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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  April 14, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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give into the rhythm of the islands and delight in a caribbean state of mind. visit or call 1-800 sandals. we begin our final hour of "fox & friends" with a fox news aall right. right now, israel's war cabinet is mulling over response to iran launching its first ever direct attack against the jewish state. rachel: overnight, israel reopening its air space for the
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first time since the attack. however, it's reported that several foreign airlines canceled their flights to israel. >> the idf intercepting the majority of the 300 droughns and mill ices -- drones and missiles fired by iran as israel is killing the people who were had hurt during the attack. >> right now, the big question, how will israel respond? as n nenetanyahu vows they're rr all scenarios. >> peter learner joins us live from tel aviv with an update. that's the operative question, what is the response? give us an assessment of what happened from your perspective last night and what's the the prospect for a response? >> good morning, to you all. i would he say first of all what was the defining moment was the unity of eastern nations that came together around israel to protect israel and defeat or
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object iran's die bole call pla, the united states, together with the british and french, regional players as well, we sent a clear message to iran that whatever you throw at us, we will fight back. what we saw in the early hours of this morning was as you rightly pointed out, some -- over 300s missiles, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and explosive drones that iran fired towards israel and the coalition together were able to intercept 99% of them. none of the cruise missiles were able to reach israel. they were all a intercepted outside of israel's air space, none of the explosive drones on the way to israel made it to israel's air space. they were intercepted beforehand. a handful of ballistic missileses were able to reach
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their december destination, out0 of, six or seven hit israel and were able to reach a target in the air base down south. it caused -- they caused -- each one of those ballistic missiles carried a war head of around 100, 120 kilograms, it's a substantial war head. we were happy that the coalition came together and prevented from those actually -- any success, really as such. the air base that was hit did receive limited damage. the air base continued to be operational throughout the course of the day. we had our own f-35 aircraft were landing there, coming back from their operations that they conducted in he defense of the skies of israel. i would say first of all a very good result. for us, a failure of iran's position and a very strong regional and global message to iran not to mess with us.
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rachel: peter, i would like to move on to the cease fire deal that israel put forward that now hamas has rejected. the deal i understand was for the release of 133 hostages in, change for hundreds of palestinians who are jailed in israel. explain to me what the next steps are and also so many of our viewers are just so curious about the conditions of the hostages, how are they doing including some of these hostages are american. >> 1 133 people rehaven in the clutches of -- remain in the clutches of hamas today, perhaps isislamic jihad as well. i met yesterday in tavern before being called back into the you , a family of the one of the hostages that was released, one of the young children, baby abigail who president biden actually spoke about because
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she's american as well and we can't even imagine what these people are going you through. 133 people almost 190 days now, it's heart-breaking, devastating, and we need to bring them home. we need to bring every last one of them home. there are two ways to bring them home, either through negotiations or through military operations. negotiations as you rightly pointed out this morning the prime medicin minister's officet anan announcement that hamas declined the latest suggestion. we are continuing efforts to bring hostages home through military force, increasing the pressure, increasing operations in the center of the gaza strip, dismantling hamas as we move forward and planning for the future operations if the areas of rafah, the southern most area of the gaza strip and where we
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know for a fact that hostages have been held and are being held. we know because seven weeks ago we did a rescue operation and brought two hostages home from rafah. we know h that hamas is intact there. on the extraction from that operation, the special forces came under extensive fire from hamas forces. so we will have to continue our operations in order to bring home the hostages. it's the right thing to do. it's what needs to be done. and we're determined to do so. >> to revisit pete's question for you, looking forward, how certain, how inevitable, how immediate do you expect a response to iran from israel? >> so the government is deliberating exactly what the options are. we have obviously put those options on the table. we will leave that for the government to decide what they want to see forward from a strategic perspective. and of course the military will be prepared to implement any of
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those instructions. iran is a hostile player. iran is the regional destabilizer. iran has been behind the scenes for many, many years an even more so in the last six months during the war with hamas. iran is the financier. iran is the trainer, iran is the puppet master of all of these organizations. hamas, hezbollah, and houthis and as we look at iran, we need to be very concerned about their -- what they're doing to destabilize the region. i think this is precisely why we saw such a strong international coalition with players from the region because they understand that moving forward there's a very, very strong strategic message to be sent to iran by standing together against their hostility and their attempts to destabilize the region. so to say what the government will decide, i don't know at this stage.
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once they have made their decision we will continue to plan to implement whatever it is. >> there you go. peter learner, idf spokesman, thank you for your time. rachel: thank you, peter. >> let's bring in former national deputy security advisor, kt mcfarland. you can understand why an idf spokesman would not necessarily preview what the response might be and that becomes a strategic political decision for the leadership of israel. from where you sit, what do you think the israeli response looks like and likewise if you're looking through the lens of america first, what should our response be? >> well, i think to a certain extent president biden is limited israel's responses because on one hand the iranians escalated this. it was a direct attack by iran on israel and all of the iran proxies on israel so a combined direct attack. on the other hand, the united states and the united kingdom
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and france and otherdan, they joined in the defense of israel which i wasn't expecting so president biden leading that through the u.s. central command, leading the response and deflecting and catching all the missiles before they hit israel so there were two major things going on. israel's now in a position where biden basically said to them don't escalate, don't response. iran has said that's it for now. don't worry about anything unless israel does something else so it's all kind of muddy. in my 57 years this line of work when stuff gets muddy and consistent you fusing, i think it's time to -- confusing, i think it's time to look at the big picture. the big picture is follow the money. why was iran able to do this in the first place, why was he not able to do this in the trump administration? iran is rich right now thanks to biden's policies, not only frees revenues to go to iran and allowing iran to sell oil on the international market but basically biden's energy policy
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has driven up the price of oil. iran is rich. it can keep fighting for a long time. rachel: we've been talking about that all morning. iran was broke under donald trump. iran is rich right now. so i mean, this is the biden administration, is it that they care so much more about their climate religion that they don't care how it destabilizes the middle east and enriches iran? or is there something more intentional and nefarious going on? >> i would say it might be the latter except if you look at the biden administration's zealotry on the climate issue and destroying the cry a climate art they make. the biden administration is standing in the way. so it's not just that iran got rich. it's russia got rich. you know, when donald trump comes out and say russia never
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would have done it, iran never would have done it when i was president. that's true. president trump likes to say because he's so tough. that's part of it. the big part of it is they didn't have the money. iran would love to destroy israel, for 45 years they've tried to do that. russia would love to take over ukraine, they've wanted to do it since thend of the cold war but they never had the money until now and it directly is a result of biden's energy policies and particularly the case of iran, allowing iran to sell oil. kt, you have 57 years of experience in this, something we can't bring to bear on how this sort of works but we're clearly on the ladder. we're on the escalation ladder. it starts with october 7th, israel's analysis, correctly, that iran is behind helping fund what happens october 7th. israel climbs a ru rung of the r and takes out a iranian general in das damascus, iran says we'll
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launch the dronend a missile a-- drone and missile attacks from iran into israel. what happens next, kt? when israel climbs the next rung, whats does it look like? >> if israel does climb the next rung, the question will be a couple things. will the biden administration support israel? will it stand on the sidelines? god forbid, would it support iran? what would iran do? iran has a lot of missiles and drones left that it could launch another attract. unless you follow the money, unless you deny iran the financial ability to wage an expensexpensive aware, iran is g to keep waging the wars. iran has had the same goal since the iranian revolution in 1978. get the united states divided from israel, drive a wedge between the u.s. and israel and once israel is isolated go in and finish the job. they thing have a wedge between the united states and israel.
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so president biden thinking well, if we step back from israel a little bit, it's going to be great for us politically in dearborn, michigan, we're going to win michigan, win re-election but they're making a bigger war more likely because if israel looks alone and then iran goes in for the kill, the made it clear for 45 years, that's what they want to. rachel: before we go, you talk about follow the money. it's also follow the politics. you alluded to domestic politics that are influencing this biden's side. what about the domestic politics in is israel? >> he's that's going to drive a lot of the decision making that's going to happen in the next 24 hours. can israel absorb this attack from iran or wills israel domestic politics insist they have to rayrespond. like maybe go after where the missiles and drones are you launched from. with iran, the mullahs had to
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respond to the israeli assassination of the leader. they had to do something. they haven't killed any israelis so far that we know of. maybe it rests there. maybe it escalates. is domestic politics in iran, israel and the united states. >> joe says don't and lots of things still happen. thank you very much for your time this morning. >> thank you. >> we turn to trey yingst live in tel aviv with the latest. >> reporter: good morning. as we speak, israel's war cabinet is meeting in tel aviv to determine if and how israel will respond and i want to read to you part of a statement that war cabinet minister benny gantz released a few of moments ago, a lengthy statement but the gist is that israel is claiming victory for successfully shooting down the majority of he's those missiles and drones that were launched by iran and also building a response with its regional partners including the u.s. presence in the middle
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east. there were american jets in the sky helping israel to shoot down these projectiles but at the end of the statement he says, quote, we will continue to campaign with determination and responsibility and together we will win. and throughout these comments, benny gantz is talking about the campaign against hamas inside gaza. the efforts to rescue the remaining israeli hostages in the hands of hamas, the battle against iranian proxies across the region in places like yemen and lebanon and putting up a firm defense to iranian attacks and sending a message to iran that israel stands united with its partners. and so what this statement tells us is that the israelis are looking to claim a victory following their successful capabilities to shoot down using theired a vaned missile defense system, drones and missiles, it's an indication that israel may be looking to deescalate the situation and avoid heavy strikes that could further up ravel this already delegate
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moment in the middle east. doesn't mean israel will not respond. it means israel is considering its options and looking at targets and possibilities. when you look at a strike list there's a spectrum of different things that can be hit belonging to iran and a its proxies, when benny gantz was defense minister, i interviewed him here in tel aviv, he handed me a classified map of israeli targets in lebanon that they marked out from the iran backed group hezbollah. the israelis have been planning counter attacks for years. they know where the targets are. the decision making now is if and when they will hit them. back to you guys. >> trey, that's what i've been receiving as well, there's a lot of targets outside the iranian heartland that are important to iran that could be the subject of the response from israel. you said something earlier, you said 99% of the projectiles were taken out by the air force, by not necessarily the missile defense systems but by fighter
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pilots and we hear a lot about everyone involved, u.k., america, israeli. do you have any sense, how many american pilots were up there shooting down missiles and drones? >> reporter: we don't know how many american pilots were in the air. we know the americans and israelis knew this was coming. the intelligence was spot on when it comes to the attack. iran projected what they were going to do and they also informed the americans and informed their neighbors that there would be a response to the israeli strike earlier this month in damascus, syria that killed a top iranian general. defense officials in israel told us before the attack took place that there were fighter jets in the skies of the middle east. is rielies already had planes in the sky. they knew this was going to come. they didn't know necessarily the exact moment but they were prepared on multiple fronts. this was a multitiered defense system and the jets tried to
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shoot down as many tone drones and missile as possible. you had an y y ayo array of he e systems. there were some areas where interceptions didn't work and there was damage caused on the ground here in israel including to an israeli military base. a lot of moving parts in all of this but clearly israel was prepared for this attack by iran overnight, hundreds of missiles an drones launched from iran. >> yeah. highly choreographed high risk game going on there, a lot of lives at stake. trey, thank you so much. rachel: thank you, trey. >> let's bring in special operations analyst brett -- we won't bring him in. he's going to join us after we pay some bills. don't go anywhere.
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>> fox news alert, more on our top stories, iran launching its first ever direct attack on israel, 300 missiles and drones headed towards the jewish state last night, 99% of them intercepted before ever hitting the israeli border. >> former u.s. army special ops analyst and drone expert brett velakovich joins us now.
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give us a sense of the type of drones you think iran would have used and what kind of knowledge would they have about israel's ability to intercept them. my question is remarksmy questin would they have that they would reach their destination. >> first off, this was the largest single drone attack in history which is significant to say the least. we're living in the era of drone warfare where countries use this technology as the primary form of strike. iran has pioneered the use of drone technology globally, slowly ins c increasing their pr while our own government sat back and watch it without much concern. iran gained a ton of feedback based on their exporting of this to the ukraine, russia war. people are paying attention because it's israel. these are the same drones and same tactics of attacks that happened near weekly in ukraine. it's not new or particularly sophisticated. i think those that watch the drone strikes closely you saw
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this coming as iran has taken the lead o
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right in iran and they have a lot of secret sites that many people are looking for constantly trying to strike. and they also export some of this technology and the information on how to build these to other countries. we've also seen that same thing take place in russia, where we've learned that the iranians have given them the schematics to build these drones, you know, the iranians, though i find it very interesting here that they
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this goes to show that we may be on the brink of something bigger, a new level of military cooperation from countries. i think we lost brant. we may have lost brant. that's a fascinating conversation. really interesting. yes. i mean, we are in the era of drone warfare. warfare has
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completely changed. and he's right. ukraine is the testing and training ground right now for a lot of this drone technology. i just remember my time overseas. if you heard a drone, thankfully you knew it was ours, right? the enemy didn't have that capability. the enemy. it was famously the psychological effect of drones on bad guys was if you hear the buzzing somewhere in the sky, it's looking at you and you could be dead. and so they were a very effective psychological tool for us as well. it's a whole nother ball game. if i'm on the battlefield and i hear a buzzing and i don't know whose it is, it could be the other guys. and if you've got troops on bases in the middle east, which he alluded to, which we do, they don't have this type of air defense system. then try 300 drones, descend on those bases. you've got a lot of you've got a lot of potential. dead american is you have. why don't we have that? we're not. that doesn't make any sense because tactics of warfare advance quicker usually than big governments can adjust to. and so we don't have all these missile systems on all of our bases to deflect all these drones. again, i'm not revealing any information that isn't already to help israel.
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well, israel's paid differences as well. well, they've been in a neighbor. they've been in a neighborhood where missiles have been pointing at them for hundreds of years, are in areas where they, well, now they are. but that wasn't a tactic the enemy could use. now it is how do we adapt to that? and i think we're just at the bleeding edge. and guys like brett have the knowledge of how this is going to be used. and then the scary reality that our border is wide open. i was just stones are not hard to find, and you could weaponize drones in the united states too. like this is what has security experts so worried and concerned about the world we live in has me worried. all right, well, biden's de-escalation message is not resonating with iran. mr. president, to iran in this moment, don't i have one word? don't. maria bartiromo on the white house's flawed messaging next. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we
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are dead after a train hit their truck in rural idaho yesterday. the were traveling on a private road that intersects with a railroad crossing when the driver didn't yield. state police is investigate. >> the australian police officer who shot and killed a suspect accused of shooting and killing six people in an australian mall has been identified. he tracked the suspect through the mall before confronting him and kil killing him. australian prime minister called her a hero. those are your headlines. rachel, over to you. rachel: thank u pete. we have a fox news alert for you. the biden administration is facing backlash this morning from critics who say its decdeescalation message to irans been a failure from the start. >> what is your message to iran in this moment. >> don't. >> i have one word, don't.
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>> to any actor, state or non-state, trying to take advantage of this crisis to attack israel. don't go we have just one word. don't. rachel: sunday morning futures anchor maria bartiromo joins us now. he says don't. we've been talking on the couch, some of the stuff from iran seems performative, like we knew they were going to do this. why say don't if we knew they would have to do retaliation for domestic the consumption politically at home. maria: i'm trying to figure out whether the message to iran was as tough as the message to israel from the biden administration. clearly, don't from president biden and don't from antony blinken and don't from loyal austin didn't work. because they did. they launched 300 missiles. clearly, the message is not resonating with iran. the question now is how will the u.s. respond after chuck you shy
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schumer, president biden attacked babibenetanyahu. rachel: chuck schumer says he wants to revisit funding for israel. the biden administration went to china and said could you help us convince iran not to do this attack and obviously china didn't do that either. maria: right. and china of course is complicit in all of this and has been befriending all of the u.s.'s aadversaries. this week the house is exacted to take up a bill, whether that is rail aid only or the largest supplemental, israel, taiwan and ukraine money, it's likely the larger, $95 billion package. that's what we're speaking about today. mike johnson will have to make a decision, will he bring this for a vote and include this larger money, not just to israel or do you just want to focus on israel. steve scalise has been speaking out. we're going to get breaking news from speaker johnson.
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we're talking with john ratcliffe, the former director of national inthe tell jens who has -- intelligence who has been speaking with his counterparts in israel. we're talking about the response from the united states because the u.s. has been trying to deescalate israel's response to the worst attack that it has seen since the holocaust. so i think the critics on this morning are largely on the biden administration's appeasement of iran. rachel: right. but it always comes back to the money. maria: it does. rachel: i wonder if that's where it should be. though one knows better than you how much in debt we are, $34 trillion. maybe it's more diploma he sigh diplomacy and aother measures it money. maria: iran is in a much better place in terms of money because of president biden enabling iran to generate billions of dollars on oil revenue, rather than putting a stake in the ground and being supportive to israel the entire way. the ironclad statement that
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president biden made the other day, it's hard -- critics say it's hard to take that seriously given all the attacks on bib. netanyahu in the last month, where is the united states here? they're saying it's ironclad, the support for israel and yet at the same time attacking the prime minister for the way he's handling the response to terrorists. rachel: but it doesn't cost any money to go i'm going to just develop american energy and let -- and not have these sanctions lifted on iran. i mean, these are things they could do that don't cost the american taxpayers. maria: it's a great point but truly the climate change agenda i think has taken precedent in the administration and climate change agenda has real i'mly implications throughout the word. it made the u.s. less safe not only economically because of the $34 trillion in debt and the constant spending, also from a national security perspective. the speaker is going to have to make a decision about what this
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package looks like this week amidst upset within the conference, within the republicans. you know marjorie taylor greene is continuing to attack mike johnson for focusing on ukraine and potentially israel and not focusing on the u.s. border. the border is the number one priority i think for republicans and yet they can't move the needle in terms of securing the border and that's going to come up this week as well so we've got -- rachel: and they're tied, maria. as things get heated in the middle east and we know we have known terrorists who have come across the border, that's affecting us as as well. maria: for sure. we want to know what the u.s. will do at this point and whether or not we're in jeopardy of a potential attack here given the number of people that are unknown in terms of terrorists having come through the border. rachel: really scary stuff. sunday mosunday morning futurese
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tv. that's up next. places of worship on high alert, how the nypd is deploying resources to synagogues across the city. that's next. i met with a turbotax expert because i had two full time jobs... lawyering and... liaming. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. let a turbotax full-service expert do your taxes as soon as today. you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden.
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rabbi stein. homitz the synagogue inmanhatta. thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> you're concerned like all of us are about the events in the middle east. how does that affect your synagogue? >> if you're angry at one jew anywhere in the world, you're angry at every jew. our synagogue had to boost its security since october 7th and the situation is just absurd. last night on a saturday night, 10:30 p.m. i was on a briefing with the nypd, with a group of jewish leaders because immediately we have to jump into action. and i need you to know that since october 7th the security budget of our synagogue has doubled. we're spending over $300 per family on security. our members wouldn't come to
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synagogue otherwise. and what this amounts to is an anti-santi-semitism tax levied y anti-semites. >> what's your message to the congregation right now who is feeling unsettled about the wait of the glorld i think our congregation needs to be safe, needs to be vigilant, also has to have calf dense. confidence.we're coming up to t. it's not j just pharoh who was against the jews. it says that god will come and save us and the history of the you jewish people is a history f resilience. not only have we survived every threat, be we have actually
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thrived. long after the revolutionary guard it's consigned to history, the jewish people and israel will be strong. >> you know, the y jewish commy in america -- the political community in america, there's bipartisan consensus about supportofisrael. it feels like it's waning. how concerning is that to you. >> it's very concerning. in iran's eyes, israel i'll litis littlesatan, but america g satan. if they ever get past israel, they would come here next. what they hate is not just israel, but the values that israel represents which are american values. >> do you feel safe in our country right now?
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>> yes. >> you do? >> absolutely. i know that we have to be more care beful.ful. i know a possibility of an attack. the nypd has been there for us. the united states government has been there for us. and a i think that every average american, the vast majority of average americans have been there for the jewish people here in the united states. >> no doubt. rabbi, thank you so much for being here. >> thank you. >> appreciate i god all right donald trump as you toe know the hush money trial is one dayri away. coming up next. we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product. there's value in buying american made it has a real life impact up and down the supply chain. we want our customers to feel how special this product is, right when they open the box.
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tomorrow donald trump's first criminal trial is set to begin here in new york city in what may be the only dice actually go to trial before the november election. our next guest says the deck is stacked against him. fox news legal analyst greg jared is here to explain. sounds ominous, greg, the deck is stacked against him. i imagine that starts immediately with jury selection. >> oh, it probably does. you know, alvin bragg, da, claims that trump falsified records. the statute of limitations expired four years before the
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indictment. he claims miff misdemeanor was committed in furtherance of a felony. he can't say what laws, what s statutes. bragg won't say because in a federal election he has no authority to prosecute federal crimes. he has no jurisdiction. so he cleverly is playing hide the crime and the judge is letting him get away with it even though this was not an illegal campaign he donation as the da a claims. the federal election commission said it doesn't qualify as a campaign expenditure. the department of justice investigated it and said no crime here. even though the case is legally absurd, bragg doesn't care. he's got a liberal judge and probably a trump hating jury. the goal here to influence the
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upcoming election. >> it's so important what you just laid out for us that those were jurisdiction over this trial declined to prosecute it. he tries to t boo boot strap ita felony in a jurisdiction he doesn't have. what you're saying is all of that, the weakness, would reveal itself on appeal, greg but that doesn't matter because justice isn't the point. the point is the show we're out about to get this week. >> that's right. they want to call him a convicted felon. this is classic lawfare, will, it's weaponizing the legal system for political gain. it's also an example of unequal justice. i'll give you an example in the exact same election, 2016, hillary clinton did the same thing. she used a lawyer to secretly pay for the phony steele dos dossier, she misreported it as legal expenses to conceal it. she got caught and she was fined by the federal election
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commission. but she was never prosecuted. why? her last name is clinton. but if your last name is trump, well, you get criminally charged. i think what the biden democrats and media underestimate is the intelligence of the american vote heers. they see dirty legal tricks for exactly what they are, an you attempt to affect the election by the y a abuse of the legal system. >> what do you expect? no matter what happens on you appeal, do you expect a new york jury and as you pointed out a far left judge will make this end in a felony conviction? >> well, i do think the deck is stacked against him because this is a judge who is not going to be in my judgment fair to the accused and this won't be an impartial jury as the sixth
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amendment demands. this is like the bob mcdonald case, former governor of virginia. it was a crooked case against h. they got a conviction that was unanimously overturned by the u.s. supreme court. it was too late by them. he was ruined politically and financially and i think that is the template here. >> so the goal just to be clear, greg, is within let's say the trial lasts six weeks, scheduled i think for six weeks, somewhere inside of six weeks to many come out with this, with the ability to say -- donald trump won't end up in jail, he will be out pending you appeal. goal will be to come out with the ability to say convicted felon and reap the benefits of that in an election? >> that will invariably affect some people but in many ways i think it's backfiring. a growing number of people see trump here as a victim of political enemies who have
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weaponized the law against him against nobody else but donald trump and it's only fortified his support. >> great analysis. thanks so much, setting up this week for us, greg jarett. more "fox & friends" moments away. file 100% free with turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me! ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand.
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pete: a fox news alert, right now israel's war cabinet is meeting as they mull over a response to iran's attack on the jewish state. rachel: iran launching more than 300 drones and missiles at israel most of which were intercepted by the idf and its allies. will: israel says at least 31 people were hurt during the attack, stick with fox news and throughout the day for the latest. pete: more coverage on that latest. go to church. have a blessed sunday, everybody. ♪ ♪ finish. maria: good sunday morning, everyone. thanks very much for joining us this morning. welcome to "sunday morning


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