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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  April 12, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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this is the clipper spacecraft. nasa plans to launch it in october. it will go on a five year journey to one of jupiter's moons. it is covered in ice. oh man. scientists want to see if life can still exist there and will find out very soon. if you are in florida, 1-866-fwc gator. fwc. stands for florida wildlife. fwc, florida wildlife. >> dana: okay. we had a great week. a big show on monday. don't miss it, okay? harris faulkner up next. >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert. president biden is telling voters the economy is in great shape because of him. he also claims that inflation was skyrocketing when he took
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office. he is gas lighting. the white house is playing cleanup for him as well and it is not going well. i'm harris faulkner an you are in "the faulkner focus." january 2021, biden took office, inflation was at 1.4%. that exactly is what he inherited from former president donald trump. i don't know if we'll see that any time soon. some people's lifetime. it then skyrocketed to 9% under biden in june of 2022. republican senator marco rubio in "focus" on biden's spin on the economy. he was with me yesterday. >> biden sounds tone deaf. he is going out there. i think he stopped saying bidenomics but he is bragging about stuff and people are like what is he talking about? he is out of his mind. >> harris: the white house has persuaded some in the media to
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buy its line the only problem in the economy is consumer psychology. we're all crazy and that's why the prices are so high, nice. people just think they're paying 100% more for eggs and it is not true. well, take a look. among the many painful prices gasoline is now up again by more than 50% since the start of biden's term. the national average price for a gallon today is $3.63. back then it was $2.39. drivers say their dollar doesn't get them very far literally. >> the cost to fill that thing up drives me absolutely insane. >> i'm a handyman. that is probably half the job, you know what i mean? it means i have to do more jobs. >> filling up your car today, it will be gone in the next two days. >> harris: god bless that handyman. biden wants to pay all the college graduate loan fees. he will have to pay through his
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taxes. radio host guy benson is in "focus" today. let's go to jacque heinrich very busy at white house press secretary briefings. good job. >> a little wild over here. one long-time ally of the president who is openly criticizing the messaging strategy coming out of 1600 pennsylvania. ron klain, former chief of staff to biden. been in biden world for decades teeing off in leaked audio that "politico" reported on saying that biden is out on the complain trail talking about infrastructure too much. it isn't interesting when grocery prices are so high saying he shouldn't be spending his time talking about fing bridges. in a follow-up interview klain didn't back down from his critique. the white house was on defense after the producer price index that tracks wholesale prices
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showed the steepest increase in 11 months. >> we didn't get any statement today on the ppi index. why aren't we hearing more from the white house about the issues that people are facing at grocery stores and paying rent? >> the state of the union the president made very clear what he understands what the americans are facing. and he has talked at almost every event that he has had. >> shortly after that exchange the president tweeted today we learned that inflation for companies making things in america was 2.1% over the last year, down 80% from its peaks. profits are up and higher than before the pandemic. it is time big corporations passed the earnings to consumers in the form of lower prices. this week's inflation report dampened chances the fed cuts interest rates any time soon. the news eliminates the possibility of multiple rate
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cuts this year dragging pessimism about the economy closer to the election. the president defended himself and pointing to how much inflation cooled. 1.4% when he came into office. all prices are up nearly 19%. the white house pointed to the pandemic, supply chain december wrappingss and the war in ukraine. >> harris: setting us up for a great conversation. here is a headline to look at. why inflation is biden's most stubborn political problem. they argue the president has few tools to combat rising prices which are weighing on his effort to beat donald trump in november. guy benson, fox news contributor host of the guy benson show an fox news radio. who is president biden specifically turning off at this point by gas lighting america on what they know is true, prices are high? >> i'll give you a specific
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answer, harris, to that question. i was watching a focus group the other day on another network called the undecideds where they had undecided voters trying to pick a candidate from key swing states and the moderator asked the panel how many of you think that donald trump's policies would be better for your family specifically? every single hand went up. when they had the conversation about why, there was a gentleman from michigan and a woman from pennsylvania. not only were they upset, harris, about the direction of the economy under joe biden, they were specifically angry at him for gas lighting them and not taking accountability and telling the truth about the economy. those specific voters in two of the most important states in the country aren't just dissatisfied with the economy and with joe biden's performance. they are angry at him for not leveling with them. not being honest with them and they represent, i suspect. a lot of people around the
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country. >> harris: americans we're hearing and saying the word gas lighting. it is a polite way of saying he is not telling the truth about it and being honest. how does he get away with that and how much trouble is that with his campaign team to try to sell that to the public? >> he is not getting away with it. if you look at the polling on the economy and inflation, his numbers are deep underwater as they have been. they've cycled through all kinds of different arguments and talking points. none of it has worked because costs are what they are. 19.4% higher than when he took office. and our colleague at fox -- she
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had nothing and pivoted off to supply chain that wasn't a question. >> harris: is that because she doesn't know? you have to get this one right because regardless of what you may think people are thinking about the border and they are already telling you is the their number one concern all over the country. he managed to unite everybody about that. when it comes to the economy, that is baseline politics. democrats have said it. it's the economy, stupid. everybody has said it. how can you not be ready for that question ever? >> that's a good one for karine jean-pierre. part of the issue, i'm sympathetic to her on this point. she doesn't have a lot of great substance to work with. only skillful spin you can try if the underlying facts are bad. and they are. but also if you are at that podium at that address, you should be one of the most effective communicators on earth. i think it's safe to say with
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all due respect she doesn't fit that bill. >> harris: excellent communicators go to the boss and say they'll hit me again with this. can i tell them you understand that prices are high and feel the people's pain. she wouldn't have to spin it. she would have to acknowledge what people are feeling and then maybe they all could be pressed enough to come up with policy. that might be the last day of her job but at least she went out trying. >> or she could say you are right about 1.4% under trump. what the president was broadly speaking to, which has been a factor that has driven inflation among others is this and pivot off to whatever you want to talk about. when the question is the president gave this exact quote which isn't true about inflation and then you respond multiple times like the question was about something completely different, then that's a tough sell. people say what is she doing? what is she talking about? >> harris: has she caught the cold that he has.
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the house subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic seem to blow up dr. fauci's down playing of the laboratory leak origin theory. people thought it came from the lab in wuhan. scientists, should we have everybody look at that maybe? now it may take the whistleblower who has come forward who has given the committee emails from one of dr. fauci's top aides. those emails show dr. david lawrence used his personal email to talk about the pandemic and get around federal transparency laws. meet me on the private line. he also told the committee during a separate interview quote, i will delete anything i don't want to see in the "new york times." wow. at one point lawrence talks about a 2019 grant proposal with a company which wanted funding to create a novel coronavirus before the pandemic. to create. to create a novel coronavirus
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before the pandemic. they were working on it. the number highlighted corresponds to a project titled understanding the risk of fat coronavirus emergence. it is raising questions over why dr. fauci called the lab leak theory a conspiracy so many times and denied there was government funding for the research. senator rand paul says this is game over. >> this was his own agency. we now have proof that the nih and niaid knew about this proposal and were part of the proposal despite him continuing in public to say he knew nothing of this proposal. this is the smoking gun that ties anthony fauci and nih to the funding of research that may well have led to covid-19. >> harris: is it too late to go after fauci? >> it's a scandal and whether or
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not fauci himself is ever held accountable for any of this. some of the facts we've outlined and beyond are pretty damming for him. the under lying damage that he and others have done that their own credibility and public health bureaucracies. for a long time the people in charge, the powers that be insisted that the rest of the country just prostrate themselves before the altar of expertise. and over these last few years a lot of people said hang on a second, that actually hasn't gone well for us. it looks like you lied to us and misled us intentionally about some really big issues in order to cover up things that you thought could hurt your side politically or that might hurt your funding moving forward for something, or you have some ideological project or just too proud to admit you were wrong. that has deeply eroded americans' faith in a lot of institutions, an unhealthy thing
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for our society. the people responsible are the ones who pat themselves on the back about experts and referring to them. >> harris: a couple of the pictures we showed with dr. fauci was another thing we found out that wasn't true and knew it as a doctor. we see him with the national championship, those were cloth masks. we later found out those wouldn't protect us the way they promised they would be. he had to have known that. it's why surgeons don't wear them in surgery. a different type of mask. the one we were told to wear that wasn't a cloths. it was like watching a dog chase his deal but potentially cost lives. we have to get to the bottom of it. have a great friday and weekend. thank you very much. brutal new polling for the president when it comes to a critical voting block and several swing states. why black men and women are jumping on the donald trump train. team biden should be worried.
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plus a terror warning from the head f.b.i. >> our most immediate concern has been that individuals or small groups will draw some kind of twisted inspiration from the events in the middle east to carry out attacks here at home. >> harris: that message comes as a push to renew fisa spying powers and creating big controversy among house lawmakers. a vote on that possibly coming today. a great debate next.
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ask your doctor about otezla. i am william alden smith, a united states senator investigating the cause of one of the greatest maritime disasters in history. the titanic. your ship, sir. they'll only be compensated if white star and its employees are found negligent. you did not respond, "we are sinking.
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and our passengers and our crew are in danger. what agreement with the military? war, miss ricard, war. rated pg >> harris: f.b.i. director christopher wray with a familiar warning now, americans are in danger. his first warning was about the biden border crisis. now there is a very real
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possibility for a coordinated terror attack on american soil. one much like the recent isis-k attack in russia's capital city. 60 people were killed, 145 injured. christopher wray was on capitol hill explaining to lawmakers yesterday. >> our most immediate concern has been that individuals or small groups will draw some kind of twisted inspiration from the events in the middle east to carry out attacks here at home. but now, increasingly concerning is the potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland akin to the isis-k attack we saw at the russia concert hall just a couple weeks ago. >> harris: of course, all that does tie to the border because that's one of the main ways that they are coming through. justice correspondent david spunt with what's going
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on capitol hill. >> direct made it clear the highest he has seen in his career for the threat level and pushing congress to authorize the fisa act, specifically 702. it is being debated now in the house allowing intelligence agencies to collect communications of people overseas without a warrant and it is possible that someone in the united states could get swept up in that collection if talking to a suspected person who lives overseas. >> 702 is crucial to our ability to warn and protect our critical infrastructure from hackers in china, in russia, iran, including cyber threats to our electricity, water, hospitals. >> national security source told fox news this morning we know that hostile nation adversaries are watching the 702 debate closely. no doubt they are hoping the
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u.s. intelligence agencies lose this key capability. some republicans and democrats are joining together and pushing to reform section 702. they want a warrant to be required when it involves data collection of someone in the united states talking to someone overseas. more than 200,000 abuses of fisa over several years. those occurred before reforms in 2021. some republicans yesterday say they are just not convinced. watch this. >> i don't trust you. i don't think this is necessarily a funding problem that we have for your agency as much as a leadership problem. >> director wray warned about the threat from china. chinese government. he said the borough, meaning the f.b.i., opens a counter intelligence investigation into china roughly every 12 hours. think about that. >> harris: oh my goodness. we know how many have come across the border. i mean, that is -- many of them
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illegally. that is wild. thank you. why is president biden losing black voter support and why is the drop so precipitous and dire? do you think his white house staff and campaign can ignore it? no. the new poll shows a dramatic drop in his support among black voters. look for yourself. 57% of black men prefer biden down from 87% in 2020. what has happened in that time? a biden presidency. support is also down 16% among black women. 20% among college educated black voters and 25% among non-college educated black voters. here is democrat strategist james carville. >> i have been very vocal about this. it is horrifying our numbers among younger voters, particularly black younger blacks, younger latinos.
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we're not shedding them. they are leaving in the droves. >> harris: a new pin piece titled latino and black voters could elect trump argues even a modest racial realignment would provide the margin of victory for republicans in november. want to bring in a great debate. ca cassie smedley and jose. cassie, i will come to you. if this were happening among republicans now the headlines would be all over the legacy media. a candidate going from in the 50s, 50 some percent is where he lands from 80 some percent. that's dire news in any category. >> yes, it should be. yet you hear this white house continues to say nothing to see here. believe us. it is your lying eyes that aren't telling you the truth.
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yet what you are seeing from these particular demographics of voters who say the biden white house, the biden presidency has not worked for us. it has diminished our opportunity at the american dream. that patrick in the "wall street journal." the election will be won on the margins. donald trump doesn't have to win the majority of voters. to see a double increase in his direction is enough to deliver him victory in november. >> harris: jose, i look forward to asking you this question today. it is not personal against joe biden. this doesn't have anything necessarily to do when you dig into the polling what w what people think about his age or acumen. these voters are feeling his economy. the numbers heading in the wrong direction and can't move the interest rates down quickly as promised, that hurts. >> it's a great question and good to see you. i will say this i think black
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and latino leaders need to do a better job in communicating biden's accomplishments number one. latino and black business owners have started more businesses in the last 50 years. those are good news. 50 million jobs created. polls change. it is concerning. we're seven months out from this election. i'm optimistic black america will continue to support president biden. >> harris: why should they and why should families living underwater when prices are so high? we concentrate on black and latino voters. raise the tide for all americans no matter where they live or who they are. people are feeling this economy. you can put lipstick on the -- you know the saying. it is a pig of an economy. something is doing something to
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us. >> nobody wants a dictator in donald trump. >> you don't need a dictator to fix inflation. >> immigration matters. donald trump said he wants mass deportations for latino. if you latino watching fox news today he wants you out and deport you. >> that's not true and you know it. >> harris: all right. let's have a debate. let's let cassie jumped in. you called her name by talking about republicans. go ahead. >> there was a recent "wall street journal" poll that showed a double digit increase in the number of latinos who say let's build the wall and the number of legal immigrants who say let's deportal illegal immigrants. you want to know why? it is because these democrat policies have diminished our opportunity at the american dream. people don't immigrate to the united states of america for government hand-out. they immigrate for -- you know
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that this all happened when joe biden undid the executive orders within minutes of taking the oath of office. >> harris: there was a bill from the house that dropped and senators love to talk about this, republican senators. they wanted chuck schumer to put it on the floor last may. it has been sitting there all that time that came out of the house that was focused narrowly on fixing border problems. chuck schumer and democrats wouldn't even take a look at it. let's move. biden is also getting dinged for another tall tales. call it a lie. not the first time. watch. >> president biden: i like an awful lot of people in this audience. i was the first in my family to go to college and watched my father struggle. it wasn't easy. the container stuck the francis
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scott bridge i've been over many times. i remember standing there the next day and looking at the building. i felt like i was looking through the gates of hell it looked so devastating because the way you -- from where you could stand. >> harris: you heard it. biden claimed he was the first person in his family to go to college and bragged repeatedly about his grandfather playing college football. he also said he rode the whales on the bridge but there has never been a railway. by train or car. he misremembered the train part. he said he was also at ground 0 the day after 9/11. but his own book puts him in washington, d.c. i don't even know really where to begin with this cassie. everybody sees it. the question is does it matter to voters? >> well, i think it just puts -- underscores this thinking among
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voters that joe biden isn't all together, isn't all with it. that contributes to the policies that also aren't working for them. it is just a problem for voters. >> president biden makes mistakes, donald trump makes mistakes. they are human. people care about the economy and immigration and everything else. >> harris: there was a oyster bunny recently in the 20th century he lives in. great to see you both. thank you very much. that was a great debate. appreciate your time. fox news confirms an afghanistan national on the watch terror list was caught at our southern border and then released. it happened not once, but twice. now officials are trying to explain it. how can you explain it? they let the guy go twice. he is on the terror watch list. florida's governor is tracking down on crime. a week has been dedicated to it. he signed a series of bills all
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week long, everything from retail theft to the fentanyl crisis. ron desantis joins me next. veteran homeowners need cash but worried you can't get a home loan because of your credit? here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way, you're more than five times more likely to get approved for the newday 100 va cash out loan. no one knows veterans
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see how at that's me! >> harris: florida governor ron desantis this week has been all about law and order and he has been signing bills into new laws to target criminals and to make his citizens feel safe. we appreciate that. many of us go there as tourists. he signed a bill that protects police officer and insures they get due process. >> we're at a 50 year low and if you don't support law enforcement and feel like they are under the gun you will see crime rise. no cash bail and they are releasing people all the time you could be the best police officer in the world and the best force, the thumb will be on
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the scale against you. >> harris: all this crime and order week from florida the governor enacted a new law protecting children from grooming and other sexual and physical harm. also another new law boosting penalties for retail theft and porch pirating. and we started the week on monday with a new law increasing sentences for dealers convicted of selling fentanyl. why this week and what trigged all of this? >> this is just a continuation of florida's commitment to law and order. the clip you showed our crime rate at a 50 year low. we have blocked no cash bail policies when local governments have tried to do it and supported law enforcement with $5 thousand signing bonuses. so in the two years we have had this program we have had over 400 officers relocate from
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california, illinois, new york, to florida. get a $5 thousand bonus. our commitment has been strong. this week has been big. last week we also did the bill against the squatters where they go in and take over someone's home and they exercise rights. that ends. we didn't really have the same problem in florida like you had in california and new york. that won't happen. i would also point out we're on the heels now of spring break and what we did a month and a half go is work in places like miami beach where it had gotten out of hand in recent years. we surge law enforcement. they had good policies. almost everyone is saying it with as the most successful spring break florida had. businesses were protected and you had law and order. this week on the retail theft you have seen this in other parts of the country where stores get looted because you can steal a certain amount and
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they will not prosecute you unless you steal $1 thousand or so. that ends up some stores close, some stores have to put toothpaste and normal items behind lock and key. we aren't accepting that in florida. so we have very strong penalties. yes against normal retail theft but you have the internet flash mobs and people go on social media and storm a store. big penalties for that. the organized theft rings you will have really significant penalties. on the theft, the porch piracy. you order something online and they put a package at your front door, you come home from work and it is gone because someone stole it. i can tell you, you are not going to want to steal those packages in the state of florida. we'll throw the book at you. >> harris: we need so much of it here in new york just what you were talking about in terms of retail theft. it is worst that just behind the plexiglas. there are pharmacy and food
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deserts because places are having to close. they can't afford to keep their people safe and companies are losing money on all the stuff being taken. i want to get to you on the terror at the border and what christopher wray had to say. he said it before but now he is saying it for a different reason. fox news has confirmed that an afghan national on the terror watch list, someone from afghanistan on the terror watch list where we fought a war for 20 years was apprehended at the border and then released. governor desantis, it happened twice. it was first reported by nbc, the department of homeland security says one person is in ice custody. a spokesperson says this. nbc's assertion that crick bp knowingly released an individual on the watch list is inaccurate and not consistent with our actions at the border. republicans want -- 43 republican senators are
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demanding an impeachment trial for dhs secretary mayorkas after the house voted to impeach him. they wrote a letter to senate leader chuck schumer, democrat. he has yet to indicate what he plans to do. what his caucus will do. your reaction to it all, governor. >> the president's responsibility first and foremost is to protect the safety of the country. what this president did through a deliberate policy choices when he first took office is create this mess by opening the border. and we have had over 100 people come on the terror watch list that even dhs acknowledges just think of all the people they don't know about who have come across the border. when you see people coming from afghanistan, from middle east, from china, why do we have tens of thousands of chinese nationals pouring into this country and people from iran pouring into this country? if you look we have a lot of
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national security threats that the country faces. i think this is an easy vulnerability for our enemies to exploit. not something that just happened beyond our control. it is something that happened through deliberate neglect of the president's oath of office. so mayorkas as being the maestro of this policy deserves to be impeach and should bring him to trial. make these democrat senators justify why it is okay to deliberately ignore the law and invite in all these threats to our country. if they think it's kosher they should have to go on record and say that. they don't want the trial because they know it will make them look very bad to stand up there in front of the american people and have to defend this travesty. >> harris: yes it will. well put. i wrote down what you said. soft under belly. those words are stinging to hear. it doesn't have to be that way and we know they are coming in
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illegally. if they say they are catching them, they are going after them when they can, as you said of the more than million who came over, the gotaways, who do we know is here? we don't. governor ron desantis, great to hear about your crime and order -- law and order week last week and for you to join us. appreciate you. >> thank you. >> harris: new report says the dnc has used campaign donations to cover president biden's legal bills. oh oh. democrats, of course, have accused former president trump's campaign of doing the very same thing. meanwhile, trump's new york hush money trial is set to begin next week on monday. and legal experts are shaking their heads over this. >> this is the weaponization of the criminal justice system. this is a bizarre case. you have this really odd effort in order to sort of take a federal offense, rejuvenate a miss demeanor and convict him
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for a felony. >> harris: we're learning more about which questions perspective jurors will face on monday. former assistant district attorney phil holloway is in "focus" next. dney disease, there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. when you have chronic kidney disease,
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>> harris: we want to make a
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quick correction from earlier this hour. it was on screen and it showed incorrect information. the word said that former president donald trump is leading president biden among minority voters in swing states. while biden has lost double digit point support, he is not losing to trump yet in all those states. it should have said on screen that former president trump is catching up to biden with significant gains, which is what i say and that is true. on monday donald trump will become the first former president to stand trial on criminal charges. he is accused of falsifying business records to hide a hush money payment to a pornography worker named stormy daniels. this is one of the four criminal cases the former president is facing. he denies all the charges and calls the indictment a political witch hunt. some legal analysts say he is absolutely right.
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>> these indictments all have one common denominator, brian, politically driven. americans see this for what it is, an abuse of our legal system meant to interfere in the presidential election. but polls show it is backfiring. only solidifying trump's support. voters see him as a victim of political enemies weaponizing the laws. >> harris: "politico" column lays it out this way. surprising strategies trump could use on this quote, first watch for the defense to take a wrecking ball to michael cohen, the former trump lawyer, fixer and key witness in the hopes of taking the whole case down with him. then there is another less explored route asking the judge to give the jury the option of convicting him on lesser misdemeanor offenses instead of felony counts.
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that last one is really interesting. you don't hear that out there very much. could it happen? could you go from felonies to misdemeanors and what would it mean? >> you could always ask for a lesser included charge. when case started out as a minor bookkeeping misdemeanor. alvin bragg is taking this and boot strapping federal election law trying to call it some type of serious felony fraud, which really it is just a bookkeeping issue. speaking of fraud, it is another example of a new york prosecution going after trump where there is no victim. nobody was harmed by any of this. by the way, can we stop referring to it as a hush money trial? that's implies there is something sinister, something illegal about non-disclosure agreements. they are standard.
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wealthy people, prominent people use them all the time. even fani willis in the fulton d.a. office has disclosure agreements for people in her office. i wish we wouldn't refer to it as a hush money trial. it implies there is something sinister. bottom line is nobody was hurt. at most this was a bookkeeping issue. this was something the statute of limitations, if it was a crime, was expired years ago and that would be assuming there was some kind of fraudulent intent by donald trump. the bigger question is can he get a fair trial in new york? >> harris: that's a huge question. we'll follow every second of it. the only dangling thing for me in terms of questions is if the statute of limitations ran out, how are they even doing this? is there a quick answer? >> not a quick answer. they are trying to bootstrap federal election law into this. this is the kind of thing that -- >> harris: making it a wider issue. >> they should take it up to
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pre-trial appeal. you hate something to stand trial if the charges were improperly brought in the first place. >> harris: critics are calling out team biden and democratic party for hypocrisy. dnc used campaign funds to pay the president's legal bills in the classified documents investigation. we've heard some biden backers calling out trump for doing the very same thing, watch. >> we are not spending money on legal bills. we are not hawking gold sneakers or any of that stuff. the money that we are raising we are going straight to talking to voters. >> i'm the biggest cheerleader for lara trump. go, girl, go, do your thing and spend the money on the lawsuits. the dnc, we will be working on supporting the largest voter protection program we've had. >> harris: did they use the money? that whole thing about the sneakers, stop. the dnc denied footing the bill in a statement today.
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so they are still talking about this, quote. there is no compareson. dnc does not spend a single penny on legal bills unlike donald trump who actively solicits legal fees from his supporters and drawn down every account he can get his hands on. they can't do it without mentioning his name and the scandal is rocking. >> this seems to me like an admission by the folks that you just heard from on that side of some type of coordinated effort to purposefully run up donald trump's legal bills by use of law fair, intentionally trying to run up the man's legal bills to make this claim. at the same time they are doing the same thing for joe biden, who, by the way, his lawyers did a great job for him. i hope they get paid every dime because it was well worth it to avoid criminal charges related to all the classified documents
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found if his garage going back to his time when he was in the united states senate, for crying out loud. if ever there was a case that screamed for criminal prosecution it is that one. for those lawyers to be able to not get any kind of recommendation for charges out of that conduct, that's brilliant lawyering and deserve to get paid. if people want to donate to donald trump or joe biden knowing that their money is paying their legal bills that's fine. nothing wrong with that. let's be transparent about it and not blame the other side for doing something that you yourself are doing. >> harris: that is really critical what you just said about how biden, according to your legal expertise, got away with it. the american public watches and many of them feel the same way. phil holloway, thank you very much. "outnumbered" after the break.
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