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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  April 12, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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violence in danger every day. we are making an appeal to the community to work with us. >> reporter: authorities have identified the fallen officer as joseph mckinney who joined the memphis police department in 2020. back to you. >> martha: terrible news. thank you so much jonathan. that is the story for this friday april 12th 2024. dow down 480 plus points as we head toward the close of the day. the story goes on folks and stay tuned for more on fox and we will see you on monday for the hush money trial against donald trump getting then. have a good one. we will have more on the palm beach florida were former president donald trump and house speaker mike johnson expected to hold a news conference and we are told they will be pitching a bill to keep noncitizens from
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voting in federal elections but that's already illegal in the united states so they have to sort out the details there. speaker johnson keeping his job and a lot of people will keep at least two in particular. we will explore that and the fight over that we think was resolved today. in a busy newsday. hello everybody i am neil neil cavuto -- i am neil cavuto. let's see what happens between two people that have been working closely even as they occasionally differ with each other. >> reporter: that is actually a great way to put it. everybody will be watching to see what former president trump has to say or perhaps doesn't have to say about speaker mike johnson. this will be a very important moment for the speaker as he is facing of course the motion to vacate from congresswoman marjorie taylor green still holding over his head and that's a storyline that we are watching today and that also trumps influence on congress and we are
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showing what's going on today. trump has been weighing in on several big issues on the hill sometimes undermining the speaker and he has done that this week with fisa telling house republicans to kill the bill. johnson was able to post a pfizer renewal due to a short two-year term but there was much drama on the floor. one republican amendment failed and mdg accuse the speaker of being the final tie-breaking vote that killed that amendment. johnson's office is disputing this saying he voted much earlier. you will understand why again today's appearance next or trump would be a political lifeline for the speaker and now the biden campaign is responding to today's election event via a statement from former january 6th charity chairman bennie thompson that says donald trump and mike johnson don't care about integrity, they care only about helping trumps campaign of revenge and reps tribute and to regain power at all costs.
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the pressure could be pushed back and we're waiting for johnson's arrival here to palm beach. >> neil: that's a good assignment if you're in palm beach. you've been inside of incredible places. when the press conference says we will be taking you there now to another big alert and what something we are following because everybody across the globe and that is what's happening along the israel gaza border as they are beefing up security along the area amid of talk of an iranian attack on israel that would come in any moment. the white house is calling the threat credible and israel says it's ready to defend itself on the ground and in the air. we will want to go to london with more in that threat. >> reporter: it's been a fast-moving day and israel getting ready for any kind of possible attack from iran. this follows a deadly strike claimed by israel in the iranian government compound in damascus area. the wall street journal today quoting its u.s. sources saying israel is preparing for a
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potential strike by iran in the northern or southern part of israel either today or tomorrow. iran has threatened to retaliate to a business to claim israel attacked the other option iran has to attack israeli assets outside the country or allow proxies like hezbollah do the dirty work we've seen nasty stuff on the border tonight. all these concerns have prompted the state department any kind of movement around israel by u.s. embassy employees and families. this comes down to the iranian supreme ruler. he has personally said there would be a response but has also reported he doesn't want to start a full-fledged war so iranian officials have talked about a measured response. underscoring the u.s. concerns about all of this another day of meetings today involving the u.s. central command chief and israel says it would respond to an iranian attack and president biden says the u.s. israeli defensive link is ironclad. here is a bit of what he had to say.
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>> what's your message to iran in this moment? >> president joe biden: don't. >> reporter: that's the message to iran tonight from president biden. now it's down to a lot of nervous watching and waiting. there is already big upheaval around the region. gaza et cetera, could get bigger and a few hours we are watching. >> neil: thank you. want to go to jennifer griffin right now at the pentagon of what she is hearing. jennifer. >> reporter: the pentagon on high alert as well and as greg reported president biden issued a strong warning to iran moments ago when asked by those reporters what his message to iran is regarding a possible attack on israel, don't he said. israel's iron dome and patriot missiles were activated this evening to intercept 40 rockets into drones fired into northern israel from southern lebanon and i am told that well-placed u.s.
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officials that this is not the anticipated iran retaliation but could be a precursor. it did light up the night sky and northern israel and i have been covering the middle east for 30 years and i've never seen things so tense with the potential for a wider war to break out between iran and israel which could draw the u.s. and others into a wider middle east war. >> president joe biden: we are devoted to the defense and israel that we will support israel and we will defend israel and iran will not succeed. >> reporter: on till now the u.s. is not facing iranian proxies but in the wake of the strike on april 1st at damascus that killed the iranian revolutionary guard general and six other iranian commanders u.s. officials that have seen the latest intelligence say there are movements that suggest iran remains poised to avenge the attack with a massive show of force targeting israeli territory with perhaps a swarm of one-way attack drones and possibly ballistic missiles.
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>> reporter: the wicked regime of israel made a mistake in this case. and must be punished and will be punished. >> reporter: in recent days the u.s. is prepositioned additional military assets into the region and it already has uss eisenhower aircraft carrier strike group which is accompanied by two destroyers the uss mason and gratefully and making a cruiser and the red sea. eight additional warships in a nuclear powered submarine are positioned in the middle east along with four u.s. armed forces in the eastern mediterranean. israeli warplanes and what's unusual is for iran to telegraph its response and it usually relies on proxies and terrorism. it's similar to the u.s. response of killing of a customs agent and january of 2020 and a big show of force in response not necessarily to kill a lot of
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people but they do want to strike israeli territory and that is the belief that we've seen in the intelligence and the u.s. of course -- forces across the middle east are on alert and the u.s. urging iran to reconsider and few sources that they're listening. >> neil: it's powerful when they say it's what you have to experience. i'm curious is israel saying hit against stolen by iran would be a calendar strike into iran. in other words is a set in stone? the strike going to get another strike? >> reporter: there are another warnings try to deter iran but i think it will depend what iran hits and whether any israelis are killed and whether civilians are killed, weather it's strikes for instance at the nuclear plant in dimona. that would be an escalation that
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would require a response and that is why it is such a dangerous moment. on the one hand they u.s. is trying to receive assurances from iran that this would be a limited strike or if it's a strike that it won't escalate and the u.s. is trying to make sure this doesn't spread and trying to deter iran from striking at all but the problem with the middle east that there's always unintended consequences and let's say one of those missiles go awry and let's say the missile defense doesn't work and is very strong missile defense and israel and most of the country. we are in a moment and we've been seeing this with the houthi's firing missiles, cruise missiles and other u.s. ships. one of those ships get sunk and sailors get killed and it's anyone's guess what's going on from there. >> neil: a lot of moving pieces to your point. jennifer griffin on all of that. the president's response to the general outline is don't and we have heard that a couple of
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times from the commander-in-chief. take a look. >> vladimir putin is becoming embarrassed and pushed into a corner. i'm wondering mr president what you would say to him if he is considering using chemical or tactical nuclear weapons? >> president joe biden: don't. don't. don't. >> neil: don't. what do you think? >> that's not much of a policy. we've obviously lost on deterrence capability with the administration. time and time again. the reality of iran finally center in the picture here in this scents is welcome news because it reminds us how everything got started here. they greenlighted the ground invasion into israel. and they authorized every single one of the proxies to coordinate
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and access of reject -- restrictions against israel or against u.s. presidents in the region. all that took place and also they provided training for it and as we know. they've assisted in the planning for it. this is the reality of what we are dealing with in this administration has lost the capability to deter iran. as a matter of fact one of the frustrating things not publicly disclosed is how the israeli leadership is with the administration over iran because they believe there needs to be major efforts to did tear iran's aggression and the region and yet this administration for three years has put diplomacy and appeasement first despite the increasing aggression that iran has displayed. that is one of the reasons why we are really in this situation. i will say this neil, everyone
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is spun up over the fact that iran is going to do something. and it's likely eminent. but let's keep this in focus. iran does not want to get into a conflict with israel or the united states. the military is absolutely not prepared for anything like that. air force, navy relatively weak. army while they haven't a lot of numbers not particularly well-trained and well-equipped. they put most of their money into offensive missiles and drones and the overwhelming majority of the money goes to the proxies to conduct possible operations for them. likely certainly a response by iran because all of the international visibility attack on the ir gc headquarters in damascus -- damascus. there will be a response but iran doesn't want to get this escalated to conflict. >> neil: we are showing some
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of the video of the attack in the aftermath. consulate to your point general we are learning separately that the united states has been working the angle of china to see if they can tell iran not to retaliate. how effective you think that will be? >> i don't think not much. obviously china has a role to play in the middle east and they certainly want the flow of oil to take place. i don't think they've ever agreed with iran's goal to dominate and control the middle east and control the flow of oil. the united states has reached out to all of the arab nations in the region. turkey and others to try to convince iran not to do it. that is fine but iran is going to make the call here themselves based on their own national interest and they have certainly acted as independent actors in the past and i think that's what we are going to get here. the guy in charge of this, the
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supreme leader is making this decision just as he made the decision to go ahead with the ground invasion into israel. >> neil: general hopefully cooler heads prevailed. always good to see you my friend and have a safe weekend. >> you as well. >> neil: in the meantime we just want to let you know obviously with this high alert right now involving the united states and israel and virtually the entire region, we are devoting pretty much all of our show tomorrow to the ramifications and the special edition of live tomorrow with the former prime minister eight will be joining me as well as a spokesperson for prime minister benjamin netanyahu that all kicks off at 10:00 am eastern time. a lot more on that including the global market reaction and this is an example of that. we have it continue sell about 475 points and one of the worst days of the year. it was a down week across the board, will was running a mock for a while so suffice to say
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that this is considerable ground oil has over the past couple of weeks as tension seemed to be escalated and a lot of that going back to the tents phone call between president biden and of course benjamin netanyahu and the fact that they are not remotely on the same page. there is also the issue as to whether this has complicated what the federal reserve wants to do when it comes to interest rates. in the position of being damned if they do and damned if they don't. one of the voting members and head of the chicago fed on what he sees happening that end -- had investors selling after this. ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪
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>> neil: a tough day and week for the markets. there is confusion now given some of the developments in the middle east with hire oil prices and to say nothing of some inflationary data this week that showed inflation might be getting a little bit better but is still stubbornly high so the federal reserve is in a bit of a box. enter the chicago federal reserve bank president to i'd chatted with on foxbusiness and one of the things he raised with me was how this was now complicating those plans. take a look. >> we're in an environment just
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like you said with crosscurrents for the second half of 2023. we made good progress in getting the inflation rate getting down from the unbearable peaks that it had reached and we did that with our recession which was virtually unheard of and now at the start of this year we've got multiple inflation readings that are higher than where we want them to be. and i would say one month is no months but two months you've got yourself a real month and now we've got two to three months of cpi inflation and we will see what happens on pce inflation but we must get inflation back down the target. the law says we need a maximize of employment and stabilize prices and that's the dual mandate and if we've not got the job done we have to get the job done. >> neil: we are told that personal consumption expenses and particulate the core part of
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that is a favorite of you and your fellow brainiacs at the fed and that generally might show not all the time more stable inflation environment. if it does are we back to the consensus that it built for at least two rate cuts? summer looking at three rate cuts or is that also a jump? >> i don't like tying our hands to say what we are going to do in future meetings. if we start to get better readings that show us that arc of inflation coming down is true, that will make us feel a lot better of where we are in terms of the monetary policy environment. if the pce inflation is reinflating then like i said, our job is stabilizing prices and we will stabilize the prices. >> neil: which means he will not be cutting. [ laughter ]
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>> as i say i am not going to commit to what the policy could be. let's just look at the numbers. you know, the caucus is the one that i would like to be part of and we just need to get the market. >> neil: if donald trump got back to the oval office he has made it clear he is no fan of jerome powell. so he would replace him. what do you think of that? >> well, you know, when i became a fed man i stopped talking about elections and politics in partisan battles of the old days the fed's job is to go and conditions. we have a dual mandate and there's nothing in there that says anything about politics, about the stock market or anything. >> neil: are you saying the fed ignores all of that. >> it needs to. >> neil: i understand but that
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pressure must be unbearable because when you have many saying that, you know, jerome powell wants to make, you know, this a little bit better for joe biden to be reelected, not that he can orchestrate that at the fed that it's his personal presence -- preference. i don't even know if that's true but none of that enters into the equation with you guys? you don't sort of see what's going on around you? it's the big elephant in the room? >> like i said, i'm not going to speak for jay powell. you should have an interview with chair powell and you can ask him. >> neil: you specifically are not influenced by it? >> i don't have any pressure. let's look at the minutes or the transcripts of the meetings. we took those out publicly, it's not about politics it's about the dual mandate what's in the employment and in the job market and what's happening to prices.
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that's going to drive our behavior and we have to tune out the arguments about elections. that's not appropriate in the fed context. >> neil: so you also tune out the market and you say a lot of your colleagues say. the markets were clearly expecting, you know, three break cuts and now they're down to two. summer down to one. i believe bank of america is none. i don't think you want to get into those predictions but you know what you say in that regard is that type of stuff that rattles them, that's been rattling the market of late with this up in inflation or the perception that it's not looked at yet. so they are kind of losing hope. what do you tell them? do you just ignore that? >> i don't want them to feel bad but you mostly ignore them. >> neil: so you don't if it's down a few hundred points, that's all noise to you?
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>> i think that it's mostly noise. the thing to remember as financial conditions do affect the economy. they are like monetary policy but only with a long leg. so what happens this week or next week, that is noise. >> neil: you might have noticed that those were some pretty hawkish remarks coming out of here the chicago fed president as he was speaking. the market was tanking was already tanking and fell an additional 220 points and hit session lows of more than 550 points down and we ended up splitting the difference at 475 but this is what really got them going in the investment community. the way he warned about what he and his colleagues were looking at when it comes to moving on rates. the long arc as he said with inflation shows it's coming down from high levels. its something referred to as the pce, personal consumption expenditures. a word for the heads favorite
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statistic on inflation. of a chose better readings it'll make us feel better. if it makes do affect -- shows reinflating the fed will stabilize prices. reinflating means coming back, stabilizing prices mean hiking interest rates or at the very least keeping them where we are. so that's why the markets are still rattled. and news conference coming up very soon on the texas department of public safety that looks like it could have been deliberate in brenham texas. one person has now died in that. after this. my name is dana bellefeuille, and my husband and i own the village bakery located in hayden, idaho. our mission is to employ people with different abilities. tiktok is allowing us to show what acceptance looks like on a day-to-day basis, here at the bakery. this is a community of just complete and utter love. it's the people that lift you up when you're down. people on tiktok do that on a daily basis,
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>> neil: a press conference just wrapping up a short time ago into the truck crash in the texas department of public safety office and brenham texas. one person has died and apparently deliberate. casey steagall has more from texas. >> reporter: this happened just before 11:00 this morning down in the small community of brenham. that is in between houston and the city of austin only about 76 or 46 miles i should say to the northwest of houston. and a safety office off highway 290 officials say a man who has been identified as a 42-year-old stole an 18 wheeler a nearby town and then gave chase to police before they say he intentionally drove the tractor trailer right through the dps office front door. the suspect then reportedly back the vehicle up out of the building and when officers moved and pulled him out of event window and made the arrest. at least 14 people were hurt and
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three critically and one of those critical patients died at the hospital. one dps worker was briefly trapped in an office but was not injured. the motive according to investigators the driver was trying to exact revenge on dps after he had been denied a commercial drivers license the day before. >> he didn't come to the dps brenham office yesterday at approximately 3:00 or 4:00 pm where he was denied his commercial drivers license. and while he was there the driver license staff advised parker that he was not eligible to renew his commercial drivers license. >> texas state senator released a statement that says in part i'm quoting here this deliberate heinous act as a reminder that is done by our law enforcement and licensing agencies that work to provide public safety and services. the texas rangers now investigating and the fire chief
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told the mayor who just announced and the press conference saying that they were told if the driver would've feared a little bit to the left into the building a second time the whole thing would've collapsed. >> neil: scary stuff. thank you. speaking of scary we have heard reports and now fox can confirm that an afghan national link to a terrorism watch list was released twice and back in custody now but how the heck could it happen in the first place? the former u.s. border patrol chief, what happened here? >> it begs a lot of questions. thank you for inviting me on. i know it's happening on the operational side with my former colleagues is that they are looking into all the systems in the data that they are available at the time of arrest. it appears through the reporting they had information this was a match but they couldn't cooperate the match in time.
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i subsequently put them up again and put them into custody and was released by a judge because apparently again according to the reporting the classified nature of the threat was not seen by the judge. and so there was an order of release after the bond. the order has discrete threats and that's what we've a homeland security department and that's why the border patrol exists. so a thorough review operation needs to happen but what we need to understand is since the biden president see this risk has been maximized by ten x. because we've got more traffic on the southwest border than the history of that border and has been that way since throughout this presidency. so these risks are magnified and increased not just on the border and to our agents on the front line but everywhere in the country. this particular individual's pedigree with an afghan terror group that is anti- western in every single way. this is a real danger and a real
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threat. these threats occur on the border much more because of the chaos that has been sewn onto the border by the choices and policy decisions that political leadership and the department and the white house have made on their border. again putting us at risk. not just at the border but everywhere else. >> neil: do we know what those intentions were? apprehended by authorities finally back in custody. has he given any hint of what he's doing or what he's up to? >> there is an ongoing plot or something planning in the united states but we clearly do not want to run this kind of individual to roam free in our society. that's where the homeland security department and that's why the border patrol and all the other entities within the department changed in an extreme way and all the procedures that allow people to go him and go with permission from united states and we screened
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diligently those coming out of our communities. the system failed here but mostly it failed because the policy decisions and the volume of these agents are forced to deal with and there always seems to be a breakdown with the prosecution group when they put this person in front of the judge. and so that needs to be reviewed operationally but we need to review we are at war in the middle east. and we are at a proxy war with iran and the tech kinds of people that are doing as farmer in and the legal pipeline right now and the bigger the volume is the risk we are in and the front line men and women make snap decisions whether they have all the information or not. they are forced to release people because of the conditions that exist and we don't know exactly what happened but dealing with extreme volume that
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these kinds of things that should not happen sometimes do. >> neil: you're wondering who else might have slipped away. thank you very much. very good seeing you again. in the meantime we are waiting on oppressor and president donald trump has a busy plan with the hush money trial starting a new york jury selection so that is still on and the presser in about 20 minutes or so could still be on we will watch it and be on it after this. -remember when i said we need to screen for colon cancer? -was that after i texted the age to screen was now 45? [both] because i said cologuard®! -hey there! -where did he come from? -yup, with me you can screen at home. just talk to your provider. [both] we'll screen with cologuard and do it my way. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur.
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looking precarious for a while. seems to be back on and we will ask for that in greater detail and on the right of your screen the courthouse where the hush money trial begins. on monday donald trump has had to become the first former president ever to face a trial on felony charges. now with me on what's at stake. and he always good to have you, 34 counts that are in question and again most of it having to do with falsifying hiding business records and the like. i'm just wondering if there's a great deal of written since the -- redundancy in the first place on whether they would overlap. the odds of escaping conviction on all of them seem pretty high but you are thoughts? >> it's tremendous redundancy. it's just the type of charging practice of stacking counts and turning one offends into multiple offences that if you're in the justice department the justice department manual actually instructs federal prosecutors not to do what they
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have done here is take one potentially misdemeanor violation of the business record falsification statutes and turn it into 34 patent -- felony counts. the way he does that is this one transaction and one repayment of $130,000 was repaid in the eye think it was 11 installments. he has taken with each one, there was an invoice supplied, a book entry and a checkout. incident just charged in one big scheme he's charged each piece of paper, each of those three things with respect to all 11 installments as separate felony counts so instead of having a misdemeanor what you have is 34 felony counts that could result in over a century of imprisonment. >> neil: i'm just wondering michael cohen keyed to the
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supports and the so-called former fixer for donald trump. if you're the defense you want to rip him to pieces right? >> yep. it was two weeks ago that a federal judge in new york who has cohen's case there he is still under post sentence administration for what he did on the three year sentence in connection with some fraud and tax counsel sometime back. the judge found that he either committed perjury when he pled guilty in the federal case or he pled -- or a committed perjury when he testified in the recent civil fraud trial in new york or possibly both. so that was just two weeks ago and he had a spotty record before that. >> neil: you know, similar any of these felony counts if they're reduced talking with the trump defense team and misdemeanor accounts that carry near the wait or certainly nearly a potential of jail time. how would a strategy like that
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go? >> here's what i think i would do, obviously have to see how the trial goes but if i am trump and the trump defense, what i will do is ask for a lesser included offends given to the jury. here the misdemeanor account as falsification of business records. the greater felony charge is to conceal another crime. seeing of trumpets concealed in another crime they can convict him on the misdemeanors. the reason i would be asking for that as trump's attorney is that the misdemeanor account has a statute of limitations of two years. if that's all they convict him of, that count lapsed in 2019 so then you could argue that the case ought to be thrown out on that ground.
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>> neil: of course the most liberal of liberal cities can find 12 jurors but the odds of finding 12 that would be sympathetic to the president few , i don't know how that process goes. but in this city i would find that to be difficult. >> a little difficult but let's also factor in the guy who really needs 12 is bred. what trump needs is one. so a mistrial for him would be a major victory. if the jury were to hang in this case, i think that would be spun politically and in fact it would be legally a real coup for him. and i wouldn't just right off manhattan because somebody like alvin bragg had selected in manhattan. the number of people who actually vote in those elections is vanishingly small compared to the number of potential jurors in manhattan.
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i'm not saying manhattan is anything but a blue borough but, you know, trump lost manhattan by two to one, may be a little bit more than that. having 30 percent of 2 million people who are potentially, you know, in your corner, so to speak,, or at least people who are open to your case, if you're a defendant and he just need one that's not inconceivable by a long shot. >> neil: all it takes is wants we will watch closely. andy mccarthy great to have you. weather donald trump addresses questions concerning the trial on monday when he is with the speaker mike johnson and they both come to that podium, mara lago is anyone's guess but we are there right after this. why would i use kayak to compare hundreds of travel sites at once? i like to do things myself. i can't trust anything else to do the job right. kayak... aaaaaaaahhhh
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>> neil: a lot of development this past hour. we're still monitoring though it will be a joint press conference and sort of a lay on the land between the two men of course talking about donald trump and the speaker of the house mike johnson. they are on common ground and entirely result today the whole surveillance thing that the former president was opposed to. but apparently can reconcile.
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>> reporter: good afternoon. johnson had a pfizer reform bill ready to go on wednesday and that's win trump lowered the boom on the speaker. a retooled pfizer bill passed the house today but not before johnson infuriated his nemesis who was close with trump. >> his last vote there being the vote that took down the warrant amendment certainly brought other members over to my side. >> was he the final, i didn't see that. >> oh, yes. >> reporter: johnson's office disputes this account, the speaker's office said iowa was the final vote against the amendment. green was the final vote against johnson even though the house approve the fisa bill. it's not done. delaying to send the bill to the senate and they are trying to drum up opposition. >> the default in this town is to, you know, let the engine
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keep going down the tracks but win people start feeling the heat at homes they say hold on a second. you're voting for this bill even though there's no warrant protection? it'll be interesting to see if the motion stays the same. >> reporter: johnson's appearance with trump's buoyed republicans who are fans of the former president. >> i think discussing where the house is, where the issues that we can work on his house conservatives going forward to seek some guidance -- guidance and some wisdom. they can both learn from each other and move us forward. >> reporter: the fate of aid to ukraine's ways in the balance. the house minority leader projected -- critic at some democrats could intervene to bailout johnson if he does quote, in the right thing on ukraine. >> neil: it is a little weird. i understand donald trump is the likely republican nominee so the defective time being seems to be the leader of the republican party and he's not that yet
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until he becomes president may be all that changes but it does raise questions about the appearance of this and whether it looks like the speaker is down there kissing the ring. what do you think? >> reporter: it underscores the influence donald trump has over the house republican congress and mike johnson wants to look good with those republicans and also align himself as closely as possible with the former president and the presumptive republican nominee and mike johnson has been skating on thin ice and did pass the retooled bill today. i would note they passed it with more democratic votes again and they fed another rule of a procedural vote and attest vote on this bill earlier this week. the former president weighed in on early on fisa reform so that shows how the standing is between the republicans and the speaker of the house. it is not uncommon to have those leaders try to develop a relationship. certainly of seen that with other people wants they became the obvious nominee of their
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party to develop those relationships and congress. >> neil: but this is one of the few nominees that can speak about legislation that might be worked on. if it's good they will pass and if it's bad they will avoid it like the third rail. >> reporter: that's the problem mike johnson has. the question is does he call the shots? i call to one democrat about ukraine and supposedly that is next in the queue. the speaker did not say that today and said we would move on to other things. he did not necessarily hand signal if they will do ukraine next week but he said look, that's a sign for ukraine if they're talking with the former president in florida. >> neil: so the fact that speaker johnson is down there and they are on the same page and getting along. it wouldn't be a nasty event if it starts right? >> we don't know. that's always the issue you just don't know the level of attention. we think there on good terms but
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it's hard to divide these things. obviously the president and the speaker were not on the same page earlier this week. mike johnson was confident the bill was going to move this week and he sent out the tweet horse i'm sorry the post on's truth social wednesday morning they were in about republican congress meeting and it was not clear they had the votes and underscores donald trump looming >> neil: that absolutely. following all of that. going to go to the editor-in-chief and i don't want to labor in this point and you know this better than i, d. of any thoughts of donald trump's trip on this party and the key players? i saw it again in an interview i had with the house with the chief on foxbusiness which means if you don't you should get it. iran often so you obviously have gotten that. but when i talked to him about that he said the defective donald trump, it is our leader
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with respect to his wit -- wishes and don't want to misquote him and we hear that clearly. what do you make of it? >> neil: -- >> donald trump is an the full party which he killed the immigration border deal and he's also killed as chad was saying the first version of the fisa bill. i will say behind-the-scenes talking about what to do and what not to do in ukraine. johnson knows that if he tries to move something on ukraine if he's alone or something else and obviously trump isn't going to like anything biden is going to like and it's a tough job but johnson did volunteer for it. >> neil: he did. is he in peril, johnson? having the president agree to a limited timeframe like this or did he just survive the storm?
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are there more storms coming. >> obvious they marjorie taylor green is against a ukraine big bills so unless trump can say don't go to the floor and at the same can't -- time can democrats save mccarthy? the democrats need to do something and sonic rate look for the house speaker. so we shall see. >> neil: i want to talk about kamala harris in arizona pushing for abortion right now and see in that regard it's all donald trump's fault and so and so. that's the issue hanging on in an effort to reverse some of the poll numbers. what do you think? yeah, listen, had he done the 15 or 16 week band, i understand the arguments for it as lindsey graham laid them out, but that would have been a big gift to democrats. at the same time, democrats have the advantage on abortion, there is no doubt about it. harris is going to be talking about it a lot. >> judge jeanine: is catholic.
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he doesn't like talking about abortion that much so i think it will go to paris for the most part b part. democrats have abortion, republicans have immigration, that is why we are heading for a close election. >> neil: don't hunt anymore as far as an issue for democrats, not as powerful and impactful. it will not resonate the way it has in the past. what do you think? >> i think it is the best thing democrats have going right now. we see that in red states were abortion measures have passed. i think is a big advantage for democrats going into the presidential -- it certainly was in 2022 but democrats have other problems that is what trump will be are talking about, the economy and immigration, probably talking about it in a few minutes. >> neil: the economy, a big speed bump in the last week, stronger-than-expected inflation data, the volatility abroad, higher energy prices, the mideast world potentially expanding dramatically. all of a sudden the federal
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resort no rate cuts, maybe the next move would be a rate hike. everything has changed for joe biden. >> yeah, that is not good news for biden. he will not have the advantage on the economy no matter what, by the time the election, he just needs to narrow that gap and this week's developments don't help him. >> neil: all right, always good talking to you, my friend. we will see whether you are on, always on a great deal. we are going to be exploring the implications of this, certainly what is going on in israel, the former prime minister, my special guest tomorrow, look at the impact for the economy and the world as this could potentially escalate. we are on that tomorrow. see you then. "the five." ♪ ♪ >> hello, everybody. kennedy along with janet and my judge jeanine pirro, richard fowler, pete hegseth, and greg gutfeld. it is 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪


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