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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  April 17, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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my grandfather's run meyer the hatter for over 75 years now. he's got so many life experiences that he can share. finding the exact date on ancestry that our family business was founded, was special to share with my grandfather. you don't get that moment every day.
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♪ ♪ >> emily: hello, everyone this is "outnumbered." i am emily compagno here with harris faulkner. also joining us today is host at the kennedy seat the web podcast kennedy, ceo, lili gil valletta. and a 32nd undersecretary of the army and former pennsylvania congressman patrick j. murphy. we begin with the first ever criminal trial of a former president. the jury is deciding trump state and that jerry is taking place. we got a first glimpse at some of the trials jury yesterday seven were selected and dozens more were dismissed. one excuse jerry said that they could not recall any anti-trump feelings and they later admitted to saying that trump should be locked up in social media.
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and here is what one dismissed person told fox news. >> did you say you could be bias? >> i think. it is difficult for anyone to not come to this with prior opinions. we all have prior opinions about the defendant unless you were living in a hard cardboard box. >> emily: we learn more about people who have become a part of the jury. the fund then is married with no kids and get his news from "the new york times," fox news, and msnbc. juror number two is a nurse with a master's degree, she's not married, has no children and lives with her fiance who works in finance. she gets her news from "the new york times," google, and cnn. she said two things that really stuck out, i do not have an opinion of trump, and no one is above the law. juror number three is a young asian lawyer from chelsea -- and
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is not familiar with other charges. he gets his news from "the new york times," "the wall street journal," and google. juror number four, find trump fascinating and mysterious and was born in puerto rico lives on the lower east side and what's in i.t. he is married with grandkids and previously served on a jury but does not remember what that verdict was. he gets his news from the "new york daily news," "the new york times," and go google. juror number five is a black woman in her 20s and did not know that trump was facing charges. she's not married their lives with her brother. she gets her news from google and tiktok. juror number six is a woman in her 20s who works for disney, she is not lloyd has no kids and joked around in the courtroom. she has three roommates she gets her news from "the new york times," google, facebook, and tiktok. she says she does not have strong feelings about 14 when with the other.
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juror number seven is a middle-aged white man who lives on the upper east side a lawyer from north carolina and married with two kids and his wife works at a bank. he gets his news from "the new york times," "the wall street journal," "the new york post," "the washington post," and he listens to npr. kennedy, there's a lot to unpack from the original pool of at least in that section of 96 that we now had to be few. many dismissed for cause and many dismissed without having to articulate a cause which under the evidence form of the code of criminal conduct here. what you make of who's on the jury and what do you make with what happened with those who were excuse? >> kennedy: i am glad they could go through their social media because people are trying to sneak and below the radar and say things like i really don't have an opinion or i don't follow politics i don't know who he is. meanwhile there are massive anti-trump haters and they want to get in there and tell peto
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his candidate feet and his potential future presidency. i am glad they found a way of really finding those people are getting them out of their and the people they are left with sound like they are very interesting and varied background. there's a few people i don't trust like the giggling lady with three roommates. anyways, getting their news from tiktok, they can go shopping with my daughters, but they cannot necessarily sit on a jury because i don't trust them. and i do think you have to have a certain level of self-awareness and exceptional situational awareness about the chaotic times we are living in and people who get the news solely from tick-tock's are suspects. >> emily: some person did say that they can't get their news from tiktok but she said she wasn't aware against any charges for trump. we reported extensively on the makeup of tiktok and the representation there on pulse
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and how it is disproportionately reflecting a very certain slides of ideology and also the news. >> harris: ideology and anti-semitism. when you look at what the world is right now and people who are pulled on tiktok to hate jewish people, and to support -- and not just support the cause for palestinians, because nothing i see is good to see people in gaza but actually support the hamas savages attacked on october 7th. if that is the allergy that is cooking there what else is there and why it is the president and his team members in his campaign so eager to be on tiktok and to try and grab back some of the younger votes. are they also fomenting some of what is there by their mere politics presents being on that platform. several questions about that. i talked with the former acting
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person on the trump and i asked if there was normal to be asked about how much news you watch. it is in this cocktail that we have of people having to know everything and have to shame people or cancel people or people wanted to look fashionable, we want to know what they are exposed to. i think kennedy is right, the ability to dig into someone's fast on social media is especially important right now to find out who they are willing to let the people they know follow them and our fans know what they know about them -- it may not be what they put in a questionnaire but what they're telling people who follow them at instagram, you might be interested to know that. >> the united states got a lesson in what is perceived conflict of interest and what rises to a legal standard of that. especially with the here and we saw in georgia. people thought it was clearly a
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conflict of interest but it didn't rise to the legal standard. one person who was dismissed yesterday they posted on facebook saying that trump lost his court battle. the judge said that if it was just that he would've been fine and i don't consider that bias. but that juror had gone on to say get him out and lock him up. my question to you is it seems on that first sentence that yes that is bias, but the judge said i would've let that person in. so how can we find what is the impartial jury here that does not sit well with us even though that legal standard might be a little bit tougher to cross. >> patrick: the first one was about policy decision that the court ruled that's why they were for that decision. the second one was anti-trump. taking a step back this is a celebration of our constitution and every single american who has a right to a partial jury in fair trial. this is great.
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this is history being made, but it is seven americans that will have to say -- it is a historic case of the four cases, these are the first time that a former u.s. president is going to the criminal trial. and it is showing emphasis on america and also the world and we believe in the rule of law and we will see how this shakes out. >> harris: it also shows the power of our politics. >> patrick: to your point, that is why i have concern about people getting their news from tiktok. i have two young kids and his campaign is on it and that the government. he actually banned tiktok from all federal computers and devices. that is where most kids including my own get the news and it is disappointing. >> i think america's reputation is at stake.
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>> lili: that is ultimately what we need to understand, patrick you are spot on it is the reputation on the world stage that sends a strong message on how balanced we can be in this democratic value is it really at the center of the selection and the final decision we will see? no it is bigger than a new york case for sure. >> emily: onto this trump and president biden both the campaign trail yesterday. we will be talking about the split screen coming up next. ♪ ♪ there's an old saying in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call.
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>> harris: okay, president biden and trump making campaign steps yesterday, they had the better ground state of pennsylvania. >> a child looks at the world differently than you and me. he wakes up in the morning thinking about himself. i wake up thinking about how to make life better like you do for working in the middle class families here in scranton and also all across the country. the other day a man came up to me and asked if i could help and he was drowning in debt. i said i am sorry donald trump but i cannot help you. speak to trump stop by the hollenberg to go to talk about crime. in new york. you may remember the owner of that bodega was charged by new york city district attorney for stabbing a man in self-defense only to have the charges eventually dropped. remember they sent him to rikers island, the owner of the bodega who had to fight for his life.
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both in the shop and also in rikers. this is trump, and deep blue democratic manhattan and he got a hero's welcome. [chanting] >> harris: when he spoke to the crowd he called out new york city's d.a. for prioritizing a trial against them over the safety of new yorkers. >> this is a very exciting time for me, because the bodega and the association they invited me and i respect them and they respect me and they want law and order and they have a lot of crime. tremendous crime whether stores are being robbed. number one you have to stop crime in your left or let the police do they jabbing be given back their authority. it is alvin's fault. he goes after guys like me who did nothing wrong.
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violent and criminals and murderers, there are hundreds of murderers all over the city and they know who they are and they do not pick them up. they go after trump. >> harris: smart move by the former president? >> absolutely. he did fall asleep in court and some people were saying he is just as tired and old as sleepy joe. but he was board. so he went to harlem where traditionally this is not trump country. they might be safe and harlem, but he goes there and children are crying and "the star-spangled banner" danner is playing and they say we are going to save america and he wants to save america from d.a.'s who are arguably running 12 great cities and running them into the ground and letting felons and violent criminals out again and again. these recidivists. and then you have someone like jose who is defending his life
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who is now -- since thrown in jail, donate to rikers -- he has gone back to the dominican republic. he wasn't there yesterday to greet trump. but he was there to send a very clear message and that was resonating with voters who historically has not been part of the republican coalition. >> harris: let's do a split screen between president biden and trump. just pop it up anytime. the reason i ask this because the was laid out by kennedy, patrick j. murphy says there's no way he can understand the people but trump is out talking to the people. >> lili: with the people who look like america, harlem is a majority minority zip code. the immigrants who are hardworking and seen the impact of violence in the street and their business is going downhill. this is a very effective way of demonstrating that with words but with actions what happens when you prioritize the needs of
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business owners in this case, my community as a latina and a business owner. we are suffering greatly with a lot of back policy that impacts our families. speak to emily, how does this work and i would love to thank our team for making this work. you see him leaning into the people and president biden is leaning into the microphone. >> emily: this is really important to point out, we know that the crowd was screaming and chanting for four more years and look at what that look like to underscore the points being made here. a very diverse crowd where i did not see that kind of crowd that we have been shoved into a box as trump supporters that the media has them. katie couric called them anti-intellectual and called them antielitist. a lot of really negative words. if that's what she's called in the crowd is that with that crowd is. people like don lemon who mocks people who shop at walmart or
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eat at chick-fil-a. is that what these people are? that is the difference between how the media portrays and the president biden sees trump supporter's and what his supporters actually out which reflect the entirety of the united states. final point, the owner of that bodega is from yemen and he said i have never voted before because i am always working but this time i'm going to vote for trump because his law and order stance was crucial. he says what happened to him was very hard for me and that is jose the original order that got put in rikers for defending himself. all for a dollar worth of chips. that is what people -- >> harris: i am curious to get your idea this. we are getting a taste of both on the campaign trail because if they can go to court all day and
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then go to these events he has a parameter he sticks by he now clclose the places that are more diverse. that's what we have in new york city. they complain about the amount of money that it takes to take care of the undocumented immigrants ben betts for so that eric adams could have more people to vote. he even said that as a candidate but the truth of the matter is the city is more diverse than ever and that speaks to someone who says i talk to everybody but i don't see president biden doing that. >> patrick: donald trump is massive with the media and he no doubt plays it -- he considered bodega -- i gave it the part where the guy should never have got to buckley's, but donald trump has been born on third base and he acts like the men of the people and the rules don't apply to him. therefore criminal trials going on and this is the first one but the reality of it if he is going to have his day in court.
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>> i do not think he is can the keys above the lock and he is acknowledged that he grows up benefiting from the hard work of his immigrant grandparents. the whole point he does not put on airs he claims he is from money and i see where you are a number of regular man who has a lot of money it's the judge who is saying you are attempting to be above the law. trump has never initiated that he is. he knows it's a sham like everybody are fetters harlem city behind trump. not people who are saying i am on the upper east side or mar-a-lago. >> patrick: he's the one who's been critical about the fbi. >> harris: can we talk about the federal debt president biden plays? you know charlemagne but i don't know him but i wish i did because he has asked some tough questions both of president biden and fentanyl meet next seven -- his fiddle playing days are very loud and
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documented. i want to get on the record that as you make that claim in those arguments that you have a man on the other side of the political aisle who also has steady hands in the spring. >> patrick: there was a good point that was fired up, southern accent and katie couric, i agree with you there, but do not -- and might not be a diverse community in the world in scranton is not very diverse but the reality is these are hardworking people -- we are all pro scranton. they have a great paper company. >> harris: is a wonderful place and it would be great if he didn't have to lie about the conductor but the point where the family has to speak up that he was gone at a time before the president would have known him. i am just talking about the truth as emily says oh, my goodness. yes we are going there. >> patrick: when i was a congressman at 33 years old i would take the bus down to
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washington, d.c. i drove or rode sometimes -- speak to so you know about the conductor? >> patrick: he was very friendly and he met these people where they were. and i remember -- he cares about people. >> emily: was not going to do to help people pay their credit card debt? it doesn't help them -- it's from 20 years ago it doesn't help them at all. in the bottom line is love and i hate him trump is a better retail politician. president biden is trying to frame him as this reach politician. he is a buffoon. and trump goes out there and honestly connects with people. he is not told what to say on a card. he will look at someone and they can feel it the most important person of the world. drop a doesn't have that and bill clinton has that. and so there's trump and you know what president biden is out
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of the basement. 2024 is a completely different season. we are going to see the polls ebb and flow and it is going to be close and fascinating but if that is a metric he has president biden be fair. >> patrick: i agree with you i do agree that he connects with people but people care more about -- >> harris: considering all the trials they are statistically tired. and president biden is underwater on all the key issues. one of them is not democracy even though he keeps talking about it. coming up, it is important, denver just cut millions of dollars from its police budget to fund services for undocumented immigrants. i wonder how popular that is. the mayor says you cannot call it defunding the police. of course you can. we will be right back.
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♪ ♪ >> emily: denver is cutting the police departments funding by over $8 million, where the funds going? to pay for the sanctuary cities for migrants. asking the mail saying that they are not defending the police he goes on a mischaracterization because he says the seven-figure cut they don't actually reduce the number of cops or cadets so and must all be -- slashing the budget will not have any impact on budget safety because most of the money was for furniture. >> i no change in public facing services, distant from capital cuts like delaying new for furniture purchases. so we try to focus on places that were not public facing and were happy to have them jump in if they would like to but that was the core priority for us to
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not affect publicity -- >> lili: i do so much research and the last time we talked about these issues it was the first time we saw crime and immigration on illegal immigration bundled up as a top issue. for a lot of this we are seeing in the decisions they are making a prioritizing that citizens and those who want to be protected and who are voting for these leaders. and then instead they are reallocating funds to something that was so 2020, defunding the police. here we are now -- i was looking at some numbers we have 11% of the home lenders who are veterans and millions of single moms out there struggling trying to keep the house is going and we have millions of back log of visas and students and works work visas people like me who want to get through the system -- that cannot get to the system this is misguided and people are seen through it
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because they fear industries. >> emily: we reported yesterday that the amount they spent on undocumented immigrants, it's increase how much we spend on the doj. the list goes on. he is an example where law enforcement are being directly impacted by disability. >> patrick: and immigration, i'm a country as a nation of immigrants but immigration is a resource to be managed. we are not managing. we have congress that says let it go on and we need democrats and republicans to come together. it is not happening and it is so frustrating because three and a half weeks ago when you have the key bridge that goes under and six people were killed, though six people were immigrants and those six people were there at 1:30 in the morning filling potholes. they are jobs americans do not want. we have more open jobs in america right now than we have unemployed people. we need to understand that we
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need to give resources the right way and making sure our borders are not just open but as a pathway for folks to come to america to earn their way and aren't there citizenships congress continues to -- granted the bipartisan immigration bill we will see if it comes to the house will need to do something. >> it is the president who dropped the ball. >> harris: i hear what you're saying. and i do think that republicans and democrats have to do a better job of separating the immigrants. and if the border is working and if we could shut it down for a period of time. and call those numbers and really take the asylum-seekers and the people who want to be among us -- if we can get to those people and make it efficient you would get legal immigration. but now it's broken for everybody. and no one makes the argument for what about the people in line -- they are so far back in line with the people who want to take on the right way.
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so all of that is worth talking about but the president could do something today. he could take those 95 policies that he flipped the switch on from trump that were working and say he does 20 or 30 of them something is better than nothing to put her off on congress which still has the approval rating than generalists, i think it is waiting for it rain on a sunny day. why can't he do his job now? >> lola approval rating then -- >> harris: that makes me feel better as a journalist. >> i know you were a member on congress and they advocate their responsibility to streamline the system. and you are right, some of the best hardworking people in the world come to the country to make the life better because they have no mobility where they're at. they come here because they want to work here card to have a better way of life. it is what makes this country better than everyone else in the world. but if you have a massive welfare state that they do in
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california and denver you are incentivizing people to come here and not work. why would you if you have housing or education or health care paid for. that is a magnet for people to come and the more people come the more you have to provide services and the less cops you hire and the end of the mock-ups you have to retire in order to fly under that -- >> patrick: you cannot demonize people who are here to work. >> kennedy: i demonize congress. shame on them. the republicans would want to work with them and try to make it better for good people to come here and the system needs to incentivize good hard work. >> emily: coming up a tiktok influencer is coming out anti-israel activist who celebrated iran's unprecedented attack on the jewish nation. including the issue of calling iran's attack steering with us.
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[chanting] >> harris: you just saw the disturbing scenes following the unprecedented attack on israel last weekend. american activists are cheering for iran. the celebrations through the tiktoker of iranian descent although she was born in the u.k. that influences name aletha -- she went on to write this post. it is titled "privilege young people in the west celebrate there is" they are celebrating the same regime that
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systematically murders and flogs women for showing their hair much less engaging in celebratory tiktok's dances online. the only way to describe this generation is lost. kennedy? >> kennedy: she had a great instagram post -- tiktok post that said people wanted instagram school of law. that is right. they think they are experts because they have gotten 15 seconds of propaganda at a time from tiktok. they feel they are well-versed on foreign policy but i would love some of them protests in iran in person. >> harris: that's not going to happen. >> kennedy: these were fans of the "barbie" movie but now they are promoting a regime that is antiwar meant and they should talk to some of the others who have been fighting and often times put in the lives at in trying to vocalize what iran is
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doing to women and gay people in any -- they are not being canceled they are being killed. >> harris: it just happened. a young girl with short hair and their pictures of her all over. it was just days ago. she was beaten because she did not have her hair covered up. this is 2024 so i agree with you kennedy, they need to go there and see how they're protesting would be received in the whole idea of them walking for freedom lily you have points you want to make? >> lili: i watch the entire post that she put up wanting to make a distinction because branding and narrative matters this is not about being against the iranian people who want peace but their islamic state just like we were talking during the break, it's like bundling all immigrants as a legal when we are not. it's an important distinction i do want to appreciate. at the same time it hurts my heart to see how our younger
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generation under the banner of virtue and inclusion and efficacy are aligning with a side out of ignorance that seems noble but when you look at the historical context young people like this young lady are being impacted at the court and they did not understand that the very spirit of freedom and efficacy as you were just saying what killed if you step into the streets of the very nations or movements that arguably you want to be protesting for. >> harris: don't think about having a conversation about lgbt or transfer any of that on the streets -- they hang people off buildings. that is how they say their population a spirit of certain things. that is them and that's who they are. >> patrick: yes and the fact that they launched 300 missiles and drones against israel -- the only democracy in the middle east. here in america, because people
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are getting news from tiktok, last year 2023 it was 8,878 8,88 anti-semitic attacks in america. it's up twoand 40% and 70% of american jewish people feel less safe this year than they did last year and part of that is because the vial vial, the vile things you see an tiktok that are anti-semitic and you are seeing it on college campuses and social media and people who are getting it and think it's news. and that is what is so concerning. >> harris: so how do we deal with it? how do we stop it? >> patrick: we stopped at by having the conversations we have right now. but leadership is going to people where they are and we have to go to where they are and how these on his conversations. >> harris: i think law and order plays a role. throwing people's butts in jail when they break the law when they broke the bridges -- where the heck is gavin newsom isn't
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he in charge of transportation as governor of california? what if they are thin -- we talked about what is pregnant people around that bridge and 39 weeks -- at some point you were thinking what would i have done? they were also to things that could have been going on we are letting the lawbreakers of rule and i do not care where they are getting it from it's in the hearts and minds because none of that feeds anybody in gaza. they don't care about that they care about their own so how do we deal with this with line order? >> having a righteous leader with the spine, once we have thought it would trickle down and they will be a commitment and enforcing the law and having zero tolerance for hate crimes that are actually based on hatred and not accidentally saying the wrong word. i want to underscore that incredibly articulate and clear line she drew between the age of 90 people and their islamic republic. to me that hallmark the chasm between american kids being educated right now by social media and by the trash administration that tells them
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that they are a different gender and they are not born perfectly instead they should be everything anything different and that the ephemeral nature of our american system, the dash i am rooting for this are standing for this are protesting this, here's a young woman saying you have no idea what you are talking about because you failed to remember what happened two days ago let alone ten days ago let alone ten years ago or a hundred years ago. i wish the american students but spend one moment outside of their tiktok and instagram accounts and look to the rest of the world for what other young students and young people are actually being exposed to and experiencing and educating them -- the isa education i fear american students in general have no clue what a real education or real reality is. >> harris: we need to watch it. more "outnumbered" coming up next.
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>> top of the hour and exclusive interview with the largest exchange in the world, chairman and ceo were joining us live for a special interview to discuss inflation and the economy and global risk and the future of women in sports. you do not want to miss this. plus president biden will be speaking life and we are here to
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react. a first generation speaks out about the challenges of doing business in today's economic environment. joining us live as "america reports" will be at the top of the hour. >> has been almost one month since homeland security rated to properties belonging to sean sen "diddy" combs. and now fox nation is coming out with a brand-new special what did diddy do, and available for streaming tomorrow on fox nation. and kennedy is featured in it. here's a sneak peek. >> a used to be what happened at diddy's place, stayed at diddy's place. he was very famous for issuing out in the 80s. unfortunately in criminal cases, those mbas do not hold up so people are not bound by them and that is what federal law enforcement is really hopinr
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>> as a criminal lawyer of course i look at it and i am always a little bit skeptical in the beginning because of course he hasn't been charged with anything and there is no indictment so we want to keep an open mind. everyone is entitled to due process and of course i think the big question when you watch homes being rated is one of the court to find? and how damaging could this be? >> kennedy we cannot wait to watch tell us more. >> kennedy: this will be a fascinating special and there are a lot of lawyers trying to say whether or not he is going to be charged. this is the big question because there are some very, very serious looming charges if the federal government does in fact put it in case together that includes indictment. they obviously have something and they do not have a core native this and then go after someone's multimillion dollar property unless there is something that was inside those civil suits that were filed
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against him -- such as sexual trafficking, drugs, threats, bonds, god only knows what else but they might know something. >> emily: can you give us a sneak peek of what you shared in the special? >> kennedy: diddy will not be part of the special but i will be playing the part of sean "diddy" combs. it will be arousing interpretation of his life and art and dance. >> harris: i have a quick question because you would know so much with your and tv background. what typical is does the music industry have in politics. because he was so cozy but some of the most powerful democrat in the nation's history. if you still like that? >> kennedy: it is still like that. they want access. they want to make sure they are not only being seen with the people who are in power but they have access to power because anytime you have the president or several senators under your
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thumb -- you can whisper and get exactly what you want for your own business interests because like everything else, this has been concentrated into just a few massive powerhouses like diddy and jay-z. >> harris: does he still have those tentacles because i'm wondering how this cases are going going to go. >> kennedy: his tentacles have been neutered. and that has since then change. >> patrick: the fact that he just had to settle his ex-wife -- ex-girlfriend on some similar applications that we are seeing. i think where there is smoke there is fire and we will see some criminal indictments coming in and he's going to be another example of the rule of law in america. no matter how powerful or how rich you are -- it's not going to be able to get him out of jail at this time. >> emily: powerful, rich, and connected. who else is connected to this? and that is the question we
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shall see. >> harris: maybe he will find a diary of his. >> emily: do not forget to stream what diddy do? that is available tomorrow on fox nation. more "outnumbered" in just a moment. if you're a veteran wife, homeowner, and the family bookkeeper, you're the first to know when high rate debt is stressing your budget. but your family's service has earned you a big advantage. the va home loan benefit. with the lower rate newday 100
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here but kennedy, this is toxic for the president of the united states in a political year. >> the one thing you can say about president trump is he has the confidence of the more extreme wing of his own party. >> harris: he can get out and talk, what you are saying with biden? >> nobody to talk to he is getting sandwich from both sides. >> we have time for you you look like you will jump off the couch. >> these kids finally after two months ago the senate passed a foreign aid package which includes 14 billion for israel finally the house may act on it this week. it's about time. it's been over two months here. >> harris: looking for a lifeline for him israel which the country needs that, auntie anti-semitism be damned, excusey language, "america reports


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