jail. so don't refute what happened. we know about sidney powell and john eastman, who just got disbarred. rudy giuliani, who is obviously not in very good position. how the mighty have fallen. but the point of this interview and doing it with univision was about latino support and making sure that he sure is that up and he is down -- it was up 29 points with latinos the first year in office and that edge isd crime. he is doing better on them but obviously got ground to make up, and it's interesting that this came out yesterday and we have the ruling taking us back to 1864 in arizona about abortion because latino votes in nevada and arizona are what are going to be really crucial there.
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57% of hispanics say abortion should be legal in all or most cases and donald trump is out there defending his stance of, you leave it to the states -- she did say today i won't support a federal abortion ban. he said before that he supports a 15 or 16 week man so i don't know if you will be consistent with that. the democrats are going to make that a centerpiece of this conversation, as they should. yeah. >> greg: yeah. >> jessica: that's it. >> greg: joe did not look good there. >> greg: i'm glad that is what you took from what i said. i could tell. >> greg: think about what i was going to eat. up next come in mpr editor dropping bombs on the anti-trump bias. ♪ ♪ help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. hello, ghostbusters.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: we have always assumed npr is taxpaye taxpayer-funded -- but now a senior business editor at the company just confirmed it. it is all laid out in a new piece in the free press titled "i've been at npr for 25 years. there's how we lost america's trust." he's blowing the lid off its left-wing bias, exposing how network ignored the hunter biden laptop and how adam schiff became their assignment editor. >> they were trying to damage his presidency. to find anything we could to harm him. i think what we latched onto was russia collusion, just rumors, and a lot of it based on pretty shoddy documents, evidence. we really latched onto adam schiff. he was like our muse to the trump collusion story.
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and then the mueller report came out and no collusion. you know, i think we sort of -- the story kind of disappeared. >> jesse: he also said npr is basically the dnc in disguise. >> i got so frustrated with what i saw was the lack of different perspectives in our coverage. 8-7 registered republicans mike democrats -- if we are really thinking about diversity and our coverage. the response was -- it wasn't like, wow, we are going to change this a try and address this, more like, wow, that's weird. >> jesse: so, greg, we didn't see this coming but he came out and still works at npr. >> greg: good for him, i say. we knew this was true, but we were mocked when we would bring this up.
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87 democrats and zero republicans as npr editor's. that says everything. 87-0. that is like the score when i smoke stevie wonder in pickleball. the media really needs dei. but it's of ideas and perspectives, which is the true test of diversity. how insulting is it, if they are hiring you for being black, as long as you are there kind of black. you have to think a certain way. the numbers of npr viewership are way down, basically a fraction of what they used to be, and i think they are getting slaughtered for this reason, but also because podcasting is so full of independent thinkers, who appreciate open topics, and the people in these podcasts, whether rogan or tim dillon or whoever you like, they learn on the spot. they are willing to say when they are wrong. npr is still in the model of manicured assumptions. they mow the lawn an interesting
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idea is so when he turned it on, you will not get pricked by a little blade of grass. this was all encouraged because the greater mission was defeating hitler 2.0. if you don't break every rule and professional guideline to defeat hitler, i.e. trump, then the history, which is written by the losers, not the winners, as we are told, you will not be looked on fondly, you will be seen as a collaborator or a coward. that's all i have to have to say. >> jesse: he mentioned how npr was like the dnc because after trump was elected, dana, they spent all of their time just trying to damage trump politically. >> dana: i am fascinated by this story. i'm grateful to the free press, happy subscriber, they are constantly driving news and they have this play know my place, uri berliner tried to do the right thing inside the company,k we are a problem, took it to the bosses, meeting scheduled and
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all of a sudden taken off the books. never actually wanted to meet with him. when he does this interview with the free press on the podcast and post his piece, the first instinct that npr has is to go after him. one of the things fernando alfonzo, senior supervising editor for digital news, he is furious because he says is a person of color, who has often works know mike worked in newsrooms with little to know people who look like me, the efforts npr has made to diversify his workforce, that's not his point, he's talking about diversity of thought and if you want to appeal to a mass audience you are not going to get there. podcasting, absolutely. there used to be options of things to talk about. they didn't keep up with the times. i love shows like "wait wait don't tell me," "car talk," but in the mornings, i spent a lot of time at the white house listening to npr and i would get so mad at 5:00 a.m., they would make my head explode. in about four months later, after the administration ended, my friend said, you realize you
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don't have to listen to that anymore, it's a habit, i like to find out what they are doing it i'm glad he said it because i ought i was the one going crazy but it turns out i am perfectly sane. >> jesse: you're perfectly sane. now let's go to you, jessica. do you believe, as i do, what this guy said about npr is probably true for most liberal news organizations, msnbc, "the new york times"? >> jessica: yes, and we have discussed that before. i think a cable news network is also a little bit different from a taxpayer-funded outlet, and that is really what the issue is here and i lived in london for a long time and these accusations are thrown around about the bbc and you can look -- >> dana: not true. >> jessica: especially a more recent example, than when i lived there, their coverage of the israel-hamas war is a glaring example of that and it got over to "the new york times," and that was one of the most upsetting and horrifying internal debates about whether hamas used sexual
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violence as a tool october 7th, as if these women had their groins pulverize out of thin air or they are breasts cut off, that is what they were using sexual violence for. my question i would throw back to berliner though about this. the conservative party, and i think whether you are a rino or a trump lover, everyone can acknowledge that it changed after 2016, that trump has had this massive effect on the ideology of the republican party. we don't hear about limited government and cutting taxes as much as we hear about social justice issues, i shouldn't say social justice, fighting the woke enemy issues, et cetera. now if you have someone, like we could take john eastman for instance, i already brought him up in the a block, who wants to write something for npr or to be a guest on there and he is going to come on and say the 2020
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election was stolen, joe biden is in the rightful president, et cetera, what do you do with that? i don't think that berliner addressed that in his peace or in the interview, that if conservativism has for a large a majority of her public and to think joe biden isn't the rightful winner -- not just there with some broad issues, but actually that he didn't win -- do you platform those type of people? >> jesse: i'm not sure if that is what he was talking about. he was talking about 2016, russia -- >> jessica: but it's -- >> judge jeanine: he was -- >> jesse: if not all about january 6th. go ahead. have you ever listen to npr, by the way? accidentally? >> judge jeanine: stop it, jesse. npr refused to cover hunter biden, m hunter biden laptop story because they agreed at npr that it would help donald trump. and the problem with this is this is a taxpayer-funded
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organization. i looked up npr's mission. just so you know, their words never really match their actions. they say, our mission is to celebrate humanity by hearing every voice. no, it's only the liberal voice. so they live from the get-go. but i think the amazing part of this is it shows us that journalism is no longer objective and truthful and honest and all of the things that we thought it was. journalism is activism now. that's all it is on the part -- in the name of diversity. diversity means only one thing, the color of people, and it has nothing to do with thought. and the amazing thing, this guy still works there. i give him credit for that. but here is the problem. there are some people who get all of their news from npr. and for those people, they see a completely different reality. that's why discussion of this is
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so important. people think because it is taxpayer-funded, they have to go right down the middle. and it took someone from the inside to say we are so far left that we won't even talk about something if it is going to help donald trump, who was a president of the united states and will be president again. >> jesse: yeah, i mean, the people they just watch fox are probably more informed of the people who just watch npr because i interrupt jessica less these days beards beaver also we have more democrats and independents -- >> greg: combined. >> dana: at a liberal place like "the new york times," someone like senator tom cotton right and op-ed, you get fired. >> judge jeanine: they don't believe in free speech. >> jesse: how awkward is it going to be when this guy walks into work tomorrow? >> jessica: i think they all work remote. >> jesse: probably. [laughter] ahead, being black could be a tax write off. nice. is a radical congresswoman gets her way.
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♪ ♪ >> dana: left-wing lawmakers are trying to keep reparations alive even as the idea fizzles in the blue states. democratic congresswoman jasmine crockett, which is a great name, she is floating a new way to approach it. she is suggesting that black people should be exempt from paying taxes. >> just this past week i saw, i don't remember which celebrity, one of the things they proposed as black folk not have to pay taxes for a certain amount of time. if you do the no tax thing, for people that are already, say, struggling and aren't really paying taxes in the first place, it doesn't really -- exactly. >> g>> dana: so, judge, it's not like there is this pot of gold we have that we are hiding from the reparations folks. >> judge jeanine: well, here is the problem, we are saving
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all of our money for the illegals, come on. how are we going to have money for reparations? i think the whole thing is really interesting. she says, you know, blacks are not really paying taxes in the first place. and i'm like, there are so many people who are freaking out. how could you talk like that? you got byron allen, who is this billionaire, vernon jordan, oprah, robert smith, jay-z, can go on and on, and she's got this across-the-board slap, we don't pay taxes, anyway. but some people are recommending a write off, that if you do pay taxes, you should have a write off, and they don't even care if you are a descendant of a. if you are black, you should be able to get this right off. 170 years ago. now as far as i am concerned, if my family wasn't here 170 years ago, and you weren't here 170 years ago, why am i paying you? the whole thing is a scam.
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but most black americans, i found this interesting, 77%, want an apology from the government. it's not even about the reparations, it's about an apology. and when we had the internment right after world war ii with the japanese, it was, i think 40 years later during the reagan administration that we ended up giving $20,000 to everyone who was in a camp, but i mean, 160-170 years later. >> dana: jessica, remember when a certain former presidential candidate on the republican sights on something similar and was excoriated by the democrats themselves? >> jessica: no, but i can imagine it happening. it's interesting where she ends up because it is where cory booker ended up at elizabeth warren. they said basically we need to have a task force on the spirit black celebritsaid this. she knows very well -- i should say she has been -- he is a frenchman congresswoman, a complete breakout star on the
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democratic side, does really well and hearings, a lot of people paying attention to her, tearing to be careful about how she approaches this. this needs to be thought through. sounds like we need a committee on reparations but i know full well, but this gets to a vote, it is never approved because it is too hard to delineate who you are talking about. she says it has to be someone who is descended of slaves, not just black americans, there are people who are originate from all over the world, and i thought the tax thing, too litte to qualify for taxes. >> dana: democrats were like, how dare you. jesse, are you going to claim your 1%? >> jesse: .1% pure climate crockett if that is what it takes to lower my tax rate, you should see my tax rate. oh, you have no idea. >> judge jeanine: tell us, jesse. >> jesse: only hunter biden is not allowed to pay taxes. that means did he has to pay
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taxes and oprah has to pay no taxes so i don't know about tha. i always thought if there were 750,000 americans who died in the civil war, to give freedom to african americans, that's a lot of death. now they want 170 years later they want a check? that's an amazing ask. an amazing ask after all that death. that's the deadliest war in american history. so if it takes an apology, that's something that i am sure the united states would do. i don't see why they haven't done it already, offer an apology. i would ask, do you want a check for a few thousand dollars or do you want a father who is in your life and married to your mother? because if you have a father in your life, that check is gone after you cash it. if you have a father, that is the single most determinative factor for financial success in this country. and that is what it should be about. >> dana: universal school choice, all over it.
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>> greg: same here, dana. a lot of constructive things you can do to elevate everybody. the fun part is, why do we have to assume that we aren't part of this conversation? like if there is a task force, will anybody outside of the african american community be allowed in that conversation? >> jesse: we will let you know. >> greg: if the task force is going to be there deciding what they are going to do with my money, i would like to be there and just kind of hang out and listen and go, no, because i think it is a little bit arrogant for people to meet and talk about what they are going to do with my money. you can't punish people who are innocent of sins of the past. i definitely think that by and large, everybody is against this. the only people that want this are people who want stuff in general.
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i think most men would find this beneath them. and if you want more men to leave the democrat party, please push this, by all means, because no guy is going to say, yeah, i want money for something i didn't get, i didn't earn. that is like the most insulting thing. the reparations issue is another example of the compassion live. the left masks destruction as compassion because they never calculate its effects on everyone else. shoveling money to one group means you are taking it from another. how do you think that is going to sit with other groups, whites, asians, hispanics, or other blacks. have you thought about that? this is why you were right about the task force. this is the smartest thing gavin newsom ever did. the "task force" where everything goes to die. somebody comes into your office, jesse, and says, you know what, i really think you should give a segment to johnny -- we are going to do a task force for
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that. it's dead. that is what gavin did with reparations. >> dana: that's what we are going to do next. but just for a few minutes. going to go to a break. it is scrabble for snowflakes. the beloved word game is getting a woke makeover. ♪ ♪ of bringing textile manufacturing back to america. we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product. there's value in buying american made it has a real life impact up and down the supply chain. we want our customers to feel how special this product is, right when they open the box. go to and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20. so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment...
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file 100% free with turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me! ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: scrabble is dumbing itself down for the woke. the board game is getting updated to be more inclusive and less competitive. so instead of competing, players collaborate, games are shorter, there are clue cards, and a "no" more scoring option. so no one's feelings gets hurt. right now, it's only available in europe. so what i think is interesting about this, jessica, is that they have removed certain words. they banned racist lgbtq slurs
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from the tournaments, but there are also new words, you know, that the woke generation would be very comfortable with. so is this more about wokeism, this news scrabble, or about adhd -- i mean, adhd and the fact that they need friends and they need hints and they can't spell? >> jessica: well, first, in favor of removing slurs, i think we can probably all agree on that. >> jesse: careful, jessica. [laughter] >> jessica: we will get to you. i always thought you could play on teams, or i have played on teams even before this thing. but i think they just wanted to create a lighter version that would appeal to younger people. scrabble can be a tough game. >> greg: so is life. >> jessica: the game? >> greg: nicely done. >> judge jeanine: the scores have been -- do you think they are going to make squares of
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different colors? >> greg: i hope so. i have never played scrabble in my life. >> jessica: what? >> greg: i'm not sure how to handle this. this feels like a really solid box topic. it happens in europe. you know what i mean? but i've never played it so i don't know. maybe this is a gateway drug so you get hooked on the real game. but playing a game without scoring, even if you suck at something, is so antihuman. it's like scoring is part of your dna. you need to keep track. i'm the world's worst tennis player, but i hate following -- volleying. i love keeping score when i play tennis even if i lose 6-0 because i i o keep score. for example i am keeping score on "the five" right now. >> jesse: you are losing in the fashion department. >> judge jeanine: you know, jesse, i'm surprised this new
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scrabble didn't come with like four trophies so everybody feels like they won. >> jesse: come on. who was the blind guy you played tennis against? stevie wonder kept score. when he played pickleball. >> jessica: i thought you said blonde guy. >> jesse: stevie wonder is blind. does he know he is not blonde? >> jessica: stop it. >> judge jeanine: not going there. >> jesse: anyway, if you take out slurs, dana is never going to win. i have played scrabble a few times. i am more into game of skill like jassy. those games are for people that have an intellectual capacity, that can really calculate winning and losing. scrabble's for pizza know my people that pretend to be intellectual but cannot compete in t the real world. >> greg: you should name your child yahtzee. >> judge jeanine: more a boys name and a girl name. dana, some of the new words are best d, bitcoin, and sheeple.
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bestie. zomboid. sheeple, people with sheep? >> jessica: awfls. >> dana: i think npr is playing this new version. keep score. fox business told me that board games are up 6% in terms of sales and that people want to get off their phones and play. maybe we should just let them -- >> greg: that is so brian. >> dana: he is fox news. >> judge jeanine: that's nice, people are talking together and there is a commonality. >> jessica: they have all the games. >> judge jeanine: all right, "the fastest" is up next. ♪ ♪ thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro.
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everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it! [ryan laughs]
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hi, i'm janice, and i lost 172 pounds on golo. when i was a teenager i had some severe trauma in my life and i turned to food for comfort. a friend told me that i was the only one holding me back from being as beautiful on the outside as i am the inside. once i saw golo was working, i felt this rush, i just had to keep going. a lot of people think no pain no gain, but with golo it is so easy. when i look in the mirror, i don't even recognize myself. golo really works.
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♪ ♪ >> jessica: welcome back. leather pants, a share shirt, and shades. lenny kravitz but blowing up social media, a video of him pumping iron while in full rock star get up. ♪ ♪ dana, you have a theory about the pants? >> dana: those are faux
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leather. great word on loser scrabble. i have a pair of these fake leather -- not even -- fake suede pants. i think they are great. >> jessica: greg, does that make it any less incredible that he is 59 -- >> greg: not just 59, he has a grandfather. think about that. his granddaughter turns 18, he can date her friends, and he will. >> jessica: that's mean and gross. [laughter] judge? >> greg: probably true! >> jessica: i mean -- go >> judge jeanine: if that is leather, he is sweating bullets under those leather pants. all he is saying there is i am so cool, take my picture, as if i don't get enough attention. >> jessica: lenny kravitz deserve all the cool accolades? >> jesse: he looks great and deserves everything. he even deserves to pay no income taxes, jessica. [laughter]
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>> jessica: why did you have to do that? supposed to be the "lenny kravitz is hot" block. all right, "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit.
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file 100% free with turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me!
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♪ >> greg: one more thing, jessica, what have you got? >> jessica: you know what i got. everyone's favorite. >> you go girl. >> jessica: every day you say why. >> jesse: boo. [laughter] >> jessica: a 9-year-old girl from india. dead lifted 165 pounds. that's cool. three times her body. >> jesse: lenny kravitz lifts more. 6-year-old set the record for end i can't's dead lifter picking up 100 pounds. three years the pint size power lifter accomplished her personal best. her father says they have already set their size on making it to the limps. you go, girl. >> greg: i will give that you
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one. >> jessica: make me feel bad this pregnant have and have to be nice to her. >> greg: imagine like if a car is on top of you, a good person to have around. judge? [laughter] >> judge jeanine: okay. i could use that too. this is about another you go girl. a new began yea by rope. scaled the eiffel tower all the way up to the second floor. >> jessica: that's crazy. >> judge jeanine: a whopping 36. she trained for a year to achieve this record. and is definitely well-deserved for a you go girl award. 361 feet. >> greg: seemed like she missed a real opportunity to do some cleaning. [laughter] all right, jesse. >> jesse: i don't know but greg. enough with the you go -- what is this show turning into?
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>> greg: i don't know. >> jesse: girl stuff? >> judge jeanine: jesse, deal with it. >> jesse: what has this show turned into? >> judge jeanine: that's life. >> jesse: do you know who is on "jesse watters primetime" tonight jake paul. you go, boy. [laughter] 8:00. >> greg: yes. >> greg: well done. tonight we have great show some dude named vivek ramaswamy kennedy, comedian adam hunter and tyrus. hey, let's do this. greg's celebrity news let's roll it. people have been asking me, greg, have you seen brian stelter lately? and i said you know what? down at the cincinnati zoo in ohio there is -- he often goes swimming there and loves to press his manatee like face up against the glass saying "do you remember me? i used to do a show on cnn. why don't you guys watch me anymore?" anyway, there he is. it's called the stelter exhibit.
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>> judge jeanine: do you have music to go with this? >> greg: i wish. dana? >> dana: labrador retriever named roger supposed to become a drug sniffing dog he failed because he was overly friendly. he had a career change. true calling in life a search and rescue dog in the aftermath of taiwan's earthquake last week he helped find stranded people under the rubble. is he a huge celebrity hero you go, dog. gut there you go. >> judge jeanine: that's great. we applaud other people and dogs but not brian stelter. >> greg: no, no. >> greg: that's it for us. have a great night. >> brian: you go boys and girls. thanks, greg. [laughter] >> bret: good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, we're following a number of big stories tonight. the markets sink following a troubling inflation report. we'll bring you that former president donald trump says arizona has it wrong on the issue of abortion.


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