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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 12, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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and we're available 24 hours a day while legal injury advocates to discuss your case now. >> call one 885 50 599 or visit ww w ltd ut legal that's 1-800- 8855599 call now welcome to fox nation, a place where we look the future and post to our past. this is fox nation where all of america's stories are told. >> sign up and start streaming thday. they did at a start. thank you, rosie. >> laura: good evening, i'm laura meier, this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. oj's legacy, the focus of tonight's angle. at usc on the field, he ran like
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the wind, a phenomena. >> back in 1968, simpson was the best player in all of football, he won the trophy and usc won one, as well. >> heisman trophy, nine season with bills, two with the 49ers, just a stunning legacy, had he not been charged in the gruesome double murder of nicole brown simpson and her friend ron goldman, in what became known as the trial of the century. in 1995, he was acquitted. i remember my days sitting in my law office and everyone was glued to the tv screen, partners, associates, account is. we were stunned he got off. the press and civil rights
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activists seized on this. think about it, oj was one of the most beloved athletes in history and these people tried to convince black america he was charged because he was black? that happened. no one not guilty had reactions like these. >> not guilty. [cheering] >> he is not guilty. i'm just happy. >> yes! yes! that is justice. >> laura: background for those who weren't around at the time. a few years after the l.a. riots in the beating of rodney king
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after rodney king led police on a high-speed chase. they called rodney king a motorist, but to some the simpson verdict was racial payback, terrible narrative to feed young people at the time. rather than focus on facts of crime, motive, testimony of those involved, everyone rivetted, the case became tangled up in a poisonous racial narrative we've been stuck in ever since including in the case of dexter reid, on march 21st. >> roll the window down. what are you doing? >> roll this one down. >> roll that one down, too. don't roll the window up. don't roll the window up. do not roll the window up.
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unlock the doors now. unlock the doors now. open the door now. open the door now. open the door now. [shots fired] >> let me see your hands. hands. >> laura: the media framing of this was predictable. here are headlines, 96 shots in 41 seconds, killing black man. seat belt violation ends with black man dead. if you read the headlines, it sounds horrific, awful. many would include the police response must have been racially motivated and coverage is intended to throw matches on the flammable liquid, the individual shot is portrayed as the perfect child. ing >> 26 years old, previously a basketball standout at
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westinghouse, leading the team to a regional championship. he loved to cook and wanted to pursue a career in broadcasting. >> he just bought his new car three days before that, he was riding around in his car. [crying] >> and they killed him. >> laura: seeing reports and a grieving mother, you can't blame people for being upset. >> we don't need armed police officers to tell somebody to put his seat belt on. >> he had tinted windows. >> they fire 96 times in 45 seconds on an unarmed man outside his vehicle. >> laura: but the truth, reports show reid was not just a
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motorist dealing with a seat belt issue. after refusing to leave the car or open the door, initial reports show he actually shot at police first and even hitting one of them in the arm. so my question is, we'll see a full investigation, what are law enforcement officers supposed to do in this type of situation? allow themselves to be gunned down? risk to be gunned down to proof they are not racist? let's face it, since oj, media and top democrats showed how dedicated they are to keep america racially divided. always assume the worst about people, especially their motive, why else omit key facts in their reporting or discussion of the case or ignore full context of what happens before police use force against a suspect.
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everyone remembers, i think, the michael brown case in ferguson, in missouri. they lit that city up on fire in riots, but hands up, don't shoot became motto of those going after police and their response. poor michael brown, a choir boy gunned down when trying to surrender. hands up, don't shoot. it was all made up. never happened. the police officer's life was ruined, even though he was cleared by the doj. now the last thing, any of these racial arsonists who know better and continue to stock the flame of racism, last thing they want is for all the working people of all ethnicities and races to come together and demand better for cities and the community and crime. that is what trump is trying to build now, new multi sracial
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coalition. look at this headline. biden inflation, high prices, border, it is all so bad for democrats predictable racial propaganda stuff is not working anymore. more black men are moving away from biden. instead of changing their horrible policies, democrats look at cases like the reid shooting and come election time, they will promise things like racial justice or announce equity action plan. yeah, they did that at the labor department in attempt to reassure black voters that they're on their side. but none of this, no racial equity conferences or anything of the like will stop gang v violence in inner cities or help families afford their first home, bring down the price of
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gas or make public schools better, not for african americans or anyone in this country, it poisons the well of conversation and unt come. community. oj simpson's legacy is tragic, we now have a chance to build a better country if we stop letting powerful people divide us by race, ethnicity or any other category. that leaves us weaker, poorer and angrier. it is time for multi racial populist movement to stand up for america and working people who deserve hell of a lot better. that is the angle. joining us is bruce lavelle and a former blm activist. bruce, the left issing polls are wrong and come election time black voters will come home to
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the democrat party. do you buy that? >> no, things are happening. come home, come home, et. no. all they have to do in black america, i'm here in atlanta, i had a conferversation as i made calls. they are looking at chuck books during the successful trump administration, lower tax cuts, the hbc funding. so many accomplishments in black culture president trump accomplished in his tenure. black culture remembers that winning. that infamous statement, what the heck do you have to lose? look at your roads, look at your communities and where you're at, why keep voting the same way 30, 40, 50, 60 years? give us a chance. you are seeing high uptick on black americans, especially
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black men, that is true, are leaning toward president trump because they like that winning mantra. >> laura: xavier, these cases are tragic, there is always a mom, dad, brother or sister grieving and your heart breaks for those whose lives are put in danger in these situations. it is like clockwork, before people know the facts, got to be racism, got to be police use of force, it is because the young man is african american. got to be. they know most of the time it is much more complicated and this case of reid is a classic example. >> 100%. people pick and choose details they pay attention to based on what will further their narrative. it would not be election year without the left exploiting the
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death of a black person for political gain. how can you claim to have journ journalistic integrity before mentions reid shot at police nine times before police fired back. a police officer was shot in the arm. congratulations, you have another se section eight supersr you can exploit. >> laura: during the oj case, race became an animating factor in that, beginning of the seebb well rite trial coverage, a lot going on. that became part of that narrative and big divide in the reactsion to the jury verdict in that case. that has continued to build in each and every one of these
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police-involved shooting. not saying all police are great. but in most cases if the suspect didn't refuse police instruction, they would have survived. that gets lost in the narrative. >> i served and have a lot of cops in my family. my father taught me, you get pulled over, put your hand on the steering wheel and let him argue down at the police station, not me on the side of the road. i remember that well. in atlanta, during rodney king, it spotted up across the country. atlanta almost had a situation because of that and they tried to instigate a lot of cities because of that. we have come a long way. remember, most of these urban or large cities are black police chiefs, black fire chiefs,
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captains, majors across major cities across the country and that is pretty much who is in charge of a lot of cities. >> laura: are they racist, too? are they racist, as well? i don't know the makeup of the police involved in this incident with reid, i think it was a diverse group. are young people so quick to scroll on social media it is just a headline and they are like, okay, vote for biden because of this? >> you know, for a while it has been that way, that is starting to change. voting for joe biden is like voting for an abusive relationship, he tells us what he wants and abandons us. >> laura: you will have equcwit action plan across the
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departments. good to see you. efforted americans are suffering, biden wines and doons dines the elites. j.d. vance and vivek ramaswamy are here after this. into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. “music” who doesn't want more energy, more focus, more productivity. that is why millions and millions of people, just like you, turn to save our energy every single day, every single week to get that better quality of life. 5 million bottles sold every single week.
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♪ >> >> mr. bezos, will you be
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donating to biden's campaign this year? >> what do you think about the election? >> what do you think? >> laura: robert de niro who tried to carry his tough guy to politics by saying he wanted to punch trump in the mouth. jeff bezos. and flying in on their private jets and what was trump up to yesterday? >> can i have 30 milk shakes and chicken and take care of the customers. good? a lot of money? hello, everybody, get ready for a milk shake. >> i don't care what the media tells you, mr. trump, we support you. >> 4:00 p.m. >> let me give you a hug. [cheering] >> laura: trump with the working people.
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biden hobnobbing with the elites. joining me now ohio senator j.d. vance. i love the split screens, it tells the tale. why are big-name billionaires working hard to support biden? >> their policies have benefited the biden administration benefited billionaires and trump's policies benefited working people. think about what elites are asking for, more cheap labor through unlimited immigration and end to tariff that would protect working-class jobs and manufacturing and biden administration has been giving them that and democratic party has been giving them that for 30 years. c contrast that to donald trump in chick-fil-a yesterday. data shows black americans suffer most from unchecked
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migration, because they face most wage competition from illegal immigration. contrast could not be clearer. people's president delivering prosperity and joe biden hob knobbing with billionaires because they benefit from his policies. >> laura: there is a lot of talk about you, senator, in the vice presidential speculation for trump. he had you on his list, if there is a list. he said there is a list and you are on it. i know you will be very diplomatic. it says that you are right up there. reaction to this new report? >> well, laura, i've never spoken to the president about vp speculation. i want to help him however he can. if he asked me, i would think seriously about it and happy to support the agenda in the u.s. senate. my job is to serve the people of ohio, whether supporting trump's
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agenda in senate or serving some other role, we have to bring good manufacturing jobs, good prosperity to the people of ohio in the american heartland. for 40 years we shipped over doverseas and trump stopped that and real question for republican party, whether we follow that lead and double down on that winning agenda or go back to the old ways? you know as well as i do, there is a critical component of the republican party that wants to go to more immigration, less war, wages for american workers. trump is there to fight against it. >> laura: there is news we have trouble on the border, senator. nbc news reporting an illegal immigrant on the terror watch list spent a year in the united states after be ing arrested an
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released last year and again last month by a judge who was not told he was a national security threat. this could end tragically for the united states. >> i think it will. there will be a major terrorist attack because of joe biden's open border. i hope we are able to prevent it. 15 miles from where i grew up, there was an illegal arrested for murder, who had been deported seven times, you can't make this stuff up. close down the border. >> laura: thank you. you are wondering how democrats keep winning when their policies are awful. they have a better ground game. real clear investigation dug into nonprofit groups that bill themselves as nonpartisan, they call it election earring super weapons. the irs allow tax-exempt groups to help with voter registration,
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as long as they don't refer to a specific candidate. as real clear explains, many groups are democracy focused entities with ties to democratic party, wealthy donors who can contribute without limit and get tax breaks and foundations prohibited from engaging. an advocacy group says the groups pull in $500 million annually. joining me now vivek ramaswamy, former 2024 presidential candidate. vivek, the big question, why aren't there more republican counterparts to these organizations to get the vote out for republican voters? >> you hit the nail on the head. these are shady activities, they are illegal, go after them in the courts.
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if they are not illegal, compete to win. stop complaining about the other side when we should be competing to win instead. the left mastered this. the left used to be against use of super packs. the left learned their game, if supreme court says it stands, the left beats us there, as well. compete and play to win. if you don't like the rules, change the rules after we get in there, that is what i want to see. >> laura: a post on x you put out i think today about what need to be done. simple election true integrity moves that we need to make. they are uncontroversial, we'll put it on the screen. one is in-person voting. >> yep. >> laura: make election day a national holiday. >> very simple. >> laura: single-day voting, paper ballots, simple ideas you
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listed one by one. why is this controversy? many other countries already do this. >> not just other countries do this. puerto rico does single-day voting on election day, make it a holiday with paper ballots and government-issued voter id to match the voter file and make english sole language on a ballot. that will secure votes in an election. if we get to that point in our country, we are done complaining about stolen elections and election integrity, that is how we unite this country. take one day and say if you are black, white, democrat or republican, think what itten moos to be a citizen of the country. there is one language that appears on the ballot. it is common sense and anybody against it reveals agenda they have in mind, take the rug out
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from under us. >> laura: paper ballots and vote in person unless member of military or good reason. i love the list. we did digging on biden's diversity hire. this is good tape, you don't want to miss it next.
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>> laura: all right. we have major foreign policy crises in th >> laura: we have major foreign policy crisis in the middle east, ukraine, taiwan on edge over china and report terror organizations may be sneaking agents across our border. what is the state department up to? hiring chief diversity inclusion officer, that is right. what is johnson's background?
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>> i learned to discover my own voice and to demand intersectionality in all spaces, learned about politics and policy and learned to appreciate sisterhood and solidarity. >> laura: she warned that rules created in our organizations and baked in are riddled with racism and exclusion, kinks in the reconciling of colonizing past and participating in a feminist webinar in 2020 she focused on rank unfairness of america's system, that means anything that requires merit. notice how she throws around the isms as she trashes men. >> we work within systems and those systems, as i mention before, are deeply rooted in
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approximate tray ay, racism and other ism and allowed men to act without consequence and becomes part of what we believe is normal. to make change, we have to dismantle that traditional structure at every juncture. >> laura: we have to literally be dismantling that. yes, your tax dollars are paying her salary. ned ryan, founder and ceo and william b allen from michigan state. ned, start with you. this is just tiypical of diversity officers who are paid hefty sum to spout the same old and i always thought you were guilty of other-ism.
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>> i guess guilty as charged. ms. johnsons we be cannot achieve equity until we do away with racism, patriarchy and heterosexism. you have a low iq, this woman is advocating for a socialist redistribution system. this is a pattern for the biden administration who has been intent to dismantle this country and government as we know it. when they intentionally place dei adherence across this government, it is shocking to me. why did we fight the cold war when our president is placing neo neomarxist into our government
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and they are demanding loyalty if they want to get promoted and save the state department. >> laura: get to mr. allen, ages ago we were talking about this, directed at affirmative action in colleges and universities, now this is our government and they are supposed to be selling america. patriarchal, colognist and sorry, other-ist, bill, take it away. >> you tagged it, laura. we have not spoke n since my das on the civil rights council. we are carrying this to extreme, some of the worst rhetoric centered on the whole affirmative action regime, four, five, six decades ago. how it transformed itself, not
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whether johnson is qualified for the appointment, she is obviously qualified to do what she was hired to do. only real question from my perspective, why is the state department doing this. not why is carr-johnson doing it, she is doing what the state department wishes done. why is our state department undertaking to sow division at home in the united states? are they playing into the hands of divide and conquer policy abroad? willing to plant foreign flags in the heart of the united states government. that is the real question, not the dei question, the purpose and mission of the government of the united states today. >> laura: this is why we need bill on. wisdom and brilliance. the spokesman for the state department -- ned, not that you are not both. this will help us counter
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argument to what bill just said. >> when our work force looks like america, our workforce is stronger and our ability to protect american national security is improved and enhanced. >> laura: ned, why protect a misogynist country? protect our values abroad, if that is what they think? >> this is the amazing part. used to be if you had a position at the state department, you advocate what america stands for. how can you have people that hate this country, at the state department? other thing that strikes me, by them doing this in a systematic way, iteck stroos me they don't view the enemy as abroad anymore. >> laura: you're the enemy. >> we're the enemy now. >> laura: do you agree with that, the threat to america are
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maga folks and working clas sick of this and want real change, are they the enemy? >> i agree and beyond. i want to remind you of something important, the state department represents the united states, they can't do so without it being heard at home. that is what they are saying to allern ms, not just maga americans, depreshiating and destroying american natural culture. is this what they are willing to embrace as it appears to be. your daughter's first college roommate may be a biological male? oh, yeah. next. io too hot to enjoy. now thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shade in just 60 seconds.
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♪ >> laura: now, picture this, >> laura: picture this, your 18-year-old daughter gets into her dream school, going to live on campus and get the full college experience and you hope she finds a best friend in her roommate, someone who can be like a sister, life-long friend. you get your room assignment and you find out mary went by billy
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a year ago. it is disturbing and reality. university state university, lsu, urging to let transgender stu students. joining me is mason, it was not unanimous, you say this could be dangerous for freshmen. why? >> yes, laura, particularly at lsu, all freshmen are required to live on campus and these students could be unknowing ly rooming with a transgender and i don't think that is right. >> laura: how did this begin? why is this a thing the student
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government was pushing for? >> what you have at lsu, a very conservative student body, however, very liberal faculty and liberal board of directors who push this out to a small group of kids that call themselves student government and they keep conservatives out. >> laura: don't you get to run for student government? >> you do. however, if lsu administration chooses to put penalty on you for acting on your own free speech or protesting against something the university doesn't like, you can no longer run and that is what they are doing. >> laura: you are saying, not to get into the weeds. you are saying outside forces influence the student government, this was not an idea
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within the student government, so that is what you are saying? >> absolutely, laura. you have students who have been indo indoctrinated by certain faculty and they believe it is right thing to do to sit a 17-year-old girl in a room that could have a 6-3 full-grown man in it and they are forced to live with them, i don't think that is right and i don't think a normal person would come to believe that on their own. >> laura: do you think this will succeed as an initiative at lsu? >> thank goodness, i don't think it will. we have a governor, jeff landry, he is a fighter and would never let this happen, we have real fighters. >> laura: thank you for the update. up next, trump wants presidential debate for this
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reason and raise rules for air travel are necessity. special thursday follies with raymond, next.
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>> laura: it's thursday, special thursday follies, we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. trump is demanding presidential debates, biden is not sure. >> time for crooked joe biden, worst president in the history of the united states and i to debate. we owe it to all americans, any time, anywhere, any place. >> donald trump is ready to debate you right now, do you accept? [laughter] >> will you debate him? >> if i were him, i would want to debate me, too. >> raymond: sure, he can't put a
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sentence together. there are three debates, the trump team is asking for early debates because of early voting. by september, people have already voted. we need these debates and more of them. >> laura: first of all, i don't see biden getting on stage with trump, do you? >> raymond: no, i don't. >> laura: he'll have a sprained ankle or something. >> raymond: we really do need to see all of these candidates and given their ages, which you mentioned, the front-runners and the vp debates are really important. this was kamala harris today channelling her inner biden, he claimed to have been raised by the greek community and black church and kamala harris is trying to be japanese for the japanese pm. >> i grew up surrounded by
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japanese american culture and history and over the years celebrating history in california's japan town. prime minister made reference to join session of flintstones, many rnl the cartoon. he is not sure how to trans tra yabba, dabba doo. >> raymond: double up defense budget. this is a disaster. >> laura: i thought she was going to talk about sushi. >> raymond: don't encourage her. on a podcast earlier this week, kamala was indecipherable. we need to hear a debate. her words of the day were right and strength. >> it is important to see that
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the nature of democracy, there is duality to it. on one hand, incred ep strength when a democracy is in tact, what it does for its people in terms of the strength it gives people and protect individual freedoms and rights, rights, and incredible liberty, there is strength in that. >> raymond: strength, laura, right, right? >> laura: once she has a word, it is like a musical beat, it has to keep coming back and back and back. >> raymond: exactly. >> laura: she loves space travel, as well. she likes ev's, as well. ev's, they get good gas mileage and they are good on gas and you plug them in because they are ev's. this reminds me of when we were
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kids and had to write essays of a certain length, say two pages, you wrote two paragraphs and then you would rewrite -- >> raymond: hit the word count, beat the clock. >> laura: i know you have been traveling a lot lately. it is time for ray's rules for travel. >> raymond: i have. you know, laura. rule number one. air travel is not your opportunity to get intimate. economy plus does not mean economy plus one. one annoyed flyer snapped a shoeless couple. they were having what i describe as lay over in aisle 10. you can call this getting down to business class, that is what this is. they are literally wrapped around each other. this is not -- where is the flight attendant to break this
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up and we did not pay to watch you dry hump your seat mate, this is gross. >> laura: never take your shoes off on a plane. this is not your -- so gross. don't touch the arm rest. i wipe down everything 10 times, disgusting. >> raymond: please leave your shoes on and your stuffed comfort animal in front of you does not relieve you of observing that rule. the woman has her feet up, her foot is crossed over her leg and the foot is out. >> laura: plane yoga. >> raymond: leave your shoes on or your slippers on as the case may be in air travel. >> laura: worst is you are sitting back with your arm on the arm rest and the plane
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engine starts to hum, you can get tired or sleepy and you feel toes on your elbow because someone has put their feet up. okay. and if it is a little baby, that is fine, or little kid. >> raymond: exactly. >> laura: we don't want to see a hairy man's toes on our arm rest. >> raymond: a psyche ward with wings, it is a disaster these days. leave it there, happy flying. >> laura: leaving people with image of hairy toes coming out on your arm rest while you try to nap on a plane. they are counting me down. jesse is ec92, see you on instagra am. >> carley: fox news alert and major breaking news out of middle east. israel is ready to respond after the u.s. warned attack from iran is imminent and could come within the nex


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