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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  April 15, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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be in the courtroom till ju june, and the cat is it a try to find him guilty on this stuff as you watch what else is going on in manhattan. it's kind of crazy. >> and you will be in his courtroom till june and then they'll have another courtroom and probably another for -- >> martha: it's really stunning. this is the america that we find ourselves in as we head towards the election however, the ventilation of 2024, -- and think about. and mccarthy, my thanks you for joining us this afternoon them and here's another standoff between the city and protesters and police officers this one in oakland, california. we'll have continuing coverage throughout the day on fox news , i will see you back here for continuation of the story tomorrow at 3:00 and on special reports tonight. ♪ ♪ >> neil: so many protests overlook time on the left of your screen really can't oakland california, to the right new york city
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-- there could be more because they seem to be crossing up where a lot of the palestinian sympathizers are out and en masse for a while. is all but shutting down the golden gate bridge in california and lower manhattan were 700 pro- and anti- -- and fighting broke out between the two groups there from either making their way to new york to the east river of the brooklyn bridge. we don't know what the end result of all that. we do know that the protests of course both of these three cans passed activities in the middle east and, of course, the missile attack on israel. israel surprised that but it's pr is not surviving this. welcome everybody, i'm neil cavuto. let's get right to it with bill melugin, has been striking all these quarters in they seem to be packing up as i say and be essentially by the hour. what are you hearing? >> there really are in it definitely appears to be some sort of a synchronized effort
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across the country because we've been tracking at least eight of these protests in a brook -- in different major cities all across the united states so will start off in new york city where we were just watching the live images there were this logic -- large group of proquest pain protesters at freemasonry to the brooklyn bridge where - --'s trying to get them off of the bridge. we saw them getting physical at times, peeling some of the groups of the back this is some of the video where you'll see some of those officers in a rush up on the back of that protest and they start dictating people one at a time. that got that group to start making their way across the bridge faster. is clear that bullies did not want this group to start camping out on the bridge like what we were seeing over here in california on the golden gate bridge earlier today. so now with a live shot you were looking at a moment ago it looks like they are off the bridge and making arrest. this was all happening in california today. goal and get bridge --
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traffic on the golden gate bridge block for over five hours in both directions is more prospect -- pro- palestine protesters got on the three-way, you see those three cards van de ven are there to make those people were chained it linked to the cars using chains and pvc pipes that is why the -- entered the highway patrol so long to finally get them on the bridge. chp confirming to fox news that arrested more than a dozen people in the years it is illegal to block traffic on this bridge. they say they will be facing numerous charges, everything ranging from refusal to disperse blocking traffic and a specific telephone -- california law about blocking traffic on a bridge. highway patrol said yes everybody has a right to protest but not like this. that they would have it here today was illegal and "incredibly dangerous." and it disrupted document for people for the better part of five hours out there. at the golden gate bridge. also breaking out in other cities across the country in the -- chicago video
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conditions miami, excuse me. miami is more for this program were told about 150 protesters at one point tried to gather in the streets there to block traffic with law enforcement telling us that at least seven of the protesters of their were arrested for impeding tra traffic. if we've got the chicago video go there. this is o'hare airport were more pertinent -- more protesters were blocking the entrance to the airport and you see the results of people in their movers are getting dropped off, actually had to out of their cars with their luggage and then walked away to the airport so they didn't miss their flight. some people's commutes all over the country today being disrupted. other cities that were involved, long beach, california. that's video you're looking at right here about 30 minutes away from us here in la right next. this was a smaller group several dozen blocking streets there. this is san antonio texas. more streets being blocked there as well. were also getting reports of streets being blocked in philadelphia and there are photos online of eugene oh,
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oregon interstate five the freeway there being blocked. so like to set off the top these things are popping off peter much every hour it feels like all across the country, it certainly appears to be synchronized, all happening either on bridges, streets or major thoroughfares and all these activists and protesters are actively deciding not to go on sidewalks or more public areas but to get into traffic purposely disrupt people's lives as much as possible and i think one of the most shocking things with you today so far was somebody waving a hezbollah flag around in lower manhattan. centre back to. >> neil: just incredible. bill, thank you so much and fill cap -- it is spreading, it is getting wider and some of these major cities as we look at oakland right now it is getting a low mass -- nasty and are more police are calling to try to deal with all of this. jeff paul is in the lovely right over the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been meeting with his work cabinet -- as the u.s.
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of course has been calling for restraint. jeff, wesley grist there? >> they just wrapped up that latest work cabinet meeting a short time ago, despite roughly three hours discussing what the next movers, what the response could look like after this attack from iran. were also learning that they had over the israeli military say that because of all those rockets have all those missiles and drones that were fired into israel, and there will be a response. know exactly what that would look like in men that can happen, that part is unclear but we do know there has been some pretty intense debates and division surrounding israel's next move. what happens israel though it's on a very complex situation. while lankinen statistics canada of the missiles and drones fired into israel by iran were intercepted, there is a general consensus around some israel is that if israel there's nothing you can send a signal to iran that they
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could attack israel and ever they want, however, others including some of the very allies that helped israel's wellness iranian attack worry is strong response could spark a wider conflict. world leaders including uk prime minister rishi sunak are pushing all sides to show restraint "iran on the other hand is standing by it's actions, saying that its response is basically throughout israel did to them. we are accusing israel of attacking the consulates in syria, iran's foreign ministry spokesperson said today about the strike calling it proportionate and measured. >> voice of interpreter: we carried out this action in the framework of deterrence. if another action is taken that our response will be more serious. >> know the pentagon had a briefing a little while ago and they brought up this very subject. they say that they have no advance warning from iran about the attack on israel. they also mentioned that they do not seek a conflict with tehran.
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neil? >> neil: thank you for that. jeff in tel aviv on that. he reducing meanwhile in the white house where the word is the restraint. you want to continue to urge restraint and that israel not react to this, to take the wind essentially and leave it at that. israel is not similar going to comply with that, peter, at least from all signals working. how is the white house dealing with this? >> training -- they say that they support israel's -- and they will be there for israel when they are the victim of an attack like they were over the weekend but they do not support a counterstrike r. want the israelis to back iran for what happened because they believe at the white house that the 99 cents mark failure rate of all the iranian drones in mississauga were heading for israel is an embarrassment for the iranians. they want the israelis to move on to president is now talking about this for the first time. >> president biden: iran
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launched -- and we mounted unprecedented military effort to defend israel. together with our partners we defeated that attack. >> and we are hearing that president biden? earlier from his trip to the lord and spent several hours the situation room on saturday, leslie dr netanyahu about next steps. have not spoken according to white house officials in the time since but the fact remains even though white house officials describe what happened to israel as a good results, the president told iran not to do this and they didn't listen. the word he used on friday was don't." >> so let's talk about -- yes the fired and presented amount of munitions but how much of a success that they have? nine. >> and even though the iranians are ignoring or
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deferring this magnifying a public plea from president biden not to do what they did over the weekend we are told no regrets about past biden policy unfreezing billing of dollars for iranian leaders to use. >> neil: peter julian white house, thank you for that. want to continue showing these protest popping up all over the country in places like oakland in new york and san francisco and on and on we go. and he does seem to be cropping up on a more rapid pace. we don't know whether these were time to deliberately to be posted -- we do know that they are on and they are getting busy and are getting crowded and they are meant to disrupt those who are trying to get home from their jobs in various cities. david freeman is a former u.s. ambassador to israel. ambassador got what you make first of these protests? >> well like anything is a good analogy what's happening with israel and iran. let's say that 20 or 30 of
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these protesters all got up and they all took shots at the police officers who were policing the police officers are all wearing bulletproof vest. to all the police officers are safe nobody gets killed and these guys run away mark does that mean that the rough -- should not -- new fired 300 missiles, cruise missiles published missiles. these missiles are massive by the way some of them are for o5 times the size of a human being as they can do incredible damage and the fact that israel is partners work ecologically advanced enough to intercept them we gave them a free there, -- will do anything, we just tell makayla succeed this time? but if you succeed next to maybe will with different outcome? it is make any sense. we will end with a mystically why we're doing here? i think is such a >> neil: when you think about it a bachelor, you know, we have already sent the world to israel don't do it. we think we can take
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and not one that harm. but it could have been very different. and they had -- to just move on from there? it does seem a little weird. >> it's kind of almost nonsensical. first of all israel couldn't fire at iran. israel fired at syria. okay? and i guy, general, who was helping to lead the hamas attack against israel. maga had no business being in syria. israel did not attack iran on its own soil and from israel's perspective this was one more
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now is totally incomparable what iran did to israel by firing from iran into israeli sovereign territory. and so i understand why, you know, biden would like not to have any more of this failure on his doorstep but if i was israel the question i would ask our country is you want me to the finnegans these weapons, you want me to stand on? have what you do me a favor and stop funding these weapons? like in the last six month america has released more than $26 million of cash to the era -- islamic republic of iran. how much -- and maybe israel might be more flexible in terms of how they could respond. right now, you know, israel is not just fighting iran primitive fighting a massive source of money that is -- >> neil: but they're also fighting, ambassador -- i'm sorry to jump in here but they're also fighting a pr campaign that not only hamas but again palestinian interests seem to be enjoying the upper hand. i don't know what these
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protest today around the united states were timed after of this israeli had to endure his attack. it makes it a little more about -- alarming and that was a catalyst for them but they are on and the pr war, i know we can't much stock in that sort of thing but a lot of people do. it's having israel at the disadvantage here. >> yeah. and eli think about it all the time and i scratch my head about what could be do done. i mean i think anybody who's paying attention at all nosy people are in no -- ill-informed grandmother worse than ill-informed, other hateful people who don't just hate israel but hate jews generally. and i wish i had a good answer for it but that is not -- not a reason for israel and to defend it's citizens. >> neil: all right. ambassador, always enjoyed talking to you. i'm sorry it was under these circumstances but david friedan, former u.s. ambassador to israel. really quick before we take a break, wall street also does a ladies the relevance after
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-- and i really worried about it that thou -- known about -- we are very close to no losing all our gains for the year, another 40 to 50 points would do that and again this skittish abroad and is growing protest movement here probably not helping matters to show the depths of the contempt in the controversy around this ongoing war in a potentially an escalating war that mark will have more after this... the seat is leat. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie? why would i use kayak to compare hundreds of travel sites at once? i like to do things myself.
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♪ ♪ >> neil: taking a look at protest still ongoing in oakland, california new york city all of this link to the israel and the palestinian crisis and i love these more in favor of the palestinians and some even promoting ha hamas. this was happening in miami and chicago and san antonio up to a dozen cities are close to it one last count here and whether it was one of the week and attacks israel and whether this is coordinated is anyone's guess but if you were thinking of those attacks on israel, 300 missiles kabbalistic and otherwise aimed at tel aviv were going to engender -- lieutenant general david pegula joined us right up to my general can we don't know that and we don't know for sure weather these were timed in response to what happened
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in israel at some of the -- were planned already, i have not heard that myself but be that as it may what do you make of these? >> where it's unfortunate, neil, because clearly these protests, to a degree, are planned as part of information or disinformation operations that we see in full swing on a variety of fronts. so this is not an accident. i was interested in hearing the ambassadors analogy with respect to the logic that some of these protesters are carrying out. and in fact, there is a fine line between peaceful protests and trying to initiate and stimulate violence. everything that the police forces have to do with the
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slope -- situations to reduce any potential negative consequences but they certainly are an example of information warfare on the part of terrorists and those who support iran. >> neil: you know what is interesting, you and i have talked a lot through the duration of this six-month long plus war, how israel really enjoys very little sympathy or support or at best short-lived in a honeymoon period and the tragedy of that day when more than 1200 israelis were butchered, it didn't seem to last very long before even israel had a chance to respond in gaza let alone undress what was going on, and now even in this case you can argue that after a scary weekend were better than 300 missiles were thrown at israel's way, were able to repay them a problem and with some allied health to surely do that but there is no sort of gathering around the israeli black even briefly or moment of sympathy and
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concern. it's on to israel's evil got israel the source of everything wrong. >> once again, that is not by accident. iran and its terrorist partners are launching information assaults. you here and you say it should exceed in terms of maloof -- manipulating those will jump on that bandwagon. i mean, iran, as you mentioned, and others today, lunch anymore is -- and enormously this portion attack. it you have un secretary-general urging de-escalation. where was his urging of iran for maximum restraints prior to their massive aerial assault of israel? >> neil: i do wonder now, israel wants to respond to this as unocal general care and we are urging israel abdullah khan the western world leaders are all telling
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israel not to do that, you make things worse, but israel wanted to it. israel feels like it's safety is in danger now. how do you feel about all of that? >> well, i think that, you know, there is going to be there call. i would suggest that israel take a calibrated response that strengthens the occurrence of first -- future iranian maligned actions by remember, iran declared objective is to destroy israel. so it should come of no surprise that they're not just going to sit on their hands and do nothing from another variety of different options that could be taken in here is where i would certainly urge restraints from israel at telegraphic is likely what it is they're going to do. same thing when it comes to u.s. actions. both israel and the united
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states need to stop talking about their possible next steps because the trance is all about inducing sufficient uncertainty in an adversary's mind according to consequences of their aggressive actions such that the elect not to take the -- them. i think this is something that both the u.s. and israel have to be very careful in talking about. >> neil: yeah. going telegraphic that we were going to do. general, you very much. >> good day. >> neil: general david deptula without. it all began today, made for their where it all went down and still is. nate? >> high, neil, court is about to wrap up for today but several prospective jurors just got sent home. the questions they were asked and their answers that led to the dismissal, next. ♪ ♪ ve with bladder and bowel incontinence.
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♪ ♪ >> neil: the hush money trial is on for donald j. trump forest lawn -- need for a new supreme court with mo more. hi, nate. >> hi, neil, so -- were waiting to see former president trump will speak to the media again as he did well entering the courtroom this morning but right now the jury selection process is still happening, court about to wrap up. [ engine roars ] minutes but what's happened so far first group of 96 prospective jurors over 50 of them were immediately released because they do not believe that they could serve impartially. one woman from harlem was later excused during the questioning for having a strong opinion about trump payment of the romance child
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getting married in seattle during the trial by the jury selection process will take 12 weeks in number and where trump received just 12% of the vote in 2020. you arrive in court this morning, needs to be here every day so long as this trial lasts just expected to take between 6 and 8 weeks. today in court trump did not show too much emotion but seem to be more engaged during the jury selection after lunch. juan merchan made several rulings in the morning sessions, chose not to recruit himself after allegations abide by the david deptula. he also said he'll hear about argument about a possible, order violation next to the list related to 3 separate social media posts by the former presidents. merchan -- cannot be played in court but evidence related to payments made to former playboy model karen mcdougal can be used judge merchan said michael cohen's 2018 guilty plea the federal campaign finance violations cannot be used as evidence of president trump's will.
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cohen's credible you will be central in trial. particulars want to wait for trump's lawyers to bring up his -- nowag and trump arrived this morning he spoke briefly before enting e courtroom, very critical of president joe biden who he says is organizing the department of justice against him and interfering with the upcoming presidential election, something about former president trump will have to balance given the fact that he is required to be in court every single day. again court for today is that the wrapup any moment no and it will begin again tomorrow at 9:30 in the morning. we'll send it back to you, neil. >> neil: nate, thank you for the. legal eagle reaction from kate mccaskey, the federal prosecutor -- john, what is your take on this jury selection cool now the new year is a very blue globe loosely, so the suspicion is that you will have, you know, donald trump fighting a bias that might be there. but others argue, you know,
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from this pool and come remarkable folks. what do you think? >> even though it is the first day of the trailer already starting to see how we'll take shape. we've got a judge who is steamrolling through every legal objection not taking anything to stop and think about it and then also as you raze, neil, worries about the jury pool. i think it's pretty extraordinary for a number 1st jury pool before you end -- interview anybody, half of the jury pool already says they are so biased against president trump that they can't serve on the jury might as well recall -- were the lawyers and as questions of the potential jurors do for it out any bias before we even get to do that half the jury will raise -- i think donald trump's clam that the public integrity of the courts and the prosecutors is to be questioned as being biased and unfair against h him. >> neil: you know, as he reminded me, both of you come on it takes is 1 juror with
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doubts or concerns and then it all goes away. c. for donald trump in that case. but katie kelly is a separate issue the prosecutors are raising with the judge defined donald trump $1000 each for 3 post not violate this, order that is in place and they say the president of former president's were truly ignoring it and they should slap him across the board. what do you think? >> well about the kind of express that i have reservations about the legality and the sexuality of the gag orders just on their face because they do prevent him from both expressing his first amendment opinions and then also campaigning on that thing -- same issue and in fact in the other case where a gag order was partially upheld on appeal the court did allow for him to make criticisms of the charges in cases against them so i think is a very close call from an artist in this case the prosecutors are only asking for monetary fines as a result of the violations if a judge find that he did
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violate it but he said next time we'll be seeking jail time so i think that they will keep pressing the issue. don't believe that his comments are crossed over the line at this point. >> neil: they're not intimating they want him to stop doing that sort of thing is still talking and speaking out of the court came i do so again in the next few minutes. we just don't know but john, the legal team of donald trump is also using this trial to be immediately others including the classified documents trial. what you make of this? >> i think that is appropriate. think there is a problem with how rushed all these different prosecutions are for and going on simultaneously. donald trump -- looked at these trials have to be delayed because we can't be in 4 places simultaneously, donald trump can be forgo places simultaneously.
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i think it's actually a very serious in meritorious claim that there are raising. >> neil: you know, katie behun minna rhee is about 30 counts against the former president here is that there are best misdemeanor charges that have been sort of, you know, hyped up to become felonies because they involved payments to a porn star of course donald trump says none of this ever happened in the first place. and because you might have violated campaign finance laws that elevated them to the felonies that if they that could require jail time for donald trump e. he is convicted on any or accommodation of the. what you make of that? >> we are right that this was a very unique and novel charting scheme and essentially what happened is that the miss -- mr minner charge of falsifying business documents is also the statute of limitations so in order to even charge this case at all alvin bragg had incorporate a felony allegation in their which essentially came -- not only did he fortify records but he did so with intent to commit a felony defense, and
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other events which we don't have a specific idea what that is but as you mentioned me some sort of campaign finance violations. is very creative. i think that there is a significant issues that separate issues that have only been graded by proceeding with this charge at this point but it's a difficult prosecution regardless because they are weak two different levels of intent that have to be approved by the prosecution here. >> neil: we watched closely. katie, final word, john at wait for you guys again and will hear anything from a long trouble take you there in the meantime the political impact for donald trump especially if he is convicted on anyone or accommodation of these charges, then what? after this. ♪ ♪ if you might pray with me real quick. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen.
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♪ ♪ for the first time in american history and ex-president of the united states is in the middle of a criminal trial. it started today and could go on for maybe a little -- maybe eight weeks but -- what if the condition comes out of
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this? then -- then 141 donald j. trump. karaban for a political reporter on what you make of that. he has been bulletproof with all these investigations and indictments and 90 plus and -- for different criminal criminal matters, this is the first tee up if you will, and he survived that and maybe it in bulleted support within their about -- republican party and because -- donald trump now i think this is right now leading the courthouse so we are watching very closely, sarah. let's see what the president has to say... cs >> mr. trump: thank you very much. we had some amazing things happen today. as you say -- look like the judge will not let me go through the graduation of my son who's worked very, very hard and he is a great student. i'm very proud that he did so well and i'm looking -- will was looking forward for years to have his graduation with his mother and father there.
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it looks like the judge will not allow me to escape this scam, the scam trial. if you read all of the legal comments on the legal scholar -- scholars there's not one that i see that said this was a case that should be brought to trial. it's a scam, it's a political witchhunts, it continues and continues forever and were not -- they're not going to give me a fare trial. is a very, very sad thing. in addition next thursday were before the united states supreme court on a very big hearing on immunity. and this is something that we've been very -- waiting for a long time and the judge of course is not going to allow us kids a very conflicted judge and he's not going to allow us to go to that and won't allow me to leave here -- bc smack dc and go to the united states to bring court because he thinks -- supreme court, real problem with a lot of things happening -- having to do with this trial including
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the da because -- people are being mugged and killed all day long and i'm sitting here all they will not work 12 prosecutors over nothing. over what people say shouldn't be a trial. so i just want to thank you very much. i can go so it might -- to my sun's graduation or i can go to the united states supreme court, that are not in georgia or florida or north carolina, campaigning like i should be. it's perfect for the radical left them a cat scan that's exactly what they want. this is about election interference and that's all it's about. thank you very much. >> [indistinct question] >> neil: we always listen to see if there's anything more to add. this is a bit of news watch that donald j. trump said that it -- the judge would not allow him because of the ongoing trial here to shop every day is going on, for his son albert and trump's high school graduation so he
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will soothe -- miss that and that is part and parcel of the kind of adjustments he's going to have to make, when he comes to personal family matters as well. shows character he's laying out the case that all of this is tragedy and a travesty and that it's a pylon and is meant to keep him off the campaign trail and this is what it's all about. so he wages that pr battle outside the courtroom. but it could be another matter inside the courtroom from equity think all of this goes? >> we know there are poles, neil, that shows that some voters who have strip -- said that the currently planned to vote for don trump might change in -- there but if he's convicted of a felonies, that's what at stake in this case. alvin bragg who is an elected democrat have structured the case of a misdemeanor charges could be bumped up to felonies. that could sway some voters on the margin and when you look at the polls the latest siena polls showing donald trump and joe biden in a statistical tie, losing a few
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voters in the margin in the swing states to impact the election gimmick but all that being said this is the weakest case against him, it's no wonder our be the most political, and it's one other thing would have the least impact on him if he was convicted which is all of the other criminal trials where he is facing the possibility. >> neil: we'll monitor closely, sarah i apologize for that the former president speaking a good clip and to some of our time there, sarah medford, political reporter. we also have the irs commissioner on what it -- trying to deal with a lot of last-minute filers. millions of them we are told. what he can tell us about all that -- how that process is going on this, day after this... ♪ ♪ ♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing.
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♪ ♪ >> neil: it's weird, everyone is on best behavior. we've got -- commission on tax day commissioner, good to see you. >> with the seal. >> neil: how is it going? is the final hours, people are rushing to file. >> you had a great filing season. we are at peak efficiency on our phone lines, we had the wait times down to three
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minutes. we've seen more people in our walk in centers than we've ever seen in our history and been able to serve them. and we've seen record traffic to because we've updated with new tools that taxpayers are using social far and we got a few errors left, we are in a good position to have a -- >> neil: but in barely there are last-minute filings to what are some of the issue comes up? >> i was just checking with the team rima rifai nearly 10 million people file today just to give you an idea. >> neil: justin lee? >> neil: >> yes. writing one of the issues we want to make sure and so far so good, our systems can handle the load and we are in the process of modernizing all that technology at the irs, it's all -- is on older technology so anytime you have that many files coming in, allotments, you want to make sure that we have all kinds of redundancies because we want our technology to work and it is working well right now. >> neil: i remember when there was the move to fund -- tens of thousands of more
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agents as you reminded me and we reported ourselves at the time allow this was addressing attrition my people retiring in all of that so the net number of new agents would be, what? when all is said and done? >> socialist inflation reduction act was enacted we have hired around 5000 customer service representatives and repaired about 3000 accountant slash -- accountants log auditors. >> neil: who are the more dangerous people we should be afraid of? [laughter] >> we shouldn't be afraid of any of them. here's the deal, irs employees despite their reputation they want to help people and they want to get the right actions -- answers and they want people to pay what their -- they onn up anymore and they also want to get the refund are entitled to. one of my main -- megan leslie demek of every three americans are more viable for people 15th actually overly refined and you want to get them that money can get that money back in the park -- pockets. refunds are of this year. were up over $3000 and average refunds. >> neil: but you also, you know, through the inflation
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reduction act, tens of billions of dollars more money to beef up enforcement, right? were you targeting? >> we are scrutinizing complex filers. we are talking about the largest corporations, the most complex part -- partnerships and the wealthiest americans. that is where the irs fell behind ringler years of underfunding. >> neil: but is not only that commissioner kelly always hear that it's -- 200 -- that they will be -- >> they will not. i want to assure your viewers that we have two agenda items under our current inflation reduction act era. one is better service for every taxpayer, and the second is increased scrutiny for complex viral -- filers. >> neil: then you have -- >> ten to not be. >> neil: but that doesn't mean you ignore them. >> we don't ignore them. >> neil: to all the talk that you're really going after everybody not just the
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wealthy, that's false? >> again, that is not the case. if you -- >> neil: people just don't believe that. >> i know. i'm here to tell you that from the day before the inflation reduction act the day after, if your middle all -- or lower income, you're a small business, mom-and-pop, there's no change -- >> neil: whether that level go up to committal or no income? >> we cut the line at 40,000 a year. so if you make more than 400,000 -- >> neil: but you can have people over 40,000 a year that also cheap, right? >> yes. >> neil: and you'll get them? >> we will measure and we don't -- the people earning under 400,000 that we shift our readers over around to go over the places where we don't have -- and where there is a vision and mark all be again when inflation reduction act finds we are only using those funds to scrutinize higher wealth, large corporations and large -- >> neil: business in zürich and under the super wealthy. are they not paying their fair share, you are the president said that a lot yet -- the top 1% accounting for
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almost half the taxes paid -- so they can't all be cheating. >> and this is another important port. obviously better service is going to serve all taxpayers effectively but actually our increased scrutiny on high about complex filers is naturally going to benefit i was complex filers. here's how. accuracy of all the major company you're playing by the rules and you don't want the irs to come after your family want -- to audit your competitor who is not playing by the rules. so we have to make investments so that we can pick the right large companies for audits that leave the ones that are playing by the rules alone, and then once -- >> neil: are you encouraging snitching? >> well we do have a whistleblower line between us what it is, right? >> there are different ways -- >> neil: has that yield much? >> it does. it does. >> neil: for rich guys cheating on each other and telling each other. >> i won't -- i don't know if i would characterize it as that but there are a lot of different ways that we can drive integrity in a system there is a say something, say something. people will call a hotline and they will stay warm
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everything there is activation going on." but let me tell you this we will investigate the relief and we work with taxpayer capitol rushed to judgement. >> neil: your fellow -- taxes are found in the gimmick. >> that. >> neil: good to know. commissioner, at this year mack danny werfel, irs commissioner, -- will have more after this. ♪ ♪ ava: i was just feeling sick. and it was the worst day. mom was crying. i was sad. colton: i was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. brett: once we got the first initial hit, it was just straight tears, sickness in your stomach, just don't want to get up out of bed. joe: there's always that saying, well, you've got to look on the bright side of things. tell me what the bright side of childhood cancer is.
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i'm patriotic kenny. and, hi, i'm amanda on tiktok. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that? pretty sad. and i posted it to show that kenny's not always happy. within 24 hours people had donated over $5,000. no, you're kidding. we set up the patriotic kenny foundation to give mobility scooters to veterans. it has changed my life tremendously. none of this would've happened without tiktok. >> neil: protesters rule apparently in a lot of these communities where the protests are going on largely against israel in san francisco and oakland in san antonio and chicago and on, and on, and on. sometimes i get the impression that the authorities are try to take care of their protesters rather than those that are disrupting. maybe i'm seeing it wrong.
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>> you're not seeing it wrong. this is getting out of control right now. stopping pedestrian traffic. they have the emergency vehicles died out. they can't respond to medical emergencies. that is a criminal act. they need to stop and make the arrests early on these large gatherings. they are not peaceful by any means. it's time to step up their game and have consequences for this. >> neil: in some communities they do. in some they don't. protesters seem to know it. >> it's true. i will tell you what really turned my stomach, seeing a hamas flag over there. it is incredible. i think there should be laws enacted by that. hopefully new york state can do something good hopefully the federal government can step in. we are talking about a terrorist organization. the only flag should be flying on that bridge is the american flag. let's look at the people that are on that bridge.
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if they put this much effort in their own country instead of protesting for other countries, maybe things would be better in this country. >> neil: more protest as the days and weeks go by. what would you advise authorities to do? >> i think they should get on every social media platform and see where these are supposed to happen. getting people together and prepare in advance and don't let them access to a bridge. do not let them access it. the second it does turn into a large-scale protest that is impeding traffic and stopping the emergency vehicles, make the arrest right away. don't let them gather for 4 or . >> neil: sorry for the truncated time. that will do it for us. let's go right to "the five." ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone. i am dana perino


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