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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  April 13, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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because talk about the beyoncé ballads, western is trending because of beyonce's new country album. >> cowboy carter was cowboy boots. onles have surget saled percente his album has been released. not only that, online searches foearcher cowboyr hats, bolo tii jeans are trending because of queen bee. and right now, her song,w her s number one on the country bettts and really is not dow.n sex assault to be hot. >> i do think miley cyrus had a better version of jolene but of is still a great story. >> you know absolutely thankn an you to fox news channel, fox nation and greg gutfeld who helped me through this toughi do periodn't . >> i don't think i couldlp have written this book without your help. and for. ♪ [the star-spangled banner]
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♪ [the star-spangled banner] [the star-spangled banner] ♪ [the star-spangled banner] ♪ [the star-spangled banner] ♪ [the star-spangled banner]
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will: good morning and welcome to "fox and friends" saturday morning. another weekend. pete: another weekend, let's do it. rachel: i wait for both of you. pete: we are waving to you. at least three photos from that anthem that were sent to me from my inbox from viewers. his email is will -- he will send them along. he does it. he wants to in his heart. but he doesn't and we are not offended or hurt by it. come on. >> sometimes --
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rachel: you don't have to respond but i sent you something about the will kane show and you never responded. will: you hit me on a sunday. rachel: i said i'm not going to officially respond until he responds. i told him the dates. will: they are trying to book her on the will kane show. i offer a piece of advice. rachel: if i'm not good enough to text, to respond to text. will: just been four hours with you. he was higher? rachel: this is how you try to get me on your show? that's enough. pete: you are alone with your phone, doing this, interesting. swipe. but here is one piece of advice. it was like will this work for
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you on your show and like -- if people at large, not talking about you but people at large. if you meme people you give them an opening to stop responding. what -- once you meme them. you are really good at that. pete: just an acknowledgment. we are glad you are with us all morning long. we will talk about substance and nonsense, 8 hours between today and tomorrow but we start with this, donald trump if you were watching tv at 5:00 yesterday took to the podium at mar-a-lago with mike johnson. they were there to talk about election integrity and talked about a bill to protect the ballot, there was a lengthy q and a with reporters a portion
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of which he talked about his trial coming up on monday. here is donald trump yesterday. >> i would testify. it's a scam. that's not a trial. that's not a trial. that's a scam. jury selection is largely, depends who you get. it is unfair i'm having a trial there. it's bad for new york and bad and bad for the judicial system. i told the truth, all i can do is tell the truth and the truth is there is no case, they have no case. rachel: i was on laura ingraham and saw the former whitewater deputy independent counsel was on and i asked him if he thought donald trump could get a fair trial and here's what he said. >> it's going to be very hard for him to do so. the motion to change venue should have been granted but on
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the other hand it is so obviously a political prosecution that who knows if anybody can get an acquittal in such unfair circumstances, donald trump may be able to. will: this is the weakest case of all those but it's worth noting what you just highlighted last night that it's going to be hard to get a fair jury in new york city. i've been talking to a friend who's a trial attorney, 8 times a year he spends in a courtroom making arguments and he was talking about the process of picking a jury which begins on monday and he said the main thing you want to do is find someone who could represent the leader. most people in the jury box want to follow-up leader. and formed the opinion of the jury. it will be hard to find a leader willing to pursue
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something other than the preconceived notion on donald trump. will: both sides get to disregard jurors. and say we don't want to that juror. the process is puzzling to me. will: i've seen this is about donald trump at his case but we were discussing on our podcast this case, its implications for the whole country and that is that maybe subconsciously people are realizing i could have trouble with the law at some point. i want to be in a red state or blue state and this is a case where the outcome of your case is determined by your jury pool and where you are and i think it's interesting that maybe you want to be in a red state if you are a conservative because at least you will get a jury of your peers --
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will: i don't know how the trial will go on. i don't know what to make of it, there's no cameras in the courtroom. there's a lot of calls from the judge for gag order, how does it end up playing out with readouts from the court room and it is a nonsense case, we will see. will: political trends in this country. the new data is showing how you identify as a party has changed and become a little more even in this country. take a look at the data that was just released. in 1994, 50 one% of americans leaned republican and it has trended over time to be more over 50% of democrats, voters identify as democrats, seems to have evened out a little bit. i don't know what this paul is telling us but we are split down the middle in america with what we believe that the party we support but one more
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interesting detail of polling is how our key group could swing the election key states. this is another paul of black voters whether they favor biden or trump. what interesting about it, it's 7 key states, this is not national polling. if black men increase their support for trump from 12% to 30% and women from 6% to 11% in key states, that might be enough to change the margin of victory. that's a big jump. >> a crater for 87% to 50% talking about support for biden but one of the core constituencies is black women. that is a huge constituency and almost as the alamo, the last bastion, the most dedicated and it dropped as well significantly. it didn't necessarily flow overwhelmingly to donald trump,
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didn't correspondingly rise. what that means it may or may not mean a vote for trump but could mean staying home at not voting for president biden. rachel: a woman at the university of pennsylvania has been tracking black voters, their sentiments and changing, you go through the numbers, i don't know anyone getting the pulse of black voters, anyone who is excited about voting for joe biden and that is a huge problem, might also explain why as much as they wanted to get rid of kamala harris, if you are bleeding a little bit with black women who have been so reliable the last thing you want to do, this professor said that there was more enthusiasm among among black women for
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kamala harris than president biden so that tracks. will: donald trump showed up at a chick-fil-a and there was a viral video of him being greeted by a black woman throwing her support behind donald trump, she's a political activist who was connected to the blexit movement and yesterday she was on "fox and friends". >> the general consensus on social media would have you thinking of donald trump were to show up to the hbc you campus, might -- an angry mob would form or a riot would ensue and he would not be welcome and clearly the sentiment in that room the other day was the opposite. he was very welcome, people showed up in support of him. i think, this is a sentiment i got a lot coming from the young people themselves, they feel like he is honest, they feel like this is somebody who why
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we may not agree with how he says things are goes about thing, at least he's telling us what it is, we don't feel like this is a snake in the grass waited for his chance to bite, his telling us this is what my plan is. >> chatter on laura ingraham as well as you saw in the video footage that the workers were as excited as she was to see donald trump but i asked her about because i heard there was a young woman who was there, not a worker but a young woman that ended up getting bullied after she posted the picture taken with him. i asked her about it, she goes to historically black college and it was all these college people at this historically black college bullying her and shaming her and i thought that is so interesting and so indicative of where we are on the college campus you are not allowed to be a freethinker and like whoever you like, whatever
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party he is in but right there in that moment in that fast food restaurant where the university scolds weren't watching you, that's the reaction that they got. pete: nobody wants everything to cost more, nobody wants cheap labor, the policies that change the way they view the world and the personality of donald trump, and the persecution, the way in which he was targeted, certain members of the community say that happened to us before. rachel: because i was the wife of a republican congressman, telling me quietly, i thought about that little bit when i was talking to michaela last night and the shaming some black people get in certain circles may be a lot of them will vote quietly for trump.
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pete: add lightbulbs to the list of household items targeted by the biden administration. rachel: when it comes to lightbulbs i am pro-choice. pete: making household appliances efficient is a way to/energy costs and cut carbon emissions. under president biden as directed by congress department of energy is following the lead of lightbulb manufacturers helping american families flip the switch on massive energy savings through strengthened energy efficient standards. >> can i break that down for you. it means that there is somebody in the biden donor area who is now invested in a different kind of lightbulb so they are going to make us all switch to make that person rich. i think it's very important and
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i don't like the kind of light that given off and more importantly look at how they' ve declared war on all of these appliances, water heaters, furnaces, this is one that makes me mad, dishwashers and washing machines. i am so mad that i have to wash dishes twice, i have to run the dishwasher two times or rinse the dishes before i put them in the dishwasher. >> you don't rinse the dishes? is a lot -- i shouldn't have to -- >> they don't get out of the machine. >> you shouldn't have 2 pre-wash your dishes in the sink. what's the point. it is all meant to be saving water and we are not saving water by doing this. this makes me so mad. remember you all, you lived in new jersey for so long, they made a rule that said you can't have plastic bag so they won't
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give you a plastic bag when you go to the grocery store, which i go to the grocery store, i don't like going to the grocery store. pete: it going. graduate from flipping to damn. rachel: you want to get me started, talk about this stuff. i get there and they don't have plastic bags, they did a study and it turns out the bags they make are three times the carbon footprint. i am so angry about it. they make our life so inconvenient, the make it worse, the government gets involved and they don't know what the hell they are doing. >> the new led light bulbs you don't have to change them as much. i remember i've got some stories about lightbulbs.
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now i don't have to change them. i made that trade off, doesn't quite have the same light i wanted before but it is 15 years before i have to get on a ladder and do anything about that. rachel: i look ten years younger with the other lights. you had to call somebody. pete: i've been sitting with a burnt out lightbulb for a month. we need to call facilities, call billy. will: 6 people at the suspect are dead after a stabbing attack. several others including a baby were rushed to the hospital. police say an officer shot suspect which hundred of shoppers were evacuated from the mall and told to avoid the area. police are trying to determine the motive. a one person dead and 13 heard after an 18 wheeler slammed into a texas dps building near houston yesterday.
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they say the suspect stole the 18 wheeler and intentionally slammed into the building just one day after his application was denied. the office where driver's licenses were issued are is investigating. cbp releasing a shocking new update on the border, encountering one hundred 90,000 migrants last month. authorities have encountered more than 1.3 million migrants in the first we 6 months of this fiscal year up from the first we 6 months of last fiscal year. the report revealing border patrol agents arrested 76 people on the fbi terror watch list, 75 are discovered at the southern border and one was found at the northern border. to the masters, scotty scheffler, max hoban and bryson shambaugh tied for first after two games. 6 underpar.
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he ripped out this massive sign blocking his shot. he is kind of ripped. after tiger woods setting the record making his 24th consecutive cut at the masters. >> here you go. studies himself, gets up and down for another scrambling par. will: it blows you away. jim greg will join us on day 3 at augusta and those are your headlines. pete: i would like to see him get one more run. will: i'm pulling for scotty scheffler. i don't know him. i don't know him. this is in dallas. pete: hoping he is watching. will: i hope he is not. i hope he's getting ready for the masters.
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rachel: sending the list of people he texts back. will: i could do it in 30 seconds. migrant squatters taking over a home in new york city. one lawmaker thinks he has the solution. will: rachel: biden issuing a warning to iran, their attack on israel is imminent. >> president biden: don't. pete: we are asking brigadier general anthony tata next. is some freakin' torque. what? the dodge hornet r/t... the totally torqued-out crossover. file 100% free with turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me!
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pete: the us warning of imminent uranian attack on israel. with president biden issuing his 1-word warning. >> an attack on israel from iran? >> president biden: we want to get secure information but my expectation, sooner rather than later. >> what your message to iran at this moment? >> don't. will: here to react is retired u.s. army brigadier general anthony ta ta. don't, doesn't seem that has deterred anything else, how do you expect it to play out in this particular situation?
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>> reporter: i visualized biden on his knees with his hands clasped saying please don't because it will make me look bad because that is all he cares about, the drive for political power the is driving us foreign policy, more concerned about vote in dearborn, michigan than the safety and security of americans and allies and the utter incompetence of this administration has brought us to the brink of a global war with afghanistan, with russia ukraine, israel/hamas and iran which is been destabilizing the entire arabian peninsula which the administration refuses to say anything more than don't to, they actually gave them $6 billion, they've been funding a lot of this terror the training throughout the
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region and this is what happens when you try to have it both ways in place the american people last into the first. pete: the irani and struck an iranian consulate to kill some senior uranian leaders that targeted an opportunity and we have to wait, this is just the accepted iran will accept israel, could this spiral? what is iran's calculation? do they want to escalate and create a full on war? >> they have a real decision to make because so far they have been very effective and happy to fight for their proxies. the redline, if there is one for this administration, is whether or not iran gets directly involved. it's not enough the core force in syria plans to attack us forces and syria and iraq and
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israel did us a favor by killing the successor to general soleimani. it's a brink when should game going on and i have 0 faith in this administration, their ability to handle the brinksmanship well because they are beholden to the uranian, islamic radicalism to influence decision-making and right now we need to send a strong message, the diplomacy is so we, antony blinken is the worst secretary of state we ever had and we are not messaging, don't is not a message, there needs to be a clear message articulating the national defense strategy. will: i don't know that i want a strong message because it won't be clear. may be misconceived. a few moments. as you look around the world, what conserves you most?
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6 months list of this administration. >> a dangerous six months because they are so craven for political power they will do anything to maintain it, they missed intelligence in afghanistan, they missed it in israel. what most concerning is what have they missed on the border and how will that manifest itself. pete: they left the back door open. thank you so much. check it out. small business optimism, reaching is lowest level since 2012. we are talking to two small business owners feeling the heat coming up next.
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december 2012. raising the alarm on inflation of 20% saying it's the biggest problem they are facing with quality of labor and higher taxes. bring in the panel of small business owners, jason brown is the co-owner and ceo of 1918 catering and adrian calvo is the owner and chef of restaurant and bar in miami. i looked at a review of your restaurants, they sound amazing. just to talk about inflation, anyway, congratulations to both of you. it's a huge problem for you. if you were advising the president, what would you tell him to give relief to business owners like yourself? >> it is so important, there has to be some type of regulation made.
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there has to be a. we can't be facing things like heavy cream, eggs, the cost of beef has skyrocketed and not leveled off. we don't want to offset that to our guests it's not just the costs of goods, rising labor cost is a problem. rachel: you bring up the labor cost, something joe scarborough said is president biden should be bragging about the open border out up a cheap labor he is bringing in, he should be bragging about it and selling it to business owners like you as a positive thing. what do you say about that? >> go ahead and let the people know that if he's doing that, i would love to hear from the current administration how we can implement immigrants into our workforce because right now with the current workforce we
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don't have people that want to do the work so i would love to have them come from birmingham and rollout visas. rachel: we have a work ethic problem. is that the issue you are facing? >> absolutely. for us, we are missing people that are passionate about our industry that have that love for it. it's a growing industry and is an industry that's always been founded with immigrants and stuff like that. we need to get back to basics, back to normal integrate stable economy. rachel: this is the impact small businesses like yours have on the economy, 61 million people, 45% of us economic activity comes from small businesses like you. you are the backbone of this country. one of the issues is energy
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costs. president biden restricted energy production and spending a lot which means he's printing money which is causing inflation to go up again. what would you advise president biden to do to help business owners like you? >> make sure we have access. access is the key, we need access to small business loans, grants, staffing, making sure, he has done a great job in the past with so many programs he implement it but the public is not aware what they have available and what they can do and that is one of the things they have to do to make americans aware of. there are things he can do that he has been doing, we need to let people know what is better for us because right now access.
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rachel: being a small business owner takes a lot of courage and someone in our government is listening so you can think about food and less about the economy and labor issues you are facing. thank you, hope to have you back to talk food. one bronx home is overrun with 8 migrants and stocks with drugs and weapons. congressman dan music thinks he has approached solution to that next. ♪ ♪ form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me! everyone say space pod!
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brought will: how to take over homes across the us to a bronx home overrun with 8 migrants, drugs, and weapons. what we are witnessing is a dramatic increase in squatting by illegal immigrants. congress is considering a bill that would make squatting by illegal immigrants a deportable offense and would bar offenders from entering the us. the next guest introduced a bill and says if congress doesn't address this, migrants continue to squat and american homes. congressman, thank you for being with us. we start with why this bill is necessary.
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before we get to the problem of squatting, being in the country illegally is enough of a deportable offense. >> it certainly is. most american citizens believe that and the video you mentioned was very disturbing of an individual venezuelan stating how the new squatting should be a business and he wants to get into it and trying to attract others to begin trespassing on american homes. this is part of the biden border policy, drugs poisoning our youth, human trafficking, got aways, terror threats, terror threat watch lists, migrant crime, now we have squatters and there's been a rash of illegal squatting taking place that seems to be new york, california and pennsylvania and these illegals
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are going in to homes that may be vacated for short time or even a couple days, and they are claiming their squatter rights. part of the problem is many states have adverse possession laws that are antiquated and have loopholes to them and it's a legal tactic to occur. the states need to work on tightening that up because those laws are being abused. a friend of mine was a state legislator, has such a bill that would do that. that's the longer version. my bill, safeguarding homes from illegal entry, will do a few things. the -- that will put illegals on notice that they will be deported. if they are breaking a law or have any sort of record and attempt to gain the system, they will be deported and they
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will be deported permanently. that's what this bill is and it is gaining a lot of attraction on both sides. will: the ones who make asylum claims. and do we need other laws to deport people who are already here illegally. and another law will deport you. >> thank choice states and sanctuary cities, a law in the house, republicans, if any legal gets arrested, right for us to deport them but in sanctuary cities many crimes don't require a deportation to be part of the penalty which is outrageous. will: seems to be increasing crime and an attempt to decrease it.
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over to you. rachel: the 16-year-old accused of stealing a woman's car and preceptor pushing her down the stairs, and after she was mugged days earlier. the repeat offender, and 6 robberies in queens since last august. he is accused of lying, when he bought a firearm in october of 2016. he could be facing 25 years of prison if convicted. jury selection for the trial will begin the week of june 3rd.
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the president's son will head to trial for a separate case on federal tax charges. a 30 pound cat nicknamed thicken nugget is swimming to shed some weight after he surrendered to an indiana humane society. and but the cat who once protested the pool is quite the swimmer. and those are your headlines. let's turn to rick reichmuth for our fox forecast. rick:clearly he's not in his 50s. take a look at this. there's not much variation in temperatures, everybody in the 50s and 60s feeling pretty good and one last trouble spot, in
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the northeast, one system here bringing some snow across areas of higher elevation across the northeast, here we are, april 13th talking about snow. most of the country seeing a big warm up with the 70s as far north as north dakota. by tomorrow at 87 in kansas city. incredible warmth breaking open records. eventually this warmer air moves east but it won't last much longer. monday and tuesday, the next set of severe weather in the central plains, if you're watching for this, potential tornado monday into tuesday. rachel: life isn't all peaches and cream but it is when celebrating national peach cobbler day. plastic is not wasted... but instead remade over and over...
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into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen.
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♪ will: the national peach cobbler day. we were talking about it is easy as pie.
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rachel: pete: here's ashton keith. >> this looks good. rachel: happy national peach cobbler day. this is so easy. this was started because the georgia lobbyists wanted to incentivize frozen and canned peaches so they were consumed all year round but it is not a bad idea by any means. >> we've got one here. rachel: frozen peaches are so easy usually half the price. flash frozen, the nutrients, i like frozen peaches because they have syrup in them. you have a little less sugar and more control. i have 3 pounds of frozen peaches. i put them in a 3 x 9 bacon dish. sugar, flour, that is it. i'm not going to mix it because it mixes together in the oven and punches like this.
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i do a little less with this. if you want to get crazy and put in any kind of look or would be delicious. a little cobbler action. that is the feeling. the topping, the cobbler, the reason it is a cobbler is it is all cobbled together. all the topping feelings mixed together. i have two sticks of butter, a cup of brown sugar and a flower. easy measurements. three ingredients, real easy. i put a little bit of almonds here as well. and top it on top of here. i am a golf fan. it's masters weekend. i figured it is a nice way to do this around the tv, watch golf. peach cobbler impresses people.
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you could do it in a circle or you can see through it. we do not have any -- will: you are over-the-top this morning. ladling peach cobbler. pete: i've seen the forks. >> one real job was to bring us all spoons or forks. why what i do that? such a big tv. >> a man is not ladling like that. >> all day long. super simple. will: peach cobbler is awesome. it was on my death row wish list. >> hope we don't get there
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soon. will: mexican food. rachel: tacos today. >> the good that it is. >> have to feed each other. pete: this recipe and stuff like that. will: you didn't finish talking about that. >> if you are watching the masters eating your peach cobbler you can enjoy every thing. exactly. pete: this is incredible, thank you. got it. putting the amen in adm. one viral priest's faith-based dj sense. rachel: all right. ♪
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[coughing] copd isn't pretty. i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night.
4:00 am
will: it's the 7:00 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend and we start with a fox news alert. president biden saying this about iran's imminent attack on israel. >> expectations sooner than later. >> message to iran in this moment? >> don't. pete: plus, debt relief deja view, biden rolling out time another round of student loan debt forgiveness and price tag for the new plan. just ahead. rachel: young people struggling with mental health, could they return to football. second hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now


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