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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 12, 2024 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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>> it's better than pee. i feel like you would get fat if you could smell french fries, i would eat them. >> even just watching that i know what that billboard smells like. it smells like grease but the good kind of grace. i am all for the smelly billboard. >> how far will this extend into the advertising world? what happens when the pampers company decides -- >> oh, no. >> oh, paul. >> that ed mediate experience right now you do not want that smell. >> here you go. >> remember they got rid of the perfume and magazines because people complained. now we only have fries. thank you to everyone for watching now is "america reports." >> i think inflation is a huge deal. >> i'm making more money than i ever did in my life and i'm still paycheck to paycheck. >> we are spending more money at the grocery store and going out to eat all the prices have gone up. harder to save money. >> it's hard to afford copy. >> the cost rubber thing is
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going up. >> it's rough. sometimes the grocery bill is higher than eating out or getting delivery food. i mean, it's getting ridiculous. >> sandra: a tale of two economies. the biden administration touts and one americans are experiencing every single day. a new plan has experts wondering whether this white house is doing more harm than good. hello and welcome, everyone, as we topped a brand-new hour this is -- i will leave that to you, john i'm sandra smith in new york we have a lot of breaking news coming up. >> john: we do i'm john roberts in washington and this is "america reports." president biden announcing another round of student loan bailout is a whopping price tag of $7.4 billion. they say 270,000 borrowers will see their loans canceled. >> sandra: it does not get canceled, it gets transferred, right? that money has to be paid off somehow by real people. critics say american taxpayers
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are the ones who will be on the hook for this. ask tammy bruce and richard fowler if this shows biden's desperation to try to win back younger voters. >> john: in fact many american taxpayers who have already paid for their student loans will not be paying for somebody else's. jacqui heinrich kicks us off live at the white house, has the white house addressed who is paying for this? we all know who. >> not yet, jon perry we will see the president next hour at an event so maybe he gets a question there and answers at. but the administration for this administration stubbornly high prices have really been the achilles' heel of the president's poor approval rating and they are trying to combat that with the announcement of this proposal to wipe another $7.4 billion in student loan debt today. the white house overall has sought to frame inflation has a global challenge. one that is unrelated to the president's policies or spending blaming the pandemic, supply chain disruptions, or rush's war
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in ukraine and corporate greed. biden has been holding out all hope that the federal reserve will cut interest rates soon since overall inflation has cooled. it would go a long way in improving voter sentiment about the economy but this week 'a cpi report showed inflation rising for the second straight month throwing cold water on the chances of rate cuts any time soon. according to some analysts eliminating the possibility of multiple cuts this year. the white house yesterday on defense after the producer price index, which tracks wholesale prices, show the steepest increase in 11 months. >> we did not get any statement today on the ppi index. why are we hearing more from the white house about the issues that people are facing a grocery stores and paying rent? >> i mean, they state of the union the president made very clear about what he understands the americans are facing. he has talked at almost every he has had. >> shortly after that exchange biden tried to zoom out to the
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big picture tweeting producer prices are down 80% from the peak and profits are higher than before the pandemic. he tweeted "it's time big corporations pass the earnings on to consumers in the form of lower prices" "the wall street journal" editorial board calling out the play writing "the white house has persuaded some of the media to buy its line the only problem in the economy is consumer psychology macroburst george costanzas from seinfeld, they write the problem is not the result of white house policies, it's you." john? >> john: well, it's time for the airing of grievances so let's turn it over to sandra. >> sandra: thank you for that reporting, jackie, we await the president's words by the way the meanwhile we will bring in tammy bruce and richard fowler fox news contributor's i feel friday energy coming on. this is michaela montgomery. this morning the support who hugged to donald trump at the atlanta check fillet. it was certainly a moment. it's getting a lot of play but
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she joined this network earlier this morning on "fox & friends" and talked about the appeal of the former president to younger voters, listen. >> they feel like he is honest. they feel like this is somebody who while we may not agree with how he says things, how he goes about things, at least he is telling us what it is. we don't feel like this is a snake in the grass waiting for his chance to bite us. this is somebody telling us this is what my plan is. here is how i plan to executed. here are the people involved and here is how you can get involved. >> versus president biden of the day, richard, standing in his aviator glasses and the rose garden telling people things are great and that prices are down. they are not. >> look, i think there's something very valuable set by this young lady who met to donald trump in the chick-fil-a. the truth of the matter is i am 37 years old and donald trump has been around my entire life. our member donald trump in home alone two. he has a star when he walks into which clay or mcdonald's or for that matter anywhere he is going to covet attention because
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before he was the president of the united states, he was a star. right? now i also think she is right, he is very clear about what he is going to do and when he is going to do it and it's prudent upon the voter in this moment to say do i like it or don't i like it? in 2020 the voters said they didn't like it. right? and he lost the election by almost 7 million votes. the question for the president now, the former president in this moment is can he make up that 7 million vote deficit he lost in the 2020 election? based on what we are seeing his campaign talk about which you're talking about the nice years of 2018 or the nice years of 2017 and not the ending of his presidency, can he make up that deficit is the big question? right now the answer is no. he has reached the ceiling in his voters. >> sandra: i'm trying to figure out what you're telling me there but there is the tale of two economies. in the biden administration while he is campaigning he is out there telling people it's great and it's the media telling you things are bad. that is quite clearly not the case. credit card debt up nearly 50% since biden took office, tammy.
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>> right. there are certain issues where you can spin it rhetorically that people don't have a direct immediate relationship with that but with the economy we always do especially inflation. i have to say there are polls when it comes to voters looking backward and their opinion of trump was bad peer-reviewed no, during the election, and it's changed it's gonna. when they reflect on what trumpet did do versus what is happening now i think it is the juxtaposition that one individual matters. that decisions by the president matter and it effectively direcs their lives. biden won young people in 2020 by 24 points, under 30 voters. trump now leads with under 30 voters by 21 points. that's a 45-point swing with under 30 voters. that is astounding. that is happening because when you think about the money, or student loan forgiveness, it
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means nothing compared it to gasoline. to what rent is. too if you hope to buy a home and you can't. you are looking at all these things, the price of course of food, everyone is affected by that, not just parents. medications absolutely. when you are thinking it's like a landlord raising the rent by double and throwing a $10 bill at you saying renew your lease you won't do it. >> sandra: gas prices go to your local gas pump. i always get tweets from california when i show the national average at $3.63 up 50% a gallon of gas since biden took office i immediately get tweets from california saying weight that is nothing compared to what we are paying out there. that is obviously the average. but there is this concept there is a trend out there the white house is not listening to from these younger voters. look no further than social media this is a jah nze tiktoker on friends this morning, listen here. >> it's very frustrating seeing these handouts being given out
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and the prices of everything increasing. when i go home at the end of the day i am still struggling. i am trying my best, i'm doing everything i can edit seems to not be enough in this current economy. it's absolutely ridiculous. >> that was nick sumner's, richard, who went viral for a tiktok he put out saying he can't afford to live right now. it's this affordability crisis. larry kudlow has been saying this so long. is this a political opportunity for the former president campaigning against president biden who is now handing out canceling student debt when really that is a transfer of that debt to hardworking americans? trump seized on this immediately last summer, listen here. >> today the supreme court, this is today. today the supreme court also ruled president biden is not allowed to wipe out hundreds of billions or perhaps trillions of dollars in student loan debt which would have been very unfair to the millions and millions of people who paid their debt through hard work and
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diligence, very unfair. >> sandra: will he get the attention of the younger voter who does not like to see these handouts happen they know they are on the hook for and they can't afford to pay their rent? >> i think this economy will come down -- the election will come down to two things the economy and abortion rights for women. when it comes to the economy the footage you played was june 30th of 2023. a columnist after that we saw this. we saw workers at auto plants across this country go out on strike paired with a ups worker's potentially almost go out on strike and they were asking the same question. how do we make ends meet at these companies? and we saw two different campaign responses without biden walk the picket lines striking autoworkers and we thought trump did not and that's what it will come down to. who was standing up for working people and who wasn't. i don't know the answer to that question, we have eight months to figure it out -- >> sandra: can i circle back before you go? i appreciate the conversation. to that young boater, michaela, who hugged the president at the chick flick, is your suggestion at the top here that she couldn't possibly be supporting his policies?
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i mean, you said she was starstruck. >> no, no, no that's not what i'm saying. what donald trump has working in his favor is he has the power of celebrity. the question now is after former being the former president and losing an election will he be able to make up that 7 million vote gap? >> sandra: yes, in fact he will and that's the benefit without close these two different economies were playing out with donald trump's economy 1.6% inflation, the wage gap was closing, et cetera. >> but there is tons of inflation after -- >> versus right now and people think back where they better off with trump versus the last vocal years. >> sandra: i really appreciate the discussion, both of you thank you very much. john? >> john: the house in the last few minutes by a vote of 273-147 a hands vote to go ahead and reauthorize section 702 of the fisa foreign surveillance program. however instead of reauthorizing it for a long period of time it's a short period of time now
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how that would seem to buy favor with conservatives who have been listening to donald trump who said kill the darn thing. our chad pergram's on capitol hill with the latest. heading to the senate, chad? >> yes but with a caveat an asterisk. there is another procedural hurdle. something pretty rare and we are breaking this down right now that they are going to have to go through your absolutely right they passed the bill 273-147 here but there was a motion made by anna paulina luna, republican from florida, that's going to hold this up and there is going to have to be another vote to discharge this to get it over to the senate. we don't see this very often. all this is as a delaying tactic but they have passed the bill. the bill is in fact passed but they cannot sent it across to the senate. keep in mind there is a deadline here in a bout a week and a half for the senate has to sync up with the house or the house has to align with the senate to make sure these programs don't go dark. but they have passed the bill
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today. two year three authorization until 2026, john question mike >> john: kelly farris as they had to take another vote next week on a motion to table on the motion to reconsider. can you put that in english for us? >> rick et cetera is basically saying we are going to vote again. okay? so what you can do to euthanize that, to terminate that, is table it. that kills it. so we don't see that very often where somebody demands a roll call vote on that very arcane piece of parliamentary procedure. basically you hear this at the end of very roll call vote where they move to reconsider and somebody says they moved to table and that's it. that did not happen today and that is the hold-up that will delay getting to the senate, john. >> john: it would be very helpful if google translate would add congressional >> sandra: it's app so we could all understand it. >> that's what i'm here for, john. >> chad, thank you very much. center? >> sandra: fox has confirmed an afghan national with ties to terror has been arrested and
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released into the u.s. not once but twice now. senior correspondent why it wasn't border patrol flag the first time around? >> they did not of information he was on the terror watch list the first time around so he is allowed to roam 3 for 11 months. a federal source tells our david that mohammed carl when crossed into the u.s. in march of 2023. at the time he was not on the terror watch list so he was allowed to go free. but reportedly he is a member of hezbislami a terrorist group said to be responsive for the death of several civilians. this car again picked up in february but he had a hearing and at that hearing for reasons unknown his ties to radical islam were not related to the judge so he was released again. this time on bond. he was picked up again and the
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dhs says as soon as there was information to suggest this individual was of concern he was taken into custody by ice. other federal sources say he is still not an immediate threat. meantime agents in the el paso sector rated another stash house filled with migrants. they had 136 so far this year that it's already half as many as last year and agents say the concern is the ones they don't get. >> what worries me is that we know nothing about the migrants that are being kept at these stash houses. we know absolutely nothing about them. they can be dangerous criminals. they could be predators, child. rapists. >> ten it was national stuffed into a car and crossing illegally into the u.s. illegal crossings at the
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northern border are up 241% from the previous year, center? >> sandra: mike tobin on that with us we will have more coming up thank you. >> you got it. >> let me give you a hug. [cheers and applause] >> wow. >> dynamic moment on campaign trail between donald trump and a georgia woman we heard her explain how he is winning over young voters. is he doing the same for another crucial group? ari fleischer will be here on that. >> looking forward to that plus a chemical burial ground under a public park that could be causing a cluster of cancer cases. dr. mike siegel is on us and will breakdown the health part of that and new york cb? >> hi, center, those drums are filled with toxic chemicals found behind a cedar fence. was a town called a graveyard of
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contamination and these signs warn people to stay away but those who live here fear the damage has already been done. i will have that story after the break. some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate. because there are people out there who aren't you. a lot of them. and you don't drive like... whoa. i don't want my child being raised by a robot! other drivers are not you. yes, thank you so much to all 50 of my subscribers. nope, definitely not you. save with drivewise and get a rate based on you. you're in good hands with allstate. i'm sarah escherich, i'm the life enrichment director at independence village, the senior living community in waukee, iowa.
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>> john: following breaking news outside of houston and brennan texas, apparently an 18 wheel tractor trailer truck that was being pursued by law enforcement for an unknown violation or reason at this point crashed into a texas department of public safety office. our fox affiliate in houston reports three people are critically injured. one of them was transported to the hospital. the driver of the 18-wheeler has been taken into custody. sender, again, we don't know what this truck driver was being chased for, but the texas law enforcement was in hot
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pursuit of him when he either lost control or for some other reason crashed into this dbs office in brenham, texas. >> sandra: we are trying to get more information on this now. brenham, texas, is about 70 child miles west of houston if you drew a line between houston and austin it's about smacking between. they are also requesting as we look at these live images out of brenham, texas, that they clear the way for responding medical personnel. dps officials, john, are not infinitely responding to requests for more information. we hope to get some soon. city officials there are also taking calls but not offering any additional information. this is early stages and we are just getting these pictures up, john, we hope to get more information soon. >> when you look at damage to the building and the truck itself it looks like it ran straight into the front doors. which may indicate this was not just a mistake or losing control because it center punched at that building. you can see the amount of damage
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done to the front. not sure what it is hauling but whatever it is we don't have resolution to see if those are big pieces of something, big flat mike flat pieces if it's a pipe or whatever we can't quite tell but clearly that's a heavy vehicle. do not know how they got it back out of the building because there is no tow truck around. unless the tow truck pulled it out and it's gone now but my goodness, that is an incredible amount of damage. no wonder people are hurt. >> reports of multiple serious injuries but no specifics yet on how many people were affected by this or the extent of those injuries. casey stegall is joining us now on the breaking news. he is out of dallas we are watching this together, what can you tell us? >> sandra, i can tell you this little community of brennan texas is between austin and houston and the life pictures you are seeing courtesy of one of our affiliates down there is showing this tiny texas dps office with what appears to be a tractor-trailer that sort of
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sprawled out across the parking lot there. we do understand a handful of people have been injured and that at least one has been life flighted away. a few critical injuries and also about six walking wounded injuries according to some local reports meaning folks that had some scrapes and bruises and bumps but were not seriously injured enough to be taken to the hospital. there are also local reports that 18-wheeler may have been stolen and that it was being driven by someone and that police were pursuing that tractor-trailer, but where it came from, who it belongs to and what it was loaded down with is not clear. i can tell you texas dps has told us among the injuries none of their own personnel were among those. that was a dps office which in a lot of other parts of the country like similar to a bureau of motor vehicles where people from the public could go to
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renew their driver's licenses and do registrations and things of that nature. so we are watching this very closely. this breaking news out of brenham, texas, where apparently this morning someone drove a tractor-trailer, it sounds like it may have been a criminal act at this point according to some local reports but drove the 18-wheeler straight into the front of the texas dps office. no reports of fatalities but we are hearing several people are injured and some of them are serious or critical, sandra. >> john: case and we are looking at a pretty close up picture and the airfoil has been ripped off the top of the tractor when it came into the building. a lot of drywall and other pieces of the building hanging on the front of the truck. is there any word on whether the truck was being stolen for what it was carrying? i can't quite tell with the material is in the back of the truck. or was a potentially stolen for the purposes of ramming into
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this office? >> well, that is still remaining unclear right now. we also, john, are watching this with you and it is hard to make out with a tractor-trailer is loaded down with. so, unknown at this point whether in fact it was loaded with precious goods or something someone was targeting specifically to try and steal and then were being pursued by police, potentially lost control of the vehicle, and happened to crash into the building or whether in fact it was an intentional act and the driver behind the 18-wheeler actually rammed into the texas dps building intentionally, but you can imagine on a friday afternoon this is a time when people are in there getting driver's license renewals. they are trying to get their cars registered, license plates, various paperwork that is done in the office. it is not very large. brenham, texas, is a relatively small community. again, 76 miles or so to the
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south, i'm sorry, to the northwest of houston, so the office itself you can see from the aerial picture is not that big. at any given time was probably not packed with people as, say, an office in the dallas-fort worth area or another major metro area would be but we are following these details as very fluid at this hour. >> sandra: the driver in custody officials say three people critically injured. this is according to local fox website. one of them was transported to the hospital as you mentioned by life flight. they were not texas dps personnel. so hopefully we get an update on the condition of those folks soon, john. >> i'm wondering how the truck is where it is when it was actually inside of the building. i'm not sure if somebody backed it out? maybe if it still has the ability to do that or something hold it out but no tow truck. casey, keep working or services we will get back to. >> yes we will get back to.
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>> sandra: rights outside a park in new york city several barrels of toxic waste were found in a amoco burial ground. folks there say it's an ongoing problem leading to a spike in cancer cases. we have fox team coverage of this dr. sig will break down the help impact in moments but first cb cotton is live in a toaster bay new york you spoke with a cancer survivor there? >> yes i did the woman believes the toxic chemicals dumped behind this fence decades ago may have contributed to her breast cancer diagnosis. the town calls this a "chemical graveyard" is the latest discovery points to more secrets waiting to be dug up. she is cancer free today but was diagnosed with breast cancer more than a decade ago. >> i had to have a double mastectomy and go through chemotherapy. >> despite the challenges, she still considers herself one of the lucky ones. >> i have many friends who had
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multiple cancers from my high school. >> growing up lois lived three blocks from the military engineering company, and the aerospace. on long island where she noticed an alarming trend. >> up until my teens every year it would be oh, so-and-so has cancer. >> a cancer link has never been proven but in 2002 contaminated soil and a groundwater plume of carcinogenic chemicals was discovered at the company's old dumping ground while a multiyear cleanup of the site continues, a new alarming discovery of 655-gallon chemical drums was found last month. >> the cleanup has always been a much bigger task than they were willing to do. by finding these drums, by finding this contamination they are red handed. >> the state department environmental conservation tells fox the discovery poses no public health threat at the site and it is working with federal and local officials to ensure
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the company, now known as northrop grumman safely removes the containers. >> we will attention, i think everyone who lives here knows the history. >> now we are told the drums contain chlorinated solvents and waste oil petroleum. several people from this community, sandra come have filed a class action lawsuit against northrop grumman which denies the allegations. back to you. >> cb cotton on that from oyster bay, thank you. joining us now, john. >> the community has been in the dark for a long, long time. newsday investigated this four years ago and said this in its report, "roman the giants knew as far back as the mid-1970s that it's toxic chemicals were contaminating groundwater but it kept secret crucial information that could have stopped what is now long island's most retractable and bare-metal crisis.
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we know how many times this is repeated across the country? >> it is all over the country. the southwest, the southeast, tom island, eastern long island, we know about it in new jersey and we have reported about it the old veterans stadium area we reported about a. in this particular area and it northrop grumman has done a amazing things from the united states for the lunar module my father worked on some of these projects out there but we are talking about a town of about 18,000 people, john. this was where they put their waste water. this is where they put their rags into these drums. there were definitely volatile organic compounds in there including trichloroethylene which has been linked to kidney cancer and liver cancer. now when they studied this they have 73 cancer cases but they have not been able to prove the association. a lot of people as was just reported in the area think it is definitely the case. i want to give a quick shout out to a young woman named leah
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esposito who had huge attention last month on this. john, first grade she has kidney cancer. >> john: oh, my goodness. at one of the big chemicals folks are worried about or a group called pf as poly floral alcoves. here's what they said an american drinking water it says toxic forever chemicals interview water say at least one detected in 45% of u.s. drinking water samples. when you look at military sites across the country they are literally in every state of the nation where they have had a problem or a potential problem 710 sites, doc. this could be a lot bigger than just new york. >> no question about it. the real question is once you know that and believe in it as i do and you do what do you do about it? you can't leave these wastes and drums because below them is clay and clay seeps into the ground
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and from then into the groundwater. so $20 million was spent there but it's still there. john, the baseball field next to that is closed. nobody will play baseball there but the solvents remain. >> john: all right, apparently the plume 4.3 miles long, 2.4 miles wide, 900 feet deep. dark, good to catch up if you have a great weekend. >> sandra: tensions may bubble in the middle east as they publicly threat that might threaten israel how may it impact the u.s.? benjamin hall will join us live on that next. then we deliver to your new home - across town or across the country. pods, your personal moving and storage team.
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>> john: still digging for more information on the scene in brenham, texas, between houston and austin in the south an 18-wheeler that was being pursued by police there were reports it was stolen and crashed into the front doors of a texas department of public safety office. a number of people were injured,
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one of them apparently injured critically and had to be airlifted out of there. we don't know if the office was targeted by the driver of the truck and lost control and pinpointed the front doors of the building like that, that would have been very, very unique. so we are trying to figure out more about this we will keep you updated as soon as we do, sa sandra? >> sandra: and this fox news alert and breaking news on background from the u.s. a fenced official we have gotten word the u.s. is moving additional assets in the middle east region. the quote will not defense official says we are moving additional assets to the region to bolster regional deterrence efforts and increase protection for u.s. forces let's bring in benjamin hall fox news correspondent and host of the new fox nation series "surviving hamas" benjamin, great to see you thank you for seeing us. first to the news we are moving
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additional assets into the region is this continued threat grows from iran and we wonder whether or not they will indeed attack israel in the next 48 hours. >> that is right. i think since october 7th since the war in gaza began there has been a concern about regional escalation where there may be a wider conflict in the region come to this point right now in the next couple of days is that point where we may figure out whether that happens or not or see it. iran has said they will retaliate for the attack on their consulate inside syria. and they said they will punish israel because of a. israel has said if they are hit by iran they will retaliate in turn. we know the u.s. and other foreign ministers are reaching out to iran and warning them to back down and not attack israel itself. he is at an f-15 base.
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the thinking is that people expect to see something from iran, some kind of a retaliation the next couple of days. it remains to be seen with that might be but if it goes too far we may see something here escalate. >> sandra: this was john kirby earlier this morning on the growing threat from iran and how they are assessing it, listen. >> we are watching this very, very closely. we still deemed the potential threat by iran here to be real, to be viable, certainly credible and we are watching it as closely as we can. that's why we are working so intensively to make sure that israel has what it needs to defend itself and we have had conversations with others in the region too. nobody sitting back resting easy on this. it is a serious threat to. >> sandra: ben, has the u.s. sent a firm enough message that we have israel's back here? >> for all the disagreements we've seen recently over gaza and what israel is doing inside
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gaza and how far that should go, the ad administration has been very firm that alongside israel they will stand in defense of any iranian attack. i think this is when you are seeing them apparently stand true to that. so we expect that to be the case and the u.s. is certainly being very clear it will do that. what people are worried about right now is that iran needs to retaliate but they want to do so on an level that won't escalate issues or how can they retaliate and what level will that retaliation be? i suppose that's what we will have to see. >> john: bank, can you talk about your special "surviving hamas" this is a new benjamin hall series tell us about it. >> starting october 7th this is what's happening many forgot why i started but on fox nation right now it tells the story to some of the people who were caught up and not on the israei side. we spoke to hostages who had been released, 21-year-old called maia who was held prisoner by hamas for 53 days and i can tell you some of the stories we are able to tell are
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really remarkable and it talks not about what happened to them but the future. and what might come after it so really an emotional story for me to tell. i think it is something many are forgetting about the israelis, families of hostages being held and they want people to remember their family members are still inside gaza and many of them say this could all end if those hostages are released but fox nation of the moment has it i hope people want to. >> sandra: no one can tell the story better than you than you. >> john: sondra van anti-semitism sweeping across colleges and former cornell student pleading guilty to threatening jewish students on campus. now the school's jewish community is rallying against the hate plus this. >> can i get 30 milk shakes and also some chicken? i want to take care of the customers. is this good? >> yes. >> ready to get rich, right? >> milk shakes on the house that
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viral moment in georgia a soundd that donald trump is winning to over some of the most important voting blocs. fletcher ith as here. and minera, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) all—new subway wraps are packed with delicious ingredients in a pillowy lavash wrap. finally a refreshing lunch that tastes deli— perfect for pro athletes like me, right? can i finish? buy one wrap get one 50% off in the subway app today. i hear it all the time. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader
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memory foam doesn't come close. get your best sleep guaranteed right now! save up to $400. visit or a store near you. >> john: that tractor-trailer they say in a dps department of public safety office between houston and austin, texas dps says the driver of that truck is in custody. texas rangers are investigating this. cases to go saying it appeared to be a truck that was stolen being pursued by law enforcement and somehow went off the road and crashed into that office but it seems to me severely
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coincidental that it seemed to crash specifically through the front doors injuring a number of people. >> sandra: i imagine they are looking for skidmarks or anything we are waiting on details but it looks like the suspect has been arrested, no further threat to their community but we await details on why this happened waiting to get to casey stegall. >> jonathan sanders i got off the phone with the sheriff's office for this is located in the public affirmation officer is trying to get out the door to get to the scene and to be able to brief the media fully. i ask whether there are some local reports out there whether she can confirm these or not and she says the sheriff is saying there is reporting on chapel hill there 12 miles from brenham there is a person want to that dps on purpose because
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they denied his cdl on thursday. so that is a new nugget of information. the public information officer is saying they are hearing these reports, the sheriff is hearing as well but they had to get out to the scene to be able to get to those on the ground and find out just what exactly happened and the accuracy of this but that would drive a little bit with the fact there is an arrest with the driver. there is an intentional criminal act they believe and also want to give an update we are hearing reports now 16 people injured which is higher than the number we initially talked about. most of these are minor inj injuries, the so-called walking wounded three people are said to be in critical condition, at least one was life flighted out of there. that is what we are hearing
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right now you can see from live pictures coming in from our affiliate in houston that tractor-trailer is just strewn out you can see the debris in front of it john was asking in the last hit we did the vehicle may have been backed out of there and that is entirely possible with people inside so again a story that is very fluid and moving at this hour we will continue to follow it and keep you posted. >> sandra: they are encouraging anyone who lives or commutes around the area to avoid this area at this time obviously as their investigation is ongoing. casey stegall with the update we will check back in with you shortly. john? >> john: it has been confirmed it looked like an intentional act and there you have it, it was. big excitement on the campaign trail in georgia former president from going viral viral at a chick-fil-a in atlanta. one i've been too many times.
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supported giving trump a big hug suggesting you can't always believe the media when it comes to how black voters feel about from. former white house press secretary ari fleischer is a fox news contributor. ari, when there is a situation like that, members of the black community who lean democratic certainly start scratching their heads as to why something like this is going on. black had this headline black woman's support for trump leaves people stumps, what's going on here? that the people of color are a model of the voting bloc in the whenever deviates from that. >> yes, it's really the leaders of the black political movement, if you will, who can't figure this out. ordinary people can figure it out. it's people who have a vested interest that politics always has to be one way and that is my way. did not recognize america changes. john, here are the numbers.
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when john mccain ran for president he got 4% of the black vote. when mitt romney ran he got 6%. donald trump got 12%. the man the mainstream media loves to call him the triple john mccain double mitt romney and i think it will do better in 2024 then an '16 or '20 which is wonderful news because republicans should make roads in minority communities. under donald trump we're watching it happen. >> and we can get maybe a crystal ball and what might happen november 5th through the latest "wall street journal" poll. african american men now support from 30%, biden 57%, that is an 18-point increase for trump over 2020. black women, smaller increase from a 5% he is up now to 11%. biden had 93% of black women back in 2,020. this is obviously having to give
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biden heartburn. >> if those numbers are true democrats are locked out of the white house they will surge in the white house with almost 60 seats between 55 and 60 and keep the house or the margins in the house. that is extraordinary for republicans to get 30% or donald trump is 30% of the black male vote. i have been part of one group, john where i saw the support triple. that's the jewish vote. the jewish vote when george hw bush was president was only 11% were republicans. donald trump got it up to 30%. almost tripling over some 30 years' time. this is how you make inroads. you make them slowly and then quickly. that's where donald trump is with a lot of these minority communities part of the rejection of joe biden but welcoming donald trump because he is different. he is not your typical public, he sounds real and i just think he has an authenticity that is
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reverberating with a lot of americans. a hispanic community i think a lot of it is backlash to biden's weak immigration policies come a lot of hispanic immigrants don't like people coming in illegally so when it comes to outreach to minorities this could be a year of major shake-up in american politics and probably will be. >> we saw a picture of donald trump hugging the woman would break her name is michaela montgomery. she is described as a grassroots organizer and a trump supporter she brought a number of students from hbcus to that chick-fil-a. here is what she told our lawrence jones on "fox & friends" this morning, listen here. >> to think these students who attend these illustrious ill institutions are smart enough to make their own decision so much so they would only show support for trump because he bought chicken savages and milk shakes. that in itself is the most disturbing part of it all especially when you think about the fact it was mainly an urban media outlets doing everything
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in their power to try to turn other black people against these young black kids who simply were not shy to explore other opt options. >> john: some other liberal groups picked up the torch, they are suggesting she is a plant, she is a conservative, she runs an organization called "conserve the culture" that she was a republican intern as well and clearly the campaign planted her and the other kids they are. the campaign tells me she is a grassroots organizer who heard through the grapevine trump was going to be there and said let me show up and see if he does along with these students. again it's this idea that if you deviate from the chosen path or the expected path, you are going to get it. >> yes, it sounds an awful lot of like joe biden saying if you don't vote for me you aren't black. but that is exactly what that type of mentality and thinking is. you have to be a 100%, there is
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no other side. this is how entrenched groups lose support. they taken for granted and don't recognize it could be a genuine movement like with younger people were these breaks start and you have lost a group, a generation and that's how these get made and we are watching them get made right now. >> we will continue and have a good weekend. >> thank you, john, you too. >> cre as we fox news alert to the next hour as we hope to get another update on the intentional driving of an 18-wheeler into that department of public safety building in texas. we will have that update for you. also awaiting remarks from biden as the threat from iran to israel looms let's see if he makes remarks on that. john question work >> plus a grueling competition with the
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