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tv   The Story With Martha Mac Callum  FOX News  April 12, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. >> that will wrap it up for us for another week. that went by quickly and we will take a weekend and see you again on monday. set your dvr never ms. miss america reports and thanks for joining us. >> good to be with you. the story starts right now. >> martha: thank you very much you guys. good afternoon i am martha maccallum and welcome to the story on this afternoon. reports breaking out that the united states is moving troops to the middle east. this is part of a backup preparation plan of a possible
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attack on israel that could come from iran. we don't know if that would happen in israel or on israeli interest. we have a wonderful guess to talk about this. the former secretary of state and cia chief will assess the tensions in the middle east and how concerned as americans we should be on where this is headed. but first president biden is speaking right now at reverend al sharpton's national action network, lb it remotely. we're not sure why he didn't decide to attend this in person today. also showing that he is hemorrhaging support among black voters. this is a major issue for him. let's listen in for a second. >> mr president our american troops at risk as well? >> president joe biden: we are devoted to the defense of israel. we will support israel and we
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will help defend israel and iran will not succeed. thank you very much. >> what would you do for response? >> martha: there you have it. the president was speaking to the national action network but it's kind of a strange set up. he is in the white house so when he finished his virtual participation with the group then he was shouted some questions and it's no surprise he went into exactly what we were talking to at the very top of the show which we will dig into with moments with former secretary of state pompeo weather or not he was concerned over an imminent attack on israel or israeli interests. he said we are devoted -- devoted to the defense of israel and he also pushed back of iran of what action they might take. this is a tricky dichotomy because on one hand you have the president really scolding israel over the past the role days over
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there actions in gaza. saying that the way they've handled it has been a mistake. then you have this threat of something coming in from iran to attack israel and then the president is supposed to double down on his support for israel. this has been a very awkward moment for israel, u.s. relations especially with the escalation of this threat. we will tech -- talk to secretary pompeo about that so stick around as we get to the important subject today. in the meantime we will take a look at what's happening for president biden as he is now seven months away from his second presidential race. in 2020 here is what blackmail support, very crucial to winning a presidential election, looked like for him. 87 percent. huge number in line with what we have seen historically according to fox news voter analysis but
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the polling now shows in the most recent, this is a swing state poll. a smaller grouping of american voters but this is a devastating move. this is 30 points lower, 57 percent, with black male voters. and president trump is experiencing a surge for republican candidate in this area. up to 30 percent. that is also unprecedented in terms of support from black vamp -- black male voters and we will talk about in contacts. will look how every democratic president has dominated the vote. in the nineties and upper eighties, this is really a voter group that democrat candidates for president have relied upon. jimmy carter was the lowest of this group at 83 percent and you can see the swing state number that biden has right now is 57 percent. of course jimmy carter lost in 1980 to ronald reagan and the
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phenomenon of reagan democrats help them win that election in 1980. to the president is hoping to win back young voters of all backgrounds because this is another area he did very well with in 2020 and now he is really struggling with this group as well that are also turning toward trump. he is canceling another $7 billion in student loan debt -- debt. he trails former president trump in this group, young voters, by almost 20 points. voters under 30 and this latest fox news poll after winning the group by 25 points over president trump in 2020 according to the fox news voter analysis. these are massive swings and these are very, very remarkable in terms of the electorate and they may signal a real shift that is happening out there and we will see if it holds up. they are very dramatic. fox news correspondent edward lawrence reporting live from the white house. hello edward. >> reporter: i want to go back to what you said at the top. the president was also asked a
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question how imminent is an attack by iran on israel, the president says he wants to get more secure information but it's sooner rather than later and his message for iran he said don't. getting into this the president is keeping true to his vow he would ignore supreme court ruling of student loan forgiveness and forgive us much student loan as he could. you mention of numbers today so far the president has forgiven $153 billion in student loans and that's taxpayer money for a 4.3 million people for existing rule changes his administration made to the root loan program. president biden hopes to include 30 million more people with more rule changes ballooning the cost to taxpayers. he just talked about the plan moments ago. listen. >> president joe biden: a promise kept to historic $7 billion in hbcus, to relieve student debt for more than fourth million people so far including a significant number of black borrowers.
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including today i announced another 277,000 americans with a significant number of black bars also having their debt forgiven. >> reporter: reaching out to those communities now seven states say they will sue with the proposed new changes to president biden student loan bailout plan. the president says it's about helping those students handle hire costs and you mention the polls, the president losing ground with the young and minority voters. lesson. >> black men are talking about generational wealth and trying to find ways to pass the wealth to their kids and their grandkids and that's not possible under the biden administration and their economic policies because inflation has ravaged your ability to actually save money, by assets and have those depreciate. >> reporter: critics are calling this student loan forgiveness plan of boat buying scheme. >> martha: edward thank you very much. that will bring in jason shea fifths back former house oversight chairman, a former --
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oklahoma speaker and political analyst. right to have you with us. we have this issue of a biden decline and young voters and you can see that he is trying to address that with forgiving student loan and he has an issue with black voters as well. he had this moment at chick-fil-a where he gave a hug to this woman were was very positive about the trump candidacy and georgia this was and she joined him on fox and friends this morning to talk a little about why she supports don't -- resident trump or mack >> i think this is a sentiment coming a lot from young people themselves as they feel like he is honest. this is somebody while we might not agree with how we says things and how it goes about things at least he is telling us what it is. we don't feel like this is a snake in the grass waiting for a
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chance. this is somebody telling us this is what my plan is. >> martha: chief what does it look like for the whole scenario coming out of the chick-fil-a and what do you hear about this young woman has to say? >> martha i love it and i think the democrats recognize they are losing their grip on the black vote. there are two reasons why black voters are running toward donald trump. number 1 they remember covid and it was the democrats who were saying you can't go to work or your job and you can't send your kids to schools and republicans were saying we want to protect your job and we want your kids to go to school. they also know that joe biden has replaced african americans for. the open border crisis does not happen by circumstance. it's a direct attack on black voters and black people recognize it. they're asking the question why is it that jamaal is locked up but julio is running around doing whatever he wants with benefits? it's an atrocity that's happening and it's a direct result of the policies joe biden, people are less free and
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prosperous and black people want it and they are running to donald trump as a result. >> martha: the border issue is something very potent i thought in the discussion that he had with independent voters and they bring up the point of being americans and the benefits they would like to receive and going to the people that are going across the border. what do you say to all of that? >> i think it is no getting away from the numbers that you describe martha. i think what you see is decline, especially black men not so much black women, in support for president biden. it's still even among black men to but as you look at its a 30 percent drop and this is really early in people reacting to the incumbent. the people say i don't know how things are going. i think inflation is still an issue and i am worried about my
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loans and buying a house. they are aiming all of that hire at the man behind the big desk and at the moment that is president biden. of course president biden and his campaign are going to start running adds in those adds are going to remind people what life was like on former president trump the man they throw to put biden in place. and with regard to the student loans, in the student loans are popular. student loans right now are politically popular. >> martha: everyone likes to get free money. that's always popular. go ahead tw and i will get jason in here. >> life was a lot better under donald trump. >> no, it wasn't. clearly if you remember covid, if you remember george floyd, it's a note for black america. it was not better. >> the numbers don't have that out. >> you look at unemployment? you look at unemployment and you look at the stock market. it's better.
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>> outside of covid... >> martha: the numbers i think tw is talking about are the poll numbers we are seeing in the clear shift with that we show historically how dramatic this shift is if it holds up and you're saying if thanks are far off. i will get jason in here. your takes on the efforts on the current president to win these groups back? >> i think it is a vote buying scheme. since when do we ignore the supreme court on their ruling? they will get sued again. they hear nothing about the president of how we will drop down costs of education. he wants to erase some of the debt but how are they actually going to make college more affordable? they never talk about that and tw is right. the immigration is big because 10 million people compete for housing and 10 million people are competing for all of those benefits and they are going into those inner cities and have a major effect. >> martha: indeed it does. right to have you all here. thank you very much.
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>> thank you martha. >> martha: breaking a short time ago president biden is saying the united states is devoted to the defense of israel with preparations underway for a possible direct retaliatory attack from iran against israel. when will this happen? what will it look like? a former secretary of state mike pompeo as the wall street journal reports it could come within 48 hours. >> what is your method -- message to iran right now? >> president joe biden: don't. ♪ i know the name, that's what i'm saying ♪ -cologuard®? -cologuard. cologuard! -screen for colon cancer. -at home, like you want. -you the man! -actually, he's a box. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪ i did it my way ♪
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buy one line of unlimited, get one free for a year with xfinity mobile! plus, save even more and get an eligible 5g phone on us! visit today. >> martha: we saw this a moment ago as president biden commented on the possibility that iran may make a retaliatory strike against israel for the strike in damascus that took out
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two top hamas generals. the wall street general reporting it could happen as soon as today according to their reporting. watch this. >> president joe biden: we want to get secure information of the expectations soon. >> martha: sooner or later he says. so now the u.s. sending more military power to the middle east increasing our protection for our american forces there, former secretary of state and cia director mike pompeo but first a senior affairs correspondent with the back story here reporting live from london. >> reporter: israel is on high alert for the possible attack by iran. as far as the deadly strike claimed by israel on the iranian government compound in damascus syria. israel is preparing for potential strike by iran in northern or southern israel today or tomorrow.
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iran has threatened to retaliate ever since the israeli strike last week and the other options iran has is to attack israeli assets outside of the country or let proxies like lebanon-based hezbollah do the work. all these concerns of any kind of movement around u.s. embassies employees or families. the system really comes to iranian supreme leadership and he has said there would first be response and also be not starting a full-fledged war with israel and/or the united states. some iranian officials have nonregulatory response underscoring u.s. concerns about this and another day of meetings today involving u.s. central command chief general michael carrillo and israeli officials. israeli says it will respond to the attack and president biden says the u.s.-israel defense link is ironclad and he had more to say about that today. >> president joe biden: we are more devoted to the defense of israel and we will support israel and we will set -- help
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defend israel and iran will not succeed. >> reporter: iran will not succeed. the pentagon moving more assets in a region just in case. >> martha: thank you very much. let's bring in reaction for that mike pompeo former secretary of state and cia director and a fox news contributor and iran has a 1 million bounty on his head in the biden administration just renewed your security protection secretary pompeo in january so obviously all of this hits close to home. what do you make of the word of this imminent strike? >> martha it's great to be with you. i think we we can see is the risk is pretty significant. sounds like they have pretty specific intelligence about a relatively imminent attack. they may know more than they let on in both times of the nature of the attack. i haven't seen the intelligence obviously but you know martha as a policy matter i think what this suggests we have lost the bubble and we've lost it turns. the iranians have already attacked israel wants on octobef
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hamas. they continue to fire on american interest in the region, and now over 100 times since the attack. they say what we're talking about in the next 24 or 48 hours is a continuation of a failed policy to protect israel when i hear president biden say he is prepared to defend them, last week he told them they couldn't they told the iranians this is a green light even in a stable today what is your response? don't. he said don't multiple times and don't isn't a national security policy and it's not a deterrent. this is frankly don't for president biden that don't do anything to draw this in and this is really dangerous stuff be to my mind goes back to the minor incursion in ukraine. that was the warning at that time. i find it very interesting that iran sent messages to president biden and warning and if the
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u.s. gets attacked ends using colorful language saying domestic with us and this builds on the white house saying after the damascus attack we had nothing to do with that. and people who want to take down u.s. forces in the middle east, we could've said nothing or said something supportive. it looks like our posture is very, very careful with iran and what we say and do. >> very careful and martha with weakness and fearfulness your man your points exactly right. it does sound like the minor incursion language and we shouldn't forget when the irradiance said stay out of this we will leave you out of this. they fired at americans and we had folks killed working in the red sea. we had americans held hostage inside of gaza today, i pray
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they are still alive but those are americans being held by iranians. we can't leave the united states out and the fact that we lost this capacity to deter and that we let the iranians even make a statement that said we told the americans to stay out of this, that is a weakness that is a green light for a regime that has made very clear their intention to destroy the little state in israel and the great state in america. >> martha: what's difference after hit, there was a pause and everyone expected a severe retaliation and it came in a form of a missile strike and no americans were killed i think but there were americans with brain injuries as a result of that. overall it seems not as forceful as it could have been. what kind of strike do you see down here? >> let me take a second at first
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martha i don't know the nature of the strike and it won't surprise me it's a strike that has some level of ambiguity. so that the iranians won't unite the whole world against them. think may be a cyber strike or a strike through a proxy and could be a mechanism by which the iranian hand could be completely on the other hand they could come up with the top and launch missiles directly from iran into israeli assets somewhere in the world. second you asked which changed, what changed as american leadership. there's no doubt the united states and president trump didn't have to go every day and say we are with the israelis, they could see it in our actions. recognition of the homeland of the jewish capitol and the movement that go land heights were part of israel. all the work we had done where americans stood and if you've to reiterate in the time of crisis that you're with an ally that suggest somehow that in the minds of the gulf arab states and frankly probably in israeli leadership minds and certainly in the minds of the ayatollah,
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they are worried if america will walk away that it's not an american interest that's harmed in the strike. >> martha: if iran is sensing wobbliness, how emboldened are they? may be they see this as a moment where they want to go further than they may have gone in the past. they don't want there to be in israel. >> this is a very real risk. we talk about getting it turns back once you have lost it is incredibly difficult and requires resolve and decanted every term be calculating the fact that you're fearful of escalation when you begin to talk about we're not going to do anything to the iranians out of this game and they view that as a green light. so your right, continued aggression. thing about the fact we told israel you have to be way more killed for -- careful me know israelis are fighting in a way that his kids careful as combat can be conducted. those are the kinds of things the perceptions from the iranians grow and they can move
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about freely and the rest of the united states continues to increase as well with the wide-open southern border who knows what the iranians may have moved inside of our country as well. >> martha: just very quickly thinking but the u.s. of men and women on the ground in these areas that are always under threat by i iranian proxies. how do you think they read that when they hear the president say or the white house say we had nothing to do with this, we are not in the middle of this, we are backing off essentially. >> if it were one of my family members or someone that i loved and i heard a president say we are not in this but i knew my son or my daughter was actually in it, station somewhere in the middle east to run a ship back on one of the seas i would be both troubled and concerned that the commander-in-chief wasn't doing everything he needed to do to deter the orion ian's from coming after my son, my daughter, my cousin. it's a real risk that i think every servicemember can see and i am happy that general kerala is in israel coordinating with
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the israelis and i think that's a good thing for the bided a ministration to have done but i think it may have just been way too late and the weaknesses already demonstrated. >> martha: former secretary of state mike pompeo, always a pleasure to ctu -- see you. so in afghan national on the terror watchlist roams free in the united states for 11 months despite more than one arrest at the southern border. a group of veterans who are now on the mission to protect and defend the country by literally fixing parts of the broken border join me next. >> it's not as arduous track they make across mexico through valleys and rivers and everything. it's very much through the cartels and they are driven to quote unquote the legal point of entry and they are come through tsa and they need control at designated camps and gaps in the
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wall. and they are processed to move on from there but it's a very easy process for the right amount of money. in a minute, okay? representative. [cs line] please continue to hold. meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals leave you hanging, try one where you can reach a human in about a minute. want to save money and get cash? for veteran homeowners, it's easy as 1-2-3. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards
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twice let go. and all the while he was able to apply for asylum, to get work authorization and fly domestically despite the fact that he appeared on the terror watchlist. originally there was confusion on his name on a list but even then not clear why they wouldn't hold him until they were 100 percent sure and what was the communication like about this individual between dhs and the authorities? senior correspondent mike told been dealing with this today. hello mike. >> reporter: some of that migrant you talked about roam free in the u.s. for roughly 11 months despite his ultimate placement on the terror watchlist. a federal source told us that he crossed into the u.s. and california in march of 23. at the time he was not on the watchlist so he was released. he was reportedly tied with the
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group said to be responsible for the deaths of nine american soldiers and civilians in afghanistan so he was picked up again in february of this year for reasons unknown his ties to radical islam were not relate to the judge so he was released on bail. not federal agency has been detained again and that dhs stating as soon as there was information to suggest this individual was of concern he was taken to custody. federal sources say there was no indication he is tied to any pending terrorist plot. meantime they show up on the report every day. migrants arriving on the wall and body language shows they are confident getting in. the city of el paso reports there a little less than a thousand crossings every day. 136 tasha houses have rated this year and that's half the total from last year. >> it is important that we do something to secure the border because it is just we are
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experiencing too many criminals coming into our country illegally. >> reporter: it's not just the southern border, champlain border agents in new york state say they stopped ten migrants crammed into a car trying to enter the u.s. migrant encounters at the northern borders are now up 241 percent from the previous year. >> martha: thank you very much mike. still ahead this hour a witness in the o.j. simpson 1995 trial of the century joins us. >> was he upset or wasn't he when he talked about the tight dresses? >> not real upset. for men® to eliminate gray, there's a great “before and after”. then, there's the 'after the after' — that boost you get when you look and feel your best. and that's why more men choose just for men®.
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announcement on election integrity live from mara lago. we will see how cozy johnson gets with the former president. he is back facing threats to his speakership from some trump allies including marjorie taylor green in the house. so tense times for mike johnson and fox news to a digital correspondent joins me live from mara lago. what are we expecting in this announcement this afternoon? >> reporter: we are here in mara lago right now and we are expect in the former president house speaker mike johnson to come here and make their major announcement regarding election integrity ahead of november's election and i've told by trump campaign officials one thing they focus on with guard to election integrity is the issue of noncitizens voting in this election. the rnc has been, you know, making this contentious effort in the court to ensure a number of states in texas, arizona and several more that they are
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trying to protect the vote so nonskid citizens cannot vote in this election in november and that is something that trump campaign has been very passionate about and speaking about this broadly we will see if house speaker mike johnson speaks about any legislation on this but we will see what is being discussed today. >> martha: there's been some pushback for a problem this has been in the past. obviously imagine since the last election. >> reporter: absolutely. that's right. the trump campaign talking about how secure the southern border was under his administration and talking about what they call this biden border bloodbath is what the trump campaign is referring to the crisis of the southern border. that is something we will hear from the former president today and of course the rnc has had a number of these lawsuits and states across the nation with ongoing lawsuits and i think they've had victories in arizona
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and texas in those lawsuits that have protected the vote from noncitizens voting so only americans in those states can vote in november. that is something that we expect these to speak about today. of course the speaker has come in from washington dc as you mention with the bill just passing there has been a lot of action for him on this week on the hill so we will see if the two of them discuss any of that as well. >> martha: any sense from the trump side what this relationship looks like as well? obviously we have said there are trump allies including marjorie taylor green who wants mike johnson out. very upset about the spending bill, he has a razor thin majority that has gotten even thinner. down to one vote. what is your sense of how important this is for mike johnson in terms of his own position? >> reporter: of course having the speaker of the house here alongside former president trump is a big move.
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of course i would imagine that former president trump wouldn't hold his press conference with him if he did not support the speaker but like you said, you had a number of lawmakers who are typically allied with the president to have called out speaker johnson this week so we will see if they do end up discussing what the foreign intelligence act renewal. obviously that has what caused a lot of trouble for speaker johnson this week and we will see how trump moves to issue of support or just continues to work together on this. i know that the speaker in the his political sense has been working of course with the trump campaign ahead of the election and i know that this election integrity effort is something on the speaker and former president trump are very passionate about so we will see what they say here in just under an hour. >> martha: we will be watching. thank you very much. covering for us this afternoon and we will bring that to you live win that gets underway of
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course. so just yesterday mourning we got this very shocking news of o.j. simpson's death and we will be speaking with kato kaelin who became a household name during the trial of the century which everyone watched every moment of over the course of those weeks. he was a witness and he was living on simpson's property in a guesthouse when nicole brown and ron goldman were murdered on the property. >> were you lovers? >> no. >> just friends? >> friends. >> did you tell him that? >> we her friends. >> but he still didn't want you leaving in the house? >> i guess i didn't and i guess not. lite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks!
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>> martha: he was the houseguest to ended up in the middle of the trial of the century. kato kaelin became a household name. he happened to be staying on o.j. simpson's property when that then beloved football player and star of movies and commercials was there. he was charged with the killing of his ex-wife nicole brown, simpson and her friend ron goldman. o.j. simpson died this week of prostate cancer and we got news of that yesterday morning. he was 76 years old and kato kaelin is the host of the 1 degree scandalous podcast and he joins me now. thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you for having me and i've listened to your intro and honestly it's shocking news first of all but everything is brought back as it was yesterday and people talk about when i was
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a child my parents would say that's not true and it is true but everything since yesterday and today it's as if i am reliving what was 30 years ago. >> martha: ethic it's hard for people who didn't live through this time to understand how omnipresent it was and literally houses all across america sitting down in the evening and watching the trial. let's watch a little movement of an exchange that you had with pastor clark who was rustic you did in the case. watch. >> oj said kato knows that i was in the house. >> what did he say to you? >> kato you know who was in the house. >> and your response was? >> that i didn't see it go in the house because they went to my guestroom. >> martha: there are so many
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crucial pieces of evidence but this was important. oj said kato knows i was there and when i left to make the timeframe there. how intimidating was that to you to sit in the courtroom and he was staring you down while you were answering those questions kato? >> win that moment came up it was toward the infamous ride to the mcdonald's which by the way i had no idea where he was going, ending up at mcdonald's and i was walking into the house while he was stopping at the mcdonald's to eat and he stayed in his car door about 20 yards away and i said he doesn't want me in here. following that he said you remember the kitchen and that's what marsha was referring to and i said absolutely no. that was not true. at that moment i was going why is he lying about this? and it planted doubt in my mind but it was very, very crucial and martha i have to tell you that because of these moments of a timeline stilted this day day 30 years later, everything i do
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relates to a timeline if i met with my wife or my friends i write things down of exactly when i drop someone off or when i hear a song on the radio or a car i saw and it's taken over my life. it's the god honest truth. i related timelines in my life because of being in the trial i understand how important that is and how crucial it is and you have to know everything. it's planted in my head. >> martha: a posttraumatic impact a psychologist would say. there's been a lot of heralding of oj's football career which i think a lot of us find disturbing given the rest of the story. this is the heisman trophy committee. they put this, you know, sort of mourning message up. we extend our sympathies to the simpson family. but kato all that i hear when i think back to this time, honestly one of the first things that comes to my mind is this
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911 call. >> has he threatened you in any way? or is he just harassing you? >> you're going to hear a minute minute, he's about to come in again. >> just stay on the line. >> i don't want to. >> stay on the line until we know when the police gets there. >> martha: that's an unnerving call and there's another one where she said i think you know who he is. it's o.j. simpson. and she is frantic. these are photos of the beating that nicole brown simpson had all over of the face and it's just horrifying. how did you hear when you heard these phone calls and have you been aware of any these kind of behaviors before? >> that was in 1989 but there was a phone call i was aware of that i showed up and i believe it's the one where he said you know who it is, i think it's that one and that was part of the trial. i wasn't there yet but when i
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got there i had seen that the doors in the backyard had been broken and we hammer them back together and i had just entered when the police were leaving and they said who i was and they said it's kato, it's okay. and that was it. and martha with the opening and talking back in time i also think that people that during the trial like you mention about oj and the heisman trophy, it was about two young people losing their life and it's about ron goldman losing his life and nicole, they were in the prime of their life and it was about oj. i put something out on a social media post and we talk about closure and there is closure
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because he has died but there's never really closure because no one will ever come back to life. i think people should know the memory of ron and nicole but i think it has been lost since day one because of the trial being televised. i think it became celebrity driven with everybody acting for the camera. i even had a deer in the headlight looks but it was only because i was trying to think of the answer. >> martha: i think it was to the best of your ability and you are right, these two people had their throat slashed and they were stabbed multiple times and it was an absolutely brutal murder and i think that is the important thing to remember as we look back at all of this. kato thank you very much. it's good to have you with us today. >> thank you for having me and thank you so much. >> martha: kato kaelin joining us one day after we got the news of o.j. simpson's death. so breaking news out of
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memphis. a young officer shot and killed in the line of duty. what we are now learning about one of the suspects prior rap sheet and release without bond. >> that looks complicated. it's why vision works organizes your frames see the difference.
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technology that's ready for the road ahead. the lexus nx. >> martha: policing an officer at an 18-year-old suspect are dead after a shootout in memphis. jonathan reporting live for us from atlanta. >> reporter: it happened around to this morning and police responding to a report of a suspicious vehicle and say the occupants fired upon them, killing one officer and injuring two others. police returned fire and two suspects were shot a 17-year-old and an 18-year-old. the 18-year-old diane police say the deceased suspect had been arrested just last month with an illegal weapon and a stolen vehicle but was released without bond. >> we are losing far too many of our community members and
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officers at this level of violence in danger every day. we are making an appeal to the community to work with us. >> reporter: authorities have identified the fallen officer as joseph mckinney who joined the memphis police department in 2020. back to you. >> martha: terrible news. thank you so much jonathan. that is the story for this friday april 12th 2024. dow down 480 plus points as we head toward the close of the day. the story goes on folks and stay tuned for more on fox and we will see you on monday for the hush money trial against donald trump getting then. have a good one. we will have more on the palm beach florida were former president donald trump and house speaker mike johnson expected to hold a news conference and we are told they will be pitching a bill to keep noncitizens fro


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