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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  April 15, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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i think dana owes you $20, i have to say. i think she is trying to welch on you a little bit there. >> bill: viewership when tiger woods is on the course is through the roof. and i hope it's not over. thank you, clay, nice to see you. by the way, we dropped a great piece on fox nation on tiger woods. the amazing thing is when you watch him during his first tournament at the masters, he was in that crease unbeatable that i was just talking about. >> dana: if you find a jacket you like, you should get two. now he has two. before we go, this back seat driver is a dog. had the time of his life. how you keep a dog busy chasing the windshield wiper back and forth. i have to try that at home. harris faulkner is next. here she is. >> harris: we begin this monday with breaking news. the nation's 45th president is right now in a new york city
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courtroom and legal experts say it is all wrong that this case was ever brought against donald trump. it marks the first time a former president has ever been tried on criminal charges. trump is facing 34 felony counts related to a hush money payment to a sex film worker, stormy daniels, ahead of the 2016 presidential election. jury selection begins today as soon as the judge has finished what he is doing right now, which is opening process. 500 new yorkers are the jury pool. still questions, though, about whether trump could ever get a fair trial here. they will be asked things like have you ever attended a pro-trump or anti-trump rally or event? do you follow donald trump on social media sites? the former president spoke when he arrived at the courthouse. >> this is a political
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persecution, this is an assault on our country. it's a country that is failing. it is a country run by an incompetent man who have very much involved in this case. this is really an attack on a political opponent. >> harris: we'll stay on this trial today. there may be times during breaks that the former president would come out and speak with the press and we will be perched and ready for that. later this hour our all-star legal panel will be with me. for now we're all waiting. the world is waiting as israel has vowed it will respond to iran. that promise this morning. the quote exactly, we're going to exact a price after iran's unprecedented weekend attack. iran says it was revenge for a strike on their embassy compound in syria which killed one of their top generals. we know that was a couple of weeks ago. the israeli defense force says
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iran's revenge strike included a barrage of more than 300 missiles and drones. they rained down over the span of several hours. israel's air defense system with an assist from the united states, the united kingdom, even jordan and france stopped 99% of that attack by iran on israel. the first time ever iran has directly hit from its ground soil to israel. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." so what happens next? the fear, the concern are that the conflict between israel and iran will spiral into all-out war in the middle east. israel will not sit on its hands. >> wide scale attack by iran is a major escalation. >> the government is deliberating what the options are. as we look at iran we need to be very concerned about their --
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what they are doing to destabilize the region. >> this attack crossed every red line. israel reserves the legal right to retaliate. we are not a frog in boiling water. we are a nation of lions. >> this is another development in the war which iran is waging against the free world and have to be met accordingly. >> harris: john kirby on fox this morning. >> they are meeting now and figuring out what their next steppes are going to be. we respect they have to make those decisions for themselves. we want to see the tensions des ca rate. we don't want to see a war with iran. we'll continue to make sure israel can defend itself. they live in a tough neighborhood. >> harris: u.s. senator marsha blackburn urged biden to move
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quickly. the president said the u.s. won't join in any counter strike. many called him weak with theth scene as the back drop in iran. iranians were gathered joyful cheering on that attack directly at israel. they celebrated with flares and fireworks, retired army lieutenant colonel daniel davis is in "focus" with me next. trey yengst is in tel aviv. >> good morning. the middle east is on the brink of a much larger conflict after iran launched a brazen attack over the weekend firing more than 300 drones and missiles toward israel. majority of them were intersected outside of israeli airspace but we were here in tel aviv as israel's most air
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defense systems were activityed. they wrapped up a three hour meeting and discussing options for a response against iran. there are reportedly some disagreements in the cabinet about the scale, scope and timing of such a response. but we do understand initial reporting in israeli media indicates that israel will strike back looking to send a message to iran that these types of attacks will never be accepted but also trying to avoid a much broader regional conflict. we also were on a briefing today with a top israeli air force official who praised u.s. central command saying they played a critical role in the organization when it came to the defense over the weekend that allowed israeli and american jets to shoot down many of these projectiles. today iranians are speaking out for the first time since the attack saying this. >> our advice to all supporters of the criminal zionist regime is to appreciate iran's
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responsible and measured act and dissuade the regime from committing more wicked acts which will bring consequences to the regime itself more than anyone else. instead of using inappropriate words about iran. >> as the israelis deal with threat from iran they are fighting a war inside the gaza strip 200 days into the conflict against hamas. they are launching new raids in central gaza trying to destroy battalions there. the big concern for the israelis today, harris, is iran will decide to activate some of their larger projects like hezbollah to target major israeli population centers. >> harris: that's an excellent point and the iron dome really was able to do so much. if you take it from all sides, who knows what is next? trey yengst, thank you very much. that's the part that has the world on edge right now.
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not that it just goes between iran and israel but those proxies that have been hitting us north of 200 times in the middle east, although we haven't retaliated in kind per biden. those proxies would start to engage in a bigger way as well. "the new york times" outlines some key questions. has iran's attack been enough to satisfy its calls for revenge? or given the relatively results will it feel obligated to strike israel again. will netanyahu see his country's air defenses strong performance as a sufficient response or will he choose, and his war cabinet, to escalate further with an attack on iran. i want to bring in retired army lieutenant colonel daniel davis who talked about this as a possibility. fellow at defense priorities and the host of the deep dive show. you told me months ago that if
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you show weakness, should there be anything going on, that iran would want to get involved with. like the killing of one of its top generals, iran might do something like this. how did you know? >> right, iran desperately wants to avoid a war with israel or the united states. they want to keep their kingdom safe, so to speak, and they like to do their nefarious things but want to keep it on a low level and not a war. but they can't be seen as being weak. what not many people realize prior to this attack against the iranian embassy israel had already assassinated 17 different senior iranian officials throughout the middle east and they were coming under a lot of pressure from within for not responding enough. so once israel hit that embassy there was no doubt they would have to do something. i do take issue with that "new york times" piece there
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suggesting that this was a pal try from iran. it accomplished what they wanted. >> harris: the vice chair of the senate intel committee marco rubio said it was much more than what anybody expected. early on we didn't know the exact number of drones but no one had it north of 300. what i read this morning according to the idf iran used 60 tons of war heads. that leads me to believe they have a whole lot of when stuff. thank the good lord the war heads were just ballistic and didn't get help from north korea putting something on a plane that would have the nuclear device in it. that's not outside the boundaries. talk to me about what they have. >> that's why i say this was not paltry. what happened inside iran with all the cheering and everything, that was what iran wanted to do.
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that's why they sent so many drones and all these attacks so they would make their people not want to press them for more and feel like they had satisfied it. it's the type of ordnance they sent. not just tell graphed but told israel and the u.s. through turkey where these things were coming so they would be shot down and they wouldn't hit targets in israel. but, this the key, they have a lot of capacity where they can do a lot more if there are subsequent rounds. israel has to be cognizant of that. they could get hit in a second round. >> harris: if this is what they're potentially capable of doing with a huge heads-up, what happens when you don't get one. the former president's national security advisor john bolton was talking this weekend and said this about a possible retaliation by israel. >> the way you establish deterrence is by telling your adversary if you ever try that
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again the price you pay will be so much higher than any gain you think you should get you shouldn't think about it. i think israel has a wide range of potential targets. most importantly i think israel should look at this as an opportunity to destroy iran's nuclear weapons program. >> harris: under biden we have lost the potential to see anything about those strikes. the iaea kicked out and so we don't know much about it. israel has great intel. do you think that's where they should go, hit those nuclear sites? >> bolton is 100% wrong there. all that would do is probably push iran into a nuclear weapons program. more than that then it would put our troops at risk in iraq and syria. iran has said they won't attack our troops unless we participate in something that's going up on north and i can't imagine israel attacking those nuke facilities without our help. if that happens, then all of a sudden our troops are at risk
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there. those same drones that israel shot down with ease our troops can't because we don't have that kind of air defense capacity over all these sites. we would be at great risk of having our own troops attacked if bolton got his way. >> harris: we aren't getting hard numbers out of the pentagon anymore as it was 25 or 30 strikes of the proxies via iran had hit our military in the middle east. but it is north of 200 now and you have to bet that would be tougher on our men and women who are serving. colonel, always great to have you. start out the hour with you. thank you very much. republicans are going after president biden for what they call weakness on iran. >> mr. president, don't. stop it. support israel. with respect, go to amazon and buy spying online.
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>> we have gone from peace through strength to war through weakness because of the white house. >> harris: biden go buy a spine online, wow. the white house is insisting that the president has been tough on iran. republican congressman brian mast. i can't wait to hear what he has to say next. historic trial underway, donald trump the first former president to face a criminal trial. it stems from a 2016 hush money payment and trump calls it a political persecution. our panel of expert lawyers coming up.
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>> harris: president biden told iran don't. and it did. but is biden giving power now to
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the islamic republic >>? it's ironic refined ourselves in the all too familiar position of talking about a long list of deterrence failures by the biden administration. >> mr. president, don't. stop it. support israel. with respect, go to amazon and buy a spine online. >> we have gone from peace through strength to war through weakness. >> it is no surprise that biden is doing more to constrain israel than he is to constrain iran. >> harris: president biden told our closest middle east ally that the u.s. would not take part in any counter strike or as the "new york post" puts it, you're on your own. peter doocy at the white house. >> harris, the biden iran policy is hard to understand. on the one hand you have officials saying biden's support
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for israel is unwavering but others telling us they will not support israel if they launch a counter strike against iran. >> it is hard to look at what president biden has done with respect to iran and say that he hasn't been tough on iran, that we haven't put pressure on them. that we haven't -- additional 500 sanctions, additional resources. >> president biden told netanyahu after missile defenses knocked down 99% of iran's incoming missiles to take the win according to a report in axios. that's really lacking in terms of support for israel in the eyes of republican critics on capitol hill who want the president to do more than just consult g7 allies about strong diplomatic openings. >> i want to stress this is happening because joe biden has projected weakness around the world. russia did not invade ukraine on trump's watch. he did on obama and biden's
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watch. iran would have never thought to shoot 300 drones and missiles at israel when trump was president. >> they have unfrozen billions of dollars of money now in the leader's of iran's hands. theefls attacks have not stopped. >> harris: they don't pay for themselves. peter doocy, thank you very much. two headlines in the "wall street journal." biden wanted to avoid a regional war. now he has one. u.s. deterrence fails again as tehran shows it is willing to take risks while biden tries to restrain israel. in "focus" florida republican congressman brian mast, member of the house foreign affairs committee and subcommittee for the middle east, north africa and international terrorism. and a decorated member of our armed forces. he is retired. you saw him saluting earlier.
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what it means as the president told benjamin netanyahu and the war council, take the win. >> for the administration to say this. you were able to knock drones out of the sky, 300, carrying a payload of roughly 100 pounds of ordnance. we helped you knock them out of the sky. let's leave it at that and allow them to regroup and maybe do something more substantial and regroup and realize the administration said they won't have your back in retaliating. let's allow them to regroup while you have 40 democrats in the house, one being nancy pelosi, a pretty mainstream democrat going out there and saying let's essentially embargo and sanction israel in this literal time of war by not transferring any further arms to israel, which is what the letter they literally wrote last week said.
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this is the message that democrats, the biden administration and house democrats is what they are sending to iran and any foreign intelligence agencies paying attention to this. >> harris: with all the committees you sit on i feel like i can ask you this question. we don't have a lot of details i would imagine about what north korea could put on a plane but it is not outside the bounds that iran could put a war head that has a nuclear tip on it and send it wherever it wanted to with some help and maybe 48 hours notice. what would that look like in terms of a game change? i don't want to telegraph something that hasn't happened yet but look, they didn't have to give a heads-up. what happens when they don't? >> say something that is maybe more probable. we know that iran has missile material. we know they have heavy water reactors working toward building nuclear weapons. maybe they can't quite create the oppenheimer scenario yet but doesn't mean they can't create a
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dirty payload. material spread across israel by disbursements of 300 drones fired in their direction making areas essentially unusable. that's absolutely realistic and that has been a threat for a long time. i won't speculate whether north korea might hand them something or whether russia or somebody else. there is a great alliance between iran and russia. i won't speculate on that one. certainly they have some material and it would be in the realm of possibility and probably probability. >> harris: the reason i would go to like a north korea it is ready made. from what you are saying it doesn't have to be ready made and not perfect. it could be a dirty situation using the materials that they have already on ground. all right. back in 2020, then candidate joe biden called out then president donald trump for getting dangerously close to starting a war with iran. if you haven't seen it recently,
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watch this. >> the president says he wants to end-to-endless wars in the middle east and bringing us dangerously close to starting a brand-new one. he says he wants out of the region, sends an additional 18,000 plus troops to deal with the crisis of his own making. an administration who says made american safer and urges our citizens to leave iraq, puts americans throughout the region on notice because of the increased danger that now exists. >> harris: it was like he was telling his own future about himself. >> the biden administration that the accusations that they make are the crimes that they themselves are actually committing. this goes with their foreign policy as well. we see, as many have spoken about, you don't have a peace through strength policy with the biden administration. it has been characterized in many ways. you don't have to decode what they are saying as well. they are crystal clear with our
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allies, with america's allies, we will not have your back in this situation. that's what leads to the weakness. let's bring this back to one other place. former centcom general mckenzie under biden has been very clear now that he is out of uniform that the biden administration literally took iran off the table as a target. he actually characterizeed it as giving aid and comfort to the enemy p. if you take them off the target list there is no deterrence for them. >> harris: why would he do that? >> they have no sense of what peace through strength actually means. and that's where again mckenzie said it very well himself. it is giving aid and comfort to our enemy. >> harris: congressman mast, thank you for being in "focus" today. fox news alert now israel's war cabinet is meeting again deciding on a response to iran's attack. we'll bring you updates as we
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get them from that meeting. out of israel and iran right here in the united states. plus donald trump's criminal trial is taking a short break right now. remember, we'll stay on this all day long. this is what happens. should he come through those doors right now, we would cover it live. so we are going to keep our eyes to the screen and take that microphone live if he should walk up to it outside the courtroom. attorneys are in studio with me today next. stay close.
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>> this is a persecution nick lever before. it is a case that should have never been brought. it is an assault on america. >> harris: the first former president ever to stand trial on
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criminal charges on his way into court this morning. the nation's 45th president and we could hear from him again. there is a break right now, short break you are watching live. if we're watching live the president is coming out. we'll watch to see if he walks up to the microphones. he gave us a wave and thumb. not this time. the hush money trial officially underway with jury selection today and george washington university law professor jonathan turley says the case is completely baseless. >> everything about this case is in my view legally absurd. this case is basically a state misdemeanor that ran out on the statute of limitations. they bootstrapped it into trying a federal crime. the federal crime under election law was rejected by the department of justice. they didn't feel it should be charged. so you have this crazy case that is going to go forward.
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>> harris: eric shawn outside new york state supreme court in downtown manhattan. eric. >> hello, that break as you said ten minutes now should be over any moment now. no potential juror has even been in the courtroom. they are cooling their heels at morning because they've been dealing with evidence and discussing the evidence and pre-trial motions. judge merchan again ruled against the defense request that he recuse himself saying there is no agenda here he wants to follow the law and wants justice to be done. the former president seems optimistic and confident he started his day with his fist pumping in the air with defiance and harshly condemned the case arriving in the hallway outside the courtroom. >> this should never have been brought. there is no case. people that don't necessarily
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follow or like donald trump says it is an outrage that this case was brought. >> inside the courtroom the former president sits at a wooden defense table listening to the lawyers and prosecutors argue. 500 manhattan residents are summoned every few days for the jury pool. he is charged with falsifying business records by hiding 130,000 in payoff during the 2016 presidential race to stormy daniels to keep quiet about their alleged affair that he denies. the money was reimbursed to long time lawyer and fixer convicted felon michael cohen who will testify at the trial. part of the jury selection process. they are given a 42 questionnaire designed to ferret out those who can't give trump a fair shake. one of the questions, do you have any strong opinions or held beliefs about former president donald trump or the fact he is a current candidate for president that would interfere with your ability to be a fair and impartial juror? do you currently follow donald
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trump on any social media site or have you done so in the past and do you follow any anti-trump group or organization? in a win for the trump side, the judge merchan decided not to allow any of the action -- access hollywood video. the other sexual allegations have nothing to do with this trial and in a win also that's a win for the defense. in terms of the prosecution, he will allow the "national enquirer" and playmate kara mcdougal into evidence. >> harris: the trump trial spectacle begin. the hush money case is a legal stretch that shouldn't have been brought. my legal guest now fox news legal editor and former counselor to attorney general
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bill barr kerri kupec urbahn and a federal prosecutor cherkowski. they want the salaciousness of this to get a boost. from what eric just reported they want to bring in other cases. why would the judge allow that? >> you have to remember trial lawyers are showmen first. putting on a show for the jurors trying to get their attention and trying to get them interested in their version of events and the prosecutors are trying to paint donald trump out to be not just a fraudster with regard to the allegations brought, but trying to paint this entire picture that throughout his campaigning, throughout his life he was engaged in this behavior they want the jury to see as underhanded or sleazy in some regards. the judge has said this morning he will not let them go all the way with that. he wants to keep this case within the four corners of the documents that we are talking about but he is allowing some of
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that color in. so it will be the defend attorney's job to be more colorful in how they tell their story and defend their client. >> harris: two quick things. we watch it live. trump went back into the courtroom. the break is over. it continues. any news that comes out of the courtroom we'll bring to you. i want to get to this before i come to you, kerri, a key witness who made the hush money payment to stormy daniels spoke this weekend about trump taking the stand. >> the likelihood of donald trump being on the stand is equal to the likelihood of me waking up tomorrow 7'6" and playing center for the new york nix. it won't happen. >> harris: the headline. michael cohen admitted liar will be the star witness. why would you put that guy on? >> no gag order when it comes to michael cohen but one for donald trump.
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the reason that's especially important in this situation is because michael cohen can go on tv and do media interviews and say whatever he wants without consequence because he is not under penalty of perjury. something he would know having been convicted of that before. so that's a problem number one. number two, as we seek, prosecutors are trying to get the judge to hold trump in contempt for violating his gag order. that gag order is only applicable to the witnesses. he can talk about the judge and talk about bragg but not the witnesses. to your point, harris, when the star witness, the case -- the entire case hinging upon this one person is a known liar it makes it frustrating for a defendant not to be able to talk about. >> harris: the first time i sat down with president trump in the roosevelt room at the white house was the day after michael cohen was sentenced for lying because that's what he does. he is a professional liar. would you as an attorney want this guy to testify?
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>> no. that's a terrible witness to put on the stand. then you have to look at what the actual charges are and the elements. the prosecution has a difficult time in this case. they have to prove two layers of intent on donald trump. both his intent to defraud the books and also that he had the specific intent to do that in order to commit a further crime making it a felony. it seems as though the only real evidence the prosecutors have of what was on the mind of donald trump is going to be the testimony of michael cohen. now they have other circumstantialall evidence they will try to put forth to say this hush money payment was to benefit the campaign and the election and to commit that fraud through his books. that is circumstantial. they need michael cohen to be compelling and convincing. >> harris: look, i have actually heard the president say it. is there any -- he hasn't said it recently. is there any way he would be the typical man in the situation not
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wanting family to find out? i mean, are there any other reasons why he might have done this? and does that even matter? >> it doesn't matter in the normal sense of things where hush money payments in and of themselves if that's what is at play are not illegal. what alvin bragg is attempting to do is revive a case of misdemeanor charges with the statute of limitations has run. the only way to revive it is tying it to allegedly covering up some other kind of crime where it becomes felonies. the issue for all of us including donald trump and defense team, what exact will i are those underlying crimes. if it's a hush money payment one would have to reconstruct that hush money payment into a campaign contribution that donald trump made to himself and didn't report it. that's a stretch any way you look at it. >> it would have been perfectly legal and was legal for him to make that payment to get rid of this nuisance that business people get rid of all the time.
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so it goes both for his personal interest and reputation and also goes for the reputation of his business. the prosecutors need to prove it was for the purpose of the campaign. that's where they run into big issues. that's why jonathan turley says this should have never been brought to trial. i have seen a lot of cases brought to trial that should have never gone and that end in acquit all when you have a good jury. >> harris: it is a spectacle for the liberal district attorneys and attorney general. if news breaks this hour and it falls in your lane of expertise we'll bring you back. the trump/biden rematch is official. a dozen news organizations are asking a big question. when will we see a public commitment to a debate between these two men? donald trump wants it. joe biden? we'll see. plus anti-israel protesting in
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america is getting more disturbing. it is free speech, but they are chanting something that hurts. death to america. it's in michigan and spreading. now in chicago cheers for iran's attack on israel. all of it a growing political for biden. puts him in the middle between an ally and an enemy. hands off iran. hands off iran. hands off iran. what? the dodge hornet r/t... the totally torqued-out crossover. all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons!
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>> bill: that's an anti-israel protestor in california crying as she pleaded not guilty to 18 felony counts. not as tough as she was made out to be when these threats resulted in those charges against her. watch this. >> i remind you that these holidays that we practice, that other people in the global south practice, believe in violent revolution against our oppressors and i hope one day somebody brings a guillotine and kills all of you. we'll see you at your house.
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we'll murder you. >> harris: wow, i don't think she gets free speech. she doesn't understand how it works. those threats against the mayor of bakerfield, california and council members all coming out at a rally in dearborn, michigan. >> death to america. [chanting] >> harris: it's spreading. look at that. people in front of legal officials, people on the streets of america, some of it is free speech. much of it is not as she found out. the response from the biden administration is this. the white house condemns these abhorrent and anti-semitic remarks in the strongest terms. they calling for killing us on cutting our heads off.
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it is happening again in chicago. hate against america at a conference held by the march on the dnc coalition. this reaction to word of iran's first direct attack ever against israel. [chanting] >> hands off iran, hands off iran. hands off iran. >> harris: garrett tenney live in chicago with more. as i said, some of it is free speech and some of it is illegal. >> yeah, those chants surprising to say the least about not attacking iran came at a conference of pro-palestinian groups meeting here in chicago to talk about their plans to disrupt the democratic national convention in august. you will see in this video we're about to show you when news broke iran was attacking israel on saturday this crowd of several hundred people started cheering. >> iran has just responded about 30 minutes ago.
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[cheers and applause] >> there are reports of drones having been fired on israel from yemen and iraq as well. [cheers and applause] >> all of the anti-war committees here, all of the palestinian support coalitions here must be ready immediately to be out in the streets and to stop the u.s. from expanding this war on iran. [cheers and applause] >> the man leading the cheers is the executive director of a group called the u.s. palestinian community network. in 2010 the f.b.i. raided his home investigating support of terrorist organizations. he was never arrested or charged with a crime. saturday even before news of iran's attack came out. organizers at this march on the dnc's conference were teaching
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participants how to chant in farsi death to america and death to israel. >> harris: they have blocked part of the golden gate bridge on the oakland side. a live look. traffic has come to a halt as police in riot gear are responding. protestors waving flags and want painted the bridge in support of hamas and anti-israel. sean duffy and brad howard, president of corcoran street group. great to have you as our democrat guest. how does this help the people of palestine, the palestinians who say they need food? >> it doesn't. i think this will backfire against them. do people have a right to protest? yes. you have a right to legally protest and do it in a non-violent way.
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what you are seeing is going to backfire. you are inconveniencing people and not really getting your message across. it will be a failure in the end. >> harris: one of the messages that is definitely getting across they hate american. they want death to us. she is calling for the guillotine for the mayor of bakersfield, california and the city council. your reaction to that. if they don't want to be here, why are they here? if they hate us that much. >> if you're a radical protestor, be careful where you make death threats. they have a republican prosecutor who wouldn't tolerate it. be careful, protestors where you make those threats. where republicans reside you will be held accountable. democrats have pushed this idea of immigration without assimilation and radicalized our
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schools. put that together you have the chants of death to america. begs the question where is joe biden and f.b.i. and intel as they go after donald trump supporters and pro-lifeers and catholics, maybe they should look at the people in the group chanting death to america. maybe they are more than a threat to those that fly american flags and sing the national anthem. this democratic party see patriots as a threat. not those who chant death to america. >> harris: we watch the stoppage and movement on the golden gate bridge in california. >> two things. in your previous segment you outlined the f.b.i. had raided one person's house and this woman is facing trial. of course these people are being prosecuted as they should be because when you turn to violence it is a threat. >> harris: i have to go. can't wait to have you both back. "outnumbered" next.
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