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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 16, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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diagnosed with mesothelioma, call one 802 960860 now or visit us at missile fund aecom . >> we have breaking news as stories develop across the world. a lot of fast moving action on capitol hill. get smart inside the top headlines. we'll be covering all of it. the story with martha maccallum weekdays at three on fox news channel. america is watching.n: -- >> the ball is going on 203 days to go and then you have get the power to get this country to change course.e we >> that's all the time weft thi have left this evening. thans plear being with us for making the show possible. please say dvr never, ever miss episode of hannity. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld meantim let, by toe on your face. >> have a great nighutt.
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oh, nice. happy monday, everybody. w >> seeo over the weekendke, irag an attack on israel involving nearly 200 drone. [lanwhile, america responded with oneau. >> of course, the biden white house is blaming trump for this turmoie l. f only >> true, if only trump had won, we wouldn't be in this mess. and i'll take it. but president biden remains resolute on iran, saying he won'ts until they release our hostages. it's a thinker. meanwhile, biden called donald a trump a bully at a campaign stop. thena she spent the rest of theday fo day forcing a confused and elderly man to remaia con.
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oh, here's a fun one.n one. i know you're going to love this. knowa politician in spain hass resigned after videos circulateder video of him eating his own. >> i know. talk a way to lose your job. >> yeah. he once tried to dine at arant i restaurant in san francisco, but he never made it past the sidewalkn fr never the.a >> the good news is he got a sponsorship deal for mentorom >> yeah, but were reporters asked why he atease at own? >> he said, of course i would need someone else' ss. 's exc >> i'm not some , dad. >> the audience is in a daze. tm on sunday at the mastersas videe of tiger woods, appeared to show him shaking hands with a tree.e. rently
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>> apparently, tiger was apologizing for that tim t e. >> he almost killed his brother. bu, look at it. >> it's a tree. but judging by this photo, all was forgiven. oh. gton dc >> washington, d.c. has been named america's hardest workineg . >> unfortunately, though, that only applies to plastic surgeonsunfort o . on this day, in 1912,es the titanic sank less than 3 hours after hitting an iceberg. to commemorate the date, lizzo was taking an ice plunge. >> and of course, finally today is tax and preparation. tax hunter biden spent all last week sending 1099 to . >> right to the news. like i said over the weekend, ah
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launched an all out attack on israel, shootin on g as manyt as 300 drones and rockets at the jewish state. >> tand and i don't mean florie >> the result?suju ryone injury, one. tha >> by that metric, it wasr far more to be on the new york d subway this weekend than strolling aroundling aro tel av seriously, you have you have a better chance of getting hurt, trying to take f gett a burrito from whoopi goldberg. i give credit to israel's air, defense system, iron dome, which is the same nickname, gave jesse watters head now. however, give the iranians due. it's an accomplishment to sendpr hundreds of projectiles and kill noteco, nobody has bome this badly since jimmy fallon got his owd thn show. when when he gets by disaster coverage. viewers can't tell can , but it's all aer reminder that iran typically
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prefers to do its dirty work by proxies. grim by proxiey like hamas, hezh and the university of californi aa berkeley.y. but this was an escalation at any time. an enemy nation does something it hasn't done before. you got to ask why? what'su hao changed? >> iran certainly hasn't. the mullahs are the same charming gents they'vean been since 79, and that's 979, in case you're counting. >> so then9 in changed. >> well, america, namely a president who's weaker than jimmy carter in 79. ,he's weaker than jimmy is. now. remember the old phrase speak softly, carry a big stick.ntly now it's mumble incoherently and use a walkerlker. on top of that, we've got- a broken southern border. a disgracefuwe'vl afghanistany s retreat, and a military that's more concerned with trans thanre torpedoes. our best hope is tha t our enemies die laughing. er the if you don't believe me,ee consider the differencn octoe bd october 7th and april 13th. iran's doctrine ha s alwaysth
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banned. let the people we supply and train have the literal blood one hands." our hands. on their hands. we'll stay back. like the craven cowards wer han. except for this saturday. sure. the iron dome works. but come on, iran couldn't kill a single person. obama's drones killed more than that accidentally. >> the lesson is when iran haset to do the dirty work themselves. they don't. rk they farm it out.nterne >> like when i have interns deep clean, my jacuzzimy . did so why did they bother with this? hey bothermaybe to see if bidend answer the 3 a.m. call o the 3:3 p.m. call, or if you'd respond to his home health aide trying to shakeld awake. e him aw remember obama's red line when he threatened syria? mber oba whenbut nothing when td it. that showed the middle east's r that america's resolve was softer than bill clinton. seeing hillary step out of the showersofter hillary. now say what you want t about trump. thibut one of the things the m hated about him was his unpredictability, whicwa fr stuff from like this from happening. it's funny when academic funny e
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the state department use that strategy, they give it a fancy term like strategia fanc c strategicguit ambiguity. i guess it appliesy. here, but with trump. . makalled unstable but it's the same thing. make the enemy wonder what you're capablthe eneme of p them worried. you know, like a good football coach would doknow goo. seller >> just ask friendse of soleimani, the iranian major general whl who was a major proa until trump's airstrike, turned him into a carpet stain. y in you think anyone in iranis is afraid of biden's national security? the team that brought us to brought us afghanistan. -oducts alet's see. you got a president who could barely walk. a veep that could barelyrely tao a secretary of defense who disappears for weeks at a time for weetime. os a secretary of state who looks like he's seen a ghost and aity national security adviser who looks like that ghoswho t. i haven't seen a lesst impressive group of five people since i left that menudo cove band sl myr sleep on my co.
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so we're in the red now. and biden's attempt to neutralize the mullahs by buryings atte them under pils of money that flopped. >> things are changingy, tha fas than a girl swim team with leah thomas in their locker roo wm. we're in a dangerous place, and that's not me talking. e anat's notfbi director chris . >> our most immediate concernalr has been that individuals or small groups will some kind of twisted inspiration from the events in the middle eas tt to carry out attacks here at home. increasingly concerning is the potential for a coordinate d attack here in the homelandttac akin to the isi's attack we saw at the russia concert hall just a couple of weeks ag o. sounds serious. too bad our so-called leaders. e in the old days, the battle of the three letter agencies me lt and fbi versus kgb. now, the cia and fbi worry worry more about dci. and we have a dh mors that's m..
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on the border. it's time to put out ardn . we've never seemed weaker, and the bad guys can see it. and whatakerthe ba see they're? >> seeing is a president who thought this would work. ought thi have one more. >> don't. don't, don't, don't, don't, don don't, don't. >> maybe that was jo reactingt a to dr. jill, approaching himter. with an thermometer by now, clapping over the old joke. now, rain could also be looking to further draw from bank of holocaust goodwill beatingby baiting israel into g something out of proportion to the attack. that's one thing iran and other anti-semites will never forgiv e israel. the fact that 6 million of them were murdered. let's be part of that jewishrmi for world domination, if that'ss what iran is up to. that'salso som something new. and that could normalize more direct attacks on israel. i and while john kirby blames trump for all of this, the whits,e house has been busyn
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enriching iran by waiving sanctions against irang y sellg oil. >> paypal would have been a lot easier. eopluld'vejoe so really, the bis wasn't. saturday was sunday and al sl the other days after the attack. please, someone explain that t. os. joe, even if you have to use flash cards. s welcome to guess. he claims hollow point bullets as a tax write off formesrst operative and host of the president's daily brief podcast, mike bakeeident's r ate grexit michigan wouldn'tretc be reaction. former michigan gubernatorial candidathing former e governor his favorite car snack is gravel. comedian jim florentine sees like a boomerang, oddly shaped and refuses to go away. "new york times" best selling author vox's t
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my guest, someone who has had thousands of people murdered. do you think it odd that iran couldn't kill anyone? do you think this a face saving retaliation or was the response of israel and its allies that good? >> yeah, i mean,hout good? firs] i can't argue with your numbers at the top of the intr oo. >> yeah, this was they were playing to a home crowd. right. they were playing to an audience in part. now, a couple of things. fifirst of all, for for the bidd administration to blame trump for this. i meanmition they blame him for everything. >> so that's just kind of their theatrics. but ist nonsensical.n sp biden spent the past f three years putting in iransitin apologists into all the iran focused positions at the pentagon, state department, whitthe dee house. they they have this mindsete th that if you appeased iraisn. right, that somehow they joined up with the community of nations and with all,e of you know, have unicorns flying out of our. tions an wouldbut so which goese
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reverse. yes, but yeareversh. at's h yeah. so, but what what's happenedapna at this point is i don't know where the unicorn thing came from, and i'm sorry about that. e that's okay.hat's ok but you almost made it to a complete point. almoste ithe dead. thank you for pointing that out. and i forgot. well, i know, i know. i am. now >> so myve. forgo my point is, a s that what done here with this particular attack was they telegraphed it right? so they adviset d the u.s. the reg government. i suspect they probably advised the regional allies of the us what was coming down the pike. >> they had to show something to the home crowd, their population that they weres in strongly responding to the killing of jihadi and the da and but they can't wint they the war against. israel a direct conflict with israel and the u.s. they're not going to win. and theynd ther know that.y unde they understand that. so they as soon as they did this mathey an off ramp to israel and said we deem this matter done concluded. and, you know, ever since thenop they've been standing around
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hoping that israel doesn't take the next step,aeesn't ta that in interesting risk to take to to to do a face operation and then hope that they don't blow to smithereens after sending 300 projectiles that could have kille d more than one person. five people, 1000. well, i thin ten, 100?k that tht that they would put joe biden in a in a real pickl e and het would have to come out and say that he doesn't support israel andael. i think this is a huge win for donalde trump because now the american people are like, well, where is joe biden? h and joe biden said he wast ni with and he helped that night, but nobut now he's telling netau back off and ultimatelysituat you're in a situation where women across the country are saying, i just want someonie stand for me and donald trump is the guy that was like, yeah, we're just goinganly guy e out soleimani. >> and now joe biden's an even t worse position. so ultimately, his $6 billion cn that he sent to iran, not a good investment for him because it's takinat fog him asa president. >> it's an interesting point because he goe>> is anans he has
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lost, you know this this never concept. he never had a position vo strength, but he's lost h that he's also lost voters on the democratic side. >> right. he's he is losine deic side g really on alle counts when it comes to the middle east at this point. >> it's a very interesting situatio n. >> yeah, he can't appease any side. jim, you've been a fervent and long term follower of the middle east. >> i've read a lot of your remark oyour boos. they're amazing. i can't believe you do all that research on yourlieve yo. see >> how do you see this now? do you think this is a perfect opportunity for, israel, to take iran out based on all this stuff, like you will never get a better chance to kindbett of turern over the applecart?t o i think that was your phrase in your last book, turn over y the apple cart by jim florentine. yeah, it was. yeah. i mean look, israel's got to doy what they got to do. yeah. you know, they got attacked evenack,, though. it was kind of lame. mm-hmm. yeah. you know, i saw better lames up my neighbors 4th of july party saturday night. i'm waiting for something.
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nothing happened. but now i just got to do what i got to do. i mean, they got just like to tf so if they attack just like wegs did after 911. mm-hmm. wet afghanistan because. because we saw a video of likett four al qaeda guys on monkey bars. they got they're up the wee we decide to stay there for, it 20 years. you know, it's like a crossfad e ,you know, butter run or-- whatever. you know, all those guys ans. ourrou doe did 40 pull ups.try we got to go in that country. so israel's gosot to dtoo what y got to do.tellin but biden's also telling israel, listen, i'm going israeg to i'm going to do nothing. if you attack iran, which is like his borderraan. policy. yeah. to do nothing. mm-hmm. yeah. nobody buys the don''tt he don't he he says don't about everything. but nobody takes his word fore s it because it's got no power behind. >> and thegot no powern he told, take the win. you got the win. yeah. reg: yea yeah. w well he was probably thought he was talking about woman from south carolina. i won the collegutlina woncollel team. yeah, he was about to congratulate you. got the win. prulating the win. kno he didn't know what you're talking about. israel. waing ael.e. tru >> cat.kat, welcome back.
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you were gone for a while. you were so messedelcome . yeah. yeah. what joe biden do in this situation. miss tim, that it's hard for me to do a serious topic on anday. monday. >> yeah. no, you look eah,, no i. i think that you're right that it does put him in a tough putao position. think it's probably was a way more tough day for iran. i'm assuming . yeah. i mean, how was how did that conversation go with all those dudes. o yeah. like, oh man. or they like that was good. i don't know. r we lik good.i don'it's but goe point you made in your monologue to jusr pot about what the military is focused on, i mean, something i've been saying for years that i've gottening for before is thatn o military spending we spend so much on the military, i wouldo say too much on the military and people say, oh, you need a strong military, okay,f cour but spending of course you need a strong military.
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military spending doeson always. equate to military strength. and i thinthink that it's nevero been clearer when you look at some of the things that the military af focusing on that that's the case. >> mm-hmm. i have i have so disillusioned t ,unfortunately, with the waye a lot of these things are run in terms of there's all these different motivationerms of s, i just weighing, you know, what to do in terms of then term country, but also in terms of politically in the election polielections. nd people have pointed out and then there's all this money involved. and i just think in, you know,o just i think that we all need to just pay very, very close attention to everythin ention tg that's going on, because, as you put it, 20 years in afghanistan. and then loo fghanistk at what happened after all that. >> yeah. so, look, strong military isn't ,just a resource issue. >> it's a leadership issue, right. in fact, primarilya it's a leadership issue. >> you know, we can have all the resource military we wand t. e on but if i could just make one quick point, is thatpoin the problem that we've got right now is all the instability, everythin righg that's happening in the region right now is down to iran. >> iran resources and fundss,
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and trains and guides. hamas, hezbollahollah,, houthis, islamic, a variety of other groups. wa and in fact, hadi, the general who was taken out in damascus, i ris responsible in part for planning october 7th. so to that was one goodo reason to remove him from the planet. >> but the problem is it'sts tr. true, if you took out iran right now, the one thing that could assure the midterm, m peace in thegime middle east would be removing the iranian regime right. >> so is this a perfect time to do that? i mean, it sounds very i y, people are going to call me a warmonger. i'm not i'm not proposing that.e but i'm saying that in a practical sense, if you step back, took a deep breathns ste,o and said, what is causing the violence and instability and chaos in the middle east? h see theit's the iranian regime >> so but the problem is, once you start that path, you can't control it, right? >> it spirals out of control. >> and we have no idea how bad that conflagration gets. so likreg: it'e of your sentenc,
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you know, hey, get cake engine.l thank you, lord.le. you in the area of middle eastai policy. up next, yes, america plunges intoddlepoliti the it's trump we voters mess right? >> if you'll be in the new york area like tickets to see gutfeld go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio on the link to join our studio audience st they need to lawn back first. it's got to be the rapidass tod. it goes gas two times faster than the sea, the lawn giving than the sea, the lawn giving you a last minute freedom. >> and it's got to buildesh al a rapil d grass today. >> it's guaranteed. did not feed it. i'm adding downystill fr unstope to my wash now i'll be smelling to my wash now i'll be smelling fresh all day long it's still fresh. it's still fresh. yeahdoon. get 50 times longer lasting freshness plus protection. >> try for under $5. victims of missile glioma and their families may be entitled to receive a cash
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learn more at t.j. o'rourke today. john. >> even biden voters have seen they were better off in 2019. true, as america falls into, they miss the president with a gorgeous hair. it took four years, but americans are finally coming to their senses and looking back positivels d lt trump's presidency. >> according to a "new york times" poll. yea neyork tole.s, it was a newr
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poll. having the new york times run thiskhe new story is like hearii joy reid say something pleasant about whitnge peoplee people. >> 42% of registered voters surveyed said trump mostly good for america. that'sd fo compared to only 25% who say biden's been mostly good. and that's just folks from the embalmers union. and ballrtain unbut that's a di. >> or what i said by not tipping. so anyway. but with an administration that makes the fall of 2019 resemble the fall of rome, it's no wonder voters are seeingf good. had we had it. it's a stunning rebuke of the current administrationg rebuke,h just glad joe biden is not alive to see it. >> so how could there be such a fond look back? the orange godzilla? well, biden can't win an election. , he can ntences he can't put two sentens together. >> he can't win an he can't put two sentences together. airs he can't find the stairs orformt the platform to walk off after he makesff about a two minute
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speech. yeah, they got one, too. e three. i got one in the back. i got him all over the place. he can'tbackup i the find them,d he's looking around where? the stairse the st. and i bet biden wants to have men that play in women's sports. >> he want s have men play in women's sports. now, i know is i think it's terrible, but i don't i just say a common sense isn't ridiculous. i'm always i'm always embarrassed when i say i will stop men from playing in the women's world. i don't care. did you see the weightlifting record the other day? i mean, i don't want to get into a story demeaning to women. i love women that. and finally, what is biden that's good. nothing has anythingnothing. he.
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>> turned out well. he does nothing has anything that he's done. turned out everythin? g he turns this to her. i don't think i could top that.i >> why not? yo, it's kind of. i mean, the times reported this. is kind of insane, but they were the last people to know this was the problem, right? becae they're like, we've been telling people that they're supposed to hate trump, and then at the same time, they're like, did the help get the right yogurt in the fridgee right yo this time? are we going to have the bad yogurt? you know, these are the elitists of th havi e elite. elite they have no idea what's really happening in the country. e noa whatand so they put this s and they're like still putting this pull out, trying to say, remember ter these these are tha you don't like them. because if you read the new york times article, yole e though he did this him and even though you didn't ask these people like him, how canw be and you're like, because they're grocery shopping and buying gas., i'm you know,
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we've talked about this a lot. >> gm that the further you get away from the price of the trump presidency, the better itk looks. you know, it's because like you starnow?t get you start to o things from the perspective as a awaospecty from all the emo that was tied into the the trump hate. >> yeah. i mean it's like it's like ann ex-girlfriend know when you first break up you think about all the bad stuff. yeaha. wasn't no, not a few years later, you know, when it wasn't so bad, you kno w, it was crazy, you know? >> but she was good and bad. she wa. s fun. ouch never again touch her again. after a ferw years.s li yeah. so, like, what the voters are doing, it's like y calll call for trump, right? yeah, that's right. it's like a tax that i donald, [lw? p you knoe they don yeah. yeah. i was goin.g say it feels likesi biden is like a substitute teacher and people are feeling a he's going to be gone soon. but i like the political cal
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l strike permission to use that on the five tomorrow. absolutely so i have to quoten you. can i pretend like i came up with it myself? . >> you could take it at all? yes. i'll trade shirtill trads cause- going to buy it at kohl's today. so. wow. i was out of kohl's, though. >> and by the way, i just throw the coolest guy. >> yeah, yeah. y is >> by the way, greg, is thatpaul a paul smith? yes, it is a paul smith. smitg: it isu to notice. not you're welcome. see? what i >> yous that called? cat? bi feels weird that even though joe biden is the oldest president in history oldes, g fo the american public is longing for an adult in the room. >> art >> is that weird? well, the article didn't reallyy sa >> gy that. no, i was saying it said it i nd of what you said.
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>> right. i mean, a lot of the things that they fear mongeringf th ab, a lot of them will, you know, there's going to be world war three. >> it's likeer, would you look at it? not right now. yeah. how how are as shopping lookingf and a lot of people in the article said the iy do feel kno, the same way about you know they said he they have been offendedy ha by things that tru has said but at this point they're just like likethha whatever that's how they really feel. and i think the other thing that we haven't talked about in cotnvs thersatioen't talked n ia they said, well, people still say that trump, they didn't trd people.what yivideeyy th >> and but you think about it and joe biden was supposedouut to be the guy he built himself as a guy that was able to unitie people. he hasn't done that either. no. he's created more division. he's created eve>> gren that, ag with all the other stuff, the inflation and all, you know, all the thingser on in the world, people. he's done this exact thing sup of if you support trump, then you're a bad person. and then the peopl e abe are you know, people don't want to be told that all the time tha. >> they're struggling things
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in their in their daily life. that is true. you know, mikey, it's true. s i do a small show inernoon the afternoon called the five. you might have heardcalled " of >> piers morgan's really busy recording the president's dailye brief podcast. >> yeah. otherwise i'd watch itg . >> tell me about it.ay, pe anyway, piers morgan made a really good point, whichere surprised me that the judge andu trump's trial said he was going to put he would arrest him ifm he goeifo his his son's high scl graduation. barron, trump's high school graduate. his and he, trump, wants to go to his son's graduation and. the judge says if he goes, he'll be arrested. and piers said h sd goe go and get arrested. and that i mean you would win in a landslide. >> does that make sense? no, actually, i. i know. i'ah. yeah, i take credit for that. c yeah, i'm going to take that. for >> most people won't remember i cited piers morgan anyway. well, we don't remembe cit mr. we don't remember that the call was jim's joke. yeah. so you've got that for me? heh. ck
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>> look, there's this whole idea of looking fondly back, at right at presidents. there's substance to it, right? look, i don'presidme sint look n offense to president carter, but i look back on that time, right, with fondness. >> right? you look back on the previous administration, which was just therpreviouse in the rearview mr because the world was not fire at that point in time. at u watch your mouth, young man. sorry. what do you mean? this is joe rogang.n? yeah. so? so, you know and the things that to and forget it pointed out alreade y know the economy.n we le's a reason why we look back and that administration. you know what? it was pretty good, right? because right noww the instabilitno y in the world, there's a reason why putin moved on is a reason why the mullahs decided they could do a direct attack on israel. >> there's a reason why they spent the past three yearss planning that attack on southerhat attan israel on ok 7th. >> so, yeah, i mean, look, you can loveat or hate.
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>> sorry. i'm sorry. you can you car]n or hate trumpd right? >> yeah. but you have to look at what was happening in theo lowhat wae policies, right? i'm not a personality driven person. and looking at the policies ani get it. i understand why people ared sai looking back now. >> they're going, yeah, i'll take some of that. i agree. i'm not i'm nong k somef t a personalityi lo person. i look at the beautyok at the r lives, screams and shouts pi pi harlem is home. but home is also your body laughs when i asked myself, why doesn't palladium exist in harlem? so i started my own studiohree. here. didn't a brick and mortar didn't a brick and mortar in new it's not easy. chase eight, has supportedchas us friendse in. one two. studio three. when you start small, you need them big help. >> and i think with that for meo earn up to 5% cash back) on business essentials. health.nd fee cash chase for business make
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i'm here to speak in support of the cit h y council introducing a ceasefire resolution. i do not have faith that you'll do this. myou willyou guys are all horrn beings, and probably would have killed you himself while a you guys parade gandhi around as ay -- hindu holiday r called chaitra. navratri here starts off this weekemind yo. i remind you that these holidays that we practice the people in the global south practice believe in violent revolutionin v, their oppressor. and i hope one day somebody brings the guillotin somuillotis all of you. >> we'll see you at your house. will you.dert yo yeah. c >> i feel bad for her. how dare you clap, young man? yeah, but she does have a point. many times i've looked at the many, the middle east, and thought. >> hmm. bakersfield city council. y cil, youyou really done it this
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jam. did you enjoy the before? lik after, like i did? oh, i loved it. yeah, but just i loved that she] thought that they could do something about, like, boo 100 years from now in the history books. like, how did they get a ceasefire to bakersfieldy ho t a cityhe pul council? they pulled it offle some little town 2 hours outside of l.a. that's known for crystal meth. e you know, war. it's true. cat, i hate to say for did you feel bad for her or do d you think you think that she? needs to learn her lesson? >> i mean, wean wee have the fi amendment, so it's very, very hard to say something that's going to get you arrested. >> yeah. and she i mean, as i was--s watching, i like, okay, that's me. like, that's mean. but it's still you know, it's like,us have been killed like mean and weird to say, ife, she goes, we'll see you at your house, we'll murder you. oh, my godrder you. yeah, that'll do it. it
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and she did it in front of the . yeah. so like, yeah man, that's a very , -- narrow thing you could do to actually get arrested. >> and she pulled it off. yeah. you knowactuald u, you make a gh point because when you think about like mike asenk abou a kiu you have never actually told people an accomplice, professional killer doesn't tell the people ahead of time. i'm coming to kill you. >> no, no, you just wait till the very last second. yeah. >> everybody. everybody at any experienceghte] knows that. >> so, yeah, i mean, you know,t to, to catch point about the i comment, i didn't know was out there busy whacking people. and so that was a thing. >> but i a lot of these people take the people thk the golden gated th bridge today and a variety of the other protesters,y ofeth, they're they're battling something. right. there's a there's a lack of something in their livet? ths a lack s. healt >> there's a there's a i don't want to call it a mental health >>sue, but they're lacking
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something. >> i know what i greg: it is. >> they're lacking a little mike baker in their lives. you just were in their livesthew a little bit. >> you would you they would feel so much better. fee u knowyou know what i mean?e ofe >> i know.n d i know. i've often been referred to as a ray of sunshine. s , yeah.[laugh >> poisonous sunshine, tudorte.t she pleaded not guilty to 18g felony count s. >> do you believe those tears of hers? no. i just felrs?t like it was aggressive to choose the guillotine, you know. >> yes. i feel, yo you need a lot of community support for that. it's the communitythat that gois to use it against. >> yeah. yeah. and it's heavy to move? right and go home to home. i mean, at a certain point. no, noin>> gre, no, no, no, no. >> it doesn't work out. that machete i like that,>> i'm you were thinking about the logistics of this like this is not going to work for me. >> she lisn' a ave been a great governor. well, i was thinkinggreat go my. oh, i'm going to go into it.d >> i would kidnap you.>> greg:
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all right, kat, that was you have a ufc star, renato. monsanto. i hope i'm saying it right. i don't want them to come after meaccide. >> he was talking about ludwig von mises, an austrianom born philosopher. >> economics. i'm sure you're familiar with him. i know we went you're over thoseghter] talking points. >> i think you did very well. yeah, i thought the last place,i but last thing i could watch and feel represented would be.i and i may fight. but everything you said, i was like, yes. now.and also that and also. yes. so now i'm going to watch like i'm a fan now. yes, exactly [appla yeah. every fight ever.ever i'm going to be one accident. i i think every fighter after, the fight they have to make one book recommendation that could serve economics, economics only twitter. this is whatdor. von mises whate said, if history could teach us anything, it would be that private property is inextricably linked with civilizatioopertys n. i think what happened is thats
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women i said this earlier, women want to feel protectedan. and taylor swift turned on the dams. she went with travis kelsey and, she just shot the beater mail. >> he's dead, you know. so now nowe look people look ats and they're like, try taylor swift would go for hi m a and i'm in. you mean wute are all about personal property taylor swift. >> go for renato or go for ludwig. we're talkina rog? whg. >> no, renato, no. yeah, i ludwig von mises alsoe n said the worst evils, which mankind has ever had to endure were inflicted by bad but s. greg: yeah, and mike baker, he adds, yeah, yeah, yeah a he he and i t sideways. >> is this great? yeah. this is kind of like a weirdsidn rogan effectiveness like fight. you're like, there's a combination of thinkin ghtingg and fighting. >> look, a lot of see, yeah, a lot of these guys, i mean, i was one of them. they're very, very smart, right? there's a tremendousrt.ent is oe of discipline in in this arena ,you know the sport i mean,t he prenato took it-- h, know
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he took it to the mat, he pounded into it and got out of this thinn tog in the second round before the end of the second round. fantastic fight. it was it was a good fight car was de come all the way around. >> but -- but the point that he when he comes out,s he's think about that. he's so jazzed up. he's so pumped up. and thishiis whaomes is what hek with. >> i mean, yeah, it's brilliant. and let me say this. if i'm noten, i think goth th sideways with the and got out of germany i think and ended up here in the states. >> interesting. well, if renato sustains any brain damage, we'll know wheno he turns into a liberal. jim, you read a lot of austrian. economics. care to sharcare te the appeal that von mises had with you? well, that's a problem. i mean, mostit americans not going to read a book on economics than i got. you knowgoing , i if the amazonp went up after he plugged at it at midnight on night after won he won the fight, like, oh, i got to go read this book, . that's the first time a fight i've saw where you had to do
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a hallmark afterward hav. t so i got to go read a book., want i just want some money. i wanto to smoke some weight and drink, read a book. >> i think it shows that these are very diverse individuals>>. >> i also am thinking my don't adding a bond to my namena like gregory bond. gutfeld don't you think.k? thank you. yeah. than.k you.grea >> i only feel smarter. my god. gutfeld has a gregory on. gutfeld very good ring. yeah. in the middle. in the middle. 'm goings. ok all right. up next, the show was a dud, so someone maileded a spud. some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate best rate for you is a rate based on you because there's a right way to. and the speed limit definitely is 700 million miles per hour. so why would you pay a ratsave e based a terrible boss with a terrible that saved me.llstat ohe save it drive wise and get
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beatable. it's on us to stand up to cancer once and for all. goodbye ahead. b it's sadut, but didn't you evern yeah nobody died back in january. our old pudgy punching bag. brian stelter, making the podcast rounds to pick up his latest book, click bait garbag latese. of course, nobody watched, including us, but we're still nobor we missedove this magical moment. >> hit it. i once had a potatmagical hit.od to me. it came in a fedex box. it was an actualfede potatoh my and showed it to my kids. and of course, my kids are. thde have no idea why some of was o it's because that within the fox universe i used to be called humpty univo
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dumpty and from there became brian's a potato . that is so not true, mike. humpty dumpty, an egg. >> we're not like, how stupid is. yeah, yeah well, pretty stupid.p he's very stupid. that potato came from somebodyrt who thinks he's a potato. humpty dumpty is a frickin egghf . is that big picture a cover of his book? i don't know whyis book? we shoa book. i don't know. i was just asking. i couldn'ts askin can believe y buddy was still around. y's fun, so, buddy, budd that's funny. >> do you ever interviewed by buddy? youy no. but, you know, this was a hard one for me because our governor identifies a potato sometimes. o oh, that's right. >>forgot about that. that's right. yeah. yeah. and i watched this, and i thought, your d didn't wonder why you were sent a potato. >> yeah, they go.e oh oh, look, daddy, i made ite ma all oudet of how quickly jim did he, like, throw it in the microwave, then smother
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with chili and cheese? >> yeah, he was probably mad. sn there was no sour cream and chives like that. yeah, it was like they sent me a plane on this sock- paks mckes kids are probably calling that potato little daddy. ng theo, i.k hi i think he's had what looks m more like a spaghetti squashor. >> yeah, i would go with that. yeah, you're right. do you think. yeah. long the potat the peto it was e a long lost child. >> like the potato went to 23 2 in me and found out it wasn't my and then went to his place. kat, i'm just weaving a tremendous story. >> mm-hmm. >> io? e war go on a potat >> probably because he was not talking about thought he was u fightingout yo the foxy universe. not true. you? yeah, it was me. literall.y just you.e if >> and also, i'm sure if he was male, the potato. hat it >> it was a fan of theone show that did it. mailing someone a potatotato iso >> yeah, but when? okay, if you.d what kind of food would righd you right now'm
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what i'm. >> i'm going to sa goiy[laugh whatever people do, do not mail . aten cake see that it's going to make the mail mthat's ge. how about you, jim? what would you like mailed to you? i'll take your leftovers. okay. do you haven't changed in bed. >> yeah, whatever you mail to my cats. have a file in it. >> right?s i guess we should move on.we yeah. don't go away. we'll be right back. we'll be right back. that's fin liberty mutual. customizes my car insurance, customizes my car insurance, and i savert that's great. i know. i've been telling everyone i've been telling everyone neve >> oh, yeah?erty. ♪ like how many people you tellix. only pay for what you need. >> it is a very, ver cracked windshield schedule cracked windshield schedule would say flight o and we'll coe to you to fix it. this customer was enjoying her morning walk wve a few go!
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