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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 16, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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i think being a part of a jury is a -- generally speaking it will discourage people from sitting on the panel and they will say they can't sit even if they could serve. yeah, it's a problem. they should not be able to do it. >> carley: this style expected to last until, what, june? the former president is required to be there every day that this trial is in session. thank you for joining us on another busy day have a great day. >> carley: "fox & friends" starts now. >> steve: that's right, todd and carley. it's 6:00 in new york city. this is tuesday, april 16th, 2024. welcome to "fox & friends."
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first up, anti-israeli protests wreaking havoc all across the united states, disrupting airports, bridges, highways, stock exchanges just days after iran attacked a jewish state. this is an iranian american tiktoker born in great britain slams anyone trying to defend tehran. >> in what capacity have you distorted the story to make the islamic republic the victim? >> ainsley: plus, former president trump due back in court for day two of his hush money trial. lara trump is here. we learn the judge might make him skip barron's graduation to stay in court. >> lawrence: caitlin clark officially a pro-selected as the number one pick in the wnba draft. [applause] >> brian: oh, yeah. "fox & friends" starts right now. remember mornings are better with friends.
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we begin the first hour of "fox & friends" with this. this is unbelievable. anti-israeli protesters fly the hezbollah flag in front of the new york stock exchange the terroristic flag found in lebanon chanting death to america. while marching through the streets of various cities in america. [bleep] [shouting] death toe israel. >> ainsley: protesters jamming up traffic for hours on the brooklyn bridge. some even burning the american flag. look at that. >> meanwhile, on the other coast in san francisco. 38 activists were arrested after shutting down the golden gate bridge for almost five hours. another group blocked several sections of the freeway around the bay area. brought city to a grind. >> lawrence: in chicago travelers heading to o'hare international airport forced to drag their luggage down the highway after protesters
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completely blocked access to main terminal. 54 people were arrested there. >> brian: unbelievable this is allowed to happen. i mean, this is day, also, it's not even a day in which you could say there was a bombing of relief workers in gaza. this is a day in which 24 hours prior the country of israel was under attack and was taken out and blocked most of those missiles and rockets by arab nation primarily led israel itself. jordan and saudi arabia playing an adam nangt role even egypt could have played a role. in america somebody is paying all these 20-something-year-olds to take the pro-palestinian, pro-hamas, pro-hezbollah side which is insane if you know the ethics and the values that don't exist in their organizations and in their countries. even for iran. what are they even thinking? >> ainsley: why yesterday? tax day. did this in honor of tax day
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pro-palestinian. economic local call hubs sending a message. that's why a law has been introduced to make it a federal crime to purposefully obstruct public roads and highways. it's called and safe and open streets act. >> steve: good for them. we're going to speak to speak to speaker mike johnson about that coming up. one of those screens shows the golden gate bridge. five hours. they sat there for five hours. the cops just looked at them. it is ridiculous. if somebody is blocking a road. just imagine. okay. there's the golden gate bridge. complete ground to a halt for five hours. how many people were in ambulances who had to go through areas where these. >> ainsley: go work or pick up their kids? >> right. how many people on the pro-palestinian side missed meetings or flights and are angry what happened. they can understand it but at the same time, it kind of backfired for people like that. so, it took five hours to get
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them off the bridge. meanwhile, down in florida, by contrast, florida traffic was stopped 15 minutes in downtown, tampa. >> lawrence: there is that flag. >> miami some protesters dragged off the streets by cops. on x people in florida said people who blocked traffic should be arrested and also on x somebody said this is why jesus invented tasers. florida knows how to do it. >> lawrence: i got a message from a friend yesterday. he's a broker in lower manhattan, a democrat. one of the people that said he would never vote for donald trump. and he text me yesterday and said it was a college-aged girl and she said to him all jews should die. guys, this is not the first protest where we have seen this. there were pro-hamas flags right after the october 7th attack. and we know this because i went down there and covered it. they have been very clear on what they believe.
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now, there is a segment of the -- organizers are all pro-hamas. there are some kids there that are anti-american. been indoctrinated by the college professors. i'm wondering where with are the parents paying for this. do you know what your kids are doing out here? they don't like the country anymore. they hate jews. there has to be a standard in america. and, brian, from my perspective, we're just itching for an attack. we have homegrown people that hate our country and we're allowing them to be embedded within the pro-hamas crowd. >> brian: i want to find out who is paying them. obviously they have no jobs. they are not in school. and they can feel as though they can block these roadways. they are organizing. they have these chants. we saw it in chicago. they were going over how to say these chants in farsi. so how you could ever take iran's side in america when they have been the enemy of this country since 1979. the people of iran hate their government. yet, we like the iranian
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government? here is alicia la bon, an iranian american. she was born in britain and she a tiktoker of influence she sober up. i'm your age. you have no idea what you're doing. listen. >> in what capacity have you distorted the story to make the islamic republic the victim? that's, i think, what we're most curious about. when we were screaming for the past two years that they were lynching us, where were you? when we were screaming that they were killing iranian women for not wearing hijab, where were you? when they were launching iranian men from cranes for protesting. where were you? when we were explaining that this is a terrorist occupying force, where were you? but all of the sudden everyone has graduated from instagram school of law to say this is a violation of international law and iran has the right to defend
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itself. >> steve: really important that she say that because she is a young person of influence. and it's good see young people who are actually calling it what's happening in tehran. she said when israel bombed the compound in syria on april 1st, it was not an act of war. remember what hamas and hezbollah have been doing ever since october the 7th. >> ainsley: she makes a good point. not only is she an influencer, she is educated. she's an attorney. she's gorgeous. she argues iran is not the victim. iran was the ayes sore responsible for creating hamas and hezbollah as well as the houthis in yemen for the sole purpose of destabilizing the region. all we want is peace. iranians don't want war it with israel. we want peace with israel. iranians inside of iran have come out and said this over and over and over again. >> lawrence: if these protesters are so serious and they want a cease-fire, then how about they go over there. how about they go over there.
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half of the ones that are there would be hung in that country. >> brian: if they're gay. >> lawrence: if they're gay or have opposing views. it's not like they accept powerful women. if you want the people to eat, then go talk to hamas and tell them stop stealing the food? how about you go across because a lot of the leaders in hamas don't live in gaza. take their money away, instead they go after the innocent people. it's unbelievable. the american flag. >> ainsley: how painful is that? >> lawrence: if you don't like the country why are you still here? >> steve: protected speech in the united states. >> ainsley: so sad. so many people lost their lives fighting for that flag for our freedom. >> steve: family members live in los angeles but in tehran. visiting family members. they are persian. they can't get out. americans trapped in tehran. >> lawrence: it is so disrespectful to the american veterans that go overseas and fight for our country so the battle doesn't come here to allow it to rage here in america
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now? now they have to worry about fighting overseas and can't take care of their family as they fight against attorney terrorism across the pond. it makes no sense. >> brian: well, in san francisco, why are they allowed to block that bridge? give them 10 minutes and grab them by their nose rings and put them in the back of a cop car. you bring them right out. how could you possibly call yourself a police officer or a police chief and allow that to take place to consider commerce to thoroughly stop? i wouldn't even say if they were on a walking path rubbernecking looking at them let alone blocking the whole thing. >> lawrence: it's the city leadership telling the cops that they can't do their job. >> ainsley: it happened in new york, it happened in san francisco, it happened in chicago, some in seattle. these are all liberal cities. >> steve: all soft on crime cities. brian, to your point, do you know what the people who blocked the city in san francisco were charged with because they're thinking okay, i'm gonna get
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arrested. i'm going to be in the cop shop for 15 minutes. >> brian: and be a hero. >> steve: instead, the people who stopped traffic on the san francisco bridge were charged with conspiracy because it was coordinated and charged with false imprisonment for the drivers who were trapped for five hours. >> lawrence: good. >> brian: that's good. >> steve: so, if the cops are charging them with something more than the d.a. would want them. let them out. they are just kids having a good time. >> brian: do you know what is so interesting about this in chicago planning massive protests in front of the dnc. they are not doing it because they're republicans. they are not doing it -- this is like the republicans go they're not for us. the democrats go they're against us. you almost think if joe biden if you think my policy is too pro-israel meet this other guy in the courtroom right now. he doesn't even know how to say that because he is so twisted on, wait a second traditionally by standing up to our allies is
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usually a good thing the whole world is upside down now. you have both parties agreeing they can't figure out what these people are thinking except for they're 20-something and a lot of them are elite colleges and many of them are against our foreign policy. and for our enemies. they are not for like we just don't want a war. they are actually for iran, hamas, and hezbollah. so that's how twisted this is. >> lawrence: i will say that the nypd, the bike unit. i saw them yesterday. they started ripping their tails off the highway in brooklyn. it's something that we wouldn't have seen in the last administration in new york with de blasio. adams is backing the cops in some way that they were able to remove them off the bridge. i covered half a dozen protests in 2020, and they would not touch them. >> steve: well, if you were impacted. if you were stalled, you know, whether it was going to o'hare or on a bridge or in new york or somewhere or down in florida where they dried them off in lickety split time email us at
3:13 am and tell us about your story. >> ainsley: they were yelling free, free palestine. palestine will never die from wall street to palestine. u.s. bombs, u.s. pays, how many kids did you kill today? dakota america. death to israel. waving the hezbollah flag and burning the american flag. >> brian: what if they had al-qaeda flag? >> lawrence: might as well. >> brian: they would be allowed to swing it. >> ainsley: let me tell you more headlines breaking this morning starting with a fox news alert. israeli military is vowing to retaliate against iran's unprecedented missile and drone attack over the weekend. the action is said to be imminent. iran fired 300 projectiles at the jewish state. 99% which were intercepted with the help of the u.s. and other allies. in just a few minutes, trey yingst is going to have a live report from southern israel on the latest and how they will retaliate. speaker mike johnson announcing the house will take up four separate bills this week to provide foreign aid for israel and ukraine. johnson says the new bills will provide roughly the same amount as the $95 billion sent passed
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in the foreign -- passed foreign aid bill and it will class include differences in the terms of a loan. johnson will join us later this morning. a massive protest in georgia after a brawl breaks out in parliament. watch. >> [shouting] >> ainsley: that was a hard punchful the lawmaker who was punched in the head is pushing a new foreign agent bill that critics say is inspired by russia. protesters in the capitol say some lawmakers are bending to moscow's will. philadelphia police are searching for two suspects after one of them opened fire on someone stopped at a traffic light. dash canal footage shows one of them getting out and pointing a gun at the person in the car behind them. he quickly realizes that the man in the car also has a gun.
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the suspected gunman fires two shots before speeding off. you can see the victim fire a few rounds at the suspects driving off. he was hit once in the chest and is now in critical condition. and this wild video shows a soccer fan whipping a player after a loss in the saudi arabian super cup final. can you see the athlete throw water in the fan's direction. the spectator then lashes the player twice appearing to hit him in the back. the fan was quickly escorted out by security. and with a first pick in the wnba draft the indiana fever selects former juan star caitlin clark. the team introducing their draft pick to fans with this epic video. >> with the first pick in the wnba draft, the indiana fever selects. >> ainsley: fanatics say they sold out of the new clark jerseys after one hour.
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stick around, clark's high school coach is joining us later this morning. and those are your headlines. >> steve: that's cool. >> brian: a lot of players in the league going to be targeting her though. it's not going to be easy being a rookie. >> angel reese was drafted to chicago. >> lawrence: you need the targeting because that makes the team exciting. i'm going to be watching this season. >> brian: you want them competing fairly at each other's throat? i don't know where that comes from. >> lawrence: the aggression. kind of like i'm at your throat on this couch. [laughter] >> brian: chris, why don't you just stay out of this. [laughter] okay. >> lawrence: referee. >> ainsley: this is why we need two anchors in the middle. [bell] >> lawrence: donald trump returns to new york city in about through hours for day two of jury selection in hush money trial. >> brian: this combings after tons of media turned out with ended one no jurors being selected. eric shawn is live outside the new york state supreme court.
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eric? >> good morning, brian. it is day two of jury selection today. guess what? yesterday, more than half of the jurors who were called, well, they said they could not be fair or impartial to the former president or they had a conflict and can't serve as a juror on his case. turns out when the jurors were called into the courtroom yesterday, more than 50 of the 96 were dismissed. they raised their hands when they were asked if they could not be impartial to the defendant? as you know the former president is charged with illegally falsifying business documents to hide the scheme to suede the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. by paying stormy daniels to keep quiet about their alleged affair. trump denies it, and it continues to slam the case. >> we legal pundits legal scholars today not one that i see that said this is a case that should be brought for trial. it's a scam. it's a political witch-hunt. it continues.
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it continues forever. and we're not going to be given a fair trial, it's a very, very sad thing. >> can you imagine being a potential juror just sitting feet from the former president in the courtroom? well, some of the jurors stared at him. one in the rear of the courtroom could be heard giggling. warren prospect manhattan book seller wrote in the juror questionnaire and answer saying quote: i feel no one is above the law. whether it's the former pres, the sitting pres or a janitor. one woman left the courtroom telling a court officer i just couldn't do it. but others say they could be fair to the former president. most of the jurors are asked about their news-viewing habits and most said they get their news from the "new york times" and cnn. buy a few do watch fox news and read "the new york post." judge juan merchan said he would not allow the former president to attend the arguments on the presidential immunity case. that will be held next week at the u.s. supreme court in washington, d.c.
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by law, the defendants have to be here at court attending their trials. he did reserve judgment on whether or not the former president could attend his son barron's high school graduation. that in florida next month. so the jury selection, round 2, day two, starts in just about three and a half hours from now. back to you in the studio. >> steve: so he might be able to go to barron's graduation. >> brian: not over yet. >> yes, he may be. we'll see. he said he is going to reserve judgment. we'll just wait for that answer. he did not rule it out. he didn't rule in. >> ainsley: he said there will be an arrest if you don't show up every day for court. >> steve: right. because he wanted to go to another case the supreme court case. >> lawrence: i wish they -- >> thanks standard admonition. >> brian: check in with you again. >> lawrence: i wish the judges were aggressive with the migrants don't show up. aggressive with the president doesn't show up to court.
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>> brian: bill maher a successful podcast gets high and drinks during. this i'm not sure how high katy couric was when she answered this question or maybe sodium pentagon alcohol. told us what she thinks of trump supporters. bill maher does push back. he is on club random. listen. >> socioeconomic disparities challenge the resent want. anti-intellectualism is what is driving many of these antiestablishment, which are trump voters. i don't know if you have ever been jealous of what someone else has or resentful it is such a corroding and bitter, almost bile feeling. >> steve: brian, to your point, after she said that, bill maher said, look, he said, people need
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to understand ultra maga supporters not trump people who vote for him. some of them say my kids coming home from school and thinks is he a racist and he is 5 years old. or my son thinks maybe is he not a boy. maybe that's true. that happens. that's what they say, that's why they are voting for trump. he was trying to explain to her the mindset. >> ainsley: he is saying we need to understand get inside the mind of the trump voter. i feel like when she talks about class disparity and elitism and people being jealous. that reminds me of the far, far left like the bernie sanders who say if you have a lot of money you need to give it to the people who don't have a lot of money. >> brian: or hollywood. >> lawrence: donald trump is a millionaire. it doesn't make sense. people were money and class they choose the billionaire? it makes absolutely no sense. these are people that go to work every single day. do you know what they're madder than hell about a two-tiered justice system.
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take their money, get descrostled with their business. >> brian: the dei, the cancel culture. you almost think is he a parent and is he not. he started talking about kids and parents and what they are saying. you watch him the other night pennsylvania? he is said no. he killed. is he not a comic. it doesn't matter the people love him. like jamie dimon said enough. if you don't like the guy. you are putting down his people every time you insult the guy. wake up. >> ainsley: people on social media were writing about this. they said out of touch. it's full of people that she has never met and wouldn't lower herself to be around. this is so disgusting and shows how out of touch she s make no mistake this is how the media views trump supporters. >> steve: more on that later in the meantime. >> lawrence: questions on whether biden can handle the conflict in the middle east. [shouting] >> did it anyway, so what now? [shouting questions] >> thank you, guys. >> brian: all right. responses like that are why
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former u.k. prime minister liz truss is endorsing donald trump. says he has got to win. she is next. ♪ i'm still standing after all this time ♪ picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind ♪ i'm still standing ♪ i'm a bird stuck in larry bird's attic. and i'm goin' cuckoo. what the heck. what you got larry? may the best bird win.
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>> brian: fox news alert. israel's military is vowing to retaliate against iran's unprecedented missile attack on saturday. and that action could be imminent. trey yingst is live in southern israel. trey, what's the latest? >> trey: yeah, hey, brian. good morning. the entire world is still waiting to see how israel will respond to that brazen iranian attack over the weekend that included hundreds of drones and missiles. we do know israel wants war cabinet is set to meet for a third straight day to determine what a response might look like. israeli media buzzing with reports that israel is preparing to attack iranian territory. now, western intelligence sources telling the northwestern press corps iran may opt to target iranian proxies across the middle east instead. israel's chief of staff speaking overnight in english for a rare statement saying this. >> we m remain highest level of readies in. iran will face the consequences
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for its actions. we will choose our response accordingly. >> trey: as military planning continues, israel's foreign mentser israel cats is trying to lobby countries around the world to put new sanctions on iran's missile programs in order to pressure the islamic republic following this assault against israel over the weekend while the diplomatic efforts are continuing israel is bracing for the possibility of a broader war. wrapping up new drills in the north today. brian? >> brian: wow, a lot going on. trey, thank you. meanwhile, two minutes before the bottom of the hour. anti-american and anti-israel scenes taking place across the united states as the world looks for the u.s. for strength after iran's unprecedented attack on israel. critics say the biden administration is not up to the task. [shouting questions] thank you guys, let's go.
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>> brian: this president doesn't even talk to the press. that's why former prime minister liz truss supporting donald trump for president. if the disasters of the past three years have taught us anything we need a conservative back in the white house. u.k. member and member ever the parliament author of a brand new book you got to pick it up called 10 years to save the press. liz truss joins us now. great to see you. >> great to see you. here's my new book. i will get it up. there we are. >> brian: congratulations on it. it's important because it could be written by an american politician, too. how did what you go through remind you of what donald trump went through the first time and why dow does that make you conce that america needs him again? >> what happened to me is i got a mandate. i was elected by conservative policy members to be prime minister, to deliver conservative policies like cutting taxes, getting on with fracking, supply side reform. what i faced was the most
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almighty backlash from the establishment. i didn't realize how ruthless they would be of the bank of england literally sold government bonds the day before our mini budget. and then they failed to put in place the regulation of -- similar to what happened in the 2008 crisis. and what they did is they sought to blame it on me and elected officials. i think what we see in the united kingdom is the same situation as in the united states which is unelected officials have got more and more power. and those bodies, those government agencies have been captured by the left. whether it's woke ideology. whether it's extreme environmentalism. whether it's anti-capitalism. but, what i found was or faced a massive problem, actually delivering conservative policies because the people who were
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meant to be working for me were actually briefing against me. >> brian: so you saw the same thing with the pushback from president trump who came out of nowhere in 2016 to win the biggest upset in american history. once he got the job, he realized there was huge forces pushing against him. what do you think could be different this time now that both of you have your eyes firmly open to the obstacles? >> well, what needs to happen is first of all, the administrative state needs to be dismantled. i don't believe it's possible to deliver conservative policies with the current structures we have in place in the united kingdom. and i know that's what president trump's plan is in the united states as well. that you actually have to change the way government works. what is happening at the moment is there are too many people who are allegedly working for the government but in fact are trying to undermine not just conservative policies but
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actually our values as the west. >> brian: liz, are you also saying this that what is happening now with our president and to a degree your prime minister is not working? it is not bringing peace. it's not bringing prosperity. making one would think time for a change? >> well, if you look at what's happened in ukraine, what's taking place in israel, what's happening with respect to the chinese regime, the only thing these authoritarian regimes respect is strength. the fact is the west is showing too much weakness. taking the sanctions off iran, trying to renegotiate a nuclear deal. i believe that was the wrong strategy. and, actually, the free world felt safer when president trump was in office because those leaders were afraid of what trump might do they are not afraid of what biden might do. what we are see something seeing wars breaking out around the
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world. >> brian: we are. and in your book you also talk about your interaction with the queen, one of her final public moments and what your husband gave you recommended to you before you took the job and maybe eu you'll get it back. liz trusts, congratulations on the book. pick it up. >> thank you. >> brian: carley, you got other breaking news. >> i don't know if we'll call it breaking but for country fans it's a big deal. morgan wallen is scheduled to perform his first con severity since his arrest for allegedly throwing a chair off the roof of a six story bar in nashville. the chair landed near two police officers. the country star was charged with three felony counts. will play a show on saturday at the university of mississippi. former nfl star r rob gronkowski taking in a marathon before appearing fenway park for red sox game. gronk putting own spin on throwing the first pitch.
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watch. >> gronk was out there to throw out the ceremonial first pitch. this is what it looked like. not exactly throwing the first pitch. [cheers] >> great hand for one of the great tight ends of all time. and he spiked it. >> the ball getting gronk spiked. it also got approval from long-time teammate tom brady. for a second there i thought the ball bounced up and hit him in the face. >> brian: he is so tough it doesn't matter. and the ball was accidented by hinting him in the face. see you, brian. over to you. >> brian: i will take it back. i didn't know i was getting it back. >> carley: i said goodbye to myself. >> brian: is he a fox guy. one of our guys. covered by our insurance. new reports surfacing that this group cheering for iran could be tied to a terror group in gaza. going to talk to a reporter who was in the room. ♪
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s ♪ steve 20 before the top of the hour and a fox weather alert. thunderstorms swept across nebraska last night. that powerful system expected to bring more hail, heavy winds, possible tornadoes to parts of the midwest. with a preview of the day ahead, here is j.d. janice? >> janice: potential for severe weather happening right now for parts of eastern nebraska where we have a tornado-warned storm. this is doppler radar indicated for parts of nebraska and then tornado watches until 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. respectfully for parts of nebraska in towards iowa and kansas towards missouri. here's the area of low pressure we're watching as it continues to move eastward, lower great lakes region, ohio river valley tomorrow on wednesday where we could see the severe weather risk and then the next area of low pressure that eject from the rockies, we'll be watching the risk for stronger storms. get into the spring season, cold front moves in towards warm, unstable air. and we have the risk for severe
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storms. that's the focus today. west coast looks goodbye the way. east coast, you're next in line as the system moves towards the east and the northeast. all right. steve, over to you. >> steve: keep an eye on the sky. thank you, j.d. >> carl >> janice: you got it. >> steve: shocking video showing self-described celebrating when iran bombed israel. >> has just responded about 30 minutes ago. [applause] >> drones having been fired on israel from yemen and iraq as well. [applause] >> all of the palestine support coalitions here must be ready immediately to be out in the streets and to stop the u.s. from expanding this war on iran. [chanting] hands off iran. hands off iran. >> steve: that was in the united states. our next guest now reporting that, quote, the man at the
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podium heads the u.s. palestinian community network which is a purported community group which on information and belief is an affiliate of the popular front for the liberation of palestine, a designated terror organization based in gaza, according to a lawsuit. she was in the room when that cheering broke out. staff writer for the free press olivia ryan gold joins us live in new york. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> saturday, you were on your phone you had no idea. you hear hey they are bombing israel it's like yea. [cheers] what was going through your head? >> at first, this man he kind of stumbles up to the mic and he wipes sweat from his forehead and i think he is going to say like someone has died or something. but then he reveals that, you know, missiles are headed towards israel and the crowd erupts in cheers. you know, people were elated and the chant that you heard
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spontaneously broke out after he was done speaking. >> steve: this particular group you can see dnc 2024 back back there 300 activists were gathering to figure out how to screw up the dnc this summer, right? >> oh, yeah. all-day event. people showed up at 8:00 a.m. on a saturday. stayed there all day until 5:00 p.m. they were getting into details like how many porta-potties should rereserve. and plans for camping out in union park. >> steve: they are all trying to squeeze joe biden to stop supporting israel. >> that's right. that's right. so this -- their concerns really are about what they call a genocide happening in palestine and they don't you know, refer to president biden as the president. they only call him genocide joe. >> steve: right. i understand from your reporting one woman told you the real enemy the united states and israel. that's chilling since you are in the united states.
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>> that's right. she described countries like yemen and syria as part of the arc of resits tans. and she told me this she was just beaming and grinning. >> steve: so happy that the attack had happened. exit question, obviously. they were planning this big disruption for the dnc. they say if joe biden doesn't change his policy, we're not going to vote for him. >> right. >> ultimately come the first tuesday in november what are those voters going to do. >> i'm not so sure. i don't think they know either. i think t are trying to figure t out. i don't know what they will do if their pressure campaign fails. >> steve: olivia ryan gold who was in the room. thank you for your reporting. >> thanks. >> steve: day two of former president trump's hush money trial in manhattan. the media verdict already in. >> i mean, this really is a fundamentally buffoonish person. >> he seemed bored and fidgety.
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>> he looks small in that photo a little rough in that photo i think it's fair to say. >> steve: rnc chair lara trump coming up on "fox & friends" live from new york. ♪ there she goes again ♪ choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand
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>> lawrence: so this morning
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former president donald trump is due back in court for day two of his hush money trial. but the mainstream media verdict is already in. >> i mean, this really is a fundamentally buffoonish person. >> he seemed bored and fidgety as we have seen him any number of times. >> he looks small in that photo. a little rough in that photo it's fair to say. >> donald trump isenning held to account by the very multicultural, multi racial democracy that he is trying to dismantle. >> he doesn't control the pace or the conversations happening outside of his purview but he has to sit there and watch it. >> watching the reports today and thinking about just the shear psychological torture. >> lawrence: i mean it's unbelievable. here to discuss national committee co-chair lara trump. laura, when you see this i guess this is supposed to be analysis. what runs through your mind? >> these people are so deranged and disconnected from the people
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of this country they only stand to exist in their own echo chambers. that's the only reason they are talking and their obsession with donald trump is actually preventing them from understanding that it's not donald trump that's truly on trial here. it is our very democracy. yes, it is donald trump today that you will see sitting in the courtroom for this completely meritless clown show of a show trial but the implications of this is far deeper for this country. in america if we are able to manipulate the law when convenient, if we allow violent criminals to go free and prosecute the innocent, if they are willing to thwart the will of the american people, and try to remove our choice for president of the united states, then the fabric of this country is irreparably damaged. i want to tell everybody something out there. it is not working. the people of america spokes up yesterday in support of donald
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trump to the tune of $1.5 million raised for his campaign. lawrence, the average donation was $28. so even here in the abysmal biden economy, people are coming out and they are financially supporting this president. by the way, if anyone wants to support donald j. the people of this country are with him. those folks you just heard from there do not represent even a single person out there across this country. >> lawrence: you know, laura, this is the same group of people and progressive left criminal justice reformers. yet, they want to weaponize the system do you think the american people believe. >> they don't believe these people at all. the proof is in the pudding like i just said. people can really see things very clearly now. you know, what's interesting is that we have a unique ability right now to completely compare twotwo men and two different presidencies and try though they
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might to carry water for the democrats, this leftist mainstream media like you just heard there you can't lie to the american people when they have less money in their pocket. you can't lie to people and convince them they are safe when crime is running rampant in their city. seen an open southern border. we are on the verge of world war iii. they have a major issue on the democrat side and while these people may have been successful in the past. the trust in the mainstream media by the average person out there is down significantly. it has never been this low. people are starting to see things with their own eyes. they are seeking out other sources of media. they are turning to places like fox news right now. and it is not working to convince people their life is better or that any of the stuff these people are saying has any merit whatsoever. >> lawrence: they can't cover this trial fairly. they didn't cover all these little jihadis running around the country talking about death to america. it's unbelievable, lara. thanks so much for joining the program. >> you got it, thanks, lawrence.
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>> lawrence: all right, carley you have headlines for us. >> carley: business headlines. craft heinz is lawsuit lunchables contain harmful metals. a company spokesperson telling tmz its products are safe. saying certain substances like lead occur in the environment and can be found at low levels in agricultural products whether on grocery store shelves, in the produce section or growing in your backyard. a consumer report study found the company was misleading customers about the safety of their products. breakfast bai bagel sandwiches coming back to mcdonald's locations in california. part of the company's plan to offset the state's new $20 wage hike for fast food workers. that's interesting. mcdonald's hoping this will help boost store traffic. the breakfast bagel was introduced in 1999, the company stopped serving it at the stand
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alone item in the year 2020. mcdonald's is also spending 50 million on advertising across the golden state. you got spend money to make money, lawrence. >> lawrence: let's just hope don't use the new york water. thanks, carley. house speaker mike johnson, next hour. (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief.
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>> ainsley: well, good morning, it is 7:00 a.m. on the east coast.


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