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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  April 17, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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to the people at the migrant shelters there saying don't come to denver. we are changing what we're doing. we won't give you all this free housing and denver is actually making a step in the right direction backing away from this overly generous, incredibly expensive thing. >> bill: we'll see where it goes. ross, thanks for coming back and for your time. quickly last month i went on board a u.s. nuclear submarine, i have to tell you, it is something else. in the arctic ocean to get a look at the last frontier on earth. today on fox nation that new show drops. here is a part of that right now. >> will china come here? >> i think china definitely considers them a -- they reserve the right to operate in this environment. they have ice breakers, building more. i think that the partnerships that they have up here are not clear. so i'm not sure russia and china
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are on the same page on what the future of the arctic holds. >> bill: what is the future for the arctic? there are countless store eaves to talk about. catch the latest fox nation special online. battle for the arctic. stream on your favorite devices on the nation. >> dana: i know what i'm watching tonight. want to get you to this as well. >> my jewish sisters, brothers and i are attacked by our peers. we have been surrounded by angry mobs and we have been threatened keep running. >> this is 2023, not 1942. this is new york, not nazi europe. >> dana: jewish students at columbia university have not held back for voicing their fears. the ivy league president will give testimony on capitol hill about the institution's response to the october 7th terror attack by hamas and pervasive,
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insidious anti-semitism that followed on campus. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. >> bill: second hour now. bill hemmer, good morning. long-awaited appearance with a lot on the line. columbia's president testifies this hour before the same house committee where the now former presidents of university of pennsylvania and harvard were unwilling to admit that calling for the genocide of jews was against school policy. >> i will give you one more opportunity for the world to see your answer. does calling for the genocide of jews violate penn's code of conduct when it comes to bullying and harassment, yes or not? >> it can be harassment. >> the answer is yes. and dr. gay, at harvard, does calling for the genocide of jews violate harvard's rules of bullying and harassment, yes or no? >> it can be depending on the
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context. >> bill: the first week of december and countless stories that stemmed from that very hearing. that testimony eventually resulting in both resignations for those women. >> dana: will hindsight benefit columbia's president. we speak to two columbia students later this hour. what to expect at today's hearing with rich edson. >> good morning, dana. dozens of those students are here today to watch their university president testify about anti-semitism on campus. many of those students say the university's response to all of that is severely lacking. jewish students say at columbia they faced taunting and threats. calls for the destruction of israel and speaking invitations from some student groups to foreign activity organizations and congresswoman stefanik writes in the "new york post" like many universities, columbia stood up a task force but failed to define anti-semitism and
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cowardly condemned chants of death to the zionist state. we'll bring the leadership and hold them accountable for these incidents and their inadequate response to our investigation. that panel starts in less than 15 minutes. it was her questioning on the same committee in december of the presidents of harvard, penn and uit and calls for genocide against jews. presidents of penn and harvard have resigned. the columbia university president was invited to attend that hearing but she was delayed until now. she writes calling for the geno are israelis or palestinians, jews or muslims or anyone else, has no place in our university community. such words are outside the bounds of legitimate debate and unimaginably harmful. some of the columbia protestors accused the universities of
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heavy handedness for anti-israel presentations. there have been chants of death to america. one wearing a hezbollah flag. accusing military and israel of genocide. some republicans in the senate have introduced a bill to criminalize roadways and make that type of activity illegal. >> bill: so overseas tehran renewing its warning an israeli counter attack will be met with massive retaliation as the world waits for the next move, trey yengst is on the ground live in tel aviv for the latest as of today. trey, hello. >> good morning. first of all we're following breaking news out of northern israel where a hezbollah drone attack reportedly injured 14 people. the drone hit a building along the border with lebanon in a bedouin community. the israelis say they are already striking back against the launch positions from the iran-backed group coming as the
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united states will impose new sanctions on iran's missile and drone program in the after math of the attack against israel over the weekend meant to increase pressure on the islamic republic and dissuade israel from launching a counter strike. they said we won't hesitate to take action in coordination with allies and partners and around the world and hold iran responsible. israel is faced with a dilemma how to respond. trying to thread a needle between regional war and avoiding broader conflict. iranian officials are threatening to attack israel again if there is any military action taken against their country. netanyahu said allies around the world have been urging his country what to do in the after math of that attack. he says israel will decide alone. >> bill: trey yengst watching it
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all for us in tel aviv. thank you. >> it's become very apparent that you haven't been listening to anything that we've had to say for the past two years. in what capacity have you distorted the story to make the islamic republic the victim? when we were screaming for the past two years they were lynching us where were. when you were screaming they were killing iranian women for not wear a -- >> dana: she joins us now. when i saw that the other day i hope we can find her and she would be willing to come and talk to us more about what you are seeing and feeling and you have this piece in the "new york post" where you talk about a real concern that you have people who are pro-palestinian but maybe cheering for iran.
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what is your main concern? >> this is certainly not a new concern. this is a concern we've vocalized since october 7th. what we saw was people coming out being extremely radicalized expressing support for hamas which turns quickly into a support for the houthis in the red sea which turned into support for hezbollah and, you know, all the while people warning and adviseings us this is fine. there won't be any support for the head of the snake. the islamic republic. it's an ideological inconsistency to have such vocal support for proxies that the islamic has created to foster this instability and claim you aren't in support of the islamic republic. by and large if you are buying into that story and buying into that narrative that hamas are the freedom fighters in this
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story that necessarily will make the islamic republic the story and that's what we had anticipated since october 7th and exactly what we saw from the tiktok generation that turned around and said that the axis of resistance was going to free palestine. which came nothing close to that as you just mentioned seriously injuring a young bedouin girl. >> bill: one thing i'm deeply interested in is the region. you are making the case, your words, iranians don't want war with israel, we want peace with israel. now we have reports that the uae, jordanians, saudis all helped in assisting to defend israel on saturday night and sunday morning. do you believe that this is an inflection point for the region or do you believe there are too
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many bad actors want war and conflict among each other? >> i do. i think it was a turning point. i think for a long time there was a lot of ambiguity or confusion how the region would respond. i think this shows solidarity from saudi and jordan. it was a message they aren't going to tolerate this regional terrorism from the islamic republic and i think it is a really good -- it is a really good kind of harbinger of the direction it will go if the isl islamic republic keeps launching the offensive since october 7th with its constant strikes and rockets fired into israel from and through its proxies. >> dana: i wonder if you can give us a last thought about your concern about people who are in iran who want to fight
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back against the regime. the danger that they are in now once iran feels humiliated from the other night. >> this is exactly what i was talking about in my video. you have people that have for the past -- people think this revolution start evidence in 2022 with the protest thes. yes, it has been going on for the past through years. it has been going on since 2009 in the green movement and going on since a few months since they took power to protest the regime. we don't want to be brought into a war with israel. we never wanted a war with israel. and it is the islamic republic and regime which is continuing with its hostilities and aggressions in the region that will pull the iranian people into a war that they never asked
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for. they've been busy fighting this regime trying to take out their own government. they have suffered more than enough and the last thing that they need is to be brought into a war they didn't ask for with an enemy they don't have. the iranian people simply just want peace in the region. they are done with all of this. >> bill: you have a new mantra. where were you? stuck out to us. thank you for your time today and sharing your thoughts. >> thank you so much. >> dana: great to have her on. reported just after iran tried to attack israel, pensioners and farmers took to the streets in several major cities complaining about the firing of the drones to israel and about their deteriorating economic conditions. that's a problem for the people. she is concerned about the people of iran. >> 70% of the population of iran is 30 and under. a youthful population and things change. >> dana: let's hope.
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>> bill: real estate moguls speaking out on the squatting crisis. the dangerous consequences he sees coming up on the horizon. >> dana: looking forward to him. the push to impeach alejandro mayorkas is moving into the senate. it could be short lived. now listen. [chanting and shouting] >> bill: where does it end? anti-israeli protestors hounding the president on the trail. the challenge that presents for his campaign in places like scranton, pennsylvania. >> dana: scranton? >> bill: in a moment. been married for 32 years. i think the most important thing in life is to stay healthy. i noticed i was having some memory losses. i discovered prevagen. since i've been on prevagen, i've noticed more clarity, more sharpness. the recall mechanism is a lot more concise.
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with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?!
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with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah
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i am william alden smith, a united states senator investigating the cause of one of the greatest maritime disasters in history. the titanic. your ship, sir. they'll only be compensated if white star and its employees are found negligent. you did not respond, "we are sinking. and our passengers and our crew are in danger. what agreement with the military? war, miss ricard, war. rated pg >> bill: senate trial into
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impeachment articles against alejandro mayorkas over his handling of immigration of the border is set for today. house republicans sending two articles to the upper chamber yesterday. mayorkas insists the administration is do all it can to seal the border contradicting his claims that the border is already secure. >> i have recognized the enormous challenge the southern border presents ever since i began my tenure and actually well before that. it is my testimony that the border is secure and we are working every day, day and night, to increase its security. i want to be very clear, our borders are not open. >> bill: there you have a string of things there. trial could be short lived. democratic controlled senate expected to dismiss the charges. they just a need a majority vote to pass that. maybe it happens . >> dana: maybe so. homeowners across the country are sounding the alarm on a surge of squatting cases which is difficult to address because
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it is considered a civil matter and police have no authority. now some property owners warn desperate americans may try to take matters into their own hands and the consequences that could result. real estate mogul sean mike joins me now. why are you concerned? >> first of all, thanks for having me. i'm concerned because i have done this for the better part of 25 to 30 years. when you get people that go out there and take the hard earned money to buy a home they reside or second home or first rental property and the law tells you that somebody can occupy your residence illegally and it is a civil matter to get them out, at some point in time, dana, when our morality doesn't make sense compared to the law and there is lawlessness, we are bound to take matters into our own hands. i don't want people to do that? absolutely not. if we don't start changing and enforcing these laws do i think homeowners will take these
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actions into their own hands? of course they are. it would be ridiculous for us to think it is not going to happen. >> dana: do you think squatting is on the rise or are we just paying for attention to it? >> listen, i've been doing this for a long time. it is on the rise. the reality really is when people -- these are criminals. if you occupy my property illegally, that's a crime just as if i were to do yours. at the end of the day what is happening, you see people all over social media on tiktok telling people from other countries come to the united states, come to america and you can actually occupy property, stay there, put written notice on the door, order uber eats and get a receipt and then law enforcement their hands are tied and they look at the individual who is at their wit's end thinking this is my property, how does this happen? what's the definition of insanity? i don't need to be einstein to know you keep doing it over and over again, something bad is
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going to happen. people are going to take matters into their own hands. i live in florida. we have laws in florida that are now aggressive because i'm assuming part of what desantis realized was hey, we want law and order, we don't want people laws into their own hands. when the law doesn't protect the law-abiding citizens what will we do. it is on the rise. people realize they can do this with no consequence. >> dana: i saw this on the bbc, squatters took over gordon ramsay's london pub. but what i wanted to ask you about, sean. most people who are landlords of this type are not ultra wealthy people. these are often middle class earners or people who have figured out a way to try to build wealth in their own lives by finding property that provides housing what people want to rent. >> the first property i bought, dana, was to try to put my family in a better position in
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my early 20s when i decided to have my own children. had this happened to me and had my very first property had somebody occupy it illegal, that could have bankrupted me. i was just trying to find a way to get ahead for my family. the reality is that's where most people are at. what happens to the real estate market. people will say what do you think? check the laws, check how they are being enforced and people are being driven out of the real estate market. what we look at in the bronx, it is all the property owners around that individual and it is devastating people on a daily basis. so i know what it is like. that's how i built my wealth and that's where i started. my mother and i and my little brother grew up in a one bedroom apartment. i never thought for a minute we didn't have to pay rent. my mom worked three jobs to pay rent. if somebody knocked on the door and we had to be out for not
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paying rent they would be justified. real estate to me is how i built my american dream. but i have people that call me daily and it is a nightmare for them because of the way the laws are run, because they are not enforced. what is being actually condoned and reinforce evidence is a scary place to be. >> dana: thank you for being on the show. i will continue to follow you and all your thoughts and good luck getting back to florida. >> thank you so much for having me. appreciate it. >> dana: take care. ♪ >> bill: so here we go now. fans got a little bit loud, i guess, and the walls came crumbling down for john mellencamp. jack and diane singer scolding his audience at a show in ohio to have ticket holders to have some etiquette. >> guys, i can stop this show
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right now. the show is over. >> bill: life goes on. eventually came back out and finished the set. i want to tell my stories in addition to my music and a lot of guys said just play your mice music. it is like his broadway show is what he said. you have to sit and listen and they weren't taking it. >> dana: probably watching it on their phones, too. so annoying. feel for him. we want to give you this news, too. donald trump turning new york city into a campaign trail because he has to. he goes from criminal court downtown to small businesses uptown. president biden continues his stump across one critical swing state, pennsylvania. will the split screen influence voters? dive deeper into prayer. listen, it doesn't matter if you've never prayed before or if you're praying every day. god wants you to grow a little closer to him. to give you a little more of his peace.
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job. they have to be given back their authority. >> dana: promising to restore law and order here in new york city. he made a trip to a manhattan bodega yesterday after wrapping up day two of his hush money trial. alexis mcadams has more on how things look today. no court on wednesday, right? >> that's right. no court on wednesdays. we saw a glimpse of the former president leaving trump tower in a busy time for the former president in new york city. he goes from the courtroom back on the campaign trail stopping in harlem trying to connect with voters. how does trump feel about the jury picked so far was the question we asked him. he said he will let us know in two months. he doesn't believe the case should have been brought in the first place. >> if you look and you take a look around a good strong look every legal scholar and pundit said there should be no trial. there was nothing done wrong. this is all politics. >> so seven new yorkers are
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seated. this is what we know, bill and dana about the jury so far. the foreperson is from ireland who gets news from "new york times," fox news and msnbc. an ash asian man and middle age man board in puerto rico gets his news from the times. a woman raised me harlem gets her news from google, tiktok and talk radio and attorney who reads several papers including the times and "new york post." that's a variety of who will be listening to the case. from the courtroom to the campaign trail the first former president to stand trial on criminal charges made a stop in harlem talking about crime at the bodega where jose alba stabbed a man to death who was
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attacked by the man. the murder charge was stopped. trump is planning to make more stops like this. >> we'll be all over. weekends we are doing rallies all over the place. we have never had higher numbers than we have now. highest numbers we've ever had. >> we know trump will be back in court tomorrow. jury selection will continue. >> bill: in the meantime joe biden is in pennsylvania for three days this week. yesterday he was in his hometown of scranton. today he is in pittsburgh and tomorrow he is in philadelphia and why do you pick pittsburgh and philadelphia? where democrats go to win the state. zito is a political reporter and joins me now. i want to finish a comparison. you know the state very well. come on back and show viewers what is going on in pennsylvania. three weeks ago the "wall street journal" had this poll out in pennsylvania. trump with a three point lead. margin of error plus or minors
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four points. it is a toss-up right now. why do you go to pennsylvania? for democrats it's where they win the white house. you look at this number here from 2020 it was 81,000 raw votes in pennsylvania where joe biden beat donald trump. that was enough to win the 20 electoral votes in 2020. here is pittsburgh today. in one county now in allegany county, 147,000 votes joe biden, raw votes now won the state by 81,000. in philadelphia on the other side of the state raw vote margin of 471,000. a blow-out in both those parts of the state. selena, welcome back. i know you covered this extensively. a clip of joe biden going after donald trump. watch. >> president biden: the one who defends me the most is when he refuses to visit an american cemetery outside of paris when he was president.
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why? he said that those soldiers who gave their lives were, quote, suckers and losers. suckers and losers. he have said it. >> bill: he lit a fire after that going after him for a billionaire, talking about taxes and how effective was it? >> well, you know, i think that he is operating in safe places for him to campaign. he is going to his family's hometown. going to win pittsburgh and philadelphia. those are guarantees. but those aren't exactly the counties, despite the largeness of the law vote numbers that are going to decide the election. it seems counterintuitive but it is counties like erie and washington and beaver and westmoreland and cambria and bucks counties that will be the deciders because the numbers in
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pittsburgh and philadelphia are going to be around the same. they have been consistently the same for several cycles. it is in those outer counties where the vote numbers have increased if you look between mitt romney in 2012 and trump in 2016, in those outer counties trump just won 2,000 more votes in those counties and he won the state by 41,000. so that's -- >> bill: we've got the columbia president now with her opening statement. we'll get back to that in a moment. apologies to selena. >> that work has been done alongside by excellent colleagues at columbia and active engagement of our trustees including any co-chairs with me today. our actions included support for students enhanced reporting channels for incidents, hiring additional staff to investigate complaints, developing new policies on demonstrations,
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holding listening forums to model respectful behaviors. launching educational programs and forming the tasks force of senior academic leaders to propose solution to anti-semitism. from the start i have held onto four principles. first safety is paramount and we'll do whatever is necessary to insure the safety of our campus. because of those efforts, the vast majority of our demonstrations have been peaceful. second we demonstrate care and compassion equally to everyone. third, uphold freedom of speech but we shouldn't tolerate abuse of this privilege to harass and discriminate. fourth, the ultimate answer to anti-semitism in all its forms is education. we should not lose sight of the powerful impact of our core mission. will it work? there have been periods in history when anti-semis many is in abeyance and characterized by
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enlightened leadership and clarity about rights and obligations. those are the values i cherish and am determined to bring to columbia and i know together we'll emerge as a stronger community as a result. thank you for your time and i look forward to your questions. >> thank you. i now recognize professor for five minutes. >> bill: as this continues we want to get back to selena zito on the issues for this election. child tax credits, minimum tax credit for first time home boyers, attractive for young people given interest rates. raising the minimum tax rate for billionaires and corporations 25%. don't know if that will fly. those are the issues he will run on. can he be effective? >> i don't think he is in touch, biden, that is, in what's the real issue for voters right now.
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while we have a robust economy when it comes to jobs and job creation, the voters are still feeling a lot of pain from very basic needs, the cost of food, the cost of their homeowner's insurance and car insurance. we don't talk about that enough. and those are the -- and fuel. all of those things that are basic to a person's daily life is very, very becoming unattainable to, you know, people are doing what i call the switch-out when they go food shopping they put something in the cart they always buy and then maybe three aisles later decide i can't afford that and something has to go. >> bill: i would just add, i think you probably agree, if you look at the electoral map the way it's set up right now pennsylvania went from 20 to 19. if you at the way the map is set up democrats can't win the white house unless they win in
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pennsylvania. smart strategy for biden to be there this week and we'll see how it goes. selena, thank you. get the pulse of the people and bake something good in those blenders behind you. >> i will. >> bill: dana. >> dana: yet another source of contention with china. bombshell report revealing beijing's role in fueling the fentanyl crisis in the united states. if you're a grandparent, you know what i'm talking about when your little grandchild starts talking to you. something i couldn't hear for a long time.
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>> dana: house china committee releasing a report on fentanyl. beijing is subsidizing production of ingredients used to make the opioid even giving tax breaks to companies that ga do it. here is what bill barr told us earlier. >> the question are they bystanders watching this traffic, just don't want to
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interfere because we are being hurt or are they active? a big part is strategic. they believe this weakens the united states and tells the world we're a decadent society and disciplined society like china is the future. >> dana: lawmakers are calling on the administration to hold china accountable and also becoming a campaign issue here at home. >> we condemn the anti-semitism so pervasive today. has no place on our campus and i am personally committed to doing everything i can to confront it directly. >> bill: opening statement columbia university president testifying before the committee. the spotlight is on the president of columbia. david and alicia are students at columbia and join us in studio. david get to you in a moment.
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we go this way and dana goes that way. we'll change it up a little bit. she said it is not the responsibility of jewish people to eradicate anti-semitism. that is a job for all of us. do you feel that as your school? >> absolutely. anti-semitism has been historically rampant throughout the entire world. we see when jews are left to he fend for themselves greater powers take hold and the holocaust happened and kill us and we're exiled from the places we are supposed to be. in america where it is supposed to be about freedom and liberty and about democracy, i think it is everybody's responsibility to fight this as a rampant bigotry. >> bill: we were sitting here an hour and 15 minutes ago and heard female students talking before the hearing began. they said the jewish community is alone on campus and said we have had a tsunami of
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anti-semitism. >> there are many cases in students in clubs they felt comfortable in where now we are pushed out of or due to the hostility felt they had to leave. clubs that they fully identified with and just because they are jewish and support israel they are pushed out of these clubs and it is unanimous. we can't find one club that has been willing to step up for the jewish students. >> dana: the president of columbia university is on the hot seat today. she wasn't here for the hearing in the last few months. she maybe benefited from some time and distance but maintained if her opening statement that because of the way she believes columbia faculty administration has pushed forward she thinks things have been fairly peaceful. do you think so? >> when you call for intifada on the streets of new york. that means killing jews. when you call death to the zionist state. >> dana: you think they don't do anything to step in?
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>> they have made a few vague statements. we've seen basically no concrete actions to get the really harmful rhetoric calling for the genocide of jews off of campus. >> dana: there was disruption of courses. have you seen that? >> 100%. i was in the sjp held a rally in a building with mega phones and interrupted all the classrooms. i said why aren't you doing anything about it? they said -- hands off policy. >> bill: you encountered some protestors in new york. we have a clip of that with the american flag included. >> we'll see what their reaction is to the american flag. what do you think burning the america flag? >> burn it again and again and again. >> what do you think about 9/11 and bin laden? it was justified?
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>> bill: i watched the whole video last night. it goes on and on. a lot of those people have their faces covered. why do you think that is? >> well, generally because i think they know they hold abhorrent views. i never thought i would see someone say that osama bin laden did what he had to do four blocks away from the world trade center. there is a reason we go without masks. we know that we uphold truth and what we believe to be right. >> dana: your shirt ended up catching on fire at this event? >> i was holding an american flag. somebody lit it on fire and ran away. my shirt caught on fire and someone yelled death to america. this is an american issue. not just about israel. it is so much bigger. >> bill: and a growing movement. >> they are trying to run back occupy wall street and burning american flags.
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how is it possible walking with an american flag in new york city i'm less safe? i will add in regards to the mask question, they act with impunity because they have a mask. when they burned his flag and shirt the police wanted to file a report because property damage. they said who did it? we don't know they are wearing a mask. they couldn't do anything. >> dana: thank you for being here and being brave and courageous and saying what you believe and there should be more people doing that. >> thank you for having us. >> dana: stay in touch with us and be careful out there. meanwhile we're also following a controversy at the university of southern california. school's val dick toreall called for the abolishment of israel and how the university there is responding. responding.
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seven jurors. the big questions now on how to get an impartial jury in manhattan where nine out of ten voters cast a ballot against trump? plus today, if we could learn if the democratic-led senate is willing to hold dhs secretary mayorkas accountable for the border disaster on biden's watch. that's who carries out biden's orders, mayorkas, or toss out the impeachment articles against him. we'll see. matt whitaker, joey jones, "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> bill: want to show you a few things now and take you to the upper west side of manhattan on campus at columbia university. you may not be aware but they have set up looks like a dozen or two tents as part of a gaza solidarity encampment on campus, okay? meanwhile, you have this hearing on the hill, claire shipman, former correspondent with cnn is
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vice chair of the board of trustees and testifying at the house committee as well. let's listen to her. >> we are far from done. i am outraged by the vile sentiments i continue to hear by those who ignore our rules and we're holding them accountable. this problem, though, goes deeper than discipline. it is about returning to our core values as an institution. >> bill: now so that hearing continues on the hill. we'll see what happens on the campus of columbia and whether or not the gaza solidarity movement continues as is. meanwhile to california. university of southern california pulling the plug on a valedictorian's speech this year after discovering the student of honor was pushing anti-israeli content on social media, wow. bill melugin live in l.a. with the details. good morning. >> this whole situation has gotten messy. the valedictorian says she is the target of anti-muslim
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rhetoric and her critics say and her usc says their decision is about safety, not free speech. they decided to bar valedictorian from delivering a graduation speech due to what they are calling security concerns. she is a biomedical engineering major with minor in resistance to genocide. several on and off campus jewish groups flagged a link on instagram that directs users to a pro-palestinian website that says one palestinian state would mean palestinian liberation and the destruction of israel. usc said the intensity of feelings fueled by social media and the ongoing conflict in the middle east has grown to include many voices and escalating to creating substantial risk. she said anti-muslim and
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anti-palestinian voices have subjected me to a campaign of racist hatred because of my uncompromising belief in human rights for all and asked on another network does she endorse the idea of abolishing israel? she dodged the question and then said answering yes or no would be an injustice to the issue. we'll send it back to you. >> bill: bill melugin reporting on that in los angeles. >> dana: it's everywhere you look. before we go you need something lighter? i do. a pachyderm on the prowl. watch this elephant stopping traffic in montana. the elephant is safe and sound and reunited with its handlers. can you imagine getting in your car? dad, check it out. >> bill: what do you think the elephant was thinking? >> dana: where? that's a great line. we'll leave it there. harris faulkner is up next. >> harris: the moment is here.


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