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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  April 15, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ [ applause ] 's before we are out of time, thank you so much, i was studio audience, trays gallagher is up next. i lovey america. [ cheering and applause >> trace: good evening i'm trays gallagher it's 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 in los angeles and this is america's late news, "fox news @ night".
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breaking tonight, flights delayed, in cities across the nation disrupted as anti- israel demonstrators read havoc in the streets demanding a cease-fire in gaza. and the contradiction like no other, president byron reaffirming his ironclad commitment to israel's security, that is saying is that if israel strikes back, they are on their own. we are live with the protesters who put much of the country on pause. >> we begin tonight in california were police announced more than two dozen arrests after anti- israel protesters shutdown of the golden gate bridge for hours today. california highway patrol says 26 free palestine protesters on the golden gate bridge today were arrested, some of the protesters chained themselves to cars blocking traffic during the
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peak morning commute. and oakland officers say five other protesters were arrested in which they chained themselves to 55-gallon drums filled with concrete. the protesters face a slew of charges including unlawful assembly, unlawfully stopping on a bridge and even conspiracy charges. soon it was obvious he conspiracy in the matter they went about it, it was orchestrated event they put forward, they blocked three separate locations on freeways, they prevented law enforcement, paramedics, ambulances to get to the point of destination. >> from san francisco to new york, nypd officers on bikes capped anti- israel protesters moving on the brooklyn bridge today eventually making arrests there as well. at least one anti- israel protester was seen with the hezbollah flag walking through the streets of manhattan. and in chicago pro- palestinian protesters blog parts of the interstate leading to chicago airport, dozens of people were arrested including 31 woman
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according to chicago police. there were also similar protest in san antonio, miami and seattle today. >> trace: and they will probably go on, live for us today, thank you. [ ♪♪ ] the "fox news @ night" common sense department was stunned after watching a group of self-described antiwar protesters cheer and chant in celebration when iran attacked israel. so they are antiwar unless the war is against people they disapprove of? today from the brooklyn bridge to the golden gate bridge to airports in chicago and seattle, protesters tied up multiple affairs causing multiple delays, they called themselves pro- palestinian, they are actually anti- israel, anti- american. it is no secret because they are not trying to hide it. the openly chant "death to america" which means they're calling for the death of a country they live in. burning the flag of the country they live in. many of them came here looking
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for the american dream, now their dream is to kill america because of course america is it filled with oppressors. common ascents report now that havoc wreaking protests are not just anti- american, they are illegal, meaning at some point democratic politicians will have to start bailing them out. fbi director chris rages testified on capitol hill that terrorists are also crossing our southern border, we don't know who they are or what they want but it reminds commonsense of a time when those who hated america at least tried to conceal it. without let's bring in co-author of stolen youth, school board candidate bethany mandel, along with tv personality and activist, emily austin, thank you for coming on. i want to video because these are protesters at the new mandel you first, a new york, and they have the hezbollah flag. and then there chant is the following, listen... [ chanting ]
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>> trace: six month ago we were shocked at seeing images like this now suddenly it's all normalized. >> yeah, i mean this is common to staff we see on the streets of america, and the fact this isn't signalling a five alarm fire in washington for policymakers is alarming, it's while they are talking about kids are dying, meanwhile they're shutting down all these bridges like they're doing, shutting it down traffic, they are according to on article edges right on stat news, 13.3 percent more deaths happen when these sort of traffic incidents occur and it takes 32 percent longer for ambulances to get to hospitals. this is costing lives and they don't care, they don't care
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about anybody but themselves because our self absorbed babies to three emily over to you, these antiwar protesters, i think it is very instructive to see antiwar protesters, here's what happened when they got wart that iran was going into israel. >> iran has just responded about 30 minutes ago. there are reports of drones having been fired on israel on bn and. [ cheering and applause ] >> trace: an earlier emily the, of course, chanted "death to america". >> my first and foremost thought is that if any american citizen is chanting "death to america" they should not only be arrested, but deported out of this country immediately. if not an american citizen you should not be here to begin with, nor should you have the privilege of be chanting "death to america" and the only country that will not deport you for saying so. secondly all of the cease-fire now activist suddenly don't call for a cease-fire as long as the
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rockets are pointed towards israel. this goes back to the selected outrage that i keep on pointing out time and time again. these same activists that stood so harshly against iran for the mistreatment of woman no praising iran in their endeavour to kill innocent israeli civilians. these activists seek almost at commonality in their ludicrous beliefs just to find a sense of community because they lack attention and this is how they receive it. >> trace: very good point bethany got the whole thing they keep calling for a cease-fire and then when iran goes after israel, they are cheering! >> yeah. yeah, that was a fantastic point emily made, they are warmongers but the only ones war against the jewish state. whenever israel is forced to respond to acts of aggression like we saw over the weekend, they are told, don't retaliate, don't overreact and i wonder, like from piers morgan, for example,, he fears what benjamin
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netanyahu will do. and i wonder if he would do just one missile was a medic israel. it is a foregone conclusion that is always able to prevent 99 percent over these from land think about it is honestly a miracle from god sweetly listen, a lot of things, we will get a lot of opinions on this tonight but those are very valid from both of you. bethany, emily, thank you both, we appreciated. meantime it's not a matter of if but when israel will respond, these really war cabinet is now weighing its response to saturday nights missile attack by iran. jeff paul is live on the ground in tel aviv with the latest on what might come next, jeff? >> get evening trays, many folks here in israel and throw tel aviv where waiting and watching good to see what exactly the israeli war cabinet decides to do about this iranian attack. while it is unclear with that response could look like, israel sending what could be a sharp message, that it will do
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something. the head of his or as military promising they will retaliate to iran's unprecedented attack. >> iran will face the consequences for its actions. we will choose how we respond accordingly. >> there is reportedly debated among the israeli war cabinets running with the response should look like, on the is really military say 99 percent of the drones and missiles fired by iran were intercepted, though nothing could embolden our iran it to strike again say the israelis. however many of israel's allies cortical in helping foil iran's attack fear a major strike could spark a wider conflict in the middle east. >> we are working urgently with our allies to de-escalate the situation and prevent further bloodshed. all sides must show restraint. >> iran is standing firm calling the strike a response to an israeli attack on their consulate in damascus, syria that killed water top and radiant commanders.
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iran's foreign ministry spokesperson said the strycova as it was proportionate to and measured and meant to dissuade israel from further attacks. >> a weekend of this action in the framework of deterrence, of another actions taken, our responsibly more serious. >> on top of the situation with iran it, israel still has its ongoing war in gaza with a likely next phase involving the southern city of rafah where we are learning that is really military has called up thousands of reservists for possible future operations. >> trace: jeff paul live for us in tel aviv, we will get back to you. meantime the binary demonstration walking us in line as they uphold support for israel but insists the united states won't be joining a potential counterstrike. the senior national correspondent kevin coric's live in dc, good evening. >> good evening, is what considers for their military action as you point out, washington since double medic
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measures inside, obviously intended to ease measures. president biden telling ben drena de niro who during a call over the weekend that on one hand of the u.s. won't support any is really counterattack against and ron but on the other hand, that will stand in the ongoing's early efforts to defend itself. >> president biden: the united states is committed to israel's security. we are committed to a cease-fire that will bring the hostages home and prevent a conflict from spreading beyond what it already has. >> at mine while over at the pentagon officials and so is the efforts to heard israel with multiple drone attacks was an utter failure, john kirby increasingly becoming an fixture over at the white house podium side of the president biden's warning to iran not to exclude the row was heated, despite the bombardment again calling their attack and embarrassment. without the focus now returns to the hill and possible funding, fox confirms that has considered
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three separate foreign aid bills, one each for israel, ukraine and taiwan. >> trace: live for us in dc, thank you. let's bring a certain rescue of -- rescue expert, at the consulate general to the israel south west, bachar and the editor and chief lisa daftari purex thank you for coming on. israel bachar to you for is, do think israel should respond and how robots to show to this counterattack be in your estimation? >> i cannot know any other nation that would experience a massive unprecedented attack, military tackle by missiles and not want to defend its people and make sure that nobody will do it again. so it does not mean we will talk tonight or tomorrow but it does mean we have the legal right to do it but from the moral understanding to protect our people. so you just heard the chief of staff, these are the chief of staff saying that israel will respond. one is how will we do what, when
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is -- what a leave iran will hear from us. >> trace: over to you armen kurdian, peter duke sweden john kirby today, watch... >> let's talk about. let's talk about don't and do. with strycova saturday night. yes, they fired and our president and amount of munitions, but how much of a success to they have peter? known, zero. >> trace: it is a spacious argument when you say don't and they do. by they say while they did not do that much. they did, stop by they did. >> absolutely, rhetoric counts for nothing in this administration, there is no substance behind it, there's no belief by anybody that the president and administration is addressing that the united states will carry through. a look at the examples saying we are behind you on ironclad but don't strike back, strike back you're on your own.
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in the same sentence. that's a complete lack of credibility and when you look at the president rated there in that press conference in the oval office weeding from notecards,'s apparently obvious, how could he expect action from this white house? >> trace: we are behind israel. watch... >> most of the rockets and missiles that we saw being fired are being paid for by the biden administration's sanction, the hostage payment money, and the failure to really enforce top sanctions at the previous administration. >> trace: what is it about iran that we simply won't punish them? >> it's the time to decide -- when biden decided to run for office he said he'll get back to the iranian nuclear deal, and they got the message this a be an easy ride for them with no consequences, it's not a foreign policy that got us here, we took that the houthi of the tearless,
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leads to billions of dollars to them and multiple instalments, we took all the vital sections -- sanctions and they got the message. it wasn't don't, it was here you go, we are not going to punish you for anything. so coors determines does not start on the right to see, deterrence does not start with israel responding, it had to have started at the white house podium and i did not. >> trace: first a question, former cia station chief dan hoffman, i was find instructive, he had this to say. >> iran's calculus right now is that it is all decides on to strike, not launch a counterstrike, the paradigm has changed in the middle east and iran, it's open season for iran to target the israeli homeland. >> trace: that's a key phrase, open season for iran to attack the homeland. >> i hope they don't get that idea, it's creative but evidential is reality. if you're going to attack israel
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again, i think it will look completely different. after our attack against iran. so to the iranians, that are not maths with israel again. >> trace: good advice. do you think hezbollah, hamas? >> with sanctions unlikely, obsolete. during the trumpet a ministration, you heard them say there is no more money, of the golden times are over. now it's coming in, and the ambassador to the un, saying we need unrestricted sanctions. with this administration simply won't do it and there's probably a lot of reasons behind it. >> trace: biden keeps moving left, lisa? >> modular day when the islamic republic could launch a statement tag with nuclear weapons, that is what we are looking at. next time they won't save the date, jordan, and saudi arabia may not help us. we don't know what next i will
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look like but we have to prevent it. >> trace: israel bachar, armen kurdian, lisa daftari purex we think. the first day of the former u.s. president trial, fighting charges in the payments to an adult different adult film star during the 2016 campaign, he calls applicable persecution. nativeborn life tonight is out of the u.s. new york supreme court, good evening. >> good evening. court wrapped up with some bad news report mark as and out of trouble, judge merchan ruled that trouble not be able to attend supreme court arguments next week about presidential immunity, and start he will have to be here. depending on how quickly this trial moves along the trunk may have to move missus son's eyes graduation and of course he will have to adjust his campaign calendar as he balances this trial with running for president. >> mr. trump: georgia, florida, north carolina, i should be campaigning? it is perfect for the radical left democrats, that is exactly
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what they want. this is about election interference. >> it before leaving the courthouse troubles it criticized manhattan da alvin bragg who charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree. several jurors were immediately dismissed today after saying they could not disable impartially, respective jurors will be asked 42 questions about their background and connections to president trump. judge merchan made several rulings about evidence to be used at trial as well, the 2016 axis hollywood tape cannot be played in court but evidence related to payments made to former playboy model karen mcdougall can be used. judge merchan assembly ruled that michael cohen's guilty plea to the finance violations in 2018 cannot be used as evidence of president trump's guilt. a jury selection will continue tomorrow at 9:30 am, it is expected to take between one and two weeks, the entire trial is expected to last into june.
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>> trace: live before us of the courthouse, thank you. and without let's bring in former republican potential candidate, vivek ramaswamy, great to have you on the show. you talk about this trouble trial even the far left legal analyst in los angeles and los angeles times say the case is a week. this could be embarrassing for alvin bragg. what are your thoughts? >> the cases beyond week kamaka if you're looking at the court premise of the legal argument of their making, it falls flat on its face. if you were to believe alvin bragg's argument, his whole point is that trump should have used campaign funds to pay personal hush money. if trump had to use those campaign funds, that allegedly would have been a more solid case than the one they have against him no. they were going to get him going or coming, and if you got him either way, it proves it's a sham prosecution that undermines not only confidence in our legal system but confidence in our electoral system.
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it is a form of election interference, and i think it is important that people see through that for what it is, think most americans will and i think it will backfire for the wing of the democrat party that tried to play these shenanigans the first place. >> trace: one of the big questions is can he get a fair trial in new york, writing here the jurors who said they could not be fair or impartial in the case, over toward what does more white woman, one hispanic woman, four woman of asian descent, 14 white men and one man of asian dissents they might decide, six other jurors were unknown. do you think you could possibly get a fair trial in men hansen? >> adding it's really tough to imagine he will get a fair trial in manhattan, of this were held in a deep red conservative party of the country you will have liberals crying follow the same way. i think it is just one more way that this entire trial is a spectacle. it is designed to keep donald trump out of office, that is part of the plan they have laid. i think the american people are
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seeing through that far slowly, a 2016 anymore, the media has systematically lied. a lot of the weaponization of the justice system has been revealed. i pretty that many americans will say you know what whether you are on the left or right we don't want to be a country where prosecutors are trying to a limited presidential candidates from contention, especially the lead candidate in the lead from the opposition party, that's not the united states of america, that's a step of banana republics in removing passat. i do predict it will backfire by doing think he would get a fair trial? no, i think it will be easily possible -- not easily possible. >> trace: some legally analyst saying look this really puts in jeopardy the rest of trump's legal cases because this is so weak the rest of them look political. >> luck i think the other cases are also week on their merits, what if you did pick the weakest legal theory, a guy that is charging what would be a misdemeanour under new york law as a felony to avoid the stature of limitations, invoking federal
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election law that doesn't make any sense, say he had to use campaign funds as hush money payment as a legal theory for the case, it does not stand on its own 2 feet. i think it casts doubt on every other prosecution that follows and i think the american people are too smart to fall for the trap this time around which think is a good thing. >> trace: you are not the first to say that, great to have you as always, thank you sir. >> thank you. >> trace: coming up we will play the 911 call made by some young people at a planet fitness gym or a biological mail was undressed and walking around the female locker room. later in the nightcap, a shopper returns to their parked car to find it invested with bees? a bystander caught on tape and posed a question that has caught -- caused a fiery debate online, what would you do? would you get back into your car on x. and instagram, we are coming right back of relief. the first is fast, the second is long-lasting.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> trace: a crucial hearing this week in california is a legal battle between parents right supporters and the state over the efforts to get a parents rights initiative on the ballot in november. ashley is live without story, good evening to. >> hi, the battle over whether to squish be required to inform parents of changes to the child's gender identity is taking centre stage in california, supporters of the initiative to prevent schools from keeping out information a secret say they hope to put the issue before wohlers in november, but are running into some problems. according to the los angeles times the backers are 25 percent of their gold to get enough signatures to get the issue on about. covered california's liberal attorney general change the proposed name of the measure to protect kids of california and to restrict rights of
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transgender youth, making it a temperature. part of protect kids california executive committee and lifelong democrat saying a statement "you should be ashamed of his misleading title" more and more democrats are waking up to the fog that is schools are lying to them about their children's well-being. the group sued over what they say is a misleading title, it is granted a hearing this coming friday. meantime the valley school district will no longer in the month of transgender education policy that was approved by the boards this last month, the california department of education claim with the policy raised serious questions as to whether its implementation would result in immediate denial of students rights to be free from discrimination. but issues surrounding transgender youth are not only england again at an california, today's supreme court said idaho could continue to enforce a ban on transgender care for most minors while the issue is argued on cord. >> trace: actually live for
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us, thank you. let's bring in a republican candidate here in california, intensive care physician alex balekian and the host of the prevailing narrative podcast, attorney matt bilinsky. alex to your first, the los angeles times writes "supporters of a proposal november ballot initiative one of the all-important title of their measure to reflect their beliefs, a name like protect kids in california" and as ashley was saying they saw different a whether office decided the name restrict the rights of transgender youth ugly cannot wait to get these kids and just tell these parents whatever they want to tell them. >> until he the attorney general restricting the rights, patients have rights to inform decision-making. minor children when their parents, their decision making parents are shut out, that restricts their medical rights. the seven rights to ask is standard of care, gender care has been proven to be not evidence-based and if you committed them to experiment
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okay your strength or rights as patients. >> trace: it is kind of starting to. the big story came out, we were reading about at this, it is kind of interesting, we got the 911 call we will talk about. this is that a planet fitness, a gym it, some young people called 911 because there was a biological male who identified as a female walking around with no clothes on in the locker room and here's a call. >> this is not an emergency, it's just me and my friends, were not minors but we were just flashed by a man in the bathroom and my parents told me to call and reported. >> all right, is he still there? >> he has he still the bathroom, he's a man but he says he identifies as a woman and he won't leave the restroom, he's just walking around showing his [ bleep ] and he won't leave. >> trace: he just keeps walking around, the whole concept here, and was california but it's what, your thoughts? >> even beyond california planet fitness believe engenders
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sulfide a vacation, the third by a clearly by logical mail with male genitalia and under a lot of scrutiny stated that a policy that they believe that person has a right to be there. so if you're going to stand by a policy in a logical construct of's gendered suffered edification, who's to say this is not an inevitability, that you have by logical mail with male genitalia flashing people in these types of incidences? >> trace: that is exactly what would happen, you will have these issues of the state says it's fine. meantime, everybody knows what rhoda patel looks like because i went for the bakersfield city council and she said the following, watch... >> regardless of whether you elect people into office, he will backstab you, they would let you die and for that reason you guys want to criminalize as with metal detectors, we will ceiu house, we will murder you. >> trace: then we have some video hard court and it seems like a different person doctor,
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as she is, she's crying in court. and you think listen, i don't know how old she is, i think in her early twenties, the whole concept here is, she made this mistake because you had to bakersfield city council, there's two california's, i went to consorted california, she's in a little bit of trouble. >> she is, you play stupid games you wednesday but prizes. but this goes to show you how something like -- a disorder which is as they exaggerated response to be a basic stimuli, this mental health crisis is everywhere and these younger people with adjustment disorder flying off the handle for no apparent reason are going to get
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into trouble like this. >> trace: they also think they are not, that kind of the deal, you see these kids all the time and they don't think -- they will go up there and be bold and i'll get in trouble, that's most calculation >> exactly. >> trace: and notes to the attorney, you are in the wrong area, she's in trouble and you're in bakersfield and they won't let her go. if she was and gassed on's territory she will be walking around santa monica tonight laughing with her friends. but she's in bakersfield and she's in trouble. >> i think that a big witty of media, they have seen so much menacing harassing threatening behaviour that way all estimations is a violation of criminal law, suffer no consequence. when a train people are glad to see they can engage in this behaviour with the consequence, they will step on the wrong rakes in certain districts or jurisdictions where people might not be so forgiving to. >> trace: not forgiving is a good thing about bakersfield because it's not that forgiving with those kinds of things. thank you both. hundreds of officers in upstate new york saluted to fellow officers who died in the line of duty, on the deputy who died in a shootout sunday night after they confronted a driver who fled a traffic stop u the suspect was also killed by gunfire. meantime the armour from the set of the movie arrest has been
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sentenced to 18 months in prison for the deadly shooting of a cinematographer, by alec baldwin, and convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the death of halyna hutchins. baldwin is scheduled to go on trial on an involuntary manslaughter charge in july. meantime the fbi has begun a criminal investigation into the deadly collapse of baltimore's francis scott key bridge. the probe is had to be focused on the circumstances leading up to the cargo boat crash and whether all federal laws were being followed at the time. coming up, late-night talkshow host bill mar makes a stunning admission about abortion. and watch as this erotic driver squeezes into a neighbourhood garage, and the boston marathon has a new winner with one of the fastest times on record. the day's best viral videos, next. 8:35 pm on the west coast, "fox news @ night" across america, live look at seattle, washington, home to one of the
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oldest farmers markets in america. chicago, illinois, historic route 66 begins and it goes all the way to the back door which is santa monica. alive look, boston massachusetts to the very first making chocolate factory and the boston marathon. if you can't join us live, don't forget to join your dvr, watches any time, we are coming right back. back. [ ♪♪ ]ay ) how so? (fisher investments) we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client'' best interest. (fisher investments) so we don't sell any commission-based products. (other money manager) then how do you make money? (fisher investments) we have a simple management fee, structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) your clients really come first then, huh? (fisher investments) yes. we make them a top priority, by getting to know their finances, family, health, lifestyle and more. (other money manager) wow, maybe we are different. (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> trace: omar start of the crowd and his talkshow when he said he understands the pro-life position that abortion is murder saying "it kind of is". then defended his pro-choice position because it is already 80 billion people in the world and "we won't miss you". let's bring the pastor of the first baptist church, robert jeffress and the founder of 40 days for life shawn carney. thank you for coming on, pastor, i want to just play the bill
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marra sound bite so everybody knows what he's saying and get the context of it and i will get your response. >> i bestowed the left one of these say, you know why they just paid woman, people that are not pro-life, pro-choice. they don't hate women, they just made that up. they think it's murder and it kind of is. i'm just okay with that. i am. there's a billion people in the world. i'm sorry we won't miss you. >> trace: i get it pastor he's a comedian, i don't get the joke but what do you make of it? >> full disclosure bill had me on his show a few years ago and he was very kind to me. the fact is he marches through his own drum, he says some good things and some iffy things. the world is too crowded? that is goofy at best. but a thing he did good when you talked about some respect for those who embrace the pro-life position, they're not bad people for doing this so and frankly i
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think he's right to point out to the inconsistency of saying life begins at conception but it's okay to destroy that life up until 15 weeks. the only reason we talk about exceptions and 15 weeks or eight weeks or whatever it is, if you were trying to have a policy that would prevent as many abortions as possible. but that's -- let's all admit it is inconsistent. >> trace: washington times writes the following, more americans than ever are disengaged from the bible survey shows 57 percent of u.s. adults said they do not engage with the bible, 38 percent said they use the viable data from a 50 percent in 2021, marking the third consecutive year of declining. that is three years, it is a big drop and i wonder what you think the cause might be? >> were getting more secular, we are continuing to remove god from our lives, or schools, culture, certainly reflects that. but i do think the church at
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large is getting smaller but extremely stronger, i know i'm catholic and many young catholics are much more conservative then to the baby boomers are. we're seeing a revival in the catholic church in many ways, vocations are up,'s younger men that want to be priests and woman that only nuns specifically in the southern part of the united states. is getting smaller but i believe that survey, i believe that that disengagement with the bible is all over the news every single day. >> trace: pastor i'm wondering what's your take on that, he said smaller but stronger, would you agree or would you add to that? >> i think it is true, it is happening. look, it's interesting that suicide, depression, anxiety, loneliness are on an all-time high in our culture and bible reading is an all-time low. i mean the bible says, where there is no word from god to the people will perish. and our people are perishing for a lack of hope that comes from
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god's word. >> trace: finally the date -- the headline reads as following, the bank of america accused of religious and political discrimination by d. banking or refusing to serve his trump supporters, christian churches and republican lead to states want answers. the bank of america has been accused of this type of behaviour before and i'm wondering if christians are like what's going on? >> i just miss the days one corporate america cared about money and nothing else because now it's all being inclusive or hating christians or hating donald trump, and all this garbage. people get tired of this crap. they really do. if you're going to discriminate against christians or jews or anybody who is religious and here a major bank, that is so far to show how these corporations have gotten away from their mission which traditionally has been green. >> trace: i remember when these to cable to families but because they cared about families they made a lot of money doing that.
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robert jeffress, shawn carney thank you both. [ ♪♪ ] you max verstappen tonights viral videos, california driver codified neighbours durable camera flying into somebody's garage. it is unknown why the driver crashed but the neighbours were a bit stunned along with the house, multiple cars were also damaged. 's driver suffered minor injuries. 20 brothers from new york blade we live doug dug a goose when a goose decided to chase them, the men sprinted away but the goose kept flying and scratching and pecking. apparently was good for the goose, not good for 20 brothers. this man is running for a whole different reason, you theo pinson national sisay lemma when his of first boston marathon reaching the than i and six hours, six minutes 17 seconds. he posted the tenth fastest time in boston marathon history. nice. if you have a viral video to
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share, shared with us, at fox news made on social media. coming up, all the balls on social media, i went crazy. why would you do if you saw your car covered in bees? let us know on x. and instagram, will bus -- read the best responses in the nightcap. and speaker of the house maker johnston joins fox and friends as anti- israel protests erupted across america at about -- congress prepares for its next aid package. dvr on the show they can catch life, same goes for us, we willo see yof u in a few minutes. [ ♪♪ ] turn shipping to your advantage. with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service. ♪
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[ ♪♪ ] >> trace: we are back with the "the nightcap" crew, armen kurdian, matthew belinsky, tonight's topic, you cannot be serious says john mcenroe. new viral video shows a trouble return to the parked car to find a swarm of bees, the left hand. there it is. attached to a bystander called the tape and it sparked a bite -- fire debate online, would you get back into the car he found covered in bees? what would you do in that situation, matt, shaking his
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hand, yeah, i'm going to get in and probably not. >> in that situation i would not get it back in the car, that's common sense t1 that's tomorrow's nights commonsense department. what if you had to go? he were in a hurry, you're going to work? soon i don't know i don't want to be swarmed by bees in my car so i would not get in it. >> trace: armen kurdian? >> i would not be getting back into the car, i would be pulling up a taxi, i need a ride somewhere. but we need more bees, a lot of fruit trees in my back yard, want them to die. let's save the environment, let's save the world! get them to your backyard! let them go to the tree. >> trace: ashley? >> i think it depends, of its honeybee, we need to those but if it's a yellowjacket? i'm out. folio. [ laughter ] >> trace: no honey, no honey
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into the car for ashley. kevin coric, your thoughts on this? >> i would be on the phone calling the goober and leaving my car. -- uber. >> trace: you have to realize all of these people arguing online are saying, hey, if you drive them to a beekeeper or somebody who knows how to take care of these things you're doing the world good, of not so we will come along with a fire extinguisher and blow away all the bees. matt bilinsky? >> over the most recent powerball winner called me and said and i will turn over the winning powerball ticket if you get an, i will. anything short of that on out of there. all get the beekeepers into take care of it is. >> trace: many pro- uber will say, no thank you. the pole is the following, would you get back in the car if he founded covered in bees? on x., 22 percent yes, instagram
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16 percent yes, so not so great. the responses are defined and asked and which are unlike them up. ci told you. matt -- max get in without disturbing them, they sensitive. do they? okay. regina, i would text my best he, you won't believe this. see you, call a beekeeper and then to get free honey. he would probably get a lot of free honey for a long time. and rick finally says i would wait for nightfall. in the meantime i'm getting a case of wasps spray. what do you think? does it work on bees? >> probably. >> trace: maybe not. thank you for watching america's latest news "fox news @ night", i'm a trace gallagher in los angeles. we will here tomorrow night. [ ♪♪ ] so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin.
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