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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 16, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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topics and it is just beautiful how it all came together. >> nicole, can i just say nicole's story is worth the book alone. it's a pro-life story, the fed is trying to tell us having a baby means you can't have a life that your dreams will be over a. that your life is over. and nicole saphier is really -- like, it's what really attracts me, we are such good friends, she is proof abb and a mother are compatible with happiness and joy and unplanned pregnancies mean unplanned joy and i thank you for sharing that in such a beautiful way in this book. >> thank you, guys. >> this is an incredible book and your life sending us tonight. you can order your copy now at fox" or purchase one where books are sold, again a show on fox nation you do not want to miss available now for streaming. now "america reports." >> i should be right now in pennsylvania, in florida, in
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many other states. north carolina campaigning. this is all coming from the biden white house. he is using this in order to try to win and election and it's not working that way. it's working the opposite way. and the judge were accusing. >> a live look at the new york state supreme court in lower manhattan were dirty selection moves into day two and former president donald trump's hush money trial periods over the selection process has been rocky as more prospective jurors are dismissed from serving in one of the highest profile cases in history. it certainly has been challenging from what we have heard so far. hello, welcome everyone i'm sandra smith in new york and look who we have here today high matt, trace. >> good i am trace gallagher as you may have noticed john is off and this is "america reports" the judge originally brought in 96 jurors and by the end of the day yesterday more than half were excused for admitting they cannot be impartial.
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another 14 have been dismissed so far today. >> sandra: the judges now moving to the next phase of questioning her lawyers on each side of the case get 30 minutes to press potential jurors but it could be a wile until 12 jurors and alternates are actually chosen. the judge said it could take up to two weeks and that could be a very long two weeks. let's get to senior correspondent eric shawn live outside the courthouse and what kind of questions are being asked of these prospective jurors? >> by the way, air, to our viewers, real quick this is a live look we just saw the president just a few moments ago that was a live look of him returning to the courtroom. go ahead. >> yes, lunch break is over so the court will resume. the questions ranging from everywhere about the views to the president too if you have friends or members of any of the groups that support or against the president but the big
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headline today, sandra, is the district attorney wants the former president held in contempt of court because he continues to criticize on social media some of the big name witnesses in this trial. the former president's social media posts are being cited as violations of judge juan mershon's gag order that bars him from attacking witnesses. saying he should be fined $1,000 each where he attacked stormy daniels and cohen on true social next week saying "that future violations on extrajudicial statements can be punished not only with additional fines but also with the term of incarceration of up to 30 days. this morning trump reviewed his defense partly by claiming he thought those payments to michael cohen were for cohen's legal fees and not payoffs to keep stormy daniels quiet about their alleged affair.
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>> i was paying a lawyer and marked it down as a legal expense. i didn't know. marked it down as a legal expense. that's exactly what it was, and you get indicted over that? >> so far 14 jurors have been dismissed and the questioning is continuing. one of those jurors was excused, karen magee of manhattan who admitted she is no fan of trump but she says the jurors of the jury room all seem fairly even and she was excused for having a work conflict. >> it actually seemed pretty even, surprisingly. i thought, because this is manhattan it may be a little more liberal but there were a number of people who said yes, i listen to fox. >> one potential jurors said no one is above the law. another jurors said he has read three of mr. trump's books
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including "art of the deal" and with that news the former president sat at the witness table -- defense table and gave a chuckle, back to you. >> sandra: good color from inside the courtroom will resolve the former president returned a few moments ago. thank you, eric. we will hear again from you shortly, trace, as we follow the ins and outs this will be a huge challenge to select these drillers. >> trace: yes, it could be a week, maybe two weeks from the weight is going, sandra, looks like we are leaning into that two week timeline. if that to get this jury in place. >> sandra: safe to say at this point. >> trace: i meanwhile in his hometown of scranton, pennsylvania, the president is set to speak in an hour about his tach and economic policies and highlight how they differ from those of former president trump. steve moore, robert wolf, here to talk about the president's crucial visit to the battleground but we begin with peter doocy life for us in scranton. peter, what does president biden
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want the headline to be today exactly? >> tracy wants headline in his hometown to be that in a second term he would jack up taxes on corporations to try to help people who are making less than $400,000 a year. >> you have joe biden in the kitchen table where he grew up in scranton, pennsylvania, and donald trump who sees the world from his country club in mar-a-lago. nowhere is that contrast of worldviews on display more clearly. >> recent polls of this state pennsylvania have been yo-yoing, the clear average gives biden a lead of one point and change and it does sound like trump stuck now in a new york courtroom for a few weeks has fomo. >> i should be in pennsylvania and florida, and many other states.
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north carolina, georgia campaigning. this is all coming from the biden white house. because they can't put two sentences together, he can't campaign. >> and this is a campaign in advance for the president's reelection effort but it's not the kind of thing any random member of the public can show up to. invited guests had to get in line, make sure their names were on the list than they were shown to a secret service security screening where they would be let inside to the ballroom turned into a political speech venue for the day. everyone has been sitting here for at least an hour already, the president is on his way, though, we expect to see him an hour from now. trace? >> trace: we will get back to us the news warrants, peter doocy lives, thank you. >> sandra: thank you our panel is super here super pound for this one, former economic advisor to president obama, i think you guys are on the robert and steve status warren wolf i
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don't know do we need all that? so he is going to go after the wealthy. i mean this is a tactic we have seen from this president time and time again. will it or does it work? >> no because inflation is a tax. and that's the biggest issue in the campaign is the price is people are paying at the grocery store or the gas pump for their health insurance for all of these things and those prices are up substantial 22-25%. it's almost like inflation is a sales tax every time you go to the store. and people who make less than $400,000 are getting hammered by that. another quick thing this soak the rich i hate this. it's not good for the ridge from the top 1%, you know this figure, center, pay 46% of the income tax, that's a lot. >> that is a lot. how about interest rates? and remember, robert, sorry >> he is rich, i am not. >> sandra: remember we did not have to have this historic inflation. this was created in the last three years under this
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president. that is fact and that is consensus with most economists. we had to raise interest rates to level they are, the federal reserve did, to try to tackle this inflation. right now i ran a brain room request on your way in, robert, grocery prices under biden at 21%, gasoline under this president up to this date up 52%. okay? so why are we talking about taxing the ultra-wealthy? why aren't we talking about fixing inflation? >> a few things come a lot to unpack here with my two friends, but we should be talking about inflation and i think they do talk about inflation and i think the best thing they can say about inflation is wages are doing better than inflation, that's a good thing. listen, i could give you -- >> sandra: we have negative wages. >> we have wages outperforming cpi for 14 straight months. >> that is factually -- >> that's true. speech am talking out of his presidency prices are outpacing wage growth. that is fact. >> no, wages outpaced cpi for
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every month for 14 straight months. >> sandra: not looking at the presidency but the sky had inflation point. >> we can argue that, why don't we talk about unemployment north of 10 million? i could give you for everyone you've said yes i can give you know. >> make your point. >> the economy goes in all different ways. we know that since kofi cockburn it's been very cyclical. every time you tell me about gas i can tell you one different thing. i mean, we also know energy is at the highest supply it's ever been under this president and under every president 14 million a day. >> because of biden's policies or terms? >> biden's. >> so he is for fossil fuels? >> he's under all -- >> where are you getting a lot of backlash. >> you have to let me finish. the reason taxes are front and center is because the tax jump cuts come up in 2025. of course that is front and center as it should be a policy. by the way, i have no issues at
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the highest earners are paying a little more to offset a lot of the things we did during kofi cockburn. i don't think it's a big issue. >> sandra: did you hear the stats? >> it's 37-39%. it's 2%. >> not just that he wants to double to capital gains tax. >> we know a lot of those things aren't -- >> i'm glad he saying it. speech to hold on. >> that's untrue, steve. >> under the new biden plan, center, the tax on american businesses would be higher than the tax in russia and china. him on how that make america better? you say he's not going to do it that's his proposal. >> steve, i know we are friends. >> sandra: one at a time. >> that's not even factual what you're saying because corporate tax have been grandfathered it's not part of what is happening. >> wait let me finish. he can want to do all these things but what is front and center is on individual taxes. agree with that. that's front and center. that's what's becoming --
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>> sandra: meanwhile we are paying off the student debt of the uneducated and the wealthy with the middle class. make your point. >> i can't. >> you got the floor. >> we know the corporate america which i have been part of my entire life would have been fine at 25%. everyone knows when it went from 28-25 it did not need to go to 21. we also know i disproportionate amount of the largest companies don't even pay 15%. so we know you and i have talked about this. should there be a flat rate at 15%? i think that's fair. >> i would take that. >> then -- trump didn't agree with that that something biden thought made sense pay my only point is we can go back and forth on different things. i agree with you that inflation has had a long tail. i equally agree wages are doing better and has actually been outperforming inflation. >> sandra: final thought.
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>> here's the problem when you talk about hourly wages, most of the jobs being created right now are part-time jobs. so they are not making their weekly paycheck is lower than inflation. that's why there is a reason, sandra, wife two-thirds of americans have been saying for the last two years no matter what poll it is they don't fill their financial situation -- >> it's not true, does not -- >> sandra: remember what steve led with inflation is the ultimate attack of the middle class. unless we address that running up every single day -- >> and they are coming up. >> sandra: until we address that we are not talking about -- >> should talk about trump tax cuts which brought up the deficit -- >> no, no. >> sandra: come on. >> i am out of time. >> you didn't pay for it. 40% increase -- >> sandra: by the way we will talk about this next hour how about the cost of illegal immigration? that the tax in the middle class. >> president trump --
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>> president trump was there for four years, not three. you did not pay for the trump task cuts. increase the deficit by 25%. >> sandra: i will say to be continued because we get you next week and you are holding hands almost there, we will have you back next week we appreciate the debate, thank you very much. >> trace: that should be pay per view. israel says it's at its highest level of readiness as political and military leaders are mapping out their response to iran's drone and missile attacks were congressman mike walz with analysis plus this. >> anti-intellectualism and elitism is what is driving many of these antiestablishment. >> which are trump voters. >> our people having a problem with those, katie couric with her statements with fierce backlash wait till you see what backlash wait till you see what joe concha says abou
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>> sandra: a short time for now we are expecting a briefing from the pentagon as they wait for the response to the direct attack over the weekend, florida congressman what mike waltz will be here live in moments but let's get you trade angst live in southern israel for us what can you tell us? >> center, good afternoon. local media reports the israeli war cabinet has made their decision to respond to that brazen iranian attack over the weekend. right now the entire country is bracing for the possibility of a broader conflict. both the southern end order counts have been more active, more rocket fired from gaza, attack drones from southern lebanon and we have a firsthand
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look at those ballistic missile parts that fell in israeli territory over the weekend. behind me is the fuel cell to any iranian ballistic missile launch toward israel over the weekend. at 36 feet long, this is 70% of the muscle. news release say more than 110 of these were launched along with cruise missiles and drones. during the rainy and this weekend. israeli officials remain on high alert understanding this could be the beginning of a very difficult chapter for the country. israel's chief of staff overnight saying this in english. >> we remain at the highest level of writing this. will face the consequences for its actions. we will choose our response accordingly. >> the chief of staff rarely makes comments in english and it really gives you a sense of how much the israelis want to
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communicate the situation to the world. they understand they need international support and they are calling on their allies across the globe to sanction the irradiance as they weigh military options. center? >> trey, think of a reporting live in southern israel for us thank you. trace? >> trace: florida congressman mike waltz mike waltz former greenbrae commander now serving on the house armed services intelligence and foreign affairs committees, congressman it's great to have you on the show is always. i want to play a sound bite from speaker johnson talking about this aid bill to israel, watch. >> i remember republican and democrat can vote their own conscience on this there's a lot of support for israel obviously on the republican side clearly on the democrat side they have a real division over there. it has been pretty shameful, actually leading democrats are turning their backs on israel at this most desperate and important time. >> just hearing from tray a lot of tension kind of waiting for the response to this iranian attack over the weekend.
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also in congress a bit of tension on what is going to happen. is this aid bill going to pass? your thoughts. >> i applaud the speaker for breaking this up. everyone of them them deserves their own debate and their own vote. to his point, we have been seeing democrat support for israel truly run for the door basically because of domestic politics. i will remind everybody within a month of october seventh house republicans passed an aid package for israel, it's been sitting at chuck schumer's feet for six months now. if he were to relate the supporter of israel he claims to be he would have moved that through the senate and a bill called the ship act out put sanctions chinese buyers of iranian oil. ultimately this is never going to stop until we dry up the cash in iran. but i think with these things separately they will move. >> it's interesting because when you make a comment like that where you see the more we have
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these protests, the more you have these "death to america" chance alonso faure if you will see some of the people in congress moving further to the left is that a fair assessment? >> and the president is the ringleader. his team has panic about michigan and you are seeing them back away from our ally put more and more distance because of domestic politics he is worried about that swing state. we have 100,000 democrats in the dead of winter voting uncommitted. that is pure politics. it should not be driving our policy towards our ally and towards iran which means us nothing but harm. >> speaking of iran and the pentagon specifically was saying that she believes iran attacking israel shows iran's weakness here is what she said. >> unprecedented attack was met by an unprecedented united coalition. that was able to knock out nearly 99% of what iran shot
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toward israel. at the end of the day iran was not successful in this attack so they really have been projecting this image to the world that is frankly being questioned. >> it's another roundabout way, congressman, of saying israel should not respond. >> no, that is right and this is the same approach they took when iran was attacking our bases. they said look, this is a big win. we knocked down 99% but five ballistic missiles hit israel and i think of five ballistic missiles hit the united states of america, you are damn right we would respond. now we have three dead american soldiers. until you impose costs on iran itself if you dry up their cash, they will keep producing cheap drones because they can get away with it and they are also providing to russia going after ukraine. by the way, it's china buying
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that oil. we have to go to the root of the problem is frustrating. >> i have 15 seconds left i am told, what to think about the response from israel? should be robust or going up to the proxies? should it be going after iranian assets? >> it should be going after irradiance across the middle east. they are the ringleaders. the irgc and there are ways to impose costs on iran's ability that reagan hit and others hit in the past. you shutdown the oil you shut down their cash you shut down their score for terrorism. >> i think we learned that in the past. thank you for your time, we appreciated. >> mobs of anti-israel protesters bringing traffic to a halt creating chaos across the country. carry herb is next on whether they should pay serious
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consequent this. >> trace: and development on the npr editor who wrote a blistering piece on the network. his fate next. rates lately? many are over 22%, near 30% if you pay late. why not do what thousands of veteran families have done. call newday and pay off that high rate debt with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. it lets you pay off your credit cards and car loans with one easy monthly payment. get the cash you need and the peace of mind you deserve. -remember when i said we need to screen for colon cancer? -was that after i texted the age to screen was now 45? [both] because i said cologuard®! -hey there! -where did he come from? -yup, with me you can screen at home. just talk to your provider. [both] we'll screen with cologuard and do it my way. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive.
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>> the court hearing arguments today on an obstruction law used to prosecute a january 6th capital red defendant. carrier bond is on this for us our fox news legal editor, great to see you, what can you tell us about this? >> this is a very interesting case because if the supreme court sides with the january 6th in this case it can have a significant impact in jack smith's case against donald trump meaning one of donald trump's charges could go away. he could ask for it if they end up siding with this particular individual. it's a federal crime to obstruct an official proceeding. this was a law passed by congress in the wake of the enron scandal and typically it has been used in cases involving
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evidence tampering. however the department of justice post january 6th has been slapping this charge again and again against people involved in the capitol riot. but today the conservative justices seems skeptical that the statute could be applied in the situation specifically because what does it mean to "obstruct" could that include blocking the street to get to the courthouse? as we are familiar with in the last few months and the like so very interesting case and want to keep our eye on for sure. >> sandra: for sure, carrie, thank you for that. meanwhile i want to get to this prosecution's motion to hold former president donald trump in contempt. we are following this closely as well. they said trump is not above the law. these are the new york prosecutors telling the judge in the contempt motion the manhattan d.a. alvin bragg as you all know carrie filed this motion today to seek to hold the
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former president in contempt for alleged violations of the partial gag order. in the new york criminal case this is a quote from prosecution's motion to hold him in contempt, carrie, such as extrajudicial statement the court found pose a were very real threat to the integrity of the judicial proceedings. this court should now hold defendant in criminal contempt for willfully disobeying a lawful mandate. defendant is not above the law and he cannot simply disregard judicial orders that upset him" can you talk to us, carrie and our viewers about the standard for determining whether that is the case? >> and yet the prosecution has no problem with their star witness, michael cohen, going on tv and making all kinds of extrajudicial statements because there is no gag order for michael cohen. he is not under penalty of perjury when he makes these statements outside of court. it only applies to donald trump. can you imagine being a
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defendant in a case where the prosecution's star witness is a known liar but then you are prohibited from defending yourself against that person but that person can say whatever they want? that is exactly what is going on here. >> finally while you are here i wanted to ask live in these anti-israel protests coming up coast-to-coast from new york to the bridge in san francisco this is what we are seeing in real time. of few protesters were able to stop traffic for miles there in the middle of commuter traffic. this is from de 15 action on ththere they are touting this as the coordinated direction action and weapon manufacturers weapons shut down around the world. our question to you is they cause such an economic convenience to sow money by
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doing this in so many cities beside popping up throughout the day every hour there seems to be a new one emerging. can they do this and not suffer significant consequences? >> in most states and localities there are laws that make it illegal to block traffic. typically they are misdemeanors which is why there has been an effort to in the congress to pass a bill that would make it a felony if protesters were to block traffic on a federal roadway. penalty would be possibly jail time and higher penalties and the like but to your broader point, sandra, i think what people are getting very frustrated with disruptors and people blocking traffic as they try to go out their everyday lives it why is it okay to be in an anti-israel group, block traffic come to block someone's way to get to the airport to the hospital or something important but is that person not have the right to remove those people
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from the roadway? what about the rights of the people trying to go about their business? i think it is an interesting question for debate. >> sandra: now they are asking for donations raising money here's a screenshot, this is a very real thing support the legal defense fund as they continue to carry out these acts of obstruction across the country. carrie, great to have you on all three big stories today thank you. >> all right, trace? >> trace: npr officially suspending a a senior editor after writing a scathing essay with liberal bias more from joe concha next hour but michael manual live in washington, might come any reaction from the suspended editor yet? >> they say the network lost its way when it told west listenersw to think. and npr he argues that npr "lost
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america's trust" with a rigid progressive viewpoint. berliner wrote in the free press "it is true npr has always had a liberal bet but during most of the tenure here and open minded curious culture prevailed. we were nerdy but not knee-jerk activist or scolding. in recent years however that has changed" in response editor and she said she strongly disagreed obtained by fox. "we are proud to stand behind the exceptional work our steps do we believe with our staff and overall coverage is critical to telling the nuanced stories of this country and our world. berliner gives examples criticizing russia gate and the 2016 election embracing the theory of fixed systemic racism and dismissing the possibility cove would escape from wuhan l
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lab. can service say this is no surprise. >> doesn't shock me, it just shows how grotesquely partisan npr has become, and i would really question why it is the government funding such a partisan institution? we shouldn't. >> berliner says the election of donald trump in 2016 was greeted at npr with disbelief, anger, and despair and he maintains coverage shifted toward efforts to damage or topple trump's presidency. >> mike emanuel live, thank you. >> trace another republican during the push to get rid of speaker mike johnson. mike johnson says he is not going anywhere. >> trace: plus the house is about to deliver the articles of impeachment against homeland security secretary mayorkas to the senate but will there actually be a trial? national border patrol judge will tell us why he thinks
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aishah hasnie is live on the hill for us who else is on board? >> hey, that second lawmaker is thomas massie joining with marjorie taylor greene in cosponsoring for a motion to vacate house speaker mike johnson and they are now initially demanding johnson preresigned to announce his record mike resignation without actually stepping down in order to prevent the house from going into chaos. >> i'm not going to call the motion to vacate, but i will tell you if it is called there will be a lot of people who vote for it. >> both of these lawmakers want to give their conference some time to find a brand-new speaker. johnson, though, is staying defiant he says he is not going anywhere. >> i am not resigning. it is in my view an absurd notion that they would bring a vacate motion when we are simply here trying to do our jobs. it's not helpful to the country.
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it is not helping the house republicans advance their agenda in the best interest of the american people. >> here is what it is over, john wants a foreign aid package dividing up israel, ukraine, and taiwan in three to bills and a fourth bill would offer conservative ideas like for military aid for ukraine, a tiktok band as a nice sweetener in there. the speaker is essentially trying to give his members political cover from taking tough votes, but some conservatives are very upset over the lack of border provisions and they feel this is essentially giving democrats and leader schumer exactly what they want. by the way, massey sits on the very powerful house rules committee. he is now apparently the third republican to say this package is dead on arrival which means johnson would have to lean on democrats to help it come out of the rules committee and democrats to get it through on the house for.
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center? >> certainly getting interesting and that change in the last couple of hours, aisha, thank you. trace? >> trace: in the next few minutes the house will send the articles of impeachment against homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas to the senate to put them on trial over his handling of immigration and the border. brandon judd is president of the national border patrol council. he joins us now. brandon, it's good to have you on your. congressman michael mccaul of the hearing was accusing secretary mayorkas of defying the law. here's what he said and i will get your response. >> justice kavanaugh asked whether impeachment would be warranted for an official who defied the laws passed by congress. president biden's own general applied certain steps would be warranted. >> in my view you have defied the law. others say you cannot be impeached for policy dispute. where do you stand on this case?
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>> this is not a policy to be done mike dispute. if you look at a lot of the losses if you do not have a legitimate claim to be in the united states, you shall be removed. that's the word used in the law. you shall be removed. he is not doing that. what he is saying is he is saying these people are being set up for deportation proceedings. that is true. we are setting them up on the back end we are not removing anybody. the ice figures clearly show that. what we have to be looking at is we have to be looking at the people that abscond after their release into the united states. how many people are ritual showing up to court appearances? we know 1.5 million people have been ordered deported in abstention meaning they did not even show up to their court appearance and he is not going after these individuals. the law is not being enforced, we are not removing people even though it says they shall be removed. this is a very important step because it provides it wouldn't provide transparency if there is an actual trial for the american
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people to see exactly what is going on the border. >> we will get to mallorca's and a second but i want to point out to everyone on the right-hand side of the screen these are life images from our drone on the el paso area and these when you talk about desperate border enforcement areas in the el paso area, with some illegal immigrants cutting razor wire, crossing the fence, they are actually turning themselves into border patrol and about 15 miles up the road you have cartels that are helping other illegal immigrants sneak into the country. so there is different modes of people trying to get in there. it is happening and there does not seem to be any way for them to be stopped at this point and time. >> this is how cartels control certain parts of our border. we know they just have to flood our resources in one location which then requires us to deploy our men and women to that location. when we deploy our men and women to that location it leaves other
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areas open. that's when the cartels cross our higher value products whether that's the fennel scene killing thousands of united states citizens every single day, criminals, aliens, or aliens from special interest countries is a very difficult thing happening but when you talk about discussion or policy issue why wouldn't we put policy in place and be able to stop this that would be a very simple policy which is what he is failing to do. >> secretary mayorkas just answered your question a few moments ago so here he is saying only congress can settle this, watch. >> our immigration system however is fundamentally broken, only congress convicted. if not updated our immigration enforcement law since 1996. >> yet he knows full well the president of the united states dismantled all those programs on day one and two in office and could reinstitute those programs but refuses to do so, final thoughts? >> let's be clear.
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when congress refuses to take action and i would love to see laws passed but when they refused to take action and falls on the administration to do it they can do and there are many authorities that he has two secure our border. he refuses to do it because the political litmus says he needs to rally his base behind him. >> judd, great to have you on the show thank you. center? >> sandra: -- >> we have a campaign judge, we would judge who should not be on this case who is totally conflicted, but this is a trial that should never have happened it should have been thrown out a long time ago. >> sandra: we are keeping an eye on the courthouse in new york city as jury selection is off to a rocky start in the former president's hush money trial. will the judge lock in any jurors before date 2 comes to a close? >> plus convicted killer scott peterson in court today is there enough evidence to grant him a brand-new trial?
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>> sandra: fox news alert as we look at a screen of scranton, pennsylvania, where the president, president biden, is participating in a campaign event. that is expected 2:00 eastern
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time where he will deliver his message from there. there has been a growing presence lining the streets there. some protesters have been outside the campaign event. we have our eye on that and we will also hear the president's remarks from there shortly we are watching it. trace? >> trace: scott peterson bacchants court today as his lawyer seek to overturn murder convictions against him. he is serving a life sentence in the 2002 death of his pregnant wife and unborn child. the senior correspondent claudia is in redwood city, california, what happened in court today? >> hi, trace, it was a pretty short hearing, just about 20 minutes the first of 3 and scott peterson's long shot bid to get a new trial. for more than 20 years peterson has claimed he is innocent. that he did not murder his pregnant wife, lisa, and dump her body in the san francisco bay. now the 51-year-old has the l.a.
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innocence product do my project on board to prove he is telling the truth just like his last court appearance in redwood city peterson appear to be a zoom from the state prison where he is serving a life sentence. he only spoke when the judge asked if he could hear her periods new lawyers want to interview his former lawyers in modesto who claim they saw lacey alive after scott says he went fishing on christmas eve 2002 periods lawyers had filed a motion to shield the identity of those alleged eyewitnesses but after the district attorney pointed out many of the names were already under seal or had appeared in publicly available court documents, the defense with their moment to seal. the l.a. innocence project also claims the original jury never heard about a burned out van that contained traces of blood found near the peterson's home. they want to test that blood to see whether or not it belonged to lacey. prosecutors are scoffing at this entire legal maneuver saying
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they already provided peterson's defense team with information about the orange band, the alleged eyewitnesses, and other evidence in question. so, more legal wrangling to come, trace, but here's the bottom line. if the judge rules in favor of the l.a. innocence project we could have a redo of one of the most sensational murder trials in recent history. in just a stunning twist in the scott peterson case. back to you. >> which means we all go back to redwood city for mike months and months and months. live with us. >> we are awaiting an update from the pentagon, briefing will happen shortly as they waive the response to iran's attacks over the weekend. senator joni ernst and jack keane are on deck head of. >> plus a bombshell report from just how big of a role china is playing in the sentinel epidemic here we will speak with raja krishnamoorthi on his findings coming up. to see and things to do.
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